
  • 4 days ago


00:00:00You know? A key or something like that?
00:00:05Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
00:00:07Stop, stop! Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, please!
00:00:10I'll give you whatever you want, okay? Just don't kill me!
00:00:19I told you, never underestimate your enemies.
00:00:21I could have done it myself.
00:00:28What about what I came for?
00:00:29It's done. This is the one you've been searching for.
00:00:33Edward Lawrence, the eldest son of the Lawrence family.
00:00:37Ten years ago, your father was smuggling the Lawrence's goods.
00:00:39That's what led to your family's massacre.
00:00:41Please, I didn't take your drugs.
00:00:44We're just normal people. We don't know anything.
00:00:46Don't move. You stay right there.
00:00:56I got one question for you.
00:00:57Do you know the consequences of deceiving the Lawrence family?
00:01:12Little girl, is this where you live?
00:01:36Why are you packing so late? Come in, quickly.
00:01:45My father didn't smuggle anything.
00:01:48Regardless, the Lawrence family is the largest family in town.
00:01:51Even the organization can't touch them. You can't face them alone.
00:01:54So do what? Nothing?
00:01:57You saved me. You took me in. I killed for you.
00:02:01My debt has been paid.
00:02:04I'm going to avenge my family.
00:02:06Mom? Dad? Lucas?
00:02:08Rest assured, I will make these bastards pay.
00:02:12Yes, Chief.
00:02:14She fully believes now that the Lawrence family is responsible for her father's death.
00:02:25Look at that handsome face.
00:02:28It's a beautiful wedding.
00:02:30People might actually believe that you love your wife.
00:02:33You've had too much to drink, Jess.
00:02:35Fuck you, Edward.
00:02:36Wipe that stupid smile off your face.
00:02:40You really think marrying into the Lee family will secure your position as the Lawrence heir?
00:02:47One day, you are going to be under my foot.
00:02:51Under my foot.
00:02:53Thank you so much for the dear wedding blessings.
00:02:55Ah, Jess, thank you.
00:02:57You're truly fucking disgusting.
00:03:00What the fuck?
00:03:01Don't you know how to walk?
00:03:02I am so sorry.
00:03:03You know who I am. A simple apology.
00:03:12I didn't expect you to be the wild one.
00:03:16But you know what they say.
00:03:18The wild ones are the best when tamed.
00:03:22You don't seem afraid.
00:03:28Of you?
00:03:30You pull that trigger, the Lawrence family will have you ground into minced meat.
00:03:36I'm curious.
00:03:39What would happen if the second son to the Lawrence family met his end on the night of the family wedding?
00:03:57Darling, what are you thinking about?
00:04:02You know, I know this marriage is just a transaction to you, but I love you.
00:04:08And I hope one day you'll learn to love me too.
00:04:13Our ceremony is about to begin. Let's go.
00:04:22What's going on?
00:04:27Someone's been shot. We need to get you out of here.
00:04:29Okay, lock up the entire house. No one's allowed to leave.
00:04:38Dad, there's been a little, um, incident at the wedding.
00:04:42Where did it happen, Jason?
00:04:43In one of the guest rooms to the south.
00:04:46No suspicious individuals were found in the vicinity.
00:04:52Tell me more.
00:04:54Rest assured, the Lawrence family will be destroyed by me.
00:05:03Yes, I'm the one who interviewed for the maid position at the Lawrence estate.
00:05:09Okay, see you tomorrow.
00:05:17Congratulations on entering the Lawrence family's service.
00:05:20But this is only the first step. Whether you stay depends on your fate.
00:05:25Don't worry, as long as I want to stay, I will stay.
00:05:37Why are all the outfits so gloomy? I'm going to someone else's funeral, not my own!
00:05:41Seriously, can none of you pick an outfit?
00:05:47Jack, who is she?
00:05:48She's a new maid in the mansion, madame.
00:05:50A new maid? Go on and try and pick me an outfit.
00:05:53And if you can't, get this.
00:05:59A black, neat cardigan with a simple, elegant design.
00:06:04A pair of lace.
00:06:09A long top skirt. It will highlight madame's figure without being too attention grabbing.
00:06:13Perfect for a funeral.
00:06:16Apologies, madame. Your wedding was disrupted.
00:06:19But I'm sure Mr. Lawrence, who loves you very much, will be up to you.
00:06:24Who gave you the audacity to assume madame's intentions?
00:06:28Apologies, madame. I will kick her out immediately.
00:06:30Who gave you the audacity to assume my intentions?
00:06:34Thank God the Lawrence family finally found someone capable.
00:06:37Scarlet, right?
00:06:38Congratulations. I like you.
00:06:40It's not that they're stupid. It's not that they're stupid.
00:06:44It's because of those people that I have to show respect.
00:06:47Because those people see me as a friend.
00:06:51When I was brokenhearted, miserable, they gave me money.
00:06:55Those who have money are not stupid.
00:06:58They don't underestimate money.
00:07:00They see me as more important than money.
00:07:02They see me as miserable, miserable.
00:07:05Can you teach me how to swim?
00:07:08It's only natural for someone as prominent as Mr. Lawrence to be known by everyone.
00:07:13For a second there, I thought maybe there was some secret.
00:07:15Yeah, a year ago I thought it was between you and my husband.
00:07:17Let's go.
00:07:18Please wait a moment.
00:07:25I need to fix my person.
00:07:26Let's go.
00:07:29Mr. Lawrence, from today onwards, I will make your life a living hell.
00:07:33Just like you made mine.
00:07:49It's been a day. Still no leads on the kid.
00:07:52I'm actively investigating.
00:07:54Unless there is someone on your side.
00:07:56Since Jess was only your step-brother.
00:07:59You're not still bitter about me marrying your step-mother, are you?
00:08:04This was after your own mother had already died.
00:08:06Don't talk about my mother.
00:08:08Even if it were for the sake of the Lawrence family's reputation,
00:08:12I would never do such a thing.
00:08:13Never mind.
00:08:14You know, I should have disciplined Jess properly as a child.
00:08:18Maybe then you wouldn't have been such an arrogant, unruly little prick.
00:08:22Wouldn't have provoked someone and ruined your wedding.
00:08:25Linda's not still upset about this, is she?
00:08:27That's what you're concerned about?
00:08:30You know, for a second, I almost thought you were a good father.
00:08:35You know, dead people should not get in the way of the living.
00:08:38Besides, I've arranged quite a grand funeral for him.
00:08:42This should be more than enough to prove what a good father I am.
00:08:47Well, I got Linda a gift.
00:08:49If you may know, I think she'll understand.
00:08:54That's my boy.
00:08:55You'd be sure not to let this affect my business with the Lee family.
00:08:59If that's all, I'll go greet the guests.
00:09:02I'm sorry.
00:09:25Most of the Lawrence Company's stocks have been acquired by us.
00:09:29I don't understand.
00:09:31You've always been cautious, so why now?
00:09:34I have to get rid of my father, Jason.
00:09:36He knows about the C.S. Company we've established in secret.
00:09:39That man, he married my mother with the sole intention of taking over the Lawrence family's wealth.
00:09:45And after abandoning my mother and causing chaos, he left her with nothing.
00:09:55Rest assured, mother.
00:09:57I will reclaim everything that belongs to you.
00:10:02He needed to use my marriage with Linda to secure his position with the Lee family.
00:10:08You think I'm going to let that happen?
00:10:10You think I'm going to let him tarnish the honor of my family, the Lawrence family?
00:10:21Mrs. Lawrence.
00:10:22What are you doing here?
00:10:24I got lost and ended up here.
00:10:26Well, the funeral's about to start. Better hurry along.
00:10:29Yes, ma'am.
00:10:44Everyone has secrets.
00:10:47Whether it's a seemingly kind father,
00:10:51or a graceful and elegant wife,
00:10:55or even the straightforward and modest gentleman.
00:10:59I swear to God I'm going to find the person who killed my brother.
00:11:02And my revenge will begin with their secrets.
00:11:10Scarlett, I hate these gatherings.
00:11:12Can I have your nightgown? I need a bath.
00:11:14Yes, ma'am.
00:11:22Who are you really?
00:11:24Sir, have you forgotten?
00:11:26My name is Scarlett.
00:11:28You know what I mean.
00:11:29I don't understand, sir.
00:11:30Well, you showed up at my wedding and now you're in my house.
00:11:33So I think I have every right to question your motive and your identity.
00:11:38You know, perhaps my brother was killed by you.
00:11:42Sir, the pay for the Lawrence family is ten times higher than any other.
00:11:47And it's a good look on my resume having worked for the Lawrence family.
00:11:50As for your brother, you really think a powerless woman like me could touch a hair?
00:11:56I'm a member of the Lawrence family.
00:11:58Especially your brother.
00:12:03And can I assume that you got close to me because you admire me?
00:12:12The handsome and wealthy heir to the Lawrence family.
00:12:17Who wouldn't admire you?
00:12:19What are you two doing?
00:12:23What are you two doing?
00:12:24Linda, I thought you were taking a bath.
00:12:27Well, I was until I caught this bitch seducing my husband.
00:12:30Mrs. Lawrence, you've misunderstood.
00:12:31Yeah, yeah, right. I saw it with my own eyes.
00:12:33Your hand was snaking all over my husband's chest.
00:12:36There was a button falling off his shirt.
00:12:38I was helping him fix it.
00:12:45Well, I guess I did misunderstand.
00:12:47Blame it on all the stress. Weddings, funerals.
00:12:49No one can take so much in the same way.
00:12:51It's okay.
00:12:52You know, as a husband, I have not been attentive enough to your needs, dear.
00:12:58She'll sew on the new button, right?
00:13:00Oh, no need. Just burn the shirt.
00:13:03I hate it when people touch what belongs to me.
00:13:14Mrs. Lawrence, your bath is ready and here is your nightgown.
00:13:23Do you know why I hit you?
00:13:26I don't know.
00:13:27I've known so many girls like you, born into poverty,
00:13:30thinking they can climb their way up the social ladder by seducing men.
00:13:34But let me tell you, I am the daughter of the prestigious Lee family.
00:13:39So no matter how hard you try, you will never become Mrs. Lawrence.
00:13:44I'm sure, Mrs. Lawrence, your position is unshakable.
00:13:48Well, let this be a warning.
00:13:49If you ever come near Edward again, I'll ruin your face.
00:13:54Now, go to hell.
00:13:56Looking at you makes me sick.
00:13:58Kiss me.
00:14:05People can deceive themselves.
00:14:07But once the seed of suspicion is sown, the verdict is already made.
00:14:20Are you trying to burn me?
00:14:23My apologies, madam. Let me get you a new cup.
00:14:25It seems you have no ability to be a proper maid.
00:14:28Scarlet's family is poor.
00:14:30She doesn't understand the etiquette or class required of high society.
00:14:33Well, in that case, Jack.
00:14:35Yes, madam.
00:14:37Demote her back to a low-level maid and you will now handle our daily affairs.
00:14:40Yes, madam.
00:14:41Madam, please don't demote me.
00:14:43I will serve you well.
00:14:45Mr. Lawrence, please help me.
00:14:50A low-class servant like you has no right to negotiate.
00:14:54Honey, you don't mind that I'm doing any of this, do you?
00:14:57Not at all, my dear. You are the mistress of this house. Do what you please.
00:15:01Jack, get this idiot out of here.
00:15:04She's ruining breakfast with my handsome husband.
00:15:06Even if you take me away, things are already put in motion.
00:15:09The ending is set in stone.
00:15:19I warned you.
00:15:21You really thought you were something special.
00:15:24But look at you now.
00:15:26Abandoned already.
00:15:30I'm talking to you.
00:15:32If you ruin Mr. Lawrence's clothes, your position as steward of this house will be in danger.
00:15:40Are you threatening me?
00:15:42You still don't get it, do you?
00:15:45Abandoned maids are no different than cheap whores around here.
00:15:55Jack, please don't do this.
00:15:57If Mr. Lawrence finds out, he won't forgive you.
00:16:00No one will care even if you die.
00:16:02Obey me or I will make your time here a living hell.
00:16:05I'd rather die than...
00:16:07You bitch.
00:16:09Since you like it rough, I'll indulge you.
00:16:12What are you doing?
00:16:20How dare you do such shameful acts in this household?
00:16:23Sir, I can explain.
00:16:25The wound on her palm was self-inflicted.
00:16:27Nothing to do with me.
00:16:29Are you suggesting she cut her own hand?
00:16:31But, sir, she tried to seduce me first.
00:16:33She said she didn't want to do these lowly tasks, hoping that I could...
00:16:36No. It was him.
00:16:38He forced me.
00:16:40He said if I didn't obey, he would fire me.
00:16:42Mr. Lawrence, you have to believe me.
00:16:44Jack, you've abused your place in this household.
00:16:47Engaging in such disgraceful acts.
00:16:50Twenty lashes.
00:16:52You can't punish me. I'm your father's man.
00:16:54This is my house.
00:16:56And I am your master.
00:16:58Whether to punish you or not is up to me.
00:17:01Take him away.
00:17:03Take him away.
00:17:17Come here. I'll conduct your wound.
00:17:24Sir, you don't have to do this.
00:17:26And I think you should see Jack.
00:17:28He deserves it.
00:17:33Scarlett, your acting skills are quite impressive.
00:17:36But you know what they say.
00:17:38A wolf wearing sheep's clothes can never appear to be pleasant.
00:17:42And you are not as fragile as you pretend to be.
00:17:47Are you?
00:17:49Look, you don't have to admit it.
00:17:51I don't mind.
00:17:54But if you want,
00:17:56I can help you get back to your position
00:17:59as personal maid.
00:18:03Why do you need help?
00:18:06Because you see, Scarlett,
00:18:08you and I are quite similar.
00:18:10We both wear masks in our own lives.
00:18:14Scarlett, relax.
00:18:16You can be yourself around me.
00:18:18It's fine.
00:18:20Sir, I think you've misunderstood.
00:18:22I don't wear masks.
00:18:26It's okay. In due time.
00:18:28No rush.
00:18:29But one day,
00:18:31I'll make you take off that mask
00:18:33and make you be honest.
00:18:36I have unfinished business too.
00:18:39Excuse me.
00:18:48Scarlett, what are you thinking?
00:18:50He's your father's killer.
00:18:52Have you forgotten your family's vendetta?
00:18:54No, relax.
00:18:56You can be yourself around me.
00:18:57It's fine.
00:18:59But he doesn't seem like that person.
00:19:01Could Harry's information be wrong?
00:19:03Or was it perhaps all a misunderstanding?
00:19:16As impressive as ever.
00:19:18What are you doing here?
00:19:20I need your help.
00:19:22Harry, I left the organization.
00:19:24There's only one thing on my mind now
00:19:25and it's revenge.
00:19:27You're right.
00:19:29But only you can get close
00:19:31to the target this time.
00:19:33It's none of my business.
00:19:35Don't you want to know
00:19:37who the target is at least?
00:19:39It's Albert Lee.
00:19:41Linda Lee's father.
00:19:43Head of the Lee family.
00:19:45The Lee family's ongoing involvement
00:19:47with the drug trade
00:19:49has devastated many innocent families.
00:19:51And Linda's father
00:19:53is the worst of them all.
00:19:55But the government is targeting him
00:19:57and he has upgraded his security detail.
00:20:01with the Lawrence-Lee marriage
00:20:03you are our only hope.
00:20:06Tell me what you know.
00:20:15the Lawrence family is visiting
00:20:17the Lee family estate
00:20:19to discuss drug collaboration.
00:20:21What do you need me to do?
00:20:23With the Lawrence family there
00:20:25Lee's security will be distracted.
00:20:27Take care of Albert
00:20:29during tomorrow's meeting.
00:20:31What makes you think I can do it?
00:20:33You are the organization's
00:20:35most outstanding assassin.
00:20:37There is nothing you can't handle.
00:20:41But this is the last time.
00:20:45Boss, this is an invitation
00:20:47from Albert Lee
00:20:49for the negotiations tomorrow.
00:20:51Who else was invited, Jason?
00:20:53Should I leave?
00:20:55No need. What's the matter?
00:20:57Mr. Lawrence, before you mentioned a promotion
00:20:59is that offer still on the table?
00:21:01Of course.
00:21:03I would like to be more than a personal maid.
00:21:05I would like to be steward of this house.
00:21:09I have the ability and the qualifications.
00:21:11Well then, in that case, of course.
00:21:13As you wish.
00:21:15Thank you, Mr. Lawrence.
00:21:17I won't let you down.
00:21:19Never seen you so compliant with a girl.
00:21:20You're very smitten.
00:21:25Please, Jason, stop this nonsense.
00:21:27Then why appoint her as steward?
00:21:29Assigning such a huge responsibility
00:21:31to a girl with no housekeeping experience
00:21:33is clearly irrational.
00:21:35You know, I'm just interested.
00:21:37Curious to know what she's up to.
00:21:39Anyways, about tomorrow.
00:21:41Collaborating with the Lee family
00:21:43is inevitably going to involve us in the drug trade.
00:21:45We can't afford to tarnish the Lawrence family's name
00:21:47while we're acquiring their stocks.
00:21:48The Lee family's notorious disregard for morals
00:21:51is unacceptable.
00:21:53Father wants to do business with them.
00:21:55But I can't allow that to happen.
00:21:57Tomorrow, we take out Albert Lee.
00:22:01Lee has recently bolstered security.
00:22:03It'll be difficult to get weapons inside.
00:22:05I've made arrangements.
00:22:07Once we arrive at the Lee estate tomorrow,
00:22:09somebody will deliver us our weapons.
00:22:40Mrs. Lawrence.
00:22:42Oh, God, you scared me.
00:22:44What are you doing?
00:22:46Well, I could ask you the same question.
00:22:48You should be resting.
00:22:50I heard the same noise and came to investigate.
00:22:52It appears that there's a rat in the house.
00:22:54I'll have Edward call someone tomorrow morning
00:22:56to take care of it.
00:22:58Yes, Mrs. Lawrence.
00:23:00Keep your mouth shut
00:23:02or I'll cut your tongue out myself.
00:23:04What is this C.S. company?
00:23:06And why do they want to acquire the shares
00:23:08of the Lawrence family's company?
00:23:14Mrs. Lawrence, I have your outfit.
00:23:16Let you in.
00:23:18Only our personal maids are allowed in here.
00:23:20I'm not a maid.
00:23:22I'm not a maid.
00:23:24I'm not a maid.
00:23:26I'm not a maid.
00:23:28I'm not a maid.
00:23:30I'm not a maid.
00:23:31Only our personal maids are allowed in here.
00:23:33Why would you, a lowly maid, dare to come?
00:23:35I apologize, Mrs. Lawrence.
00:23:37I forgot to mention earlier,
00:23:39while I am no longer your personal maid,
00:23:41I am steward of this mansion.
00:23:43A steward.
00:23:45What qualifications do you have to become the steward?
00:23:47I understand this may be difficult to accept,
00:23:49the personal maid that you abandoned
00:23:51becoming the steward of this mansion,
00:23:53but it's the truth.
00:23:55This is a joke.
00:23:57Get out of here now.
00:23:59Mr. Lawrence is the owner of this mansion
00:24:01and you're his wench.
00:24:03You're still nothing more than my dog.
00:24:05Acting snarky with me will have consequences.
00:24:12Linda, what are you doing?
00:24:14This shameless wench came in here
00:24:16claiming to be the steward.
00:24:18She didn't even say anything wrong.
00:24:20But this is absurd.
00:24:22The steward of the house is Jack.
00:24:24Jack abused his authority in this mansion.
00:24:26I dismissed him.
00:24:28He was abusing subordinates.
00:24:29He was the steward.
00:24:31What, are you infatuated with her?
00:24:33Stop this nonsense.
00:24:35Edward, please.
00:24:37Mrs. Lawrence, you misunderstand.
00:24:39This is a gift from Mr. Lawrence.
00:24:41He felt bad about what happened at your wedding.
00:24:44Let me help you put it on.
00:24:49Don't touch me.
00:24:51Be careful, Mrs. Lawrence.
00:24:53This is a gift.
00:24:56Mr. Lawrence's care for you is evident.
00:24:59You should be more confident.
00:25:04what can be taken from you is never truly yours.
00:25:15God, who does she think she is?
00:25:17God, and you, Edward Lawrence.
00:25:19How dare you try to brush me aside
00:25:21with a worthless string of pearls?
00:25:26According to the orders of the new steward,
00:25:27Miss Scarlet,
00:25:29it is time to get ready.
00:25:31Get out!
00:25:33How dare she expect anything of me?
00:25:35No need to get angry, madame.
00:25:37Scarlet is just a nobody.
00:25:39And you, you call yourself a steward,
00:25:41yet you hide your position taken from you
00:25:43just like that.
00:25:45You're all worthless.
00:25:47Scarlet taking my position is just temporary.
00:25:51I can help you, madame,
00:25:53to regain Mr. Lawrence's heart.
00:25:55And what's in it for you?
00:25:57As long as you hand over that wench
00:25:59after all of this is done.
00:26:08Mr. Lawrence, thank you
00:26:10for agreeing to my request to accompany you
00:26:12to the Lee family estate.
00:26:14Well, I'm simply intrigued to know your plans
00:26:16once we arrive.
00:26:23You're returning to my father's house.
00:26:25Why is she coming?
00:26:27She's our steward now.
00:26:29I thought it was necessary for her to accompany us.
00:26:31Don't get so worked up over her.
00:26:33I'm not, but...
00:26:35No more buts, Linda.
00:26:37Don't allow her to threaten your position
00:26:39as the mistress in this household.
00:26:41And I can simply demote her
00:26:43just as easily as I promoted her.
00:26:45That's true.
00:26:47Trust me.
00:26:49You're my wife, right?
00:26:51We're married.
00:26:53I'm sorry, Edward.
00:26:55It's just, there's been so much happening lately.
00:26:57Dad, I'm home.
00:26:59Linda, my sweet daughter.
00:27:01You have no idea how much I've missed you.
00:27:03How are they treating you at the Lawrence mansion?
00:27:05Oh, fine.
00:27:07You know how it is.
00:27:09There's always roaches scuttling around,
00:27:11even in paradise.
00:27:13Sir, please cooperate with our security check.
00:27:15Are you suspicious of us?
00:27:17Apologies, but it's not personal.
00:27:19It's a private matter.
00:27:21It's a private matter.
00:27:23It's a private matter.
00:27:25It's a private matter.
00:27:27I've been in this business so long,
00:27:29I have to be careful of who I let into my home.
00:27:31It's okay, I'll go let them check.
00:27:43Your turn, ma'am.
00:27:47Ma'am, what are you hiding?
00:27:53Don't touch her.
00:27:55Edward, what are you doing?
00:27:57She's with us.
00:27:59She's with the Lawrence family.
00:28:01You can't just ask her to strip without my permission.
00:28:03She's with the Lawrence family?
00:28:07Who is she?
00:28:09Her name is Scarlet, father.
00:28:11She's the Lawrence family's steward.
00:28:15I thought we were dealing with someone important
00:28:17for you to make such a fuss over.
00:28:19I do apologize for how
00:28:21gruff my bodyguards are,
00:28:23but if she's just a servant,
00:28:25being stripped shouldn't matter.
00:28:27Even if she is a servant, Mr. Lee,
00:28:29she's a very valuable member of my family.
00:28:32Touching her is threatening my honor.
00:28:35Edward, my boy,
00:28:37is that a threat?
00:28:45I'll do it.
00:28:47Mr. Lawrence, I appreciate you standing up for me,
00:28:49but if I don't do this,
00:28:51the Lee family will suspect the Lawrence family.
00:28:53Mr. Lee, I'll do it.
00:28:55But if you don't find anything in my clothes,
00:28:57I would like you to apologize to Mr. Lawrence.
00:28:59Are you out of your mind?
00:29:01Ordering my father around in his own house?
00:29:03It's okay, my dear.
00:29:06If you really are innocent,
00:29:08I'm willing to apologize.
00:29:10Remember that.
00:29:28Anything suspicious?
00:29:30Well, not yet, but
00:29:32you haven't undressed completely yet, right?
00:29:35You want me to take off my underwear, too?
00:29:37That's enough!
00:29:39Calm down.
00:29:41We won't make the lady undress completely.
00:29:44We just need to do a security check.
00:29:59seems that it was all just
00:30:01a misunderstanding.
00:30:07You done with your check, Linda?
00:30:09You find anything?
00:30:11Well, I mean, her chest is hard as a rock.
00:30:13Who knows what procedures she's had done
00:30:15to make the machines react that way.
00:30:17Well, well, well.
00:30:19It was a misunderstanding after all.
00:30:21I apologize,
00:30:23but you have to understand,
00:30:25in my line of work,
00:30:27I can't do this.
00:30:29You okay?
00:30:31Mr. Lawrence, I want to go to the bathroom.
00:30:33My steward has to use the restroom.
00:30:35I trust that's not a problem, right?
00:30:37Of course.
00:30:39Escort the lady to the restroom.
00:30:46Here it is.
00:31:00the Lawrence family is visiting
00:31:02the Lee family estate
00:31:04to discuss drug collaboration.
00:31:06Take care of Albert
00:31:08during tomorrow's meeting.
00:31:28What took you so long?
00:31:30I just took my clothes off
00:31:32in front of everyone.
00:31:34What did you expect?
00:31:40Nice hairpin.
00:31:50It's been over a month, Linda.
00:31:52I've been looking for you.
00:31:54What's going on?
00:31:55It's been over a month, Linda.
00:31:57Why have you still not gotten
00:31:59any useful information
00:32:01about the Lawrence family's companies?
00:32:03Please, listen to me.
00:32:05Everything was going according to plan.
00:32:09It was that girl that got checked today.
00:32:11Are you telling me
00:32:13one lowly maid ruined your entire plan?
00:32:15Edward was this close
00:32:17to falling in love with me.
00:32:19He would have told me anything
00:32:21that I wanted to know
00:32:23and then that bitch came in
00:32:25and seduced him
00:32:27so we could work from the inside
00:32:29and take over the Lawrence family's businesses.
00:32:31Not to talk love and feelings.
00:32:37Those Lawrence mongrels,
00:32:39they've always barred us
00:32:41from selling on their turf.
00:32:43But now,
00:32:45enticed by our profits,
00:32:47they're keen on collaboration.
00:32:49Dream on!
00:32:51Once the Lawrence family is gone,
00:32:53the Lee family
00:32:55will stop standing
00:32:57and all our troubles will vanish.
00:32:59What about today's negotiation?
00:33:01I'll feign agreement
00:33:03with all their demands
00:33:05and then I'll help you
00:33:07get rid of that whore.
00:33:09But once she's out of the picture,
00:33:11I want you to immediately
00:33:13gather information
00:33:15to dismantle the Lawrence family.
00:33:26Albert, here are the contracts
00:33:28that we drafted up.
00:33:30Take a look, please.
00:33:40We give you drugs to sell
00:33:42in your territory
00:33:44and you're offering me
00:33:4620% profit share.
00:33:48How dare you approach me
00:33:50with such an insulting offer!
00:33:52You're aware that my family
00:33:54has connections to the government, correct?
00:33:56What about it?
00:33:58From my understanding, Mr. Lee,
00:34:00your family has been under
00:34:02significant investigation
00:34:04from the government
00:34:06due to illicit activities.
00:34:08Several of your hideouts have been raided
00:34:10and your businesses
00:34:12have been severely affected.
00:34:14What does that have to do with this?
00:34:16I can assure you
00:34:18that the Lawrence family
00:34:19will make sure that you will no longer
00:34:21suffer interferences from the government.
00:34:23In other words,
00:34:25we can help your business thrive again.
00:34:27Does 20% profit share
00:34:29still seem too little to you?
00:34:3230%, no less.
00:34:38Jason will draft up a contract.
00:34:40Mr. Lee, I'm looking forward
00:34:42to a fruitful collaboration.
00:34:44Hold on, I have one more condition.
00:34:46What is it?
00:34:47You turn her over to me.
00:34:58May I know the reason?
00:35:00She's pretty.
00:35:02As you know, Linda's mom's
00:35:04been gone for a while.
00:35:06I'm feeling a bit lonely.
00:35:08I think she'll make the perfect companion.
00:35:10Albert, she's a steward.
00:35:12Isn't that perfect?
00:35:14A steward knows how to serve a man.
00:35:20I cannot allow that.
00:35:22I can take any other request,
00:35:24but not this.
00:35:26But no deal.
00:35:28Come on, Edward.
00:35:30A woman in exchange
00:35:32for billions in profit.
00:35:34She's a steward.
00:35:36I promise I'll help you
00:35:38find a better replacement.
00:35:42Yes, boss.
00:35:44Mr. Lee here is no longer
00:35:45with us.
00:35:47Our business here is done.
00:35:49Please, let's go.
00:35:51We're leaving.
00:35:54Mr. Lee, I'll be your woman.
00:35:56Scarlett, what?
00:35:58I said I'll be Mr. Lee's woman.
00:36:00At the Lawrence Estate,
00:36:02I'm a lowly steward.
00:36:04Here I have a chance to move up.
00:36:06Why wouldn't I seize this opportunity?
00:36:08Because this family is dangerous.
00:36:10Nobody walks out of here alive.
00:36:12Better than being a lowly steward.
00:36:13She'll hop on the lap
00:36:14of any man worth a dime.
00:36:16Are you sure?
00:36:18I'm sure.
00:36:20It's settled then.
00:36:22I'll have them prepare
00:36:23a room for you, my dear.
00:36:25Edward, you and Linda
00:36:26can stay overnight.
00:36:28In the meanwhile,
00:36:30I'll be enjoying
00:36:31my beautiful new woman.
00:36:46Why would I be disappointed?
00:36:50Why would I be disappointed?
00:36:52You've been abandoned
00:36:53by your master.
00:36:55It's not like I was going
00:36:56to stay with him forever.
00:36:58I was born into poverty.
00:37:00I've always dreamed
00:37:01of living in a place like this.
00:37:03I'm sorry.
00:37:05I'm sorry.
00:37:07I'm sorry.
00:37:09I'm sorry.
00:37:11I'm sorry.
00:37:13I joined the Lawrence family
00:37:14to move up the social ladder,
00:37:16but the Lee family
00:37:18is controlling the drug trade.
00:37:20Why wouldn't I take advantage
00:37:21of this opportunity?
00:37:23Now I see why my daughter
00:37:24sees you as a threat.
00:37:26Mr. Lee.
00:37:28Call me Albert.
00:37:33What would you like
00:37:34to do with me now?
00:37:36I'd like to go to heaven with you.
00:37:38You want to go to heaven?
00:37:41I can take you to heaven.
00:37:47I can take you to heaven.
00:37:53Who are you?
00:37:55The Grim Reaper.
00:37:57The poison in this pain
00:37:58is strong enough
00:37:59to kill an elephant
00:38:00in three minutes.
00:38:02How long do you think
00:38:03it'll take to kill you?
00:38:08Mr. Lee.
00:38:10Mr. Lee.
00:38:12The time to pay for your sins
00:38:13has come.
00:38:28Mr. Lawrence.
00:38:29These are the weapons
00:38:30for the operation.
00:38:34Albert, are you sure
00:38:35this is the right time to act?
00:38:37I'll be enjoying
00:38:38this beautiful new woman.
00:38:40Yes, Jason.
00:38:41If we don't,
00:38:42then Scarlet will end up
00:38:43in the hands of Albert.
00:38:44She chose to go with him herself.
00:38:46Did you forget?
00:38:47Yeah, but she's not
00:38:48that kind of person.
00:38:49Something must be wrong.
00:38:51I must be missing something.
00:38:54Edward, I've been loyal
00:38:55to you for years.
00:38:57I know there's some things
00:38:58I shouldn't say,
00:38:59but I need you to remember
00:39:00you're the last hope
00:39:01for the Lawrence family.
00:39:02You can't let yourself
00:39:03be beaten by a girl.
00:39:04I know, I know.
00:39:07What's going on?
00:39:13Go check over there.
00:39:14What's going on?
00:39:15We're stealing water
00:39:16from your father's room,
00:39:17Mr. Lawrence.
00:39:18Something has to happen.
00:39:19Isn't my father supposed
00:39:20to be with that wench,
00:39:21Scarlet, right now?
00:39:31Scarlet, where's Scarlet?
00:39:32She was supposed to be
00:39:33with my father.
00:39:34Did you see her?
00:39:35Find her!
00:39:36Drag that bitch out!
00:40:06Stop right there,
00:40:07you little rat!
00:40:12Stop right there,
00:40:13you little rat!
00:40:14Madam, what's the matter?
00:40:15How may I assist you?
00:40:16Where were you just now?
00:40:17In the restroom.
00:40:18Search her.
00:40:22She's clear.
00:40:23Take this wench away!
00:40:25What's going on here?
00:40:26Why is the alarm going off?
00:40:27There's been an incident,
00:40:29I need to talk to you.
00:40:30I need to talk to you.
00:40:31I need to talk to you.
00:40:32I need to talk to you.
00:40:33I need to talk to you.
00:40:35I need to speak to Scarlet alone.
00:40:36If there's an issue, Linda,
00:40:37you can speak to everybody.
00:40:39No need to be so secretive.
00:40:44I'll ask you again, Scarlet.
00:40:45Where were you just now?
00:40:47As I just said,
00:40:48I was in the restroom.
00:40:49What about before?
00:40:50Were you in my father's room?
00:40:52Mr. Lee told me
00:40:53he had a private matter
00:40:54to attend to
00:40:55and he asked me to leave.
00:40:57That's enough, Linda.
00:40:58Let's be civilized.
00:40:59My father is dead!
00:41:00What do you want from me?
00:41:05My father is dead
00:41:07because of her.
00:41:09She needs to be arrested immediately.
00:41:11Mrs. Lawrence,
00:41:12I am sorry for your loss,
00:41:13but Mr. Lee's death
00:41:14had nothing to do with me.
00:41:15Of course.
00:41:16My father takes you in
00:41:17and then winds up dead.
00:41:19Do you have any proof
00:41:20of your innocence here?
00:41:23Keep your mouth shut.
00:41:24But the Lee family
00:41:25has ways of making people talk.
00:41:27Take her away!
00:41:28Who says she has no proof?
00:41:30I am her proof.
00:41:33Before she went into
00:41:34your father's room,
00:41:35she was with me.
00:41:38I tried talking to her,
00:41:40hoping that she would stay
00:41:41with the Lawrence family,
00:41:42be with us.
00:41:46Is this true?
00:41:49Your father's gone now.
00:41:51You need to stay here
00:41:52and take care of things.
00:41:53We're going to leave.
00:41:54Oh, no one's going anywhere.
00:41:56No one's going anywhere
00:41:57until we figure out
00:41:58who killed my father.
00:42:00Linda, I'm sorry
00:42:01about your father's death.
00:42:03I am terribly sorry.
00:42:05I will do everything I can
00:42:06to help with the investigation,
00:42:08but the Lawrence family
00:42:10is leaving.
00:42:12Let's go.
00:42:27Allow me to prepare a bath
00:42:28for you, Mr. Lawrence.
00:42:34Do you have anything
00:42:35to say for yourself?
00:42:37What do you want me to say, sir?
00:42:41Was that your purpose
00:42:42in going to the Lee house?
00:42:45To kill Albert Lee?
00:42:48I don't understand, sir.
00:42:51Emily and me,
00:42:53we have nothing against Mr. Lee.
00:42:56Do you know how dangerous that was?
00:43:00If it weren't for me,
00:43:02you would have been interrogated
00:43:03by the Lee family.
00:43:05Do you get that?
00:43:07You're a married man, Mr. Lawrence.
00:43:10How do you think your wife would feel
00:43:12while she's grieving
00:43:13the death of her father?
00:43:15This is how you repay me?
00:43:17For saving your life?
00:43:18Reminding me that I'm a married man?
00:43:21What are you doing?
00:43:22If this is what you like
00:43:23as a reward,
00:43:24I can give it to you now.
00:43:28Good night, Mr. Lawrence.
00:43:51Have I?
00:43:55How could I have
00:43:56catched feelings for him?
00:44:08I told you there's nothing
00:44:09you can't handle.
00:44:12The mission is complete.
00:44:14And with Albert Lee gone,
00:44:15the illegal drug within the city
00:44:17will soon be under control.
00:44:22You're probably still stressed
00:44:23from the events of last night.
00:44:26I thank you for your assistance.
00:44:28I won't bother you
00:44:29with any more tasks.
00:44:34Is there something else you need?
00:44:36Are you sure it was Edward
00:44:39who killed my family?
00:44:41Why would you ask that?
00:44:43I don't know.
00:44:44I just...
00:44:45I got to know him
00:44:46and it doesn't seem like
00:44:47he's the kind of person
00:44:48who would do something like that.
00:44:49Are you falling for him?
00:44:53Are you falling for him?
00:44:56No, I just...
00:44:57I told you.
00:44:59The cardinal rule
00:45:00of an assassin
00:45:01is to never develop
00:45:02feelings for anyone
00:45:03once emotions are involved
00:45:04you've already lost.
00:45:08I need you to do something for me.
00:45:10This CS company
00:45:12has been acquiring
00:45:13all the Lawrence family stocks
00:45:15I need you to find out
00:45:16everything you can
00:45:17about that company.
00:45:20Well done, Edward.
00:45:22I only asked you
00:45:23to negotiate with Linda's father.
00:45:25But you went ahead
00:45:26and took him out instead.
00:45:30I didn't kill him.
00:45:31It wasn't you.
00:45:33It doesn't matter.
00:45:34With Albert gone,
00:45:35the Lee's family's power
00:45:37is nothing but name only
00:45:38at best.
00:45:40Some of the drug lords
00:45:41are already seeking refuge
00:45:42with us.
00:45:44Hey, Lawrence family
00:45:45are the ones
00:45:46that came out on top.
00:45:51We need to expedite
00:45:52the acquisition of the businesses.
00:45:54Are the funds ready?
00:45:55Everything's in order.
00:45:56Please proceed
00:45:57with the acquisition.
00:45:58Got it.
00:46:00would you do me a favor?
00:46:01Can you look into
00:46:02Scarlett's background, please?
00:46:12I've chosen an outfit for you.
00:46:14Who are you?
00:46:15I'm Scarlett.
00:46:16I've chosen an outfit for you.
00:46:18Who let you in?
00:46:19Get out!
00:46:21I am steward of this estate
00:46:22and personal maid to you
00:46:23and Mr. Lawrence.
00:46:25If I left,
00:46:26who would attend to your needs?
00:46:30Let go of me.
00:46:31Do you remember
00:46:32how we first met?
00:46:33We were in the same position.
00:46:34I was choosing
00:46:35your funeral attire.
00:46:37Did you kill my father?
00:46:40Even if I did,
00:46:42what can you do about it?
00:46:44I'll make you pay.
00:46:47Show me what you can do.
00:46:51Show me what you can do.
00:46:58You still don't think
00:46:59you're so high and mighty,
00:47:00do you?
00:47:01Your father's dead.
00:47:03All those
00:47:04after the Lee family business
00:47:05are already devouring your fortune.
00:47:09the Lawrence family.
00:47:11Edward wouldn't do that to me.
00:47:13I'll tell him about your schemes.
00:47:14I'll tell him you tried to kill my father.
00:47:16He won't believe you.
00:47:21the Lee and Lawrence families
00:47:23were nothing but a business alliance
00:47:24from the start.
00:47:26You lost your value
00:47:27the second your father dropped dead.
00:47:29You bitch.
00:47:30That was your plan all along,
00:47:31wasn't it?
00:47:32You're trying to replace me
00:47:33as Mrs. Lawrence.
00:47:35I won't let you.
00:47:44Linda, what are you doing?
00:47:45Mr. Lawrence,
00:47:46I did what you asked.
00:47:47I found her her attire,
00:47:48but I don't know why
00:47:49she wanted to kill me.
00:47:50This is bullshit.
00:47:51She admitted it.
00:47:52She's killed my father.
00:47:53She's trying to replace me
00:47:54as Mrs. Lawrence.
00:47:56you're still grieving.
00:47:58Perhaps after the funeral
00:47:59you should take some time
00:48:00to just rest.
00:48:01I may be grieving,
00:48:02but my mind is perfectly clear.
00:48:04Why do you always take
00:48:05the word of this whore
00:48:06and not me?
00:48:07Linda, watch your mouth.
00:48:09Scarlett is the steward
00:48:10of this household,
00:48:11not that derogatory term
00:48:12that you use.
00:48:13Are you treating me this way
00:48:14because of what just happened
00:48:15to my father?
00:48:16You're falling right
00:48:17into her trap.
00:48:19Your father's funeral
00:48:20is about to start.
00:48:22Let's go.
00:48:28I told you he wouldn't
00:48:29believe you.
00:48:32What's your goal here, Scarlett?
00:48:35I don't have one.
00:48:37You're provoking Linda,
00:48:38aren't you?
00:48:40Why'd you kill her father?
00:48:43Are you trying to create
00:48:44a rift between us?
00:48:47Your wife is waiting.
00:48:49My marriage with my wife
00:48:50is just a matter of time.
00:48:52I don't care what happens
00:48:53to her.
00:48:54I don't care what happens
00:48:55to you.
00:48:56I don't care what happens
00:48:57to me.
00:48:58I don't care what happens
00:48:59to you.
00:49:00My wife is just a transaction.
00:49:02She's not really my wife.
00:49:06So you're crossing the line.
00:49:09you know that I like you.
00:49:12You can't.
00:49:14You like me too,
00:49:15don't you?
00:49:16I don't.
00:49:17Why won't you admit it?
00:49:18Because you're the heir
00:49:19to the Lawrence family.
00:49:24Because you're the heir
00:49:25to the Lawrence family.
00:49:28I'm just a humble maid.
00:49:31Someone as prestigious
00:49:32as you is something
00:49:33I should never aspire to
00:49:34in my life.
00:49:36Who cares?
00:49:38You really think I care
00:49:40about any of this?
00:49:41I do.
00:49:44Besides, you're already married.
00:49:46I'll divorce her.
00:49:47I'll divorce her.
00:49:49And when I do,
00:49:51can we finally be together?
00:49:54Will you admit your feelings
00:49:55for me?
00:49:57Can you renounce your title
00:49:58as heir to the Lawrence family?
00:50:07you people are all the same.
00:50:10You talk a big game.
00:50:12But deep down,
00:50:13you know there is nothing
00:50:14more important than money
00:50:16and power.
00:50:18But I have my reasons, Scarlett.
00:50:20It's complicated.
00:50:23Mrs. Lawrence is waiting.
00:50:28You should go.
00:50:46Is there any update
00:50:47on the C.S. Company?
00:51:04I've gathered you both here today
00:51:05to make an important announcement.
00:51:07Starting now,
00:51:08I will be inheriting
00:51:09my father's legacy.
00:51:11All matters pertaining
00:51:12to the Lee family
00:51:13will now be under management
00:51:14by me.
00:51:16Congratulations, Miss Lee.
00:51:18I hope that we can continue
00:51:19to have a good working
00:51:20relationship in the future.
00:51:21Your father strangled us
00:51:22for profit when he was alive.
00:51:24Now that he's gone,
00:51:25why would we work
00:51:26with the Lee family?
00:51:27I apologize for some
00:51:28of my father's actions.
00:51:30But we've made
00:51:31some internal adjustments,
00:51:32and should you continue
00:51:33to choose to work with us,
00:51:35I am prepared to raise profits
00:51:36by up to two percent.
00:51:42Two percent?
00:51:44There's others offering fifty.
00:51:46Who's offering fifty percent?
00:51:49Is it the Lawrence family?
00:52:00Is that you?
00:52:02Have you finally
00:52:03made up your mind?
00:52:06What are you wearing?
00:52:07What are you doing?
00:52:08Wouldn't it be exciting
00:52:09to add just a little bit
00:52:10of spice to our relationship?
00:52:11Linda, stop.
00:52:12I'm just fulfilling
00:52:13my duties as your wife.
00:52:14We're married for like a week,
00:52:15and we haven't really
00:52:16had the time to get
00:52:17to know each other.
00:52:18Have you lost your mind?
00:52:20You seem to like it
00:52:21when Scarlett dresses like this.
00:52:23I can do it too,
00:52:24if not better.
00:52:25Enough, Linda!
00:52:26You think I didn't
00:52:27do my research?
00:52:28I know that you married me
00:52:29for the sole intention
00:52:30of taking down my family.
00:52:32No, absolutely not.
00:52:33I married you
00:52:34because I love you.
00:52:35You love me?
00:52:36No, you don't.
00:52:38Scarlett told me
00:52:39about that night
00:52:40that you went into my study.
00:52:41You have anything
00:52:42to say for yourself?
00:52:43No, you don't understand.
00:52:44Not to mention
00:52:45that she lies all the time.
00:52:47Sign this.
00:52:48Divorce papers.
00:52:49I'll give you $10 million
00:52:50in compensation.
00:52:51Sign it tonight.
00:52:52You want to divorce me?
00:52:54Do you think
00:52:55that you can use me,
00:52:56exploit my family,
00:52:57and then buy us off?
00:52:59I'll make you and your family
00:53:00pay for what you've done.
00:53:09I'll divorce her.
00:53:11But I have my reasons, Scarlett.
00:53:13It's complicated.
00:53:16You've changed.
00:53:18What do you mean?
00:53:24The C.S. Company
00:53:25has been thoroughly investigated.
00:53:27It is a company
00:53:28founded by Edward Lawrence.
00:53:30They are currently
00:53:31closely involved
00:53:32with the drug traffickers
00:53:34of the Lee's territory.
00:53:38Perhaps Lawrence
00:53:39wanted to get involved
00:53:40with the drug trade
00:53:41without tarnishing
00:53:42his reputation.
00:53:44Without tarnishing
00:53:45his family's honor.
00:53:46So he created C.S.
00:53:49as a front
00:53:50for these illicit activities.
00:53:54don't let Edward deceive you.
00:53:56He's a hypocrite.
00:53:58Remember your father.
00:53:59Remember the reasons
00:54:00why you're here
00:54:01in the first place.
00:54:07I will.
00:54:15Yes, sir.
00:54:17Everything going
00:54:18according to plan.
00:54:19The Lawrence family
00:54:20will soon be exposed
00:54:22just like the Lee family.
00:54:27I'm sorry, Scarlett.
00:54:29Forgive me.
00:54:45What are you doing here?
00:54:46I pity you.
00:54:48As if I need any sympathy
00:54:50from a third-rate servant
00:54:51like you.
00:54:54Linda Lee.
00:54:56Once the mistress
00:54:57of the Lawrence family.
00:54:59Now kicked out
00:55:00by her husband.
00:55:02And I'm the only one
00:55:03here to see you off.
00:55:06My, my.
00:55:07How you have fallen.
00:55:09Fuck you.
00:55:10Do you think this is the end?
00:55:12No, no.
00:55:13This is just the beginning.
00:55:14I'll make them pay
00:55:15if it's the last thing
00:55:16that I do.
00:55:17No, no.
00:55:18I'm not the enemy.
00:55:20Remember when I said
00:55:21I would help you?
00:55:23Help me?
00:55:24Scarlett is about to become
00:55:25your new Mrs. Lawrence.
00:55:27I think you better focus
00:55:28on saving your own neck first.
00:55:30Are you not a little curious
00:55:31how she managed
00:55:32to overthrow you so easily?
00:55:37The answers are all the way here.
00:55:44That shameless bitch.
00:55:46I knew she had some tricks
00:55:47up her sleeve.
00:55:48Save some of that anger.
00:55:50Once we have Scarlett,
00:55:51you'll have all the time
00:55:52in the world
00:55:53to take care of her.
00:56:01The man in the photo
00:56:02works for the government's
00:56:03covert organization.
00:56:05They've been on the Lee family's
00:56:06tail for years,
00:56:07and he has been
00:56:08a critical figure
00:56:09in their investigation.
00:56:11This is old news, Jack.
00:56:13Their efforts to combat
00:56:14the illegal drug trade
00:56:15haven't yielded
00:56:16any results for years.
00:56:18Why should we worry
00:56:19about this one guy?
00:56:20He may not be the problem, sir,
00:56:22but the woman beside him is.
00:56:28Scarlett Bullock.
00:56:29She currently serves
00:56:30as Edward's steward,
00:56:31and also his personal maid.
00:56:37I don't think
00:56:38I've ever seen
00:56:40an idiot
00:56:45worth as bastard of a son.
00:56:48I shouldn't have known
00:56:49he could be so easily seduced.
00:56:51And weak,
00:56:52just like his mother.
00:56:54What do you want me to do, sir?
00:56:57Lemon her nothing but trouble.
00:57:00Get rid of her.
00:57:06Tonight, Edward.
00:57:08Tonight's the night I end it all.
00:57:13What are you doing here?
00:57:14I thought you left.
00:57:19Mrs. Lawrence?
00:57:21Or should I say Miss Lee?
00:57:22Oh, in such a hurry
00:57:23to get rid of me?
00:57:25You know,
00:57:26I was wondering,
00:57:27how could a useless maid like you
00:57:29ever hope to compete
00:57:30with me?
00:57:32As steward of this estate,
00:57:33I'm going to ask you to leave.
00:57:35How long are you going to play dumb,
00:57:36you spying rat?
00:57:41How long are you going to play dumb,
00:57:42you spying rat?
00:57:44I know you work for the government.
00:57:46I know your plan was to take down
00:57:47the Lawrence family
00:57:49and then the Lee family.
00:57:50Isn't that right?
00:57:51You're being delusional.
00:57:53I don't really care about
00:57:54the fate of the Lawrence family,
00:57:55but you messed with the Lee family.
00:58:03Thank you, Miss Lee.
00:58:05Leave the rest to me.
00:58:06Promise me you'll take
00:58:07good care of her, Jack.
00:58:12Mr. Lawrence,
00:58:13Jack took Scarlett.
00:58:14Jason, listen to me.
00:58:15Tonight's the night
00:58:16I reclaim the Lawrence family.
00:58:17I need you to stick to the plan.
00:58:19And remember,
00:58:20rescue Scarlett.
00:58:23Welcome to the meeting, everybody.
00:58:25I'm certain that you're all familiar
00:58:27with the recent events
00:58:28concerning the Lee family,
00:58:30particularly with Albert's passing.
00:58:32Now, I've always meant
00:58:34to expand this company's business,
00:58:36and the Lee family
00:58:37has always interfered with my plans.
00:58:40Now, I've got the drug lords
00:58:42willing to establish
00:58:44a formal alliance with us.
00:58:46So this marks our formal entry
00:58:49into the lucrative drug trade business.
00:58:55We can't.
00:58:56This goes against everything
00:58:58the Lawrence family stands for.
00:59:00Times are changing.
00:59:01I mean, if we're going to survive,
00:59:03we need to adapt.
00:59:05Besides, I guarantee
00:59:07this is going to bring in enormous profits.
00:59:09Profit means nothing
00:59:10if it violates our value map.
00:59:12I'm not here to listen to your opinions.
00:59:15I'm here to inform you
00:59:16of my intentions
00:59:18on moving forward
00:59:19with this venture.
00:59:21I don't agree with that decision.
00:59:23What are you doing here?
00:59:26I'm a shareholder, Johnson.
00:59:28I deserve to be here.
00:59:29You're not a shareholder, Edward.
00:59:32You're nothing but an acting CEO.
00:59:34Get the hell out.
00:59:36I've acquired 70% of this company's shares,
00:59:40making me the largest shareholder to date.
00:59:44I'm here for two reasons, everybody.
00:59:46First, this company,
00:59:48whether it be now or in the future,
00:59:50will not engage in drug trafficking.
00:59:52And number two,
00:59:54for violating our company's code of ethics,
00:59:58Johnson Miller is hereby
01:00:00expelled from the Lawrence family
01:00:02and this company.
01:00:06Edward, you bastard!
01:00:08What's going on?
01:00:10Did you not hear me?
01:00:11You're no longer part of this family.
01:00:13I'm your father.
01:00:14You can't treat me like this.
01:00:15You're just a hypocrite, Johnson.
01:00:17You married my mother for the sole reason
01:00:19because she's the heiress to the family wealth.
01:00:22She loved you.
01:00:24And you turned around
01:00:25and took all the power,
01:00:26abandoned her,
01:00:27and left her to rot.
01:00:29So all this time,
01:00:30you've been playing the obedient son,
01:00:32waiting for this moment.
01:00:34I made a promise to my mother.
01:00:36I told her
01:00:38I would never let our family name
01:00:41be tarnished by a scumbag like you.
01:00:45You're getting old, huh, Dad?
01:00:48I bet it's high time for you to retire.
01:00:52You goddamn son of a bitch!
01:01:00What are you doing?
01:01:01I'm just following instructions from Mr. Lawrence.
01:01:04Though I have to say,
01:01:06it's nice to see you so helpless for a change.
01:01:10Don't lie to me.
01:01:13Edward knows who you are.
01:01:17What do you want from me?
01:01:18You took everything away from me!
01:01:20My possession, my pride, my honor!
01:01:23You took everything away from me!
01:01:26My possession, my pride, my honor!
01:01:29It's time for payback.
01:01:35Die, you filthy whore!
01:01:45Where's Edward?
01:01:46Mr. Lawrence is at the company.
01:01:49I didn't do it.
01:01:57Are you okay?
01:01:58Stay back.
01:02:00Don't come any closer.
01:02:09I'm sorry!
01:02:11I'm so sorry!
01:02:12They did it for my family!
01:02:13I'm sorry! I had to, Edward!
01:02:14I'm sorry!
01:02:20Let her go.
01:02:24Mr. Edward Lawrence, heir to the Lawrence Group,
01:02:27had an attempt made on his life last night.
01:02:29He has luckily survived the attack and is now recovering.
01:02:32Police are still trying to locate his assailant,
01:02:34but Mr. Lawrence refuses to disclose the identity.
01:02:41What are you doing here?
01:02:42To pick you up.
01:02:53You have successfully avenged your family.
01:02:58So, how does it feel?
01:03:02I don't know.
01:03:04I thought I'd feel relieved, but I just feel really empty.
01:03:09Go on vacation. You deserve it.
01:03:17I miss you.
01:03:20I'm really tired.
01:03:23I just want to nap.
01:03:33Sweet dreams, Scarlett.
01:03:50What was in that water? You drugged me?
01:03:52I'm sorry. All of this has been arranged by the organization.
01:03:55I thought I told you I was done.
01:03:57I warned you.
01:03:58The only way out of the organization is death.
01:04:02From the beginning, the sole purpose of the organization
01:04:05was to dismantle the Lawrence and Lee families.
01:04:09And my job was to make sure this goal was achieved.
01:04:13So you planned this?
01:04:15And I was just dancing in the palm of your hand?
01:04:22It was you who infiltrated the Lawrence family,
01:04:26assassinated Albert Lee,
01:04:28and made that attempt on Edward Lawrence's life.
01:04:31You son of a bitch!
01:04:37Harry, don't do this.
01:04:39I'm sorry. I truly am.
01:04:41But if you somehow survive this,
01:04:44maybe someone will tell you the truth.
01:04:46Harry? Harry?
01:05:10You're up.
01:05:13Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you.
01:05:16What's going on?
01:05:18Well, after an attempt on my life,
01:05:21a man named Harry came to see me.
01:05:23Harry? What did he want with you?
01:05:26He told me I might find something interesting
01:05:29at an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.
01:05:32And he also gave me this letter to pass to you.
01:05:39So you and Harry planned this?
01:05:42Well, I didn't think he was going to actually burn you.
01:05:45But yeah, we did.
01:05:49So Harry didn't want to hurt me.
01:05:52He was protecting me.
01:05:54Where is he? I need to talk to him.
01:05:56I don't understand. I thought the organization wanted me dead.
01:05:59I have no clue where Harry is.
01:06:03But you need to read this letter.
01:06:06All right?
01:06:16Dear Scarlet,
01:06:17First of all, I'm sorry for everything.
01:06:20This might be the last time I reach out to you.
01:06:22The truth is,
01:06:23Edward Lawrence had nothing to do with your father's death.
01:06:26All the pain and tragedy you and your family suffered
01:06:29was orchestrated by Johnson Miller
01:06:31even before he married into the Lawrence family.
01:06:34But in their quest to take down the Lawrence and leave families,
01:06:37the organization thought the best course of action
01:06:39would be to use your anger and vengeance
01:06:41as a weapon to dismantle them from the inside.
01:06:44I'm sorry for manipulating you.
01:06:46After the mission was complete,
01:06:48my final task was to eliminate you.
01:06:51But I couldn't do it.
01:06:53You're a good kid, Scarlet.
01:06:55Even though you were fueled by hatred,
01:06:57you still had a kind heart.
01:06:59Hence, I devised this plan.
01:07:01This way, the organization will believe you are truly dead
01:07:04and you'll be free to live your life as you please.
01:07:09Scarlet, I'm so sorry.
01:07:11I'm so sorry.
01:07:13I had no idea about this tragedy in your family
01:07:15and my father was the one behind it,
01:07:17yet I didn't do anything to...
01:07:19If anyone should apologize, it's me.
01:07:25I wanted to do anything and everything
01:07:28to revenge my family,
01:07:30even when you've been nothing but kind to me.
01:07:32It is not your fault, Your Honor.
01:07:34Please, let me say this.
01:07:36Otherwise, I don't know how I'm going to face you.
01:07:42I'm sorry for accusing you of something you didn't do.
01:07:48I'm sorry for not trusting you.
01:07:52I'm sorry for hurting you.
01:07:56You don't have to apologize.
01:07:59I love you.
01:08:02And if my father was the one behind this,
01:08:05then I need to take full responsibility for his actions.
01:08:09I'm sorry.
01:08:11How is it?
01:08:13You know, it's healing.
01:08:18It's all right.
01:08:27I guess I should go.
01:08:31No, you should stay.
01:08:33I'm sorry.
01:08:36No, you should stay.
01:08:38Scarlett, you should stay. Aren't you worried about me?
01:08:40I am.
01:08:43I have spent my whole life
01:08:46with hatred and vengeance.
01:08:50It's why I woke up in the morning.
01:08:52It was the last thing I thought of before I went to bed.
01:08:55Now that I'm free,
01:09:00I need to live for me.
01:09:02But can't you do that...
01:09:04Can't you do that here with me?
01:09:12Let me become a better person first.
01:09:23Goodbye, Edward.
01:09:35Mr. James, it's been a pleasure doing business with you.
01:09:38No, no. The honor is mine.
01:09:40Everyone knows the Lawrence family has flourished
01:09:42under your leadership, Mr. Lawrence.
01:09:45Oh, gosh. Look at the time.
01:09:47I should head out.
01:10:04Mr. Lawrence, we've found a new steward for you.
01:10:06Jason, how many times do I have to tell you?
01:10:08I don't need a new steward.
01:10:10The position's been vacant for five years.
01:10:13Could be beneficial, you know?
01:10:15Bring some order to your life.
01:10:17Why don't you just meet her?
01:10:19All right. Fine.
01:10:26Hello, Mr. Lawrence.
01:10:30My name is Scarlett.
01:10:32As of today, I'll be your new personal maid and steward.