Tomoaki Honma & Tomohiro Ishii vs. Jake Lee & Gabe Kidd: NJPW Road to DESTRUCTION Night 3 (September 9, 2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Like the saying of treading on superman's cape, or else shan't not poke the bear,
00:29certainly thou shalt not feed the stone pitbull, should be an adage we all
00:35remember, and it was last night here in Corcoran, where this tag team combination
00:48of Tomoaki Homma and Tomohiro Ishii, were put away by the mad bastards, and Homma
00:58was done. It was a face break shot from Jake Lee to Tomoaki Homma in the corner.
01:05Jake Lee came in for an easy cover, one-two, and pulled Homma's shoulders off the
01:11canvas, just to deliver his version of the vertical drop lane buster, D4C,
01:17dirty deeds done dirty. And as he did those dirty deeds, he was looking right at Tomohiro Ishii.
01:33Well Ishii has had quite a rough week on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, and now
01:52he has some frustration to take out, on Gabe Kidd for sure, and Jake Lee definitely.
02:04Strong Oak Boy Champion Gabe Kidd, and Jake Lee freshly signed to New Japan Pro Wrestling
02:48to face the IWGP Tag Team Championships. In their absence, in Haston Nichols absence,
02:59they've made a target for Tomohiro Ishii, and Homma by association.
03:13Yeah, and Ishii wants Jake Lee to stop. No doubt about it, what happened yesterday must have repercussions.
03:24One-half of former great IWGP Tag Team Champions Hiroki Goto on the opposite side,
03:31on the Japanese announce desk, and I'm sure he has much to say about this combination of Gabe Kidd and Jake Lee.
03:37Jake Lee now ties up with Ishii, obviously. The height, the power base, that advantage goes to Jake Lee,
03:50but the low center of gravity makes Ishii very hard for anyone to deal with.
04:03A clean break in the corner.
04:11Ishii is getting ready to praise the clean break in the corner. Gabe Kidd made it anything but.
04:16And a maniacal laugh from the smart bastard.
04:33Smartness and sadism in equal measure is this team of the mad bastards.
04:37Kidd brings the pace, southpaw lariat. No, Ishii, German suplex.
04:45What a cement-headed stubbornness from Ishii.
04:52And definitely made an arch enemy in Jake Lee yesterday with that D4C.
05:02Jake Lee's version of the vertical drop rainbuster delivered right in front of Ishii to win yesterday's matchup.
05:09And right now Ishii is making Jake Lee feel like that was a pyrrhic victory.
05:14Oh, nice smart shot. Ishii was hitting very, very hard from underneath,
05:29but that's the difference of the height advantage that Jake Lee has.
05:33And serves up now, Gabe Kidd. That elbow shot might have been on the button for Tomohiro Ishii,
05:40who has been not loopy, no doubt.
05:46Kidd sends Ishii in now, and a lariat in the corner.
05:51Yeah, definitely Ishii has not been right ever since that forearm shiver from Jake Lee.
05:56Bigger men have done worse to Tomohiro Ishii.
06:11And it still does not do you a service to insult the man, to spit on him or to bite him.
06:19And a second taste of Ishii, sets up the suplex, no.
06:31Oh man, Ishii can't get going here. Oh, panic!
06:37Gabe brought down on the back of his head.
06:41And a tag made now, Homer in one side.
06:50Man, what a tackle. Gabe Kidd sent flying.
06:59And Homer trying to lift Jake Lee, nothing going there.
07:11Always, if you're in the corner against Jake Lee, that threat.
07:15Oh, the face break shot is there, but the slam on a second try for Tomohiro Ishii.
07:21A heroic effort.
07:25And the leather chest of Tomohiro Ishii, getting worked over again by Gabe Kidd.
07:32Fuck you!
07:39The old saying, talk smack, get whacked.
07:44Oh, fuck, fuck!
07:49And Homer's cooking here, look for the bulldog, yes sir, got it.
07:54And could we be getting happy? Everybody clap along.
08:03Another few follicles lost on Tomoyuki Homer.
08:15Gabe Kidd, always enjoys a fight, enjoyed fighting Ultimo Guerrero in San Jose this summer,
08:21enjoyed fighting Leo Rush in Washington D.C., enjoyed all the fights in the T1 Climax.
08:27Southpaw Larry gets the cover, and only two.
08:32And Gabe Kidd enjoys his position of being strong openweight champion,
08:35because if he can meet, he can dole out more violence in the U.S.,
08:41while still keeping up his schedule in Japan.
08:45Oh, come on now.
08:50Disgusting behavior.
08:54The giant killing knee to Tomoyuki Homer.
09:01Oh, Ishii, one of the most graceful of interventions.
09:09He went full steering, that was effective indeed.
09:14Fuck you!
09:18That headbutt was as dirty as Gabe Kidd's mouth.
09:23And this time, let's get happy.
09:30Ishii caught in the play, Rocket about to leave the launch pad.
09:34Oh, it rang true of Gabe Kidd.
09:36Homer with the cover.
09:38Oh, this could be used.
09:39Two and a half.
09:52Homer can still get the job done.
09:56Oh, but maybe not tonight.
09:58Oh, the teeth clamping down on the bicep.
10:00Hard right hand from Gabe Kidd.
10:04What a disgraceful language.
10:07And Homer just headbutted the taste out of Gabe Kidd's mouth.
10:11Oh, and you don't think of the most dangerous rope.
10:15Brett's rope, Takeshi.
10:17Oh, it could be.
10:19Cover him, cover him.
10:21Ishii's got Jake Lee.
10:23Oh, so close.
10:34Oh, Homer is on fire.
10:37And Ishii has Jake Lee cornered.
10:41Could this be?
10:42Could we finally see Kokeshi Otoshi?
10:46Brain busted.
10:48Brain busted.
10:53And still Homer kicks out.
11:07Still Ishii and Lee going at one another on the outside.
11:10Now Ishii saving Homer from certain fate with that power drive.
11:16Oh, man, what a sickening, sickening third.
11:22That highest angle suplex from Jake Lee.
11:26Jake Lee.
11:38Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
11:40Homer, Homer, Homer.
11:44Maybe it just came out of that chest here in Corcoran Hall.
11:48Oh, Jesus.
11:55Homer used his head and it wasn't enough.
11:58Now Ishii trying to make the save,
12:01but it's Gabe Kidd with distance
12:03and revealing that Oni demon on his right knee to drive home.
12:17And that is it.
12:20That is it for this contest tonight,
12:23but I don't think that's it.
12:28When it comes to Ishii and Jake Lee,
12:32and Gabe Kidd to boot this absolute psychopath
12:38reveling in the carnage,
12:40and Gabe Kidd causing more.
12:43We've got to get some help.
12:46It's going to take more than a couple of young lions
12:48to get Ishii up from Jake Lee.
13:16Jake Lee's telling Ishii that he's as good as dead.
13:28You never, ever, ever tell Tomohiro Ishii no.
13:31You never tell him.
13:33You never tell a man who never says die to do so.
13:39But a front charge to him.
13:41Oh, my God.
13:42Oh, my God.
13:43This is dangerous.
13:44This is dangerous right here.
13:46We're going to choke a life out of Tomohiro Ishii.
14:01Ishii just got choked unconscious.
14:15Jake Lee and Gabe Kidd.
14:17There could be no better and no worse influences
14:21on one another than Lee and Kidd.
14:25And that could make for the most dangerous tag team
14:29in professional wrestling.
14:45Lee's still not done.
14:47Lee's still not done.
14:51Ishii was already out.
14:55The sight of Ishii getting to his face,
14:58getting to his feet,
15:01ticked off this absolute nutter.
15:07Absolute nutter.
15:12I thought the smart bastard Jake Lee
15:16would do well to temper Gabe Kidd.
15:19But instead, Gabe Kidd's psychopathy,
15:23his passion for violence,
15:26has rubbed off on Jake Lee in the worst possible way.
15:29And now Ishii's got done.
15:31Ishii's got done.
15:34No, brother!
15:45Oh, no! Oh, no!
16:03Well, we're trying to put ourselves together higher.
16:13We'll see if we can get cameras backstage
16:16to find out what happened with the War Dogs and Tomohiro Ishii.
