2018 Thy Neighbor HOT TEEN MOVIE

  • 2 weeks ago
2018 Thy Neighbor HOT TEEN MOVIE
00:00:00Thanks for calling the Reynolds. Please leave a message.
00:00:07Hey there, Zach Reynolds. This is Pastor Jim of Lighthouse Church.
00:00:12Actually, I guess I should say Pastor Zach Reynolds.
00:00:17I'm very pleased to let you know that the board meeting just wrapped and they've loved your messages on Loving Your Neighbor.
00:00:24We cannot wait to hear the rest of the series.
00:00:27You've been unanimously selected for the pastor position, brother. So say goodbye to that boring West Coast.
00:00:34Hey, welcome to the beautiful Midwest. We'll see you when you get here. God bless.
00:02:25Welcome home Reynolds family. We weren't expecting you until later tonight.
00:02:29Pastor Zach. Hey, it's good to see you. Good to see you.
00:02:32Here are the keys. I was just tidying up a bit. If you have any issues, just let me know.
00:02:37You must be Amber. Hi.
00:02:40Pastor Zach told us so many wonderful things about you. Pastor Zach.
00:02:44We just love your book. We gave a copy to everyone in the church. Your story, it's so inspiring.
00:02:49I heard you love to shop. Have you been downtown yet?
00:02:52No, we came right here. Pastor Zach didn't want to make any stops. All business, I'm telling you.
00:02:58What can I say? Yours too. My husband practically lives at the church, but that doesn't have to stop us girls from having any fun.
00:03:05Do you like shoes? Love shoes.
00:03:08Okay, girl, let me tell you, you're about to find your new happy place because Wooded Plains may be small, but the shops here are amazing.
00:03:16Isn't it perfect? Can I tell you? It's a dream.
00:03:20I mean a beautiful home, peace, quiet, huge yard for Alex to run around and play.
00:03:27Nothing could go wrong in a place like this.
00:03:31How about a tour?
00:03:34Okay, now is that your house?
00:03:36Oh no, we lived on the street there.
00:03:39Oh, well then who lives there? A potential babysitter?
00:03:43Probably not, but we do have plenty of young, eager babysitters at the church.
00:03:48I don't remember anyone coming or going when I was here. I thought it was vacant. Does he attend church?
00:03:54No, he's actually one of the few people in town who doesn't.
00:03:58Pastor James and I, we've been over there several times, but he won't answer the door.
00:04:03He's a little strange, but he's harmless.
00:04:06I'll stop by and invite him. I have a way with people.
00:04:09Oh, well I love your confidence. Maybe you'll be the one to finally introduce him to God.
00:04:14I hope so.
00:04:15Want to go inside?
00:04:25Honey, there's 14 jets in our tub. Eight for your feet. It's like a masseuse made out of water.
00:04:31Hey, what are we going to do about getting the neighbor into a service?
00:04:36Well, I think the first thing you need to ask yourself is, why is it so important to you?
00:04:41Well, it's important to me because I'm a pastor, and it's a passion.
00:04:47I'm a pastor. I'm a pastor.
00:04:50It's a passion.
00:04:52And I'm a pastor.
00:04:55And I'm a pastor.
00:04:57And I'm a pastor.
00:04:59Why is it so important to you?
00:05:00Well, it's important to me because I'm a pastor
00:05:04and it's a pastor's job to get people into church.
00:05:06Oh, good.
00:05:07I was worried it was some macho ego thing
00:05:10to impress your boss.
00:05:11No way, no, no.
00:05:12I just mean a good Christian neighbor
00:05:14who likes a little job security.
00:05:16Well, by all means, get him saved, pastor.
00:05:20I want my grandbabies visiting me in this house.
00:05:29I got you a little housewarming gift, pastor.
00:05:32Uh, I thought you were shoe shopping.
00:05:35I'll be right back.
00:05:36I'll be right here.
00:05:41Zach, what is that?
00:05:42It's nothing, it's nothing.
00:05:43Just go get dressed.
00:05:45Is that real?
00:05:45Yes, of course it's real.
00:05:47But you don't need to worry, it's completely safe.
00:05:49Obviously, it just fell out of a box.
00:05:51When did you get that?
00:05:52I got it when we lived in the city.
00:05:54The South Side wasn't exactly the safest neighborhood,
00:05:56and it's my job to protect you and Alex.
00:06:00We're not in South Side anymore.
00:06:02You're a pastor.
00:06:03Get rid of the gun.
00:06:05I don't know.
00:06:07We are not country people.
00:06:09I mean, what if we get attacked by a goat?
00:06:12A goat?
00:06:13Or a deer, or a squirrel, or a dog.
00:06:17Ha ha, get rid of the gun.
00:06:19You're a pastor.
00:06:20You're a pastor.
00:06:20You're a pastor.
00:06:21You're a pastor.
00:06:22You're a pastor.
00:06:23Get rid of the gun.
00:06:26I will get rid of the gun
00:06:28if you get rid of the sweatpants.
00:06:43Can you hear me?
00:06:54Let me know if you need anything!
00:06:57I'll call you if I'm doing anything.
00:07:00What is your name?
00:07:01Hello? Anybody home?
00:07:10I guess he's not here, sweetie. It's okay. We'll come back later.
00:07:15Oh! Well, hey there, neighbor!
00:07:18My name is Amber. This is my son Alex. We just moved in next door.
00:07:25I hope you like chocolate chip, as far as I know everyone does, so I thought they'd be a good choice.
00:07:36Oh my goodness, do you have a nut allergy? I'm so sorry. I should have brought fruit.
00:07:40No, no. I'll take them.
00:07:42Oh, great. I hope you like them.
00:07:45Why did you do this?
00:07:47Well, we just moved in next door and thought it would be a nice way to get out and meet the neighbors.
00:07:54Did your mommy make enough cookies for everyone on the street?
00:07:59Nope. Just enough for you so you can come to our church and not go to hell.
00:08:04Cute kid. Nothing like a gift with a motive to start a friendship.
00:08:11That's not, Alex, that's not entirely true.
00:08:15Of course, we would love for you to come to church, but we also just want to get to know you. We're neighbors.
00:08:24So, your husband's the new pastor over there?
00:08:28Yes, he is.
00:08:30I don't go to church. Pastors bring me down.
00:08:36My husband will do anything but bring you down.
00:08:46I love you.
00:08:47I love you, too.
00:09:15God is good.
00:09:37All the time.
00:09:39Firing up a thousand people for Jesus.
00:09:42Changing the world. Sitting in the hot tub with my hot wife.
00:09:48Was I right about this place?
00:09:51It's perfect. Everything here is perfect.
00:09:55I told you. I told you. You said, no, no, no, we're not leaving the city to move to the country.
00:09:59And you came here and it's perfect and it's amazing.
00:10:03And I told you. And I preached a sermon about how good change is this morning.
00:10:07You should actually check it out.
00:10:09You can download it because I am officially on a podcast.
00:10:14Careful there, Pastor Zach. Pride comes before the ball.
00:10:17Oh, no, no, no, no, no. This whole town is going to know that Pastor Zach and his family have arrived!
00:10:27And that's my first project right next door.
00:10:33He's not a project. He's a person.
00:10:37You get that, right?
00:10:39You know what I mean.
00:11:07Hey, neighbor!
00:11:09I'm Zach Reynolds. Me and my family just moved next door. I thought I'd come over and say hello.
00:11:16Have you lived in Wooded Plains long?
00:11:22Have you ever been to Life House?
00:11:26You should come by sometime. It's a great place.
00:11:28I'm actually about to start a sermon series based on my book.
00:11:31I don't know if you've read it. It's called Cutting the Fat.
00:11:33It's about identifying the things in life we need to change.
00:11:36I think it's really important.
00:11:38Never been there.
00:11:42Okay, well, if you ever want to drop by, the services are at 9 and 11.
00:11:46And let me know if you ever need anything.
00:11:49You can send your wife back over with some more cookies.
00:11:54Yeah, she is an amazing chef. That's why I married her.
00:12:00But it does make maintaining this waistline a little harder.
00:12:06But yeah, I'll tell her you enjoyed them.
00:12:08You're going to tell her to send me more, right?
00:12:12You said if I ever needed anything to let you know.
00:12:17Or was that an empty promise?
00:12:20I'll help her make another batch.
00:12:22You have a blessed day.
00:12:24Once a week?
00:12:29On Thursdays would be nice.
00:12:32And I would very much prefer for her to bring them alone in the future.
00:12:36Children make me uncomfortable.
00:12:43I'll see what I can do.
00:12:46It was a pleasure getting to know you, Pastor Zach Reynolds.
00:12:50I look forward to getting to know your family much better.
00:12:59Hey, sweetie.
00:13:02I saw you talking to the neighbor. How'd it go?
00:13:05Yeah, it was strange.
00:13:07Hey, listen, I don't think it's a good idea for you or Alex to go over there when I'm not around, okay?
00:13:12What? Why not?
00:13:14It just seems a little off.
00:13:16It's probably nothing. I just think it's a good idea to keep our distance until we know him a little better.
00:13:20Well, how am I supposed to get to know him any better if I keep my distance?
00:13:24You know what I mean.
00:13:26Okay, I love you, but you sound a little ridiculous right now.
00:13:30I mean, is he strange?
00:13:34But he's just lonely and needs some friends, and maybe that's why God brought us into his life.
00:13:39I know you're probably right. I just...
00:13:42We are called to be a light in this world, Pastor.
00:13:45If we avoid everyone who makes us a little uncomfortable, what are we going to illuminate?
00:13:50No, you're right. You know what? We will get to know him. Let's just do it together initially, okay?
00:13:54Okay, weirdo.
00:13:56I love you.
00:13:58Hey, oh, and tell Alex anything he does.
00:14:08Oh my goodness, sweetie, are you okay?
00:14:11Yeah, I'm fine.
00:14:13Is it broken?
00:14:15No, it's just my ankle, thank God.
00:14:17What happened?
00:14:19Well, the brakes were on the car. I almost hit a little kid.
00:14:21Miraculously, everyone's okay.
00:14:23Oh, thank goodness.
00:14:25Okay, well, come on, let's get you home.
00:14:28Actually, I was going to get a ride back to church with Jim, if that's alright with you.
00:14:32Hey, I tried, I know.
00:14:35But this guy's got preaching on his heart, and I don't think an injury is going to slow him down.
00:14:39Okay, I want you to call me if you feel any pain or nauseous or dizzy, and make sure he ices it, and don't get home too late.
00:14:47Okay, I won't, I promise.
00:14:50I'll have him home for dinner.
00:14:52You better.
00:14:53I will, I will.
00:15:19Hey there, neighbor, you startled me.
00:15:22Oh, I'm sorry.
00:15:24I was just coming over to return the plate.
00:15:27Thanks for the cookies.
00:15:29They were delicious.
00:15:31I ate every one of them.
00:15:33Oh, well, thank you.
00:15:34I'm glad you enjoyed them.
00:15:36Oh, I did.
00:15:37I even asked Pastor Zach to tell you to bake me some more.
00:15:41Did he tell you I said that?
00:15:44He did not, but I would love to.
00:15:48Well, I guess Pastor Zach is a busy guy.
00:15:57That's a beautiful hot tub.
00:16:00I know, right?
00:16:03We are so blessed to be in this place.
00:16:07God is good.
00:16:10All the time, right?
00:16:18You know, if you ever want to come hang out or take a dip in the hot tub,
00:16:23you're more than welcome to.
00:16:24I mean, God didn't bless us with this beautiful place so we can keep it all to ourselves.
00:16:28Wow, really?
00:16:31Well, I guess it would be rude of me to turn down your invitation.
00:16:40I've got to say, I've never had a neighbor be so kind to me before.
00:16:45You know what?
00:16:46I was actually just about to head in.
00:16:49Oh, really?
00:16:51Well, that's sad.
00:16:53I was kind of hoping to run a few questions by you.
00:16:58About what?
00:17:01About God.
00:17:08I could spare a few minutes.
00:17:21So Pastor Zach asked me to visit the church this Sunday,
00:17:26and now I'm feeling all this kind of turmoil inside.
00:17:32Everybody knows that Christians are rude, and they're clicky,
00:17:37and they're judgmental people who only want to make me feel bad about myself.
00:17:46But then again, you two have been so gosh darn nice that I'm almost tempted to give it another shot,
00:17:55to see if this church is different.
00:17:58It really is.
00:17:59You have to, just once.
00:18:01I mean, everyone's just going to love on you.
00:18:04You've never met such a great group of people.
00:18:08All right.
00:18:10I'll do it.
00:18:11For you.
00:18:13But if anyone tells me that I'm a horrible person or that I'm going to hell,
00:18:19I'm holding you personally responsible for my crushed spirit.
00:18:27Um, you know, it's true what they say about a Christian's eyes.
00:18:45What's that?
00:18:46They say that when a person sees Jesus, the eyes become all bright and sparkly.
00:19:02Your eyes do that.
00:19:05That's nice.
00:19:10You're so beautiful.
00:19:13That's why I married her.
00:19:15I thought you married her because she could bathe.
00:19:18I married her for a lot of reasons.
00:19:20I bet.
00:19:22Your lovely young bride asked me to join her in the hot tub.
00:19:25I hope you don't mind.
00:19:27Why would I mind?
00:19:33What happened to your hand?
00:19:37I bumped it.
00:19:39Hey, honey, it's been a long day.
00:19:40What's for dinner?
00:19:41Um, I thought I'd make some chili.
00:19:43Make some chili? Does that sound good?
00:19:45Mm, yummy.
00:19:49The water's great, Pastor.
00:19:52Come on in.
00:19:55You know your way home.
00:20:10Please don't be angry.
00:20:30Why do you think I'm angry?
00:20:34I'm getting through to him.
00:20:36He wants to believe, sweetie, he's just, he's nervous.
00:20:39He feels like Christians are always judging him.
00:20:42Maybe his actions warrant the fear.
00:20:46Obviously nothing happened.
00:20:49He just wanted to talk about God.
00:20:51In the hot tub while I'm at work?
00:20:53That's not okay, Amber.
00:20:54Okay, come on.
00:20:55Seriously, what do you think happened?
00:20:57I don't know, but I told you this morning not to hang out with him.
00:21:00And I come home to this?
00:21:02What am I supposed to think?
00:21:15Are you jealous?
00:21:18No, no, I'm not jealous.
00:21:20I just want you to listen to me.
00:21:23No, I think you're a little jealous.
00:21:26Are you worried that I'm into the creepy hermit type?
00:21:30You were into me when I was a big fat guy, but you're married now.
00:21:33No more pity crushes.
00:21:35Pity crush?
00:21:38That was no pity crush.
00:21:41I fell in love with you because I saw the man inside, underneath, all of that?
00:21:46I didn't care what you looked like.
00:21:49Well, they say that love makes you blind as a bat.
00:21:53Maybe I should be worried.
00:21:55I wouldn't be worried.
00:21:57I'm blind as a bat and faithful as a penguin.
00:22:00You're stuck with me, Pastor.
00:22:07Just don't hang out with him when I'm not at home, okay?
00:22:58Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:23:00I didn't mean to startle you.
00:23:02I'm baking zucchini bread.
00:23:04I wanted to see if you and Alex wanted to join me.
00:23:06Oh, hi, Evie.
00:23:08Sorry, I'm just a little jumpy today.
00:23:10I thought you were, um, the boogie man.
00:23:13No, it's silly.
00:23:15It's just, um, Pastor Zach's a little uncomfortable with the man next door
00:23:20and asked that I not let him come around when he's at work.
00:23:24Oh, that's good advice for any married woman.
00:23:27But I hope he didn't say anything in front of the neighbor.
00:23:30Oh, no, of course not.
00:23:31It's a non-issue, really.
00:23:34Well, whatever it is, I hope it doesn't distract him from being an extension of God's love.
00:23:39After all, that is our true calling.
00:23:43I'm so sorry.
00:23:45I didn't mean to startle you.
00:23:47It's silly.
00:23:49I'm just a little jumpy today.
00:23:51I thought you were, um, the boogie man.
00:23:53No, it's silly.
00:23:55It's just, um, Pastor Zach's a little uncomfortable with the man next door
00:23:57and asked that I not let him come around when he's at work.
00:23:59Oh, that's good advice for any married woman.
00:24:01But I hope it doesn't distract him from being an extension of God's love.
00:24:03After all, that is our true calling.
00:24:12I'm so sorry.
00:24:14I didn't mean to startle you.
00:24:16It's silly.
00:24:18It's silly.
00:24:20It's silly.
00:24:22It's silly.
00:24:24It's silly.
00:24:26It's silly.
00:24:28It's silly.
00:24:30It's silly.
00:24:32It's silly.
00:24:34It's silly.
00:24:36It's silly.
00:24:38It's silly.
00:24:40It's silly.
00:24:42It's silly.
00:24:44It's silly.
00:24:46It's silly.
00:24:48It's silly.
00:24:50It's silly.
00:24:52It's silly.
00:24:54It's silly.
00:24:56It's silly.
00:24:58It's silly.
00:25:00It's silly.
00:25:02It's silly.
00:25:04It's silly.
00:25:06It's silly.
00:25:08Hey, neighbor.
00:25:14How's it going?
00:25:16I'm glad you made it.
00:25:18What'd you think of the service?
00:25:22A little showy, perhaps.
00:25:26So you really believe that...
00:25:28God can change people?
00:25:32In fact, I think God is the only one who can.
00:25:34You see, I have a problem with that.
00:25:36God has the power to change people,
00:25:39then why doesn't he just do it
00:25:42instead of waiting around for us to destroy each other?
00:25:47Pastor Zach, I'm so sorry to interrupt,
00:25:49but I've got Dr. Riley on the phone
00:25:51and he has a terminally ill patient
00:25:53that's requesting a visit from you this afternoon.
00:25:56He's not expected to make it through the evening.
00:25:59Would you be a dear and be able to stop by?
00:26:01Absolutely. Yeah, I'll be there.
00:26:03You're amazing.
00:26:05Dr. Riley, here's she.
00:26:07Oh, that's Brittany, my assistant.
00:26:09I'm pretty sure I told you about her.
00:26:11I don't think you have.
00:26:13Really? She's great.
00:26:14Hey, so we should set up a meeting this week.
00:26:16Yes, maybe we can meet at your house.
00:26:18Maybe Amber can cook us dinner.
00:26:20You're an amazing cook, I bet.
00:26:22I do know my way around the kitchen.
00:26:24Mm-hmm, I bet.
00:26:25You know, I think my office might be more appropriate.
00:26:27Let's do it there.
00:26:30Well, it's a very busy week.
00:26:32I can meet on Tuesday.
00:26:35Zach, hun, they're losing him.
00:26:37We need you now.
00:26:39Okay, um, okay, set it up.
00:26:41I will be there.
00:26:46I swear, Mr. Popular, right?
00:26:49It can be so hard to get him to do what I want sometimes.
00:26:52That's reassuring.
00:27:03Guess what day it is.
00:27:05It's a beautiful day.
00:27:07It is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing day.
00:27:10I just got that from watching someone slip into eternity
00:27:13with full certainty of where they are going.
00:27:16It was amazing.
00:27:18It was peaceful.
00:27:21It was intoxicating.
00:27:24It's a beautiful day.
00:27:26It is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing day.
00:27:30It was intoxicating.
00:27:32I love my job.
00:27:39What's wrong?
00:27:41Is this about dinner?
00:27:43I'm sorry that I missed dinner, but, babe, if someone's dying,
00:27:45I have to be there.
00:27:46No, I get it.
00:27:47Your job is important.
00:27:49Then what is it?
00:27:52Tell me about Brittany.
00:27:58She's my assistant.
00:28:00Is she why you took the job?
00:28:04I took the job to save souls.
00:28:06That's it.
00:28:08Why would you even go there?
00:28:10I don't know.
00:28:11Maybe because she's blonde and hot and into you.
00:28:21I love you.
00:28:23You're the only one for me.
00:28:24You have my heart.
00:28:25You have my soul forever.
00:28:32You don't seem convinced.
00:28:35I'm not convinced.
00:28:38I'm not convinced.
00:28:41You don't seem convinced.
00:28:45Do you want me to fire her?
00:28:54Okay, babe.
00:28:57Of course not.
00:28:58I love you.
00:29:00Of course you do.
00:29:01I'm amazing.
00:29:02I'm the most humble pastor in the history of Lighthouse.
00:29:05Do you know what?
00:29:06That might be true.
00:29:07And speaking of unparalleled amazingness,
00:29:09we got our neighbor to go to a meeting at church this Tuesday night.
00:29:14Not you.
00:29:17Yeah, no, it was me.
00:29:18Tuesday night?
00:29:21Our anniversary?
00:29:23We have dinner reservations.
00:29:24I have a sitter lined up.
00:29:25Hey, baby, I'm sorry.
00:29:26I can't back out on this.
00:29:27This is really important.
00:29:28He may never come back again.
00:29:29This might be my only chance to reach him.
00:29:32We can do it Wednesday.
00:29:34I have Wednesday evening service.
00:29:38Wednesday evening, we're going to celebrate.
00:29:39Bible study.
00:29:41Okay, listen.
00:29:43I don't know when we're going to do it, okay?
00:29:45But I promise we will, and it's going to be amazing.
00:29:47We're going to celebrate.
00:29:51Maybe next year.
00:29:54Oh, look at that.
00:29:57It is your book.
00:30:00Yeah, that's it.
00:30:03It's amazing how many lives are being touched by those words.
00:30:07I put my heart and my soul in this project.
00:30:10Yeah, I read it.
00:30:12I read it.
00:30:13I read it.
00:30:14I read it.
00:30:15I read it.
00:30:16I read it.
00:30:17I read it.
00:30:18I read it.
00:30:19I read it.
00:30:20I read it.
00:30:21I read it.
00:30:22Yeah, I read it.
00:30:25What did you think?
00:30:26Eh, I didn't like it.
00:30:29It was too preachy for me.
00:30:31Not that I'm saying you're a bad writer.
00:30:34It's just, I don't like bad books.
00:30:39I did, however, find the parts about you and Amber intriguing.
00:30:48I loved and supported you, even though you were fat and unappealing.
00:30:56It's so hard to find a woman that cares so deeply, regardless of a man's size.
00:31:08Well, I had some other things to offer, too.
00:31:11Oh, yeah? Like what? Rage?
00:31:14You were a pretty angry man back in the day, before Jesus magically transformed you into a sweet and loving pastor.
00:31:27Do you still wrestle with it, just once in a while?
00:31:34You know what, I share some pretty personal things in the book.
00:31:37And I think it's important, because...
00:31:39Because anger is a tricky beast.
00:31:42You know, you can suppress it, you can cover it up, but it never really goes away.
00:31:52It just lies there, dormant, waiting for another reason to explode.
00:32:02Yeah, well, mine's gone.
00:32:04God healed me, and I believe he can do the same for you.
00:32:07Who said I'm angry?
00:32:08No one.
00:32:10But we've all got stuff.
00:32:13Do you know what I see when I look at you?
00:32:15No, tell me.
00:32:17I see someone who's hurting.
00:32:19Someone who's tried to do the right thing, but gave himself away.
00:32:27That's what darkness does, it blinds us to the truth of who he really is.
00:32:31And how much he does love us, even when we don't understand it.
00:32:36He's a loving and forgiving God, and wants to be in a relationship with you.
00:32:40Would you like to begin that?
00:32:43So you met Amber in college?
00:32:50We were in a theology class together, and she was always asking these deep, profound questions about God and life.
00:32:57And I wanted to be with her.
00:32:59I wanted to spend every day and hour with her.
00:33:03So the real reason you married her was for her spiritual depth.
00:33:09The baking and the beauty were just nice perks.
00:33:18Pretty much.
00:33:20Speaking of spiritual depth, you asked an interesting question yesterday at church.
00:33:23Do you still love her that way?
00:33:31Do you still long to be with her every second of the day?
00:33:38Because some men, when they get married, they run off.
00:33:46They build a life for themselves, and they completely forget the treasure that they have at home.
00:33:57You're not one of those guys, are you?
00:34:01We both have our responsibilities.
00:34:03But don't think for a second that means I don't love her more every single day.
00:34:07Well, that's good to hear.
00:34:10Because a woman like Amber deserves to be loved more than anything in the world.
00:34:23This guy's a waste of my time. I'm moving on.
00:34:25I don't think that's an option for a pastor.
00:34:27He doesn't want to talk about God, Amber.
00:34:29He wants to talk about you.
00:34:30You're asking him to open up about himself, do you?
00:34:32That's a big deal. It takes time.
00:34:34I'm telling you.
00:34:35I don't know what your problem is with this guy, but it ends now.
00:34:39You are a pastor.
00:34:41You're supposed to be the one person he can't push away.
00:34:45Loving people is the most important thing.
00:34:48You know, maybe you need to spend a little bit less time writing your sermons
00:34:51and a little bit more time listening to them.
00:34:53Did you know you can do that now?
00:34:55You're on a podcast.
00:35:18I'm headed out. I'll see you later.
00:35:21Morning, pastor.
00:35:26Nice PJs.
00:35:27Don't you wear those to work?
00:35:29Oh, I don't work.
00:35:30I've been unemployed for years.
00:35:32It's a tough market.
00:35:33Fortunately for me, I came into a little inheritance when my grandma passed away.
00:35:41I'd give it all up to have her back, though.
00:35:45She raised me from the time I was seven years old.
00:35:50Did I ever tell you that?
00:35:53And it sounds like a super interesting story, but unfortunately, I have to go.
00:35:57Ah, that's really sweet.
00:36:00She sounds like a really special woman.
00:36:04Oh, she was.
00:36:06She was into God, too.
00:36:08Like you.
00:36:10She certainly would have approved of you.
00:36:14You two make such a perfect couple.
00:36:21I'm sorry I made you miss your anniversary dinner.
00:36:26How did you know it was our anniversary?
00:36:28She was really into gardening, too.
00:36:32I remember planting flowers with her.
00:36:35Those were happy times.
00:36:40Well, I have to go, babe.
00:36:52See you tonight.
00:36:55I'd better get back to it.
00:36:58You have a real good sense of humor.
00:37:01I'd better get back to it.
00:37:04You have a real gift for gardening.
00:37:07Don't move.
00:37:14I have something for you.
00:37:28Those are beautiful.
00:37:34They're mums.
00:37:41My favorite kind of flower.
00:37:44I think it would look beautiful right next to yours.
00:37:50Does Pastor Zach help you garden?
00:37:52Oh, no.
00:37:54It's not really his thing.
00:37:55He's so busy with work and everything.
00:37:59I understand.
00:38:01My dad was the same way.
00:38:04Gone all the time.
00:38:07Late nights at the office.
00:38:10Of course, it turned out he was having an affair with his secretary.
00:38:18But I'm sure Pastor Zach is not like that.
00:38:22You have nothing to worry about.
00:38:26We should have seen it coming.
00:38:29He showed us all the signs.
00:38:31He was...
00:38:33He just became very mysterious and angry.
00:38:39Always accusing mom of having an affair.
00:38:46Well, you know what they say.
00:38:49If you're hung up on the idea of someone cheating,
00:38:53probably because you are.
00:39:01The fact of the matter is, the board wants red.
00:39:04So it's out of my control.
00:39:08Hey, can I call you back?
00:39:28Oh, hey.
00:39:34You, me.
00:39:35Anniversary dinner.
00:39:36Ten minutes.
00:39:37Go get dressed.
00:39:42I'm sorry.
00:39:43I'm sorry.
00:39:44I'm sorry.
00:39:45I'm sorry.
00:39:46I'm sorry.
00:39:47I'm sorry.
00:39:48I'm sorry.
00:39:49I'm sorry.
00:39:50I'm sorry.
00:39:52I'm sorry.
00:39:53I'm sorry.
00:39:54I'm sorry.
00:39:55I'm sorry.
00:39:56I'm sorry.
00:39:57I'm sorry.
00:39:58I'm sorry.
00:39:59I'm sorry.
00:40:00Hello, Pastor Zach.
00:40:04How do you like Amber's garden?
00:40:07You know what?
00:40:08I didn't even notice it.
00:40:10It looks beautiful.
00:40:12How do you like the mums?
00:40:15They look great.
00:40:19We spent all afternoon together working on them.
00:40:25Well, looks great.
00:40:29So, uh, you two look fancy.
00:40:31What's the occasion?
00:40:34You know, I think you already know.
00:40:41You mean...
00:40:43I can't believe it.
00:40:45I'll get my tie.
00:40:46Whoa, whoa.
00:40:49It's really weird that you would think it's okay to invite yourself to our anniversary dinner.
00:40:53Besides, don't you think you're a little underdressed?
00:40:58Why don't you go plant some begonias in your own yard?
00:41:03Don't wait up.
00:41:13That's what darkness does.
00:41:14It blinds us to the truth of who we really are.
00:41:17And how much darkness even makes mistakes.
00:41:21He's a loving and forgiving God and wants to be in a relationship with you.
00:41:26Would you like to make an intervention?
00:41:34What time is it?
00:41:49Good morning, Pastor Zach.
00:41:51Did I wake you?
00:41:53Oh, I'm sorry.
00:41:55I know you were out till 1.37 this morning, but you're usually up by now.
00:42:00That is really weird that you know that, man.
00:42:03I wanted to apologize for yesterday.
00:42:05I hope I didn't ruin your anniversary dinner by asking to come along.
00:42:11Don't worry about it.
00:42:12Just go back to bed, okay?
00:42:13It's just that yesterday was a special day for me, too.
00:42:19Yeah, it was the 10-year anniversary of my grandma Ma's passing.
00:42:24I'm so sorry.
00:42:26It's okay.
00:42:27It's okay.
00:42:28There's no way that you two could have known.
00:42:30And I feel bad, and I want to give you something.
00:42:35Listen, Abby, we can't take anything from you.
00:42:38Oh, no, please.
00:42:40I would want you to have it.
00:42:42Grandma Ma would have loved the two of you, and she would want you to have this.
00:42:46I want to do this for her.
00:42:48Will you be home this afternoon?
00:42:53Well, we have church at 7, but yeah, we should be home most of the afternoon.
00:42:58Good, good.
00:42:59All right, I'll bring it over after lunch.
00:43:03Congratulations on your anniversary.
00:43:08That's really special.
00:43:18Okay, well, I'm a jerk face.
00:43:21I'll go make coffee, jerk face.
00:43:34Hey, babe.
00:43:39How's it going?
00:43:40Oh, I just...
00:43:45Why did I ever start a sermon series on loving your neighbor?
00:43:49Do you really want me to answer that?
00:43:52Maybe because you need it.
00:43:59It's showtime.
00:44:03Hey, neighbor.
00:44:05Sorry it took so long.
00:44:06It was pretty dusty.
00:44:08I wanted to shine it up before I brought it over.
00:44:11I've been working on it all day.
00:44:13Oh, my goodness.
00:44:14It's beautiful.
00:44:15Yeah, yeah.
00:44:16It was Grandma Ma's.
00:44:18Her and Pops, they were married 62 years.
00:44:23You two remind me of them.
00:44:25Well, the hook is damaged, so it's kind of difficult to hang, but I know how to do it.
00:44:33It shouldn't take me more than a half hour.
00:44:36What do you think, Pastor Zach?
00:44:38It's beautiful, but we can't take your grandmother's mirror.
00:44:42Oh, yes, you can.
00:44:43I want you to have it.
00:44:45It is amazing, but we are actually just headed out the door.
00:44:47Could you come back after nine sometime?
00:44:49Well, it's pretty heavy.
00:44:54Why don't you just leave it here, and I'll put it up when I have some time.
00:44:58Well, it's difficult to hang.
00:45:00You have to know exactly what you're doing, or it could fall and break.
00:45:05Okay, quit kidding around, Zach.
00:45:07We love the mirror.
00:45:09It's beautiful.
00:45:10Listen, we're on our way out, but would you be willing to hang it for us while we're gone?
00:45:14Of course.
00:45:15That's perfect.
00:45:16Come on in.
00:45:17Right, Zach?
00:45:18Alex, time to go.
00:45:21Knock them dead, Pastor Zach.
00:45:25Lock up when you leave.
00:45:28Will do.
00:45:36Here it is.
00:45:39Oh, my goodness.
00:45:40It's amazing.
00:45:43So he was in here.
00:45:44Oh, would you stop it?
00:45:46Look at this.
00:45:47Is it not gorgeous?
00:45:49It's pretty.
00:45:52DeBrand's Fine Chocolates.
00:45:55He's not such a bad guy after all.
00:45:58Amber, now you can enjoy the best chocolate in the world.
00:46:02Amber, now you can enjoy the beauty that the rest of us see in you.
00:46:08Not super thrilled about the note.
00:46:11No way.
00:46:12Honey, it's a skinny mirror.
00:46:14I just lost 10 pounds.
00:46:21I could get used to this.
00:46:33Hey, good morning.
00:46:35Good to see you again.
00:46:37How did you enjoy your neighbor's message this morning?
00:46:41I enjoyed it very much.
00:46:43I like this series.
00:46:45I think it's important to be a good neighbor.
00:46:49And thank you for inviting me here.
00:46:52I'm glad to be here.
00:46:54I'm glad to be here.
00:46:56I'm glad to be here.
00:46:58I'm glad to be here.
00:47:00And thank you for inviting me here.
00:47:02You were right about these people.
00:47:05It feels so good to be a part of a church family.
00:47:10Sure thing, buddy.
00:47:12Hey, do you mind if I grab a quick word with you real quick?
00:47:15Be right back.
00:47:19So, yeah, I wanted to talk to you about the mirror.
00:47:21First of all, thank you so much.
00:47:22It's beautiful.
00:47:23I know it must have meant a lot to you.
00:47:24Well, you and Amber mean a lot to me, too.
00:47:28Mostly Amber.
00:47:30Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
00:47:33The note.
00:47:35What was that?
00:47:36Oh, I'm sorry.
00:47:38Was there a typo?
00:47:39I'm a terrible speller.
00:47:41Oh, I think you know what I mean.
00:47:43It's inappropriate for you to be writing flirty notes to a married woman, man.
00:47:47Oh, I see.
00:47:49But it's okay for you to write flirty notes to a single woman.
00:47:54What are you talking about?
00:47:56I see the way she looks at you.
00:47:59Clearly your many late nights have not been lonely ones.
00:48:04Don't even go there, bro.
00:48:06Well, I can certainly understand the attraction.
00:48:09She's very pretty.
00:48:11Very, very pretty.
00:48:13All right, listen, you might not get this coming from a jacked up family.
00:48:16But Amber and I are in love, all right?
00:48:19We're in love in every way.
00:48:20I will fight anyone or anything that comes between us.
00:48:24Don't get so angry, Pastor Zach.
00:48:26I know how violent you can become.
00:48:28It's not very neighborly.
00:48:30Oh, my goodness.
00:48:33Thank you so much for the mirror.
00:48:34We love it.
00:48:35Oh, no, no.
00:48:37It feels so good.
00:48:38Get away from me.
00:48:39Get away.
00:48:40You're done.
00:48:41You're done!
00:48:43Don't touch my wife.
00:48:44Don't touch me.
00:48:45Don't come to my house.
00:48:46And don't come back to church.
00:48:48What is your problem?
00:48:49I'm sorry, Pastor Zach.
00:48:51I forgot that the House of God is no place for sinners.
00:48:56Are you okay?
00:48:58The back of my head is kind of hurting.
00:49:01I'm trying to protect you.
00:49:21You have to understand that.
00:49:25You're the only one who has a problem with him, Zach.
00:49:30Maybe I shouldn't be.
00:49:38Doesn't he ever give up?
00:49:41Probably wants his mirror back.
00:49:47Evie, where's James?
00:49:50He's in his shop.
00:49:52I bet he'd love some company.
00:49:57Here you go.
00:50:01So, Zach has been very angry lately.
00:50:06I mean, the man brings us a gift and the next day he kicks him out of church.
00:50:14He's reminding me of old Zach and it scares me.
00:50:17Why is he so upset?
00:50:19He has this irrational fear that there's something going on between us.
00:50:23Is it irrational?
00:50:25Yes, obviously.
00:50:27I mean, maybe the guy has a little crush on me, but I'm not attracted to him at all.
00:50:33I just want to be a good neighbor.
00:50:39So you're not enjoying how this crush might be making Pastor Zach a little jealous?
00:50:50I don't know.
00:50:52Maybe I...
00:50:55Zach is always a superstar.
00:50:57I mean, everyone loves Pastor Zach, which they should.
00:51:01He's an amazing man when he's not acting like a crazy person.
00:51:05And where am I?
00:51:11In his shadow.
00:51:13And nobody even knows who I am.
00:51:15That is not true.
00:51:16It feels true.
00:51:19So I guess it was nice to be noticed for once.
00:51:24And I've never seen Zach jealous, ever.
00:51:28It made me feel wanted.
00:51:37Be careful about using jealousy to gain the attention of your husband.
00:51:42It only backfires.
00:51:45Look, I get it.
00:51:47As women, it makes us feel like our husbands are fighting for us.
00:51:50But really, it just pushes them away.
00:51:54And sometimes into the arms of someone who they might find more trustworthy.
00:52:04Okay, why do I feel like I'm supposed to be reading into that?
00:52:11How well do you know Pastor Zach's assistant, Brittany?
00:52:22We recently found out that he's been sending her little gifts and notes on occasion.
00:52:30What kinds of gifts?
00:52:33Flowers, chocolates.
00:52:35We did have a conversation with her, and she said it hadn't gone any further than that.
00:52:40James is going to have a talk with Zach.
00:52:45What did the note say?
00:52:50It's not important.
00:52:51Oh, but it is important.
00:52:53Are we talking, thanks for doing a great job, or thanks for being so pretty?
00:53:04Guard your heart and your family.
00:53:09You're on the front lines, and you're doing important work for the kingdom.
00:53:13And sometimes that puts you in way of attack.
00:53:18All of this, it's just a distraction.
00:55:31I just need my tablet.
00:55:46It's a beautiful bouquet.
00:55:49Amber, I...
00:55:52We have a son.
00:55:57You know that.
00:56:02He's seven. He'll be eight in January.
00:56:09Alex is a very sweet boy.
00:56:12Like his daddy.
00:56:15He needs his daddy.
00:56:19And I need his daddy.
00:56:24You're beautiful.
00:56:30There's going to be a single man out there who's very lucky to be with you.
00:56:37Please don't ruin my marriage.
00:56:40I won't.
00:56:44We never did anything.
00:56:49He sent some gifts, but it never went anywhere, I swear.
00:56:59He's actually not flirty around me at all.
00:57:03He's all business.
00:57:08It's actually very confusing.
00:57:30Hi, Evie.
00:57:34Yeah, we spoke briefly.
00:57:39Sorry, yeah, I shouldn't have done that.
00:57:41I just...
00:57:44I needed to know.
00:57:47No, I understand.
00:57:49I appreciate your friendship.
00:57:53Come on inside.
00:57:54Time for lunch.
00:58:01Oh, I'm sorry.
00:58:02I just...
00:58:04I don't see Alex.
00:58:06He was just here.
00:58:13Hey, how's it going?
00:58:15Here you go.
00:58:16Thank you so much.
00:58:17Would you like cream or sugar with that?
00:58:19No, I'm fine, thank you.
00:58:20Have a great day.
00:58:21You too.
00:58:29Hey there, young man.
00:58:31Oh, hey, dude.
00:58:33Can you help me out?
00:58:34What can I do for you?
00:58:36I got to deliver these flowers to some chick named Brittany.
00:58:37I was wondering if you knew where she was.
00:58:38I can take them.
00:58:41Thanks, bro.
00:58:42Yeah, you bet.
00:59:00Come in.
00:59:08What can I do for you, boss?
00:59:22Hey, man, so I totaled my car a few days ago,
00:59:23and it was dragged here.
00:59:24and it was dragged here.
00:59:25I was wondering if I could get a quick look at it.
00:59:28Any particular reason?
00:59:31Yeah, my brakes went out, and I guess in all the confusion,
00:59:33I didn't really get a chance to look and see if...
00:59:37You think somebody snipped him, don't you?
00:59:40Am I that obvious?
00:59:41I get people in here every now and then
00:59:43thinking someone's trying to knock him off,
00:59:45but I got to tell you, brother, it doesn't happen.
00:59:48Unless, of course, you know,
00:59:50you're fooling around with somebody's wife.
00:59:51That was a bad idea. Thank you very much.
00:59:53Dude, it's cool. Hey, it's right out back.
00:59:55If you want to look at it, we'll go look at it.
00:59:57All right, let's do it.
00:59:58Cool with that? All right, cool.
00:59:59Thanks, man.
01:00:05Sprinkling Can, where we grow memories.
01:00:07This is Katie. How may I brighten your day?
01:00:10Yeah, hey there.
01:00:11This is Pastor James with Lifehouse Church.
01:00:13How are you doing?
01:00:15Oh, hi, Pastor James. How are you?
01:00:17Good, good.
01:00:19Hey, I have a favor to ask of you.
01:00:23Yeah, absolutely. I'll do what I can.
01:00:25Yeah, we have a staff member, Brittany,
01:00:27who's been getting some deliveries from a co-worker,
01:00:29and we're going to need that to stop.
01:00:33Could you please refuse any future orders from Zach Reynolds?
01:00:38Wait, so there really is a Zach Reynolds?
01:00:42Yeah. Yeah, he's the guy that's been ordering the flowers.
01:00:46Zach Reynolds, 1010 Pleasant Oak Street.
01:00:52No, they're being sent from a Zach Reynolds,
01:00:54but that is not the name on the credit card.
01:00:57And I don't think that's even the right address here.
01:00:59Let me take a look.
01:01:03Yeah, it's being sent from 1006 Pleasant Oak Street,
01:01:06which is probably next door.
01:01:08Do you want me to go ahead and put a block on it?
01:01:18Yeah, please.
01:01:31Step one, locate the brake line.
01:01:34Usually, it'll be right up under here.
01:01:38That's different. Okay.
01:01:46Hey, Evie. Amber?
01:01:50No, I haven't seen her.
01:01:52What's wrong?
01:01:54Well, it's probably nothing,
01:01:56but I was just talking to Amber about ten minutes ago
01:01:58when she said she couldn't find Alex.
01:02:00She said she'd call me back when she found him,
01:02:02but I still haven't heard from her.
01:02:04I just tried calling her back, and she didn't answer.
01:02:07Have you heard anything?
01:02:09What? No!
01:02:14Hey, boss.
01:02:16Might you have yourself an enemy?
01:02:20I hate to be the one to break it to you,
01:02:22but this thing's cut clean.
01:02:24Evie, I gotta go.
01:02:26Thank you for this.
01:02:28You better stop messing around with those married women.
01:02:30There's a lot of crazy dudes out there.
01:02:36Alex! Alex!
01:02:50Hello? Is anybody...
01:04:31I was hoping you'd come.
01:04:35I'm looking for Alex.
01:04:39Oh, I wish you hadn't seen that.
01:04:43But you won't tell anyone,
01:04:45will you?
01:04:49It'll be our little secret.
01:04:55I won't.
01:04:57Have you seen Alex?
01:04:59Do you want to watch?
01:05:02I caught some
01:05:04great moments of you
01:05:06and Pastor Zach.
01:05:12You can learn a lot about
01:05:14someone by
01:05:16watching them
01:05:18when they don't know it.
01:05:22Pastor Zach speaks very
01:05:24differently of me when I'm not
01:05:28I don't think
01:05:30he likes me very much.
01:05:36But not you.
01:05:44You stand up for me.
01:05:50I like that.
01:06:0014 minutes
01:06:02and 37
01:06:06Alex, we need to go home
01:06:08right now.
01:06:10But Mom, we're watching a movie.
01:06:12Can we stay, please?
01:06:14It's important to always know
01:06:16where Alex
01:06:20They say it takes as little
01:06:22as six minutes
01:06:26alone with a stranger.
01:06:29Alone with a stranger
01:06:31for a child
01:06:33to be abused.
01:06:35Alex, come up the stairs
01:06:39You know where I heard that?
01:06:41The news.
01:06:43You know how
01:06:45I know it's true?
01:06:47Because they were
01:06:49talking about me!
01:06:53Isn't that funny?
01:06:55Alex, let's go!
01:06:59Six minutes
01:07:01away from
01:07:03my mother.
01:07:05I was six years old
01:07:07at the time.
01:07:09Six days away
01:07:11from my seventh
01:07:21I always figured
01:07:23that's why they called it
01:07:25the devil's number.
01:07:29I don't
01:07:31like talking about it much.
01:07:35But I
01:07:37feel so
01:07:39close to you.
01:07:41Like I can tell you
01:07:47And you'll
01:07:49still love me.
01:07:52Bye, Alex.
01:07:56Come back soon.
01:08:22I don't want
01:08:24you to ever go over
01:08:26to a stranger's house
01:08:28without me again,
01:08:30do you understand?
01:08:32He's not a stranger.
01:08:34Don't go to anyone's
01:08:36house without me.
01:08:40Come here.
01:08:46I want you to lie to me
01:08:48and tell me
01:08:50I want you to lock this door
01:08:52and don't open it for anyone, including me.
01:08:56But why?
01:08:58I love you.
01:09:16Who is it?
01:09:21Who's there?
01:09:50Hi, Amber.
01:09:52I'm sorry I startled you.
01:09:54Please open the door.
01:09:56We need to talk.
01:09:58My husband's on his way home from work.
01:10:00He'll be here any minute. You need to go.
01:10:02I just really need to talk to you.
01:10:04You really need to go home now.
01:10:22It's okay, Alex.
01:10:30I know you keep
01:10:32an extra key in the kitchen,
01:10:34so I made a copy
01:10:36while you were out.
01:10:38I hope you don't mind.
01:10:40Please leave us alone.
01:10:42Okay, but you need
01:10:44to go.
01:10:46I'm sorry.
01:10:48Please leave us alone.
01:10:50Okay, but you know, Amber,
01:10:52you don't have to worry.
01:10:54I would never hurt you.
01:10:56I just want to talk.
01:10:58I don't feel like talking.
01:11:00Please go now.
01:11:02Okay, but we're still friends, right?
01:11:04I hope this doesn't
01:11:06make things awkward between us.
01:11:08Sure, yes, of course.
01:11:12Okay, good.
01:11:14Good. I'll leave.
01:11:20Oh, um, I-I did-
01:11:22I-I brought you something.
01:11:24It's right-
01:11:38I'd love to come in.
01:11:46Come on.
01:11:54Come on, come on.
01:11:56Thanks for calling the Reynolds.
01:11:58Please leave a message.
01:12:00Amber, Amber,
01:12:02please, if you're there, pick up now.
01:12:04Sorry, Pastor Zach.
01:12:06She's unavailable.
01:12:08Amber, I need you
01:12:10to pick up the phone right now.
01:12:14Amber, I'm gonna be there in five minutes.
01:12:16I'll be right there.
01:12:18Thanks for the tip.
01:12:20Don't wait up.
01:12:42I got a crazy idea.
01:12:44You wanna get married?
01:12:48We can do it in the old
01:12:50city church
01:12:54Grandma, Ma,
01:12:56and Pops
01:12:58got married.
01:13:00They would like that very much.
01:13:04You want to?
01:13:10Me too.
01:13:18Amber! Alex!
01:13:22Amber! Alex!
01:13:28Oh, thank God you're okay.
01:13:30Where is Mommy?
01:13:32He took her to the old church.
01:13:34Who took her?
01:13:36Me and Nick Stuhl.
01:13:42Alex, you had us a little worried.
01:13:44Where's Amber?
01:13:46I'm going to pick her up right now.
01:13:48If you could watch Alex, that would be great.
01:13:50You know what? It's a little cold out here.
01:13:52How about we go get some hot chocolate, okay?
01:14:24Isn't this beautiful?
01:14:28Come on.
01:14:30There's more.
01:14:34Used to bring me every Sunday.
01:14:42This was my
01:14:50I liked the stories of Jesus.
01:14:52They said
01:14:54he loved me.
01:14:58But his people
01:15:02They said I was strange.
01:15:06Everyone except for Miss Hanson,
01:15:08my Sunday school teacher.
01:15:12She was nice.
01:15:16Like you.
01:15:20Then she...
01:15:22she got married.
01:15:24She moved away.
01:15:26I didn't want to come back here anymore.
01:15:56They used to chase me down these hallways.
01:16:02I can still...
01:16:04I can still hear them laughing at me.
01:16:10I don't know why
01:16:12they didn't like me.
01:16:16I guess I just didn't fit in.
01:16:26Oh, yeah.
01:16:30what people
01:16:32would think
01:16:34if they saw me here with you.
01:16:36They'd be so
01:16:44You ready?
01:16:46You ready?
01:16:48Come on.
01:16:50It's okay.
01:16:52It's okay.
01:16:54It's okay.
01:16:56Don't. Don't worry.
01:16:58It's okay. It's okay.
01:17:00You don't have to be scared.
01:17:04Let her go!
01:17:08Amber, are you okay?
01:17:10Has he hurt you?
01:17:12She doesn't want to be with you.
01:17:14She doesn't want to be with you anymore
01:17:16because she doesn't like mean people.
01:17:18We're going to be happy together.
01:17:20We're going to have a happy life.
01:17:22Tell him.
01:17:24Tell him.
01:17:26Help me. Help me.
01:17:28You don't want to be with me?
01:17:30Then nobody does.
01:17:40You win, Pastor Zach.
01:17:44You always win.
01:17:46Go ahead.
01:17:48I'd do it if the tables were turned.
01:17:50No witnesses.
01:17:52No one will even know I'm gone.
01:17:56They're not going to shoot you.
01:17:58Oh, come on!
01:18:00Drop the pastor act!
01:18:02We both know who you really are.
01:18:06You know who I was.
01:18:08That's not me anymore.
01:18:10God changed me. He can change you, too.
01:18:12You want to change me so badly?
01:18:14You don't even know who I am.
01:18:16Of course I do.
01:18:18What's my name?
01:18:24I don't think you ever told me.
01:18:26You never asked.
01:18:28Nobody ever asks.
01:18:32You didn't care about me.
01:18:34I wasn't a person. I was just a project.
01:18:36Just another notch on your pulpit.
01:18:40I'm not perfect.
01:18:42You're right.
01:18:44That doesn't mean that God doesn't love you perfectly.
01:18:48He knows your name, and He loves you.
01:18:52No, He doesn't.
01:18:56He doesn't.
01:18:58I know it doesn't always feel like He does,
01:19:00but it's true.
01:19:02No, He doesn't.
01:19:06It's okay.
01:19:08It's okay.
01:19:12No! No!
01:19:14No, no!
01:19:16No! Nobody die!
01:20:00Are we getting married today,
01:20:02or what?
01:20:06Pastor Zach is out of the picture.
01:20:10There's nothing holding us back now.
01:20:16What did you do to Zach?
01:20:18What did you do to him?
01:21:08Wake up.
01:21:10Come on. Please.
01:21:14Do you think
01:21:16God is mad at me?
01:21:28Come on.
01:21:30Come on.
01:21:32Let's breathe.
01:21:34Keep breathing.
01:21:36Come on. Keep breathing.
01:21:42Come on.
01:22:12Rob Thompson is gone.
01:22:16This is where I'm supposed to celebrate,
01:22:18or feel some sense of relief,
01:22:20but I don't.
01:22:22I was right about him,
01:22:24but he was right about me, too.
01:22:26I didn't care about him.
01:22:28I thought I did,
01:22:30but I didn't.
01:22:32Not really.
01:22:34He was a project to me.
01:22:36Everyone always has been.
01:22:38To some degree.
01:22:40Do I even know how to love someone for real?
01:22:42Like Jesus?
01:22:44Or has my whole life been a show?
01:23:08You can't keep beating yourself up
01:23:10forever over this.
01:23:12Don't go.
01:23:14Let us love you and Amber
01:23:16back to restoration.
01:23:18No, I can't.
01:23:22How can I teach?
01:23:24How can I tell them to love their neighbors
01:23:26after what I did?
01:23:28What happened that night was not your fault.
01:23:30You didn't have a choice, Zach.
01:23:32No, but I made a lot of choices
01:23:34that led up to that.
01:23:36I didn't love my neighbor.
01:23:38I'm not a good person.
01:23:40Not good enough to preach.
01:23:42Neither am I.
01:23:44None of us are.
01:23:46You get that?
01:23:48I mean, we're all in need of God's grace.
01:23:52I'm the pastor.
01:23:54I'm not supposed to need his grace.
01:23:58You're not getting into heaven without a brother.
01:24:00Take it easy, Pastor.
01:24:26Break time.
01:24:28Break time.
01:24:58What's up, brother?
01:25:00My name's Jonas.
01:25:06What you got there, Zach?
01:25:10Man, I haven't had a bologna sandwich in years.
01:25:14You know I've been watching you, brother.
01:25:16You're the hardest working dude in this place,
01:25:18but I never see you smile or talk to anybody.
01:25:20What's your story?
01:25:24I don't really have one.
01:25:26I doubt that.
01:25:28We all got a story.
01:25:30You know what I see when I look at you?
01:25:36I see someone who's hurting.
01:25:38Someone who's tried to do the right thing with their life,
01:25:40but for some reason,
01:25:42you just keep coming up short.
01:25:44You know, maybe you missed the mark,
01:25:46and now you feel hopeless and lost,
01:25:48like God couldn't possibly love you anymore.
01:25:52I felt that way, too.
01:25:54But you know,
01:25:56God doesn't love like we do.
01:25:58He doesn't disown us.
01:26:00He doesn't cheat on us.
01:26:02He doesn't divorce us when we let him down.
01:26:04His love is greater than that.
01:26:06No, you don't know me.
01:26:08You don't know what I've done. God couldn't use me.
01:26:12I'm looking at me, and I'm looking at you.
01:26:16I bet my peanut butter sandwich
01:26:18against your bologna
01:26:20that I've done a lot worse.
01:26:22And he uses me every day.
01:26:24You don't have to be
01:26:26perfect to be loved by God
01:26:28and to serve him.
01:26:30You just have to be willing and obedient.
01:26:36Why are you telling me this?
01:26:38Because you're my neighbor.
01:26:40And God's real big
01:26:42on his kids reaching out to our neighbors.
01:26:46You just got
01:26:48the call back, brother.
01:26:50The question is,
01:26:52what are you gonna do about it?