KamiKatsu-Working For God in Godless World Season 1 Episode 4 in Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 weeks ago
KamiKatsu-Working For God in Godless World Season 1 Episode 4 in Hindi Dubbed


00:00Are you going to gather thousands of devotees?
00:03Of course, before Archon comes here.
00:05But there are only 2000 people in this isolation camp.
00:09I have a great plan.
00:11Just tell them how powerful I am.
00:13Sorry, but it won't work by telling them how powerful you are.
00:18In our religion, there is neither high culture nor God.
00:21Then who am I?
00:23That's why, with the help of greed, I increased the number of our devotees.
00:28Now we just have to increase our circle.
00:31Increase the circle?
00:34And to do that, we will take this village ahead in time.
00:39By using its power.
00:44Mitama, now everything is in your hands.
00:47What did you say?
00:48Yogi is finally trusting me.
00:58I wish...
01:02I wish...
01:03I wish...
01:04I wish...
01:05I wish...
01:06I wish...
01:07I wish...
01:08I wish...
01:09I wish...
01:10I wish...
01:11I wish...
01:12I wish...
01:13I wish...
01:14I wish...
01:15I wish...
01:16I wish...
01:17I wish...
01:18I wish...
01:19I wish...
01:20I wish...
01:21I wish...
01:22I wish...
01:23I wish...
01:24I wish...
01:25I wish...
01:26I wish...
01:27I wish...
01:28I wish...
01:29I wish...
01:30I wish...
01:31I wish...
01:32I wish...
01:33I wish...
01:34I wish...
01:35I wish...
01:36I wish...
01:37I wish...
01:38I wish...
01:39I wish...
01:40I wish...
01:41I wish...
01:42I wish...
01:43I wish...
01:44I wish...
01:45I wish...
01:46I wish...
01:47I wish...
01:48I wish...
01:49I wish...
01:50I wish...
01:51I wish...
01:52I wish...
01:53I wish...
01:54I wish...
01:55I wish...
01:56I wish...
01:57I wish...
01:58I wish...
01:59I wish...
02:00I wish...
02:01I wish...
02:02I wish...
02:03I wish...
02:04I wish...
02:05I wish...
02:06I wish...
02:07I wish...
02:08I wish...
02:09I wish...
02:10I wish...
02:11I wish...
02:12I wish...
02:13I wish...
02:14I wish...
02:15I wish...
02:16I wish...
02:17I wish...
02:18I wish...
02:19I wish...
02:20I wish...
02:21I wish...
02:22I wish...
02:23I wish...
02:24I wish...
02:25I wish...
02:26I wish...
02:27I wish...
02:28I wish...
02:29I wish...
02:30I wish...
02:31I wish...
02:32I wish...
02:33I wish...
02:34I wish...
02:35I wish...
02:36I wish...
02:37I wish...
02:38I wish...
02:39I wish...
02:40I wish...
02:41I wish...
02:42I wish...
02:43I wish...
02:44I wish...
02:45I wish...
02:46I wish...
02:47I wish...
02:48I wish...
02:49I wish...
02:50I wish...
02:51I wish...
02:52I wish...
02:53I wish...
02:54I wish...
02:55I wish...
02:56I wish...
02:57I wish...
02:58I wish...
02:59I wish...
03:00I wish...
03:01I wish...
03:02I wish...
03:03I wish...
03:04I wish...
03:05I wish...
03:06I wish...
03:07I wish...
03:08I wish...
03:09I wish...
03:10I wish...
03:11I wish...
03:12I wish...
03:13I wish...
03:14I wish...
03:15I wish...
03:16I wish...
03:17I wish...
03:18I wish...
03:19I wish...
03:20I wish...
03:21I wish...
03:22I wish...
03:23I wish...
03:24I wish...
03:25I wish...
03:26I wish...
03:27I wish...
03:28I wish...
03:29I wish...
03:30I wish...
03:31I wish...
03:32I wish...
03:33I wish...
03:34I wish...
03:35I wish...
03:36I wish...
03:37I wish...
03:38I wish...
03:39I wish...
03:40I wish...
03:41I wish...
03:42I wish...
03:43I wish...
03:44I wish...
03:45I wish...
03:46I wish...
03:47I wish...
03:48I wish...
03:49I wish...
03:50I wish...
03:51I wish...
03:52To every devotee nothing is possible.
03:54Now what we have to do it?
03:56I have come.
03:57One more time.
04:06Ah! I have to bring water again.
04:09That's what you must wanted,
04:10now it would be the water's turn.
04:16It would be very easy to fill this water.
04:19Water is the diligence of God.
04:21We will bless every devotee's home with this.
04:24Now we won't have to go to the well again and again.
04:27Silk will be happy with this.
04:31I remembered something from Siluril.
04:39What is this, sister?
04:41You guys too...
04:43...will have to wear these clothes.
04:48Isn't this so much fun, Nandi?
04:56Yogita, this hose is so good.
05:02Stop it! You have worn such a lovely dress.
05:05If Yogita doesn't see it, it will be a waste.
05:08Yogita, how did you like this?
05:13I know you like smaller ones.
05:17This suits you.
05:19Do you really think so?
05:23Sister, I am very happy.
05:25If you are happy, then I am happy too.
05:26Really, sister?
05:27Now I will make even more beautiful clothes for you.
05:29I am very happy. I can hold this hand.
05:31You hold it like this.
05:32Wow! I am feeling very excited.
05:42What are you doing, Mithama?
05:44You made me get so much water from the ground.
05:48You made me do all the work for the house of every devotee.
05:51This is a game of my left hand because I am the God of this land.
05:54But not anymore.
05:56Oh, I see.
05:58So you are the God of this land?
06:00What do you want me to do?
06:05Oh, I am completely cured.
06:10Now it is time to use my hammer on the kingdom's capital.
06:15Not at all. This is not enough.
06:17We still have one more thing to do for the religious organization.
06:20And what is that?
06:22We have to show people the speciality of our religion.
06:33This electricity that Yogita and Mithama have installed in the houses of the devotees is really great.
06:38This is great. Now we can drink till late night.
06:41I am feeling very good.
06:43What is this?
06:53After the renovation, I am opening my restaurant.
06:56And this will be our uniform for the night.
07:01This is great.
07:03This is the best place to stay and sleep.
07:07Sister, I think this is too much.
07:10Hey, hey, think that Yogita has asked you to do all this.
07:14Drink till your thirst quenches.
07:17I am very happy to serve you.
07:20If you want more, take it.
07:22Siluril, Aluril, listen to me.
07:24People should see what is special in us to run the religion.
07:28We are not like others.
07:30There is something special in us.
07:32This is an important idea that will improve the unity of the group.
07:35And will make their faith stronger.
07:38Do you have enough liquor to drink?
07:44It will be fun today.
07:52Roy, are you okay?
07:54Roy, say something.
07:56I am happy to see you fine.
08:01Roy, don't do this.
08:08Don't do this.
08:10Come on, nothing happens.
08:12I mean, look at your uniform.
08:15Come on, let's bring more girls and open a new place.
08:18I know that place will also become famous.
08:20And Mitama Sama should also get this uniform.
08:29Electricity is really a wonderful thing.
08:33It is perfect to entertain fool customers.
08:42Electricity is one of the most important inventions of mankind.
08:46Countless lights floating in the dark.
08:49Because of electricity, mankind was able to defeat the darkness.
08:57Now do you understand?
08:58This is a special thing.
09:04This scene is really very impressive.
09:08But there, a person has been struggling with his death for a long time.
09:18Don't worry, she will recover soon.
09:23This is really special.
09:25There is no such scene in Rajdhani.
09:28When it comes to light, they can burn more lanterns.
09:32I don't think the emperor has seen such a scene.
09:35How do you know that the emperor doesn't know about such light?
09:41How do you know so much about Rajdhani? Tell us.
09:46Tell us, clan.
09:49I have to tell you now.
09:51No one knows that I used to work in the palace of the emperor.
09:56In the palace?
09:59So despite having such a high position, you were sent here?
10:09What is this?
10:10There is no sign of him staying in the isolation camp.
10:15Actually, I live in this village as per my wish.
10:19Do you know?
10:20I like to stay here instead of Rajdhani.
10:25Now I understand.
10:26It seems that such people exist.
10:30What is the matter, Mithama?
10:31Nothing. I was just thinking that humans are so different.
10:35You are right.
10:36Our minds are not the same.
10:38But I feel that you have the most different and strange mind than all of us.
10:44I am interested in your God, about whom you always talk.
10:52Can you explain that to me, Yogi?
10:55The God whose name you always chant, is he really there?
11:01I think the world I have come from, had two types of Gods.
11:07One was used to understand such difficult events which were beyond understanding.
11:12The other type of Gods were symbols which were made by religions.
11:16You cannot have other types of Gods.
11:19But the strange thing is that you do not even have the first type.
11:22This means that it is possible that difficult events do not take place in your world.
11:27I do not understand anything.
11:29But it seems that according to this, the Emperor becomes God.
11:33Natural events, disasters, diseases and strange animals.
11:38They are explained to them by the organization which works for the Emperor.
11:43As long as the organization is there, there is nothing which we cannot understand.
11:48The Emperor of this country.
11:50We have to understand what is the thing.
11:55We have collected 2000 devotees.
11:57Your powers are increasing.
12:00With this, we have made almost all the people of this village devotees.
12:04But this was just a preparation.
12:06Our next step is very...
12:09Bad news.
12:10That Adrian is being beaten up by a little girl.
12:16I don't understand.
12:17Are little girls their weakness?
12:21This is water.
12:22But how is it coming out of this?
12:24I don't understand anything about this.
12:26But I believe that the Emperor must know about this.
12:29And how did the isolation camp make this?
12:32There must be some outsider helping them.
12:35That is why I am asking again.
12:37Who is running this isolation camp?
12:40Where is he?
12:44Are you informing the MP about this?
12:47This is something which we have done ourselves.
12:50What did you do?
12:54This has nothing to do with you.
12:57The decision of the MP applies to everyone.
12:59No one is allowed to do anything on their own.
13:04What is the matter?
13:05What is your status?
13:07I am investigating the isolation camp.
13:09They are controlling such strange animals which I have never seen before.
13:14And they are strange.
13:15Did you know about this?
13:16No, not at all.
13:18Look, only the Emperor or Archon is capable of doing this.
13:22Or else, the one who has the powers of Archon has betrayed our trust.
13:28You know this, don't you?
13:30In the past, there was an Archon who went against our master's wishes.
13:35He used to talk about useless things like friends and family.
13:39What should be done with such people?
13:42Get rid of them.
13:43Absolutely right.
13:44You are not like him.
13:46Just go and destroy that isolation camp.
13:49This is the Emperor's order.
13:53We should get rid of any danger in front of the Emperor.
13:56I had told you that I will take you back to the capital.
14:00But if you don't have any intention to talk,
14:04I don't mind breaking your limbs.
14:23Who are you?
14:24I am God.
14:29My devotees are my family.
14:30It is God's duty to protect them.
14:32This is what Yukito said.
14:38What a joke!
14:39I will not spare those who go against the Emperor.
14:42I will kill them.
14:43Stupid girl.
14:45Now is the time to show you the power of God.
14:50Listen, Bertrand.
14:51Are you alright?
14:56Who is that girl?
14:57Who is she?
14:58She is an Archon.
15:01She has come to destroy this village.
15:05This isolation camp has insulted the Emperor.
15:08And now you will not be spared.
15:10Now is the time to show you the power of God.
15:12I make the rules as God in this world.
15:18Is that so?
15:20Is that so?
15:27Stupid girl.
15:28You don't know that all the rules are made by the Emperor.
15:41As I said, I am the time and I am the rule.
15:45Was she a beam?
15:47She is the power of Archon's weapon.
15:51What is this?
15:52A human body cannot withstand my power.
16:05Go and attack her.
16:11What is this?
16:12A strange looking demon.
16:14I can't believe it.
16:15She is fighting that Archon.
16:21I have not finished yet.
16:23They seem to have the same strength.
16:25But Mitama's devotees are only two in number.
16:48This is my last attack.
16:59You fool.
17:00I have shown you the power.
17:02Stupid girl.
17:03Why do you do things that ruin the matter?
17:11They are dead.
17:13I think she did not show her real power.
17:19What is this?
17:23This is...
17:28You will not give up.
17:30I have used a lot of my power.
17:32Now she will have to give up.
17:39Finish her.
17:51This form.
17:52This stormy power.
17:55I never wanted to use this power in Emperor's territory.
17:59But what can I do?
18:01It seems like someone...
18:04I will destroy this isolation cam.
18:07It seems like a story.
18:11Will it be safe for us to stay here?
18:14Yukito has told us not to go out.
18:16We have no other choice.
18:18But we...
18:19Look, even if we go out, we will not be able to do anything.
18:23Right now, we can only trust Yukito and Mitama and wait.
18:27But they are still fighting for our village.
18:31If I can't do anything, I also want to stay with them.
18:44Hey, clan.
18:45Hey, stop.
18:46You also don't do this.
18:48Hey, man.
18:49That's a curse.
18:55What should I do?
18:57Now there is no power left.
18:59That little girl.
19:01That little girl.
19:03She is going to defeat me.
19:05That little girl.
19:10Do something.
19:12You are our last hope.
19:16My little power is back.
19:18I am angry that I have to borrow some of their power.
19:21And Yukito is also depending on me.
19:25I summon all the gods.
19:33All the gods have come.
19:35All the gods and their weapons are here for a human god.
19:40Now you taste the taste of that power.
20:01You are coming back?
20:04Are you kidding?
20:05You can't go right now.
20:08Everyone stop.
20:10Now the important part is going to start.
20:15They saw how many my devotees are and they left.
20:36Are you okay?
20:39Forgive me, Yukito.
20:42I couldn't help you.
20:49Don't say that, Mitama.
20:51Who is he?
20:53What are his weapons?
20:55And what is this world?
20:57Yukito, are you okay?
20:59Mitama, are you okay?
21:01What are you doing here?
21:03Al said that she doesn't want to stay away from you.
21:07What is this?
21:09I didn't say that.
21:11Mitama, are you okay?
21:14Who is this naked girl?
21:18How is she floating in the sky?
21:20What is this?
21:22Who is he?
21:25I can't understand his power.
21:28How can I lose?
21:32Yukito, be careful.
21:34She is going towards the village.
21:36Yukito, what is this?
21:38You can't escape.
21:41You can't escape.
21:42You can't escape.
21:43You can't escape.
21:44You can't escape.
21:45You can't escape.
21:53My work is done with her.
21:58I think I am leaving her to die again.
22:03After all, I couldn't change anything.
22:07But I was thinking that everything will be fine this time.
22:17What is this?
22:18What is happening?
22:23Did I miss my target?
22:25Was this an illusion?
22:27Then what does this mean?
22:29It's enough now, Akhtar.
22:31Loki, you are here?
22:33I couldn't recognize you in this form.
22:35If you can't recognize me, then you are becoming weak.
22:41Glen, is this you?
22:44Yes, absolutely right.
22:46There was never a boy named Glen.
22:51All of you treated me like you have known me for years.
22:55That's why I enjoyed a lot.
23:00My name is Loki.
23:04I am one of the main Archons.
23:07What did you say? Archon?
23:09So you have been keeping an eye on these villagers since so many days?
23:13Loki, why did you come in my way?
23:16It's up to you.
23:21Let's do this.
23:25The time has come.
23:28Let's go and kill the king of this country.
23:34I know I am not worthy.
23:36Oh great lord Mitama, you created everything.
