LOL 6 Neighbour disputes

  • 15 years ago
We got an email from one of our viewers about a town councillor in Wales, Mark Easton, who had a beautiful view of the mountains, until a new neighbour purchased the land below his house and built a new home. This is true apparently.

The new house blocked part of Mr Easton’s view, so he went to the council and the neighbour had to lower the roof, at great expense.

Later, Mr Easton called the council again, complaining that his new neighbour had installed some vents on his house.

Council said the vents can stay. There’s no law on shutter design.

And this one from America – apparently by law you are obliged to disclose anything that might be wrong with a house for sale.

And special thanks to Erick, a Life On Line viewer in Australia, for sending those in.
