• l’année dernière
Starring Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney Jr and Peter Lorre.


00:39Hi, Grandpa.
00:40Hiya, sonny boy.
00:42I didn't mean to wake you up.
00:44I just came in to give you a good big hug and a kiss
00:47before I went to bed.
00:49Did you scare him?
00:50You bet your life I scared him.
01:01now you just go to sleep.
01:06Mr. Chaney.
01:08Conference call.
01:09Oh, yeah.
01:10I'll be right there.
01:15You sleep good.
01:16Good boy.
01:47Oh, hiya, Boris.
01:49Well, hello, Pete.
01:50Well, now, Peter.
01:52I've read your prospectus.
01:55I regret to say, old friend,
01:57speaking entirely for myself, of course,
02:00I find it rather wanting,
02:02if not indeed psychologically unsound in today's market.
02:07But people don't change, Boris.
02:09What frightened them then in the dark ages,
02:12it still frightens them now.
02:14Fear is born into people.
02:16Witch doctors, voodoo priests,
02:18zombies, ghosts, ghouls, vampires, monsters.
02:24And don't you sell them short, Boris.
02:27Rattles and drums.
02:29Old hat, my dear fellow, old hat.
02:31Look, I'm told that business is so bad
02:34that the witch doctors in Africa
02:36are asking for relief parcels.
02:39I see a schism as wide as this
02:41can't be bridged by telephone.
02:43We'll have to meet
02:44and come to a final and unanimous decision.
02:47But, Boris, you know I can't stand London
02:50at this time of the year.
02:52What's the matter, Peter?
02:53Too much fog to swirl a cape in?
02:56Ha, ha.
02:57Very well.
02:58I'll fly to New York.
03:00No, no.
03:01Why don't you come here to Hollywood?
03:02Say, I have an idea.
03:04Why not meet halfway?
03:06I know a place outside of Chicago,
03:08near to the airport.
03:12By all means, make the reservations at once.
03:14Oh, but, Peter,
03:15I suggest that you sign us in as a committee,
03:19a society in aid of the prevention
03:21of something or other.
03:23I'm sure Mrs. Baxter would advise us
03:25to do exactly that.
03:26Oh, don't you think we ought to have her there, too?
03:29Why, of course.
03:30Without her legal and financial counsel,
03:33the whole project might get off on the wrong foot.
03:36Oh, and, Peter,
03:38in the interest of anonymity,
03:41I think we should use our given names as surnames
03:45and reverse the spelling.
03:46You see what I mean?
03:47In that way, I'd be Mr. Ceron.
03:50And I shall be Mr. Retief.
03:53And that'd make me Mr. Now.
03:55Well, shall we see tomorrow afternoon in Chicago?
04:00Oh, Peter, what's the name of the place?
04:02The O'Hare Inn.
06:17Oh, boy.
06:30All right, get out of there.
06:31Come on, get your feet together.
06:32Come on.
06:35Over there.
06:36Mr. Retief, has anyone ever told you there's a striking resemblance between you and, you'll
07:06excuse me, sir, Peter Lorre? That's pretty insulting, isn't it?
07:11Front, please. Mr. Retief, 306.
07:21What have you reserved for our meetings? Parlor 9, sir. An excellent view of the pool.
07:26And a Mr. Todd Stiles has been assigned as your group liaison. Anything you want, contact
07:31Mr. Stiles. We hope you enjoy your stay here, sir.
07:37So, that's it, gentlemen. Now, any questions, Mr. Murdock?
07:54Do you happen to know what a geranuk is, Mr. Pavus?
07:57A what? G-E-R-E-N-U-K. Geranuk.
08:01Funny you ask. I swear I've seen that word someplace. Even just today.
08:06On the special events board, my first assignment, the Society for the Preservation of Geranuks.
08:11You know, I've been thinking perhaps Mr. Murdock here might do better with a group like that.
08:16He has such a flair for the Baroque, and I could struggle along with his group.
08:20I'd be more than happy to exchange with you, but you see I'm right in the middle of setting
08:23up the guidelines with that group. As you were saying, Mr. Pavus, we want a real push
08:28button operation here, and this group of young ladies, fine group, executive secretaries
08:33of the Midwest, all work for very influential bosses, potential and future business for
08:38the hotel. Now, you see, this group of young ladies and I have set up a very smooth working
08:43relationship. What was the word that you used?
08:46That's it. Rapport. I'm very large in the rapport department. Well, I've got to be going.
08:52Lila and Beth, that's Miss Bain and Miss Traymore, that's the president and her deputy,
08:56want me to sit in on a pre-planning session. That's before they call the group to order this afternoon.
09:57Lila, check him off your list. He's a prisoner of love.
10:02What on earth makes you think I'm interested in him?
10:05Well, he does wear trousers now, doesn't he? Even if they're a little wet around the cuffs.
10:13Mr. Murdock.
10:24You're just in time.
10:29Oh, I couldn't seem to make this thing work.
10:35Testing. Testing, one, two.
10:39Well, I guess you just need a little time to warm up.
10:41Everything should, you'd think.
10:45I brought this list for you to check. I've already ordered it, but just to make sure.
10:50Absolutely. Beth, why don't you go see about lunch?
10:54Maybe I could go check on Christmas dinner.
10:57Maybe we both could go check on Christmas dinner.
11:04Mr. Murdock, it is my understanding that you've been assigned to help us conduct the arrangements for a business meeting.
11:11Our business meeting is scheduled for the evening.
11:14I'm afraid I can't make it.
11:16Oh, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't.
11:18I'm afraid I can't.
11:19I'm afraid I can't.
11:20I'm afraid I can't.
11:21I'm afraid I can't.
11:22I'm afraid I can't.
11:23I'm afraid I can't.
11:24I'm afraid I can't.
11:25I'm afraid I can't.
11:26Mr. Murdock, our girls are here to work and to learn.
11:29To profit from an exchange of ideas with each other.
11:32To advance the status and dignity of the professional executive secretary,
11:39and to return to their desks better than when they left.
11:42Better men, that is.
11:46That is our platform. We have no plank in it for propinquity. Is that clear?
11:51Oh, yes, everything but that last word, uh, pro-pin-quity.
11:55Pro-pin-quity, her name is Molly.
11:58Molly Cross, beautiful, and dumb, and a little sad.
12:05She needs comforting right now, Mr. Murdoch,
12:07but leave her alone, forget it, even before you start.
12:12You see, she's the marrying kind, aren't we all?
12:18Beth, I'm sorry.
12:20Beth, honestly.
12:23Oh, yes, that is enough honesty for one day.
12:27Shall we fix the microphone, or shall we just
12:30sit here and admire him openly?
12:40Comforting from what?
12:41What is she sad about?
12:43It is the longest short story you ever heard.
12:46Beth, we are here to work.
12:50I'm assuming you are, too?
13:06Mr. Reteepe?
13:11I'm, uh, Stiles from the inn.
13:16Your expediter?
13:18Well, I'd like expediters.
13:20Come right in.
13:28Well, our needs are really quite simple.
13:30All I need is a large table, four chairs, oh, yes,
13:33and a very good lock on the inside of the door,
13:36because you see, the work of our society is quite secretive.
13:41And the preservation of Garanooks?
13:44You know about Garanooks?
13:47Well, frankly, Mr. Reteepe, nobody around here
13:49knows what a Garanook is or does, including me.
13:52I'm a Yale man.
13:54Oh, that's all right.
13:56Well, it isn't in the dictionary.
13:59Don't you speak Somali?
14:02I had trouble with the adverbs.
14:07The explanation is quite simple.
14:10Garanook comes from a Somali expression, garamuk,
14:14and it means an antelope, a small gazelle
14:17in the eastern part of Africa, Lithocranius volare.
14:21It's such a beautiful animal with soulful eyes,
14:25but it's in grave danger of becoming extinct.
14:29And if that should happen, there are
14:32black days ahead for humanity.
14:35You see, the slogan of our society
14:37is, if it can happen to the Garanook, it can happen to you.
14:44Oh, one little thing I forgot to ask to get for us is,
14:49and I want it placed dead center on the table
14:52before our meeting tonight, with silver handles,
14:56if you can get them on such a short notice,
14:59a nice coffin, velvet lined.
15:03A coffin?
15:05Well, it's the symbol of our society.
15:07It symbolizes extinction.
15:10Today, the Garanook, tomorrow, man.
15:14Come on, let's go.
15:25Wow, Pat.
15:40Hey, Big Daddy, where do you want the coffin?
15:42You a wise guy, or something.
15:44for silver handles, silver handles we ain't got.
15:47This year it's brushed copper, take it or leave it.
15:50What man?
15:51Stiles, convention department.
15:54We don't get calls for silver handles anymore.
15:56A dead ringer for Peter Lorre.
16:02Convention liaison, Stiles.
16:09Well, tell him I'll be right there.
16:13Now, I've told you all about my little group.
16:16What's the scam on your little group?
16:20What's to tell?
16:21Oh, nothing very much.
16:22Just how long are they going to be here,
16:24what can we do to provide them with recreational facilities,
16:28and who are the likeliest candidates.
16:34For what?
16:36Continuation of your present attitude, old buddy of mine,
16:39could lead to all sorts of serious repercussions.
16:43You are acquainted, I presume, with the antitrust division
16:45of the Department of Justice?
16:47Aware, I hope, of the strong forces and readiness
16:50available to attack monopoly in any form?
16:54Think it over.
16:55Do we divide the territory, or do I call in the feds?
17:04Tell him I'm on the way.
17:05Tell him to put it in parlor nine.
17:10Convention liaison, Burdock speaking.
17:15I'll be right back.
17:17No, no, no, she's not here.
17:19Ha, ha, ha.
17:28I'm Molly.
17:31Yeah, I, uh, I saw you at the pool.
17:40You're a good man.
17:53An executive as important as you?
17:54You'd think they'd give you a better office.
17:59Don't you have a secretary?
18:01Don't let the jacket and the tie fool you, Molly.
18:05I'm just a leg man.
18:07I'll think of a crazy answer.
18:11You have a nice smile.
18:17Like you just took a drink out of Ponce de Leon's fountain.
18:22And he never found it.
18:26I think that's one of the saddest things ever.
18:32Are you married?
18:37Do you need a secretary?
18:40Well, it's like I told you, Molly.
18:43The phone rings and I answer somebody, and I run.
18:50Well, this happens to me every three years.
18:53About this time of year.
18:55To clean out my desk and move on.
19:02Does the music bother you?
19:05That lost chord they keep looking for, you know?
19:08It's not lost. I got it.
19:10Right there.
19:14I carry this radio with me because it keeps me from crying.
19:20I guess I should just sort of sit and cry, but...
19:25I hate to because I'm really not unhappy.
19:31Very, very sad.
19:34You see, I just quit my job.
19:36Just before the convention.
19:39I didn't want to come.
19:42I was the only unemployed executive secretary in the whole club.
19:46But Marta and Nadine, they're from Indianapolis, too.
19:49Just like me.
19:52They said, Molly, we won't hear of it.
19:55It'll take your mind off your troubles.
19:58So here I am.
20:05She sent me down here with this menu for lunch tomorrow.
20:08She said just meeting you and talking to you would cheer me up.
20:12It has.
20:15Thank you very much.
20:18Beth is a dear.
20:27What do you think of Lila?
20:29Well, she'd make a fine drill sergeant in the Marine Corps.
20:34She's really very nice.
20:37But she's sad, too.
20:40Everybody's sad.
20:43It's the saddest thing of all.
20:47Except you.
20:49You don't seem sad.
20:53We'll talk again some other time.
20:59Oh, Molly.
21:01There's a long-distance call for you.
21:08You can take it here. This phone, huh?
21:12I don't want to talk to him again.
21:22Right here, fellas. Death center.
21:28Yes, sir. This sure looks like the place for the fun crop.
21:32Let me give you a slogan to live by, my friend.
21:35If it can happen to the Garinuk, it can happen to you.
21:40That's all, gentlemen. Thanks very much.
21:51No silver handle. You'll probably moan about that.
21:55But at least it's velvet-lined.
22:13Who ordered this?
22:16Mr. Ateep.
22:18I might have known.
22:26I'll tell you, sir.
22:30The way you smile makes me...
22:34...feel better than anything on earth.
22:38I'm in love with you, Mr. Ateep.
22:42I love you.
22:45Time is precious. Why isn't he here?
22:48I've come all the way from London, Mrs. Baxter from Zurich.
22:51It can't be too difficult to fly in from the West Coast.
22:54That Boris, baby, calm down.
22:56Why, this, Peter, really I'm surprised at you.
22:59What a corny piece of theatricality.
23:02I thought we agreed to keep our meeting secret.
23:04But it is secret.
23:06They see us and they don't dare to believe they see us.
23:09Like a fairy tale, like the emperor's clothes.
23:14What do you think, Mrs. Baxter?
23:16A coffin? Ridiculous.
23:18I like it.
23:19It's the sort of thing that starts talk.
23:21Boris is quite right.
23:23And millions involved in these negotiations.
23:26And Mr. Cheney can't even bother to be here on time. It's shameful.
23:28Now, look here. We'll start the meeting without him.
23:32Now, Peter, I am determined not to produce as late a picture as made in the old way.
23:37If we indeed were to form a company and accept the network's offer to produce
23:42a star in the most terrifying stories ever seen on television,
23:46we'd strike out in new directions.
23:49A modern sort of horror, as it were.
23:52We can't rely on hair on our faces, nodules on our foreheads,
23:56or any of the old bag of tricks.
23:59Now, we're going to stay here and hammer this issue out until we're all agreed.
24:03Is that clear?
24:04Oh, well.
24:06Let's see. I don't...
24:38Oh, there you are.
24:43Well, gentlemen, as we are now all present,
24:46I will try to explain the whole matter to you.
24:50The only way to operate is by forming a Lichtenstein Corporation,
24:54with banking done through a Swiss bank.
24:58Oh, stop this nonsense, Lon, so we can go to work.
25:05They spoiled it!
25:08Come on, Lon, come on, don't be disappointed.
25:11Boris is sated, you know that.
25:14And Mrs. Baxter, she's only horrified by fluctuating exchanges.
25:19I'll bet you a thousand Portuguese escudos.
25:22You don't know half the trouble this corporation is in for
25:24if we don't get down to business now.
25:27Well, our only business can be to create new monsters.
25:31And I don't mean space creeps.
25:33Down-to-earth monsters,
25:35where people can identify themselves with them.
25:38That is going to be our series,
25:40and that is going to guarantee our ratings.
25:45What was that?
25:47Are you sure you locked the door, Peter?
25:48I got an extra lock.
26:00Next time, I'll attend to the details myself.
26:03I'll attend to the details myself.
26:11How's the Geranuk crowd?
26:14When you're fighting for survival like the Geranuk,
26:17anything goes, wouldn't you say?
26:19Look, I'm preparing a cocktail party.
26:23I have very little time, so...
26:24Buzz, this is your last chance, old buddy.
26:27Are you cutting me in or out?
26:30Now, do you think I'd ace my only friend?
26:34Try to see it for what it is.
26:36These girls have adopted me.
26:38They trust me.
26:39They look up to me as if I was the great white hunter
26:42leading them through a gigantic forest of wolves.
26:45They expect me to protect them
26:48against the kind of fellow who'd ask a question like,
26:51which are the likeliest candidates?
26:54I mean, after all, a guy would ask a question like that.
26:58I warned you.
27:00Just remember, I warned you.
27:02Now, what could you possibly do to upset Paradise?
27:05If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
27:07As a matter of fact, I hardly believe it myself.
27:10But when I think about it, I get chills up and down my spine.
27:28Todd Stiles.
27:29Come in, come in.
27:36May I order something for you?
27:39You don't mind if I continue, do you?
27:41No, I'm fine.
27:49Tell me, young man,
27:51what do you think of my wife?
27:55Tell me, young man,
27:57what's on your obviously troubled mind?
28:00This afternoon, I went down to Parlor 9.
28:05I wanted to see if you had everything you needed.
28:08The door was opened, and I started in.
28:11I overheard the debate, Mr. Karloff,
28:13on one side and you on the other.
28:15Well, Boris is a very stubborn man,
28:18and you've got to get this settled in quickly.
28:21You can't.
28:23Come in.
28:30I work with you behind the scenes.
28:32You can set this whole hotel on its ear.
28:35I know that, but we have to remain incognito.
28:38Nobody will know except me.
28:41Now, why not run a series of test skiers on selected subjects?
28:45We've got a perfect group right here in the hotel.
28:48Forty secretaries, a real cross-section.
28:51If the old monsters are still tried and true,
28:54if they still work,
28:56you'll prove your point to Mr. Karloff, right?
28:58That's brilliant!
29:00It's brilliant, young man.
29:02Why didn't I think of that?
29:04And how come you thought of it?
29:06Well, nobody's all good, you know.
29:10Oh, that's true.
29:13There's no such thing.
29:17Equal pay for equal work.
29:19Now, that's what we've got to put across this year.
29:21Why, do you know that right here in Chicago,
29:23a laundry clerk, if he's a man,
29:25gets $1.58 an hour,
29:27but only $1.17 if it's a woman.
29:29And in Denver, a male bank teller
29:32gets $91 for a 40-hour week,
29:34but a woman gets only $63 for the same work.
29:38Every time I walk in his office,
29:40I feel as if I'm crossing a minefield.
29:42Lucky you. I'd rather be yelled at
29:44than chased around the obstacle course.
29:46Now, Nona, you don't really expect us to believe that, do you?
30:14I'm sorry, my dear.
30:39Perhaps Lon and Peter are right.
30:42Maybe the very sight of us is enough to...
30:46It's not you, Mr. Carlo.
30:49You are Royce Carlo.
30:56Every person born into this world
31:00is somebody new.
31:03Somebody that's never been here before
31:09and will never be here again.
31:14It's our duty, isn't it, to know that?
31:17To know that there's never been anyone like her before
31:19in the whole wide world.
31:24Because if there had been,
31:26then why would she be here?
31:30And who would need her?
31:33What's his name, my dear?
31:37The man you're in love with.
31:44Can you tell me, Mr. Carlo,
31:47is there anything more pathetic
31:49than a young, full-grown girl of 25
31:53who isn't loved in return?
32:07Case one.
32:09Listen. Paralysis.
32:11Total loss of speech.
32:18Cases two to six.
32:22Spontaneous collapse.
32:29I like that.
32:34I'm going down to the kitchen.
32:36You'd better go back to your room.
33:04These three passed out just from looking at me.
33:07I think I resent that.
33:09Oh, I wish my grandson Lon was here to see this sight.
33:13You know, he was starting to not believe in me no more.
33:17But if he saw this sight, he'd have a wonderful time.
33:21Now beat it before somebody comes along.
33:24Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
33:34This is room 1114.
33:37Would you send up a carafe of coffee?
33:42Just one coffee.
33:45I'm sorry, I can't.
33:48I'm afraid I can't.
33:51I'm afraid I can't.
33:54I'm afraid I can't.
33:57I'm afraid I can't.
34:01Just one cup.
34:12Miss Laurie, this is Todd.
34:141114 just called.
34:16Now she's one of their group.
34:17I'll eat the coffee just outside the kitchen.
34:19Tell Mr. Cheney to use the back halls.
34:21The place is in an uproar.
34:23Mr. Pavis just called a meeting of all the department heads.
34:45Please bring him in.
34:57I just think it's horrible that they make you carry such heavy things.
35:05You look exhausted.
35:07Come on.
35:27Would you like cream or sugar?
35:38Oh, now, now.
35:40Oh, it's all right.
35:41I know, I know.
37:0426 years on the cops.
37:07This is my first ape man.
37:10Lieutenant, please.
37:11Please don't use that phrase.
37:14It's the kind of catchy thing they make headlines out of.
37:17The boys and I interviewed 49 separate victims.
37:21Wouldn't you know, we got 49 separate descriptions.
37:25Here's one that'll kill you.
37:27One of those secretaries said he was, get this, a wolf man.
37:31I tell you, some of those crooky dames.
37:34Maybe it was a gorilla.
37:36Well, there's a circus not five miles from here.
37:38Perhaps the gorilla escaped.
37:41Did you ever see a gorilla wearing a sports shirt and slacks?
37:49I trust everybody had a pleasant dinner?
37:53Well, in that case, we'll pick up exactly where we left off this afternoon.
37:57Is there any point in our continuing our discussions in such lugubrious conditions?
38:04I detest the smell of burning wax.
38:06Please turn on the lights and stop these amateur theatrics.
38:10You see?
38:11You see what I mean?
38:13Boris is holding out for one thing, and Lon and I, we are holding out for another.
38:18Now, deep down in my heart, I know what's best for pictures.
38:22We might be less cerebral than he is, but we have more emotion.
38:26We have more emotion.
38:29And what I want is experience.
38:31Enough theory.
38:35I knew you would object to the candles.
38:38And this is why I lit them.
38:40I lit them deliberately.
38:42Because, you see, now, if I snuff them out,
38:46I knew the room would be black.
38:49And I knew someone would say...
38:51Peter, turn on the lights.
38:53I knew someone would say, Peter, turn on the lights.
39:01Now, during the darkness, Lon has placed a group of pictures in front of you.
39:05I took them earlier this evening.
39:07I want you to look at them with great interest.
39:11Because the secret of drama is to make the expected become the unexpected.
39:17These appear to be corpses.
39:19The settings seem vaguely familiar.
39:22But I saw this girl in the lobby only 10 minutes ago.
39:25Well, they are not corpses.
39:27He took one look at Lon in his makeup, just one look,
39:31and they fainted dead away.
39:33100% effective.
39:36Not quite, Peter.
39:38Remember, there was that one girl in 1114.
39:42Well, the exception proves the rule.
39:44What girl? What exception?
39:46Gentlemen, I still have not had the chance to outline the corporate structure.
39:50Now, the laws of Lichtenstein...
39:51You listen to me.
39:52Let's take a look at all the facts about those girls that I've been fighting.
39:58There was this one girl.
40:00Even Lichtenstein, gentlemen, may be impatient enough to change its laws
40:04if we do not come to some agreement.
40:06Old monsters, new monsters.
40:08What's the difference?
40:10Now, you listen to me.
40:12There was this one girl.
40:14I was actually alone with her in her room.
40:17And I was growling for us.
40:19You know how I can growl?
40:27She treated me like a charity case.
40:31She was...
40:33She was sorry for me.
40:36She was...
40:38She was sorry for me.
40:43Room 1114, you say?
40:46I know that girl. I met her tonight.
40:48I walked her back to her room.
40:51No wonder you couldn't frighten her.
40:53She's completely preoccupied.
40:56Utterly absorbed in an emotion as primitive as your pattern of terror.
41:02She's in love.
41:04That reminds me.
41:12Long distance.
41:14Ringchild Stephenson in Indianapolis.
41:17The Stephenson Ultrasonics Corporation.
41:21Charge you to room 17 and say that Boris Karloff is calling.
41:25Yes, my dear, yes. This is Boris Karloff.
41:29What on earth is this?
41:31I come with documentary evidence and he calls Indianapolis.
41:35Mr. Stephenson, this is Karloff speaking.
41:38Yes, yes, Boris Karloff.
41:42Mr. Stephenson, are you still there?
41:45Well, now, it's about this girl Molly Cross.
41:49How big a fool are you, Stephenson?
41:51Don't you know how much she loves you?
41:56Oh, no, no, no. I'm calling quite independently.
41:59I'm quite sure if she knew I was calling you, she'd fly away forever.
42:04Not at all, Stephenson. My pleasure. Goodbye.
42:16Peter. Lauren.
42:20You did an unscrupulous thing frightening these girls the way you did, but...
42:25Peter, you've almost convinced me that maybe the old ways are the best after all.
42:30That a new wave in horror pictures, the adult horror, so to speak,
42:35might be the wrong technique.
42:37But we must be sure.
42:39Using this girl, Molly Cross, as the ultimate test.
42:44If we can frighten her, gentlemen, a woman in love,
42:48we can frighten anybody and everybody.
42:56This morning's seminar, I call our enemy, the boss.
43:01Now, a gal can waste a lot of time thinking her boss is a girl's best friend.
43:06Certainly, we executive secretaries know this,
43:08but from time to time, you're going to be called upon to break in new girls.
43:13Teach them this.
43:15To give the boss efficiency, performance, loyalty,
43:19but nothing of themselves, nothing of their personality.
43:23If they do, disillusion, even heartbreak can result.
43:28Molly, do you mind?
43:34For the last five conventions, I've tried to tell Molly Cross,
43:38open your eyes, stop spoiling the boss,
43:41stop letting him know how you feel.
43:43But no, not Molly.
43:46She brought him his slippers in the morning and his shoes.
43:50She ground his coffee for him, a special blend, mind you.
43:54She even preheated his cup.
43:57Why, geisha girls couldn't have measured up to her performance.
44:01She treated him with love and affection
44:04instead of professional detachment.
44:07And girls, I ask you to view the consequences.
44:10I ask you to look at poor Molly Cross.
44:24Molly, would you step outside a minute? I want to talk to you.
44:29Mr. Stevenson, you shouldn't have come all the way from Indianapolis.
44:34Are you coming out or not?
44:37I'm sorry, Mr. Stevenson.
44:41Very well.
44:43Mr. Stevenson, what are you doing?
44:45Taking you to the justice of the peace.
44:47Molly, you're marrying me today.
44:49But you're engaged.
44:50I can always get another fiancée. I'll never get another secretary like you.
45:14Please, Mr. Stevenson.
45:16Not only have you spoiled me, but I love you.
45:22I love you.
45:25That girl.
45:38That proves it.
45:40The old ghosts are the best, after all.
45:43And the power of all three of us in one picture.
45:46Can you imagine it?
45:48It's almost too ghastly to contemplate.
46:00Molly, darling, you look as though you've seen a ghost.
46:03I didn't see anything but you, Mr. Stevenson.
46:06I never have.
46:09It's the first time you've kissed me.
46:13I guess it went to my head.
46:26Hey, wait a minute.
46:28Collins is after you.
46:30I've got to find a place to hide you.
46:32Come on.
46:38I've got to find a place to hide you.
47:09Tell us the young man who is responsible for the whole thing.
47:13Meet Mr. Karloff.
47:15How do you do?
47:17Mr. Chaney.
47:19How do you do?
47:21I see it, but I don't believe it.
47:23Well, gentlemen, it's been a pleasure to serve you.
47:26Now, if you'll just relax a minute, Mr. Murdock, my assistant, and I will go out and divert the chase.
47:32Oh, I suggest you get out of those outfits as soon as possible.
47:36By the way, good luck on your new venture.
47:57No hard feelings?
48:02When you warned me, you weren't just kidding, were you?
48:04Fresh start?
48:06Yeah, all right.
48:08Well, let's put the secretaries right down the middle.
48:1019 for you and 20 for me.
48:13Wait a minute, wait a minute. That makes 39.
48:15There were 40 secretaries.
48:17What happened to the other one?
48:19Well, there's one of them, Todd, we can both forget.
48:21Molly Cross.
48:23There's to them all.
48:28That way, Lieutenant!
48:34Come on.
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