Misiones: allanaron el despacho de Germán Kiczka

  • last week
El diputado provincial de Misiones ha sido detenido bajo la acusación de distribuir pornografía infantil. A pesar de no estar acusado de corrupción o delitos políticos, la gravedad del delito ha generado un gran impacto social. Allanamientos revelaron que tanto él como su hermano poseían material ilegal en sus computadoras. La comisión investigadora ha recomendado su expulsión por inhabilidad moral, y se espera que la decisión se concrete este jueves. La situación ha causado un estrépito social no solo en Misiones, sino en todo el país.


00:00We are all part of the shock generated by the arrest of the provincial deputy of Misiones, Germán Quixca.
00:08He is not accused of corruption, he is not accused of any pettiness, of politics or caste, as is customary to say in these times.
00:17He is accused of an abhorrent crime, of a crime of those for which, if you are found guilty, you cannot take your head out and you cannot return to the street.
00:27Distributing child pornography.
00:30Think that this guy had been chosen by the people of Misiones to represent him,
00:35and it was known from the findings that in his computer he and his brother had child pornography material.
00:44Those who saw it, and it is always the tremendous thing about these cases,
00:48they say that it is not only unplayable, but it is impossible to count the level of aberrations that there were about children.
00:55So first one can make a philosophical reflection, that is, what goes through the mind of these guys?
01:01What is the perverse mechanism that leads them to want to be social examples, becoming legislators,
01:11and on the other hand they have these perverse vices in privacy.
01:16In any case, the deputy Germán Quixca, as I understand, who is still,
01:21the office in the legislature of Misiones has been flattened, there is Aníbal Kowalski with more details.
01:27First, is he still a deputy or have they already fired this man?
01:32Hello, Rolando, how are you? No, not yet.
01:38That would be confirmed this Thursday.
01:41Everything already indicates that this Thursday in the session,
01:44because the investigative commission that was formed at the time,
01:47has already issued a statement on Friday,
01:50precisely saying that it corresponds to the fact that he has been expelled
01:54according to Article 90 of the Constitution of the province of Misiones,
01:58for moral iniquity. That is the cause.
02:00First, let's clarify that, evidently, everyone is innocent until their guilt is proven.
02:07However, in this case, in their computers, in the ELI, their brother found this material,
02:13that the sole tenancy is already a crime,
02:16even if they could not participate, that they participated from rapes to minors,
02:21the sole tenancy already constitutes a crime,
02:24and in the case of a legislator it not only constitutes a crime,
02:27but it also constitutes shame. I think that with that it is enough for him to be fired.
02:31Of course, because that generates stress, that is the technical word they use,
02:35a social stress, not only in Misiones,
02:38yes, not only in Misiones, but in the whole country,
02:42but also, Rolando, you have to take this into account,
02:45the fundamental cause for his expulsion at this time is his escape.
02:53He being a deputy, he escaped, that is, with that single element,
02:59he already incurs in a moral inability, when he was saying that he wanted,
03:04precisely, he was at the disposal of justice.
03:07So, having escaped, he already incurred in that moral inability.
03:13Now, Aníbal, where does this guy come from?
03:16What was it, what was known about him before this?
03:22No, I mean, what was known is, let's say, that they organized parties,
03:28but never of this nature, that is, on weekends,
03:33because apart from the intimate relationship of Germán Quizca with Pedro Puerta,
03:38who was known, fundamentally, to the apostles, of course,
03:42I mean, beyond...
03:44Pedro Puerta is the son of Ramón Puerta, who was a fleeting president of Argentina,
03:48but he was, I think, twice governor of Misiones, right?
03:52Ramón Puerta was twice, exactly, governor...
03:55Close friend of Mauricio Macri, in fact, they studied engineering together.
03:58He was ambassador during Macri's administration, too.
04:01Exactly, ambassador in Spain.
04:03Now, Pedro Puerta is the son who formed a provincial party
04:07called Activar, and precisely, Quizca was the leader of that party.
04:13Pedro Puerta's mother is the party's vice-president.
04:17It's a provincial party that joined together for change last year here in Misiones.
04:22Precisely, the banks gave in thanks to that alliance with Juntos por el Cambio, right?
04:29Yes. Now, what did Pedro Puerta say about all this?
04:36Because he has a political relationship with that man, with that boy,
04:39there are a lot of photos with him.
04:41Absolutely, videos, photos, I mean,
04:45photos playing football, eating barbecue on the weekends, etc., etc.
04:50I mean, their relationship of intimacy is total, also, remember that...
04:54The intimacy in this case, I would tell you that it is an uncomfortable word.
04:57Convenient, right?
05:00Well, I'm talking about the friendship relationship.
05:02No, I know, it's a joke.
05:04Of course, but look, for example, Quizca was an executive employee
05:12of the company Cigarros Misioneros, Cigarros Misiones, which is the company, the cigar maker,
05:18there they produce, they make high-quality Havana,
05:21even with Cuban masters that Ramón Puerta brought, and that are exported.
05:25They, in addition to being yerbateros, they are one of the most important yerbateros in Misiones,
05:30they have that company, and Germán Quizca worked there, and he had an office
05:35in that company, which went to Yanada, and elements of that place were kidnapped,
05:40in addition to a club, a nightclub that they had there internally, that they have there internally.
05:47Pedro Puerta, at first, he tried to disconnect.
05:51Of course.
05:51In the first statements he made, he practically
05:54didn't even need to say that he knew Germán Quizca.
05:57Now, is something known about the victims? Because this,
06:01if at some point one of the kids is identified, and that is a local kid, let's say from Misiones,
06:09or from the area, would the scandal increase in all those videos?
06:14Or are they videos that come from abroad and they redistribute?
06:19Well, that is being worked on, it is being worked on.
06:22Basically, there are videos that came and that they also sent.
06:27In other words, they not only consumed, but also shared images and videos.
06:33Well, it is being worked on, it is being investigated, of course, to determine the victims
06:40that they generated here in Apóstoles, when they filmed.
06:47So there is DTNT.
06:49In other words, did they also film the minors at those parties?
06:55Of course. So far, what the judge is currently investigating deeply is precisely the production.
07:06Because there are videos that they produced. Videos and photos.
07:10Of course. And there one says, well, that's where it connects with one of the ghosts of Caso Loa, right?
07:16Let's say, well, they may have kidnapped a kid to produce this type of content.
07:19This is a lot of money.
07:22Yes, yes, yes, people out there are not going to get it in their heads, talking about the subject at this time of the morning.
07:26But sexual tourism or consumption, which is a lot of money, of exploitation of minors for pedophilia.
07:33The truth is that it is crazy, that it does not enter anyone's head.
07:35But it is one of the most lucrative businesses of these times.
07:38What is proven, we even talked to the prosecutor who initiated this investigation,
07:43from a detection that an NGO from the United States does,
07:46via collaboration of the United States Embassy in our country.
07:49The investigation begins, it is proven what has to do with consumption and distribution of pedophilia.
07:54That in itself is a crime.
07:56Now what is being advanced is in two topics, Rolo and Aníbal also know it.
08:00What has to do, first, if there is also a specific victim of some of that material,
08:06if it has to do with a minor in Argentina.
08:09That line of investigation is being deepened.
08:11And the other thing is how far it scales.
08:13You were asking about political ties.
08:15Here we have also talked a couple of Sundays ago with Ramón Puerta,
08:18where all the time Ramón Puerta says, no, no,
08:20the thing ends, they don't even tell you in Germán Quizca,
08:23in Sebastián Quizca, who describes as someone with addiction problems,
08:28with consumption that already the whole people in Apóstoles knew,
08:30as if they want to finish the thing there.
08:32There is the stage of investigation, and for this all the kidnapped material will be key.
08:37On Friday, for example, from the office of the deputy Germán Quizca,
08:42they took a pen drive, a CPU and a notebook,
08:46and the analysis of that material will be key.
08:50Notice that the judge, as you said,
08:54evidence against Germán Quizca and his brother Sebastián,
08:59there is too much evidence.
09:01What the judge is advancing now is the connection
09:05that Pedro Puerta could also have in this,
09:08because there is a chat, sorry,
09:10there is a Telegram group,
09:13that appeared in Germán Quizca's computer,
09:16in which he was seized on August 6 in his house.
09:20Because it must be clarified that there was a raid on February 28,
09:24that was ordered by the prosecutor Daniela Dupuy,
09:28and then one that the judge ordered here in Apóstoles,
09:31on August 6, in Germán Quizca's house.
09:33There was already a lot of evidence related to this whole issue on his computer.
09:40And a Telegram group that exchanged between them,
09:45among the members of that group,
09:47images, precisely, of MASSI,
09:49material of child sexual abuse.
09:52And there are photos, videos.
09:54And in that group, it is integrated by Pedro Puerta,
09:58by Germán Quizca, Lucio Puerta, Pedro Puerta's brother,
10:02Alejandro Prieto, an employee of the Ciudadela.
10:04Stop, wait, but it's very serious.
10:06We are talking about at least two political leaders
10:08in a Telegram group, where they circulated videos of child abuse.
10:13Totally. That is in the file.
10:17There is, as it is a copy, I have a copy of that sheet,
10:25and that is determined.
10:27There, let's say, I want, I don't know,
10:31today I want to take a minor sentence like that, for example,
10:35and they abound there in that group, right?
10:40A Telegram group.
10:41And there is also a certain Gastón Caballero,
10:43who is also a political leader of ACTIVAR,
10:47and an employee of the Puertas, of Channel 4 of the Puertas and of the radio, right?
10:51Which speaks of the growth of the morale of the Argentine political leadership.
10:55Aníbal, thanks for the contact, I send you a hug.
10:58Likewise for you, Rolando.
