Neighbours 9th September 2024 (9109)

  • yesterday


00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02There's a list here of everything that Aaron's done.
00:07Isla is so lucky to have you as a dad.
00:09Krista needs a little help with Paul.
00:11Not everyone wants to butt heads every minute of every day.
00:14She's not me.
00:15She certainly is not.
00:17You've assigned nearly every item this week to yourself.
00:20We're supposed to be collaborating.
00:22But we're actually not going in.
00:23But he's your brother.
00:24Every time we let Felix back into our lives, it backfires.
00:27Don't think I ever seen you here.
00:57I thought you hated me.
01:09This isn't about me, Felix.
01:12You were stabbed and I had to see how you are.
01:18I've had better days.
01:20And worse.
01:23Well, there's always a silver lining.
01:27Maybe this is a chance for you and Andrew to reconnect.
01:30Who was that?
01:33He loves you, Felix.
01:35Regardless of what happened in the past.
01:38And I had to come here to see if you're at least open to a visit.
01:45Of course I'd like to see him, but I'm out of chances.
01:49I've accepted that.
01:54You must have had time to do a lot of soul searching.
02:13So what are we going to eat?
02:15Oh, I'm easy.
02:17Surprise me.
02:19Tough day?
02:20Just long.
02:22Endless meetings, most of which could have been emails.
02:27Oh, hi.
02:30Hey, are you here for dinner too?
02:32Um, no, I'm just grabbing some takeaway.
02:34Oh, actually, while I've got you here, a quick update on the fitness program.
02:39I should have an activity slate mapped out by first thing in the morning.
02:44Oh, I thought we were going to work on that all together.
02:47Oh, no, we will.
02:48I'm just getting a head start.
02:49Yeah, been a long day.
02:51Why don't you take a night off?
02:53Project managing is not work for me.
02:54It's my happy place.
02:57Anyway, I'll leave you guys to it.
02:58We can reconvene tomorrow.
03:06So what do you want for dinner?
03:07Um, you decide.
03:09I just want to see Tell Dad so I can watch him disagree with you.
03:14Oh, you're talking about me again.
03:16Well, you know what?
03:17I hope it's all good because I am actually here to apologize.
03:20I realize I may have overreacted before.
03:23And on reflection, I think Sadie would be good for the role.
03:27I know.
03:27That's why I hired her.
03:29Yes, you do have good instincts.
03:34Apology accepted.
03:37The thing is, Therese popped in and just reminded me that
03:41not everybody likes to go head-to-head the way she does.
03:45Therese popped in?
03:47Come on.
03:47Right after she was talking about how kind and generous he is.
03:51Which he can't find out about.
03:52OK? He'll get the wrong idea.
03:54No. What if it's the right idea?
03:56Look, she obviously wants to be around him.
03:58She just lost Toadie.
04:00She's just trying to feel better.
04:04OK. Fine.
04:05I'll see you tomorrow.
04:20OK. Use this one to colour in.
04:21And that's the sky.
04:25I'm going to draw in the tree.
04:30Tell me to stay out of it, if you like.
04:33But I have not seen any of your usual post-breakup antics.
04:36No big nights out.
04:38No wardrobe purging.
04:39Carrie's not the usual breakup.
04:42Do you want to have a chat about it?
04:46Well, I found a pair of her socks in my cupboard this morning.
04:49And then I cried half an hour.
04:50So it might not be a good idea.
04:54See, Daisy.
04:55That's all right.
04:56We'll clean it up.
04:56Did that get on you?
04:57No? OK.
04:58Come on, Nick.
05:00That had so many family photos with David in them.
05:04That's fine.
05:05That'll be in the cloud, right?
05:07Yeah. I don't do the upgrade, the storage.
05:10It's very confusing.
05:12I mean, look.
05:13Oh, hey.
05:14Do you want me to have a look?
05:15I might be able to sort it out if it's...
05:17If anything got in.
05:19Oh, OK.
05:19Yeah, great.
05:20I mean, do whatever you have to do.
05:21Yeah, cool.
05:22I'll just take it to the back.
05:23Thanks, Haz.
05:23All good.
05:24Hey, it's OK.
05:25It was an accident.
05:27All good.
05:29Sorry, Mummy.
05:30It's OK.
05:30It's all right.
05:35Your dream wedding dress awaits, my lady.
05:39And I thought wine home delivery was a game changer.
05:42This is next level.
05:44Dressing up in your own home, no hovering shop assistants.
05:47So which one are we going to try on first?
05:49The lacy boho, the long sleeve, the classic meringue?
05:55We could go left to right.
05:59Well, don't get too excited, babe.
06:00You might pass out.
06:02Oh, no, no.
06:02I am excited.
06:04I'm really, really excited.
06:05You know, this is definitely the best option.
06:07And it's all I can afford.
06:09So all right.
06:10So they're not red carpet worthy.
06:12But don't worry.
06:13We'll zhoosh them up with, like, some accessories, some fancy heels.
06:17It'll be great.
06:18OK, let's narrow down our top three before Sadie and Byron get back.
06:22My lady.
06:22My lady.
06:23Hot one right off the bat.
06:25This is, oh, that is short.
06:27Cheers, mate.
06:30Hey, I was actually going to drop past your place to see how you're all doing.
06:34Yeah, we thought dinner would be a good distraction.
06:36It's been a big day.
06:38Um, I went to see him before.
06:42I didn't go in.
06:43I just, um, I don't know.
06:45I just chickened out.
06:47Hey, that's not weakness, mate.
06:49You listen to your instincts.
06:50They're protecting you.
06:52It's good that you did that.
06:55We're going to do the same thing.
06:56Wendy, Sadie and me.
06:57We're going to give him a wide berth.
07:05There's something you should probably know.
07:08I cannot believe you stepped into a brawl.
07:11I would have been out of there so fast.
07:14I just did what felt right in the moment.
07:17Well, it was really brave.
07:20Pretty stupid, but mostly brave.
07:29Just give me a minute.
07:38I'm going to see him.
07:39No, no, no.
07:40You said that.
07:45Look, you agreed.
07:48Look, I know how much you love your family.
07:50And if you're not going to take this chance to make things right...
07:54Wendy, brokering some sort of a reunion between me and my brother,
07:58it doesn't mean that you want to...
07:59No, no, no.
08:02I just didn't want you to have any regrets.
08:05I don't.
08:06Because I didn't do anything wrong.
08:09We both know that he's going to say all the right words.
08:11And he's going to say that he's changed.
08:13And we're going to believe him all the way up until he screws us again.
08:16Yeah, well, I thought that too.
08:19But I've spoken to him.
08:21And he's different.
08:28It's an act.
08:29No, he's in far too much pain to be putting on some act.
08:33What I saw in there, that was genuine.
08:38Now, you know, we can go home now.
08:40If that's what you want.
08:42You know, and I will support you.
08:47Or you can stay and you can talk to him.
08:51And I'll be here for you too.
08:53I mean, like, iconic.
08:55I mean, it is a step up from the Showerloofer.
09:00We're not feeling it.
09:01That's fine.
09:02We'll move on.
09:03I think that was the last one.
09:11What if we try like...
09:13We'll try this one.
09:15We'll try this one.
09:15We'll try this one.
09:16We'll try this one.
09:17We'll try this one.
09:18We'll try this one.
09:19We'll try this one.
09:19We'll try this one.
09:20We'll try this one.
09:21We'll try this one on again, but we can pair it with like a massive bouquet or
09:28Or or diamonds look these dresses are
09:35They're not the one
09:37My last wedding dress at the bar pretty high
09:40Oh, really you mean the one that was custom-made for you by a friend to fit your exact vibe and personality you're joking
09:46I just think I need to manage my expectations. That's so romantic
09:55Well, what if we jumped back on the Express dress website just one more time and raise the budget a little bit
10:05Come on we can all chip in it'll be worth it
10:08Okay. Okay. Let's do it. I am going to show you
10:13My dream Jess and yes, I mean it is very much out of my budget, but you know, we can drink manifest. Yeah. Yeah
10:26To be clear I don't expect anything from you. I won't be reaching out to anyone either
10:33If that's code for JJ then I am glad I
10:39Care about JJ, I don't know good for him for anyone
10:47It's good to see you
10:53So what happened why'd you get caught up in this mess a
10:58Couple of clowns decided to kick off in the gym the coordinated attack could have got yourself killed man
11:06It's the right thing to do
11:12Rest up mate good to your recovery so they can send me back quicker
11:29He's still Felix
11:32But something's different
11:35You did the right thing
11:37Yeah, maybe
11:40Definitely I know you
11:44Yes, I am a bit of an open book
11:48You are
11:51And I want to be that for you too
11:57Whatever I am learning about myself. I want to learn that with you
12:04Team Rod well
12:07Me in your corner you and mine
12:10That's what I want
12:18Desert toasties are something we can make it home. No. No, it's the bread. They just fancy brioche
12:30Busted we just fancy something sweet. Yeah. Well, no judgment. I'm about to do the same
12:34I need a bit of sugar. Oh, yes. Well, good luck with that. Oh, hey, I don't need luck
12:40I am on a roll. Now. Listen, I have found the perfect third party fitness outfit. It's it's local
12:45It's a developed rehab a few little tweaks and it'll be perfect. Wow. Can't wait to hear about it tomorrow
12:50Oh and the staff are all highly trained and there is a huge variety of activities
12:55There's there's like salsa dancing and there's the squash
12:59Oh, and this is wait for it. Wait for it. It's set to 60s music
13:06Oh, wow for you Carl, you know, maybe it's some time to up your lacquer game
13:12You know show us your moves. I
13:15Mean you're a musician. So I'm sure you've got some natural rhythm in there somewhere
13:24Reading this made me want to resign too
13:27It's a beautiful read
13:30Well, it was hard to write
13:32Which part jetting off to Paris with your paramour new opportunities French patisseries, please just leave already
13:40Can't believe how fast it's all happening
13:43Well, you deserve this you've earned it
13:50Thank You Cody for everything you've always had my back
13:56Well, how can I not this is because of your hard work and your talent
14:02I'm so happy for you
14:06Well, if it's any consolation part of me wants to stay here forever in my own little bubble, yeah, I get that
14:16But being offered a fresh start has made me realize how badly I need one and
14:21Has he is so excited for his next steps
14:24You know every morning for the last week you charge through here at full throttle I'm a busy woman Paul
14:29Oh, come on. Take 10 minutes out smell the trees. Have a look at the birds clear your head a bit
14:34Then what meditate in the rotunda?
14:37You know a wise woman once said to me
14:39You're not gonna be very good at your job if your job is all you do
14:42Probably because you were ignoring her in favor of work
14:49Probably because you were ignoring her in favor of work. No
14:54Ten minutes
14:59Okay, what's the prognosis so I left it switched off all night all the moisture's out
15:04I'm just transferring everything to a hard drive now in the photos. Yeah, the photos call logs voice memos undeleted trash. It's all there
15:11Oh, okay. Amazing. You're a genius
15:14You will need to get your phone serviced before we transfer everything back though. Okay, I don't need a new phone
15:21Aaron's just with Isla down by the lake. How long do you need?
15:24About another half an hour go join them. Come back later
15:28Seriously, thank you. I owe you one. I don't know what I would have done without my family photos
15:43Then I have a video call so back-to-back meetings all day Wow
15:48What no, nothing I'd probably do the same thing bury myself in work
15:55Hey, it wasn't a criticism. No, I think back-to-back meetings are an excellent form of pain reliever
16:03Yeah, my prediction is any minute now you're gonna go from overworked mode to micromanaging everybody around you
16:11You know what I think Carl and Susan might say that that process is already well underway
16:29Okay, it's a new plan we go vintage
16:33Me in a gorgeous 50s rock and you in a powder blue tux suits me. Oh
16:39Is that a bad pun? Do you want it to be? Oh, definitely
16:44Break it up break it up
16:47That is a dress bag. Yeah, it is has close your eyes secret bridal business
16:55Is that
16:57your dream dress
16:58How magic? No, seriously. How like I said manifest, baby. I
17:04Can't afford this. You don't have to it's a gift from me to you. No, no, no. No, it's too expensive
17:10No, not after I haggled it down. I told them all about your crazy near-death gunshot experience. They practically gave it to me
17:16I don't know how I feel about they feel good has open your eyes. They loved it
17:20I mean think about all the boring bridal brigades. They usually have to deal with Holly. It's too much Mac
17:25I want to do this for you. Please just let me
17:33You are amazing
17:37And I'll have a skinny latte double shot, please Oh bring out the big guns
17:41No, it's either that or I make a run for it. Oh, oh
17:45I'm sorry. Now. That was a terrible thing to say. I know how much to raise is hurting
17:50I'm just gonna be patient with her. Yeah, hopefully she had a good night's sleep
17:54Hope Springs eternal. Hmm
17:58Good night sleep
18:02But listen, I've just had an epiphany, huh, right back to the drawing board with the fitness plans. No, no, no, no not about that
18:10about me and
18:12What a nightmare I've been Oh
18:15No, no, no, I have I have I've been micromanaging again and and
18:20Constantly work mode and and then I've costed the two of you last night when you're trying to take your dessert home
18:25I mean, that's practically sacrilege
18:28You've been going through a lot. Oh, I'll be making my heart break
18:32Everyone else's problem, but not anymore. Well, whatever helped you bounce back. I'm glad you found it
18:36Oh, actually, no, I found me in pool
18:40We went for a walk and we talked it all out and it actually seems he knows me better than I think I know myself
18:48Anyway enjoy your coffees. Maybe afterwards we could sit down talk about the new activities as a team
18:58There's flowers now long
19:07Given the success of the surgery Felix will be transferred back to the prison hospital in no time. Did you talk to him? Yeah, I did
19:17Sorry mate one sec work
19:22Everything all right. It's the warden's report from the incident the jail
19:26Felix comes off as quite the hero. Oh
19:29Well, he did stop another prisoner getting stabbed guards to according to this
19:35He never mentioned that
19:42Nice to have someone else to talk to hate being alone with my own thoughts
19:48He'll never guess who paid me a visit
19:50Yeah, Warden
19:52Only I'm being considered for early release
19:55nice for some
19:58Probably won't happen though
20:00Still feels good to be appreciated for doing the right thing
20:05Couldn't stand back what people got hurt
20:08I'm glad you didn't
20:11If you hadn't stepped in when you did I wouldn't be sitting here dreaming about all the stuff I get to do when I finally get
20:44Holly paid for yes, but she promised me that she got a bargain. Okay. Hey
20:52Wow, that is spooky. I was just thinking about you about what you said the other day
20:58I'm about fresh starts. Oh
21:03It's interesting, isn't it?
21:05Think about what kind of person you could be
21:08away from all of your history
21:10You're not thinking of leaving are you?
21:14Sound a bit excited by that if that's your way of retracting my wedding invitation is too late because I've already bought you a present
21:23Not exactly a no, is it? Hmm
21:32Oh, hey, I'm almost done here. No, that's all right. I've been sent in by Isla for another one of your special green juices
21:39Okay, one apple and melon smoothie coming right up the one. Hey, would you mind? I'm keeping an eye on this
21:45Sure, I've just got a malware scan running just to make sure we're not transferring over anything dodgy
21:49Okay. Oh and if a threat detection thing pops up, just just give me a yell. Yeah
22:24Our juices dada, we are getting very thirsty
22:31Did something go wrong with the transfer
22:34No, it didn't it's all here every little detail
22:47Coming up on neighbors
22:50Just feel like everything's about to change. Okay, I'm making a move on to raisement
22:58Why would you do such a thing? I don't know. How am I supposed to co-parent with someone I will never trust again