Rahul Gandhi के देवता शब्द की परिभाषा बताने पर बोले Acharya Pramod Krishnam

  • last week
राहुल गांधी ने अमेरिका में बयान देते हुए कहा कि भारत, अमेरिका और पश्चिम के अन्य देश बेरोजगारी की समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं जबकि चीन में ऐसा नहीं है, क्योंकि वह वैश्विक उत्पादन पर हावी हो रहा है। इस पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए पूर्व कांग्रेस नेता आचार्य प्रमोद कृष्णम ने कहा कि राहुल गांधी जी को बताना चाहिए कि वो चीन के साथ हैं या भारत के साथ हैं अगर उन्हें चीन की नीतियां इतनी अच्छी लगती हैं तो वह चीन में जाकर राजनीति करें, मैं बड़ी सोच के साथ कहना चाहता हूं, मैं बड़ा हैरान हूं कि ओवैसी भी जब देश के बाहर जाते हैं तो देश के साथ खड़े रहते हैं, देश का विरोध कभी नहीं करते लेकिन राहुल गांधी ऐसे हैं जो देश के बाहर जाकर देश के खिलाफ बोलते हैं। राहुल गांधी के देवता शब्द का अर्थ बताने पर आचार्य ने कहा कि राहुल गांधी को यह भी बताना चाहिए कि उनकी नजरों में देवता की जो परिभाषा है उसमें सबसे ज्यादा कौन फिट बैठते हैं, राहुल गांधी जी को क्या खुद लगता है कि वह दिव्य पुरुष हैं, खुद को देवता मानने लगे हैं ? अगर राहुल गांधी जी खुद को देवता मानने लगे हैं तो बताएं कौन से भगवान के अवतार हैं ? हमारे पुराणों में लिखा है नौ अवतार हो चुके हैं।


00:00Mr. Rahul Gandhi should be told whether he is with China or with India.
00:06If he likes China's policies so much, then he should go to China and do politics.
00:13I want to say with great regret, I am very surprised that
00:19even Asaduddin Obaisi does not go out of the country and speak against the country.
00:25When Obaisi goes out of the country, he stands with the country.
00:30He does not go against the country.
00:33He does not speak against the country.
00:36When he goes out of the country, Obaisi does not speak against the country.
00:40But Rahul Gandhi is such a person who goes out of the country and speaks against the country.
00:44Mr. Rahul Gandhi should also be told that
00:54in his eyes, the definition of God,
01:03does he fit in that definition the most?
01:08If Rahul Gandhi feels, I think Rahul Gandhi himself feels that
01:14he himself is a deviant man.
01:18He started considering himself as a God.
01:21If Rahul Gandhi starts considering himself as a God,
01:25then he should be told which are the avatars of which God.
01:29In our Puranas, it is written that there are ten avatars of God.
01:34Nine have happened. The tenth avatar will be in the form of tomorrow's avatar.
01:38So, Rahul Gandhi should also be told whether he is an avatar or not.
01:44And he should be told whether he is still hiding or not.
01:47If he is not told, then should Rahul Gandhi tell?
01:51Does he consider himself as a God?
01:54Rahul Gandhi should first tell himself whether he is a human being or a God.
01:58What does he consider himself?
02:01Does he consider himself as a God or a human being?
02:06After that, the rest.
02:09I think he considers himself as a God and he considers himself greater than the Gods.
02:14It is confirmed that he is a God in the Congress Party.
02:18But what does he consider himself?
02:21Does he consider himself as a God, a God, a human being?
02:25He should be told a little about himself.
