• last year


00:00I'll play all day.
00:01Jackpot, baby!
00:07Ladies and gentlemen, these two players are about to make instant decisions under pressure.
00:12Only the last survivor will win the game and all the money on Pass the Buck, with your host, Bill Cullen!
00:20Thank you. Thank you.
00:26Okay. Okay. Thank you.
00:31Welcome to Pass the Buck.
00:33Well, now, when we went off the air yesterday, we had Michael Holbreich and Mary Lynn Matternick,
00:37and they were ready to start the game that was going to decide the winner,
00:40the person who gets the money in the bank and gets a chance to go up there and play for 5,000 fast bucks.
00:45Over here observing, anxious to get back in the game, Sandy Eisenberg and Lois Weiss.
00:49Okay, kids, you watch what happens, and now let's see what happens over here.
00:53We're going to begin with you, Michael, and there is $525 in the bank at the moment.
00:58For that money and the chance to go to the bank, the Fast Buck jackpot, see who survives this.
01:04To survive this round, you have to name someone who normally wears a hat or head covering on the job.
01:10Someone who normally wears a hat or head covering on the job.
01:13No athletes, please. We add $25 for every correct answer.
01:16Okay, Michael, would you begin, please, sir?
01:19A hat salesman.
01:22Okay. Mary Lynn?
01:23A railroad conductor.
01:26That's good. A rabbi.
01:31The Pope.
01:34Comes under the heading of equal time. Michael?
01:37A cardinal.
01:39A cardinal. Cardinal.
01:41Okay. One more clergy I'll take, and then we'll dump the clergy.
01:44An archbishop.
01:45All right. That's the end of clergy now. Go ahead.
01:50A bonnet saleswoman.
01:55That is a duplicate of a hat salesman, if you don't mind.
01:58Now, Mary Lynn, to knock him out of the game, win $675, give me somebody.
02:03A construction worker.
02:05A hard hat, certainly. Come on over here, Michael.
02:11Take your place there, Michael, and be a spectator.
02:14Certainly a hard hat, a construction worker. You win the game,
02:16and now you're going to get a chance to try for the $5,000 Fast Bucks,
02:19so step on down there, if you would, and try your luck.
02:22Okay. $5,000 Fast Bucks possibility for you.
02:31Mary Lynn's going for the money, and we have Michael and Lois and Sandy here
02:35who are spectators hoping to get back in the game.
02:37Mary Lynn, your chance to win $5,000 Fast Bucks. You can do it two ways.
02:41You win if you reveal all the answers on any one line going across,
02:44or you win if you reveal at least one answer on every line going up.
02:48Now, on the bottom line, we have hidden four symptoms of the flu.
02:53Four symptoms of the flu. Name as many as you can.
02:56The more you name, the better your chances of revealing the four we've hidden.
02:59Get all four in 15 seconds, you win $5,000.
03:02If you get at least one, you can try again on the next line with another category.
03:06Four symptoms of the flu in 15 seconds, go.
03:10Stomachache, headache, vomiting, fever, vomiting, headache, stomach, chills, sweats,
03:23headache, body pain, muscle ache.
03:26Time runs out. You got enough to get you up to the next line.
03:29You came up with fever and chills.
03:31The two you didn't get that we have there, swollen glands, certainly,
03:35and coughing symptoms of the flu.
03:37You did get the one, and that's important now because you can move up to the next line
03:40and win $5,000 by revealing three biblical characters.
03:45Three biblical characters.
03:47Good luck. 15 seconds, go.
03:50Moses, St. John the Baptist, Jesus, Moses, St. Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
04:02Oh, dear. Alexander the Great.
04:06Oh, time, time.
04:08I should have studied.
04:09Alexander the Great, he got in there, huh? Okay.
04:12That was Alexander the Very Great, yes.
04:15Now, let's see what we had up there.
04:17Number one slot, we have Goliath, Peter, and Noah.
04:22Three pretty famous cats there.
04:24Okay, now, you didn't get all the way to the $5,000.
04:27You had two right answers.
04:28You pick up $100, four right answers, so that's $200 additional for you.
04:33And you know what? You're still in the game.
04:35Go on over there.
04:36You kids are going to get tired of running back and forth here.
04:39We'll be back in a moment.
04:40Right now, a word from Alexander the Great.
04:43New Downie brings you Downie Care.
04:45You get more than fluff and softness.
04:47Now it helps keep clothes looking like new.
04:50♪ Keep a new look of it, that's the way you love it, only Downie does it. ♪
04:59New Downie cares for clothes in the rinse by protecting them from fading.
05:03Over time, it helps keep clothes looking like new.
05:06With the most fluffy softness of any leading brand.
05:08♪ A new look stays there with Downie Care, keep a new look of it, take the best care of it, only Downie does it, come on in. ♪
05:19And only Downie has the Downie Ball.
05:21Toss it in at the start and get the best fabric care ever.
05:25Downie Care.
05:27♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, yeah! ♪
05:32Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!
05:34Do, do, ba, ba!
05:37Sometimes it seems as if you and your kids live on different planets.
05:41Oh, hi, Susie.
05:45So it's nice to know things like Sunny Delight peacefully coexist on both.
05:51It's got a taste he likes.
05:52And vitamins you like for him.
05:54Sunny Delight. The good stuff kids go for.
05:57Want whiter teeth in just two weeks?
06:00Then try Arm & Hammer Extra Whitening.
06:02The baking soda formula clinically proven to whiten teeth in two weeks.
06:06Arm & Hammer Extra Whitening.
06:08Whiter teeth in just two weeks.
06:12Looking for fame?
06:13Looking for fortune?
06:15Well, look no further than Game Show Network's School of Hand Gestures!
06:19Since 1955, our graduates have dominated the industry.
06:22When you enroll, you'll learn the Flip and Lift,
06:25the Seated Gesture,
06:27Look Ma, Two Hands,
06:29Synchronized Gesturing,
06:31the Graceful Exit,
06:32and the Patented S Maneuver.
06:35Game Show Network's School of Hand Gestures.
06:37Our students are in good hands.
06:44A considerable amount of money can be accumulated without hitting the 5,000 fast bucks.
06:48Mary Lynn is an example.
06:50You now have $2,325 that you've gotten on working your way up there.
06:54That's all right.
07:00Every time someone comes up with a right answer, we add $25.
07:03And it builds that way, plus the $100 for every right answer over there.
07:06We're gonna start with Sandy.
07:08And Sandy, and everybody, to survive this round,
07:10you have to name something people commonly forget.
07:14Something people commonly forget.
07:16Beginning with Sandy, go.
07:18Their umbrella.
07:20That's true.
07:21A name.
07:23In my case, that's very true.
07:26An anniversary.
07:28Thank you, Michael.
07:29Mary Lynn?
07:30Your keys.
07:31Okay, we have $200 in the bank.
07:34A dental appointment.
07:37Yes, Lois?
07:38A birthday.
07:41A telephone number.
07:44A grocery list.
07:47We have $300 in the bank, Sandy.
07:51To buy milk.
07:55That is a duplicate of the other thing.
07:57Now, Lois, to knock her out of the game, give me something.
08:01Your eyeglasses.
08:02The judge says yes.
08:03Come on over here, Sandy.
08:10Okay, Sandy becomes a spectator.
08:12We have three players left in the game and $325 in the bank.
08:16Beginning with you, Michael, to survive this round,
08:19you have to tell us something a girl would do
08:21if she lost her bathing suit while swimming at the public beach.
08:27You have time to think about that?
08:29I have you, Michael?
08:30I'm picturing it.
08:31Okay, please.
08:32Please do.
08:33Something a girl would do if she lost her bathing suit
08:36while swimming at a public beach.
08:38Okay, Michael, go.
08:39She would cover herself up with her arms.
08:42That way, necessarily.
08:43Yes, just like that.
08:44Okay, Marilyn.
08:45I would scream for the lifeguard.
08:49Dive under the waves.
08:51Okay, back to Michael.
08:53Try to grab the closest thing around, a blanket or something,
08:56and cover herself up.
08:58I understand.
08:59Let's see if the judge does.
09:00He does.
09:02I would borrow someone else's
09:04and go get my own.
09:06Okay, Lois?
09:08I'm going to my locker.
09:13Okay, we can't accept that.
09:15To stay in the game or knock her out,
09:17name me something else, Michael.
09:19She would scream for everybody around not to look.
09:22That'll do it.
09:24Come on over here, Lois.
09:31Sandy and Lois, watch the proceedings.
09:33See what goes on.
09:34She would scream for everyone not to look.
09:36I like the one where she said she'd borrow one from somebody.
09:39That would put that person in the spot.
09:41However, $475 in the bank.
09:44We're starting with Marilyn.
09:46And to survive this round, this is for the money,
09:48money in the bank plus getting up there.
09:50To survive this round, you have to name something or somebody
09:52that carries something else
09:54and give us a phrase to do it.
09:56For example, a policeman carries a gun.
09:59That's an example.
10:01And a reminder, you may not repeat either half.
10:04Beginning with Marilyn, begin.
10:07A detective carries a badge.
10:09A detective carries a badge is good.
10:11A fireman carries a person.
10:13A fireman carries... Yes, that's it.
10:15A mother carries a baby.
10:17You're going.
10:18A man carries a wallet.
10:21$575 in the bank.
10:23A person traveling carries passport papers.
10:26A person carries a passport.
10:29Back to Michael.
10:30A salesman carries merchandise.
10:33A new dog owner carries extra papers.
10:37To identify the dog. Michael?
10:40A newspaper boy carries the newspaper.
10:44That's good. Marilyn?
10:46Someone carries someone else in...
10:49A lifeguard carries a drowning person.
10:54Okay, that's a duplicate.
10:56Now, Michael, to knock her out of the game
10:58and win $675, give me one.
11:01You carry the keys to your car.
11:03One carries the keys. That's right.
11:05Come on over here, Marilyn.
11:08Marilyn, make yourself at home.
11:10Michael, you got a chance at 5,000 fast bucks,
11:13so come on down here and try your luck.
11:15Okay, Michael, you're gonna get a shot at 5,000 fast bucks.
11:18You got $775 you're working on right now.
11:21And Marilyn and Lois and Sandy, you watch it
11:24and perhaps you'll get back in the game.
11:26Michael, chance to win 5,000 fast ones.
11:28Do it two ways.
11:29If you get all the answers on any one line going across
11:32or one answer on any line going up.
11:34Now, on the bottom line, we have hidden
11:36four things you drink from.
11:39Four things you drink from.
11:41Try to name as many as you can.
11:43If you get all four, 5,000 bucks.
11:45Ready to go? 15 seconds, go.
11:47A glass, a mug, a slipper,
11:50um, a shell, a glass, a mug,
11:54a bottle, a can,
11:57um, uh, a, um,
12:00oh, a paper cup.
12:02Time's up.
12:04You got that one.
12:06You got that one.
12:11I, uh, you got three right answers.
12:14That's added to the 675 that was already in the bank.
12:16Let's see the, you got a cup, a glass, a mug, and a fountain.
12:19A fountain is the one you missed.
12:21Okay, you got the one necessary to get you up to the next line.
12:24Now, this time you can win $5,000
12:26by naming three things you shoot,
12:29not things you shoot at.
12:31I'll repeat that again, just so you have it.
12:33Things you shoot, not things you shoot at.
12:36Okay, 15 seconds, go.
12:39A gun, a bow and arrow,
12:41um, uh, a BB gun,
12:44uh, firecrackers,
12:46um, uh, oh, gee,
12:49a gun, a bow and arrow,
12:51um, uh...
12:56You got arrow, and that's the one that keeps you in the game.
12:58I'm curious about this, too.
13:00The other ones were a rifle as opposed to a gun
13:03and a cannon as opposed to a rifle.
13:05Okay, you got the necessary one, you go up.
13:07Once again, you're trying this time for two greeting cards.
13:11Two greeting cards. Go ahead.
13:13Birthday, Valentine's Day,
13:15friendship, Mother's Day, Father's Day,
13:17anniversary, belated birthday,
13:19birth of a child, new car,
13:21congratulations on your new house,
13:23wedding, um, uh, graduation,
13:25uh, birthday, anniversary,
13:27um, uh...
13:31You got Valentine.
13:33That makes you eligible to continue.
13:35The one you didn't get is...
13:37Did I get... No.
13:39Well, Michael, you're close now.
13:41You're close this time.
13:43Last chance.
13:45You can win $5,000 by naming one tree.
13:50One tree.
13:5215 seconds for $5,000.
13:54Fast bucks, go.
13:56Elm, oak, maple, pine, fir,
13:58uh, palm,
14:10All right!
14:24Thank you, everyone.
14:26Thank you, everybody.
14:28Thank you, everybody.
14:32I don't believe it.
14:34That's funny.
14:40I know.
14:42It tickled off.
14:44I was just kidding, Michael, on yesterday's show
14:46about the fact that he hadn't won anything
14:48but was still on.
14:50Since then, you've compiled a lot of money.
14:52You just added $5,000 fast bucks,
14:54so you're gonna get a chance.
14:56Not only you got a lot of money,
14:58that eliminates our three good players here.
15:00Let me, uh, say first of all
15:02to, um, Lois Weiss.
15:04Thank you, Lois.
15:06Lois, you take $775 with you.
15:08This is a good group.
15:10Mary Lynn Matternick.
15:12Mary Lynn, you take $2,325 with you.
15:14And look at Sandy Eisenberg.
15:16Thanks, Sandy.
15:18It's been well worth your while.
15:20You've been with us a whole week.
15:24Thanks to all of you.
15:26Thank you, Michael.
15:28A chance to meet three new opponents in a moment.
15:30But right now, we've got a word for you.
15:34...glass shower look like this.
15:36Zap it! Can't get the stains out of your kitchen counter?
15:38Zap it!
15:40Thinking about replacing or refinishing your sink or tub?
15:42Zap it!
15:44Is the grout in your floor tile impossible to clean?
15:46Zap it!
15:48Now you can use Zap, what professional cleaners
15:50have been using for the last three years.
15:52Stop trying to clean it over and over.
15:54Just restore it.
15:56All you have to do is pour on Zap, let it set,
15:58and wipe it off.
16:00And in just minutes, your surfaces are back like new.
16:02I was gonna have to hire somebody to come in
16:04and clean my old, dirty sink.
16:06I could not get clean with all the stains.
16:08Put Zap on.
16:10Look, my chrome is like new.
16:12My porcelain, my tile, my grout.
16:14It's magic.
16:16Zap, with its minty scent, is specifically formulated
16:18to restore surfaces back to their original new shine
16:20in just minutes.
16:22Porcelain, chrome, fiberglass,
16:24hard water stains, tile,
16:26rust, grout.
16:28In fact, Zap is 100%
16:30guaranteed to clean and restore
16:32surfaces back to their original new shine
16:34or your full money back.
16:36I put this on, I let it sit,
16:38and I get my white grout back.
16:40It's the only product I've found that works
16:42on the hard water stains,
16:44on the rust, on the
16:46black mildew.
16:48It smells great, too.
16:50Just keep Zap indoors.
16:52Zap those stubborn stains on your RV and boat.
16:54Zap's unique formula is so concentrated,
16:56just one bottle replaces
16:58$50 worth of ordinary cleaners.
17:00I love Zap.
17:02I pour it on, wipe it off, I don't scrub.
17:04Everything shines like new.
17:06It is a miracle.
17:08When you order now, you'll receive the Zap Concentrated Restorer,
17:10the Zap Easy Spray Cleaner,
17:12and two industrial Zap pads.
17:14And if you order within the next five minutes,
17:16you'll receive a third bottle of Zap Cleaner absolutely free.
17:18For rush delivery, call this number right now
17:20or send $19.95 plus shipping
17:22to Zap, P.O. Box 2220,
17:24Agoura Hills, California, 91376.
17:26Remember, call right now
17:28to receive your extra free bottle of Zap.
17:34So, Michael
17:36Holbreich, our student, wins the game,
17:38makes his mother very happy, he's told me.
17:40Michael, do you know how much you've won so far?
17:42I don't know. Somewhere around $5,700.
17:44Would you sell for that?
17:46No. I'll take more.
17:48Want more? Yes, please.
17:50You think you won more than that? How much?
17:54So, you're in pretty good shape.
18:00you got a chance
18:02to meet three nice new opponents,
18:04beginning with Pat. Would you all introduce yourselves, please?
18:06Sure. I'm Pat Valance, Bill, and I'm a New York City
18:08housewife and mother and a school volunteer.
18:10Welcome, Pat. Thank you.
18:12Next, sir? Hello, Bill. James Moriarty.
18:14Fireman from Bloomfield, New Jersey.
18:16A good name, Moriarty.
18:18And, please?
18:20Hi, Bill. My name is
18:22Karen Connix, and I'm a model from New York City.
18:24Okay. Welcome to all of you.
18:26You're a nice-looking group up there.
18:28So, we'll start a new game for you. Beginning with you this time,
18:30Michael, to survive this round, you have to
18:32name a kind of lesson
18:34that a person could normally take.
18:36A kind of lesson that a person could normally take.
18:38No musical instruments, please.
18:40No musical instruments. I'll give you a little
18:42time, because just a kind of lesson
18:44a person could normally take. Okay, Michael,
18:46you begin. Foreign language lessons.
18:48C. Yes, Pat?
18:50Ice skating lessons.
18:54Swimming lessons. Karen?
18:56Acting lessons.
18:58We have $200 in the bank, Mike.
19:02Roller skating lessons.
19:04Very popular.
19:06Riding lessons.
19:08Horse riding. James?
19:10Dancing lessons.
19:12Yes, Karen?
19:14Yoga lessons.
19:16We have $300 in the bank, Michael.
19:18Health care lessons.
19:20I leave that to the judge.
19:22Judge says he will not accept that.
19:24To knock him out of the game, Pat,
19:26give me a kind of a lesson. Skiing lesson.
19:28Skiing lesson. The judge says yes.
19:30Come on over here, Michael.
19:32You get a chance to think about the money you've won
19:34and watch what's going on.
19:36You might get back in the game.
19:38We start with you this time, James.
19:40To survive this round,
19:42you must name something a teenager does
19:44that worries or annoys his or her parents.
19:46We have $325 in the bank.
19:48Something a teenager does
19:50to worry or annoy his parents.
19:52Go ahead, Jim, James.
19:54Stays out late. Okay, guess that'll do it.
19:58Snokes pot.
20:00Yeah, that'll sure do it. Pat?
20:02Drives too fast.
20:08That's putting it nicely. Karen?
20:10Plays the stereo too loud.
20:12A noise? Yes. Pat?
20:14Cut school.
20:18Takes drugs.
20:22That's a duplicate associated with pot.
20:24To knock him out of the game,
20:26Karen, give me something a teenager does.
20:28Hangs out and has no ambition.
20:30Has no ambition. Let's see what...
20:32The judge says yes. Come on over here, James.
20:38You join Michael there, James. You might get back in the game.
20:40We have two players left.
20:42We're going to begin with Pat at this point.
20:44And the bank is now at $500.
20:48And right now, we're going to add $300 to the bank.
20:50Right now. And that takes care of the bank.
20:52Nothing will be added as we go along.
20:54So we have $850 in the bank.
20:56Now, to win the bank and a chance at the Fast Bucks,
20:58you must spell the word
21:02one letter at a time.
21:04One letter at a time.
21:06We will be beginning with you, Pat.
21:10One letter at a time.
21:16Wait for the bell. Okay.
21:18U, Bill. Right.
21:44To knock her out of the game
21:46and win all the money in the bank,
21:48$850, give me the letter she should have given me.
21:52I is the right number. Congratulations, you've done it.
21:54Come on over here, Karen.
21:58Join the group.
22:00$850, and we'll be back here
22:02to give you a crack at the
22:045,000 Fast Buck Jackpot. Come on back here.
22:06Beauty bars feel good
22:08in the shower, but why do you still
22:10need all that body lotion after?
22:12Even the leading bar can take moisture
22:14away from your skin, but an Olay
22:16cleansing product actually puts moisture
22:18into your skin. It's formulated
22:20with 75% Olay
22:22moisturizer. It actually
22:24improves your skin's tone and
22:28And the name?
22:30Oil of Olay 2-in-1 Moisturizing Body Wash.
22:32Proven to moisturize better than
22:34the leading bar.
22:36This may surprise you, but there are
22:38places this toothbrush just can't reach.
22:40Under a special light, you can see
22:42these places where many problems can start.
22:44So you need multiple kinds of
22:46protection. You need this.
22:48Newcrest MultiCare.
22:50A great Newcrest. Newcrest
22:52MultiCare has a powerful foam
22:54that penetrates into tiny crevices to
22:56fight ugly tartar and cavities. And
22:58it even kills bacteria to help your teeth
23:00feel clean. Get multiple kinds
23:02of protection. Get Newcrest
23:06What's inside every box of
23:08Unisom? A great way to sleep
23:10from Pfizer, a leading research
23:12pharmaceutical company.
23:14Unisom helps you sleep with the same quality
23:16that's in every Pfizer product.
23:18Unisom. Rest assured.
23:20Do you need a
23:22Visa credit card? If you can say yes
23:24to these minimum requirements, we'll say
23:26yes to you. This is a special
23:28opportunity to get an unsecured Visa credit
23:30card with no security deposit required.
23:32Even if you've been turned on before, and
23:34regardless of your past credit history.
23:36Almost everyone will be approved for this
23:38Visa credit card, so call now.
23:40Repeat, if you can say yes to these minimum
23:42requirements, we'll say yes to you.
23:44Say yes to this limited no-risk offer for
23:46an unsecured Visa credit card from Cross Country
23:48Bank. Call this toll-free number now.
23:52the grand total of prizes and merchandise
23:54given away on Game Show Network is...
24:00And it just keeps going up, folks.
24:04Calling all viewers, The Price is Right
24:06with Bill Cullen is up next on Game Show Network.
24:08Followed by Game World Weekend and Family Feud.
24:16Okay, Pat Valance, you have $850
24:18and now your chance to win $5,000 fast bucks.
24:20You know how it works, do you not?
24:22Sure do, I've been watching you.
24:24Okay, four across or one up.
24:26Get ready to go because we're going to ask you
24:28first off to name me four things you find
24:30in a barn.
24:32B-A-R-N. Four things you find in a barn.
24:3415 seconds for $5,000, go.
24:36A horse, hay, a cow,
24:38a milking stand,
24:40a loft, a ladder,
24:42a rafter,
24:44a horse, hay,
24:46a rafter,
24:48a horse, a harness,
24:50a calf, a bull,
24:52a pigeon...
24:54Time is up. You got a cow
24:56and you got hay. The ones you didn't get
24:58were a farmer and
25:00a pitchfork. You got the necessary
25:02one though, Pat. You move up to the next line
25:04and this time I'm going to ask you to give me
25:06three words to describe
25:08how you feel as you walk
25:10down the aisle to get married.
25:12Three words to describe how
25:14you feel as one walks down the aisle to get married.
25:16You have 15 seconds, go.
25:20Nervous. Happy.
25:22Delighted. Calm.
25:24Nervous. Happy.
25:26Not so happy.
25:28Maybe sad.
25:32Fantastic. Terrific.
25:34You got nervous
25:36and happy. Audience, any suggestions?
25:40Someone yelled out
25:42pregnant. Remove that person.
25:46Give me see what the one was.
25:48Numb. Same thing.
25:50Okay, you
25:52got the necessary one. This time we're
25:54going to ask you to name two famous men
25:56named George. Two famous
25:58men named George. Go.
26:00George Washington.
26:02George Einstein.
26:04George Goebel.
26:08George George.
26:14Why am I blanking out on George?
26:16Time. You got George Washington.
26:18The one you didn't get is
26:20George C. Scott, but you got the necessary
26:22one. You're on that final important line.
26:24You have 15 seconds
26:26to name me one thing you
26:28would see in Hawaii.
26:30One thing you would see in Hawaii.
26:32Good luck. Go.
26:34Palm tree. A lei.
26:36A hula dancer.
26:38The beach. Pearl
26:40Harbor. The beach.
26:42Palm tree. Sand.
26:44A luau.
26:46A lei. A hula dancer.
26:48Grass skirt.
26:50Time is up. What was the $5,000
26:52thing you see in a volcano?
26:54You got one, two,
26:56three, four, five right answers
26:58at $100 at least. That's
27:00$500 additional dollars for you.
27:02Really, really, really simple
27:04idea. You know how your period can start
27:06off really heavy and then end up
27:08kind of light? Oh, yeah.
27:10So I thought, why am I using only one kind of
27:12tampon? Only Tampax makes the
27:14different absorbencies I need. And puts them all
27:16in one box. Super for those
27:18heavy days. Regular is for the middle.
27:20And these great little lights. Way more
27:22comfortable on my light days. All in one.
27:24One. One box. The Tampax
27:26Multipack. Making periods more convenient.
27:28One box at a time. Tampax.
27:30Women know.
27:32Your touch. Scientists
27:34call it touch therapy.
27:36Try it with Vicks Vaporub.
27:38Our medicated vapors ease congestion
27:40and calm coughing.
27:42Touch therapy. Vicks Vaporub.
27:44Cold relief with the touch of your hand.
27:50Their true nature has
27:52been veiled in mystery.
27:54Until now.
27:56Discovery Channel presents Wolves at Our Door.
27:58A groundbreaking new
28:00video that's perfect for the whole family.
28:02Go inside the
28:04private society of wolves.
28:06With award winning filmmakers Jim and Jamie
28:08Dutcher on their six year journey.
28:10And see what it's like to live and bond
28:12with these amazing animals.
28:14Call toll free now and have
28:16Wolves at Our Door delivered to your door
28:18for only $19.95.
28:20Follow the Dutchers as they gain the trust
28:22of a family of wolves.
28:24Raise a wolf from pup to leader of the pack.
28:26And finally, say goodbye.
28:28I'm gonna miss you guys.
28:30Take your family on an intimate adventure
28:32they'll never forget.
28:34Wolves at Our Door. Call now
28:36and let them in to your heart.
28:38Call toll free now
28:40and use your credit card or send a check
28:42or money order for $19.95 plus
28:44$3.95 shipping and handling to the address
28:46on your screen.
28:48Hectic ending.
28:50Our student, our school volunteer, our fireman
28:52and our model will all be back with us on Monday
28:54here at Pass the Buck. Hope you will be too.
28:56Thank you. Goodbye.
28:58Our concessions were received from Kinney Shoes,
29:00the great American shoe store, and up to the
29:02next selection of fashion footwear.
29:04Kinney Shoes, not only fits your feet, they fit your life.
29:06And rugged by Zbrick, ready to use
29:08acrylic sculpture coat for dramatic walls
29:10and ceilings. Now you can create deep textures
29:12like a professional. Plus PF,
29:14PF Flyers, Purcell shoes, quality
29:16and comfort for sports and leisure.
29:18Known and trusted for generations from PF,
29:20the physical fitness people. And the famous
29:22Presto Fry Baby deep fryer,
29:24the fast, easy way to fry almost
29:26anything and serving it to in a jiffy or two
29:28from Presto. Stay tuned now
29:30for The Price is Right over most of these
29:32same CBS stations.
29:52Ready to hibernate
29:54with the Game Show Network.
