Yota Tsuji vs Jeff Cobb - NJPW World TV Championship: Road to DESTRUCTION Night 2 (9/8/2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00I'm more pissed off, more disappointed in myself.
00:06New Japan World
00:10TV Oja, Jeff Cobb.
00:15What is the cause of your frustration and anger?
00:20I want to make New Japan Pro-Wrestling even better.
00:26I want to make New Japan Pro-Wrestling even better.
00:32The man at the center of New Japan Pro-Wrestling's new generation.
00:38Tsuji Ota.
00:43The beginning of fate begins this spring.
00:48Tsuji, get ready to get back to your young boy.
00:52The first match of the New Japan Cup.
00:59However, Tsuji won.
01:06And Tsuji went on to win.
01:14This is the beginning of a new era.
01:18And in the G1 Climax of this summer.
01:27Cobb was stopped from entering the tournament.
01:34Tsuji won the tournament.
01:40Tsuji, I want my win back.
01:43What I want is revenge.
01:45This is the now generation.
01:47I want my win back.
01:50If Tsuji wins, he will be the first to experience a single on his birthday.
01:55There is no doubt that it will be even more exciting.
02:01But the difficult time is coming.
02:04The pride of the generation that has survived in New Japan.
02:10I will not be your stepping stone.
02:19I will crush the new generation.
02:26New Japan World TV Championship.
02:29Challenger, Tsuji Ota vs.
02:32The champion, Jeff Cobb.
02:41Tsuji Ota vs. Jeff Cobb.
03:04From the spring, so to the summer.
03:07Back in March, Tsuji Ota and Jeff Cobb
03:10faced off for the very first time in the New Japan Cup.
03:14Tsuji Ota eliminated the Imperial Unit
03:17and went on to win the whole tournament.
03:20And again in G1 Climax action,
03:23it was Tsuji that stopped Jeff Cobb
03:26from getting out of the group stage.
03:29And Tsuji made it all the way to the finals.
03:33It's the birthday tonight
03:35for the leader of the new generation in Yoda Tsuji.
03:38But will his gift be his first ever singles championship?
03:41Or will it be a 15-minute non-stop tour of the island?
03:46Challenger, Los Ingo,
03:48Belgrade Bracelet Japan,
03:50Jean Brasco vs.
03:52Tsuji Ota.
04:02Tsuji Ota.
04:17As much as Yoda Tsuji likes to talk about his plans
04:22to do what no other man has done before,
04:26Jeff Cobb can lay claim to do something
04:29that Yoda Tsuji has never done before.
04:34Yes, Yoda Tsuji made the finals of the G1,
04:37but he lost to the eventual winner, Zack Sabre Jr.
04:40That was the man that Jeff Cobb beat
04:42to be NJPW World TV Champion.
04:45From the shiny new gear.
04:47Oh, sexy gear, mate.
04:50Cobb didn't only beat the G1 Climax winner
04:54in May in Dantaku,
04:56he beat Zack Sabre Jr. in under 15 minutes.
05:00How many people can say that?
05:02You can't.
05:03You can't.
05:08And now you've brought that fact up.
05:12The fifth round of the blue corner.
05:14The new Japan World nicknamed TV Champion
05:17United Empire.
05:19The Imperial Unit.
05:22Jeff Cobb!
05:29The blue corner.
05:31The new Japan World nicknamed TV Champion
05:35United Empire.
05:39that means that the time is a factor we have 15 minutes on the clock 15 minutes
05:46to win it so when we do that when we look at the numbers the numbers are so
05:56important in situations like this how long can you beat people how long does
06:02it take to beat you no and in that regard Jeff Cobb singles matches over
06:09the last 365 days Jeff Cobb is 13 and 6 12 out of his 13 wins in the last year
06:18have come under 15 minutes all of his wins in the t1 climax were under 15
06:26minutes the crowd solidly behind Yoda Suji the time is not Yoda Suji had to
06:40go from being a very explosive competitor wanted to work on his
06:44endurance it did so during the g1 was really kind of an Ironman of that
06:49tournament spend more time in the ring than anybody but that is not going to
06:53help you in this environment it was one of these kinds of matches if you
07:02overwhelm the other person in let's say the first three to five minutes and you
07:07got some breathing time after that because if you go slow from the start
07:11then let's sprint oh it's up Suji is definitely sprinting hard
07:21Jeff Cobb not safe on the floor the crowd in Corcoran Hall willing him on
07:27but Yoda Suji thinking better of a dive or is he or is he or is he look out
07:32look out look out Oh Jeff Cobb all the way into the front row
07:41is the challenge account do you think he has that time in the back of his mind
07:50do you wrestle with a clock inside your head or do you just have focused on
07:53who's in front of you it depends on the day but someone like Jeff he's very good
08:00at he's very good at controlling the pace just like everyone else but Jeff he
08:05knows how to use his body can fly he can throw he can do everything so he might
08:10be giving Suji a little bit of time now giving Suji the thought of I've got some
08:14time I can breathe but then takes one second for Jeff to switch it up and then
08:18Suji's gonna be panicking Jeff Cobb very very impressive inside Corcoran Hall
08:23singles matches in his career seven and two Yoda Suji nothing but net in this
08:27building since his return to it from excursion three or no in singles matches
08:32in Corcoran Hall and Jeff Cobb now trying to bring Suji in the hard way no
08:39Suji escapes underneath Yod so again around the world satellite into an arm
08:46drag all Yoda Suji in the opening going here and there's a tackle
08:53I want something better to make sure Yoda Suji has an unhappy birthday my
09:21request for everybody to have celebratory Yoda Suji puddings has been
09:25denied for Yoda Suji who requires a Mexican softboard there
09:42and now Yoda Suji slowing down the pace some body blows get underneath and that
09:58is a hard shot in reply is this particularly the smartest call to make
10:07I'm trying to lift Jeff Cobb he's done it before so it's probably getting a
10:11little bit overconfident right now
10:17Oh overconfident is right see you later
10:32first time these two guys met New Japan Cup back in the spring 21 minutes 41
10:39seconds it took for Yoda Suji put to put Jeff Cobb away that second win though
10:44in the g1 climax just 1137 so Suji knows he can be Cobb and can be in under 15
10:53Jeff Cobb has not beaten Yoda Suji yet
10:59I think Jeff's finding this little bit of a darker side to it
11:11that embarrassment of losing to Suji before has got to be what began to him now
11:17start this match it's been Suji Suji Suji
11:31put the brakes on Jeff Cobb
11:35Jackknife cover Cobb rolls a shoulder on the other side
11:42trying to work his way oh the bridge what unbelievable strength
11:49told you he can do everything
11:53oh it's like seeing Owen Hart and the 1-2-3-kid
12:03and they're a dropkick
12:11absolutely no area of this game in which Jeff Cobb does not excel you could say
12:36that Yoda Suji is well on the way to just such accreditation that the proof
12:45is in the championship pudding blow to Yoda Suji after we've just seen some
12:55absolutely beautiful exchanges of holds now things are getting a good little bit
13:13going surfing is Jeff Cobb
13:18now Red Shoes being frustrated and will have to reset his count
13:23nothing happens on Jeff Cobb time that's island time
13:26is it?
13:39he brought back inside we're about five minutes deep into this one it feels like
13:44we've seen the whole breadth of professional wrestling inside of it you
13:48know not even a 15-minute TV championship match some high flying to
13:51kick off we've had some great counters and now when Jeff Cobb was brawling with
13:56Suji and we're going to see some outright power I think this is a
13:59dangerous spot for Suji to be in
14:07oh no oh no
14:11oh no
14:14oh no
14:16Suji bouncing and consorting in pain
14:20for the top rope coverage
14:22for the world TV champion
14:27oh shit
14:34that's it and a retention no not yet
14:38Jeff keeping a hold of that shoulder
14:42still even one damaged shoulder he said Suji
14:46remember you have to beat me
14:49yeah a reminder Jeff Cobb to Suji
14:52Suji has to beat the champion the champion does not have to beat the
14:55challenger Jeff Cobb wants to beat Suji in under 15 minutes but he does not have
15:00to to retain his title
15:06wow yeah that might have been internal damage Calum on that top rope super
15:14oh that's not good
15:24this match began with Suji having a high ground on the champion
15:30and this time the champion delivering a brutal headbutt to his challenger
15:42it feels like he's coughing up a lung here Calum
15:44I think that gut wrench suplex off the top that might have done more damage
15:49even than we can see physically that might be some sort of internal shock there
15:56on Yoda Suji
15:59rings up the arm now
16:02oh everything Jeff's giving him he just can't catch his breath
16:06and even if he does it's gone again
16:17you're right you're right everything we're ten minutes down five minutes to go
16:21and Jeff Cobb will quite happily keep Suji in a bear hug right there until the
16:27time expires if he has to when he wants to beat Yoda Suji decisively for the first time
16:46Suji and Cobb trading we're ten minutes deep five minutes to go
16:49world TV title on the line combination look at this face broken on that combo
16:54but no no the power the strength Jeff Cobb denies and instead a basement dropkick from Suji
17:02the world of gumption the stubbornness of Jeff Cobb but smarter Suji to change up the game plan
17:14time is not on Yoda Suji's side we have about four minutes left in this TV championship main event
17:23and Suji is going to go for broke here and summon up all he has up high
17:44having conversations with Jeff too he says it's very rare that someone can throw him about like that
17:49but when he does get thrown like that it hurts more
17:52and the old adage big you are the hard you fall this might be a very very hard fall for Jeff Cobb
18:05this time the air being driven out of Jeff Cobb's lungs stinging chop and what in the world
18:13is Suji thinking three minutes to go
18:20oh no Jeff Cobb trying to recover his footing on that soft rope
18:24I don't know no no no no oh no you don't dare go
18:30soft rope super powerbomb counted
18:39up on the shoulders 17 cross 17 cross
18:422 and a half
18:49and here's how he beat him in the new Japan cup
19:00oh no
19:03and he's tied for the sprint cycle for Jeff Cobb putting not on the menu
19:16we've got two minutes left
19:18what's happening here
19:20oh what no no no you don't think more Cobb
19:27more Cobb crash Jeff Cobb
19:29covered 2 and 0
19:37two minutes left here
19:41Jeff Cobb's got to be careful not to make a mistake
19:43he's got to be careful not to let his ego get the best of him
19:47but he wants to G-blast Suji
19:55what in the world
19:59oh G-blast for Jeff Cobb
20:11now to the cover
20:16and a barrel shot of a shoulder
20:21we go one and a half to the clock one minute
20:25if Jeff Cobb sticks the time limit then he'll still be the champion
20:29but he wants to finish Suji
20:31get his first win in his career
20:33no Suji inside
20:35we've got to no we don't
20:37no we don't
20:41oh what a lariat
20:4730 seconds left once again
20:50size him up
20:52in the end a G-blast
20:57it's Suji
20:59Suji not denied
21:04and a barrel and bounce it
21:19it's 2 and a half
21:21and the time has expired
21:38oh man what a rush
21:42what a rush
21:47when the result is a draw
21:51and Jeff Cobb has retained the NJPW World Television Championship
21:56there was no way
22:10there was no way the two athletes that stubborn
22:13were going to give in in 15 minutes
22:19Suji wanted to celebrate his birthday
22:22with the World Television Championship
22:24Jeff Cobb wanted to
22:26wait a second
22:28wait a god damn second
22:30god damn son of a bitch
22:32I hate him
22:34I hate him
22:36what in the world
22:38right now to the bare bristle core
22:43Jeff Cobb
22:45Jeff Cobb
22:47Jeff Cobb
22:49Jeff Cobb
22:57hey Jeff
23:00in G-1
23:01you lost to me
23:03what's with the title match
23:05don't bullshit me
23:13Go home! Go home! Go home!
23:21Listen up, I'm the only one who can get this belt.
23:27You idiot!
24:13Yota, happy birthday.
24:32I'm going to crush you!
25:13He said he's going to beat you up. Jeff Cobb's going to beat you up.
25:15Oh, it's terrifying.
25:19That's why I'm happy we're on the same team.
25:24Some of us around here make good career choices.
25:27Well, that's going to do it here in Coracoan Hall.
25:31We'll see if there's any words on tape from Jeff Cobb backstage,
25:34but I think he said it all without one-liner.
25:36He's going to crush Ren Narita.
25:38Narita's going to get what's coming to him before too long, no doubt.
25:42The World TV Championship defended in our incredible main event
25:47and has ended on a draw.
25:48That means Jeff Cobb has retained the title in our main event.
25:51But title fight action continues all through the week
25:56right here on NJPW World.
25:58Next Saturday, Noboribetsu will have the Never Aboard
26:00six-man titles on the line. Here's Jeff Cobb.
26:13Oh, that's not bad, Tsuji.
26:19I guess it's close, right?
26:20I guess I won because I still have the championship.
26:26I almost beat you, Tsuji, but almost doesn't count.
26:29It only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes.
26:34But, Tsuji, I've said this many times,
26:39I don't hate you.
26:41I don't hate any of the new generation.
26:44I hate the fact that you guys get everything handed to you
26:48on a silver and gold platter.
26:51The one gold platter that the new generation will not get,
26:55and that is this,
26:57because I am your champion of TV.
27:02And speaking of the new generation that's trying to get gold,
27:08Norita, I said what I said up there in that ring,
27:14Tsubu Suzo, you ain't hard to find.
27:19And like I said during the G1,
27:21after you cheated to win
27:23because you're not man enough to do it yourself,
27:26training under Shibata didn't get it through
27:28that sixth skull of yours, huh?
27:30You had to join a house of torture.
27:32Like I said in the G1, Norita,
27:37the house of torture,
27:38I will personally burn that sumbitch to the ground.
27:46All right, those are the words from Jeff Cobb.
27:48We had to do a little bit of lip-reading from our end,
27:50but he either said Purple Monkey Dishwasher
27:53or that he's gonna beat the hell out of Ren Norita
27:55for that World TV Championship.
27:56I reckon the second one.
27:57Probably the second one.
27:58All right, we have title action all the way through the week.
28:01As I said, next Saturday will be a Noboribetsu.
28:03Wednesday, IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship
28:06will be on the line, Doki versus Taiji Ishimori.
28:08But more pressingly, we'll be right here tomorrow night
28:12and live English coverage
28:14as we'll have the Never Openweight Championship
28:16on the line, Hiromi Takahashi versus Hinare.
28:20And as well, Zack Sabre Jr. will be our special guest
28:22right here on English coverage.
28:25In the meantime, thank you, Callum Newman,
28:27for being with us.
28:28And we will be back here right with you.
28:32Same special start time, 6 p.m. Japan time.
28:35Plug that into your Google machines
28:37and live English coverage here on the road to destruction.
28:40Until tomorrow night, go kigen yo.
