
  • 2 days ago
00:00:00Welcome to Extreme Warfare Vol. 1, this is Joey Stiles, and as you can see, Crippler
00:00:27Chris Benoit, it's the ringing. Does he look ready for action? Benoit, one of the finest
00:00:40wrestlers in the world, many think he is the finest wrestler in the sport today. Extensive
00:00:47experience in Japan, Mexico, as well as here in the U.S. In fact, it was Extreme Championship
00:00:53Wrestling that first showcased Crippler Chris Benoit here in the United States. And here
00:01:03comes Sabu. They're not going to wait for the bell. Sabu missed a leg sweep, the Crippler
00:01:15Irish Whitman, perfectly placed knee to the midsection. Sabu, dropped across the top rope.
00:01:28Benoit feeling very confident early on in this matchup. Sabu's manager Paulie Dangerously
00:01:39along with his handler 9-1-1. Oh my gosh! Did you see him land on his head? I think he broke
00:01:57his neck. Paulie Dangerously and 9-1-1 attending to Sabu. He's not getting up. Referee John
00:02:07Finnegan there as well. Oh my gosh! I think he broke his neck.
00:02:13You guys in the... Does anyone... Sabu is down and he's hurt.
00:02:43Woman! And the Sandman!
00:02:58They are hardcore!
00:03:28You can tell by the Sandman. Take a look at his forehead. He's been in a few wars here
00:03:41at ECW and he likes it that way. Enjoying his traditional pre-match smoke. No doubt
00:03:52does wonders for his cardiovascular. That and the 24 beers he sucks down before the
00:03:58matchup. That was a nice camera shot. He looks dressed for a business meeting.
00:04:28And believe me, she means business.
00:04:48From the fans at ringside paying homage to women. Obviously wayward souls.
00:05:10As always the Sandman taking his sweet time.
00:05:20Just basking in the accolades of this sold out crowd here at the ECW arena.
00:05:25Let's go there!
00:06:13At least we've got her on the ring apron.
00:06:42Woman and Sandman finally in the ring.
00:07:12Here comes the Sandman's partner. Professional wrestling's living legend.
00:07:33Former NWA world heavyweight champion Terry Funk.
00:07:50Funk shocked the wrestling world with his surprise return to extreme championship
00:07:57wrestling last month here at the ECW arena.
00:08:12And a chance of Terry goes out.
00:08:41And here comes what may be on the surface, what may appear on the surface to be wrestling's
00:08:58odd couple. Cactus Jack and the Franchise Shane Douglas. They're not waiting for the opening bell.
00:09:11The Sandman thrown to the outside. Douglas hammering the Sandman.
00:09:36Shane caught his own partner with the King. And Cactus isn't thrilled about it either.
00:09:43Can you blame him?
00:09:49Well that was an accident. I think.
00:09:58Cactus gets caught in the leg with the chair. No one's got better aim than Terry Funk when it comes to throwing chairs.
00:10:06Cactus cuts off the Sandman as well.
00:10:17Funk was able to block that last chair shot. Now fires back on Cactus.
00:10:21Cactus being double teamed as partner. The Franchise Shane Douglas left from high and dry after they exchanged words.
00:10:32And Cactus is in trouble.
00:10:39That one may have crossed his eyes.
00:10:43No, the Franchise is back.
00:10:56Shane Douglas thought better of it.
00:11:02Cactus clothesline takes Funk to the outside.
00:11:16Cactus clothesline takes the Sandman to the outside.
00:11:23Funk thrown back in.
00:11:28Another Cactus clothesline for Terry Funk.
00:11:35Funk firing back though. He's as tough as they come.
00:11:42Another Cactus clothesline for the Sandman.
00:11:51The Franchise now with the chair.
00:12:01A bloody Terry Funk gets clotheslined out of that steel chair.
00:12:06Keep your eye on Cactus.
00:12:11He drops the elbow on Terry Funk.
00:12:14From the second turnbuckle to the concrete floor.
00:12:31Sandman up and over to the first row.
00:12:37Cactus on top of the Sandman.
00:12:47Funk reeling now at the hands of the Franchise.
00:13:02We've got debris flying all over the place.
00:13:13Funk's head for the ride.
00:13:15Here are world-class back elbows.
00:13:19Atomic drop into a leg drop.
00:13:21Nice teamwork.
00:13:22Cover, hooks the leg.
00:13:24Sandman makes the save.
00:13:26Cactus drops the elbow.
00:13:37DDT on the Franchise.
00:13:48Cactus from the outside.
00:13:59Funk misses with the chair at that time.
00:14:13How does Funk do it?
00:14:19Low blow on the Franchise.
00:14:20DDT on Shane Douglas.
00:14:25How does Funk do it with the guardrail?
00:14:32The Sandman and Terry Funk tearing apart the guardrail.
00:14:52Just threw a section of the guardrail into the ring.
00:14:55You can't do that.
00:14:56Could they do that?
00:15:04The Franchise is down.
00:15:13It's brutal.
00:15:17Not once, but twice.
00:15:21That steel section brought down across the Franchise.
00:15:27Cactus just heaving chairs at his opponents.
00:15:35Funk connects with the chair, though.
00:15:41Douglas threw him into the guardrail.
00:15:47Funk says, that's all.
00:15:48Let's finish him off.
00:15:50Keeping Cactus Jack at bay on the outside.
00:16:07Douglas being set up.
00:16:08I don't like the looks of this.
00:16:14And that may be all for the Franchise.
00:16:23Funk now with that chair working over the knee, the leg, the ankle of the Franchise.
00:16:29They're trying to hurt him.
00:16:41The Sandman misses the shoulder block.
00:16:49Funk connects with the chair.
00:17:02The leg of the Franchise has been walked over.
00:17:04Funk going for the spinning toehold.
00:17:07Cactus makes the save.
00:17:18Cactus going in after Terry Funk.
00:17:20The Sandman now pummeling Douglas.
00:17:24Funk throwing him to the first row.
00:17:32The Sandman misses.
00:17:33Gets thrown to the concrete.
00:17:40Knife-edge chop.
00:17:41Make it two.
00:17:53Douglas all over the Sandman.
00:17:55It's Cactus and Funk.
00:17:59Cactus throwing face first into that steel pillar.
00:18:09Funk now cinching up Cactus.
00:18:12DDT on the concrete floor.
00:18:18Now what's Funk looking for?
00:18:22He's looking at the toolbox under the ring.
00:18:37Funk didn't realize he had opened the toolbox.
00:18:40Went to nail the Franchise.
00:18:41The toolbox fell on his head.
00:18:43It's like watching a sick cartoon.
00:18:46That's no cartoon.
00:18:58Funk is down and clutching his head.
00:19:02And they come back out of the locker room.
00:19:09Cactus getting some help from the fans.
00:19:17Coming back suplex on the concrete.
00:19:26Cactus throwing back in.
00:19:31The Sandman back in as well with the chair.
00:19:34Cactus cuts him off.
00:19:35Cactus has the chair.
00:19:38Look at the look on the Sandman's face.
00:19:56The Sandman catches Cactus.
00:20:06DDT on the chair.
00:20:22The Sandman dropped the leg.
00:20:28Back comes the Franchise.
00:20:34Shane Douglas makes the save.
00:20:36And two and three-quarters.
00:20:48Douglas up and over the top.
00:21:01Douglas pummeling the Sandman.
00:21:11Funk's got a flaming branding iron.
00:21:18He just hit Cactus with it.
00:21:23He's tearing off Cactus' shirt.
00:21:26He's trying to burn Cactus.
00:21:28He's doing it.
00:21:29He's branding Cactus with a flaming branding iron.
00:21:33Oh, my God!
00:21:48Oh, my God!
00:21:59Terry Funk just pin Cactus Jack after piledriving him on a flaming branding iron.
00:22:09The Sandman and Terry Funk will win this matchup.
00:22:14The Sandman and Terry Funk!
00:22:32Cactus needs help.
00:22:34Can we get some medical attention for Cactus Jack, please, for God's sake?
00:22:41Tampa, Florida is about to be taken to the extreme.
00:23:06The house party is underway.
00:23:15Here are Flyboy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grudge, the public enemy.
00:23:43Two guys who can take it to the extreme.
00:23:45They were custom-made for extreme championship wrestling.
00:23:50It's hard to imagine them wrestling anywhere else.
00:24:06Tampa, Florida, I just want to ask you one thing.
00:24:10Flyboy Rocco Rock and Johnny motherfucking Grudge,
00:24:15want to know, are you ready to get extreme?
00:24:32This is a dream matchup of sorts.
00:24:54Rock and Grudge ready for action.
00:24:59The referee, Jim Molyneux, assigned the officiating of this matchup,
00:25:04and I don't envy him.
00:25:16Here come the gangsters.
00:25:20New Jack in front, Mustafa bringing up the rear.
00:25:25This will be the most successful team in the history of Smoky Mountain Wrestling.
00:25:29Now looking for some extreme competition.
00:25:32Taking on, inarguably, the most successful team in the history of extreme championship wrestling.
00:25:42This one won't be pretty.
00:25:45I don't expect to see a lot of drop toe holds, flying head scissors,
00:25:51Good head, good on it.
00:26:21And the hell with it.
00:26:46We don't need a ring announcer. You're finished, thank you.
00:26:53Rocco Rock with the flying pin, Johnny Grudge with the right hand.
00:27:00Up and over goes the Flyboy.
00:27:08He misses with a chair. Johnny Grudge misses as well.
00:27:16Mustafa fires back.
00:27:25New Jack winds up and it's a home run and here we go.
00:27:30Well that didn't take very long.
00:27:37New Jack has his nightstick.
00:27:44Right between the eyes of Johnny Grudge.
00:27:52And Grudge is busted open already.
00:27:56Flyboy with a garbage can, headbutt by New Jack.
00:28:03A fishing net.
00:28:11These sport men will use anything.
00:28:20The Flyboy hits the wall.
00:28:38A water bubble.
00:29:08Grudge with a chair.
00:29:14A cheese grater.
00:29:25Johnny Grudge with a cheese grater.
00:29:27Across the forehead of New Jack.
00:29:34Family entertainment it isn't.
00:29:40New Jack thrown to the outside.
00:29:56Mustafa lands on the Flyboy.
00:29:59He got it to him.
00:30:02Grudge with the...
00:30:11New Jack a bloody miss as well.
00:30:18Using the microphone.
00:30:19I'm not touching that thing now.
00:30:22Flyboy's running through the corner.
00:30:34Flyboy's chipped for a ride the other way.
00:30:39Onto the cookie sheet.
00:30:45Down goes the Flyboy.
00:31:10Rocko rocks him for a ride.
00:31:12Lands on his feet.
00:31:13Goes up top.
00:31:14Mustafa doesn't see him.
00:31:16Double edge handle from the top.
00:31:26Ables and chairs flying all over the place.
00:31:31As is the boy.
00:31:46Flyboy rushing into Mustafa.
00:32:09Lands on his feet again.
00:32:10Mustafa cuts him this time.
00:32:16Mustafa going up top.
00:32:20All the way to the floor.
00:32:28Mustafa now choking the Flyboy with that steel chair.
00:32:45Cover to Rondo.
00:33:04Money Grudge up for the ride.
00:33:06They're a boost to the midsection.
00:33:13Team vertical suplex.
00:33:20Is that close up really necessary?
00:33:26New Jack going up top.
00:33:27Snapmare on front.
00:33:34Kamikaze headbutt connects.
00:33:38Two and a half.
00:33:50Headbutt by New Jack.
00:34:02Rocko rocks.
00:34:03Rolls eyes.
00:34:04Mustafa up on Olympus top.
00:34:13Johnny Grudge drops the leg.
00:34:16New Jack trapped underneath the chair.
00:34:18Here comes the table.
00:34:20It was only a matter of time.
00:34:31New Jack down and not moving.
00:34:50The Flyboy going up.
00:34:58He got him.
00:35:10The most extreme team in wrestling today.
00:35:13Flyboy Rocko Rock.
00:35:15Johnny Grudge.
00:35:17The Public Enemy.
00:35:23The Public Enemy inviting their fans in the ring for a victory house party.
00:35:37It's a celebration for Flyboy Rocko Rock and Johnny Grudge.
00:35:48This is ECW at its best.
00:35:53The stands emptying into the ring.
00:36:06The Public Enemy.
00:36:08They exemplify ECW.
00:36:20The house party raging here in Tampa, Florida.
00:36:28Oh my God.
00:36:33He broke the ring.
00:36:40Oh, I've seen it all now.
00:36:42Oh, that's it.
00:36:58Big Dick Dudley.
00:37:01Leading his brother or cousin or maybe both.
00:37:04We're not sure.
00:37:05Dudley Dudley and the Vampire Warrior to the ring.
00:37:17You're watching Extreme Championship Wrestling at the Orange County Fair in Middletown, New York.
00:37:26And this is what the fans have been waiting for.
00:37:51For the first time here in Extreme Championship Wrestling.
00:37:57Former IWGP Tag Team Champions.
00:38:00Former WWF Tag Team Champions.
00:38:03Former WCW World Tag Team Champions.
00:38:17Rick and Scott, the Steiner Brothers.
00:38:28Rick and Scott Steiner making their ECW debut.
00:38:34Again, Dudley Dudley and the Vampire Warrior.
00:38:55Taking away, ringing out Sir Lance Wright.
00:39:03First in the grand on my left.
00:39:06Accompanied by their manager, Big Dick Dudley.
00:39:10The team of the Vampire Warrior and Dudley Dudley.
00:39:20And in my weight of about 50 pounds.
00:39:24Hailing from Detroit, Michigan.
00:39:27Rick and Scott, the Steiner Brothers.
00:39:39You're watching ECW history.
00:39:41The first match up here in Extreme Championship Wrestling.
00:39:44For Rick and Scott, the Steiner Brothers.
00:39:57Apparently Scotty will start off with Dudley Dudley.
00:40:18A tie up, waist lock by Scott Steiner.
00:40:23Dudley Dudley gets the rope.
00:40:26You can see it's pouring here in Middletown, New York.
00:40:30Nevertheless, a sold out crowd here at the Orange County Fair.
00:40:38A tie up once again.
00:40:41Nice arm drag by Scotty.
00:40:45Dudley Dudley complaining of a hair pull.
00:40:47There was none.
00:40:56Tie up once again.
00:40:57Dudley Dudley back into the corner.
00:41:02Hip toss out of the corner, beautifully executed.
00:41:16Look at the size of Scott Steiner's arm.
00:41:24Break of the eyes.
00:41:31Scott Steiner now being choked across the top rope by Dudley Dudley.
00:41:41Irish whip in.
00:41:49Tiger driver by Scott Steiner.
00:42:00A little strategy being mulled over.
00:42:02Tag into the Vampire Warrior.
00:42:09And there's a tag into Big Brother Rick.
00:42:11A dog face gremlin.
00:42:15Oh yeah, he's all there.
00:42:18A tie up in the center of the ring.
00:42:19Rick backing up the Vampire Warrior.
00:42:23Vampire, no clean break.
00:42:24Chopping away on Rick Steiner.
00:42:27Scooping a slam.
00:42:32Rick Steiner set for the ride.
00:42:34Rick ducks the clothesline.
00:42:36Drop down for the Vampire Warrior.
00:42:38Power slam.
00:42:39Kicking the Vampire Warrior in mid leap front.
00:42:45Now a rear chin lock pulling back on the head.
00:42:57Irish whip in reverse.
00:43:00Knee to the back of Rick Steiner.
00:43:01Scott didn't like that too much.
00:43:05Double team now going on on Rick.
00:43:20Fist between the eyes.
00:43:26Scooping a slam.
00:43:32Back in comes Dudley Dudley.
00:43:40Forearm to the head.
00:43:44Face first into the top turnbuckle.
00:43:51Break of the eyes.
00:43:55Angry neck breaker.
00:43:57That was vicious.
00:44:01One, two and we were a count away from seeing an upset.
00:44:05What a kick out by Rick though.
00:44:16There's a boot to the head.
00:44:19And an elbow for Scott Steiner.
00:44:21In comes Scott, referee.
00:44:23Jim Molyneux restraining him and the double team goes out again on the court.
00:44:34Rick is planted.
00:44:36There's a tag to Dudley Dudley.
00:44:42Boot right to the mush.
00:44:47There's a tag back into Scott.
00:44:50And a tag to the Vampire Warriors.
00:44:52Steiner line.
00:44:53Steiner line.
00:44:55Steiner line.
00:45:00Warriors hook to the right.
00:45:13More power slams.
00:45:22Scott, he set his head too soon.
00:45:28Belly to belly suplex.
00:45:38Dragon suplex drops the Vampire Warrior on the back of his head.
00:45:48Vampire Warrior going for a ride.
00:45:51Rick Steiner up top.
00:46:02Scott Steiner's victorious in their ECW debut.
00:46:08Scott Steiner.
00:46:36Woman leads the ECW World Heavyweight Champion to the ring.
00:46:46This of course will be a non-title matchup.
00:46:52And I don't think Fort Lauderdale, Florida has ever seen anything like they're about to witness.
00:47:00A barbed wire matchup.
00:47:09Sandman enjoying his three match smoke.
00:47:29The ropes have been removed from the ring.
00:48:30A model athlete, isn't he?
00:48:48Yep, that's our World Heavyweight Champion.
00:49:18Sandman keeps staring at that barbed wire.
00:49:33Can't say I blame him.
00:49:36Takes a special kind of athlete to sign on for a match like this.
00:49:40Get a close up of that.
00:49:46Woman's kind of turned on by it.
00:49:49That's uh, totally sick.
00:49:54Wonder what her home life is like.
00:50:24The finishing touches are being put on that barbed wire.
00:50:52Sandman with some last minute questions about that barbed wire.
00:51:20What do you need to know?
00:51:22He's gonna shred your skin like cabbage in the coleslaw.
00:51:35And here comes his opponent.
00:51:43The one man sick enough to face the Sandman in a barbed wire matchup.
00:51:49Cactus Jack.
00:52:00Cactus inspecting the barbed wire.
00:52:04Very experienced in barbed wire matches is Cactus Jack.
00:52:08Competing in the IWA promotion in Japan.
00:52:13Look at the scars on his arm. He enjoys it.
00:52:43Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is a non-title for barbed wire match.
00:52:51Let me introduce to you first, accompanying woman.
00:53:01And weighing 265 pounds from South Beach, he's the current ECW World Heavyweight Champion, the Sandman!
00:53:16And his opponent, weighs 287 pounds, from Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, Cactus Jack!
00:53:30Referee Jim Milano will sign this matchup.
00:53:39There's the opening bell. We can't get the Sandman in the ring now.
00:53:49He's thinking about pricking his finger on the barbed wire.
00:53:53We'll wait for that now, isn't it?
00:54:20Sandman almost got the ring.
00:54:26He's very leery of that barbed wire.
00:54:29Perhaps then signing on for this matchup wasn't the wisest choice.
00:54:39Does he actually think he's going to go through this entire matchup without getting caught up in that barbed wire?
00:54:54A tie up.
00:54:57Sandman comes an inch away from that barbed wire, face first.
00:55:12Move to the midsection.
00:55:16Cactus Jack gets the boot up, luckily, aboard that barbed wire.
00:55:22Sandman, Cactus Jack, more experienced in barbed wire matches,
00:55:26having competed in many of them in the IWA promotion over in Japan.
00:55:40Boot to the midsection.
00:55:42Series of kicks.
00:55:45Sandman gets caught in that barbed wire.
00:55:48His hamstring caught up.
00:55:53Oh, and that wasn't his hamstring.
00:56:08Oh, Sandman's out on his feet.
00:56:12Still standing.
00:56:17He's wobbly.
00:56:27Still standing.
00:56:31Cactus throws him back in through the barbed wire.
00:56:33He gets caught up in it, though.
00:56:38Cactus rolls back in after.
00:56:44A couple of well-placed elbows make it three.
00:56:48Cactus leans back in the barbed wire.
00:56:50His hair is caught.
00:56:57He's got to be careful. That's a good way to lose an ear.
00:57:04Fist to the face.
00:57:12The Sandman thrown backwards into the barbed wire.
00:57:24He's trying to rake the Sandman's head across that barbed wire.
00:57:27Sandman fighting a woman with the Singapore pain to the knee.
00:57:38Oh, my God.
00:57:47Cactus Jack is down and hurt.
00:58:08Cactus clutching his midsection, which is probably torn up now.
00:58:14The Sandman misses with a kick.
00:58:31The Sandman is out.
00:58:37Cactus clothesline over the guardrail.
00:59:06Well-placed elbows by the Sandman once again.
00:59:17Cactus hits the steel guardrail.
00:59:28Choice words to the official.
00:59:38Sandman's got a metal clutch.
00:59:44Sandman opts not to use it.
01:00:01That barbed wire shredding Cactus's arm.
01:00:06That's horrible. Now his face.
01:00:20And the Sandman drops the leg.
01:00:25Cactus's arm is a mess.
01:00:35The Sandman clears the barbed wire and swings the cage.
01:01:01Cactus thrown back in by the champion.
01:01:04This is a non-title matchup.
01:01:08Cactus's face now being raked in that barbed wire.
01:01:15Cactus is a bloody mess.
01:01:26The Sandman calls for his cane.
01:01:35The Sandman crumbles backwards through the barbed wire.
01:01:52He tore up the back of his shirt.
01:02:04Cactus now raking the Sandman's face across the barbed wire.
01:02:10He'd lose an eye that way.
01:02:34Cactus is tight and is all torn up in the barbed wire.
01:02:52The Sandman cut the barbed wire and he's...
01:02:59He's tying it around his neck.
01:03:05Sandman's wrapping himself up with a leaf of barbed wire.
01:03:17The Sandman sacrificing himself to punish Cactus.
01:03:30They're going toe-to-toe. It's Cactus with the forearm.
01:03:40Cactus choking the Sandman with a toilet seat.
01:04:04The Sandman now with his t-shirt wrapped over his head.
01:04:07Can't even see.
01:04:09Trying definitely to sit boot to the head.
01:04:12And Cactus is wearing cowboy boots,
01:04:15not rubber sole wrestling boots.
01:04:24Cactus calls for that garbage throw.
01:04:34The Sandman's head may be crushed.
01:04:43Cactus now ripping the flesh of the Sandman's forehead with that barbed wire.
01:04:52The Sandman with a desperation move.
01:05:08The Sandman itching for his victory.
01:05:12Small little premature, I would say.
01:05:27He may be right.
01:05:28Cactus is down. He's a bloody mess.
01:05:38He's gonna do it again. He says he's gonna do it again and finish off Cactus Jack.
01:05:44No DDT!
01:05:47Come on!
01:05:50Cactus got him! Cactus Jack pinned the Sandman in the style kettlebell fire matchup.
01:05:57Ladies and gentlemen, at the winner of the match, Cactus Jack!
01:06:03Cactus now the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.
01:06:20He's hard core.
01:06:48He may be the most hard core wrestler in the history of all mankind.
01:07:13What's Alfonso doing here?
01:07:27Ladies and gentlemen, are we ready for the cat fight?
01:07:31You betcha!
01:07:33No, we're not ready for the cat fight because we do not have a qualified official in the ring.
01:07:42Excuse me sir, do you have a referee license from the state of Pennsylvania to referee a women's match?
01:07:53Yes or no?
01:07:55No, he doesn't.
01:07:57So get out of my ring right now.
01:08:02You need a license to referee a women's match in the state of Pennsylvania?
01:08:14Ah, John Finnegan has a license.
01:08:16You are telling me with this certificate, with this license, you're...
01:08:21No, this referee's license states that you can be an official for a male wrestling match.
01:08:34It does not say female.
01:08:36So, I'm confiscating your referee's license right now.
01:08:41You can't do that!
01:08:43You cannot referee the famous cat fight, so get out of my ring.
01:08:48Both of you guys, I want you out of Bill Alfonso's ring.
01:08:55John Finnegan and Jim Bowler are the best referees in the business.
01:08:59Bob Ortiz will do it.
01:09:01I can do it. I can do the girls' match. There's no restrictions on me.
01:09:07You want to referee the women's match?
01:09:09Let Bob do it.
01:09:10You want to referee the famous cat fight?
01:09:14I don't think so.
01:09:16Because you're nothing. You've got to have bona fides to do it.
01:09:24Rocky Machado, the timekeeper, he wants to referee the matchup.
01:09:29There's a scuffle here between Bob and Rocky.
01:09:37Here's what's going to happen tonight.
01:09:40There's only one man, one man only qualified tonight to referee the famous cat fight.
01:09:50He's one of my favorite people that took the time and the effort to go down to the state athletic commission and to apply for a woman's referee's license.
01:10:02I want everybody to say hello to my favorite wrestler and the referee for the famous cat fight tonight.
01:10:09Come out here, Steve Richards, right now.
01:10:12The man with a likeness to referee, a female referee match.
01:10:18Does everybody understand what's going on here tonight?
01:10:23He can't be the referee.
01:10:25You do your job, he does his job, and I'll do mine.
01:10:30Steve Richards is going to referee this matchup?
01:10:33But his girlfriend's one of the combatants.
01:10:38How impartial can he be?
01:10:43Oh, please.
01:10:51I hope one of them is French.
01:10:55We're all right enough in this mutual admiration society.
01:11:12I know who he is.
01:11:15Hey, hey, hey, Ortiz.
01:11:17Why don't you tell everybody in this stinking ECW arena
01:11:23just who is the referee for the first cat fight in the ECW arena?
01:11:31Ladies and gentlemen, as if you didn't know, the referee for tonight's cat fight,
01:11:36Stevie Richards.
01:11:44Now what?
01:11:46One half of the ECW tag team, Steve Richards.
01:11:57Oh, come on, enough.
01:12:03Ladies and gentlemen, this is Stevie Richards,
01:12:06one half of the greatest tag team in the ECW today.
01:12:17Enough is enough. Can we get the ladies out here, please?
01:12:27All right, now that we have our referee,
01:12:30are you ready for the cat fight?
01:12:34You betcha.
01:12:47Is that Raven?
01:12:49This matchup being taped exclusively for ECW home video.
01:12:54Here comes Raven's main squeeze, Beulah McGillicuddy.
01:12:58I've said it once, I'll say it again, he doesn't look like a Beulah.
01:13:08Raven, of course, the other half of the world tag team champions, I don't get it.
01:13:12Raven and Richards are partners.
01:13:16Richards is a Raven groupie.
01:13:22Beulah is Raven's squeeze,
01:13:27and she's wrestling Richards' girlfriend.
01:13:32Does anyone here besides me see at least one conflict of interest?
01:13:38And Meow is right.
01:13:41Thank you, Sign Gang.
01:14:07Beulah McGillicuddy.
01:14:29Beulah looks ready to fight.
01:14:38And there's Francine, Stevie Richards' girlfriend.
01:14:44I'm still shocked that he likes girls.
01:14:47And that one likes him.
01:14:50Especially one this attractive.
01:14:56One this attractive without a seeing eye dog.
01:15:00The first cat fight in ECW history
01:15:05being taped exclusively for ECW home video.
01:15:10They wouldn't let us air it on TV.
01:15:15How out of hand could this get?
01:15:18I don't know.
01:15:20I don't know.
01:15:22I don't know.
01:15:24I don't know.
01:15:26I don't know why. How out of hand could this get?
01:15:47Ladies and gentlemen,
01:15:50in the room at this time,
01:15:52I would like to introduce
01:16:01What a foolish punch Richard did.
01:16:05From the pages of Penthouse Magazine.
01:16:10I got that one.
01:16:12Weighing 112 pounds,
01:16:17Beulah McGillicuddy.
01:16:26Beulah McGillicuddy.
01:16:33Weighing 121 pounds,
01:16:37she is from Philadelphia.
01:16:42This is Francine.
01:16:49Typical girl next door here in South Philly.
01:16:53I'm going to go next door after the match.
01:16:56Okay everybody,
01:16:58this is a female cat fight
01:17:01scheduled for one fall to a finish.
01:17:05Thank you, Maura.
01:17:07Now, it is usually customary
01:17:10before a match
01:17:12to check the participants for foreign objects.
01:17:16Participants, you illiterate.
01:17:20Can't say that even on home video.
01:17:23Now I know it's a dirty job,
01:17:27but somebody's got to do it.
01:17:38Richard's now going to check both competitors
01:17:41for foreign objects.
01:17:43It's his girlfriend,
01:17:45who did not get off.
01:17:50Richard's frisking Beulah.
01:17:53Now where's she going to hide an object in a bodysuit?
01:17:56And Raven's seen enough of that.
01:17:59He'll pat her down later.
01:18:02What a son of a bitch.
01:18:07Richard's now checking his girlfriend.
01:18:20I guess she's clean.
01:18:25Yeah, we're ready, let's do it.
01:18:30Come on, ring the bell.
01:18:41Now Richard's making Beulah take off the leather jacket.
01:18:46Now Richard's making Beulah take off the leather motorcycle jacket.
01:18:50Good call.
01:19:00She's so deliberate.
01:19:02Everything she does, isn't she?
01:19:07She's not done disrobing.
01:19:10Take off the flannel shirt.
01:19:15Take off the flannel shirt.
01:19:21Really, I am a wrestling announcer.
01:19:26I don't normally do catfights.
01:19:31All right, we're set now.
01:19:33Here we go!
01:19:40Francine on top of Beulah.
01:19:42Beulah in front of Francine.
01:19:45Francine on top again.
01:19:47Now Beulah.
01:19:50A hair pulling, biting going on.
01:19:58Beulah and Francine sort of intertwined here.
01:20:13Smashing Francine's head into the canvas.
01:20:36Face first into the top turnbuckle.
01:20:43Richard has to be concerned for his girlfriend.
01:20:49Beulah's taking off Francine's t-shirt.
01:21:13What's she doing now?
01:21:17Buttoning Francine's shorts.
01:21:25Beulah McGillicuddy is disrobing Francine.
01:21:32If this continues, I don't even think we can show it on ECW home video.
01:21:37Take a copy home.
01:21:43That's the kind of videotape you want to bring home to mother.
01:21:46I'll bring it home to father though. His birthday is next week.
01:21:53Wait, you can't wait. Now wait a minute.
01:22:02I don't believe this.
01:22:04I don't believe this.
01:22:10Francine has been stripped down to her bra.
01:22:20And her underwear.
01:22:35Are you positive we can put this on home video?
01:22:44Richard's attending to his girlfriend.
01:22:47He might want to stop this matchup.
01:22:50Beulah's got a flying pick.
01:22:53She wouldn't.
01:23:05No blue by Francine.
01:23:20Francine's got the flying pick.
01:23:35This isn't exactly ladylike.
01:23:41Beulah's out.
01:23:44It's over.
01:23:51To it.
01:23:52What's Raven doing?
01:23:57He can't do that.
01:23:59Matchup's over.
01:24:01Francine and Beulah beat.
01:24:05Tearing off her shorts.
01:24:18Excuse me.
01:24:21Excuse me.
01:24:30She's taking off Beulah's bodysuit.
01:24:40Francine now stripping Beulah.
01:24:50Beulah's out.
01:25:11And Raven breaks it up again.
01:25:12Leave her alone.
01:25:16Richard's now standing up to Raven.
01:25:19Raven wants Richard to declare Beulah the winner.
01:25:24Francine yelling at her boyfriend.
01:25:29Will Louis Richard get a listen to his girlfriend or his master?
01:25:32Be a man, Richard.
01:25:34Stand up for your girlfriend.
01:25:43Francine had this match won.
01:25:50Raven just kicked Francine in the stomach.
01:25:55That gutless piece of...
01:26:00Richard's attending to his girlfriend.
01:26:08Oh my God!
01:26:12He just steamy kicked his girlfriend.
01:26:20Beulah! Beulah! Beulah!
01:26:24Francine is out.
01:26:26Beulah! Beulah! Beulah!
01:26:30Beulah! Beulah! Beulah!
01:26:33Beulah! Beulah! Beulah!
01:26:37Beulah! Beulah! Beulah!
01:26:40Stevie Richards, the clueless punk, the gutless coward he is,
01:26:44following the orders of his master, Raven.
01:26:48Stevie kicked his own girlfriend.
01:26:53Beulah now back up to her feet.
01:27:12Francine is limp.
01:27:15Beulah just throwing her around.
01:27:25What a disgusting display all around.
01:27:37Ladies and gentlemen, your winner,
01:27:41Beulah Francine Camille!
01:27:45Beulah was about to leave the ring.
01:27:48Changed her mind.
01:27:53What's she doing now?
01:27:58Oh, leave her alone!
01:28:04Oh no!
01:28:10Beulah thinking this over. Don't do it!
01:28:40That's vicious.
01:29:03I've seen enough of this. I'm out of here.
01:29:11Come on!