Video recorded 1:25PM Sep 8 '24 Part 1-2 by Alyssa

  • last week
00:00Hello in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame Shaya.
00:07Hi Shaya.
00:08For those who are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:09It's going to be some time against me, my twin flame.
00:10Shaya, I just wanted to tell you I'm going to be talking about the notes before I show
00:21you the video footage that I took from the security camera.
00:22I am going to be talking about the notes before I show you the footage.
00:23I am going to talk to you about the nose, it's 88 degrees in here, so there's some kind
00:35of heat wave that's happening, so thank god I have this fan.
00:42I've been checking this temperature all summer long and it's never, it's barely ever went
00:51over 84 degrees, so I think it was definitely timing involved for getting this fan, so I'm
01:03going to talk to you about the nose now, I'm definitely getting tortured, my roof shocker
01:07is getting tortured right now, and I'm going to show you, I'm going to make a video later
01:17of food research that I've been, I'm going to take a video footage, flipping through
01:24the notebook to show you all of the recipes and meal plans, this cookbook that I'm looking
01:32at has meal plans and it's typically three or four, three or four recipes included in
01:43the meal, which includes dessert, and it's four ingredients or less per recipe, so this
01:51is possible for us, because in order to eat well, we can't make things from scratch using
01:59like 20 different ingredients all the time, so it's called four ingredient recipes for
02:0530 minute meals, and this is kind of what I like in also, she includes grocery lists,
02:17so we'll have a whole cookbook, we'll have a whole food research for all grocery lists,
02:29I have some iced coffee, I got my hair cut yesterday because I messed up, I messed up
02:39doing the hair hack, but basically the hair hack just doesn't work, and they show you
02:45proof because when you look at the hair, when you look at what they do to cut it, when you
02:57look at what they do to cut it, and then they show you the back, it doesn't look straight,
03:03so I went and got my hair cut and she was very, very nice, she's pretty much like a
03:10hair therapist, she's like a hair psychotherapist, I'll tell you about it, she's been cutting
03:19hair for 24 years, I'll tell you about it in a little bit, but I didn't get attacked
03:27getting my hair cut, and I'm going to start off though with most, I have my highlighter,
03:39and I'm definitely getting tortured right now, unfortunately, so if I act funny it's
03:45because I'm getting tortured, and because my brain is so sensitive from the brain stroke,
03:51a lot of this torture and verbal assaults and physical assaults is affecting my brain
03:57and making me not act well, like I'm really, like also like I am moving around a lot too
04:07because of the demon possession, so, but I'm going to explain now and follow along with
04:18the notes, so this is what I got from the telepathy supporters, she is definitely fugly,
04:29she's fucking ugly, and that red and yellow building meant red as in murder, yellow as
04:39in yell out, so she, and none of this information could be used against me, if you do you're
04:49going to be illegally framed, anything I say, you're going to, if you illegally frame me
04:55you will be put to prison and sued, and what I say in this video may or may not be true,
05:00so it's very possible that what it meant was red, murder, yellow, yell out, your mom,
05:12that was posted not even a week and a half later, that post, that was posted not even
05:21a week and a half later, after your parent was K-I-L-L-E-D, I never saw that post by the way,
05:37that was posted, and I thought I would check every day, I'm pretty much sure I check every
05:44day, and I never saw that post by the way, until yesterday, I never saw that post of
05:53your parents, so, because I thought it was memories, but maybe it wasn't online, maybe
05:59it wasn't put online, but I think it was, and I saw the blood red colored nails, family,
06:09big hat, what's that about, is that an attack against your private part, is that sexual
06:20harassment, and big hat, big fan, so, I'm pretty sure she knew they were killing me
06:34with the fan, big hat to cover from the sun, big fan to pull off, you're very substantial
06:44about the videos that you're seeing, and obviously that post also meant she was a large contributor,
06:57a very very large percentage of why I have gotten a lethal brain stroke and have lost
07:06a lot of my ability to function, and that CN child in the photo looks very sick, and
07:19obviously there's a lack of, I'm not going to say that, but they pretty much care about
07:29what they look in the camera, not what the CN looks like, and the more and more time
07:41goes by, the more and more I realize that that CN is not you, and not like a replica
07:51machine of you, it is not often told, but I am pretty, it's not often told to me because
08:00there's a deformity, a very obvious deformity in that CN child, and I don't believe that
08:15CN child is going to, I think the CN child is going to make it, at least until, I don't
08:35believe that CN child is allowed to die from sickness at this point, based on plans, instructions
08:46by the variants, but that CN child looks so sick, I did not look up the recent news about
09:03anything on public news, they set it up so that when I saw that post, that photo, it
09:17wouldn't trigger me extremely bad, they prepared me so I wouldn't be shocked and get attacked,
09:27so, that's not all the notes I said about that, I have to find the notes, but typically
09:46when criminals, R.A.P.E., they don't want to, they definitely don't want to keep the
09:58child, R.A.P.E. I.S.T. don't want to keep the child, so there's a, it being used as a weapon,
10:14and these last several years, I am constantly told with automated B2K, worse the girth, worse
10:24the girth, she thinks it was worse the girth, g-i-r-t-h, girth, the stomach, worse the girth,
10:32worse the stomach expansion, worse the pregnancy, worse the girth, worse the girth, over and
10:37over and over, hundreds of thousands of times in the past several years, and also, the hacker,
10:45every time you talked about, hold on, so, I know that you hate her, you hate the CN child,
10:54and you think she's ugly, deformed, obviously, I do get triggered, and it's a, I was constantly
11:08like, being like, the hacker pretended to be your, stole your parents' identity, your dad,
11:20and subliminally, or not subliminally, but would pretend to be him and say, like, this is what
11:27Shia's dad thinks, you have to be mature about it, stop being like such a, just stop being so
11:35immature about it, like, grow up, like, face the facts, like, any time that you talked about the
11:42child's safety, like, you cared about the child, or posted the photos, or what it mean, what I was
11:48forced to think, like, you were caring about the child's safety, and like, you were, like, showing
11:54like, you care about the child, that's not actually how it was, you have a right to defend yourself,
12:02you have to defend yourself, you have to expose the evidence, the crime, which is, and the parents
12:10posting that, she has some kind of responsibility and ownership over the clone, not this, the criminal
12:18who stole your DNA. It's technically his son. So, he wants to help put this criminal who stole your DNA
12:35in jail. She doesn't own that CN, Aaron does. It's very, very painful for me to see that child, and I
12:45ended up doing food research from 9, from 10 p.m. to 12.30 in the morning, and from 10, an hour this
13:07morning, and then I stopped, but the food research is a way for me to cope from the pain, and that's why I'm
13:18going to show you the food research, Shia, so it can help you cope. But, it's because they take away
13:28everything else, and all I see is you, and that child, and I actually see, like, I almost feel like she's
13:35holding you, and, like, that's actually you. Like, I don't know if it's mind control, but it's like, I actually
13:41feel like she's able to really, like, that's like your spirit and your soul in that CN. But, you have to expose
13:51the evidence, you have to stick up for yourself, and I want you to. It's very painful for me to see it, but it has
13:58to be exposed. It's more of the fear of, uh, that's not what the photo says, though. I've been harassed for three
14:15years. Oh, it's such a cute little innocent baby. Nobody's going to jail. It's such a cute little innocent baby.
14:24Nobody's going to jail. That's been said to me for three years. No matter what, almost every single day of my
14:30life, at least every single week of my life, no matter what, in one way or another, most likely every day for three
14:43years straight. So, I'm brainwashed for it to trigger me. But, this, uh, criminal, she fucked herself with a lab-grown
15:06human costume, and when I look at the CN child, what I see is a mask. It's like, it looks like a mask. It doesn't even look
15:14like a real human. It looks like there's, like, something inside it that just wants to just jump out. Like, that's what I
15:21get, the feeling I get. That's living, walking torture. And human experimentation, she should be getting D-A-T-H-P-N-A-L-T-Y
15:32if you're experimenting on a human. It looks like an actual mask, the CN child. It doesn't look like a face.
15:47But I'm constantly feeling, like, when I see, like, it's constantly, no, that's, that's your husband. That's your husband's
15:54face in there. So you can't hate, you can't hate it. Uh, but she's looking, but she's so sick looking in that, in that face,
16:04and it doesn't look like a girl. It doesn't, it looks like a boy. And she's, it's like she's trapped inside. But I heard it was,
16:15it's a male entity. But I, I get very jealous because there is those feelings that something was created and I had to watch and you
16:31participate, you were forced to participate. And I was pretty much forced to participate, uh, involuntarily. So there's a, there's jealousy involved
16:46that I have that makes me angry, but I know it's not you and your fault. But I think, don't be triggered by that child. I, I, it's jealousy that's involuntary,
17:03and it's because of the, the mysteriousness of it and how, how it happens. But it's, I have these things where you, I feel like the criminal gets to hold you and be with you,
17:21and it's not even like, it's like really you. Like, like that's like, that's like the CN, but the CN child is actually you because there's a spirit inside it. And that's distorted thinking.
17:37There's definitely a deformity involved, and I've heard that there, it's possible they'll clone the CN child to disguise the deformity. Because there was one I saw where the child was up and walking at what, 2.5 years?
18:01So should she be crawling? So are they rapidly changing the pace of growth right in front of people's eyes? Because I've seen that happen in other people.
18:16Which makes it even more sick. It makes it even more sick. So this is exactly why I stay away from public news 100%, because I can't, I can't get, I will die shy. I will die if I look.
18:31This completely all set up to make me look. And they've been trying every single day to make me look. And they're playing with my boy-shy and my personality to make me not act like myself.
18:43But the one with the new basics shoes, that, she's like walking around, like, she's like, she can't walk, and all of a sudden she can walk. I don't even know if that's even her.
19:01And they'll make the, the clone probably look, they'll make the little CN child look even more like you. To mess with you. And I, I don't want you to look, but I know that you have to. And I know that they're playing with your feelings, most likely, and torturing you.
19:17But, lumarians are protecting you. Yeah, I wish I could, I partly wish I could get information just to support you, but supporting you long-term is me staying alive.
19:32Because that's all set up, that's all set up, all those photos, images, public photos, it's all set up for my death. And your death. So I'm hoping lumarians are not forcing you to look.
19:46But, she should go to jail for life just for giving me a brain stroke and torturing me, forcing me to watch the whole thing.
19:55And, for those three years, she should go to jail for life just for that alone. And I know that you posted that, about how your mother got K-I-L-L-E-D from the situation, similar to how I almost died.
20:15And part of me did die, because I am not the same person, I'm not the same person as I was, and it kills me that you never got to meet the person that I was.
20:26Hopefully, hopefully lumarians will be able to show you, with your third eye, how I acted and looked like. But I've been possessed my whole life.
20:40I've been possessed my whole life. Actually, I come and go. Like, I come and go. I'm on and off with my personality. You'll see glimpses of who I am, Shia Steele.
20:55When the paralysis heals, I might come back completely, be myself. But I'm like, also with the walk-in, I'm more masculine, and I act, I don't even, this isn't even really who I am and how I'm acting now.
21:26So I...
21:38I'll show you...
21:42Hold on, I have to pull up a...
21:48And what happened is...
21:56What happened to me in middle school, by a family member, I was sent an emoji.
22:11And I'll show you what the emoji looks like.
22:15This one.
22:22This was the emoji that was sent.
22:26By my dad. And you'll know what it means. Hold on, let me...
22:37I'm getting too hot, Shia. So I'm gonna make the rest of the videos probably when it cools down. This was the emoji that my dad sent, and you'll be able to figure out what it means.
22:49Basically, it was murder. It was not I-N-C-E-S-T, because my dad's never, that's not how my dad is.
23:02And his dad, his dad interfered and got involved a little bit, because my dad was whipped, punched, hit, his whole entire childhood by his dad.
23:14And it was kind of like, obviously it ruined my dad's life, at least a little. Probably not as much as it ruined mine.
23:24But it was like, take the pain, get beat up from it, because you'll know what I mean by that.
23:32You'll know what I mean by that.
23:35So, he wants you to know it, Shia, because he's really worried. He's really worried that you, he's really worried about it.
23:48So I think I'm gonna start making the video over there, because it's too hot. I don't really want to be close to the wall, however, so I might go in the middle.
23:56Actually, let me do that now. I'm too hot.
24:26Oh, I'm so hot. So...
24:49So I wanted to show you lots of camera footage, Shia.
24:57But I have to, I think I'm gonna wait until it cools off. So just don't worry about it. Whenever I upload it, I upload it. You don't have to watch it on time.
25:12It's cooler over here.
25:27So I'm gonna pull my hair back, but I wanted to show you what it looks like.
25:36See how it's one layer? Well, I'm obsessed with the idea of having one layer.
25:41And I figured out from the therapist, after the fact, that's what PetSupport told me.
25:46After the fact, that's what PetSupport told me. I don't want layers. I don't want layers like the CN child with all the layers of the DNA. I just want one layer.
26:01Me and you, Shia, we just want one layer. Child with just your DNA.
26:06But they did a whole thing with treating me like I'm a step-parent, and I'm involved, and I'm turned into a hag because I'm a step-mom who had to go through it.
26:22I'm like a hag now because of the child, and I'm subliminally being a mom from a distance.
26:33They've done so much psychological torture on me, Shia.
26:40And I know they have with you, but it's not gonna last. It's artificial. It's not real.
26:49So I'm gonna do research cookbooks with grocery lists.
26:57So my dad's dad interfered with that assault and kind of got involved.
27:06My dad is taking responsibility. However, his dad was involved, and that is a fact.
27:16And my dad really wants you to know, Shia. It's really bothering him, probably, I'm sure.
27:22It's bothering me. They're gonna get a penalty for it.
27:32They're gonna get a penalty for it. It's gonna be way worse than what I got.
27:40I don't really know what to say, actually. I'm possessed, Shia, so I can't completely talk freely.
27:46But this was a large contribution of ruining my life, what happened to me when I didn't know what happened to me in middle school.
28:01So I'm gonna upload the food research later today to help you, Shia, because it's very therapeutic.
28:08And I think I got really close to what we need to do because of our brain injury, because of how we have to slow down.
28:19We want to eat well, but we can't make everything from scratch. It takes hours all day.
28:26So we can make four-ingredient recipes.
28:31So I have to...this isn't...I don't really like the way I'm acting, Shia.
28:44So I'm gonna...I'm gonna do this.
28:50I'm gonna do this.
28:52This isn't...I don't really like the way I'm acting, Shia.
28:59So I'm gonna start bringing the office chair in the bathroom to straighten my hair.
29:04I haven't been allowed to straighten my hair and style my hair my entire life.
29:08And I got video recording footage of me using clips. It's the first time I've used clips to clip my hair in section to be able to properly straighten my hair.
29:16I haven't been allowed to do that my entire life.
29:23Part of it, I think, is because my mom has wavy, curly hair, and she didn't let me use hair tools besides a hairbrush and a straightener.
29:31She didn't let me use hair tools.
29:35Among other things. No hair products, no hair tools, no, like, doing my hair in different ways. It's, like, fun and cute. Nothing like that.
29:43I've had four hairstyles my entire life.
29:45Low ponytail, high ponytail, which stopped ten years ago because they turned me into another girl if I wore my hair in a ponytail.
29:56Bun, which doesn't usually work. It usually flops over and halfway up. That's it. No braids, no curls, nothing.
30:06So, they make my arms and legs tired when I go to straighten my hair, and I'm too sick to stand up and straighten my hair, so I'm going to bring the office chair into the bathroom to straighten my hair.
30:22And someone reminded me of this blunt cut.
30:30I've wanted a blunt cut for years because one length, no layers.
30:37However, my hair is very thick. I had to cut it somewhat short to take off the damaged hair because it was too heavy and the damage was constantly snarling and pulling.
30:51And tugging, because when it gets snarly, it pulls and tugs, and then it pulls my hair.
30:56And because I have hair balding on top, I have to have it a little bit shorter.
31:03However, it's actually not that short. It's not that short.
31:06It's not that short.
31:13So, there was an attempt in the parking garage. I took a photograph and realized you have to turn the camera on flash in dark rooms, and I forgot that.
31:25So, one thing with this stroke is, I read a book on a stroke patient, and she had to relearn things that she forgot.
31:36She had to relearn things. She had to start her education from preschool on after her blood burst, blood aneurysm.
31:47She had to relearn things from preschool on.
31:51So, I'm realizing that I have to relearn things that I should know already, and I'm getting really hard on myself.
32:02I don't have to relearn things from preschool.
32:05The stroke wasn't that bad. However, I have like a new perception.
32:10After the stroke, my perception has changed, so I'm thinking that like I'm learning new things, which I am.
32:20Like, I'm going to give you an example.
32:27Like, they're trying to make me feel dumb, though.
32:31Like, I used to get my hair cut in layers, and I'm like, Shia, I'm going to cut your hair, and you're going to cut my hair, because I think I need layers, because my hair is very thick.
32:50And I haven't gotten layers in a long time, because it costs a lot of money to layer your hair.
32:54You can't get a layer of hair cut across your braid clips for $30.
32:59You have to go to a stylist and spend like $50 to $70 or more, $80.
33:07So, they use this AI to make me feel dumb.
33:11Like, I forgot about like hair layers, and I'm looking at girls with hair layers, and I'm like discovering new things.
33:22Like, I never really thought about hair layers and how it's done.
33:28So, like, I'm constantly trying to discover how to like do things, and then it's like, no, you never knew this because of the stroke.
33:38Well, no, I never knew this because I never thought about it or never wanted to think about it.
33:45So, I just went to the hairdresser, got layers, and that's it. I didn't think about how the process was.
33:52But in order to like make me feel really dumb, they're using AI to like try to trick me into thinking like processing it differently, so that like, no, you never thought of it.
34:03No, you have had a stroke.
34:07I can't completely explain that well.
34:11But it took this girl six years to relearn everything, and she's back studying like very intellectual scholarly work after six years of, after a brain injury.
34:26Took her six years of like relearning everything.
34:32But I'm trying to figure out when I learned about hair layers.
34:39But then I see things differently because of the stroke, and I'm getting confused by this new perception.
34:50And when I got the stroke, when you get a stroke, you have to relearn a lot of things, but I'm kind of in denial about it.
35:02But I'm also forgetting that I'm relearning things because the stroke and the brain injury is making me forget I'm relearning things.
35:11So, I believe I'm seeing things in a new way, and I'm actually learning new things.
35:18So, it's possible the brain injury is backfiring, and I'm like being able to be more educated on how things work prior to my brainwashing mind control that I had before where I wasn't even allowed to learn it.
35:36So, spells could be breaking also.
35:40But it's very sad to believe that I'm this brain injured, and I can't say.
35:47They keep doing some kind of AI to make me look like I'm a mental retard.
35:53It's really bothering me.
35:56Obviously, based on what people know, if you look at stroke patients, they don't look like mental retards.
36:05They look like they're stroke patients.
36:08But it is a defeat, though.
36:12When you have this much brain injury and this much disability, it is a defeat.
36:18It's a form of defeat, failure.
36:20So, things have to change.
36:22I've been root chakra tortured since 9 a.m. It's 2 a.m. to 2 p.m.
36:30So, I act a little bit funny, too, from the rape torture because it's so painful.
36:35My body is just starting to physically react from it, like I'm just becoming too sensitive to it.
36:44Or the AI is wearing off.
36:46Where the AI was controlling how I was reacting and feeling about it.
36:56The AI is doing something differently where I'm...
37:02I believe I'm less machine and more like demonic. It's more demonic.
37:10I don't know. I don't know.
37:12I don't know. I don't know.
37:15Sometimes I say things, Cheyenne, and I can't completely explain it. I don't want you to...
37:25take it out of context.
37:28Like, that's what I meant.
37:30It could be other ways of what I meant, how I meant to say it.
37:34Well, we're going to do each other's hair.
37:37And I think I might need layers because my hair is kind of thick.
37:44It might lighten up a little, be less heavy if I do layers.
37:48But I have to have it a little bit longer to do layers.
37:57I mean, why does it have to be layers?
38:00I mean, why did I just discover this and not have had...
38:06thick hair?
38:13So that I feel stupid. Like, how did I not know I have had thick hair?
38:18And I'm like, no, this isn't a stroke. I've never known my whole life I didn't have thick hair.
38:23This is just, it's just...
38:25So, I'm not going to tell you every single note.
38:32But the weight of the hair, the scalp burning, the hair loss, I had to cut it off.
38:38I had to cut off the bleach.
38:40It's still pretty long, though.
38:42Even though, like, it'll take a couple weeks for me to get to like it.
38:48I don't know.
38:50Like, it'll take a couple weeks for me to get to like it.
38:54I don't, I get very traumatized with hair.
38:59But she did a very good job.
39:03And she used point scissors to thin out the ends.
39:10Pointing shears.
39:20Yeah, she used point shears to thin it out.
39:31And I recently realized the hackers have been trying to kill your sister, Shia.
39:38And they mind-controlled me to believe that I cannot picture you having a sister.
39:43And also, the reason why the hacker was trying to kill my brother so much is because my brother's not a lumarian.
39:55So, he thought he had an easier chance.
40:01And he tried to move your sister.
40:08He pretty much thought he would be able to, apparently.
40:13So, I cut my hair.
40:17I tried the hair hack. It did not work.
40:21I watched hair videos for a while.
40:29And this was the person in the garage.
40:36And they're keeping the parking garage lights dim.
40:40It's like really sketchy, like the lights are not turning off.
40:44But this, I've seen this person in the elevator.
40:50He was in the hallway.
40:53He was wheeling back towards me just randomly in the parking garage.
41:00And this is where I have to turn the flash on because...
41:04Because it didn't take the camera well.
41:14The picture didn't take well because all of a sudden the parking garage lights don't turn on anymore.
41:22It stays dark in the parking garage.
41:24For some reason, I don't think that that's a coincidence.
41:27So, this person in the parking garage I don't think is a coincidence.
41:33This was the hair hack where I tried to cut my hair.
41:40It made a big bump in the middle.
41:47So, the hair hack doesn't work where you pull it back in a ponytail.
41:51Most of the time it doesn't work.
41:53It doesn't work where you pull it back in a ponytail.
41:56I'll show you.
42:03See, it didn't work.
42:18You can't just pull your hair. The hair hack doesn't work.
42:24But when you see it in a ponytail, it looks like it works.
42:28I just cut it off and that's what the ponytail...
42:34It doesn't work.
42:36This is what you do.
42:38You put it in a ponytail and then you just cut off.
42:43You can't make a straight cut.
42:46It doesn't make a straight cut.
42:47It doesn't make a straight cut.
42:49So, this was how my hair looked before I cut my hair.
43:02I like this.
43:08She's a professional. She cut her hair for 24 years.
43:12And she said, I've been cutting my hair for 24 years.
43:16I can't cut my hair in the back.
43:18You can't. You can't cut.
43:20So, storage space ran out on this phone.
43:28So, I'm going to stop the video now.
43:33I will talk about more of the nose another time.
43:37I have to make a video though showing you the recording footage.
43:42Shia, I know this is taking up a lot of your time.
43:47It makes me very happy that you're watching these videos.
43:50Love you, Shia. Thank you everybody for watching.
43:53Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.