• last year
Transforming problems into Miracles is simple
00:00Use this law to start creating miracles in our life.
00:04What is the law?
00:05Any thought I create repeatedly, which means I affirm it,
00:10I keep saying it often,
00:11it's a vibration I create, I will radiate,
00:14it will manifest, it will become my reality.
00:18So let's choose what I want to manifest,
00:22what I want to bring about in the reality of my life,
00:25and start creating those thoughts.
00:28Put your hand like this.
00:31Roughly this is 50%.
00:34So suppose you go home this evening and you are physically tired,
00:3950% tired.
00:41And now just look at this 50% tired
00:45and just keep saying repeatedly,
00:47I'm extremely tired today.
00:51I'm so tired today.
00:52We say very strong words, we don't just say I'm tired,
00:55we say I'm extremely tired today.
01:00Don't even ask me to do anything, I can't even move.
01:06Now if I say this 5, 6, 8, 10 times,
01:10I'm tired, I'm extremely tired, I can't even move,
01:14my body is aching, every bone is hurting,
01:19nothing of that sort is happening, but we say those words.
01:23So that tired feeling, which is at 50%,
01:27with those strong repeated thoughts of mine,
01:31will it change a little bit?
01:33Yeah? So from 50% where will it go?
01:38How did you think of 75%?
01:40Yes, which means it's going to increase a little.
01:43Now, so let's bring it to 60%.
01:46Who took it from 50% to 60%?
01:49Body was as tired as it was, nothing has changed there.
01:52I'm just sitting on this very comfortable sofa
01:54and creating thoughts about the body.
01:57And just my creating the thoughts is changing the feeling.
02:02And then while I created these thoughts and brought it to 60%,
02:05somebody walks in and says,
02:07you know what, that new movie, I got two tickets.
02:15What happened to the 60%?
02:19What happened to the 60%?
02:22Where was that tired feeling?
02:26It's the truth that the body was tired.
02:28It's not false that the body was not tired.
02:30The body was tired.
02:31And so we suddenly jump out of the sofa
02:34and the family says, I thought you were tired.
02:38And then very sweetly we say, yes, I was tired,
02:40but now I'm feeling fine.
02:41So now I can go.
02:43Where's the power?
02:45Where is the power?
02:47Now suppose somebody doesn't invite me for a movie,
02:51but let me use the power of the mind.
02:54I took it from 50% to 60% by saying I'm extremely tired.
03:01What should I say to bring it from 50% to 40%?
03:06I took it from 50% to 60%.
03:08What should I say to bring it from 50% to 40%?
03:11Because if I can take it to 60%, I can bring it to 40% also.
03:18Yes, very simple.
03:21To take it from 50% to 60%, I said I'm extremely tired.
03:24It went to 60%.
03:26What should I say to bring it to 40%?
03:29Let's go for a movie.
03:30No, every time we can't go for a movie when we are tired.
03:34What should we do to bring it from 50% to 40%?
03:40Now take the law.
03:41Use the law.
03:42We are going to use it in big, big situations of our life.
03:45The law is
03:47whatever you want to see in reality,
03:51create the thought that it already is.
03:55This is the law.
03:56Whatever you want to see in reality,
03:58create a thought that it already is.
04:01Start creating that thought
04:04and see it happen in reality.
04:06So what do I want to see in reality with my body right now which is tired?
04:09I want to see it as?
04:14Tell me the thought now.
04:16What's going to be the thought?
04:17I am not tired.
04:24Who shared that thought?
04:25I am not tired.
04:27Very nice.
04:28First option.
04:29Now we will change it a little more
04:31because that thought still has the word tired.
04:36Earlier I was saying I am extremely tired.
04:39So it is going to go from 50% to 60%.
04:41Now I say I am not tired, so it comes back to 50%.
04:44But I want to remove the word tired from there.
04:46Because otherwise I am going to reaffirm the word tired.
04:50So I don't want to reaffirm the lower energy word.
04:52I want to reaffirm the word which I want my reality to be.
04:56So what do I want to be?
04:59I am relaxed.
05:00Beautiful. See how easy it is to create this?
05:02So we say I am relaxed, I am energetic, I am vibrant, I am perfect.
05:07Just start saying it.
05:11Do you think something will happen with the body?
05:15It always works.
05:19Because we used the thought, we affirmed it.
05:23If you just say one thought, it will not become a reality.
05:26But if you create the thought and affirm it
05:29You say it repeatedly.
05:31If we make a list of how many low energy thoughts we affirm on a daily basis
05:38How many of us say I am stressed?
05:44And many of us say it daily.
05:47And when we come home in the evening
05:48There is actually a competition as to who is more stressed.
05:54So I will have to do lesser work if I prove that I am more stressed and more tired than you.
05:58So we say, don't even ask. The day was so tough today.
06:02The other person said, don't even ask me. Mine was really bad.
06:06And so we just escalate that whole thing.
06:10But while I am escalating it
06:12What I am doing is I am radiating that vibration of bad and tough and challenge
06:19As an energy to my reality and my destiny.
06:23Meditation teaches me
06:26Even if it's really bad
06:29Even if it's really tough
06:33I use only one line.
06:35And I will say, everything is perfect.
06:39Everything is beautiful.
06:41And I say it, and say it, and say it, and say it.
06:46And while I am saying it
06:48What is the first thing which is going to become perfect?
06:52My state of mind.
06:54Because I am using a high energy word.
06:57I am letting my mind believe that the situation is perfect.
07:02Please remember it's not about the situation.
07:05It's about what your mind believes about the situation.
07:09How many of you have seen people going through a very chronic ailment?
07:13Probably going through a last stage of cancer, but their face is happy.
07:18Have you ever seen anybody like that? Powerful and happy?
07:21And how many of you know people
07:23who have a little fever and their face is suffering as if they don't know what has happened to them?
07:28Isn't that a proof?
07:30It has nothing to do with the situation?
07:36Someone could have lost everything.
07:40And they are powerful.
07:41And they say it's perfect, it's fine, everything will be okay.
07:44And someone got less likes today on their social media posts
07:47And they are sulking as if it's the end of the world.
07:51Does it have anything to do with the situation?
07:54Quality of my life here has nothing to do with the situation.
07:58It's about how I think about the situation.
08:02And now when I start saying it's perfect, everything is perfect, everything is perfect
08:07First thing, I start becoming perfect here.
08:10Which means my mind is not getting disturbed.
08:13I radiate that perfect energy to my body, so my body is taken care of.
08:17And now I start radiating that energy of perfection to that situation
08:22You are perfect.
08:26You have come for my benefit.
08:29You have come for my good.
08:31And once we start creating that vibration to the situation
08:35Situation starts changing.
08:39And when that situation starts changing and it becomes the reality that we want it to be
08:45People around it will call it a miracle.
08:48But it's not a miracle. It's just power of the mind.
08:52It's power of the mind.
08:54So whenever anyone is going to use the power of their mind to change a situation
08:59The world will call it a miracle.
09:01We call it the power of the mind.
09:03Again put your hand here and put your personal situation in this right now.
09:08Personal. We are not telling this to anybody.
09:12It can be a health issue. It can be a professional issue. It can be a relationship issue.
09:16It could be a thought process. It could be my habit. It can be anything.
09:23Put it here.
09:26And now you are going to create the affirmation for that.
09:30Because it's personal, we can't discuss it.
09:33Vocabulary is, whatever you want to see in reality
09:40Don't say it should happen, I hope it happens, I wish it happens.
09:46No. The thought is, it has already happened.
09:54I am already successful.
09:58Not I hope I get success. No.
10:02I am successful.
10:04I have achieved.
10:07Create for your personal issue.
10:14Just take care of the vocabulary.
10:17There should be no negative word in that line.
10:21Not a single negative word.
10:24The line should not have the word of the problem.
10:28The line should have the word of the solution.
10:32The line should not be, it should not be like this.
10:35The line should be, it is like this.
10:41And choose the highest vibrational word.
10:43Don't use an average. Choose the highest that you want to see.
10:54How many have been able to create that affirmation for themselves? Raise your hand.
11:00Yes. Very simple.
11:03This is so simple.
11:05But it is extremely powerful.
11:08And it is so powerful that you can change your destiny.
11:12And it is so powerful that you can help other people change their destiny.
11:16And literally change their destiny.
11:18It's not just a word. It will literally change their destiny.
11:21For example, physical health issue.
11:27Sugar level is high. Blood pressure is high.
11:30Ache and pain, cervical, knee pain ...
11:33So many physical health issues we have today.
11:35Now when I have a physical health issue, what is my affirmation going to be?
11:44Normally what is the affirmation?
11:46We don't even realise, unaware, how many times we say the negative line.
11:52Now what is the affirmation if I am going through a physical health issue?
12:01If I have high blood pressure, what is the affirmation going to be?
12:08Say it. It's very easy.
12:12We will not say my blood pressure is low.
12:16Literally it will become low in one week.
12:19So be very careful with the vocabulary. It's very important.
12:23My blood pressure is normal.
12:25And then give it the figure. Be very specific.
12:30Give it the figure that you want it to be.
12:34My blood pressure is normal. Give it the figure you want it to be.
12:38My sugar levels are normal.
12:40Instead of saying my sugar levels are normal, I keep saying I am a diabetic.
12:44Keep saying it, keep creating it, keep radiating it, and keep living with it.
12:52It's mind over matter.
12:58It doesn't mean we stop taking the medicine.
13:01But along with the medicine, use the power of the mind and heal the body.
13:06We don't live with the disease.
13:09Heal the body.
13:10So whatever may be the ailment, create a specific thought for yourself
13:15Or for anyone at home who is going through any physical health issue.
13:18So we create an affirmation for my state of mind.
13:22We create an affirmation for the health of our body.
13:25We create affirmations for our relationships.
13:31Living in a world where we are dependent on people for acceptance and approval
13:36Where we are seeking love and care
13:39We change it to
13:41I accept you as you are.
13:43You accept me as I am.
13:46As a powerful thought.
13:49The other day a lady came to the centre.
13:52It happened recently.
13:55Though I have heard thousands of people's success stories with manifestation of destiny.
14:00Not manifestation of buying a new car.
14:03We are not talking of that manifestation.
14:05We are talking of manifestation which will change our destiny.
14:09In terms of our personality, health issues, relationships.
14:13Are you feeling cold?
14:15Are you feeling cold in this hall?
14:18If you keep saying it, you are going to feel colder.
14:23If you want to feel better, change the thought.
14:26What is it going to be?
14:28This is normal.
14:30Keep saying it is so cold.
14:35Temperature is going to remain where it is.
14:38I am going to feel colder after 20 minutes.
14:40Change the thought.
14:42What is it going to be?
14:45Use it every time, everywhere.
14:48It's not affirmation just for a few situations.
14:51It's vocabulary. It's the way of thinking.
14:54Reality is that it is cold.
14:56What is going to be the thought?
15:03The temperature is right. Yes.
15:06What is the thought? Anybody else?
15:08Come up with all these high energy thoughts.
15:10You will see how you will start feeling better.
15:15It's warm, yes.
15:16Don't say it's hot, otherwise the AC will stop working.
15:21Everything manifests.
15:23Do you know how it has been raining in your city for the last few days?
15:27Now imagine
15:28The team, the Brahma Kumaris family working hard for the last few months
15:33Creating this program.
15:34And then suddenly heavy rainfall every evening.
15:37So normally what will the thought be?
15:39What if it rains tomorrow?
15:42It won't even end at what if it rains tomorrow.
15:45What if it rains?
15:47What if people don't come?
15:48What if the program doesn't work?
15:50We can create a series of these thoughts.
15:52And when we create these series of thoughts
15:54We say it's raining, so obviously I will think it's raining.
15:57What do you want me to think?
15:59It's raining, so obviously I will create this thought.
16:02They don't do that.
16:05Focused together, every single day
16:08For the last few days
16:10They have been creating only one single thought
16:13Nature cooperates with us
16:15And we are going to have perfect weather on Saturday
16:18And everybody will be in the hall.
16:20That's been the thought for the last few days.
16:25That's been the thought.
16:28Now we will say
16:29Just by creating a thought, it did not rain today.
16:32Yes, it works that way.
16:35Because this has not happened only once.
16:37We see this happening every single time.
16:42And most important
16:43Suppose it rains
16:45At least my mind has been fine for the last one week.
16:47Because I created the thought
16:49It's perfect weather, hall will be full
16:51Everyone will come.
16:54It cooperates.
16:55Every element is going to cooperate with you.
16:58Because it is mind over matter.
17:01It is thoughts create our world.
17:03Change your thought, your world will change.
17:06So how is the hall?
17:17You have to learn this vocabulary.
17:20Now when you go out on the road
17:22Don't say at 8 o'clock
17:24Obviously there will be a traffic jam.
17:28This is daily vocabulary.
17:31Yes, it's a reality.
17:33That there is a traffic jam daily.
17:35But create a thought
17:36Today you know what?
17:37Not a single red signal.
17:39I am reaching home in 30 minutes.
17:42But after you create the thought
17:44Then don't create a thought
17:45But how is that possible?
17:47Then it doesn't work.
17:51So how is the hall? Perfect?
17:56So don't do this. Sit comfortably.
17:59The more you will do it, the more you will feel it.
18:03The more you will do it, the more you will feel it.
18:06And the more you will say it, the more the body will feel it.
18:09We are going through times of uncertainty.
18:12We don't know what tomorrow's scene is going to bring forth.
18:15Adapt your mind and body
18:18To feel perfect, irrespective of what is happening in your world around you.
18:25Use that power of the mind.
18:27So relationships.
18:29I accept people, people accept me.
18:32All my relationships stand strong on trust and respect.
18:36If there is any specific relationship which has a little issue
18:40Take their name and say
18:42This is my most beautiful relationship.
18:45They and I get along.
18:47So I was telling you about that lady who came to the centre.
18:50That's how I remembered her again.
18:52So she came to the centre and she said
18:54I want to tell you with an example
18:56That happened with my staff member.
18:58She said she has three children and she is a single parent.
19:02And she was very worried about her children.
19:04So I took her into the meditation room
19:07And I told her to sit here and create a thought
19:10That my husband has come back into our life
19:13And he has taken responsibility of our children.
19:16And that lady said, I don't even know whether he is alive.
19:20Because we are disconnected since years.
19:23I have no idea about him.
19:25So this lady very sweetly said
19:27See, I know it works. I have experienced it many times.
19:30You just start saying it.
19:32She said I don't feel like saying it.
19:34I said don't worry, don't feel like saying it. Just start saying it.
19:37For 10 days
19:39She made her sit in the meditation room
19:41Because that lady was not able to do it on her own.
19:43She said just create a thought
19:45He is back into our life.
19:47And he is taking responsibility of our children.
19:49She was not believing it
19:51She just kept saying it because she was made to sit there and say it.
19:55On the 11th day, her husband
19:57From whichever part of the world he was
19:59He sent her a Facebook friend request.
20:03It really happened. This happened last week.
20:06After years of not having been connected with each other.
20:09Because it's very simple.
20:11She sent him a thought.
20:15You are back into our life.
20:17You are with us.
20:19You are taking care of the children.
20:21Friend request came.
20:23And now if she continues with that affirmation
20:25He will land up there.
20:27It is certain. It always works.
20:30It always works.
20:32So this is a law. And a law means it will work with everyone, always.