Hopeless Miss Mafia Full Movie Eng Sub

  • last week
00:00:08Dad! No!
00:00:30Hey, Riley. I understand now might not be the best time, but we need to think about who's gonna lead the crew. You know, Scott's been-
00:00:41Not now, Thomas.
00:00:45I'm sorry, Riley. Thomas isn't usually this pushy.
00:00:49So now it's your turn to feed me all this crap I couldn't care less about. Don't you get it? All I want now is revenge!
00:01:00You've been my dad's right-hand man in the crew, Patrick. Always ensuring his safety. Look at where we are now. I wish it was you lying in that casket, not him!
00:01:13My graduation party's just around the corner, and I need someone to dance with.
00:01:18The funeral's about to start. What are you two dawdling for?
00:01:30He was like my father. I'll always remember him.
00:01:43Forgive me, Sean.
00:01:46But sitting and pretending that everything is fine ain't gonna cut it. I just got hold of these photos snapped the day before Sean got killed.
00:01:57What were you arguing about with the boss, huh, Patrick? What did he tell you that made you so angry?
00:02:18Patrick, what is this?
00:02:20Riley, it's not what it looks like. Trust me.
00:02:24I got Riley's back now, you piece of trash. From now on, I will protect her from a scumbag like you.
00:02:35Come on, sweetie. Maybe we should take a break for now.
00:02:38I'm sorry. I should have been better at comforting you. But seeing you like this, it's hard not to cry myself.
00:02:52I think you're here to make me feel better. Since childhood. Even though you're technically a servant, you've always been like a sister to me. What do you think?
00:03:07Patrick really have killed my dad?
00:03:12What exactly happened that day?
00:03:16Show some damn respect in front of the boss's body and his daughter.
00:03:19I ain't no buying any of this shit. When I came here in the room, Sean was slayed out and Patrick was the only person who stayed here. From my perspective, he's the killer.
00:03:31I don't know. Mr. Murphy trusted Patrick and Scott the most. I don't think they'd betray Mr. Murphy. Especially Patrick. He had a crush on you for so many years.
00:03:49So, do you have any plans for the future?
00:03:54I haven't really thought about it. Right now, all I want is to avenge my dad.
00:04:01Maybe. Just maybe. Perhaps Scott could protect you. And help you to find the killer.
00:04:13Scott, I can take care of you. We can make business together. And I make sure you'll rise to the top.
00:04:23How in the world could you be of any assistance to me when I cruise up and arch enemies?
00:04:28Try me.
00:04:30I need you to take out Patrick. I can't get my hands dirty on this one.
00:04:36Don't rush it, boy.
00:04:37I need you to take it easy. Everything takes time.
00:04:46I'm tired of waiting around. I'm gonna take everything from Sean. Especially his daughter.
00:04:51I got it. So take it easy. Speaking of which, don't let Sean's daughter get under your skin. Have your fun with her for a couple of days and then toss her aside.
00:05:00Deliver on your promises. And stay out of my business.
00:05:06Little bastard.
00:05:14You're going to have a rest. You're too weak right now to take out your enemies with your own hands.
00:05:22You're going to have a rest. You're too weak right now to take out your enemies with your own hands.
00:05:30But I don't think Patrick is the killer.
00:05:34Look, when I was adopted by Mr. Murphy, I was a kid. Been hustling in the underworld ever since. And believe me, when I said that you're in some real danger right now...
00:05:50Am I?
00:05:52I'll protect you from now on. Don't trust anyone else. Just trust my feelings for you.
00:06:08I had a crush on you since forever. Just for now, I only ask you to believe in me. Let me help you get through this tough time.
00:06:20That's a bold proposition.
00:06:38Let me find Patrick. I'll have him in no time.
00:06:42Yeah, how can you be so sure he's the killer?
00:06:45You know what? Patrick is not even our first priority. With Mr. Murphy gone, all of a sudden, our crew is falling apart.
00:06:54In the underworld, if you don't have enough power, then let's look over revenge.
00:07:01My dad's reputation and strength were absolute in the Emerald Cartel. Who can replace him?
00:07:19I'm serious, Rowley. Let's run this crew together.
00:07:31Who the fuck is this?
00:07:40Uh, what are you doing here?
00:07:42Who let you in?
00:07:44I could ask you the same question. Who gave you the permission to enter Riley's bedroom?
00:07:50So, now that I practically got control of the Emerald Cartel, you are coming here alone?
00:07:58Uh, are you looking to get yourself killed?
00:08:00Uh, are you looking to get yourself killed?
00:08:08Sean and Patrick have always been the best of friends. Yes, they argue, they disagree, but that's what family does.
00:08:22Scott, I want to talk to Patrick alone.
00:08:31If I remember correctly, I didn't agree to you coming into my room, did I?
00:08:38You trust me now, right?
00:08:41Have you figured out who the killer is yet?
00:08:43Actually, it's just speculation now.
00:08:46I've just stumbled upon a lead. I'm gonna go check it out myself.
00:08:51Would you like me to come with you?
00:08:54Today I realized something. I'm done with relying on men to solve my problems.
00:09:01We haven't found Riley yet. Did she mention anything about where she might be investigating, sir?
00:09:12Listen, Riley. If you want to go solo, that's cool. But you've never been one to ignore calls.
00:09:20It's risky. At least I need to know where you are. I'm really...
00:09:39The thing is, I'm really worried about you. If you can't take calls, at least you should text back.
00:09:51These photos seem to be taken over here.
00:10:14You won't stop calling me, will you?
00:10:16Not till you answer me.
00:10:18I've answered. Now what?
00:10:20Why aren't you at the meeting?
00:10:22Jesus, it's so loud. Where are you?
00:10:27I know you can prove Scott killed my dad, and you won't do it. You have refused to tell me anything.
00:10:33I have to take matters into my own hands now.
00:10:36What? Riley, what have you done?
00:10:39What I need to do.
00:10:41It needs to be untraceable. I don't want anybody to know who pulled the trigger.
00:10:49It's light. I paid you for the bullets, too. Are you trying to screw?
00:10:56What is this?
00:10:59I don't know.
00:11:01I don't know.
00:11:03I don't know.
00:11:06I don't know.
00:11:08I don't know.
00:11:10I paid you. Let go of me.
00:11:26Who sent you? Whatever they're paying you, I can double it. Just...
00:11:31You think you can still get out of this? You're Sean's daughter, right?
00:11:37With a .45 to her face, you're probably going to end up taking her whole damn head off.
00:11:42Fuck off, man.
00:11:44Use his weight. You give his jaw a good twist, and his neck will snap.
00:11:53Such a show-off.
00:11:55Is that a thank you?
00:12:06Riley, don't you understand it's not safe for you anymore?
00:12:09Safe? You gangsters are trying to lecture me on being safe?
00:12:12If you really care about my safety, go get my dad's killer.
00:12:16You know who did it.
00:12:18Don't you dare to lecture me on being safe when you don't give a fuck.
00:12:27Patrick! Riley!
00:12:32Patrick! Riley!
00:12:34Riley, God, you're safe.
00:12:36How do you two get in some of the most impossible situations?
00:12:39What was it? Gunshots? Are we under attack or something?
00:12:42No, no. Just a fool who can't drive.
00:12:44Those souped-up rides with mods can make that kind of noise.
00:12:47Anyway, what are you doing here?
00:12:49I came here to buy a gun to revenge Dad.
00:12:51Scott is the one who killed him, right?
00:12:53We're going to my villa.
00:12:55No. Drive me back to Scott.
00:12:59Are you sure about this, Riley?
00:13:01Remember, Scott is our top suspect.
00:13:03Scott had something to do in my dad's murder.
00:13:06He'll hunt me down wherever I go.
00:13:08But if I go back to him...
00:13:10He will underestimate you again.
00:13:12I see.
00:13:14Why would Scott be suspicious of me if he doesn't know I'm a threat?
00:13:16This is a bad idea.
00:13:18It's only a bad idea if we think like Scott.
00:13:20We can't underestimate Riley.
00:13:27The .38 Special.
00:13:30This little gun might seem dainty,
00:13:33but it's a lethal sting that never leaves a witness.
00:13:37It's the sting that Dad used to favor.
00:13:40If so, we need a plan to keep her safe.
00:13:42She doesn't need us to keep her safe.
00:13:44We cannot underestimate Riley.
00:13:45All I need now is my sweet revenge.
00:14:16Wow. I wasn't expecting you to still be up.
00:14:20I heard you had an eventful night.
00:14:27I don't want to talk about it.
00:14:30Patrick turned up to ruin my night.
00:14:46And what happened?
00:14:48I'm having fun at the bar, and then he starts hassling me.
00:14:53I don't want to hear it, so he makes a scene.
00:14:56I don't want to be caught up in this, and I just get out.
00:15:00I didn't even finish my drink.
00:15:03Could you bring me one?
00:15:06You want some martini, right?
00:15:08Yes. You know me so well.
00:15:18What the hell am I doing?
00:15:32Extra olives.
00:15:38Extra olives.
00:15:40Just the way you like it.
00:15:42You'll be jumpy there.
00:15:43Everything's okay?
00:15:54Could you make me another one?
00:15:56Bad night, huh?
00:16:01I was just thinking after tonight, Patrick was finding me in the bar.
00:16:07Is there any more evidence that proves he is the killer?
00:16:13Now that you've asked, I did find something strange in the safe.
00:16:19What is it?
00:16:21What do you want to show me?
00:16:32Look at you, man.
00:16:34You can't even guess what happened to us.
00:16:37Stop Scott, can you?
00:16:39What are you doing?
00:16:40What are you doing?
00:16:43Thanks for the reminder.
00:16:45What are you doing?
00:16:47I'll borrow your finger, like the vaults and computers.
00:16:51Yeah, I'll use your finger to open your safe.
00:17:11To be continued.
00:17:28That's why Patrick was pestering you.
00:17:32Go ahead and read it.
00:17:34Sean knew that Patrick can't betray.
00:17:38That's why he want me to look into what Patrick is up to.
00:17:44Give me a minute.
00:17:46I want to read my dad's last words.
00:17:56Dear Riley, if anything should happen to me, Scott will take over as an ex-boss.
00:18:03And Scott, please take care of Riley.
00:18:05And Scott, please take care of Riley.
00:18:08You two make a great couple.
00:18:10Love, Dad.
00:18:14But the handwriting is quite neat.
00:18:20Wait a minute.
00:18:35I'm sorry.
00:18:45Again, I'm sorry for your loss, baby.
00:18:50Did you know my dad was left-handed?
00:19:02Whoever wrote this is right-handed.
00:19:05My dad didn't write this letter.
00:19:28Patrick's here.
00:19:29I tell him it's late, but he's insisting on seeing you.
00:19:33That prick?
00:19:35I ought to.
00:19:37If he had something to do with my dad's murder...
00:19:41Let's hear his excuses before we begin.
00:19:53I know why you're here.
00:19:55You met with Riley tonight, right?
00:19:57And you just couldn't keep away, could you?
00:20:02She's the boss's daughter.
00:20:04Someone has to try and keep her safe.
00:20:07Did you know that someone tried to kill her?
00:20:13Look, I told you before.
00:20:17I'll protect her.
00:20:20Speaking of which, I think we should get married.
00:20:23I think we should get married.
00:20:26She'll be safe around me.
00:20:28All the family united!
00:20:31Everybody's fine, huh?
00:20:35Whoa, marriage. That's a little much.
00:20:39If you're trying to send a message, isn't that a little too strong?
00:20:43Won't people think you forced Riley into marrying you?
00:20:49It's not a forced marriage.
00:20:52Scott and I are very much in love.
00:20:55And actually, marrying him was my idea.
00:20:59I've checked out my daddy's last note, and this is what he wanted to do.
00:21:13You're so very brave.
00:21:18I want to give the bride my best wishes.
00:21:26You're not the only one with plans, Patrick.
00:21:29This is more than just a plan. It's a huge risk.
00:21:32I don't think you've calculated this as well as you think.
00:21:36Have you started to underestimate me?
00:21:39Don't interfere with my revenge.
00:21:47All the top gangs will be invited to this wedding.
00:21:52It's the best opportunity to kill Scott and send a message.
00:21:57The Emerald Cartel are not to be fucked with.
00:22:00This is too dangerous.
00:22:02That night, when he showed me my daddy's last note, I knew it was a fake.
00:22:08Scott killed my dad.
00:22:11And he smiled into my face when he asked to marry me.
00:22:14Patrick, he deserves to die.
00:22:16You are crazy.
00:22:17Don't you just love it?
00:22:26I want to tell you something before the wedding.
00:22:31I've always... I mean...
00:22:35For all these years...
00:22:39Let's continue from here, after we both survived your revenge.
00:22:44How is my fiancé?
00:22:46How is my fiancé?
00:22:52How is my fiancé?
00:23:01Don't you know it's unlucky to see the bride before the wedding?
00:23:05I'm not superstitious, but I can do whatever I want.
00:23:15Mary, can I speak with my wife?
00:23:17She's not your wife yet.
00:23:32I'm so excited for today.
00:23:35I'll end the gang violence once and for all.
00:23:38I will unite the Emerald Cartel.
00:23:41And marry the love of my life.
00:23:45We did that, darling.
00:23:48Oh yeah, one more surprise?
00:23:52In case you try to double-cross me.
00:23:58I want your obedience for today.
00:24:01You will do as I say, when I say.
00:24:10Let's go.
00:24:31Oh, how lovely. Yeah.
00:24:40Smile and wave, Raleigh.
00:24:42Smile and wave.
00:24:48Do you see them?
00:24:50Now say, I'm yours.
00:24:54I'm yours.
00:24:55I'm yours.
00:25:09What is this?
00:25:12I'm not even allowed to move around in my own house?
00:25:17What are you doing?
00:25:21You cannot lock me up.
00:25:23Don't you want to be safe?
00:25:28I'm keeping you safe.
00:25:30I won't stand up for this. I...
00:25:33Oh, you, you.
00:25:35You do what?
00:25:37You do what I told you.
00:25:58Is this a gun?
00:26:01Is this a fucking gun?
00:26:02Are you trying to kill me?
00:26:09If you try to do something fishy, report it to me immediately.
00:26:13Okay, sir.
00:26:14Take the gun away.
00:26:23It's been a whole day.
00:26:25Has she caused any troubles?
00:26:27Make any demands?
00:26:33Sounds like she's ready to speak with me.
00:26:36Go get Mary.
00:26:37I want to see her, not you.
00:26:43That's it.
00:26:44I'm going to beat some sense today.
00:26:54Did I hear it correctly?
00:26:56Are you saying you're going to beat someone up?
00:27:00Go find Mary.
00:27:01I want to see her now, not you.
00:27:03Got it?
00:27:06What the hell are you looking at?
00:27:07Go get Mary!
00:27:17What the hell do you mean Mary's gone?
00:27:26Hey, Raleigh.
00:27:28I have a route to the door and then to the gate.
00:27:30But we have to escape this room first.
00:27:33The guard changes every hour.
00:27:35There's a five-minute gap between patrols.
00:27:37We can't give it a try.
00:27:42Are you ready?
00:28:08Where the fuck is she?
00:28:11I told you.
00:28:12I told you that she's a tricky one.
00:28:14I told you to keep eyes on her.
00:28:16Boss, you saw her.
00:28:17She was so weak.
00:28:18She can't go so far.
00:28:21Find her!
00:28:22It's just a bitch.
00:28:23You have plenty.
00:28:24It doesn't matter.
00:28:36Anyone else have something to say about my wife?
00:28:39No. No?
00:28:40Maybe you?
00:28:42Find Raleigh and bring her to me.
00:28:48So is this your plan?
00:28:50Dealing with the devil?
00:28:52We are hardly in control of this negotiation.
00:28:54The enemy of my enemy is a friend.
00:28:57We could get a valuable ally here if we bring him to our ranks.
00:29:01Maybe you're right.
00:29:02But Don Marcello is an extremely dangerous person.
00:29:05And ever since we sat down,
00:29:06he's been taunting us, trying to break our psychological defenses.
00:29:14That's my proposition.
00:29:16Take it or leave it.
00:29:20A compromise means both parties mutually agree.
00:29:24But it seems only the Emerald Cartel is compromising.
00:29:28Where are you gonna go, huh?
00:29:32Who's gonna work with you?
00:29:34Do you even know how many thugs Scott has hired?
00:29:39Go home, little girl.
00:29:40You don't even know what you're doing.
00:29:42But it's you who has lost everything.
00:29:45You used to be allies with my dad,
00:29:47but you killed him to expand your influence.
00:29:49No one will work with you.
00:29:50And then when they learn, you stab your partners in the back.
00:29:54It's real funny that you think anyone will care what a little girl like you has to say.
00:29:59But you don't scare me, you stupid girl.
00:30:04Maybe you think today's your big day, and you'll be the hero.
00:30:08But if your dad was alive today, he would agree with me.
00:30:12You're embarrassing your whole family.
00:30:20Remember, this is how they do business.
00:30:23Words are weapons.
00:30:26Don Marcello, we both help each other.
00:30:30As a little girl, I keep quiet.
00:30:34No one finds out about your betrayal.
00:30:37You keep your business.
00:30:39When we clean up our house, all you do is stay out of our way.
00:30:44None of my sons are going anywhere.
00:30:46All you do is stay out of our way.
00:30:49None of my sons have this composure.
00:30:52Really nice, really smart.
00:30:55I can see why Scott wanted your old man dead.
00:31:00If you're next in line, you won't get anything.
00:31:05You are better than him.
00:31:08So when do we get your support?
00:31:12I won't get involved in your drama.
00:31:14That's your business.
00:31:16But do we have your support when the dust settles?
00:31:19When the dust settles, may the best man or girl win.
00:31:27Under my leadership, the Emerald Cartel will let you continue your expansion,
00:31:32but only if you support us in removing Scott from our ranks.
00:31:37Between you and Scott, where should I place my money?
00:31:42Scott, the man that helped me kill my rival, your father.
00:31:47The man that helped me increase my territory, expand my operations, and...
00:31:53The man that paid me not to intervene.
00:32:00Not to intervene.
00:32:05Patrick, you got slow. You didn't think this through.
00:32:08Put your gun away or I'll slit her throat before you even get the shot.
00:32:12Or even better, point your gun at her. Shoot her.
00:32:17Patrick, shoot him. What are you waiting for?
00:32:20Shoot him.
00:32:22I have a better idea.
00:32:24Kill her, Patrick. Kill her and I'll help you get rid of Scott.
00:32:28You and I will run this business. I'll be your godfather.
00:32:32You'll be the biggest boss this city ever had.
00:32:36Now, Marcella, I respect you. You're a great leader.
00:32:40But how are you going to lead our cartel when you don't have any balls?
00:32:46I'll slit her throat with a straight cut.
00:32:49With a butter-spreading knife?
00:32:53By the time it cuts Riley's skin, I will have emptied all six of my bullets into your nutsack.
00:33:06Patrick, I don't know what to say.
00:33:09For a second I thought you were going to take his offer.
00:33:12Now we've got support from Marcella with Consortium.
00:33:16I can't work for a man with no balls.
00:33:19Especially if I shot them both off.
00:33:22But you?
00:33:24I would do anything for you.
00:33:27You should have no doubt about that.
00:33:35Patrick, is that...
00:33:38Yes, I see it.
00:33:43Patrick, is that...
00:33:46Yes, I see it.
00:33:52But we got out without raising the alarm.
00:33:56Someone does. Someone who knows us. Someone who knows how to track us.
00:34:01Are you trying to kill us?
00:34:05Do you think Scott sent that car?
00:34:16Scott can't possibly be the one who found us. This is someone else.
00:34:21Come on. Stay low. Now we count to five.
00:34:30I can't believe we shook the tail off so easily.
00:34:32Maybe it really was someone sent by Scott.
00:34:35Whoever it was, I think he lost them.
00:34:38He got me out of that hell I was living with Scott.
00:34:42I just wanted to say thank you.
00:34:45We're not out of danger yet. Maybe the tail hasn't gone far.
00:34:49We should think about making a move.
00:34:52But how did they manage to track us down?
00:34:56If only you had been the boss's daughter.
00:34:59This would be so much easier.
00:35:03To be continued
00:35:13What would I do without you?
00:35:17You always keep an eye on Riley.
00:35:20You always know where Thomas is.
00:35:23And that for the kidnapping thing.
00:35:29It's your order, so...
00:35:34How the fuck do you not know where Patrick is?
00:35:38Scott, you're hurting me.
00:35:40Oh yeah.
00:35:42I don't want to, but...
00:35:45You have told me you don't know where Patrick is.
00:35:48And my man already found him.
00:35:51So I wonder...
00:35:53Can I trust you?
00:35:55Scott, what are you doing?
00:36:02Can I trust you?
00:36:04Yes, you can trust me.
00:36:06Scott, did you check the cartel apartments in the south?
00:36:10That's the only place it could be.
00:36:12Please Scott, I promise.
00:36:15Please, I can't breathe.
00:36:21That's her gift of graduation.
00:36:27Once again.
00:36:28You've proven to be...
00:36:39I'm sorry Mary.
00:36:41I have to be careful.
00:36:43If you could betray your best friend...
00:36:46What would you do to me?
00:36:57So they're hiding in the south building.
00:37:02Where are they now?
00:37:04They're in the south building.
00:37:06Wait for me.
00:37:08And then we'll get them.
00:37:12Who told me?
00:37:14Mary did it?
00:37:27Have you surrounded this apartment?
00:37:29Guard the exits.
00:37:31If Mary is right, they're exactly where I want them to be.
00:37:37Find anything?
00:37:39They're not here.
00:37:41Keep looking.
00:37:49Where are we going?
00:37:51Your graduation gift.
00:37:53From Sean.
00:38:15Scott and his men.
00:38:18I think we're surrounded. There's no way out.
00:38:20What do we do now? Patrick!
00:38:47I heard Scott's voice. He's in the balcony.
00:38:50Only one way to find out.
00:39:00They're looking for us.
00:39:02Like they know where we're hiding. Is there anywhere else to hide?
00:39:05There's nowhere for us to go.
00:39:07We have to remain quiet, still, and hope they pass us by.
00:39:10No! We have to leave now!
00:39:13Do you trust me?
00:39:29We're surrounded.
00:39:31Then we have to wait.
00:39:51You better be calling me to tell me where they are.
00:39:54Yes, it's Riley.
00:39:56She just called me to say she is returning here to get the weapon that killed her dad.
00:40:00From the safe.
00:40:02Good. Keep her there.
00:40:06She's at the house, boys.
00:40:08Make sure she doesn't get into the safe.
00:40:10If you see her with Patrick, kill him on sight.
00:40:41Good. They're coming to you now. Move to the next step of the plan.
00:40:45Is that Thomas and Mary?
00:40:47What has she got to do with your plan?
00:40:49We can't trust her.
00:40:51She needs to be dealt with.
00:40:54No. Patrick, that's a mistake.
00:40:57How can you be the big boss if you can't do what needs to be done?
00:41:01Mary is the one who betrayed us.
00:41:03She has to face it.
00:41:05No. No, Patrick, please. No. She's my only friend.
00:41:08No. She's my only friend.
00:41:12Thomas, when you're ready.
00:41:18No. You killed her.
00:41:23What have you done?
00:41:28She didn't deserve that.
00:41:30Tell me what happened.
00:41:36I asked you to trust me.
00:41:38You told me a few moments ago that you trusted me.
00:41:41Do you still trust me now?
00:41:44Why did you do that to my friend?
00:41:47We grew up together.
00:41:49I've known her for as long as you've known me.
00:41:53Why did you get Thomas to kill her?
00:41:56Is she really your friend?
00:41:59Would your friend betray you?
00:42:01Riley, you said you want to be the boss.
00:42:04But to be the boss, you can't be soft.
00:42:06Compassion like that gets you killed.
00:42:08Is she still alive?
00:42:12Do you think I'm like Scott?
00:42:14Do you think I kill people for no reason?
00:42:18Mary is with Thomas now.
00:42:21We're trying to find out what Mary has told Scott.
00:42:26Do you trust me?
00:42:36We gotta get out of here.
00:42:38Before Scott and his men find us.
00:42:47You're bleeding.
00:42:50Come on. We've got to clean this up.
00:42:53It's nothing serious.
00:42:55It's just a ricochet. A simple graze.
00:42:57Don't worry about it.
00:42:59This is going to hurt.
00:43:03You're really fussing.
00:43:07But I'm fine.
00:43:10We really need to go.
00:43:14You don't know everything.
00:43:16I can help you too.
00:43:18You've always been protecting me.
00:43:21Looking after me.
00:43:23Keeping me safe.
00:43:28Aren't you scared that someone could walk in on us?
00:43:32Scared? I'm always scared.
00:43:34But I feel brave.
00:43:36We were surrounded by Scott and his men.
00:43:39And you were so... calm.
00:43:43I've never experienced something like that.
00:43:46The danger was...
00:44:05Get out. Now.
00:44:07Two of Scott's men are heading back to you.
00:44:23We made it.
00:44:25I can't believe we got out.
00:44:27Tell me, Patrick.
00:44:29How do you stay so calm?
00:44:32How do you stay so calm?
00:44:34Living in the underworld...
00:44:36I had a lot of training.
00:44:38That training keeps me calm.
00:44:40Whether it's in negotiation...
00:44:42Or in combat.
00:44:44But you changed me, Riley.
00:44:47I used to be like a flawless weapon.
00:44:50But in just these few days...
00:44:53I feel a purpose in my existence.
00:44:56All of that training...
00:44:58It's all for you, Riley.
00:45:00Like Excalibur finally fighting its rightful owner.
00:45:11Are we just stopping like this?
00:45:13Not afraid of being caught?
00:45:17I'm not afraid of being caught.
00:45:19Are we just stopping like this?
00:45:21Not afraid of being caught?
00:45:23Don't worry.
00:45:25We're on my turf now.
00:45:33I could get used to this.
00:45:36Talking about moving in, or...
00:45:38I mean...
00:45:40I'm safe here.
00:45:45You're going to follow my orders now.
00:45:46And my first order for you...
00:45:49Is to teach me firearms and blades...
00:45:51Within a short period.
00:45:53You won't refuse.
00:45:55Considering you've just claimed that I'm your owner now.
00:45:58Hey, Riley.
00:46:06Are you with Scott now?
00:46:10Remember this?
00:46:13Your dad gave me this years ago.
00:46:16It was a gift.
00:46:18He got one for you too.
00:46:20He told me we should be friends, sisters.
00:46:22And you?
00:46:24He wanted us to look out for each other.
00:46:26Like finding the other half of Locket.
00:46:30Listen, I had no choice.
00:46:32I lived under Scott's control.
00:46:34Now that I've escaped...
00:46:36I'll help you seek revenge.
00:46:40Just to be on the safe side, Thomas frisked her.
00:46:44Can I count on you?
00:46:47I'll do whatever it takes to protect you.
00:46:50Like always.
00:46:52Stop keeping secrets from me.
00:46:55Both of you.
00:47:01Remember this?
00:47:03The first time we met Patrick, he was just like that.
00:47:07Hiding in my arms and crying.
00:47:10The day my dad adopted Patrick.
00:47:13Since then, the three of us have been like siblings.
00:47:21I remember there was a lot of blood on you that day.
00:47:25I was so scared.
00:47:27What's happening?
00:47:29What exactly happened then?
00:47:31It's very complicated.
00:47:33You really want to hear that?
00:47:35No more secrets.
00:47:36Yes, I was adopted by Sean that day.
00:47:40And that was the day...
00:47:42Sean killed my father.
00:47:45What is that again?
00:47:48My dad and Sean were friends.
00:47:51Drinking buddies.
00:47:53That day he took money from a rival gang.
00:47:56Planned to kill Sean during the gathering.
00:47:59But Sean was...
00:48:01He didn't want to kill Sean.
00:48:03But Sean was...
00:48:05He drew his gun faster.
00:48:08Anyway, I happened to witness that scene.
00:48:12Sean didn't kill me and he adopted me.
00:48:15So you're saying...
00:48:17We're enemies?
00:48:20Don't you hate my father?
00:48:22Don't you want revenge for his murder?
00:48:25Trust me, I don't.
00:48:27My dad, when he was drunk, he was uncontrollable.
00:48:30When he wasn't beating up my mom, he was beating up me.
00:48:35That night...
00:48:38Look me in the eyes.
00:48:40And tell me you didn't have to do with this.
00:48:43You didn't stand by and watch him die.
00:48:46Tell me this has nothing to do with his murder.
00:48:49I'd never betray Sean.
00:48:51And I certainly won't betray you.
00:48:54I'm not in the past.
00:48:56Not in the future.
00:48:57I'm not in the past.
00:48:59Not in the future.
00:49:06I shouldn't have doubted you.
00:49:10You're always so kind to me.
00:49:15First, it's my dad.
00:49:18Now, I know how your father died.
00:49:24I don't want us to be enemies.
00:49:28I really need steam.
00:49:31Some steam to let go.
00:49:35I know exactly
00:49:37how to make it happen.
00:49:44You don't need a lot of bullets.
00:49:46Just precision
00:49:48and accuracy.
00:50:04This is why we never work out.
00:50:06I get one perfect shot
00:50:08and you think I can do this again.
00:50:11You have to do it again with every shot.
00:50:15You have to get used to the weight.
00:50:17Adjust for recoil.
00:50:19You have to get used to the weight.
00:50:21Adjust for recoil.
00:50:23You have to get used to the weight.
00:50:25Adjust for recoil.
00:50:28Aim again and hit the target.
00:50:30Every single shot counts.
00:50:32Let me show you how.
00:50:43I can't focus.
00:50:47Because you're distracting me.
00:50:51Stop Patrick.
00:50:53Stop what?
00:50:54You make me blush.
00:50:56I can't concentrate
00:50:58when you look at me like that.
00:51:00Makes me want to...
00:51:02Makes you feel what?
00:51:06I don't know.
00:51:08Then stop me.
00:51:22what's going on
00:51:24with you and Patrick?
00:51:26Is that serious?
00:51:28Come on, tell me.
00:51:30You never know.
00:51:32It might work out.
00:51:34Jeez, okay.
00:51:36I'm attracted to him.
00:51:38Yes, and?
00:51:40And what?
00:51:43Yes, he's handsome.
00:51:45He knows what he wants
00:51:47and he get it.
00:51:49And I like that
00:51:51and I feel safe with him.
00:51:52We've spent our whole life together.
00:51:55Will you spend the rest of your life together?
00:51:58You mean a mafia life?
00:52:00With Scott to keep hunting down us?
00:52:03No, thank you.
00:52:05I don't want this life.
00:52:07Come on, just tell me.
00:52:09Are your feelings for him serious?
00:52:15when you've got something beautiful in your life,
00:52:17seize it.
00:52:19Don't watch it slip away.
00:52:20I'm just using Patrick.
00:52:24I have to take my revenge
00:52:26and I can use them.
00:52:36What the hell was that?
00:52:38Do you know he was right here?
00:52:41Yes, I heard him from the beginning.
00:52:43So what?
00:52:45You sound like you're playing with his feelings,
00:52:47sending him mixed messages
00:52:48at a time like this
00:52:50isn't good for either of you.
00:52:52Why would we promise each other the world
00:52:54only to be dead tomorrow?
00:52:56You promised each other the world
00:52:58because you could end up dead tomorrow.
00:53:02Okay, and if we marry
00:53:04and live happily ever after,
00:53:06what would my father say?
00:53:08I left a man who killed him walk free.
00:53:11Where's my honor?
00:53:13Who would respect me?
00:53:15So you've been thinking about marriage?
00:53:17I didn't say that.
00:53:19I know what I heard, Lassie.
00:53:21I said only if
00:53:23it's a hypothetical situation,
00:53:25nothing happened.
00:53:27You just need to be honest
00:53:29how you're feeling, right?
00:53:31You wouldn't be so upset
00:53:33if you didn't have feelings for Patrick.
00:53:36My feelings can wait.
00:53:39They have to wait.
00:53:43But yes,
00:53:44if we can survive this suicide mission,
00:53:47of course I want to marry the man.
00:53:52Dinner can wait.
00:53:54Your training has started.
00:53:56By the time I'm through with you,
00:53:58food will be the last thing on your mind.
00:54:14Don't worry.
00:54:38Don Marcillo already got in touch with me.
00:54:40Tomorrow he's inviting Scott to the estate for lunch.
00:54:42We'll be set up nearby
00:54:44waiting for the right moment to take out Scott.
00:54:46Now I gotta know,
00:54:48are you ready for this?
00:54:57I'm born fucking ready.
00:55:13Something's off.
00:55:15I think we should abort the mission.
00:55:17What's wrong?
00:55:20Scott's already here,
00:55:22just like Don Marcillo promised.
00:55:24There are too many of Scott's goons.
00:55:26And they're not just loitering.
00:55:28They're slowly forming a perimeter.
00:55:30Listen, if we don't get out now,
00:55:32it'll be too late.
00:55:43It's all gone to shit.
00:55:45Now revenge is impossible.
00:55:47Stay slow, be quiet.
00:55:49Just let me kill that bastard.
00:55:54Shit, it's Patrick.
00:56:04Keep quiet.
00:56:06Don't show up
00:56:08or it'll make you an easy target.
00:56:09Wait until they start searching
00:56:11and focus on the ground.
00:56:19Where are you?
00:56:21I know that you're hiding somewhere.
00:56:23You're just like Sean.
00:56:29Another coward in the family.
00:56:31Son of a bitch.
00:56:33If you fight him now,
00:56:35you will die.
00:56:37They will kill you.
00:56:39We will never have our revenge
00:56:41and we will never be together.
00:56:43Is that what you want?
00:56:45Do you want to know what Sean said to me in the end?
00:56:48He begged for mercy,
00:56:50licking my boots,
00:56:54right like a little girl.
00:56:56Did you hear that?
00:56:58I can't take this anymore.
00:57:02We will make him pay.
00:57:04But now we need to be patient.
00:57:11I did this to you.
00:57:13I'm sorry.
00:57:15If we don't leave now,
00:57:17there will be more bleeding on us.
00:57:19Let's go.
00:57:24I shouldn't.
00:57:26It doesn't matter.
00:57:28Don't blame yourself, okay?
00:57:32what happened today,
00:57:34it's really bad news for us.
00:57:39And what was on your mind?
00:57:41Using your body to stop the bullets?
00:57:43This wasn't part of the plan.
00:57:45Do you hear me?
00:57:47Never do that again, okay?
00:57:50You're right.
00:57:52We need to make some adjustments.
00:57:54I promise I'll do better.
00:57:56But you have to understand
00:57:58that no plan is perfect.
00:58:00Something always goes wrong.
00:58:03And when it happens,
00:58:08I know you want to protect me.
00:58:10Keep me safe.
00:58:12But I can't watch you risk your life for me.
00:58:15It's your revenge.
00:58:17I can promise you that.
00:58:19I won't break my promise.
00:58:21Even if I have to take a bullet.
00:58:23Patrick, stop.
00:58:37I'm sorry.
00:58:57What is that?
00:59:08It's you?
00:59:10And that?
00:59:12Is that an orphanage?
00:59:14Some old snaps.
00:59:16Just an orphanage.
00:59:18Way before your time.
00:59:20Nothing much to see now.
00:59:24Tell me more about it.
00:59:26It's more of a vanity project.
00:59:28We can put our profits into the orphanage
00:59:30as it is a charity.
00:59:32We can do our good deeds for the community.
00:59:34Where is it?
00:59:35What are you hiding from me, Patrick?
00:59:39Who's that?
00:59:41Don't change the subject.
00:59:43That's probably Thomas or Mary.
00:59:45I want to...
00:59:46No. Who is that?
00:59:48Mary knows the code to get in.
00:59:50And so does Thomas.
00:59:52No one knows I'm here.
00:59:54And I'm not expecting a delivery.
00:59:56Knock, knock, knock.
00:59:59Special delivery.
01:00:02What do you think he wants?
01:00:03I think he wants to show us something.
01:00:06That insignia.
01:00:08This is the same one on the orphanage photo.
01:00:19Wait, Riley.
01:00:21It could be a trap.
01:00:22What trap?
01:00:23No more bullets.
01:00:24What are you doing? It's too dangerous.
01:00:25Jesus Christ, Patrick.
01:00:29These are invoices
01:00:31of the sale of people.
01:00:33What the hell is this?
01:00:36Kidneys and heart transplants?
01:00:40This is exactly what he wants.
01:00:42Distrust between us.
01:00:44This one is signed by Dad.
01:00:47And this one.
01:00:49And this one also.
01:00:51What the hell do you know?
01:00:53Stop covering for my dad. Tell me.
01:00:56So you are reading it, right?
01:00:58Do me a favor and ask, Patrick,
01:01:00if the children from his orphanage
01:01:01were still alive when they were
01:01:03sent to their deaths.
01:01:07What Sean made me do
01:01:09would turn every gang
01:01:11against the Emerald Cartel.
01:01:13So, no one will trust Riley
01:01:15to be the boss.
01:01:17Riley, you can't believe any of this.
01:01:19He's bluffing.
01:01:21That's what Scott does.
01:01:22What do you want?
01:01:24I'll tell you everything
01:01:26what Patrick is hiding from you.
01:01:29You have 24 hours
01:01:31to return to me
01:01:33or everything your father works for
01:01:35will be for nothing.
01:01:37What is Patrick hiding from me?
01:01:40Scott! Scott!
01:01:44This is a bad idea.
01:01:46You have to trust me.
01:01:50Why do you keep hiding things from me?
01:02:02You can't go.
01:02:04Scott will kill you or even worse,
01:02:06he will use you against the Emerald Cartel.
01:02:08I'm telling the truth.
01:02:12This is the only way to find out
01:02:14what kind of a man my dad was
01:02:16and what kind of a man you are.
01:02:35This is why you can't go to Scott.
01:02:37Look at me.
01:02:50This is what he did to me
01:02:52for all these years.
01:02:54I guess I was hiding
01:02:56some secrets from you too.
01:02:58What happened?
01:03:00What happened?
01:03:07after Sean adopted Patrick,
01:03:09he also adopted Scott.
01:03:14Scott was a mess.
01:03:17He is a mess.
01:03:19I took pity on him
01:03:21and tried to help him
01:03:23but he took advantage of my kindness.
01:03:27I thought it was love
01:03:32I was such a fool.
01:03:35He has long control of me,
01:03:38my body,
01:03:40my mind.
01:03:42I let him.
01:03:45I thought I could keep it
01:03:47all bottled up in secret
01:03:49because I thought
01:03:51I can change him
01:03:53but there's no changing Scott.
01:03:56Why didn't you tell me?
01:04:00I knew Scott was a mess
01:04:02but I fell for him anyway.
01:04:04I thought I could change him
01:04:06if I could make him love me.
01:04:14Even if you're pissed at Patrick,
01:04:16don't fall into Scott's trap.
01:04:18Promise me.
01:04:21Mary, this is not about Patrick.
01:04:26Shut up.
01:04:27Shut up.
01:04:30I know you too well.
01:04:32You just want to dig into the man
01:04:34you're willing to marry.
01:04:38You know I have to do this.
01:04:43You know I do.
01:04:50I assume there's no way for me
01:04:52to stop you from doing this?
01:04:55Let me watch your back.
01:04:57Now we're talking.
01:04:59Where do you think you're going?
01:05:02I made a promise
01:05:04to your dad to protect you.
01:05:06I won't let you leave without me.
01:05:09He is suspecting me.
01:05:11How can all the three of us
01:05:13sneak into the guarded estate undetected?
01:05:15There's a secret pass in and out.
01:05:17Only me and Sean know it.
01:05:19I can show you the way
01:05:21and you lead us to the sweet revenge.
01:05:23And you're going to follow my plans
01:05:25I can learn how to follow the leader.
01:05:27Only one thing though.
01:05:29Don't let your hatred
01:05:31cloud your judgment.
01:05:33You gotta follow my orders
01:05:35without question.
01:05:37Be my right hand.
01:05:39Not just my human shield. Got it?
01:05:41Hello? Are we going?
01:05:43Or you guys need to get a room first?
01:05:45That scum won't see us coming.
01:05:47Let's go.
01:05:56Now, let's do a final check
01:05:58on the mission plan before we move.
01:06:00We wait until late at night
01:06:02when guards are tired and loose.
01:06:04Then we sneak into Scott's bedroom.
01:06:06Yeah, we infiltrate, we extract
01:06:08and then we slip out
01:06:10to the secret passage in this room.
01:06:13The plan is straightforward.
01:06:15If anything goes sideways, we improvise.
01:06:18Someone is coming.
01:06:21I'm going in.
01:06:22Someone is coming.
01:06:29Return to your patrols.
01:06:31If I need you, I'll radio in.
01:06:35Get in. Get in.
01:06:37But you...
01:06:38Don't worry. Follow my order, please.
01:06:55If I shoot him,
01:06:57it will be too fucking loud.
01:06:59I've found a better place
01:07:01to hide the original files.
01:07:14is not a day to mess up.
01:07:16Tell your guys to keep their eyes wide open.
01:07:18I'm going in.
01:07:21is not a day to mess up.
01:07:23Tell your guys to keep their eyes wide open.
01:07:29Don't do it.
01:07:32Don't do it.
01:07:38I know that she'll enter into the estate
01:07:40through a secret pass.
01:07:44no matter where that is,
01:07:46we'll be waiting for her.
01:07:48Who ratted us out?
01:08:02Jesus fucking Christ!
01:08:17Help me. I need to tie him up.
01:08:22Help me. I need to tie him up.
01:08:28Patrick ratted on us.
01:08:30You heard Scott.
01:08:32And Patrick told us
01:08:34that no one else knew about the secret passage.
01:08:36I always said not to trust anyone.
01:08:39I didn't think it would be you, Mary.
01:08:41How could you deceive your best friend like that?
01:08:44Patrick, put the weapon down.
01:08:45If you shoot her, Scott will find us.
01:08:47If either of you were the rat,
01:08:49you would have warned Scott where we were hiding.
01:08:51So, come on.
01:08:53Help me and let's get out of here.
01:08:55Pretty good thinking.
01:08:57Always keep calm.
01:08:59Don't celebrate it.
01:09:01Come on, let's get out of here.
01:09:03Help me.
01:09:16Come in.
01:09:21We need to talk about what happened this afternoon.
01:09:23No, we don't.
01:09:26What are you hiding?
01:09:28What do you need to know?
01:09:31What are you doing?
01:09:33I said you could come and not search for my things.
01:09:35I saw it.
01:09:37You took the USB drive before leaving.
01:09:39It's filled with Scott's lies in there.
01:09:41If you're into reading that kind of stuff,
01:09:42that's cool.
01:09:44I won't stop you.
01:09:46If you'd give me a straight answer early,
01:09:48I wouldn't be buying to do this nonsense now.
01:09:50Look, Riley.
01:09:52I don't want to argue it.
01:09:54When you're done being mad, let's talk.
01:09:56I'll be in the gym.
01:09:58Where are your pads?
01:10:00I don't need them.
01:10:02I taught you everything you know.
01:10:04I can take you on.
01:10:06I have learned a lot from you.
01:10:08Maybe you won't like what I have to share.
01:10:10Show me.
01:10:17I'm sorry.
01:10:19I'm sorry.
01:10:21I'm sorry.
01:10:23I'm sorry.
01:10:25I'm sorry.
01:10:27I'm sorry.
01:10:33So, what kind of a man was my dad?
01:10:36And stop giving me any bullshit.
01:10:38I'm going to know when you're lying.
01:10:40Why would I lie?
01:10:42Stop avoiding the question.
01:10:44You must be mad at my dad for killing your dad, right?
01:10:48You're right.
01:10:50I guess it all starts with my dad.
01:10:52I don't blame Sean for killing my dad.
01:10:54Sean raised me for over a decade.
01:10:56So that means you can go and abuse other kids too?
01:11:00If you really believe that, then I can't help you.
01:11:03All I can say is Sean didn't exploit me or any of the kids we helped in the orphanage.
01:11:11We tried to move the business and the property.
01:11:14This is the future.
01:11:16Weapon sales is the past.
01:11:18And trafficking?
01:11:20I heard Scott does that shit.
01:11:22So you and my dad didn't traffic at all?
01:11:24Why should I believe you?
01:11:27Maybe the Emerald Cartel doesn't need me.
01:11:30Maybe you can run it.
01:11:32And maybe that's the reason you got rid of dad.
01:11:36And that's why you used me.
01:11:44It seems strange to me that I would kill your dad first and then protect you.
01:11:49And save your life many times.
01:11:53After all that, I also make you stronger.
01:11:56Only to steal what belongs to you again.
01:11:59And find myself with my own knife at my throat.
01:12:04Are these lies to protect me?
01:12:07Or are these secrets to protect yourself?
01:12:10Just like Scott.
01:12:14I already told you I'm not Scott.
01:12:17I no longer care for power.
01:12:19I don't want to be the boss.
01:12:21I don't want to live the rest of my life,
01:12:24however short it is,
01:12:26looking over my shoulder.
01:12:30If I'm really lucky,
01:12:32I might spend a portion of that life
01:12:35with the person I love.
01:12:50I love you.
01:13:12Patrick, stop it.
01:13:14Before Mary sees this.
01:13:16That's unlikely.
01:13:18Mary's no longer with us.
01:13:20Patrick, where is she?
01:13:22We can't keep things from each other.
01:13:24I'm not keeping anything from you.
01:13:29I wanted to tell you yesterday, but you wanted to fight.
01:13:32Is she alive?
01:13:34Yes, she's alive.
01:13:36Safe and sound.
01:13:38It's her choice if she wants to stay that way.
01:13:41You think she's the rat?
01:13:43I don't know. Let's go find out.
01:13:51Riley, please.
01:13:53I'm telling the truth.
01:13:55I don't know how Scott found out about us.
01:13:57Only two people knew about the plan.
01:13:59Enter the estate using the secret passage.
01:14:04Scott knew we were coming.
01:14:06Patrick is not suicidal, neither am I.
01:14:08Still, it must be you.
01:14:12I swear on this.
01:14:14I would never do anything to hurt you.
01:14:16I haven't made a call since I got to Patrick's.
01:14:20She's telling the truth about that.
01:14:22I checked her calls.
01:14:24Nothing outgoing.
01:14:28What are you looking at?
01:14:30I'll have someone carefully inspect both your necklace and hers.
01:14:36If there's been any tampering with the necklace, Thomas,
01:14:39make a call to him.
01:14:47What do you mean he's coming for us?
01:14:50We need to leave, now!
01:14:55Thomas, drive!
01:14:59Where are you going?
01:15:05Thomas, drive!
01:15:08Mr. Marcello is expecting us.
01:15:16Don't you even think about it.
01:15:20I'm sorry, Riley.
01:16:15The final piece.
01:16:17My wife.
01:16:18Mary Gove, she has nothing to do with this.
01:16:21If you shoot, you hit Mary.
01:16:23So put your weapon down.
01:16:27And, cut yourself with those handcuffs.
01:16:33Where's Thomas? Where's Patrick?
01:16:36My men are taking an excellent care of them.
01:16:42If you want to know where these bastards are, put your weapon down.
01:16:46No, don't give your gun away!
01:16:55Let her go right now.
01:17:00She's guilty.
01:17:02Just like me.
01:17:05Guilty of what?
01:17:08Isn't it obvious?
01:17:11She betrayed you.
01:17:12Guilty of what?
01:17:15Isn't it obvious?
01:17:18She betrayed you.
01:17:22No, I would never do this.
01:17:25I swear.
01:17:29Don't ruin the moment, honey.
01:17:32Let me tell her the whole story.
01:17:35Let her go!
01:17:37Let her go right now!
01:17:41What's that?
01:17:43Listing chip?
01:17:45Clever little thing, eh?
01:17:50It's been active all of these years.
01:17:53I put on her skin,
01:17:55and she put on my skin.
01:17:57And now,
01:17:59she's gone.
01:18:01She's gone.
01:18:03I put on her scar tissue.
01:18:06It's all thanks to the scars
01:18:08that I left on Mary all of these years.
01:18:12I never knew this.
01:18:14Believe me.
01:18:16Mary, I trust you.
01:18:21Geez, I'm such a fool.
01:18:24Don't blame me.
01:18:25Don't come close!
01:18:28Let her slip away.
01:18:33Scott has just
01:18:34clashed with Marcello.
01:18:37Now, Scott's forces are diminished.
01:18:40Take your chance,
01:18:41but take care.
01:18:42He wants to...
01:18:43Mary, no!
01:18:48I will kill you!
01:18:53Mary, no!
01:18:58I will kill you!
01:19:02How would you kill me?
01:19:04You are all alone.
01:19:06I have no one else to play with.
01:19:09I win.
01:19:16No Don Marcello.
01:19:18No Mary.
01:19:20No Patrick.
01:19:22No Sean.
01:19:24It's just my wife and I.
01:19:27You sick bastard!
01:19:29What makes you think
01:19:30you can control a Cattel?
01:19:32Look at this place, Scott.
01:19:34Everyone's dead.
01:19:36Your family, your friends.
01:19:38Is this how you run a business?
01:19:42Talking about business.
01:19:45Your father told me
01:19:46that I was the best.
01:19:48That I'll be the best.
01:19:51And then he favored Patrick over me.
01:19:54Patrick is family.
01:19:57I've worked so hard
01:19:58to make this family
01:19:59the top gang in this city.
01:20:03I did that?
01:20:05You bought and sold kids
01:20:06and trafficked their organs.
01:20:08I did that for Sean.
01:20:10And then he chose Patrick
01:20:11to take over me?
01:20:13We both worked hard
01:20:14from the bottom.
01:20:23What does Patrick have
01:20:24that I don't?
01:20:25He is twice the man
01:20:26you will ever be.
01:20:30Don't say words like that.
01:20:36I am a very forgiving man.
01:20:40I can be a better husband.
01:20:43Forget about Patrick.
01:20:45Let's renew our marriage vows.
01:20:50I might consider
01:20:52sparing his life.
01:20:57Think about that.
01:20:59Or you would rather
01:21:00let him die slowly
01:21:03and painfully.
01:21:06You know what I'm capable of now.
01:21:14We never get a chance
01:21:15to consummate our own marriage.
01:21:19I'll find Patrick
01:21:21and make him watch.
01:21:25I'll put a few bullets in first.
01:21:29You can watch him die
01:21:30while I'm
01:21:32finishing off with you.
01:21:34Where's Patrick?
01:21:36What did you do to him?
01:21:39You ain't in a fucking position
01:21:41to fucking negotiate with me.
01:21:44Know your place.
01:21:47Don't look at me like that.
01:21:49No, no.
01:21:51That's not who you are.
01:21:53You will kneel in front of me
01:21:55and swear to be my wife.
01:21:57I am not the girl you thought
01:21:58you could push around.
01:22:05I don't like the way
01:22:08you're looking at me.
01:22:10Who the hell are you?
01:22:19Face it.
01:22:21You are all alone.
01:22:25are all alone.
01:22:28are mine.
01:22:30Say it.
01:22:35I'm the woman you have to deal with now!
01:22:39And I'm not alone!
01:22:42And I'm not alone!
01:22:51When did she get
01:22:52the revolver?
01:22:55I don't know.
01:23:02I'm glad you guys can watch this.
01:23:05No, no, no!
01:23:08I'm begging you!
01:23:10You always think you're tougher
01:23:11than everyone else.
01:23:13You're not.
01:23:15I guess I'm the tough one out here
01:23:17like you two.
01:23:18Do you want me to get rid of him, boss?
01:23:21He can spend the rest of his life
01:23:23rotting in his cell.
01:23:26You got him.
01:23:28We did it.
01:23:29I wouldn't be here without you.
01:23:33Your dad!
01:23:35You both chose this Patrick over me!
01:23:37Why is it?
01:23:38Why is it that he has
01:23:40and I don't have it?
01:23:42You and Patrick grew up together.
01:23:44You could have been as good as he is,
01:23:45but you aren't.
01:23:48Patrick aspires to be better.
01:24:08Come on, Riley!
01:24:10Come on and take your revenge!
01:24:26Stay with me, baby.
01:24:28Stay with me.
01:24:32Did you get him?
01:24:36You would be proud.
01:24:38So would Dad.
01:24:40Stay with me.
01:24:41Don't die.
01:24:43Not now.
01:24:47Not today.
01:24:53Your dad saved us here.
01:24:55So did Mary.
01:24:58Family is safe.
01:24:59We finally can help each other.
01:25:17He'd be so proud of you, boss.
01:25:21He's proud of us.
01:25:29Where to now, boss?
01:25:31We have a lot of work to do.
01:25:53I know.
01:25:54I know.
