• 3 months ago
00:00:00This song makes me feel like I'm ten years younger than I am now.
00:00:14I can't control myself. My feet are shaking.
00:00:30Everything is white. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
00:00:42So let's listen to this song. Everything is white.
00:00:50I can't control myself. My feet are shaking.
00:00:56So let's listen to this song. Everything is white.
00:01:07Forget about the wind and sand. Forget about the rain and snow.
00:01:11Forget about the love we made last summer.
00:01:15Forget about the bad taste. Forget about the bad temper.
00:01:19Forget about the love we made last year.
00:01:22Let's confess our love.
00:01:26Everything is white.
00:01:31Forget about all the troubles.
00:01:34Everything is white.
00:01:38Forget about the wind and sand.
00:01:42Forget about the bad taste.
00:01:46Let's confess our love.
00:01:50Everything is white.
00:01:56Everything is white.
00:02:26Forget about the bad taste.
00:02:28Forget about the bad temper.
00:02:29Forget about the good taste.
00:02:30Forget about these bad things.
00:02:32Forget about the shadows.
00:02:34Forget about all the comfort we had.
00:02:37Forget about the tears and sorrows you have buried.
00:02:40Let's relay all of this pain.
00:02:45Everything is white.
00:02:49Forget about all the troubles.
00:02:53Everything is white.
00:02:56明天会发生什么 Who knows what will happen tomorrow
00:03:00谁能知道 Who knows
00:03:05所以资格让我们静静的一起摇摆 So it's time for us to quietly rock and roll
00:03:12好久没有听到这么激动人心的摇滚了 It's been a long time since I've heard such an exciting rock and roll
00:03:16留下言在 摇滚不会死 Rock and roll won't die
00:03:19大夏歌坛不会晚 The Summer Song Festival won't be late
00:03:23大夏歌坛不会晚 The Summer Song Festival won't be late
00:03:27大夏歌坛不会晚 The Summer Song Festival won't be late
00:03:29大夏歌坛不会晚 The Summer Song Festival won't be late
00:03:31大夏歌坛不会晚 The Summer Song Festival won't be late
00:03:34什么 和大夏的人被团结起来了 What? The Summer Song Festival has been united
00:03:38想看 崩坏中不会后悔的你 You'll regret it if you miss it
00:03:44不如资格让我们静静的一起摇摆 So it's time for us to quietly rock and roll
00:03:51一起摇摆 一起摇摆 Let's rock and roll
00:03:59一起摇摆 一起摇摆 Let's rock and roll
00:04:10这才是真正的摇滚啊 This is the real rock and roll
00:04:13让人身体里的每一个细胞都动起来了 It makes every cell in your body move
00:04:16如果这首歌还有人说不如棒子的口水歌 If anyone says this song is worse than Bounce's saliva song
00:04:19我第一个不答应 I'll be the first one to say no
00:04:21向阳 帮一张两手摇滚吃一张水 今晚我一定买 Xiang Yan, help me eat a bottle of water with these two rock and roll. I'll definitely buy it tonight
00:04:25高总 陶远 我这首摇滚跟棒子还是各有千秋 评分出色吗 Cao Cao, Cao Yang, my rock and roll is better than Bounce's. Is it a tie?
00:04:31整个曲本身来说 你这首歌的确实比李峥的稍微强了那么一点点 The song itself is not bad, but your song is a little better than Li Jing's
00:04:38高总 你小耳朵聋了吗 天壤之别就被你说成一点点 Cao Cao, have you lost your hearing? You said it was just a little bit
00:04:42王天后 这每个人的审美观点是不同的 Empress Wang, everyone has a different point of view
00:04:47你不能强迫我们所有人顺从你的审美观点吗 Can't you force everyone to follow your point of view?
00:04:51王天后 公道自在人心 向阳她已经证明了自己 这恶我大下内狱 你行了 Empress Wang, justice is in the heart of the people. Xiang Yan has proven herself. This is against my will. You can do it
00:04:58我不服 我没有人可以在这么短的时间创作出两首摇滚情绪 No one can create two rock and roll songs in such a short time
00:05:04她作弊 She cheated
00:05:07不错 那你们指出了我做什么地盘 如果说不出来收回你们的筹码 Not bad. Then you pointed out what I do for a living. If you can't say it, I'll take back your money
00:05:13世界上根本就没有这么快的原创 而且从你报名参赛到现在只有三天 你也没有时间练歌 In the world, there is no such fast original song. And it's only been three days since you signed up for the competition. You don't have time to practice
00:05:20所以你肯定是提前录好 带着录音唱的 So you must have recorded it in advance and sang it with the recording
00:05:25对 我这辈子最讨厌作弊的人 对 我这辈子最讨厌作弊的人 Yes, I hate people who cheat the most in my life
00:05:28我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的
00:05:58我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的参赛资格 我要取消你的
00:06:28陶炎 你敢在这种全国直播的大赛上作弊 你真的是一点脸都不要脸 我要立刻取消你的参赛资格 现在 立刻 马上取消
00:06:40陶炎 无凭无据你就不要胡说 如果你非说下言作弊的话 你就把作品拿出来
00:06:46你们说我啊 用吉他吗
00:06:51吉他就在这 你们给我找出作弊的东西 找不出来就给我鬼托在这
00:06:57洋人之格 不配做大侠
00:07:02好 快找 下意 我们找出来 你就死定了
00:07:23怎么 吉他上找不到证据 就开始搜身了吗 夏言 你不要胡搅蛮缠 有谁会把作弊的证据留在身上 等着别人来找啊 所以 你肯定把证据早就销毁了
00:07:37你们处心积虑了这么久 说了这么多 不就是看不得我代表大侠阁谈 赢了这帮洋格
00:07:44赢 需要靠实力 你现在顶着作弊的嫌疑有什么资格跟我争最后的冠军呢
00:07:51按照大赛的规定 当选手存在作弊争议时 冠军要到争议解除才能判定 所以夏言不用再做赌坑的美梦了 到这场比赛结束之前你的嫌疑都洗不清
00:08:06按照你们的说法 夏言现在是现场最有实力的选手 他是黑是白得不到证据 这冠军的位置将一直在
00:08:16不行 如果没有冠军 那这场比赛还有什么意义 我提议重新比
00:08:23没错 重新比 夏言 你不是想证明自己 那就比乐器 只要你能证明你会乐器 就能洗脱你身上的嫌疑
00:08:35当然 吉他不算了
00:08:38黑幕 黑幕 我这是赤裸裸的黑幕
00:08:42嘿嘿嘿 大头 这里的每一项决定都有大赛的规则可查 如果夏言不赛 可以重新比一次
00:08:52乐器 比旧品 比什么乐器 怎么比 跟谁比 夏言 来挑战
00:09:02夏言别冲动 他们这是在竞争呢 那个拳猴可是国际一级的亚洲狮啊
00:09:08不要骗我 你这是在公然包庇我 夏言已经继续了挑战 要么一战 要么投降
00:09:16没错 绝对没有第三个选择 夏言 你如果想放弃比赛 自己让人面子不好意思说 你可以悄悄告诉我 我可以帮你说
00:09:36好你个下人 你这个骂我 就是你这种低品德的人 我绝对不会允许你站在冠军的位置上
00:09:45我骂你什么呢 你倒是说说吧 让大家听听我是不是在骂你呢 你
00:09:53你也太过了 比摇滚比高音也许更胜一点 但是比乐器 我会让你输得像个狗一样的 从这儿爬出去
00:10:08把我的萨克斯拿过来 是萨克斯 全世界最拿手的乐器 据说全世界挑战萨克斯在国际音乐节上拿了十几项大奖了
00:10:20我知道 我知道 全神的萨克斯曲 那可是一项天籁之业 在世界乐坛没有人能在乐器上压过全神的
00:10:32夏言 你能隐瞒唱功 隐藏好歌 但练习乐器你也才不会 真不知道你哪来的底气挑战
00:10:40我的底气是老祖宗给的 老祖宗留下的乐器才是最真实的 你应该问问你的养狗爹 有什么底气能挑战我大象
00:10:52我要演奏的这首萨克斯曲 叫Epic Sax Guy
00:10:56听到了吗 夏言 全神之才叫做实至名贵 它就是史诗级的萨克斯手
00:11:03史诗 吃是唱
00:11:21抛开人品只看水平 它就是萨克斯曲 何谓是一曲风神 夏言 你抛上硬币
00:11:40全是傲气于自负 它们也是有实力之称的
00:11:57夏言 你知道我为什么离开你吗 这就是全神的实力
00:12:02黑色 你改了名字之后越来越像了 你也别唱歌了 滚回花国 开车
00:12:16怎么样 各位评委 我这首萨克斯神曲能当上冠军吗
00:12:23冠军 必须是冠军 凭这首神曲冲进冠军 那简直绰绰有余啊
00:12:30你们还没听过我的曲子 凭什么认定他冲进冠军就绰绰有余啊
00:12:36夏言 你别再装了 乐器可不是唱歌 讲究的是执法气流 还有对音符的敏感度
00:12:47泱泱大厦五千年 只要享受 就没有我大厦人做不成的事
00:12:52啊 你来 我倒要看看你用什么能赢得了我这萨克斯神曲
00:13:01西洋乐的确不错 可几百年的机械音和大厦几千年历史的红绫声笔还差得远远
00:13:10夏言 你是说你要演奏咱们大厦民族的乐器吗
00:13:15没错 我要演奏的乐器就是竹笛
00:13:18竹笛 不过这次我要用大厦的乐器 免得有人说作弊
00:13:25大厦的乐器就是垃圾 垃圾中的垃圾
00:13:29夏言 我支持你 是该给世界乐团上展示一下我们大厦民族乐器的魅力了
00:13:35哎哟 民乐 凭什么好听的 几根烂木头 吹来吹去就那么几个音 一点心意都没有
00:13:45哎呀 说的没错 这锁骨那么粗俗简陋的笛子 还想和精致的铜锁丝的萨克斯比
00:13:53那一个低俗的吊针 那一个高雅的极致 挺可比性吗 有可比性吗
00:14:01高雅 低俗 那你说说什么是高雅 什么是低俗
00:14:07听你吹这破笛子 它就是低俗 那听吹萨克斯 它就是高雅
00:14:14你是不是还想说 被舔棒子就是高雅 真是大厦就是低俗 你眼中的低俗给了你做人的尊严 你设为了高雅却让你处处被舔
00:14:24老祖宗的眼光你可以不学 但你不能不信 大厦乐器在世界乐器之林只有不想赢 绝对不会输
00:14:31笑看沧海不惧小教 我参赛的这首曲子就叫沧海一生笑
00:14:37沧海一生笑 好霸气的名字啊 笑看沧海无惧挑战 这就是大厦的风格 大厦人的骨气
00:15:00你居然会乐器 萨雅你身上到底还有多少东西我不知道
00:15:09妈 不能怪我 是萨雅思念藏得太深了
00:15:36我好像在她的笛声中看到了江湖儿女侠骨柔血 这曲子简直神了
00:16:20连曲调里都有大厦必胜的决心 棒子你们还拿什么赢
00:16:40我这首曲子足够送这些棒子回老家了 我预言沧海一生笑一定会走出国门走向世界 你下言今天比赛的歌曲里就是我们大厦内娱崛起的开始
00:16:54王天后 这话说早了吧 这谁是冠军那还不一定呢
00:17:01没错 一首笛子曲而已 也就你一个人觉得好罢了 我和高松还是觉得拳龙的好 这一轮我们觉得拳龙赢
00:17:14按照比赛规则两位评委支持拳龙 就算你要求继续比赛他们也不会改变主意
00:17:22夏言 你输定了
00:17:25好 现在胜负已分 夏言虽然实力不俗 但跟拳龙比啊那还是稍俊一筹 所以我站在公平公正的角度上来说 我选拳龙胜出
00:17:43我支持拳龙 拳龙胜出
00:17:51这不公平不公平 就算不论前几轮的成绩 这一轮也应该是夏言胜出 我抗议 我要求组委会出面重新评判成绩
00:18:02王天后 我知道你偏袒着夏言 可是结果是我们大家都已经认定了 这谁出面都改变不了
00:18:12这评委怎么这样啊 我觉得夏言的歌和乐器比那拳龙的好多了
00:18:17高松 我看你是高高在上日子过久了 怕是已经忘了观众才是歌坛的衣食父母 没有观众就没有歌坛 谁是冠军你们两个说了不算 要听听衣食父母的心声
00:18:31没错 你们觉得好不是好 观众觉得好那才是好 他们认为谁是冠军谁就是冠军 夏言的歌就是比棒子的强 我支持夏言当选冠军 夏言冠军
00:19:15Hey, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know,
00:19:45you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know
00:20:15you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know
00:21:03Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:09Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:11Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:13Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:15Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:17Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:19Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:21Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:23Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:25Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:27Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:29Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:31Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:33Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:35Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:37Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:39Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:41Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:43Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:45Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:47Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:49Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:51Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:53Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:55Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:57Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:21:59Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:01Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:03Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:05Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:07Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:09Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:11Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:13Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:15Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:17Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:19Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:21Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:23Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:25Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:27Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:29Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:31Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:33Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way
00:22:35Our generation's reputation on the international stage
00:22:38is about to be destroyed
00:22:40To re-establish Daxia Gata
00:22:42is the only way to go to the world
00:22:44And you, Xia Yan
00:22:45is the last piece of fate of our Daxia Gata
00:22:49Xia Yan, please believe me
00:22:51I will definitely make you an international superstar
00:22:53Your song will definitely become an international hit
00:22:57Wang Dinghao, it's not that I don't believe you
00:22:59It's just that you have to be on schedule every day
00:23:01You have to be on the lookout for paparazzi taking pictures at any time
00:23:04You have to be dignified every minute and every second
00:23:06You can't have a day without freedom
00:23:08I've had enough
00:23:10You've had enough?
00:23:11No, what I mean is
00:23:13I'm used to freedom
00:23:15Days like this where I have to be restrained by paparazzi every day
00:23:17I can't stand it
00:23:19What a big deal
00:23:21Young man, remember
00:23:23The shackles
00:23:25are never given by others
00:23:27but given by yourself
00:23:29Given by myself?
00:23:31Once you become a superstar
00:23:33do you have to dress formally
00:23:35and go to fancy restaurants?
00:23:37The stars you see
00:23:39are all creating their own hypocritical lives
00:23:43A star is also a person
00:23:45The truth is the most important
00:23:47The truth
00:23:48Look at Mr. Lin, he's quite famous
00:23:50But he wears his pajamas and slippers every morning
00:23:52He goes to the morning market to eat fried dough sticks and drink soy milk
00:23:54If they want to take pictures, let them
00:23:56They never cover their eyes
00:23:58This is the best way to get rid of people's curiosity about you
00:24:02Yes, the best way
00:24:04is to live the life you like
00:24:07The same goes for a star
00:24:09Being your true self
00:24:11and how successful you are
00:24:13are not contradictory
00:24:14Mr. Lin, I understand
00:24:16The reason why Shang Yu is living so hard
00:24:18is because of vanity
00:24:20and a layer of invisible shackles
00:24:22Wang Jiahou
00:24:24I've made up my mind
00:24:25I'll sign a contract with you
00:24:26The Great Xia Song Festival
00:24:27must be held
00:24:29The Great Xia Song Festival
00:24:31Come on, come on, come on
00:24:33Come on, come on
00:24:34Come on, come on
00:24:35Come on, come on
00:24:36Come on, come on
00:24:37Come on, come on
00:24:38Come on, come on
00:24:39It smells so good
00:24:41Shang Yu is still a king
00:24:43He's always been envious
00:24:45but he doesn't dare to experience the reality
00:24:48he has given up his virtual identity
00:24:50and can finally do something real
00:24:52Boss, I want to eat barbecue
00:24:54Okay, do it tomorrow
00:24:59I want to eat barbecue
00:25:01Okay, do it tomorrow
00:25:03I want to eat barbecue
00:25:05Okay, do it tomorrow
00:25:07I want to eat barbecue
00:25:09Okay, do it tomorrow
00:25:11I want to eat barbecue
00:25:13Okay, do it tomorrow
00:25:15I want to eat barbecue
00:25:17Okay, do it tomorrow
00:25:19I want to eat barbecue
00:25:21Okay, do it tomorrow
00:25:23I want to eat barbecue
00:25:25Okay, do it tomorrow
00:25:28Stop singing
00:25:30Do you know how to sing?
00:25:34Didn't you order this song?
00:25:36I sang it according to your request
00:25:38What else do you want?
00:25:39I want to eat barbecue
00:25:41You sing too straight
00:25:44You wear too much
00:25:45You have to take it off
00:25:46Do you understand?
00:25:50Do you think this is your cherry blossom country?
00:25:52I'm selling singing, not selling body
00:25:54If you want to hear you sing
00:25:56Go back to your country
00:25:58I paid the money
00:25:59Sing a song
00:26:01You have to finish singing before you can go
00:26:05Who wants your dirty money?
00:26:06Let me go
00:26:07Otherwise, I will wake up
00:26:10Don't dare to bully people in my land
00:26:12Can't bear
00:26:17Little girl, just sing
00:26:19She is a guest hired by the big boss here
00:26:21It's useless to find anyone
00:26:22I heard
00:26:24Sing again
00:26:26Sing your song
00:26:28What is it called?
00:26:33He doesn't come
00:26:34I come
00:26:45I am your guest
00:26:48I am on duty
00:26:49Bring guests
00:26:50To serve the army
00:26:51But you can't count
00:26:52Fire the tiger
00:26:54When your stick explodes, you can't eat
00:27:02Someone hit your guest
00:27:04Call the police
00:27:05Arrest them all
00:27:08Let me see who
00:27:12Don't be impulsive
00:27:13It's none of this gentleman's business
00:27:14It's this cherry blossom man
00:27:15He molested me first
00:27:17What did you say
00:27:18You and I are not bastards
00:27:20I want to teach
00:27:22What did you say
00:27:23Li Shengli
00:27:24I am a guest hired by your boss
00:27:26I want to invest in your night market
00:27:29Create a luxury business
00:27:31You offended me
00:27:32I don't want to make a penny here
00:27:34In other places
00:27:36You can do whatever you want
00:27:37In my place
00:27:39Touch my friend
00:27:40I'll kill you
00:27:43You wait
00:27:45Your boss will be here soon
00:27:47You'll know in a while
00:27:49You offended me
00:27:51Brother Shengli
00:27:53Or forget it
00:27:54I have nothing to do
00:27:55You still have an old and young family
00:27:57I can't offend you, can I
00:27:58You can't
00:27:59He interviewed more than you
00:28:01He has the dignity of a hero
00:28:02He must apologize
00:28:05You are
00:28:06Xia Yan
00:28:15Xia Yan
00:28:16This is me and your sister-in-law
00:28:17I'm going to change the face of the shop
00:28:19You're in a hurry
00:28:20Give it back to me soon
00:28:22We grew up together
00:28:23Can't believe me
00:28:24Wait for me
00:28:25Make my Linlin famous
00:28:26I'll pay you ten times
00:28:31You're still here
00:28:32It's good to make money
00:28:34If you didn't owe me money
00:28:36I would rather wait for you for a lifetime
00:28:38At the beginning
00:28:39In order to make Linlin famous
00:28:40I borrowed money from friends
00:28:41But because I couldn't pay back
00:28:42I chose to avoid debt
00:28:43Blocked everyone's phone
00:28:45Xia Yan
00:28:46You are really a bastard
00:28:48I'm here this time
00:28:50Just to apologize to you
00:28:51Don't fool me
00:28:54I'll finish the account with this cherry
00:28:56Tell you again
00:28:57Li Shengli
00:28:58Who do you want to teach
00:29:00You came early
00:29:01This cherry
00:29:02In our place
00:29:03Bullying little girls
00:29:04This kind of person
00:29:07I still know Mr. Baofei
00:29:09A guest I invited
00:29:10Apologize to him
00:29:12Shengli is right
00:29:13It's you
00:29:14You should apologize to Shengli
00:29:17Where did you come from
00:29:20Why do you look familiar
00:29:23It seems to be on TV
00:29:25I remember
00:29:26Star of the King of Heaven
00:29:28King of the Pigeon
00:29:29You are Xia Yan who participated in the King of the Pigeon
00:29:32Big star
00:29:34This is based on your own fame
00:29:36Want to stand up for others
00:29:38I don't need anyone to stand up for me
00:29:40Especially a big star
00:29:42I can't stand it
00:29:45I know I'm sorry
00:29:47You hate me
00:29:49But our brothers
00:29:51Can sit down and talk slowly
00:29:53Now they are bullying you
00:29:56Bullying our big star
00:29:58I hope you can help me
00:30:00Get the big star back
00:30:02What to get back
00:30:04They hit me
00:30:06I'll give you ten times back
00:30:10I won't stand in this place
00:30:12Xia Yan, did you hear that
00:30:14In my place
00:30:16You have to do it according to my rules
00:30:18I want you to apologize to the guest
00:30:20And you
00:30:22Kneel down for Mr. Bao Sun
00:30:24It's obviously this old man
00:30:25Bullying people
00:30:26How can you help outsiders
00:30:28I also want to help you
00:30:30But can you invest for me
00:30:32Can you let me live in a big villa
00:30:34Can you let me drive a big cow
00:30:37It's right to make money
00:30:38Let's see if you can make some money
00:30:41Take Yinghua's money
00:30:42Kneel down for him
00:30:44Don't you feel ashamed
00:30:45Gu Qi, right?
00:30:46You ask him
00:30:48Is it a choice to make money
00:30:50Or choose Gu Qi
00:30:52Shengli as a person
00:30:53I know
00:30:56Shengli, what do you choose
00:30:58Tell him
00:31:01I've been singing with him for a long time
00:31:03I know very well about Shengli's character
00:31:05He won't choose money
00:31:06Qiao Fu
00:31:08My patience is limited
00:31:10If they don't get the lesson
00:31:12I will call the company
00:31:14And withdraw the investment immediately
00:31:16Li Shengli
00:31:18Think about your sick mother
00:31:20Unemployed wife
00:31:22And the son who went to school
00:31:24If you don't apologize
00:31:25The shop will go bankrupt
00:31:26Get out
00:31:29I'm sorry
00:31:30Chen Huqian
00:31:31Kneel down
00:31:32Big businessman
00:31:33Are you crazy
00:31:35Kneel down
00:31:40You don't have to kneel
00:31:41They can't threaten you
00:31:42Don't they just want money
00:31:44I bought this sword
00:31:46You bought it
00:31:47Do you know how much money this sword costs
00:31:49Xia Yan
00:31:50I know you are famous in the singing competition
00:31:54But you rely on your fame to earn money
00:31:57I'm afraid I can't afford this sword
00:32:01This is enough
00:32:04You are
00:32:05One million
00:32:07Xia Yan
00:32:08Where did you get so much money
00:32:11One million
00:32:13Are you kidding me
00:32:15My sword
00:32:16I only need three million
00:32:18One million
00:32:19One million in the eyes of us Yinhua people
00:32:22That's not money
00:32:23You big businessmen
00:32:25That's all you have
00:32:27What are you eating
00:32:29Your mouth is so ugly
00:32:31I said
00:32:32Ten million
00:32:36Ten million
00:32:38Ten million
00:32:40Ten million
00:32:41Even I can't get it
00:32:43Did you get the money from Dafeng
00:32:47That's right
00:32:48It's from Dafeng
00:32:51Wang Tianho
00:32:52I want to sign now
00:32:54But I need ten million in contract fee
00:32:58So you don't have money now
00:33:01Who would have thought that I would give you ten million
00:33:04What are you doing here
00:33:06Xia Yan
00:33:07Xia Yan
00:33:08I thought you really changed
00:33:10It turns out you still can't change
00:33:11The way you cheat
00:33:13I can buy it with a word
00:33:15How is that possible
00:33:16Ten million
00:33:18I said I would sell it for ten lifetimes
00:33:20How can I earn so much money
00:33:22I know you don't believe me
00:33:23But give me the wind of money
00:33:25It's over
00:33:29Wang Tianho
00:33:30Wang Tianho
00:33:31Wang Tianho
00:33:32Wang Tianho
00:33:33Did Wang Tianho really give the money to this boy
00:33:37Xia Yan
00:33:38I've been waiting for your call
00:33:40You finally figured it out
00:33:41Welcome to Fair Entertainment
00:33:43Wang Tianho
00:33:44I have signed up for your team
00:33:45This contract fee
00:33:46Can I pay it myself
00:33:48Of course you can
00:33:49At your price
00:33:50This ten million is only one-tenth of the contract fee
00:34:01I am now
00:34:03Can I buy this sword from you
00:34:05Wait, wait, wait
00:34:06Don't talk about buying this sword
00:34:08Just buy my life
00:34:10That's enough
00:34:13Ying Hualong
00:34:14You are proud
00:34:16Where did you go just now
00:34:18I dare
00:34:20You are rich
00:34:21You have a lot of people
00:34:22You are sick
00:34:23I can't afford it
00:34:24I go
00:34:26You don't apologize today
00:34:27You can't get out of this street
00:34:29Apologize, apologize, apologize
00:34:33What did you say
00:34:35Let me be a cherry blossom man
00:34:37Apologize to a man who sells guns
00:34:41What's wrong with Cherry Blossom Kingdom
00:34:43Four cherry blossoms
00:34:45Nongyan cup
00:34:46Four things
00:34:47Do you still want to bring me a master?
00:34:49Wang Tianho
00:34:50If I wait for him now
00:34:51Fair Entertainment
00:34:52There won't be any trouble, right
00:34:53Fair Entertainment is not afraid of cherry blossoms
00:34:55The most troublesome person
00:34:56Can't support the people
00:34:58Support him
00:34:59Do you need my help
00:35:01Xia Yan
00:35:02You are not good at fighting
00:35:04Let me
00:35:06I have always taken Yezi as my sister
00:35:09Bullying Yezi is bullying my sister
00:35:11This bastard
00:35:12I'll kill him now
00:35:15I apologize
00:35:16I am rude
00:35:18Apologize to this ceremony
00:35:22Ying Hualong
00:35:23Sure enough, it's a soft and soft
00:35:26In the future on my land
00:35:28Bow down
00:35:34I roll
00:35:35I roll
00:35:41You just hide in front of people
00:35:43She is a woman
00:35:44She doesn't deserve to apologize to me
00:35:46Ying Hualong is more convenient than a dog
00:35:48Hit him
00:35:49Hit him
00:35:50Hit him
00:35:51Hit him
00:35:52Hit him
00:35:55It's nothing
00:35:56I'm leaving too
00:35:58This place belongs to you
00:35:59The transfer will be done tomorrow
00:36:01Boss Qiao
00:36:03Did you forget something?
00:36:07This place belongs to you
00:36:09It's nothing
00:36:13He is my friend
00:36:14He is my brother
00:36:15You hit him
00:36:16This can't just end like this
00:36:23You put the knife down first
00:36:25How do I compensate you
00:36:27It's all said
00:36:30Look at you
00:36:33Your character
00:36:34It's all blood and sweat from us
00:36:38Take off
00:36:41It turned out to be like this
00:36:42Brother Shengli likes this dress
00:36:44This dress
00:37:05I can go now
00:37:07Get out
00:37:11Brother Shengli
00:37:12I used to be a bastard
00:37:13I lied to you
00:37:14Now I'm back
00:37:15I just want to make up for the past
00:37:18I took 30,000 from you
00:37:19Now this street is all yours
00:37:24I only want my money
00:37:26This street is not mine
00:37:27I don't want
00:37:28Brother Shengli
00:37:29I don't want to give you this street
00:37:30I owe you
00:37:31Xia Yan
00:37:33Ask yourself
00:37:35Do you owe me money
00:37:36I have been your brother for more than 20 years
00:37:38What I care about is money
00:37:40This brother
00:37:41Xia Yan may have done something wrong
00:37:43Maybe he has difficulties
00:37:44Are you misunderstanding
00:37:47What is misunderstanding
00:37:48He lied to me for a woman
00:37:50Trick me
00:37:51Is this a misunderstanding
00:37:52Brother Shengli
00:37:53Calm down
00:37:54I think Brother Xia Yan
00:37:55He is not this kind of person
00:37:57He is right
00:37:58Xia Yan in the past
00:38:00Is such a person
00:38:02A hypocrite
00:38:03A bastard
00:38:05Leave the money you owe me
00:38:07Go find your bastard lover
00:38:08This street is yours
00:38:09I go
00:38:11That Xia Yan is dead
00:38:12Xia Yan is dead
00:38:14Then who is talking to me
00:38:16Standing behind you
00:38:17Talking to you
00:38:18I want to atone for him
00:38:20Make up for his mistakes
00:38:22Xia Yan
00:38:23I believe my eyes
00:38:25Xia Yan will never do
00:38:26Such a thing
00:38:27Maybe the old Xia Yan
00:38:28Is a bastard
00:38:29But now Xia Yan
00:38:30Is a good person
00:38:31You can't use the original vision
00:38:32Look at Xia Yan now
00:38:34Yes, Brother Shengli
00:38:36Think about it
00:38:37You grew up together
00:38:39Brother Shengli
00:38:40This friendship of more than 20 years
00:38:41Shouldn't be broken by one thing
00:38:45Brother Shengli
00:38:46Sing the song I wrote
00:38:48Called friend
00:38:49He will understand
00:39:10He will understand
00:39:12He will be lonely
00:39:14He will look back
00:39:16There is always me
00:39:18There is always you
00:39:20In my heart
00:39:22The price of food is cheap
00:39:23The price of wine is free
00:39:25The price of food is cheap
00:39:27The price of wine is free
00:39:29The price of wine is free
00:39:30The price of wine is free
00:39:31We will go together forever
00:39:34I don't care about those days
00:39:37Goodbye forever
00:39:41The past life wants to boil wine
00:39:45Today is the anniversary of the rice wine
00:39:54Friends don't work and don't feel sad
00:39:57You will understand friends for life
00:40:01There is still grief and pain
00:40:34Teach you with your name
00:40:36the friendship that never fades.
00:40:58Why are you here?
00:41:00Xia Yan, what are you talking about?
00:41:02If I'm not here, where can I be?
00:41:04This is our home.
00:41:05Stop it.
00:41:06It's better to make it clear.
00:41:08This is my home, not ours.
00:41:09Get out.
00:41:11Xia Yan.
00:41:13You were not like this before.
00:41:16The old Xia Yan is dead.
00:41:18And it's not me who is heartless.
00:41:20It's you.
00:41:21I just made a mistake.
00:41:23Every woman makes mistakes.
00:41:25Can't you be more generous?
00:41:27Forgive me this time.
00:41:29If you don't want me to suffer,
00:41:31just tell me to be kind.
00:41:32Li Ling, are you dead?
00:41:36You chased me for so long.
00:41:38Do you really want to give up?
00:41:39If you lose me,
00:41:41you will never find
00:41:43an excellent girlfriend like me.
00:41:47Are you teasing me?
00:41:49Who has an excellent girlfriend?
00:41:50Three years.
00:41:51You are so selfish
00:41:52that you don't even want a boyfriend.
00:41:54Am I selfish?
00:41:56I'm encouraging you.
00:41:57I'm obsessed with my beauty.
00:41:59I hope you can make a great career.
00:42:03In this case,
00:42:04when you were in a relationship with Quan Meng,
00:42:06did you want her to be beautiful
00:42:09and your career to be successful
00:42:10and become my stepping stone?
00:42:11I didn't expect you to be a good girl.
00:42:14I know I was wrong about that.
00:42:18You can laugh at me
00:42:21and scold me.
00:42:23But I really changed.
00:42:25You don't have to blame me.
00:42:26I've never given you anything.
00:42:30Then I'll give it to you today.
00:42:33Put it on.
00:42:35Then I'll give it to you today.
00:42:38Put it on.
00:42:39Don't let your dirty body
00:42:40stain my eyes.
00:42:42Xia Yan, I've let myself go
00:42:44and given up on you.
00:42:45What else do you want me to do?
00:42:47You let yourself go by taking off your clothes.
00:42:49I have high expectations of myself.
00:42:51Then tell me
00:42:52what I should do for you to forgive me.
00:42:54Do you want to kneel down
00:42:56and beg for forgiveness like you did wrong?
00:42:58That's right.
00:42:59If you're willing to kneel down,
00:43:00but you can't kneel down
00:43:02with your new identity
00:43:03at dawn.
00:43:04New identity?
00:43:05What new identity?
00:43:07Didn't you change your name
00:43:08to Hei Ze at dawn?
00:43:09Then use your Hei Ze identity
00:43:11to kneel down
00:43:12and apologize to Xia Yan
00:43:13who gave birth to you and raised you.
00:43:15Xia Yan,
00:43:16you're humiliating me by changing my hair.
00:43:18I didn't humiliate you.
00:43:19You didn't change your name.
00:43:21You didn't use your name
00:43:23to humiliate me.
00:43:25By the way,
00:43:26I haven't asked you yet.
00:43:27You changed your name
00:43:28to help me.
00:43:29Why did you come back to me?
00:43:30Why do you ask so many questions?
00:43:32I came back to you
00:43:33because I owe you the most.
00:43:35Shouldn't you be grateful?
00:43:39Then I have to thank you.
00:43:40I saw that you lost everything
00:43:42because of someone.
00:43:43You really paid me back
00:43:44for a year.
00:43:46I'm so happy now.
00:43:50Xia Yan,
00:43:51you're too much.
00:43:52How dare you talk to me like that?
00:43:54In the past three years,
00:43:55I tried my best to earn money to support you.
00:43:57But you
00:43:58didn't even look at me.
00:44:00Who is more outrageous?
00:44:01You're a man.
00:44:02Isn't it natural
00:44:03for a man to spend money on a woman?
00:44:06I didn't spend money on you.
00:44:08What did you buy for me?
00:44:10I've been wearing clothes for three years.
00:44:12I bought everything.
00:44:13What money did you spend on me?
00:44:15Did I buy your shoes
00:44:16and socks for you?
00:44:19If you think so,
00:44:20let's forget
00:44:21what happened in the past few years.
00:44:23I bought it.
00:44:24Give it back to me.
00:44:25You bought it.
00:44:26I'll give it back to you.
00:44:28You want to settle the score, right?
00:44:29Then I'll settle the score with you today.
00:44:31I'll see
00:44:32what you've bought for me
00:44:33as a mean man.
00:44:36The shoes,
00:44:40the bag,
00:44:41and the socks
00:44:44were all bought by you.
00:44:46You spent money on me.
00:44:47Tell me.
00:44:48How much did you spend on me?
00:44:49The shoes,
00:44:50the socks,
00:44:51and the socks
00:44:52were all bought by you.
00:44:53You spent money on me.
00:44:54Tell me.
00:44:55How much did you spend on me?
00:44:56The shoes,
00:44:57the socks,
00:44:58and the socks
00:44:59were all bought by you.
00:45:00You spent money on me.
00:45:01Don't you think I'm lucky?
00:45:03You're lucky.
00:45:04You're really lucky.
00:45:06I bought this bag
00:45:07for 30,000 yuan.
00:45:08It's a genuine product.
00:45:09Give it back to me.
00:45:10I'll give it back to you.
00:45:11It's just a broken bag.
00:45:13I don't care about it.
00:45:15Let me tell you.
00:45:16There are many people
00:45:17who want to buy bags for me.
00:45:18All right.
00:45:19Besides the shoes
00:45:20and the socks,
00:45:21what else did you buy for me?
00:45:22I'll give it to you.
00:45:23I'll give it to you.
00:45:26I'll give it to you.
00:45:29What else?
00:45:30What else?
00:45:31Besides the shoes,
00:45:32what else did you buy for me?
00:45:34You can't tell me.
00:45:35I'll tell you.
00:45:36Last year,
00:45:37you spent money on me.
00:45:40I'll give you back
00:45:41what you spent on me.
00:45:44Young master,
00:45:45you're shameless.
00:45:46To deal with a shameless woman like you,
00:45:48you can only use a more cheap method.
00:45:50But I bought this dress
00:45:52for 50,000 yuan.
00:45:54Money, money, money.
00:45:56You only care about money now.
00:45:58You're a cowardly man.
00:46:00It seems that breaking up with you
00:46:02is the most important decision
00:46:03I've ever made in my life.
00:46:04But in your eyes,
00:46:05you're a woman of interest.
00:46:06You don't care about money.
00:46:07What do you care about?
00:46:08Do you care about feelings?
00:46:11Very good.
00:46:12Very good.
00:46:13I see you clearly.
00:46:15Don't you want the dress?
00:46:16I'll give it back to you.
00:46:18I'll give it back to you.
00:46:19I'm sorry.
00:46:22Did I interrupt you?
00:46:24I'm here to see Xia Yan.
00:46:25I saw the door was not closed,
00:46:26so I came in.
00:46:27If it's not convenient today,
00:46:29I'll come another day.
00:46:30No, no, no.
00:46:31Don't worry.
00:46:32You can come to my house
00:46:33and return it at any time.
00:46:34The one who really feels inconvenient
00:46:35should be my mother.
00:46:37Xia Yan,
00:46:38do you really have to be so heartless to me?
00:46:41I used to be
00:46:42the owner of this house.
00:46:44Why are you in a hurry?
00:46:45I just want to persuade some people
00:46:47to have a little face
00:46:48and a little self-knowledge.
00:46:49Don't come to the wrong place.
00:46:50Leave as soon as you can.
00:46:52Don't be like a dog skin plaster.
00:46:54Xia Yan,
00:46:55can you talk nicely?
00:46:57He came to see you
00:46:58and said you were having a hard time outside.
00:47:00It's pitiful.
00:47:01What did you say?
00:47:03You said I'm pitiful?
00:47:07Sister Fei is right.
00:47:08You look
00:47:09very pitiful.
00:47:10No, no, no.
00:47:11Xia Yan, I didn't mean that.
00:47:12I mean...
00:47:13Sister Fei,
00:47:14you don't have to explain.
00:47:15What's the point of explaining to this kind of person?
00:47:16He tried so hard.
00:47:18He found all this himself.
00:47:20Xia Yan,
00:47:21what right do you have to say I'm pitiful?
00:47:23What right do you have
00:47:24to be so arrogant in front of me?
00:47:26Do you really think
00:47:27I'm here this time
00:47:28to get back together with you?
00:47:30It's about money and clothes.
00:47:33Isn't it?
00:47:34I don't care.
00:47:36I just want to give you
00:47:37a chance to pursue me again.
00:47:39Give you a step down.
00:47:40Give you a step down?
00:47:41Do you really think
00:47:42I don't have anyone to pursue me?
00:47:44Then try it.
00:47:45Go to Shanghai
00:47:46and say
00:47:47your name is Hei Ze Lin Lin.
00:47:48You just got released from prison.
00:47:50if anyone is willing to be a gold medalist.
00:47:52Lin Lin,
00:47:53don't blame Xia Yan for speaking badly.
00:47:55From the moment you changed your name,
00:47:57no one in the world
00:47:58will be able to accept you.
00:48:00Wang Tian Hong!
00:48:02Are you lecturing me?
00:48:04I hope that before you lecture me,
00:48:06you can look in the mirror
00:48:07and see if you deserve it.
00:48:09I'm not lecturing you.
00:48:10I'm just trying to reason with you.
00:48:14The way you reason
00:48:16is to trespass into
00:48:17the house of another man's boyfriend.
00:48:19I'll say it again.
00:48:20We have already broken up.
00:48:22It doesn't matter.
00:48:23I, Xia Yan,
00:48:24am not your boyfriend.
00:48:27I know.
00:48:28No wonder you want to
00:48:29break up with me so soon.
00:48:32Look at you two.
00:48:34I'm tired.
00:48:35I'm tired.
00:48:38Look at you two.
00:48:40I'm tired.
00:48:41Shut up!
00:48:42You can slander me.
00:48:44I don't care.
00:48:46you can't slander Fei Jie.
00:48:47This is a dirty person.
00:48:48Everything he sees is dirty.
00:48:50If Xia Yan
00:48:51stands next to any woman now,
00:48:53you'll think there's something wrong with them.
00:48:55If there's nothing wrong with you two,
00:48:57why would he reject me?
00:49:00In the past,
00:49:01as long as I was a little proactive,
00:49:03he would be grateful to me.
00:49:05I admit that Xia Yan is very attractive.
00:49:08If I like someone,
00:49:09I will be honest with him.
00:49:11Not like what you said.
00:49:13I can't bear to see him.
00:49:15Fei Jie.
00:49:16Do you really think I'm attractive?
00:49:19Shame on you two!
00:49:22Your charm is as dazzling as your ability.
00:49:25I'm 100% sure
00:49:26you can be an international star.
00:49:28I like someone who is energetic and capable.
00:49:30Someone who has a bright future.
00:49:32What's there to be ashamed of?
00:49:34I didn't expect that
00:49:35the charm of a superstar
00:49:37can still be used here.
00:49:39Between you two,
00:49:40as long as it's love,
00:49:42there's nothing to hide.
00:49:44Xia Yan.
00:49:46How dare you say
00:49:47you're so heartless to me
00:49:48because of him?
00:49:50You want to know the answer, right?
00:49:53I'll give it to you.
00:49:58Fei Jie.
00:49:59I want to say
00:50:01when I first saw you
00:50:02in the King of Singers,
00:50:04I already fell in love with you.
00:50:09Xia Yan.
00:50:10Do you really like me?
00:50:12I don't know.
00:50:13I don't deserve you
00:50:14as I am now.
00:50:15Give me a year.
00:50:17I will make Xia Yan's name
00:50:18be heard all over the world.
00:50:20Let the world
00:50:21remember the voice of a man.
00:50:23In the world of love,
00:50:24there's nothing to be deserved.
00:50:26As long as I like it,
00:50:27you deserve it.
00:50:29I will make Xia Yan's name
00:50:30be heard all over the world.
00:50:31I will do my best to help you.
00:50:34Are you two
00:50:35playing a confession
00:50:36in front of me?
00:50:38Are you deliberately
00:50:39pinching my heart
00:50:40and hurting me?
00:50:42You asked for the answer.
00:50:44I gave it to you.
00:50:45As for pinching my heart
00:50:46and hurting me,
00:50:47I didn't think about it.
00:50:48It's just your self-indulgence.
00:50:53Xia Yan.
00:50:55You must not
00:50:57tell the media
00:50:58about your scandal.
00:50:59Tell the media
00:51:00that Wang Tianhou
00:51:01has an affair with a man.
00:51:02Such news
00:51:03must be explosive.
00:51:07You must not tell the media
00:51:08about your scandal.
00:51:10Tell the media
00:51:11that Wang Tianhou
00:51:12has an affair with a man.
00:51:13Such news
00:51:14must be explosive.
00:51:15And Xia Yan,
00:51:16your star map
00:51:17will be dark
00:51:18and lonely.
00:51:20Ling Ling.
00:51:21Do you know
00:51:22why Xia Yan chose you?
00:51:23Because I will think for her.
00:51:25And you will only
00:51:26scheme for her.
00:51:29If you want to fight, then fight.
00:51:30If you want to say something, then say something.
00:51:32You see,
00:51:33will the media
00:51:34believe us
00:51:35who belong to Dasha
00:51:37or believe an outsider
00:51:38who dares to change your mind?
00:51:40Xia Yan.
00:51:42Don't regret it.
00:51:46Don't expose it.
00:51:48Wang Tianhou
00:51:50has an affair with a man.
00:51:51Such news
00:51:52must be explosive.
00:51:56Don't expose it.
00:51:59Wang Tianhou
00:52:00has an affair with a man.
00:52:01Such news
00:52:02must be explosive.
00:52:03Xia Yan.
00:52:07I forgot to tell you.
00:52:08This phone card
00:52:09is also mine.
00:52:10I have deleted it.
00:52:13Xia Yan.
00:52:14Do you think
00:52:15you can force me to a dead end?
00:52:16Do you think
00:52:17by doing this,
00:52:18I can give in
00:52:19and bow to you?
00:52:20I am proud of you.
00:52:22Even if I am wrong,
00:52:23I am proud of you.
00:52:24You want me to bow to you.
00:52:26Are you crazy?
00:52:28I don't care
00:52:29if you bow to me or not.
00:52:30I am just happy
00:52:31to see you
00:52:32so depressed.
00:52:36Xia Yan.
00:52:37You bully me.
00:52:40Wang Tianhou also bullies me.
00:52:42All of you bully me.
00:52:46It's you
00:52:47who hurt
00:52:48all the people who love you.
00:52:49Don't you
00:52:50know how to reflect?
00:52:51I don't need to reflect.
00:52:53I am not an ordinary person.
00:52:55I am destined to be noble.
00:52:57I want to be famous.
00:52:58I want to be famous.
00:52:59I didn't do it.
00:53:04You didn't do it.
00:53:05But the glory you want
00:53:06can't be given to you.
00:53:08Didn't you change your name
00:53:09to Heize?
00:53:11You can go to
00:53:13or Baoguang.
00:53:14You can go to those places
00:53:15that can give you light
00:53:16and make you famous.
00:53:17Xia Yan.
00:53:19You are so heartless.
00:53:22I wanted to give you
00:53:23a chance to keep me.
00:53:25But you didn't know it.
00:53:27One day,
00:53:29I will stand at the top
00:53:30of the entertainment circle.
00:53:31I will see you regret.
00:53:33I will see you cry.
00:53:34After hearing what you said,
00:53:36I really
00:53:37regret it now.
00:53:40Really, Xia Yan?
00:53:41You changed your mind?
00:53:43In the past,
00:53:44I didn't treat you well enough.
00:53:46I hid it from you
00:53:47and didn't sing with you.
00:53:49But today,
00:53:50I figured it out.
00:53:51I will write a song
00:53:52for you
00:53:53that belongs to you.
00:53:54These songs
00:53:55will make you famous
00:53:56when you sing them.
00:53:59They will make the world famous.
00:54:03Xia Yan.
00:54:04If you figured it out
00:54:06and wrote a song for me earlier,
00:54:07I wouldn't do
00:54:08those things
00:54:09that I did to you.
00:54:10Xia Yan.
00:54:11Why did you change your mind so fast?
00:54:12Did you forget
00:54:13the pain she brought to you?
00:54:14Wang Tianhou.
00:54:16Please don't make excuses.
00:54:18We have been together for three years.
00:54:20She cares about me.
00:54:21Shouldn't she?
00:54:23She should.
00:54:24She deserves it.
00:54:25It's all my fault.
00:54:26I made a mistake in the first place.
00:54:27That's why you got muddled
00:54:28and made a mistake later.
00:54:31Xia Yan.
00:54:32I knew it.
00:54:34No matter how I treat you,
00:54:35you still can't leave me
00:54:37after three years of love.
00:54:39You are such a good woman.
00:54:41How can I leave you?
00:54:44I will use all my strength
00:54:45to write a song for you.
00:54:47Xia Yan.
00:54:48Are you out of your mind?
00:54:49Wang Tianhou.
00:54:50It's just a few songs.
00:54:51What do you know about me?
00:54:52Forget it.
00:54:53I will explain it to you later.
00:54:54Xia Yan.
00:54:55Hurry up.
00:54:56I will be a singer in a few days.
00:54:58I still have a chance.
00:54:59Hurry up.
00:55:01Hurry up.
00:55:03I will write a song for you now.
00:55:04After singing the song I wrote for you,
00:55:05you will definitely
00:55:06become a star.
00:55:15Wang Tianhou.
00:55:16Xia Yan wrote a song for me.
00:55:18Why are you laughing?
00:55:19The lyrics are so interesting.
00:55:21I can't control myself.
00:55:23Xia Yan.
00:55:24What song did you write for me?
00:55:25Let me see.
00:55:29These songs
00:55:31are specially written for you.
00:55:33Take a look.
00:55:34You will definitely like it.
00:55:37Bad woman.
00:55:39You are not writing a song for me.
00:55:41You are scolding me.
00:55:45You only read it for a night.
00:55:46How can you be sure
00:55:47that I am scolding you?
00:55:48You are flipping the page.
00:55:55You are so vicious.
00:55:57You are so cruel.
00:55:58I can't forgive you.
00:56:01You said you were not scolding me.
00:56:03I didn't say
00:56:04I was not scolding you.
00:56:06I just want you
00:56:07to be sure
00:56:08that I am scolding you.
00:56:12I am not a bad woman.
00:56:14I admit
00:56:15I have betrayed my feelings.
00:56:17But isn't it a betrayal
00:56:18when we are together?
00:56:20You said I was a bad woman.
00:56:22But I can't forgive you
00:56:23for hitting me.
00:56:25Lin Lin.
00:56:26You are so unreasonable.
00:56:28I don't want to tell you
00:56:29any more lies.
00:56:30That's right.
00:56:31I am scolding you.
00:56:32But these songs
00:56:33are really good.
00:56:35If you don't believe me, I will sing for you.
00:56:37Xia Yan.
00:56:38Don't sing.
00:56:39I won't sing.
00:56:40Don't sing.
00:56:41Don't sing.
00:56:42Just this song.
00:56:43You are so bad.
00:56:44Xia Yan.
00:56:45You can't do this to me.
00:56:46You can't
00:56:47put salt on my wound.
00:56:48Xia Yan.
00:56:49You can't sing.
00:56:51You are so bad.
00:56:52You are so bad.
00:56:53You are so bad.
00:56:55The more you say, the more ridiculous.
00:56:57The more I listen, the more confused.
00:56:59You are so bad.
00:57:00You are so bad.
00:57:01You are so bad.
00:57:03I am being bullied every time.
00:57:05I will definitely revenge.
00:57:07I can't stand you.
00:57:08I can't stand you.
00:57:09I can't stand you.
00:57:10I can't stand you.
00:57:11I can't stand you.
00:57:14Xia Yan.
00:57:15You just wait.
00:57:16One day
00:57:17I will stand at the top of the entertainment circle
00:57:19and watch you.
00:57:22If you can rely on your own ability
00:57:23to stand at the top of the entertainment circle,
00:57:25I am very happy to see this result.
00:57:27Don't you want your name
00:57:28to be known all over the world?
00:57:30I will take a step ahead of you
00:57:31and cover all your glory.
00:57:35If the stimulation I give you today
00:57:37can make you stand up by your own ability,
00:57:39I have done a good thing.
00:57:40It is also the end
00:57:42of our three-year relationship.
00:57:45No end.
00:57:47At most ten years,
00:57:48I will stand at the top of the entertainment circle
00:57:51and make you regret it.
00:57:55Make you regret it.
00:57:56Make you regret it.
00:58:01Make you regret it.
00:58:02Make you regret it.
00:58:05Ten years.
00:58:06It's not a long time.
00:58:07It's not a short time.
00:58:08Do you think she can really succeed?
00:58:11If she really had this determination,
00:58:13it wouldn't have come to this.
00:58:15By the way,
00:58:16why did you ask me to come here today?
00:58:17What's the matter?
00:58:18By the way,
00:58:19the company has signed up for the international singer contest.
00:58:21I recommended you to the board of directors.
00:58:24But what?
00:58:25Are you worried that I can't create well?
00:58:30There is only one place left.
00:58:31The board of directors recommended an international trainee.
00:58:33Her reputation is very high.
00:58:35I think she has the ability to win.
00:58:37But I also got a chance for you.
00:58:39I decided
00:58:40to take you to meet this trainee in private.
00:58:44When you meet,
00:58:45you can have a creative competition.
00:58:47I believe in your creative ability.
00:58:49If you can crush her in the competition
00:58:51and make her give up,
00:58:52the last place will be yours.
00:58:54The international trainee
00:58:56is reserved.
00:58:57Reserved is not qualified to represent our company
00:58:59to fight for victory.
00:59:01I'll go.
00:59:09Why hasn't the trainee you mentioned come yet?
00:59:11It's already past ten o'clock.
00:59:12These people who came back from abroad
00:59:14think they are small and famous.
00:59:15They all like to play big.
00:59:16You know that.
00:59:17This choice
00:59:18spoils them too much.
00:59:20Someone should have jumped out
00:59:21and given them a little bit of a beating.
00:59:25This way.
00:59:39Isn't it easy to make money in the domestic entertainment industry?
00:59:42Why did you find such a place?
00:59:44There is no music,
00:59:45no rock,
00:59:46no dance.
00:59:47And this light.
00:59:49Other places are too noisy.
00:59:50It's not suitable for business.
00:59:51What do you want from me?
00:59:52Hurry up and say it.
00:59:53My schedule is full.
00:59:55I have to record songs for everyone in the afternoon.
00:59:59Then I'll just say it.
01:00:00I don't think you are suitable
01:00:02for this foreign singer competition.
01:00:03I hope you can quit.
01:00:05What did you say?
01:00:06I'm not suitable?
01:00:08Are you kidding?
01:00:09The whole college is watching.
01:00:11Who can be more suitable than me?
01:00:13Xu Hua
01:00:14is more suitable than you.
01:00:15Just here.
01:00:18Look at this dress.
01:00:20It's so old-fashioned.
01:00:21My foreign stage
01:00:23needs very trendy music.
01:00:25It's not that old-fashioned.
01:00:29Do you understand what I mean?
01:00:32Hu Tai
01:00:33As your attitude
01:00:34please respect others.
01:00:37I've always been like this.
01:00:39If you think
01:00:40I have a problem
01:00:41then you have a problem.
01:00:42You said I was old-fashioned
01:00:44and not trendy.
01:00:45But have you ever heard of the saying?
01:00:46Old-fashioned to the extreme is trendy.
01:00:51What do you mean by old-fashioned to the extreme is trendy?
01:00:53Big brother
01:00:54Are you crazy?
01:00:56What time is it?
01:00:57It's time to go home and feed the pigs.
01:00:58Xia Yan is the champion
01:00:59of the singing contest
01:01:00that has just passed.
01:01:05I remember.
01:01:06The singing contest
01:01:07was called off
01:01:08because there were too many black woods.
01:01:09Where is the champion?
01:01:11If there were no black woods
01:01:12I would have been the champion.
01:01:15Big brother
01:01:16Are you kidding me?
01:01:18is the target
01:01:19of all our trainees.
01:01:21It's your own fault.
01:01:23Why do you have to report it?
01:01:24Does it have anything to do
01:01:25with the fact that I won?
01:01:26That's right.
01:01:27There are black woods in the singing contest.
01:01:29But these black woods
01:01:31are all to protect boxing.
01:01:32Even in this case
01:01:34Xia Yan also has an overwhelming advantage
01:01:35over boxing.
01:01:36He is a worthy champion.
01:01:39I have already checked
01:01:40the details of this guy.
01:01:43You checked Xia Yan's past experience?
01:01:46Boxing is my idol.
01:01:49He is a god forever.
01:01:51He can't be defeated.
01:01:52He can't lose.
01:01:53You can fight with boxing
01:01:55for a long time.
01:01:56That must be a rebellion.
01:01:58So what?
01:01:59You want his money?
01:02:02are a deliveryman
01:02:03who has eaten
01:02:04the leftovers for three years.
01:02:06Now you tell me
01:02:07what you will do now.
01:02:09If you didn't cheat
01:02:10in that contest,
01:02:12I will eat this table.
01:02:16I can assure you
01:02:17that Xia Yan
01:02:18didn't cheat
01:02:19in this singing contest.
01:02:20I don't believe you.
01:02:21You give him a guarantee.
01:02:23Don't you think it's too fake?
01:02:25What is fake?
01:02:26Xia Yan's ex-girlfriend
01:02:27Hei Ze Ling Ling
01:02:28has been exposed.
01:02:29You two
01:02:30have a close relationship
01:02:31in private.
01:02:32It's not clear.
01:02:33In the singing contest,
01:02:34your support for him
01:02:35is totally unfair.
01:02:37It's totally deliberate.
01:02:39give him a guarantee now.
01:02:41Who believes it?
01:02:42A person who can do
01:02:43something that betrays his ancestors.
01:02:45You believe
01:02:46what he said.
01:02:47That's just
01:02:48to prove that my idol Boxing
01:02:50didn't win the contest.
01:02:52That's the existence of black wood.
01:02:56That's just
01:02:57to prove that my idol Boxing
01:02:59didn't win the contest.
01:03:01That's the existence of black wood.
01:03:02I understand.
01:03:03You are the same as Hei Ze.
01:03:05You look like a warrior.
01:03:06In fact,
01:03:07you are exposed
01:03:08in private all the time.
01:03:10This is called worship.
01:03:11What do you know?
01:03:13Bao Zi
01:03:14Don't you know?
01:03:15Don't talk nonsense.
01:03:16No one will help you.
01:03:18What do you worship them?
01:03:19Do you worship them
01:03:20in the military base
01:03:21of the eagle?
01:03:23Or do you worship their idols
01:03:25as the martial arts
01:03:26cultivated by the talent?
01:03:27By the way,
01:03:28have you succeeded
01:03:30in winning the contest?
01:03:34You are slandering me.
01:03:35You ruin my reputation.
01:03:36I can sue you.
01:03:37You also know
01:03:38what slandering is.
01:03:39What you said
01:03:40to me and Wang Tianhu just now
01:03:41is not slandering
01:03:42and ruining my reputation.
01:03:44If I sue you,
01:03:45you will be punished
01:03:46with an honest heart.
01:03:48Do you think
01:03:49you still have a chance?
01:03:50I won't tell you.
01:03:51This is not
01:03:52my purpose today.
01:03:53Come on, say it again.
01:03:54What do you want me to do today?
01:03:56Then I'll say it again.
01:03:58Can't you
01:03:59represent Daxia
01:04:00to participate in the international contest?
01:04:06I can't.
01:04:07You said I can't.
01:04:08I can't.
01:04:09Can you?
01:04:11You are better than me.
01:04:12Yes, I dare to say
01:04:13no one is better than me
01:04:14to represent Daxia
01:04:15to participate in the international contest.
01:04:16I have been a trainee
01:04:17in Bangkok for three years.
01:04:18My mentor,
01:04:20and colleagues
01:04:21are all big shots.
01:04:22They are big shots.
01:04:24What does it have to do with you?
01:04:25I seem to
01:04:27I don't seem to
01:04:28I just haven't heard
01:04:29your name at all.
01:04:30You haven't heard
01:04:31my name?
01:04:32It means you don't know
01:04:33the hot circle.
01:04:34You haven't heard
01:04:35the music of the trend.
01:04:36The trend?
01:04:37The culture of the stick
01:04:38is also called the trend.
01:04:39It's just a momentary thought.
01:04:41It's the trend
01:04:42that never falls.
01:04:44let you think about it
01:04:45and immediately say a song
01:04:46that never falls.
01:04:47Can you remember?
01:04:50I can't remember.
01:04:51That's right.
01:04:52A place without culture
01:04:53and a place without national confidence
01:04:55What kind of trend can there be?
01:04:57Big shot
01:04:58is the trend.
01:04:59I won't tell you so much.
01:05:01This is not the point of today.
01:05:02The point of today is
01:05:03Why do you let me
01:05:04quit the game?
01:05:05Why do you think you are better than me?
01:05:06Why do you think
01:05:07you can be qualified
01:05:08to participate in the big shot game for me?
01:05:10Who did well
01:05:11and who did poorly
01:05:12It's not just talking about it.
01:05:13Since I can invite Xia Yan over,
01:05:15it proves that her ability
01:05:16is above you.
01:05:17If I'm not lucky,
01:05:18let's have a competition.
01:05:20Do you know
01:05:21what is the best ability
01:05:22as a trainee?
01:05:27and hero
01:05:28You said my mother
01:05:29and my hero?
01:05:30It's creation.
01:05:33It's the original ability.
01:05:35I'm so angry.
01:05:40You want to compete in creation?
01:05:42The theme of this audition
01:05:44is alive.
01:05:45You use this theme
01:05:46to create.
01:05:47Write it.
01:05:48I don't believe
01:05:49he can write better than me.
01:06:00I'll go first.
01:06:02Who wrote the lyrics?
01:06:05It's quality
01:06:06not speed.
01:06:09Then I'll write a few more.
01:06:11I wrote a song
01:06:12and it took a lot of effort.
01:06:13You wrote a few more.
01:06:14You write.
01:06:15Let me see what you can write.
01:06:16Wu Tai
01:06:17This is the ability
01:06:18I told you about Xia Yan.
01:06:19You may not believe it,
01:06:21he can definitely do it.
01:06:23You've been in Bangkok for a few years.
01:06:24What they taught you
01:06:25is how to please the rich.
01:06:27They didn't teach you
01:06:28how to be a real strong man.
01:06:30Learn from him.
01:06:31Go down the road of song and dance.
01:06:32Learn the art domain of Xia Yan.
01:06:34That's the best.
01:06:37You're strong, aren't you?
01:06:38I think you're strong in your mouth.
01:06:39What can you write?
01:06:40Come on.
01:06:41You write ten songs.
01:06:42You write twenty songs.
01:06:44I'll show you
01:06:45what's called
01:06:46Xia Yan
01:06:47is strong.
01:06:56He's alive.
01:07:02He's alive by force.
01:07:12He's a good drinker.
01:07:15He doesn't smoke.
01:07:17He doesn't live in the world.
01:07:20He's a clown.
01:07:23It's fake.
01:07:24It's not a song.
01:07:25You said it wasn't a song.
01:07:27Then I'll sing it.
01:07:28Let's see
01:07:29if it's a song or not.
01:07:33You sing.
01:07:34Even the best lyricist in Bangkok
01:07:35can't do it at this speed.
01:07:37Wu Tai
01:07:38You'd better look at the history.
01:07:39Hundreds of years.
01:07:40Thousands of years.
01:07:41What does Bangkok
01:07:42have to do with Xia Yan?
01:07:44You can't write it.
01:07:45The best lyricist in Bangkok
01:07:46can't write it, either.
01:07:47You can only earn money.
01:07:48The level of Bangkok
01:07:50is too big.
01:07:51Bangkok is a stream
01:07:52on the world stage.
01:07:53It's not as bad as you say.
01:07:55Xia Yan
01:07:56Didn't you say you were strong?
01:07:57You sing.
01:07:58You sing.
01:07:59In such a short time,
01:08:00what kind of garbage can you make?
01:08:01Xia Yan
01:08:02You sing.
01:08:03Let this short-sighted
01:08:04fan of Bangkok
01:08:05see the difference
01:08:06between Bangkok
01:08:07and the downstream stream.
01:08:09Then I'll give you a song.
01:08:11I hope
01:08:12you can think about
01:08:13what kind of king
01:08:14you want to be.
01:08:15Is it a downstream stream
01:08:16that goes up to the sky?
01:08:18continue to be
01:08:19the proud Wu Tai
01:08:20of Guilin?
01:08:21In a hurry
01:08:22and in a hurry
01:08:24Why is life
01:08:26always like this?
01:08:28Is this
01:08:29my ideal?
01:08:32Is this
01:08:33how I spend
01:08:34the rest of my life?
01:08:39He really sang it.
01:08:41This song
01:08:42is absolutely
01:08:43the highest level
01:08:44in the world.
01:08:45Is this
01:08:46the end?
01:08:49I'm looking for
01:08:50the freedom I want.
01:08:52Stop singing.
01:08:53You're here.
01:08:54I can only look up
01:08:55at the heights
01:08:56that I can't reach.
01:08:59I'll go
01:09:00and explain to the board
01:09:01of directors
01:09:02that I
01:09:03still have to practice.
01:09:04I gave up
01:09:05my qualification
01:09:06for this competition.
01:09:13In this competition,
01:09:14I not only have to
01:09:15hold on to the national door,
01:09:16but also
01:09:17I want the whole world
01:09:18to recall the memory
01:09:19of the summer.
01:09:22Then I wish you
01:09:23all the best.
