Corset try on haul

  • anteayer
Corset try on haul
00:00Hello my lovebugs, we are back with another video and we are doing a try on haul today
00:05And we are doing not just a try on haul but a corset try on haul because I became obsessed
00:10After I did the like spicy photoshoot vlog video or whatever and I did those photos in the corset
00:17I became like sickly obsessed and I needed more so I went ahead and I ordered a bunch of them
00:22I have a black one, a red one. We have one with a cute little design. I have a few of them
00:29And yeah, I'm so excited
00:31I'm mostly excited for either this red one or the pink one
00:35But either way, let's just get right into it
00:37And then we will do another video where if I like these we're definitely gonna do another little spicy photoshoot
00:44But I think this time I'll make it for the fun side. But anyways, let's get it on
00:48So here is the first one
00:50I put on the black one because I feel like it's the most like
00:53Basic and kind of similar to the one I had last time. It is definitely tight
00:58The yitties are much higher sitting than the one that I was wearing last time
01:03Which I love and I also love like the extra ruffles right here and this little bow
01:08I think it's so cute. It definitely took in my ways. Here's the back. We're gonna do a side
01:14Because I don't know how much
01:17Again, with the use space I can show
01:20And I think she's cute
01:22What do you guys think? I like her. I like her a lot. She's definitely tight
01:27It was definitely a little scared putting her on but I think she's really cute. I
01:33Think I do like her more than the first black one
01:35Which I thought was gonna be hard to do because I really like that black one
01:38I wore last time but I just love like I told you guys like the little details on it. I just think it's like
01:44It's everything. I
01:46Also like because this one cuts off a little higher. I was actually worried because
01:52My hips so I was worried that they were gonna kind of get in the way
01:55But because this one is cut higher
01:57It's not digging into my hips as much as the other one was which is actually like very very nice
02:03Obviously, I wouldn't wear
02:06This bra with it. I would do like a cute like, you know, lacy bra or something whatever with it
02:13but I do like it more than I thought I would I'm kind of here for like a time period piece and
02:20I don't know. I just love it
02:21I feel like I can like make this into a kink and you can like F me like I'm in the tavern like I don't
02:26Know I just feel like it could be a thing and I kind of love it
02:29I feel like it can be a moment and I love her
02:32But anyways, here's the back that I wasn't gonna like this one like at all. That's with it
02:37And I just want to do dirty things in it. I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest here
02:42So I probably have issues. I should go to therapy
02:46Whatever. Anyways, that's not boring. This sounds more fun
02:50We're gonna try the next one and
02:52Yeah, I love her. I don't know. I'm just I'm just so
02:57Shocked right now. I feel like she's so cute. I love what it's doing for the girls and
03:02Wait, why did we ever get rid of these in society? We should have kept them
03:10Out of all the ones that I have put on this one is by far the hardest it was the cheapest
03:14Which is why I think I was having so many issues
03:18These things are not lined up so they're not like
03:23Clipping in even though they technically could be and then my
03:29Yiddish busted out of the top is so that's a plus
03:35Like I think it's really cute I love the blue I feel like like a superwoman
03:40Okay, I'm like living for it driving. I just love what it's doing for the waist
03:44Like I feel like this is the tiniest my waist has looked and any of these corsets
03:50But I can't breathe I feel like this is what Kim Kimmy K does also this one is tight on the hips you guys can
03:56see that it is like kind of
03:58Shrinking and those bad boys. I found
04:01Some that are like that go all the way down to your hips like down here
04:05but I don't know if any of those would fit me but I really want to try one because I feel like it's gonna
04:10And I need that so we kind of have the same level of difficulties with this one as the blue one
04:15It feels very much the same material as the blue one. So I'm thinking they probably came from the same place
04:21I'm not sure. I don't remember
04:23But it is really really cute. I love the colors. I think she's so cute
04:27I like those like sweetheart neckline where it kind of goes like this
04:31It feels very princessy and girly and I just I like I like the color
04:36It's just very much different from what I would typically pick out for myself. I usually stick with like solid
04:41Usually darker colors. So I just liked how different this one was. I think she's pretty cute. I love the pink
04:51And you guys can see I have like a nice little shelf movie going on
04:56Sorry, this was a little hard to breathe into I broke the blue one I basically she hulked out of it
05:02I was trying to get out of it and then you do you just like and then just and then yeah
05:07So anyways blue ones broken that will be coming back. I
05:11Think she's cute. I
05:13Like her
05:15Yes, no, I think she's gonna be in one of my top favorites just because I like how different the color is
05:21But anyways, we have just one more left. It's gonna be the red one, which I've been most excited about
05:26It's the same black one that I ordered but just in red. I
05:31Love it. I love it. I love it. I love it is my favorite one
05:34I've all the ones I've tried on hands down if it's the best it's the best quality
05:38I like the way again, it kind of goes over my hips
05:42I'm realizing it is still landing in the same place as the other corsets
05:47But this brand which is the same as a black one. It's just it's hit it's going further down
05:52So it's not cutting in my hips so much
05:54Perfect sizing. I feel like my waist is tiny, but I don't feel like I'm suffocating
05:58I do feel like I could even like tighten it more, but I've been
06:02Trying these on back to back and I need to breathe so I didn't tighten it as much as I could
06:07But I even like not tightening it enough. I still just like
06:12Love it. Here's the back and then she's so cute. I
06:17Love it. I just love like the little ruffles and
06:22Everything that's giving the boob show. We love that and
06:27I just love this color to this like type of red
06:31It's bright, but it's not like a neon firetruck red. Oh, I love it. I feel like it's a very sexy red
06:39And I'm like so obsessed with it
06:42Honestly, I think this one is definitely my favorite
06:45What do you guys think you guys are gonna have to let me know which one you guys like the most at them?
06:49I'm so tight. I'm definitely doing a photo shoot in this and I definitely want to do a spicy sight one, especially with that tab
07:00Okay, guys, that is all for today's video. I hope you guys enjoyed
07:05Please let me know which corset was your favorite and then also if you guys would like to see
07:10This on the spicy side or not
07:11I'm a little scared to ask that but I will be doing some photos for insta
07:15I just feel like on the spice right? Obviously, I can do away with more
07:19so anyways, let me know but I hope you guys are having a beautiful day and
07:24You guys are just absolutely perfect and please don't forget that and I can't wait to see you again later this week
07:30I think it'll be Thursday because it is my birthday this week. My birthday is on Tuesday
07:34So you guys will be seeing this on the day of my birthday?
07:37So, I don't think I'm gonna post on Wednesday not that I typically post on Wednesdays, but anyways, I don't know but we'll see anyways
07:43Later lovebugs, bye
