• ano passado
Telegram's CEO, Pavel Durov, has been released on a €5,000,000 bail but is barred from leaving France. Additionally, he is required to report to a police station twice a week. Durov faces six charges for “refusing to provide, at the request of the relevant authorities, information or documents necessary for lawful interception operations.” Here is an excerpt from his interview.

Pavel Durov, CEO do Telegram, foi liberado mediante pagamento de fiança no valor de €5.000.000, mas está proibido de sair da França. Além disso, ele deve se apresentar em uma delegacia duas vezes por semana. Durov enfrenta seis acusações por “recusa em fornecer, a pedido das autoridades competentes, informações ou documentos necessários para a realização de interceptações permitidas por lei.” Abaixo, segue um trecho de sua entrevista.
00:00Is there anything in your mind that says,
00:03gee, we have to allow law enforcement to get in
00:07because what's going on is just unacceptable?
00:11You know, the interesting thing about encryption
00:14is that it cannot be secure just for some people.
00:18ISIS and other terrorist groups,
00:20they just push a button on an application like yours,
00:25specifically yours, an application,
00:27and it's gone around the world like that.
00:31Well, again, this is the world of technology,
00:33and it's impossible to stop them at this point.
00:37ISIS could come up with their own messaging solution
00:40within a month or so if they wanted to because the...
00:43You mean create their own telegram.
00:46Since Paris,
00:47Dorov has been purging ISIS propaganda from telegram
00:51but says if asked to unlock any private messages,
00:55he would tell the authorities that the encryption code
00:58makes it mathematically impossible
01:01using a similar argument as Apple.
01:04So you're basically saying that even if you wanted to,
01:07your hands are tied.
01:10You can't do it.
01:11We cannot.
01:12So this is one of the great debates of our time.
01:14Which is more important?
01:16Is it more important to shut down this kind of terrorism
01:20or preserve privacy?
01:22I'm personally for the privacy side,
01:24but one thing that should be clear is that
01:27you cannot make just one exception for law enforcement
01:30without endangering private communications
01:33of hundreds of millions of people
01:35because encryption is either secure or not.