فترة الجمعة بتاريخ 06-09-2024

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00:00Ladies and gentlemen, we have just joined all the radio stations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
00:00:10Now, ladies and gentlemen, we will move to the mosque of the Martyr King Abdullah the Founder, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
00:00:19in the area of Al-Abdali in the capital of Amman,
00:00:22where we will broadcast to you from there, live on the air, the slogans of the Friday Sermon and Prayer,
00:00:30and this broadcast will be led by the colleague, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Dru'a.
00:00:36Brother Mahmoud, peace be upon you, please take the microphone with you.
00:00:42Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you,
00:00:45and thanks to the colleague, Dr. Mansour Al-Omari, from our studios in Dar Al-Eda'a.
00:00:50In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:00:52All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
00:00:54O our Lord, all praise is due to You, as it should be due to the glory of Your Face and the Greatness of Your Sovereignty.
00:00:59And we pray and send peace and blessings upon our beloved, our intercessor, and the pleasure of our eyes, our master Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him,
00:01:06and upon his family and all his companions.
00:01:10Dear brothers, peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.
00:01:15We greet you from this beautiful place, the beautiful mosque of the Martyr, the King, the Founder, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
00:01:22We convey to you, by His permission, and on the air, the events of the Friday sermon and prayer.
00:01:30Yes, dear brothers, we greet you from this beautiful place.
00:01:35These groups have started to lead this mosque.
00:01:42The groups of Friday prayers and gatherings.
00:01:45These are the groups that announced the reward of the morning prayer to the mosque on Friday.
00:01:52They came to ask for the reward from Allah.
00:01:58So, O Lord, make our gathering merciful,
00:02:02and after that, make it divided and infallible.
00:02:05O Allah, grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter.
00:02:09Save us from the punishment of the Fire.
00:02:11We begin, dear brothers, the first part of this blessed transmission with the Friday sermon,
00:02:16presented by today's distinguished Dr. Muhammad Al-Dajja.
00:02:22I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:02:26In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:02:29All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
00:02:32And peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad,
00:02:36the one sent as a mercy to the worlds.
00:02:39O Allah, teach us what will benefit us, and benefit us with what You have taught us.
00:02:43You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
00:02:46O Lord, open my heart and facilitate my affairs,
00:02:49and loosen my tongue so that it understands what I say.
00:02:53O Allah, nothing is easy except what You make easy,
00:02:56and You make sadness difficult.
00:02:59If You will, by Your mercy, O Lord, make it easy.
00:03:02Dear believers, dear listeners,
00:03:06I greet you with the greeting of Islam.
00:03:09Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:03:14O our Lord, do not take us if we forget and make a mistake.
00:03:17O our Lord, do not burden us with a burden as You have burdened those before us.
00:03:22O our Lord, do not burden us with what we do not have the strength to bear.
00:03:26Forgive us, be kind to us, and have mercy on us.
00:03:29You are our Master, so help us against the disbelieving people.
00:03:32O Allah, help us against the disbelieving people.
00:03:35Help Islam and Muslims.
00:03:37And raise with Your grace the two words of truth and religion.
00:03:40And show us Islam dearly, O dear.
00:03:43O Allah, ease the distress of our brothers in Palestine in general,
00:03:47and in Gaza in particular.
00:03:50O Allah, ease their distress, their distress,
00:03:53their hunger, their thirst,
00:03:56their sickness, their wounds,
00:03:59their death, and accept their martyrdom,
00:04:03and stop their Mujahideen,
00:04:06their disgrace, their humiliation,
00:04:09Your enemy, and their enemy.
00:04:11You are Powerful over what You will, and Powerful in response.
00:04:15Ameen, Ameen, Ameen.
00:04:18As for the livelihoods of the believers,
00:04:21security is a great blessing from Allah,
00:04:25Blessed and Exalted be He, upon man.
00:04:28This earth cannot be inhabited
00:04:33except by security and security.
00:04:36That man may be secure in himself,
00:04:39his religion, his honor, his blood, and his wealth.
00:04:44With security, man can manage the rapid economy,
00:04:49agriculture, industry, and trade.
00:04:52And with security, the role of man's life is achieved,
00:04:57socially, educationally, and psychologically.
00:05:01And with security, man's happiness is achieved,
00:05:05and he rises civilizedly in all aspects of life,
00:05:10and on all levels.
00:05:13For this reason, Islam has focused on security,
00:05:17and security has been mentioned in the Holy Quran in many of its verses,
00:05:21as well as in many of the hadiths of the Prophet,
00:05:25peace and blessings be upon him,
00:05:28for its importance.
00:05:30Allah, the Exalted, said,
00:05:32to the Elif of Quraish, their Elif,
00:05:35the journey of winter and summer,
00:05:38let them worship the Lord of this House,
00:05:40who fed them from hunger,
00:05:42and gave them faith from fear.
00:05:44Allah, the Exalted, said,
00:05:46And they said,
00:05:47Follow the guidance with you,
00:05:50and we will be taken away from our land.
00:05:53Allah, the Exalted, favors them.
00:05:55Have We not established for them a safe sanctuary
00:05:59to which the fruits of all things are given,
00:06:02as provision from Us?
00:06:04But most of them do not know.
00:06:07And Ibrahim al-Khalil, peace and blessings be upon him,
00:06:11called upon his Lord to make Mecca a safe sanctuary,
00:06:15and to protect his descendants from polytheism.
00:06:19And when Ibrahim said,
00:06:21My Lord, make this a safe land,
00:06:24and my sons and daughters to worship idols.
00:06:27For security is the right environment for life,
00:06:32and fear kills everything in the life of man.
00:06:37That is why the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
00:06:41Whoever among you becomes secure in his secret,
00:06:44protected in his body,
00:06:47and has the time of his day,
00:06:50then the world has been given to him.
00:06:52And he, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
00:06:55O people, spread peace,
00:06:58and feed,
00:07:00and pray at night,
00:07:02and people go to sleep.
00:07:04Enter Paradise in peace.
00:07:07And he, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
00:07:09Do not enter Paradise until you believe,
00:07:13and do not believe until you love.
00:07:17Do I not show you something
00:07:20that when you do it, you love it?
00:07:23I spread peace among you.
00:07:26The objectives of Sharia
00:07:28came only to spread security,
00:07:31security, and peace in the life of people.
00:07:35Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, may Allah have mercy on him,
00:07:39spoke about these objectives
00:07:41of the Islamic Sharia.
00:07:44He said, It is the preservation of religion,
00:07:46of the soul, of the mind,
00:07:48of money, and of progeny.
00:07:50He said, These objectives are
00:07:52the objectives of each religion.
00:07:57And for each objective,
00:07:59each religion has its own tools
00:08:02and practical procedures
00:08:04that the Sharia ordered
00:08:10to preserve it from the point of existence and non-existence.
00:08:13For example, Allah ordered
00:08:16to preserve the soul from killing.
00:08:18He said,
00:08:20You do not kill the soul
00:08:22that Allah has forbidden,
00:08:24except by right.
00:08:26On the other hand,
00:08:28when a person is against the soul,
00:08:31he is the guardian of the blood.
00:08:34At that time,
00:08:36Allah says in His truth,
00:08:38And whoever is killed unjustly,
00:08:41We have made for his guardian a authority.
00:08:44What is the authority?
00:08:46The authority of Sharia,
00:08:48the authority of the command of Allah,
00:08:51which must be carried out in killing.
00:08:55We have made for his guardian a authority,
00:08:58so that he does not exceed in killing.
00:09:00Indeed, he was helped.
00:09:02And he said,
00:09:04And for you in the story is life,
00:09:06O people of understanding,
00:09:08that you may be righteous.
00:09:11And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
00:09:13in the Hajj of Wada'a,
00:09:15confirmed all of these objectives.
00:09:18He said,
00:09:20Your blood, your wealth,
00:09:22and your honor
00:09:24are forbidden to you,
00:09:26as is forbidden in your day,
00:09:28in your month,
00:09:30in your safe country.
00:09:32And Islam is secure
00:09:35in all its forms.
00:09:38So he focused on social security.
00:09:42And he focused on family security.
00:10:03Some time ago,
00:10:05the divorce rate in Jordan was announced.
00:10:08It was a high rate.
00:10:1125,000 cases a year.
00:10:13And it is increasing.
00:10:15This number is amazing.
00:10:17And this number is scary.
00:10:19And this number is terrifying.
00:10:22Why did families reach this state?
00:10:27Out of worry, out of anxiety,
00:10:30out of the high rate of divorce.
00:10:36Why do husbands resort to divorce
00:10:38at the end of the marriage?
00:10:40There must be a real review
00:10:43of what we have to do,
00:10:45of religion, of ethics, of morals,
00:10:47of God's piety,
00:10:50of the rights and obligations
00:10:52that the wise Shari'a
00:10:54arranged between the two wives.
00:10:57Allah, the Exalted, addressed the husband,
00:10:59and said,
00:11:01If you hate them,
00:11:03then you may hate them in some way.
00:11:05And Allah will make much good in it.
00:11:07And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
00:11:10emphasized this meaning.
00:11:12A believer does not separate a believer
00:11:15if he hates one character
00:11:18and is pleased with another.
00:11:20Why is there no understanding
00:11:22between the two wives?
00:11:24Why is there no mercy
00:11:28and affection
00:11:30between the two wives?
00:11:32Why is there violence
00:11:34and screaming
00:11:36and cursing
00:11:38and beating?
00:11:40And each of them
00:11:42has a word.
00:11:44And each of them
00:11:46wants to win over the other.
00:11:48Yes, they are husband and wife.
00:11:50And there is no fight
00:11:52that wins in the end.
00:11:56the Beloved, the Chosen One,
00:11:58peace and blessings be upon him,
00:12:00emphasized this social meaning
00:12:02between the two wives.
00:12:04If Allah wants
00:12:06a good home for the people,
00:12:08He will give them
00:12:18and good words.
00:12:20This is what our religion
00:12:22emphasizes between the two wives
00:12:24so that social security
00:12:26is achieved for the two wives
00:12:28and for the children.
00:12:30They are filled with anxiety,
00:12:32fear, confusion,
00:12:34and threat of divorce,
00:12:38and beating.
00:12:40What will happen to this family?
00:12:42And how will the children
00:12:44get out into the social life?
00:12:46How will they deal with the other?
00:12:48What are the psychological
00:12:50knots that we pass on to our children
00:12:52when the atmosphere
00:12:54is filled with such
00:12:56harsh atmospheres of
00:12:58hatred and hatred
00:13:00between the two wives?
00:13:02There is a high percentage of divorce.
00:13:04Therefore, we focus
00:13:06on social security at home.
00:13:08The husband should
00:13:10fear his Lord
00:13:12in his wife.
00:13:14And the wife should fear
00:13:16her Lord in her husband.
00:13:18And she
00:13:20looks at the circumstances
00:13:22around this husband.
00:13:24There may be psychological pressures,
00:13:26economic pressures,
00:13:28social pressures,
00:13:30and work pressures.
00:13:32Each of them must
00:13:34tolerate their husband.
00:13:36He must be patient with him.
00:13:38He must try his best.
00:13:40He must understand
00:13:42the psychological conditions
00:13:44he is going through.
00:13:46Then this house will be safe.
00:13:48Life will be peaceful.
00:13:50Life will be safe.
00:13:52Life will be peaceful.
00:13:54Children live
00:13:56in a good
00:13:58and warm family atmosphere
00:14:00filled with love,
00:14:02appreciation, and respect
00:14:04between the two wives
00:14:06and between the children.
00:14:08Therefore, we should
00:14:10not forget this important
00:14:12aspect in our
00:14:14lives, in our homes,
00:14:16in our families, in our
00:14:18relationship with our husbands,
00:14:20in our relationship with our children.
00:14:22After that,
00:14:24social security
00:14:26will be
00:14:30because we
00:14:32have brought out
00:14:34good families,
00:14:36good individuals,
00:14:38and individuals
00:14:40who looked at
00:14:42the right treatment
00:14:44and then brought out
00:14:46these virtuous
00:14:48good characteristics.
00:14:50After that,
00:14:52social security
00:14:54will be expanded
00:14:56because there will be
00:14:58mutual respect
00:15:00and appreciation
00:15:02and mutual trust
00:15:04between individuals.
00:15:08social security
00:15:10will be expanded.
00:15:12As the Beloved
00:15:14Mustafa, peace be upon him,
00:15:16said, social security
00:15:18will be expanded.
00:20:00because you have seen the hypocrites turn away from you.
00:20:09So how is it when a calamity befalls them because of what their hands have sent forth,
00:20:18and then they come to you, swearing by Allah,
00:20:31saying, We only intend to do good and to be successful.
00:20:38Those are the ones whom Allah knows what is in their hearts,
00:20:48so turn away from them, admonish them, and say to them in their souls a word of warning.
00:21:02And We have not sent any messenger except that he should be obeyed by Allah's permission.
00:21:13And if they had been unjust to themselves when they came to you,
00:21:22they would have asked Allah to forgive them, and the Messenger would have asked Allah to forgive them.
00:21:27They would have found Allah to be the Accepter of repentance, the Merciful.
00:21:32But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they judge you in that which is between them.
00:21:50Then they will not find in themselves any harm from that which you have decreed, and they will submit in submission.
00:22:06And if We had decreed for them to kill you or to leave your homes, they would not have done it, except a few of them.
00:22:26And if they had done what they are admonished to do, it would have been better for them and more firm.
00:22:39And then We would have given them a great reward from Us, and We would have guided them to a straight path.
00:22:55And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger,
00:23:00then those are with those whom Allah has favoured from among the Prophets, the truthful, the witnesses, and the righteous.
00:23:26And good are those who are companions.
00:23:32That is the bounty from Allah, and sufficient is Allah as Knower.
00:23:41In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:23:47O you who believe, betray not Allah and the Messenger, but betray your trusts, while you know.
00:24:09And know that your wealth and your children are a trial, and that Allah is with him, and a great reward.
00:24:32SadaqAllahul Azeem.
00:25:02SadaqAllahul Azeem.
00:25:32I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
00:25:49I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
00:25:59I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
00:26:14Come to Prayer.
00:26:39Come to success.
00:26:52Come to success.
00:27:16Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
00:27:32There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
00:28:03Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa ashabihi ajma'in.
00:28:22Allahumma rabba hadhihi al-da'wati al-taamma wa al-salati al-qa'ima.
00:28:28Aati Muhammadan al-wasilata wa al-fadila wa ba'athu maqaman mahmoodan illa zi wa'attah.
00:28:35Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi Sayyidina Muhammad.
00:28:39Kama sallayta ala Sayyidina Ibrahim wa ala alihi Sayyidina Ibrahim.
00:28:44Wa barik ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi Sayyidina Muhammad.
00:28:47Kama barikta ala Sayyidina Ibrahim wa ala alihi Sayyidina Ibrahim.
00:28:51Fil alamina innaka hamidun majeed.
00:28:54Allahumma la tadalana fi hadhihi sa'ati al-mubaraka dhanban illa ghafartah.
00:28:59Wala hamman illa farrajtah.
00:29:02Wala dainan illa qadaytah.
00:29:05Wala mareedan illa shafaytah.
00:29:08Wala mahruman illa a'taytah.
00:29:11Wala daalan illa a'taytah.
00:29:13Wala dainan illa a'taytah.
00:29:16Wala daalan illa hadaytah.
00:29:19Wala adowan illa khadaltah.
00:29:22Wala maytan illa rahintah.
00:29:25Wala musafiran illa bis salamati illa ahlihi radattah.
00:29:30Wala haajatan min hawaaj al-dunya wal-akhira illa qadaytah wa yassartah ya arhaman rahimin.
00:29:38Allahumma ansur al-Islam wa a'izza al-Muslimin.
00:29:40Allahumma a'ali bi-fadlika kalimat al-haqqi wa al-din.
00:29:46Allahumma ansur al-Islama wa al-Muslimina fi mashariq al-ardi wa magharibiha.
00:29:52Allahumma kun lahum a'una wa nasira.
00:29:56Allahumma man arada bina wa bi-diyarina wa bi-diyari al-Islami khayran fawfiqhu li kulli khayr.
00:30:04Waman arada bina wa bi-diyarina wa bi-diyari al-Islami ghayra dhalik.
00:30:09Fa amruhu ilayk wa anta ala kulli shayin qadeer.
00:30:14Allahumma ansur ikhwanan al-mustad'afina fi ghazzata wa filastin.
00:30:19Allahumma dawi jarhaahum.
00:30:22Aafi mubtalaahum.
00:30:24Irham mawtaahum.
00:30:26Taqabbal shuhadaahum.
00:30:29Allahumma thabbit aqdamahum.
00:30:31Irbit ala quloobihim.
00:30:34Sawwib rayahum.
00:30:36Surhum ala adowika wa adowihim.
00:30:40Allahumma la tarfa' lil yahoodi rayah.
00:30:44Wala tuhaqqiq lahum ghayah.
00:30:47Waj'alhum lil nasi ibratan wa ayah.
00:30:51Ya hayyu ya qayyum.
00:30:53Birahmatika nastaghith.
00:30:55Aslih lana sha'nana kullah.
00:30:56Wala takinna ila anfusina.
00:30:58Darfata ayn.
00:31:00Wala aqalla mindalik.
00:31:02Arafi hadhihil lahadat ikhwatil kiram.
00:31:04Samahat al-doktor Ahmad al-Hasanat.
00:31:06Yas'alu darajat al-minbar.
00:31:08Li yuqaddima khutbatay al-dina.
00:31:12Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
00:31:16Allahumma akbar.
00:31:18Allahumma akbar.
00:31:20Allahumma akbar.
00:31:22Allahumma akbar.
00:31:23Allahumma akbar.
00:31:25Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:27Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:29Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:31Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:33Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:35Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:37Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:39Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:41Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:43Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:45Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:47Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:49Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:51Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:53Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:55Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:57Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:31:59Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:01Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:03Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:05Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:07Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:09Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:11Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:13Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:15Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:17Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:19Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:21Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah.
00:32:23Haya ala salam.
00:32:38Haya ala al falam.
00:32:50Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest,
00:33:17Allah is the greatest, there is no god but Allah.
00:33:46Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah,
00:33:55Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah,
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00:36:13Because we are from the nation of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.
00:36:24This is the nation that Allah has chosen to be the best nation that has been brought forth for the people.
00:36:39We have been the noblest of nations.
00:36:44Yes, O believers, the nation of Islam is a nation that was built by the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
00:37:00And it is under the care of Allah, the Exalted.
00:37:06Allah does not leave it, nor does Allah forsake it.
00:37:14No matter how severe the circumstances are, and no matter how many enemies there are against it,
00:37:23the nation of Islam will remain alive until the Day of Judgment.
00:37:33And no matter how many enemies there are against it, it will not harm this nation.
00:37:40It will not harm you, except a little.
00:37:44This nation will suffer a little.
00:37:48And it has suffered the same harm in its beginning,
00:37:53when our Master, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was besieged.
00:37:58And those who were with him were among the majority of the believers in the people of Abu Talib.
00:38:03Then the Prophet was deposed in Badr and Uhud.
00:38:07And all the nations gathered against them on the Day of Judgment.
00:38:13But what was the result?
00:38:16This nation was not defeated.
00:38:21And this nation was not defeated.
00:38:25Allah has taken care of its preservation.
00:38:28And this nation will not be defeated.
00:38:32And it will never be defeated.
00:38:34Allah, the Exalted, has preserved the Noble Qur'an,
00:38:40which is the book of this nation.
00:38:44And when it is held firmly, it is guided.
00:38:50And the Qur'an is not preserved,
00:38:53except by the preservation of the souls that preserve this Qur'an.
00:38:58So this is a glad tiding from Allah,
00:39:02that this nation is preserved.
00:39:07It is a nation that is preserved.
00:39:09Allah, the Exalted, has preserved it from being destroyed.
00:39:15So this nation will not be destroyed,
00:39:18neither by the wars of the enemies,
00:39:20nor by earthquakes, nor by volcanoes.
00:39:23Because Allah, the Exalted, has entrusted the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
00:39:32with the preservation of this nation.
00:39:34As our Master, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
00:39:40Indeed, Allah has entrusted me with the preservation of my nation from being destroyed by earthquakes and volcanoes.
00:39:48Nor will it be destroyed by the wars of the enemies.
00:39:51But Allah, the Exalted, has made the battle of the nation between them severe.
00:39:59We may fight among ourselves,
00:40:01but even our fight will not be a cause for the destruction of this nation.
00:40:08The nation of Islam is a divine nation.
00:40:13It is a divine nation.
00:40:16It is not a nation that has passed through time.
00:40:21All the nations that preceded and followed,
00:40:28except for this nation.
00:40:31Where are the Romans, the Persians, the Greeks,
00:40:34and where are Alexander and other nations?
00:40:37All the nations that preceded and followed have passed away.
00:40:44As for this nation,
00:40:47it is a nation that will remain until the Day of Judgment.
00:40:52It is the nation of truth.
00:40:55It is the nation that invites to the truth.
00:40:58It is the nation of justice.
00:41:01No, justice will not be achieved except in its shadow.
00:41:06It is a nation of mercy.
00:41:08The world has never seen a nation more merciful and just than the Arab Muslims.
00:41:19That is why Allah, the Exalted, has made it just.
00:41:23He has made it witness to justice.
00:41:26We have also made you a mediating nation,
00:41:31so that you may be witnesses to the people,
00:41:34and the Messenger may be a witness to you.
00:41:37Does a defiant witness accept?
00:41:40A witness accepts nothing but justice.
00:41:44Allah, the Exalted, has made this nation just.
00:41:48He has made it witness to justice.
00:41:51So you should not think that our nation is a dead nation.
00:41:58No, by Allah, our nation is a newborn nation.
00:42:02A newborn nation that invites to the way of its Lord with wisdom and good advice.
00:42:13It is the only nation among the nations where the number of those who enter it is more than the number of those who leave it, if they are found.
00:42:30How many of you have heard that he left Islam and went to other religions?
00:42:35But we see many of those who enter the religion of Allah in crowds.
00:42:40If the victory of Allah and the conquest comes, and you see people entering the religion of Allah in crowds,
00:42:46then glorify the praise of your Lord and ask His forgiveness.
00:42:49Indeed, He is ever Accepting of repentance.
00:42:51Yes, O believers.
00:42:53This is the fate of the Ummah of Islam.
00:43:00And we have seen at times that there is repentance and weakness.
00:43:07This is the Sunnah of Allah in the universe.
00:43:10The Sunnah of Allah in the universe is that after strength, there is weakness, and after weakness, there is strength.
00:43:20This is a divine Sunnah in the universe.
00:43:22The child begins weak, then he becomes strong little by little, then he becomes weak again.
00:43:30This is also the case of the nations.
00:43:32They become weak, then they become strong, then they become strong, then they become weak.
00:43:37But the Ummah of Islam, no matter how much it becomes weak,
00:43:42it will never give up, and it will never give up.
00:43:46And it will have to rise again.
00:43:53Time is long or short.
00:43:55Perhaps what we witness from the steadfastness of our people in Gaza
00:44:01is the greatest proof of the life of this Ummah.
00:44:06They are a part of this Ummah.
00:44:08A part.
00:44:10An original part of this Ummah.
00:44:12Those who prove to us every day that the Ummah of Muhammad is capable of survival.
00:44:22By Allah, it is also capable of growth.
00:44:25So we ask Allah to lift the trial and tribulation from our people in Gaza.
00:44:34And may Allah have mercy on their weakness.
00:44:38And may He relieve their distress.
00:44:41And may He grant them victory over their enemy.
00:44:44A mighty victory.
00:44:46I say what you hear.
00:44:48And I ask Allah to forgive me and you.
00:44:50And O the victor of those who ask forgiveness, ask Allah for forgiveness.
00:45:05All praise is due to Allah alone.
00:45:07And peace and blessings be upon those who have no prophet after Him.
00:45:10Who Allah has sent as a mercy to humanity and a guide to humanity.
00:45:15Our master Muhammad.
00:45:17Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa ashabihi ajma'in.
00:45:24Amma ba'du ibadallahi ittaqullah.
00:45:27Wa'alamu annakum alayhi sawfa tu'araduna wa ala a'malikum tuhasabun.
00:45:32Fahasibu anfusakum qabla an tuhasabu.
00:45:36Wazinu a'malakum qabla an tu'zan alaykum.
00:45:40Yawma la yanfa'u malun wala banun.
00:45:43Illa man atallaha biqalbin salim.
00:45:46Wa'alamu ayyuhal ikhwatul mu'minun.
00:45:49Annaman wazaba ala dhikri Allah tabarak wa ta'ala.
00:45:54Kanat hadhi rifa'atan lahu wa li ummatih.
00:45:58Faakthiru min qawli hasbuna Allah wa ni'ma alwakeel.
00:46:03Imtithalan li amri Allah tabarak wa ta'ala.
00:46:06Alladhina qad lahum an nasu inna an nasa qad jama'u lakum fakhshawhum.
00:46:11Fazadahum imana wa qalu hasbuna Allah wa ni'ma alwakeel.
00:46:16Fankalabu bini'ma min Allahi wa fadlin lam yamsashum suu.
00:46:22Wala nansal ikthara min du'a alkar.
00:46:25Alladhi allamana iyahu sayyiduna rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam.
00:46:30Alladhi yuqalu fi mitli hadhi dhuluf.
00:46:34Alladhi tu'ani minha qit'atun min ummatil islam karban azeema.
00:46:40La ilaha illallahul halimul azeem.
00:46:43La ilaha illallahu rabbul arshil kareem.
00:46:46La ilaha illallahu rabbul samawati warabbul ardi warabbul arshil azeem.
00:46:51Wala nansa anna assalata wassalama ala sayyidina rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam.
00:46:57Hiya miftahu baabi kulli khair.
00:46:59Miglaaqu baabi kulli sharr.
00:47:01Faman akthara minassalati wassalami ala sayyidina rasulullah.
00:47:05Illa illa farraja allahu hammah.
00:47:08Wa azala allahu anhu ghammah.
00:47:10Wa rafa'allahu lahu darajatahu.
00:47:12Wa khatta allahu anhu khatayah.
00:47:14Allahumma inna nas'aluka bassalati wassalami ala sayyidina rasulullah.
00:47:19An tufarrija karba ummat sayyidina rasulullah.
00:47:22Allahumma inna nas'aluka bassalati wassalami ala sayyidina rasulullah.
00:47:27An tarhama da'fa ummat sayyidina rasulullah.
00:47:30Allahumma inna nas'aluka bassalati wassalami ala sayyidina rasulullah.
00:47:35An tarfa wa tu'li sha'na ummat sayyidina rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam.
00:47:42Allahumma inna nas'aluka bassalati wassalami ala sayyidina rasulullah.
00:47:46An tufarrija karba ikhwanina wa ahlina fi ghazza.
00:47:50Allahumma farriji Allahumma karbahum.
00:47:52Allahumma inna hum du'afa'u fa qawihim.
00:47:55Allahumma inna hum fuqara'u fa agnihim.
00:47:57Allahumma inna hum jawa'a fa at'imhum.
00:48:00Allahumma ansurhum ala adowika wa adowihim ya akramal akramin.
00:48:05Allahumma la tuhaqqiq lil yahudi fihim ghaya.
00:48:08Wala tarfa' lahum fi ghazza tarayatan ya akramal akramin.
00:48:13Allahumma farriji karbana wa karbal muslimin.
00:48:16Allahumma arhamna wa arham jami'al muslimin.
00:48:19Allahumma aghfirlana wa li aba'ina wa li ummahatina.
00:48:23Wa li mashayikhina wa ulamaina.
00:48:25Wa li man addabana wa allamana.
00:48:28Wa li man lahum haqqun alaina.
00:48:30Wa li man fika ahabbana.
00:48:32Wa li muslimina wa muslimati ajma'ina.
00:48:35Ya rabbal alamin.
00:48:36La taj'al Allahumma fina wala baynina shaqiyan wala mahruma.
00:48:41Allahumma la taj'al baynina daalan illa hadaytah.
00:48:44Allahumma la taj'al baynina makrooban illa farrajta anhu karbah.
00:48:49Wala mareedan illa shafaytahu ya akramal akramin.
00:48:53Waj'al Allahumma baladana baladan aminan mutmainna.
00:48:56Sakaan rakhaa.
00:48:58Wasaira biladi almuslimin.
00:49:00Allahumma wali amri albilad.
00:49:02Abdaka wabna abdika abdullahi thani ibn al-hussain.
00:49:05Alihi allahumma alhaqqa haqqan warzuqu ittiba'ah.
00:49:08Alihi allahumma albaatila baatin warzuqu ijtinaabah.
00:49:11Wafiq allahumma wa wali ahdihi al amin.
00:49:14Likullima tuhibbuhu mina alkhairi watardah.
00:49:18Wama dhalika alayka bi-aziz.
00:49:22Inna allah ya'muru bil-adli wal-ihsani wa-ita'idhi al-qurba.
00:49:25Wayanha'an al-fahsha'i wal-munkari wal-baghi.
00:49:29Ya'idukum la'allakum tathakkarun.
00:49:31Fadhkuru allah al-azheema yadkurkum.
00:49:33Washkuruhu yazidkum.
00:49:35Wastaghfiruhu yaghfir lakum.
00:49:37Waqim as-salat.
00:49:39Allah is the greatest.
00:49:41I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
00:49:45I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
00:49:51Come to prayer.
00:49:53Come to success.
00:49:57Prayer has been established.
00:50:00Prayer has been established.
00:50:04Allah is the greatest.
00:50:06Allah is the greatest.
00:50:09There is no god but Allah.
00:50:36Allah is the greatest.
00:51:36Ya ayyuha allatheena aamanu ittaqullaha haqqa tuqatihi wala tamutunna illa wa antum muslimun.
00:51:59Wa a'tasimu bihabli Allah jami'an wala tafarraqu.
00:52:05Wadhkuru ni'mata Allahi alaykum ithkuntum a'da'an faallafa bayna qulubikum faasbahtum bina'matihi ikhwanan.
00:52:25Wa kuntum ala shafa'a huffaratin minannari fa'anqadakum minha.
00:52:36Kazalika yubayyinu Allah lakum ayatihi la'allakum tahtadun.
00:52:43Waltakum minkum ummatihi yad'auna ila alkhairi wa ya'muroona bilma'roofi wa yanhaoona anilmunkaru.
00:52:58Wa ulaika humulmuflihun.
00:53:02Wala takunuka allatheena tafarraqu wa ikhtalafu min ba'di maa ja'ahumulbayyinat.
00:53:14Wa ulaika lahum a'adhabun a'adheem.
00:53:19Yawma tabyaddu wujuhum wa taswaddu wujuh.
00:53:25Fa'amma allatheena swaddat wujuhumum.
00:53:30Akafartum ba'da imanikum.
00:53:40Fazuqul a'adhaba bina kuntum takfurun.
00:53:47Wa amma allatheena biaddat wujuhumum.
00:53:53Fafia rahmatillah.
00:53:58Hum fiyaha khadidun.
00:54:02Tilka ayatullahi natlugha alaika bilhaqq.
00:54:09Wama allahu yureedu dhulman lil'alamin.
00:54:15Walillahi maa fissamawati wa maa fil ardi.
00:54:22Wa ila Allahi turja'un.
00:54:52Allahu akbar.
00:55:02Allahu akbar.
00:55:11Allahu akbar.
00:55:16Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.
00:55:19Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
00:55:23Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.
00:55:26Maliki yawm al-deen.
00:55:28Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'een.
00:55:33Ihdina al-sirata al-mustaqeem.
00:55:36Sirata allatheena an'amta alayhim.
00:55:40Qayri al-maghdoob alayhim walad-dalleen.
00:55:54Surah Al-Fatihah.
00:56:25And if the People of the Book had believed, it would have been better for them.
00:56:31Of them are the believers, and most of them are the defiantly disobedient.
00:56:37They will not harm you except as harm.
00:56:42And if they fight you, they will turn their backs to you, then they will not be helped.
00:56:53Daribat alayhim al-dhillatu aynama thuqifu illa bi hablim min Allahi wa hablim min al-nasi wa ba'u bi ghadabin min Allah.
00:57:13Wadaribat alayhim al-maskanah.
00:57:17Thalika bi-annahum kanu yakfuruna bi-ayati Allahi wa yakatuluna al-anbiyaa bi-ghayri haqqa.
00:57:33Thalika bima aqaw wa kanu ya'tadoon.
00:57:41Allahu Akbar.
00:58:12Allahu Akbar.
00:58:27Allahu Akbar.
00:58:41Allahu Akbar.
00:59:11As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
00:59:41As-salatu wa s-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
01:00:11As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
01:01:11As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
01:01:41As-salatu wa s-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
01:02:11Allahu Akbar.
01:02:41Allahu Akbar.
01:03:12Allahu Akbar.
01:03:19As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
01:03:40As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
01:04:10As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
01:04:40As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
