The First TV Today Time Special: Release Noobs From Jail - Part 3

  • last month
Part 3 - The Burning of a Lifetime

When Ducky escapes Huellas, Rhino stops a gigantic bee from destroying the city, while there were rumors about Waggy's latest scheme, and also, Bablaw gets arrested by Officer Angel for littering a burger on the road! Pepita says.
00:00Previously, unreleased noobs from jail, after finding Los Atropados outside, we are fearing that our heroes saw Humpty Dumpty and E.T.'s dead bodies on somewhere.
00:15Now, as I was saying, let's begin.
00:30Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
00:46All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again.
00:52Humpty Dumpty's dead body.
00:56Oh, yeah.
00:58Quack, quack, quack.
01:25Hello, kids, it's me, Clucky the chicken.
01:27And today I'm going to be doing this task.
01:35Let's see. Oh, it's to get a spin ride.
01:48Oh, no, you better go inside.
01:51I'm stuck.
01:53I'm stuck inside.
01:55Wait a second.
01:57There must be a way out.
02:05I got FG or GF.
02:12Yeah, I'm stuck right over here.
02:20Oh, hi there, Dylan.
02:21Want to play with me?
02:23Dylan, Dylan.
02:29Help me, Dylan.
02:33Look at the camera.
02:35He's on the camera.
02:36Alex, Alex, Alex.
03:13Oh, no, a giant bee.
03:33Run for your life.
03:35Don't worry, I've got this.
03:39Yes, I finally killed the monster.
03:41The giant bee is dead.
03:43Yeah, yeah.
03:45There's no trash can, so I'm going to throw and litter this burger.
03:51Oh, no, it's the police.
03:53And now I'm busted.
03:55Yep, yep, you are.
03:57And also,
03:59Babla Teazanks,
04:01you're under arrest for littering a burger on the road.
04:04Get in the police car now,
04:06and you're going to jail for 2,000 weeks.
04:11Right, ladies and gentlemen,
04:21our evil alien, Mr. Waggy,
04:24has released all his noobs out of jail,
04:27and we need another plan to stop it.
04:30We have all known that the noobs are broken out of the jail,
04:33and rumors have been spreading everywhere.
04:36But this is our time as we return to CNN.
04:39See you later!
