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Welcome to my channel "Cut & Stitch Ideas"
In this video, I'll show you Chinese Collar Neck with Joint Lace Cutting & Stitching | Overlap Neck Design |V Placket Collar Neck || Cutting & Stitching || Full Method | in Urdu | step by step /special for beginners | in Urdu / in Hindi....
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#stitching #chinesecollar #overlapneckdesign #neckdesigncuttingandstitching #vneckdesign #vplacketneckdesign #sweinghacks #stichingtips #overlapneck #jointneckdesign

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v collar neck with joint lace
v placket neck with lace
v placket neck with centre lace
v collar neck with lace
overlap V placket with lace
v collar neck cutting and stitching
Chinese collar neck cutting and stitching
v collar neck
Chinese collar neck
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overlap V neck design
overlap V neck
overlap V neck design for kurti
overlap V neck design with lace
Chinese collar
Chinese collar neck design
Chinese collar for kurti
Chinese collar neck design for ladies
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Chinese Collar For Beginners
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Neck design
Latest neck designs
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V collar neck design
Latest v collar neck design easy cutting and stitching
V collar neck cutting and stitching
Stylish neck design

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00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, today I will share with you a beautiful neck design
00:06We will make a V placket overlapped neck design with joint lace
00:11I have already prepared the overlapped band
00:15I have taken 1 inch wide bookram
00:24I have taken 34 to 35 inch length of bookram
00:33I have taken 2.5 inch wide bookram fabric
00:40I have folded it in half inch
00:46I have folded it twice and saved it
00:51I have taken the same fabric for the other band
00:56You can also take a plain fabric
00:59I will attach the lace with it
01:02I have taken the same 2.5 inch wide band
01:06I will take a bale and a joint lace
01:11Let's start the neck pose
01:14First, we will open the bookram
01:19We will attach the lace on the bookram
01:24We will fold the bookram and place it on the crease
01:31We will not stitch on the bookram
01:36We will stitch on the fabric with bookram
01:39We will attach the lace on the bookram
01:44We will attach the rest of the lace on the bookram
01:49Place the lace on the right side of the bookram
01:54and place the lace on the left side of the bookram
01:59We will attach the rest of the lace on the bookram
02:04We will cut the extra lace
02:11We will fold the rest of the lace on the bookram
02:18We will turn the rest of the lace
02:23We will fold the rest of the fabric
02:28We will attach the joint lace on the other side of the bookram
02:35Again we will attach the joint lace on the other side
02:40We will leave the straight side of the bookram
02:45We will repeat the process
02:50We will open the bookram and attach the joint lace
02:55Now, we will place the joint lace on top of it.
03:04We will put the stitch on top of the band.
03:11We will not put the stitch on the edge of the lace.
03:14We will put the stitch in the middle of the lace.
03:19Now, we will attach the lace to the band.
03:25If you are new to my channel, please subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon so that you get the notification of my latest videos.
03:39I have taken two contrast laces.
03:46First, I have used the dark one.
03:48Now, I have used the light one.
03:50I have used the light colour joint lace.
03:52You can use any colour in contrast.
03:54Now, I have attached the second joint lace to the band.
03:58Now, I will fold the fabric and press it.
04:06I will show you how to do it.
04:12Now, we will place the fabric of 2.5 inch below the band.
04:18Now, we will place the second joint lace on top of the first one.
04:27Now, we will attach the lace to the band.
04:35It is a very easy way to do it.
04:37You can attach the lace to the band in this way.
04:49Now, I have attached the fabric to the band.
04:54Now, we will fold the fabric and press it.
05:00Now, we will cut the extra fabric.
05:05Now, we will place the second joint lace on top of the first one.
05:13Now, we will cut the extra fabric.
05:17Now, we will turn the fabric.
05:21Now, I have cut the extra fabric.
05:24Now, I have folded the fabric and pressed it.
05:28Now, I will attach the top stitch to the band.
05:31So that the fabric of the second joint lace is also attached to the band.
05:37Now, I will attach the top stitch to the band.
05:43Now, I have attached the top stitch to the band.
05:46Now, we have attached the top stitch to the band.
05:51Now, we will fold the band in half.
05:55Now, we will make a crease in the middle.
06:00Now, we will attach the stitch to the band.
06:04Now, we will attach the stitch to the band.
06:11Now, we have attached the band to the band.
06:17Now, we will measure 2.5 inches from the center.
06:22We will place a 2.5 inch stitch on this side.
06:26We will place a 2.5 inch stitch on the other side.
06:37Now, we will fold the band in half.
06:41Now, we will fold the band in half.
06:45Now, we will place a 2.5 inch stitch on the other side.
06:50We will make a V-placket.
06:59Now, we will place a 2.5 inch stitch on the other side.
07:04Now, we will make a V-placket.
07:08Mark 7 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
07:30Now fold the shirt and mark 2.5 inch from the top of the shirt.
07:36Mark 7 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
07:48Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
08:02Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
08:16Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
08:36Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
08:50Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
09:12Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
09:32Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
10:02Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
10:22Now mark 2.5 inch from the top of the jacket and fold it to make a zipper.
10:42Now attach the placket on the shirt.
11:02Now attach the placket on the shirt.
11:32Now attach the placket on the shirt.
12:02Now attach the placket on the shirt.
12:26Now attach the placket on the shirt.
12:50Now attach the placket on the shirt.
13:12Now attach the placket on the shirt.
13:36Now attach the placket on the shirt.
13:52Now attach the placket on the shirt.
14:12Now attach the placket on the shirt.
14:34Now attach the placket on the shirt.
14:44Now attach the placket on the shirt.
