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00:00Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in surah al-fatihah
00:09Inna ash-shaytana kana lakum adoon, fatakhidhoo adoon
00:13The shaytan is your enemy, so treat him as one.
00:18Treat him as your enemy.
00:20Ibn al-Qayyim said, the shaytan comes to us in six different phases.
00:25When one phase fails, he moves to the second.
00:29And he never gives up, he keeps trying.
00:31So the first thing he tries is for me and you to commit shirk.
00:35He comes to our young brothers and sisters.
00:37What is this Islam?
00:38Five daily prayers, fasting, Qur'an, charities, doing this, doing that.
00:44It's like a constant work.
00:46Look at the Christians, look at the Jews.
00:48Beautiful, look at them having so much fun.
00:50You go once a week, Jesus died for your sins.
00:53Leave this deen, leave it.
00:55Or he comes to a Muslim and he tells him,
00:57go to the people of the graves and ask them for help.
01:00Make tawaf around the grave.
01:01This person used to be a righteous man.
01:03Ask him, just like he used to ask him when he was alive.
01:06Now he's dead, go and ask him.
01:08What's the big deal?
01:09Allah said, ma yamlikoona min qitmeer.
01:11You know the date, inside the date there's a pit.
01:14On the pit, you know that small tissue?
01:17Allah said, those people you're calling, they do not own that small tissue.
01:21walaw samee'oo mastajaboo lakum
01:24They're not going to hear you.
01:25But if I made them hear you, they're not going to answer you.
01:28wa yawmal qiyamah, on the day of judgment,
01:30yakfooroona bishirkikum
01:33They would say, ya Allah, they were mushrikeen, I have nothing to do with them.
01:35I did not tell them, come to the grave.
01:37Ya so and so, bless me with a baby boy.
01:39Ya so and so, cure my daughter.
01:41I did not tell them to do that.
01:42So he comes, first leave the deen.
01:44If not, then he starts telling you to do shirki things.
01:47Go to the fortune teller.
01:49This is something that we take it very lightly.
01:51When you go to a fortune teller, what happens?
01:53Rasulullah s.a.w. said, if you're just going there,
01:55like you know, sometimes people go for a vacation,
01:57and they see a hand on the window, right?
02:00And they say to each other, you know what, guys,
02:02let's go inside, listen to what she has to say.
02:04You're not going to believe her.
02:05We know this is all fake, habibi.
02:07When you go inside, and you're not going to believe her?
02:0940 days, Rasulullah s.a.w. said, your salah is not accepted.
02:12And what happens if you believed her?
02:14waqad kafara bima unzila ala muhammad
02:17Left Islam.
02:18So he comes, the shaitan, first with shirk.
02:20And if he got the person to commit shirk,
02:22he goes, and he leaves him alone and rests.
02:24Now, all of us here, alhamdulillah, we're not going to go into this.
02:27So he comes to the next level, next phase.
02:29The next phase is, he convinces him to commit a bid'ah.
02:33Start a bid'ah in the community.
02:35When you start a bid'ah, what are you doing?
02:37You think you're doing something great, right?
02:38Not only you think you're doing something great,
02:40you're inviting others to do it with you.
02:42And the shaitan loves the bid'ah more than the major sin.
02:45Why? Because the major sin, when I drink alcohol,
02:47I know that I'm committing a major sin,
02:49and I'm going to repent.
02:50But the bid'ah, after we finish salat,
02:52we all shake our head, and we start dancing,
02:54Allah hay, Allah hay.
02:55Everybody's mentioning Allah.
02:56Yallah, ya shabab.
02:57What's wrong with that?
02:58How can I repent? I'm saying,
02:59Allah, how can I repent from this?
03:01So he loves the bid'ah.
03:02He pushed to do a bid'ah.
03:03And start a bid'ah.
03:04And spread the bid'ah.
03:05And sounds so beautiful.
03:06And everybody follows.
03:08He loves it.
03:09If he comes to people like us,
03:10no shirk, no bid'ah,
03:12then he comes and push them to do a major sin.
03:14Gamble, drink alcohol, have an affair, go into riba.
03:18All those major sins.
03:19You know, you have donated so much money.
03:21If you drink a little bit of alcohol,
03:23you buy one dollar.
03:24Just one dollar lottery.
03:25All the things that you have done so good,
03:27because of this, it's going to be gone?
03:28What's the big deal?
03:29After you finish the sin,
03:30go and make istighfar.
03:32Allah forgive.
03:33And he gives him an ayah.
03:34ومن يغفر الذنوب إلا الله
03:35It's no big deal.
03:36No shirk, no bid'ah, no major sin.
03:38He's not going to touch me.
03:39Then he comes to the fourth phase.
03:41Doing a lot of minor sins.
03:43What's the big deal?
03:44It's a small sin.
03:45She's like my sister.
03:46Start joking with the girl in the office.
03:47And you know, only having fun.
03:49And she's like my sister, my brother.
03:51The only woman that's like your sister is your sister.
03:53They start like this.
03:54Minor sin.
03:55I didn't do anything.
03:56I'm just joking around.
03:57Next step, let's go have some coffee.
03:59We're going to discuss business.
04:00Or some students.
04:01Oh, we're going to discuss some hadith.
04:02I want to check with you some hadith.
04:03Let's go to Starbucks, discuss a hadith alone.
04:06Have some mocha.
04:07And then, one thing after the other,
04:09it goes to the major sin.
04:10So he keeps whispering until you do a lot of minor sins.
04:13He cannot touch me with the minor sins.
04:15No way, no how.
04:16No shirk.
04:17No bid'ah.
04:18No major sins.
04:19No minor sins.
04:20Then he comes.
04:21Then he comes and encourages me to do a lot.
04:25Excessive halal things.
04:27Mubah things.
04:28Playing basketball.
04:29Playing soccer.
04:30It's halal.
04:31Nothing wrong with it.
04:32Keep playing.
04:33Play, play.
04:34Salat is gone, right?
04:35They're playing a video game.
04:36Halal video game.
04:37Safe video game.
04:38Half an hour, 45 minutes.
04:39Mama, come to dinner.
04:40Mama, come help me.
04:41Leave me alone.
04:42You see that?
04:43Halal thing led him to haram.
04:44Because disobeying the parents is haram.
04:45After he comes to this and he finds out that,
04:47you know what, this guy is organized.
04:48He has time for this, time for this, time for that.
04:50I cannot even get to him.
04:52He comes to the sixth.
04:53He never gives up.
04:54What is the sixth one?
04:55He will convince you to do less rewarding things than more rewarding.
04:59For example, alarm went off for fajr.
05:01I'm opening the door and I'm gonna go to pray with the jama'at.
05:04Wake up your wife.
05:05Pray together at home.
05:06Masha'Allah, you are from the people of fajr.
05:08You know how many people miss fajr?
05:09Why you wanna go to the masjid?
05:10Pray at home.
05:11Alhamdulillah, you're praying.
05:12Many people do not even pray.
05:13Wallahi, you're right.
05:15Yeah, wake up.
05:17Let's pray here, right?
05:18So the point is, ya'khwan.
05:19You know how when you hire somebody, you ask him,
05:21how many years of experience do you have?
05:2320, 30, 40, 50 years of experience.
05:25The shaytan have since the day of Adam experienced
05:29hundreds and how many thousands of years of experience
05:33in deviating people.
05:35So, we have to counter attack.
05:37How do we counter attack?
05:39By constantly remembering Allah.
05:41May Allah keep the shaytan away from us
05:43and keep the shaytan away from our children
05:45and from our families.