• 3 months ago
Ngaji Al-Quran Online Dengan Wan Teh - Aisyah ms 257 Ibrahim 11 - 18 سورة إبراهيم #ngaji #alquran #ibrahim

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Rasul-rasul mereka berkata kepada mereka: "Kami ini tidak lain hanyalah manusia seperti kamu juga, tetapi Allah melimpahkan kurniaNya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya dari hamba-hambaNya; dan kami tiadalah berkuasa membawa kepada kamu sebarang bukti (mukjizat) melainkan dengan izin Allah. Dan dengan yang demikian maka kepada Allah jualah hendaknya orang-orang yang beriman berserah diri.
"Dan mengapa pula kami tidak berserah diri kepada Allah padahal Ia telah menunjukkan jalan untuk tiap-tiap seorang dari kami menjalaninya? Dan demi sesungguhnya, kami akan bersabar terhadap segala perbuatan kamu menyakiti kami. Dan dengan yang demikian, maka kepada Allah jualah hendaknya berserah diri orang-orang yang mahu berserah".
Dan berkatalah pula orang-orang yang kafir itu kepada Rasul-rasul mereka: "Demi sesungguhnya, kami akan mengeluarkan kamu dari negeri kami atau kamu menjadi seugama dengan kami". Lalu Tuhan wahyukan, kepada Rasul-rasulNya: "Demi sesungguhnya! Kami akan membinasakan orang-orang yang zalim.
"Dan demi sesungguhnya! kami akan tempatkan kamu di negeri itu sesudah binasanya kaum yang zalim itu; balasan baik yang demikian, adalah bagi orang-orang yang takut akan sikap keadilanKu (menghitung amalnya), dan takut akan janji-janji azabKu".
Dan (Rasul-rasul serta umatnya yang beriman) memohon pertolongan (kepada Allah, untuk mendapat kemenangan); dan terkecewalah tiap-tiap orang yang sombong takbur, lagi bersikap degil (dalam keingkarannya).
Di belakangnya disediakan neraka Jahannam, dan ia akan diberi minum dari air danur (yang keluar dari tubuh ahli neraka).
Ia meminumnya dengan terpaksa dan hampir-hampir tidak dapat diterima oleh tekaknya (kerana busuknya), dan ia didatangi (penderitaan) maut dari segala arah, sedang ia tidak pula mati (supaya terlepas dari azab seksa itu); dan selain dari itu, ada lagi azab seksa yang lebih berat.
Bandingan (segala kebaikan amal dan usaha) orang-orang yang kufur ingkar terhadap Tuhannya ialah seperti abu yang diterbangkan angin pada hari ribut yang kencang; mereka tidak memperoleh sesuatu faedah pun dari apa yang mereka telah usahakan itu. Sia-sianya amalan itu ialah kesan kesesatan yang jauh dari dasar kebenaran.

Langgan sekarang & mari mengaji Al-Quran https://www.youtube.com/@ngajidenganwan?sub_confirmation=1


00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:06Their messengers said to them,
00:09We are but human beings like you.
00:15Isha, don't take a deep breath.
00:19In the throat.
00:23Don't take a deep breath there.
00:26We are but human beings like you.
00:32We are but human beings like you.
00:37But God forbids...
00:43He forbids what?
00:46He forbids whom He wills of His servants.
00:52He forbids whom He wills of His servants.
01:03He forbids whom He wills of His servants.
01:10And we do not come to you with authority except by permission of Allah.
01:21And in the sight of Allah let the believers put their trust.
01:28And we do not come to you with authority except by permission of Allah.
01:38And He has guided us to the right path.
01:42And He has guided us to the right path.
01:47And He has guided us to the right path.
01:51And He has guided us to the right path.
01:56And we will not be patient for what you have done to us.
02:00Isha, listen.
02:02And we will not be patient for what you have done to us.
02:10And we will not be patient for what you have done to us.
02:18And in the sight of Allah let the believers put their trust.
02:24And in the sight of Allah let the believers put their trust.
02:30And in the sight of Allah let the believers put their trust.
02:38And those who disbelieve say to their messengers,
02:44We will drive you out of our land, or you will not return to our nation.
02:54Listen to the words of Sabdu.
02:57Sabdu must be listened to.
03:00We will drive you out of our land, or you will not return to our nation.
03:11Sabdu must be listened to.
03:17We will drive you out of our land, or you will not return to our nation.
03:31So their Lord revealed to them, We will surely destroy the wrongdoers.
03:40And We will surely settle the earth for you after them.
03:46That is for he who fears My Place and fears My Threat.
03:53And he who fears My Place and fears My Threat.
04:00And he who fears My Place and fears My Threat.
04:10And he who fears My Place and fears My Threat.
04:23He dares it, and he is not afraid of it, and death comes to him.
04:32And death comes to him from every place, and he is not dead.
04:41And behind him is a severe punishment.
04:47As for those who disobey their Lord, their deeds will be punished.
04:59No, no, repeat.
05:01Their deeds will be punished.
05:09Their deeds will be punished.
05:19They will not be able to gain anything.
05:26That is for he who fears My Place and fears My Threat.
05:39And he who fears My Place and fears My Threat.
05:49And he who fears My Place and fears My Threat.
05:57In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
06:03O Allah, we place you among the enemies of our enemies, and we seek refuge in You from their evil.
06:12O Allah, change their appearance, and separate their groups, and strengthen their words, and shake their feet,
06:21and make a dog out of your dogs over them.
06:25O Powerful, O Powerful, O Avenger, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah.
06:36O Allah, O Renderer of the Book, and O Renderer of the Clouds, and O Defender of the Parties.
06:47Defeat them, defeat them, defeat them, and help us against them.
06:53And peace and blessings be upon our Master Muhammad.
06:58And all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
