Kongsuni Went Camping - Kongsuni Compilation - Kongsuni and Friends - Kids Cartoon
00:02Phew, that's better.
00:04Dad wouldn't let me put up the tent.
00:06All I want to do is help.
00:08Yo, Kongsuni.
00:10Putting up a tent is only one of many things you can do while camping.
00:14You're right. I'll go find something else.
00:17It's all done. This boy scout still got it.
00:24It's so big.
00:28Huh? I'm not the only hungry one, am I?
00:36Guess not. Now who wants to eat?
00:42For today's special, juicy sausages and soft marshmallows.
00:46Wow, looks yummy.
00:48There's one way to make them tasty.
00:50Cooking them over a fire.
00:52Show me, Dad.
01:02I want to try that too.
01:04Watch closely. Here's how it's done.
01:06To create a fire, you have to spin a stick like this on a block of wood.
01:11Now your turn.
01:15I think I got it.
01:20Now spin faster.
01:22Almost there.
01:24Oh no.
01:27You were seconds away from getting smoke. Good job.
01:33I was? Then I'll try again.
01:36You're quite determined.
01:38All right. Spin the stick slowly at first.
01:41Then when it gets hot, go faster.
01:50Something wrong?
01:52You've got a mustache.
01:56Wait a sec.
01:58I'm all dirty.
02:00Hey, Daddy.
02:02Stop laughing.
02:04Look here.
02:06Tell me, who do you think looks sillier now?
02:09I think we both look pretty silly.
02:13Okay. Fire time.
02:21It's working.
02:23Keep going. Faster.
02:25Come on now. Come on.
02:27Oh yeah. Nothing can stop you now.
02:32Almost there.
02:40Let's go. Get inside quickly.
02:46Wow. It's coming down really hard.
02:50This is the worst.
02:52I barely helped out at all.
02:54Not true.
02:56You learned to camp like a real Girl Scout.
03:05Hello, human.
03:09Hi there. You are?
03:11I'm Hopper McRabbit.
03:13It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Kongsuni.
03:16Thanks so much for having me.
03:18I was surprised when I heard about a young girl camping in the rain.
03:22That's so brave.
03:26Ribbit. Ribbit. My name is Mrs. Frogsworth.
03:29A little birdie told me you helped out your papa today.
03:32I'd say you deserve a badge.
03:36Ribbit. Ribbit. Ta-da.
03:39Wow. Thank you.
03:43I hereby present you with a Girl Scout badge.
03:46No way.
04:04It's so clear.
04:08There must be a billion stars.
04:10A billion at least.
04:12Dad, look. It's a shooting star.
04:16Kongsuni, make a wish.
04:18Ah, right.
04:21I wish my new friends were here to see this.
04:26I'll surprise Kongsuni with something she'll never forget.
04:30Out from the shadows, come say hi.
04:42Mr. Hopper.
04:53Look. It's Mrs. Frogsworth.
04:55What's she doing here?
04:57Actually, the reason they've come out is to congratulate you on being a Girl Scout.
05:02You've made all of us extremely proud.
05:07Thank you, forest friends.
05:17Why do you keep showing up on my plate, Tomato?
05:27Yuck. It's all vegetables.
05:36Remember when we talked about how important it is to try different foods?
05:40You should eat up everything on your plate.
05:43But Miss Cam, we need to stop.
05:46Why would anyone want to eat this stuff?
05:49We have to.
05:51We don't want to.
06:03Miss Cam, how do we know what seeds we got?
06:06You don't. You'll have to see what they turn into.
06:09So my plant can grow treasures?
06:12By the way, yes. Seeds grow into plants, and plants make more seeds.
06:16It's a never-ending cycle of life, starting with you.
06:21Everyone ready for an adventure?
06:37Kids, I see you've been taking very good care of your seedlings.
06:41And everyone looks so different.
06:44What are some things that made your seeds start to grow into a plant?
06:47Water, right?
06:48And sunshine!
06:50Very good. Water and sunlight and soil for the roots.
06:54And don't forget, the plants knew that you were taking good care of them, right?
07:07So what is it? What's it going to grow into?
07:10I don't know. A jellybean tree?
07:13Hmm. That'd be cool. Or maybe a cupcake bush.
07:17Hmm. I know!
07:20Strawberries! A strawberry bush!
07:22A really big one! We could eat them whenever we wanted.
07:26And have them on our ice cream and with fancy tea parties.
07:29I'd feed you one. You'd say, oh, this is delicious.
07:33Yes, please. But this is no strawberry.
07:36It's not?
07:38I doubt it.
07:45There. Red like a berry.
07:48Hmm. Kongsuni!
07:51Where are you, dear?
07:52He's home.
07:57Hmm. One hint, huh?
07:59Well, then, is it something I like to eat?
08:01Mm-hmm. You like it in pies, and sometimes it's in your cake.
08:05It must be sweet, right?
08:07Mm-hmm. So the next hint...
08:10Kind of round, but not like a pumpkin.
08:12Come on, I won't tell. Promise. Pinky promise?
08:18I think it's strawberries.
08:20Hope so.
08:21Hey, Daddy, what's it take to be a good gardener?
08:24Hmm. Lots of patience. Just enough water and sunshine.
08:28Very careful observation. And talking to them never hurts.
08:32Right. I'm going to be the best gardener that there ever was.
08:36Hmm. All right.
08:38Uh, see those leaves?
08:40They remind me of a vegetable you used to like.
08:43I'm still hoping for a berry bush.
08:46Hmm. And it might be. What do I know?
08:49You are the plant expert in the house, Kongsuni.
08:52I think it's a berry bush.
08:55If I go to bed early, will I see the berries sooner?
09:06Welcome, miss. Can we help you?
09:09How much for all this stuff?
09:11Let's find out.
09:21That's one coin.
09:23Here you go.
09:25Thank you very much.
09:29Come again soon.
09:31Now who's next?
09:35That's a lot of bread.
09:37That's not the right way.
09:39You should buy a little bit of everything. Get it?
09:42Do you want to take it back and start again?
09:45No. It's not a mistake.
09:48Tadpoles get hungry, too.
09:50I was thinking Speckles might like some bread.
09:53I doubt it. Nah.
10:04Get it away!
10:09A frog!
10:11Someone put it outside!
10:13No way! It's looking at me!
10:20No! My shoe!
10:27Come on, Eve. You can't just stand there.
10:30Is it gone?
10:32Is it gone?
10:34Somebody get it off!
10:37Did it just hop?
10:39Where did it go now, guys?
10:41So, uh, about that frog.
10:44It's right on your head.
10:48I can't stop! This isn't funny anymore!
10:54Nobody move. I've got this under control.
11:07I caught it!
11:11You can open your eyes. It won't hurt you.
11:16You saved us.
11:19Thank you, Detective.
11:22Sure. I feel bad for not helping you search more.
11:26I know your tadpole wasn't really a pet, but it still meant a lot to you.
11:30I'm lucky to have friends like you, and sorry I got upset before.
11:34Wow. I was scared.
11:36You should have seen it.
11:38It jumped as high as the frog.
11:40So, are you going to let it outside?
11:44Right. Out where it belongs.
11:51Look! Spots!
11:53What do you mean, Kongsuni?
11:57Who are you talking about?
11:59See? Seven spots.
12:01Just like my tadpole.
12:03Guys, this is Speckles.
12:05I don't believe it.
12:07All this time you were looking for it.
12:09And it was a frog.
12:11Huh? You sure?
12:13Positive. I'd know it anywhere.
12:16You think it was in the classroom this whole time?
12:19Maybe. Because why would it want to leave the best classroom ever?
12:23Yeah, good point. What a happy ending.
12:27I found you. You're back, Speckles.
12:30I don't know how I lost you.
12:32Because you were right here.
12:36I missed you, Speckles.
12:40I don't know where you went.
12:43Super Dad!
12:46Dad, one guess what happened today.
12:49Let me see. Loose tooth?
12:54You sure?
12:56Detectives just know.
13:02I'm off.
13:04She looks so happy playing with her daddy.
13:06I'll text when I'm on the way home, okay?
13:12Well, take your time and have fun.
13:14Go, Mom. You'll be late.
13:16Well, we can't have that.
13:18You've got your hands full.
13:20I've got it. First thing up is a snack.
13:23I'm his helper.
13:25Well, isn't he lucky?
13:27How about a high five for my little helper?
13:32Patty cake.
13:34Patty cake. Patty cake. Patty cake.
13:38Okay, let's make ourselves some toasted sandwiches.
13:41Nice and crunchy. Sound good?
13:45Hey, Chloe, where are you going now?
13:53Aw, not again.
13:55What'd I go wrong?
14:01No, Chloe, we shouldn't be in Mom's room.
14:05You remember our mommy's gone out for the night.
14:11Ooh, her makeup.
14:13I know how to put it on.
14:17Watch and learn.
14:29Wow, so pretty.
14:36Do I look like a movie star?
14:40Do I look like a movie star?
14:47I know. You should have some, too.
14:52Everyone's going to think we're grown-ups.
15:03Hmm. Perfect.
15:09Ah, looks good.
15:11But you should really see it for yourself.
15:14Just wait.
15:16Here. You like?
15:22Kongsutie, Chloe, snack's ready.
15:30Ha ha ha!
15:34A masterpiece!
15:43That's quite a look.
15:45You two going out?
15:49Let's get you cleaned up for Daddy-pie.
16:05You turn your back for a second.
16:10Huh. Daddy Bear's coming.
16:18And gotcha!
16:24Huh? Is something the matter?
16:26You didn't even take a picture of us or a video or anything, Daddy.
16:31I thought we'd just tell her.
16:33I worked so hard, Daddy.
16:35I think she would want to see it.
16:37Ha ha ha!
16:39You're right. We might need some proof of this for later.
16:42Now, where'd we put that camera?
16:45Hey, I found my tennis racket.
16:52Yum yum.
16:56Hungry? Open wide for Mom.
16:59Num num.
17:04Oh, Kongsutie used to do that.
17:07You're just like her.
17:14That's my girl. Your big sister's been teaching you how to talk.
17:21Seems like just the other day she was this little.
17:30I feel sad.
17:32That's not fair. Why's Mom always with her?
17:35Because she's a baby. Your mom was like that with you, too.
17:39A long time ago. Not now.
17:41Everything's about the baby. It's like she forgets about me.
17:46Kongsutie. All set for your story?
17:50Are you done with Chloe?
17:52I just put her to sleep.
17:57Something wrong?
17:59Where did all the smiles go?
18:01This isn't like you. Why are you so quiet, sweetie?
18:04Can I be a baby again?
18:07Don't you like growing up?
18:09Yeah, sometimes. But I want to be your special girl again.
18:12But you are. I love you just as much as her.
18:16You're both very special. Never forget that, okay?
18:20I'll try not to. I miss you.
18:23Oh, shh.
18:25Let's think of all the things you can do that a baby can't.
18:28Going to the playground, feeding yourself, playing make-believe.
18:32Know what? I'm going to make sure we spend more time together.
18:36Once a day, we'll play whatever you want.
18:39Okay. I don't want to be a baby now.
18:42Babies can't go to school like me.
18:44I'm lucky. I can play with blocks and go to the park and ride my bike.
18:49Who's my girl?
18:53Mom, look what I have!
18:58Here I come!
19:01Look, Mom! It's a phone!
19:03Oh, wow! Did you make that?
19:05Yeah, at preschool.
19:08Ring, ring. Who is it?
19:11Hello? Can you hear me?
19:15Yes. Loud and clear.
19:18Yes. Loud and clear.
19:20Hello. This is Kongsuni speaking.
19:23When you get busy with your work, just call me, okay?
19:27I can help out with tidying the house.
19:30I'm growing up, so I can help with the baby, too.
19:34Call me!
19:57Oh, no. Look at the time.
19:59Are you going? I was...
20:01I'm off. Running late. I'll call you later.
20:04Up, up and away!
20:10Kongsuni? What's wrong?
20:13You've hardly eaten. How come?
20:15I don't like this green stuff. It's all slimy. Look.
20:19It's so drippy. I think it feels sad.
20:22No, it's happy.
20:24Do you know why? Because it's healthy.
20:27If you eat it, then you'll be healthy, too.
20:30And healthy means happy.
20:32No, it doesn't. It makes me sad.
20:35If you try it, you just might like it. Come on.
20:39I didn't like it the last time I tried.
20:43Oh, yucky!
20:45If you try it for me, I'll play tickle monster.
20:49Yay! Mommy time!
20:52Come on. Hurry, Sayo. You've got to stop that penguin.
21:00What do we do now?
21:09Oh, dear. What a mess.
21:12Oh, no. My cake. I guess I'll just have to start over.
21:19It's okay. It could have been worse.
21:26Really? I'm so sorry about the mess we've made in your bakery.
21:31How can we make it up to you?
21:33Oh, please don't worry. That one was just an experiment.
21:37You sure?
21:38I'm sorry.
21:40I can't tell you how awful I feel about this whole thing.
21:44Isn't there something we can do?
21:46As a matter of fact, there is.
21:52This is a new recipe I was trying. Want to let me know what you think?
22:09Yo, Kongsutie. Whatcha drawing?
22:12I'm making some fresh bread for the nice bakery lady.
22:15If you ask me, it looks more like an apple.
22:18It does? Well, that's perfect, then.
22:21Because it's apple bread.
22:24Outside looks like normal. Then inside is soft and sweet.
22:28Looks cool, huh? I invented it all by myself.
22:31Sounds delicious. You just might be the best inventor of them all.
22:35Yup. Can you help me make it?
22:38I want to try baking the apple bread.
22:40Sure. I'd be happy to help.
22:42Unlike the troublemaking penguin.
22:54Presenting Chef Kongsutie!
23:30My magic oven cooks with a light bulb, so it's safe.
23:33It's gonna be so good. Everyone will want the recipe.
23:41It's my very first bread, and I already know it's gonna taste perfect.
23:46Hey, after this, can we try making the perfect dance routine?
23:49Like with special moves? One that's gonna make us look super awesome?
23:53I'll do my own version of the duck-duck goose, the duck-duck owl.
23:56Fist bump.
24:04How much longer is it gonna take?
24:07We have five minutes left on the clock.
24:10That long? Okay.
24:12One, two, skip a few, and five. All done!
24:18Oh, I don't know. Don't you think you better wait for the dinger?
24:22Already got on my oven mitt.
24:25It won't be very hot, but be careful not to drop it.
24:33Looks more like a pancake.
24:37Maybe you took it out too soon.
24:43Yep, too soon.
24:45Next Kongsutie! So how do you think that Chloe can help us?
24:50Well, you're way too small for the mic, so let her hold it.
24:54And then you do your magic.
24:57It's worth a shot.
25:10Now it's time...
25:12Everything okay in there?
25:15...to make us grow!
25:21We're big again! Was that fun or what?
25:26Where were you hiding? And how did you get so dirty?
25:30Easy! Know how? We traveled all the way across the world and back.
25:35And we flew on giant dinosaurs!
25:38And ran away from monsters!
25:40Well, that's good. You've been keeping busy.
25:51Kongsutie? Chloe?
25:54Guess what, kids? I made a little something for each of you.
25:59You did? Let's see!
26:03I love it!
26:05Take good care of it now.
26:10Very nice! Mama only makes rings for her special girls.
26:14Mom, I promise I'll never touch your ring again!
26:21I got it!
26:33Kongsutie, you like your dad's cooking, right? Tell him what a good cook he is.
26:38Well, he's really good at making instant noodles, but that probably doesn't count.
26:44Don't worry. We can get through this together.
26:48Dad, we can do it!
26:50This isn't going to be easy, but with you by my side, I'll be Super Chef!
27:02Say, yo! Guess what!
27:05None of this is real? I'm dreaming?
27:08Nope, but here's a hint. There's a big father-daughter cook-off coming up.
27:12And guess who asked me?
27:14Say no more! I'm a whiz in the kitchen, my friend!
27:17Of course!
27:19All right, everybody. I'm so glad you're all here.
27:21Don't be scared, Dad.
27:27The judges should all pay attention to details and not vote just because they like someone.
27:32Yes! Okay!
27:50See that, kids? Your pasta's done when it sticks to the wall.
28:04Say, yo! Is there anything you can do to help us out?
28:08You came to the right place.
28:10Wow! You brought all that with you?
28:12Of course!
28:14Got your back!
28:16Here, Dad! It's ready!
28:18Perfect! Did you get Mom to pack that for us?
28:21You're the best! What do you say we get this show started?
28:35What can I say? The stovetop adds extra flavor!