Coronation Street - Toyah Talks To Leanne and Makes A Decision About Nick (6th Sept 2024)

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00:09Must be her.
00:10Shall I go to my room?
00:12No, you stay here. Don't be daft.
00:13I think I will.
00:25I take it you've changed the locks.
00:27That gets past you, does it? Especially not the men.
00:30Look, I'm glad you're here, actually.
00:33I know things.
00:37How are you feeling?
00:38Now that the dust's settled a bit.
00:41And why the sudden interest in my well-being?
00:43Oh, that's a bit...
00:45You know, it's a shame you didn't have such a moral barometer
00:47when you were slipping between the sheets with my fella.
00:49Of course I care about you, Lee.
00:51Oh, well, aren't I the lucky one? Hashtag blessed.
00:53And I know that this has ruined everything between us.
00:55And the award for stating the obvious goes, too.
00:57And that kills me.
00:59But what kills me more is the thought that this might make you
01:02lean even more into the Institute for support.
01:04Yeah, well, that's none of your business, actually, is it?
01:06It was really hard seeing you take their side, open mind.
01:08So hard that you threw yourself at Nick for comfort.
01:11I've just found all this.
01:14It's just such a struggle, and...
01:15Oh! You know, it's really funny.
01:18You come round here to check if I'm doing OK,
01:20but you've actually made this all about you.
01:22Oh, I changed the habit of a lifetime, eh?
01:24Yeah, you must have really sucked at being a counsellor.
01:27It would have been all about you, wouldn't it?
01:28Me, me, me, me, me.
01:31You must see now that it was the Institute
01:33who told the police about me burying Rose.
01:36Yeah, I am sorry about that. I was bang out of order.
01:40I do appreciate you acknowledging how much the Institute hurt me.
01:47And I just want to say...
01:50Well, come on, get on with it. I'm going to need an air-cutter this rate.
01:55..that I am really sorry for the pain that I've inflicted on you two.
01:59So, does that make us quits?
02:00Of course not. Well, then...
02:04Oh, just give me half an hour, I'll pack a bag and get out of your way.
02:07Oh, what, so you and Nick can go off to a little love nest together?
02:09No, I don't think so.
02:11It just happened.
02:12Lee, you'd gone AWOL, I was vulnerable, he was lonely, and...
02:18And they all lived happily ever after.
02:21I'll just get my bag.
02:22You're going nowhere.
02:24I'm sorry that I turned my back on you when you needed me the most.
02:29But that doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you as a result.
02:33I've already lost my fella.
02:34I'm sure as hell not going to lose my sister as well.
02:38I might hate your guts...
02:41..but you're going nowhere.
02:43I don't want you to.
03:01How's Sam?
03:02Erm, I don't know, he's in his room, so...
03:07I told him about me and you.
03:10There's too much dishonesty in our lives, it's not good for anyone, is it?
03:13This clears the path for me and you.
03:16Those that need to know, know now.
03:19I can't believe you actually told Sam.
03:22I want to be with you.
03:25And I was hoping you felt the same.
03:30You do feel the same.
03:36Come on.
03:39Come on, we love each other.
03:42I can't do this, I'm sorry. You can't do what?
03:45What can't you do?
03:46Any of it, I can't do any of it.
03:48But you love me.
03:49Yeah, I do.
03:56I love Lee-Anne more.
03:58And I can't do this to her.
04:01I'm sorry.
