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00:00We keep the preachers to know the will of God and somebody who operates in the gift of prophecy
00:05Suddenly walks along you want to know what God is
00:08Doing in your life you want to know a word or two what God has in store for you as a matter of fact
00:14I am a person who operates in the gift of prophecy. I don't have anything against you
00:18That's a matter of fact. I believe it is something which we need to pursue in our churches
00:22But at the same time my desire is that God should be able to speak to me
00:28And not my neighbor to speak to me you understand what i'm saying if I am God's child God should speak
00:34To me he can confirm it through somebody else, but he needn't
00:40Speak to me directly through
00:45If he's my father he has to tell me Freddie do this
00:49And while he goes to downtown, he sees my neighbor and he says, you know, my son is down
00:54He never does what I say most of the time he says whatever, you know, that's funny when our kids you ask that question
01:01Do you want to wear jeans or do you want ordinary pants? Whatever. How can you wear whatever?
01:07Give me a give me a specific answer
01:10Our kids don't give us specific answers any longer. Maybe what maybe tell me what it's supposed to be
01:17Anyways, so but God is telling me something he can ask my neighbor who he sees at a later point
01:23And he can say as a father my son, you know, he's forgetful. He's he's so preoccupied and he's so busy with his playstation
01:31No, this thing may slip his mind. So when you see him just remind him of what I have
01:37Which is a good father-son
01:40Relationship so God can tell me something and maybe ask somebody else to
01:46Remind me about it. But if the information itself comes through somebody else then something is wrong with me and my
01:56Maybe some of our
01:58People in america, you know, they only see children for many years and suddenly the child says hello mom. Happy birthday
02:05Where have you been? I don't know four years. I've been in different places
02:08Okay, okay. Okay. And in that case I can tell somebody else to say
02:12Okay, if you happen to see him the next past three years tell her that I want to say something like that
02:17It's like that
02:18But if god is my god and I have a proper relationship with god as a father and a child god has to
02:25Speak to me and not to somebody else because he's not a god of confusion
02:31He's a god of clarity and god's desire is that he wants to speak into our lives because the bible says
02:40my sheep
02:42But the problem is most of the sheep don't hear the voice
02:46So I have to come to the conclusion either the sheep
02:50Has been led astray looking at greener pastures and lost its course or the sheep is deaf
02:58But I don't know when the sheep was deaf my master heals the deafness and opens the ears so something must be wrong somewhere
03:06Either the sheep was part of the fold or it's not a part of the food. It's a visiting sheep
03:11It comes once on a sunday comes eats and it goes hallelujah
03:15It doesn't belong to the pen and that's why he doesn't recognize the masters
03:20That's good. Good. Good and god is saying i'm a god of clarity
03:25I'm a god not of confusion and I want to speak to you my dear child
03:29I'm gonna speak to you my my my will in your life is to be specific and not to be abstract
03:36My will in your life is to be specific and not to be upset in that context god says i'm a god who gives you instruction
03:44I give you the
03:46Instruction and I don't stop with an instruction. I go one step further. I teach you how to fulfill that
03:55Instruction and not only a god who gives you a command i'm also a god who loves you so much who becomes a teacher
04:01Who explains how the instruction needs to be carried out and when you're carrying it out
04:07I am adding a walkie-talkie which tells you do this do that because i'm seeing you on my camera
04:13Today we can understand all these things because of the technology we have and what it says even before this technology
04:20I don't need a satellite to monitor where you are. I don't need a global positioning system to monitor you
04:26I don't need a cc camera to monitor where you are
04:28I know where you are
04:30And as long as you are where I am asking you to be as long as you are my sheep my dear child
04:36My eyes are on you and I will counsel you but the problem for us is we
04:42Like to know everything much before god starts to operate in our lives
04:48I'm glad that abraham was not like us
04:52If god had told us today freddie joseph, I want you to leave the first question I will ask is where
04:59Because I want to know
05:01But ahead doesn't ask god where you want to go. He just trusted wherever god leads me. That is the best place
05:08For me so you need to have that kind of a confidence
05:12In god that god is a god who loves you so much his will for you is not of confusion
05:19He's a god of clarity. He's a god of clarity
05:23He wants to lead you in such a personal way that there is no mishap in your life
05:28And in today's world we have a lot of information of how to raise up our children how to raise up
05:36Our our future and suddenly you are confused because you know, they they they call them the third culture kids
05:43Our children know that they're too indian to be american. They're too american to be indian
05:48And some of them give them the name the abcds. I don't want to give them abcd. Somebody will be efgx and tomorrow the problem is
05:55They are it's like the case of moses. Moses was too hebrewish to be an egyptian
06:01And he was too much of an egyptian to be able
06:04And until otherwise he found his identity in the lord he was confused
06:10And as parents we realized part of the time inside the house
06:14We want them to be indians indians and then the kids go out and they behave like americans
06:20Now you don't know what is right. What is wrong because the society is redefining itself
06:25Sometime back they said something was right and now they're saying something is wrong. It's totally confusing
06:31How do you bring up children in such a situation? How do I behave like a wife?
06:37How do I behave like a husband? You know, everything gets redefined and then this redefinition
06:43Only one thing is constant, which is the word of god
06:47Because what the society says right today tomorrow it will say this
06:53And you cannot be going behind the society because society is no longer after the pattern of god
07:01Maybe it was a country founded on the
07:04Foundation of christianity, but it's no longer pursuing that
07:08Life. So in this context, how do I run my family? How do I make my decisions?
07:14How do I make my associations? How do I make relationships? How do I bring up my child?
07:19How do I bring up my son? How do I bring up my daughter? How do I be a good husband?
07:24How do I be a good wife?
07:26God says I will give you the wisdom to do what you're supposed to do when you take the time to be in my presence
07:32And to walk accordingly as I have planned for you because i'm a god not of confusion
07:39I'm a god of clarity. I want to give you instruction my child whether it is america whether it is india
07:45Whether it is africa or even antarctica
07:47I will give you the instructions of how you need to do things where you are because I know your end even before you start
07:58Know your end even before you
08:00Said god is a god
08:01God of confusion a god of clarity and his desire for us is wherever we are
08:10Wonderfully lead us the bible says the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the
08:17Those who are led by the spirit shall be called the sons of
08:23And if you ask if you apply that definition in our normal christian life
08:29I doubt how many would qualify as
08:32the sons of
08:34Because most of our receivers are damaged
08:37It no longer receives the signal from
08:41It receives signals about god
08:44It doesn't receive signals from
08:47And the beauty is you can't live your life based on yesterday's information
08:52You have to live your life based on today's revelation
08:55I don't know if you understood what I just said. You can't believe live your life based on yesterday's
09:01Information you have to live your life based on today's revelation
09:04Let me explain there was a time when the israelites were moving very fast forward and the lord said you moved for a long time
09:12Now you stay where you are
09:15And after some time he says you stayed here for a long time now
09:19Move when they were supposed to move had they got the information to stay they would have stayed and lost what god had
09:28for them
09:29So in order to be in the rule of god, I need to know what god wants to do in my life at that particular moment
09:37Otherwise when you're supposed to move you get stuck and you stay you will lose what god has for you
09:43Do you understand what i'm saying? Don't live your life based on yesterday's information
09:48Live based on the revelation of god. Some of you say I don't care whether i'm just living go ahead
09:54There will come a point where we'll say god speak to me. Give me direction in my
10:01And gps global positioning system is a fantastic way to explain that but that's another sermon of
10:07Mind, which I don't want to preach it, but it's a beautiful example
10:10You just look at that and you don't know where you're going. You don't know where god is taking you
10:15You don't know how to go about it and the gps is all you have to show directions and suddenly your gps loses signal
10:22You are stuck. What do you do?
10:27That's the same thing happens to people who are stuck up without caring from
10:33Maybe you think okay, it's a straight road. I will keep going on there is no turn but boss
10:39Every road has a turn at some point early
10:43And when you're at the crossroads, you're confused whether do I go straight or right and god says
10:48You should have checked your gps before you started from your house
10:53Because i am the god of confusion i'm a god of
10:57And even in our day-to-day business. I've been a businessman earlier
11:01I thank god god called me into ministry because by by the age I came here to india in the us
11:07I had done almost business for 2.5 crores in india by the time I was 23
11:13At a time when they said if you have to make it big in life in india
11:17Your father should have been somebody your uncle should have been somebody your auntie should have been in the gulf
11:21Or something or you need to know a lot of people in the government to make it big in life
11:26And I said, I don't know anybody but god said i'm a father to the fatherless
11:29I have a big father a great father earth is the laws and the fullness thereof
11:33He provides for me and with that attitude when I came to the u.s
11:37I'm glad god took me back because why was that I was pursuing a business desire in my life and god knew that it's not my
11:43Destiny, but the word is a god. I know for a fact that his desire for us is to be the best in what we do
11:52And that's why he says i'm not limiting you just to the spiritual aspects of life
11:57Even in your financial life even in your businesses
12:00And the lord who gives you the wisdom to be profitable isiah chapter 48 verse 17. Somebody go do it, please
12:08Isaiah chapter 48 verse 17
12:17This is what the lord says this is what the lord says your redeemer your redeemer the holy word of israel
12:25I am the lord your god who teaches you what is best for you. Amen who directs you in the way you should go
12:32Amen, if only you had paid attention to my command. Amen
12:36Your peace would have been like a river your righteousness like the waves of the sea. Amen
12:41God says I am the lord who gives you the wisdom. I am the lord who teaches you to profit
12:47In king james version it is a blatant english. It says i am the lord who teaches you to
13:09How can I be profitable in my family as a mother as a grandmother as an in-law
13:15Everything today people are having problems because of their in-laws and everything god says whatever it is that you do in every relationship
13:23I am the lord who gives you the wisdom to be the best you can be in whatever you do
13:30And the teacher is willing to speak but the student is not willing to
13:36We are busy with our work and god says have you listened to me?
13:42Have you paid attention to me?
13:45That's the wrong thing that people are saying let me make my choice
13:50Let me make my decisions. Let me make my mistakes. Oh, that's cool, man
13:55But after nine months you made a decision and your wedding's become big and it's not just about you
14:00It's about another kid that comes into the world and you're struggling and that kid is going to struggling because you made a decision
14:08Because you thought it was so cool to make the decision
14:12And that fellow becomes a gangster
14:15Because there's no father to guide him
14:19And that's why i've been talking to some of
14:21My friends here and says in those days there was no king and every man did what was right in his eyes
14:27That was a disaster
14:29You need to have a king in your
14:32Life and that means to be god. You can't do things as you please you do that sooner or later
14:37You're like a car that doesn't have a steering wheel
14:40Yeah, you have power just wait for a while you won't crash
14:44And god says i am the one who gives you the wisdom in everything in every relationship to be profitable
14:51If you're willing to listen to me, I will speak to you because i'm not a god of confusion
14:56I'm a god of clarity. I will help you make decisions in your life. I will help you make the right decision at the right
15:05Now what we have in our hands is called the revealed will of god
15:12the revealed
15:14Will of god the written word of god is called as the revealed
15:18Will of god what god has already revealed in this he doesn't contradict
15:23It has already been
15:25Revealed and god says heaven and earth shall pass away
15:28But my word shall not pass away and whatever god has spoken in this can never be contradicted
15:36So in order for me to live a decent enough life
15:39I need to know what are the things he allows me to do
15:42What are the things he doesn't allow me to do I need to know his revealed will for me to live a proper life
15:49Now, for example, god says you should not be unequally yoked
15:54Thou shall not marry a person who doesn't
16:00And god has his reasons for saying it because even the wisest of them all solomon because he married heathen wives
16:08They took his heart away from the lord and god knows the moment you marry somebody
16:15Who doesn't have a relationship with god? It's a matter of time. Maybe your generation or your next generation
16:21They're going to go to the dogs and god says thou shall not do it
16:27Now I don't care if you fast for 40 days I don't care for if you fast for even six months god can never say yes to
16:40I'm not a politically correct fellow. So please excuse me
16:44God can never accept
16:48What he's spoken is
16:50Spoken I don't care if a prophet comes from india or kerala
17:04I have traveled to countries and i have seen people mess up
17:09Just because the sister has a big stomach they will start saying oh
17:12Sister after four or five years you've been struggling and god is going to give you a child
17:18You've not had any children in your life and god is going to bless you with wonderful boy and that sister is wondering
17:24I'm already having three kids. I've already operated myself. How is the child going to come home?
17:38For 12 years i'm a believer and i've seen all this believing
17:46God says what i've spoken
17:50I will not contemplate
17:53But there are times you cannot make decisions based on the revealed will of god alone i'll give you an example
18:03I have four girls. I'm already married by the way. Let's give you an example
18:08I have four girls which comes as a proposal for me to get married
18:14One is a girl who doesn't know the lord
18:18The other girl is a nominal christian. I am a firebrand christian
18:22I'm working on the deity field, but my heart is for the lord. God can any day call me for ministry
18:27I'm ready to go. Okay. This is who I am
18:30second girl is a nominal
18:32Girl who comes to a church along with her parents comes smiles at jesus goes back and says hi and bye to him the next
18:39The third one is a believer
18:41But who's very ambitious in life?
18:43Third one was a believer who's very ambitious in her life. She wants to have a beautiful condo
18:49She wants to live in downtown all that. She wants to ride a drive a bmw
18:54An xy y x3 whatever series whatever. Okay, all this is very ambitious and there's another girl simple girl
19:01Not that very educated god-fearing willing to do whatever the lord wants in her life
19:08Now the first two will automatically first one will be a default. No
19:12Okay, second one
19:14Compatible. No, okay. No compatibility. You can say use the device. No compatible yoga go
19:21Now between both these girls both are born again
19:24She's got some desires in her life
19:29But not necessarily god cannot work with that
19:32Okay, god can work with that this girl seems to be very simple
19:37Now based on the revealed rule of god, I can make this decision
19:40on any of one of them
19:43But I do not know what the sins store for me. I do not know where i'm going to be
19:48I do not know where our life is going to head
19:51So what do I do lord? I do not know what's going to happen after five years
19:55But god has given us wisdom he's not created us dumb, okay, he's created us in his image
20:00So everybody's got wisdom and god has given us the wisdom and based on the wisdom
20:04I make a choice this can be our job. It can be anything
20:07Okay, and based on that god-given wisdom both based on both these girls. I make a choice for this
20:16Girl who's simple who has a desire to do what the lord wants her to do because it suits my thing
20:21I just choose
20:23But then I really don't know if she's going to change
20:26How she's going to change. I don't know that. Okay people change after marriage people change after
20:32Please say amen. All of you are married
20:35All of you are married say amen
20:38Somebody said before marriage I was incomplete and then somebody said after marriage i'm finished
20:47So it really leads to I make a choice but the wisest thing to do would be saying god
20:55I like her 99%. I like her 98% but I do not know what is that you
21:01Like so what I do is god. I tell you that this is the girl I like
21:05But I don't know if she is the one who you have for me
21:09So I just laid at your feet
21:12I'll let you know what my desire is
21:15but I let you make the
21:18You decide what is
21:21I have made my choice
21:23But i'm not going to go ahead with my choice. I'm laying at your feet because you're a god who sees the end from the
21:29Beginning and I just laid at your feet. Actually, you know what i'm doing. I'm doing the garden of gethsemane prayer pattern
21:36Lord if it's possible, let this cup move away from me
21:40He makes his choice known and then he says yet not my will
21:45But your will be that when you do that the answer that comes from god
21:50You need to have the maturity to take it and most of the time we consider only a yes as an answer
21:56We never consider no as an answer
21:59But the fact of the matter is you ask for an answer and god gave you an answer a long time back
22:04but before