The Emperor's New School Doodles (Season 1)

  • 2 days ago
00:00It's time for Cusco's Doodles! That's the part of the show where yours truly draws what happens next.
00:06After Yzma left, Kronk, this is him, he... wait, no, he needs a stupider hat.
00:12Okay, that's good.
00:14Kronk, he went over to Yzma's secret ocean cabinet, and... wait, wait, boring.
00:19I mean, he danced over the cabinet like a funny monkey, and he went...
00:24Ha ha, he's a monkey.
00:27Good, now, inside the secret cabinet were a bunch of potions,
00:30but there was also junk like Yzma's hairbrush, disgusting, and some sort of ointment.
00:34Don't wanna know.
00:35Well, Kronk was so freaked out, he grabbed the first potion he saw, the wrong potion,
00:39then his pants fell down and he ran out the door.
00:42And that's what happened next, the end.
00:44It's time for Cusco's Doodles!
00:47That's the part of the show where yours truly draws what happens next.
00:51So, I pulled Bucky, then Melina pulled him, then I pulled, and Melina let go.
00:55And Bucky went, wee, out the window.
00:58Then he bounced down the hill, boink, boink, boink, ouch,
01:01and landed right in the middle of one of those road thingies.
01:04And then, just my luck, a cart filled with mangoes!
01:07Melina was all, oh no, mango cart!
01:10And I was all, I'm on it, Melina, the hottie, hot hottie.
01:14What a man, look at me go, woo-hoo!
01:17And then, well, okay.
01:20I'm stuck.
01:21It's time for Cusco's Doodles!
01:23That's the part of the show where Pacha is a comedian.
01:26Okay, this is Pacha, and he's saying,
01:28look at me, I'm Pacha, and I'm so funny.
01:31Blah, blah, blah, listen to my funny way of thinking I'm funny.
01:34Copy no likey, blah, blah.
01:35Then, kids, a magic circle formed around Pacha's feet.
01:38Oh no, it's a hole!
01:40And he fell down it, and he deserved it for not being funny.
01:43The end.
01:45Want to be a jungle survivor just like me?
01:47Cusco's Doodles has a few tips for roughing it Cusco style.
01:50Tip number one, campfires and water don't mix.
01:55Especially when that campfire is cooking dinner.
01:58Tip two, birds don't like to share their eggs.
02:01Also, birds fly a lot faster than we run.
02:05And birds are stronger than they look.
02:08Tip number three, lots of trees in the jungle look exactly the same.
02:12Which means it's really easy to get lost unless you mark your trail.
02:15Tip number four, don't mark your trail with acorns.
02:18Because some animals actually eat those things.
02:21Not ever.
02:22Tip number five, people get really mad in the jungle.
02:25Especially if you pour water on their dinner,
02:26get them attacked by a hawk, and make them hopelessly lost.
02:30It's time for Cusco's Doodles!
02:33That's the part of the show where yours truly draws what happens next.
02:36So I opened up my cart washing stand.
02:38This is it.
02:40And that's me.
02:41And that's stale bread.
02:43Next, some old guy brought in a dirty cart.
02:45He was shaped like a peanut.
02:48That's good.
02:49So Peanut Man was like, hey, you washed my cart.
02:52And I'm like, you could say please, Peanut Man.
02:54And he was all, I don't look like a peanut.
02:56And he drove off all mad.
02:58Bye bye, come again.
03:00Problem is, he did come again.
03:01And he brought all his peanut siblings.
03:03Of course, I defeated all of them with my kung fu action.
03:09Say, I wonder how Melina is doing.
03:12Let's go see.
03:13It's time for Cusco's Doodles!
03:16Don't think I can build a rock bot?
03:18Get ready to be wrong, because I'm smarter than I thought I was.
03:21After consulting Bucky Blastoff, issue number 107,
03:24I carved each rock bot piece out of solid rock.
03:28OK, it wasn't so super strong.
03:31Fortunately, moments later, I found an unusual rock formation.
03:35I added pulleys, springs, gears, and my music box.
03:38I mean, Chaka's music box.
03:39I don't have a music box.
03:40Why would I have a music box?
03:43And voila, rock bot.
03:45Now, if Melina can just stall the wood bot long enough for me to make this thing work,
03:49we'll be all set.
03:50Now it's time for Cusco's Doodles.
03:52That's the part of the show.
03:53Hey, what about me?
03:54What about you?
03:55Well, I'm helping too.
03:58Shouldn't my picture be there too?
03:59What, are you serious?
04:00But Cusco's Doodles is a recognized brand name that people know and trust.
04:04I can't change the name.
04:05Well, then I'm not going to help.
04:07OK, what if I said, with Kronk?
04:10Featuring Kronk.
04:11OK, OK, fine.
04:13Now it's time for Cusco's Doodles.
04:15Featuring Kronk.
04:16Where's my picture?
04:18OK, if we want to hang with Melina again, we got wind chimes to score.
04:21We need a plan.
04:22How about this?
04:24We tunnel under the school.
04:26Actually, you tunnel.
04:28Me, no diggy.
04:29How would we know where to tunnel exactly?
04:32And I don't look like that.
04:33Good point.
04:34And yes, you do.
04:36What if we float over the school and drop in through the air vents?
04:38And by we, I mean you.
04:40Me, no droppy.
04:42Some of those vents go to the furnace.
04:44Why are you taller than me?
04:45Because I'm standing on a box.
04:47A presence.
04:48For you.
04:50Well, thanks, pal.
04:51Hey, what if we wait until Mr. Perutu leaves his office and then just walk in?
04:56Nah, too easy.
04:57Wait, I got it.
04:59Yep, it's already time for Cusco's Doodles.
05:02That's the part of the show where I get to write my best friend paper.
05:05Well, that's easy.
05:06Melina, a.k.a. Hottie Hot Hottie, is my best friend.
05:10Of course, she's best friends with Cuksy, Curie, and Cuca, so that doesn't work.
05:14And I guess my best friend is definitely Pacha.
05:16Of course, he likes his wife, and there's his kids, and Misty.
05:20What's up with him liking the llama better than me?
05:23There's Bucky.
05:26That leaves Kronk.
05:29Maybe he could be my best friend if I gave him, like, cooler clothes and a motorcycle
05:33with a sidecar, and he had all the latest stuff.
05:36Of course, Yzma's his best friend.
05:37Go figure that one out.
05:39I mean, who'd want to be best friends with an old dinosaur like her?
05:43I'm the Yzmasaurus Rex.
05:46Wrinkliest dinosaur to ever live.
05:52She's pretty wrinkly.
05:54It's time for Cusco's Doodles, a unique showcase for my awesome artistic talents.
06:00Okay, so here's outer space.
06:01Lots of stars and stuff.
06:03And here comes the Emperor's Express.
06:05Touchdown on the sun in T minus five.
06:13Look at me, Captain First Emperor on the sun.
06:16And there was a lovely sun goddess waiting to greet me.
06:19Hello, Cusco person.
06:21Welcome to my sunny solar kingdom.
06:23Oh, good.
06:23You brought sunglasses.
06:31And now it's time for Malina's Doodles.
06:34That's the part of the show where I show Cusco what would really happen.
06:38Okay, so here's the outer space and the star stuff again.
06:41And here comes the Emperor's Express.
06:46The end.
06:48It's time for Cusco's Doodles.
06:50That's the part of the show where I show off my awesome drawing skills.
06:53So, Homework must have eaten all the food I left in the locker,
06:57because he grew into a big kitty.
06:59With big teeth, sharp teeth, and sharp claws.
07:04So, here's me before I brushed and fed and played with Homework.
07:07And here's me after I brushed and fed and played with Homework.
07:10Ouch. This definitely wasn't working out.
07:14It's time for Cousco's Doodles!
07:16That's the part of the show where I get to draw all the cool villager things I can do.
07:20This is me in humble villager clothes.
07:22I'm so cute.
07:24And look, I can sleep on a haystack.
07:26I can milk pumas.
07:27Nice kitty.
07:29I can swim in mud, and I can eat it.
07:32Are you done?
07:34Are you kidding?
07:35I can battle a fearsome chicken pig with a trident.
07:38OK, that's enough.
07:41It's already time for Cousco's Doodles!
07:43That's the part of the show where I tell you all about my fortunate fortune cookies.
07:47Like I said, I didn't really believe these things could tell the future.
07:51But it couldn't hurt to open a few more.
07:53The very next fortune I got said,
07:55Unexpected riches will come your way.
07:58And then, I found a couscoin in the llama fountain.
08:01My next fortune said, Glory awaits you on the playing field.
08:04Then, I scored a goal in gym.
08:08Right past super goalie, Kronk.
08:11Boom, boom, pshh. Boom, boom, pshh.
08:14K-U-C-C-O. Cousco, Cousco. Go, go.
08:18But it was the last fortune that really got me.
08:20It said, Big changes will come when you least expect them.
08:26It's time for Cousco's Doodles!
08:28That's the part of the show where we build a gazebo.
08:30What's a gazebo, you ask?
08:32Silly viewer, this is a gazebo.
08:35Wait, that's a gazelle.
08:37Right? Can't build an animal out of wood.
08:39OK, get this.
08:40A gazebo is just a place where old people sit and drink lemonade.
08:44How boring is that?
08:46I'd rather have built a wood animal, but not Melina.
08:48Noo, she's all,
08:50stop building lava, it's time for the next test.
08:52Guess she hates animals.
08:54Welcome to Cousco's Doodles.
08:56That's where I draw it like it is.
08:58And was. Check it out.
09:00Couscop, reporting for guard duty.
09:01Oh, just a sec.
09:02Couscop is more muscly than that.
09:05Yeah, that's good.
09:06And Couscop has one of those cop club thingies.
09:09Oh, and don't forget Couscop's vicious police dog.
09:12His name is Buzz.
09:15My eagle eyes see everything.
09:17My radar ears hear everything.
09:20And my lightning fast reflexes catch everything.
09:23Call me super wear man.
09:26So there I was guarding the mask.
09:28Don't let me sleeping fool you.
09:30I always sleep with one eye open.
09:32Boom, bam, baby.
09:33That's when it happened.
09:34He appeared.
09:36I am Viracocha, the creator, the great power above.
09:40I said, hey, you're the top guy, the main man,
09:43the big kahuna, Mr. Hot Stuff, el numero uno.
09:46And he said, yes, I am all that.
09:49So I was all, let me guess, you're here to praise me, admire me,
09:52bask in my glorious glory.
09:54And he was all, no, I have manifested myself
09:57for one reason and one reason only, the mask.
10:00And I said, hands off, Viracocha.
10:04Then he did his impression of a llama and told a funny riddle.
10:07It went, why did the god of chickens cross the road?
10:09Stop, stop, stop.
10:11That's your story, Cousco.
10:13Got up at 6.27 AM.
10:17Then I took my sponge bath, played with Chubby Ducky.
10:19His little fellow's cute, and he's yellow, and he's chubby.
10:24Then I picked out my clothes, always a tough decision.
10:27For breakfast, I had mango juice with pulp,
10:29a cheesy frittata, a low-fat mini muffin, and a biscotti.
10:34On the way to school, I said hi to the llamas.
10:36Bleepy, bleep, and bleep.
10:38I stopped to chat with Tobo and Eepy.
10:40You checkering up on us, they said.
10:42Ha-ha, those little jokesters.
10:46I saw a tricolor brush finch, 17th one this month.
10:49And three colors per finch, that's 51 colors.
10:53Speed it up.
10:54My brain, or what's left of it, is hurting.
10:58Night fell.
11:00And Molina and I showed up for guard duty.
11:02Cousco was sleeping, making funny noises.
11:04Snorty, snort, snort, snorty, snore.
11:07So, Molina and I watched the mask.
11:10And then Molina went out to her locker.
11:12I followed because that mask was creeping me out.
11:16And when we got back, the mask was gone!
11:20There's me.
11:21And Kronk, looking good.
11:24And Cousco.
11:25So, we all showed up to guard the mask.
11:27Cousco fell asleep.
11:28Whoa, hold on. That's not how I look.
11:30I am much handsomer.
11:31Cousco, what are you doing? These are my doodles.
11:34Uh, I've got an image to keep up.
11:36I'll cut right to the chase.
11:37Only a bad guy would steal a mask as rare and as valuable as this.
11:41And in our case, a bad girl, Yzma.
11:45It's preposterous.
11:47First off, there was no way I had anything to do with the theft of anything.
11:51Much less a mask.
11:52I was in my sewing room,
11:54quilting a wonderful blanket for Mama Yzma.
11:57Then I worked in my garden.
12:00The lilies were in bloom.
12:02Later, I did the spring fashion show.
12:04The theme this year was, purple is the new purple.
12:08And after a gig with my band, The E's,
12:11I spent the rest of the night feeding the poor, hungry, woodland creatures
12:15who have no home.
12:17This circle stands for Cousco.
12:19This is Melina.
12:20And this is Kronk.
12:22At approximately 1900 hours, they arrived to guard the mask.
12:26Then Cousco tried to kiss Melina, and she pushed him away.
12:28Melina left the room.
12:30Kronk split in two,
12:32which left Cousco alone with the mask.
12:34And he instantly took a trip on the old snooze train.
12:38Then he woke up when Viracocha arrived.
12:41Hola! It's time for Pacha's Doodles.
12:44That's the part where I explain what really happened.
12:47Every year, I go to the Cusconian Empire's annual Renaissance Fair
12:51and Llama Race,
12:53and every year, all my friends have really great costumes.
12:56Except for me.
12:58But with that mask, this year, I'd have the best outfit of all.
13:03Oh, gee, thanks, Pacha.
13:04It's time for Cousco's Doodles.
13:06So here's the deal. It turns out Pacha forgot to tell Mr. M
13:09about using the mask for his little dress-up party.
13:12He felt real bad, so he agreed not only to pay the late fee,
13:14but also to polish the entire Cousco Academy.
13:18Uh, Pacha, you missed a spot.
13:19Ha-ha-ha. Silly Pacha.
13:22The end.
13:25And now it's time for Kronk's Bonus Doodle Credits.
13:27That's where I, Kronk, do some bonus doodles for the credits.
13:30Hence the name.
13:31And now, meet our hard-working crew, Blady, Blay, Blayton.
13:35Ha. Actually, it's just these two who do all the hard work.
13:38And where is this fella?
13:39Well, he's what we call...
13:42the executive producer.
13:46It's time to sweat along with Cousco's Doodles.
13:49That's the part of the show where I turn Pacha's family into Team Cousco.
13:53This is the sun. Happy sun.
13:56But we had to get an early start, so we got up when the moon was still out.
14:00Neat, huh? First, I had everybody carry me up, up, up the steepest mountain.
14:04Then down, down, down. Then up, up, up. Then down, down, down.
14:06Up, down, up, down. Up, down, up, down. Up, down, up, down.
14:11Next, we did llama lifts.
14:12And one, and two, and one, and two.
14:14And look how strong I'm making you.
14:17Finally, we jumped ropes.
14:18That went really well, so I had them jump two ropes.
14:21Then three ropes.
14:24Note to Cousco, no jumpy three ropes.
14:27It's time for Cousco's Doodles.
14:29That's part of the show where I draw how much trouble I'm in.
14:32There's me, minding my business, building a snowman out of cotton balls,
14:34like a good Cousco gardener.
14:36And there's Teepo and Fury, being bad Cousco gardeners.
14:40They took my snowman and threw him out the window.
14:44Then they soaked my pillow so I couldn't enjoy story time.
14:47Then they put paste on my chair.
14:49Took an hour for me to pull free because it was extra strong paste.
14:54I can't take any more Cousco garden. I need help.
14:57And some new pants.
14:59It's time for Cousco's Doodles.
15:01That's the part of the show where I finally get Melina
15:04to agree to a date date.
15:05First, I waited for Melina outside class.
15:07Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. I look cooler in that.
15:10Awesome. OK.
15:12So then Melina came out and I'm all,
15:14hola, Melina.
15:16And she was all, no.
15:18Before I even asked anything.
15:19So then I found her at lunch.
15:22Look, even her lunchbox is hot.
15:25And I'm all, will you go out with me?
15:26And she was all, no.
15:28So then I found her in the locker room.
15:31OK, OK, that's enough.
15:32If only to stop these doodles before they go any further.
15:34OK, I'll go out with you.
15:36On an actual date date.
15:38Yes, fine, yes.
15:39But only if you promise it's not going to be all about you.
15:41But everything is about me.
15:44OK, OK, this time, not about me.
15:46How's about a picnic, Friday night, at eight?
15:49At the statue of me.
15:50It's time for Cousco's Doodles.
15:52That's the part of the show where I show you
15:54how I can outsmart Mr. Nada Empa.
15:57In this corner weighing, whatever he weighs,
16:00Mr. Nada Empa.
16:02Wait, he could use some wrestling clothes.
16:04Oh, and a mask.
16:05Ew, no, that's just wrong.
16:07Doodles aren't working out today. Let's get back to the show.
16:10It's time for Cousco's Doodles.
16:11That's the part of the show where I show you
16:13how I'm going to ask Melina to the dance.
16:15I've got a big idea.
16:17No girl would turn down a handsome guy on a horse, right?
16:20Problem is, I don't have a horse.
16:21But I do have Misty the Llama.
16:24All I have to do is shave off her extra hair, paint her white,
16:28stick one of those mane things on her,
16:30and then attach a rocket to her back, so she's a super llama extreme.
16:35Hmm, well, let's see what Kronk's up to.
16:38And now, it's time for Cousco's Doodles.
16:41That's where you get to see me totally wail
16:43on some giant guards and rescue Melina.
16:45Look, there's them.
16:46Ooh, look at me. I'm a little girly guard.
16:49Quick, seize Cousco. Don't let him get away.
16:51And I'll activate Cousco Power Chomp.
16:54Hi-ya, hi-yo, hi-yo!
16:59Then I rescued Melina.
17:00And that's exactly what happened.
