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Pk drama Be Rung full episode 49


00:00Look, after what happened today, it's decided that you and Sidra can't get married.
00:09I can't marry Sidra, but I can marry Annie.
00:16I don't accept it and I won't let it happen.
00:21Because I have one more proposal for you.
00:27I am talking about Aima.
00:32Come on mummy, you know very well that I don't have any interest in Aima.
00:40And we know who you are interested in.
00:43So what's wrong in it?
00:45It's Annie's good that she is living in this house even after so much betrayal and humiliation.
00:51If Annie marries me, then what's wrong in it?
00:54Don't taunt me again and again, Afaan.
00:57She has left this world after seeing happiness.
01:00And you know very well who was the reason for her departure.
01:06How can you blame someone else for what you have done?
01:12I have seen it very well.
01:15Afaan, I will never let you marry a widow and a mother of a child.
01:21No one in our family has ever married a widow.
01:25Do you understand?
01:27Then I will happily start breaking this tradition.
01:32Being a widow doesn't mean that their whole life should be ruined.
01:39And mummy, what kind of law is this?
01:42Our religion also allows this.
01:45Afaan, end the argument.
01:47What mummy is saying, accept it quietly. This is for your own good.
01:51Please, it would be better if you don't say this.
01:54Don't make me open my mouth for no reason.
01:58After all, what did you see in Annie that you are standing up against your family?
02:03Mummy, if you look at it from a mother's point of view, then you won't be able to understand what's in my heart.
02:11I have promised Durdana.
02:14And I have promised myself.
02:15If someone will be the companion of my life, then it will be Annie.
02:26Now tell me, when are you coming to Shafiq uncle's house to talk to me?
02:31Never. Sherry, make him understand. Otherwise I…
02:35Okay mummy. Then I will have to do something myself.
03:07Yes mummy, what happened? Is everything fine?
03:10Everything is not fine. I want to talk to you about Annie and Afaan.
03:15What is it mummy?
03:17One thing is clear that Sidra and Afaan cannot get married.
03:22Because I don't think Afaan's intentions are right.
03:25Emal, then listen to me carefully.
03:28You will get rid of Annie from Afaan's head.
03:31And that too by making him understand that he should stay away from Afaan.
03:36And don't even think about marrying him.
03:39But Annie had clearly refused that she has no interest in Afaan.
03:47That's why I had called Sidra for the proposal too.
03:50And why don't you people make Afaan understand that he should leave Annie.
03:55Are you still taking Annie's side?
03:57I am not taking her side. I am telling you the reality.
04:01The reality is that bringing Sidra's proposal was also a trick of Annie.
04:06So that Afaan can put pressure on me to marry her.
04:12Look Emal, don't tell me what I have to do and what not to do.
04:18You make your sister understand. I had told you earlier too.
04:21And even now I am warning you.
04:23But mummy, why are you people dragging me in this matter?
04:27Because you are Annie's sister.
04:30If Annie supports Afaan, then remember one thing.
04:34Whatever will happen with her, will happen.
04:37Even your marriage will not work.
04:39Did you understand?
04:46Did you see?
04:48She has threatened me like this and now you are quietly watching.
04:52It's not just a threat.
04:54She can really do this.
04:57That's why it's very important to make Annie understand.
05:00So what's my fault in all this?
05:01So what's my fault in all this?
05:03Why are you dragging me in this matter?
05:05First of all, I am fed up of the taunts of a childless woman.
05:08And on top of that these threats.
05:10What kind of justice is this?
05:12Afaan is not under your control.
05:14What's my fault in this?
05:16Is this your love?
05:18How dare you say a word in my favor?
05:22I don't even know what I have done for you.
05:25But now to control Afaan,
05:28you will have to make Annie understand that she should not take his side.
05:33And you have to make sure that Annie does not take his side and he does not take any wrong step.
05:39Don't you understand such a small thing?
05:41Even if he marries Afaan on my insistence,
05:45will you divorce me on my mother's insistence?
05:51Sheryar, answer me.
05:55Will you divorce me?
05:56Will you divorce me?
06:21I don't understand.
06:23Why are you angry?
06:24If your sister's house can be saved again,
06:28then why do you have an objection?
06:31Mom, is there less problem in the house already?
06:34Because of this act of hers, there can be more chaos in the house.
06:39You people should know that my married life can be ruined.
06:44How will this affect your relationship?
06:47Annie also behaved very well with Mehroz.
06:50She was my brother.
06:53And you all forgot all her sacrifices.
06:57Dad, it was her fate.
06:59This does not mean that she should start dreaming of living in that house again.
07:06You people should understand, please find a good proposal for her and get her married.
07:12Umar knows.
07:14You and your younger sister.
07:16This does not mean that she should start dreaming of living in that house again.
07:21You people should understand, please find a good proposal for her and get her married.
07:27I will handle Umar myself.
07:29You people just end this issue.
07:32This is the limit.
07:34Do you think your younger sister's marriage is a problem?
07:37What else should I say?
07:39Because of her, there is tension in the house.
07:42Afan neither listens to Sheryar nor to mom.
07:46And mom will never agree for this relationship.
07:48Then how can the issues end?
07:51Then why don't you make your mother-in-law understand?
07:54Is it easy to make her understand, mom?
07:57What are you saying?
07:59I told you to find a matchmaker and fix her marriage.
08:02This is all I want.
08:05Look, we will not do anything like this.
08:09If Afan wants to marry Annie,
08:12it is Annie's good luck and good fortune.
08:19In this way, Umar will not have to go anywhere else.
08:22He will stay with his mother.
08:24And we will support Annie.
08:28You make your mother-in-law understand this.
08:49Munawar, I will take you.
08:53No, I will not go with you.
08:56Munawar, you go.
09:01Munawar, what did you do?
09:05Why did you send her home?
09:07How will I go home now?
09:09I will drop you.
09:11Why don't you understand?
09:13I will not go with you.
09:15And there is no need to create a scene here.
09:16Look, Munawar has also left.
09:18And I will drop you.
09:21But let's sit in the car right now.
09:23Please. Look, it is very hot.
09:25And a scene is being created here.
09:43What is the matter?
09:44What is the matter?
09:46You are not eating anything.
09:48That is why I was not coming with you.
09:50Because I knew that
09:52there will be some stop on the way.
09:55For now, my stop has come to you.
10:01I have brought you here to talk to you peacefully.
10:06I have to talk to you about something very important.
10:10What else do you want to talk about?
10:12Whatever is happening with me
10:14and whatever has happened,
10:16the drama that has become mine,
10:18is there anything left?
10:21You are mistaken
10:23that everyone is thinking about you.
10:26It is not like that.
10:28If you think about it,
10:30everyone in the house thinks about themselves.
10:32Not about you.
10:34After what mummy did with Sidra,
10:36you should have an idea.
10:38You should think about your future,
10:41about yourself.
10:43And if not about yourself,
10:45then think about Umar.
10:47If after Umar grows up,
10:49mummy snatched you from him
10:52or made you homeless,
10:54then what will you do?
10:56That is why I am saying
10:58that the best solution to this is that…
11:10hold my hand.
11:16Annie, I promise
11:18that I will support you till my last breath.
11:21I will never leave you alone.
11:24No matter what happens.
11:39Annie, I just want to say that
11:42think about my request once.
12:02Isn't it a little late for Annie today?
12:10My daughter must be tired.
12:12She is very fond of tiring herself.
12:15She doesn't want to marry a good boy
12:17and live her life peacefully.
12:19But no,
12:21she wants to see my house ruined.
12:23God forbid,
12:25if I ever want your house to be ruined.
12:27Are you listening, mummy?
12:29In fact, are you listening to her?
12:31I don't know why she hates me so much.
12:34Emal, stop it now.
12:36It is not good to be so harsh on your sister.
12:40Why are you all creating obstacles for her?
12:43So, did she get only one son in the entire city?
12:49what are you saying?
12:51I am sorry to hear you say this.
12:54Is this how we brought you up?
12:57You are also blaming me?
12:59What happens if I want, dad?
13:01The entire house is against this relationship.
13:06What is wrong with my daughter?
13:09They are only denying that she is a widow.
13:12I don't understand.
13:14Something that I don't want,
13:16something that I don't intend to do,
13:18why are you all arguing about it?
13:20I also want to make you both understand this.
13:22But you people are not ready to understand.
13:24Afaan is very eager for this relationship.
13:27He himself came to me to talk.
13:29To talk?
13:31For God's sake dad, don't listen to him.
13:34Otherwise I will get divorced.
13:36God forbid.
13:38Why will you get divorced?
13:40Because Sheryan has told me to stop my sister.
13:42Otherwise I will divorce you.
13:46Even lovers talk about divorce.
13:49What a shame.
13:51My house is getting ruined because of you.
13:54Why don't you leave us alone?
13:56Kartik, you and Bhanna are more important to me.
13:59I don't have any status in my in-laws.
14:01Because of me?
14:03Don't forget how many favors I have done to you.
14:06That I married Mehroz to save your love.
14:11I made such a big sacrifice for your love.
14:14And you are being so ungrateful.
14:17Thank you very much for your favors.
14:20Do one more favor.
14:22Please leave Afaan alone.
14:24Do one thing, stay in this house.
14:26Otherwise Bhanna will get you married to a cripple.
14:29And I will take care of Umar myself.
14:31Emal, stop your nonsense.
14:33Do you realize what you are saying?
14:36Okay, so this is your plan.
14:40Master, all this is just an excuse.
14:43The real reason is that she wants to snatch my child from me.
14:48Look Emal, listen to me carefully.
14:52That house is mine as much as it is yours.
14:57And neither you nor anyone else can snatch my child from me.
15:01And listen to me.
15:03Who are you to decide my life?
15:06Have you ever fulfilled the right of being a sister?
15:08What have you done for me?
15:10Now I will do what I feel is right.
15:13I have heard enough of everyone.
15:15And I will also see who will separate me from my child.
15:18Who are you calling, child?
15:25Till today I was worried about what I should do.
15:29But now I have decided what I have to do and what is best for me.
15:34Did you see?
15:36Did you see? She herself wants to marry Afaan.
15:39And you people are just standing there quietly.
15:42You people are just standing there quietly.
15:44She herself wants to marry Afaan.
15:46And you people are just standing there quietly.
15:50Thank God she has taken a decision in her favor.
16:14Yes, Annie. Tell me.
16:16Afaan, where are you?
16:18Wherever you are, come to Baba's house right now.
16:25Right now?
16:27Is everything fine?
16:29Yes, everything is fine.
16:32You used to ask me when I used to sleep.
16:35I used to ask you when I used to sleep.
16:37I used to ask you when I used to sleep.
16:39I used to ask you when I used to sleep.
16:41I used to ask you when I used to sleep.
16:42I used to ask you when I used to sleep.
16:44I used to ask you when I used to sleep.
16:46Look, if you still insist on your decision,
16:51then come and talk to Baba.
17:00I don't believe it.
17:03You agreed so soon?
17:05I have some conditions.
17:08I will tell you that later.
17:09But right now, I want you to come and talk to Baba.
17:14Yes, yes. I will just come.
17:28What did you go to talk to Afaan?
17:30He will come. Listen to what you have to say to Baba.
17:33To talk to Baba?
17:35What have you decided?
17:37Annie, have you really decided?
17:41I have decided, mom.
17:43How long will I keep sacrificing for others?
17:47I have my own life.
17:50From today, I will think for myself and my children.
17:53Are you in your senses?
17:55You can't do this, Annie.
17:57I know very well that I didn't want to do this.
18:00But your selfishness made me do all this.
18:03For God's sake, Baba, stop her.
18:04My house will be ruined.
18:07Mom and Sheryar will vent out their anger on me.
18:10Baba, my relationship will break. For God's sake, Baba.
18:13They will think that I have come here to get this relationship done.
18:17I have joined hands with you people.
18:19Yes, so make them understand that you are a selfish sister.
18:23You only think about yourself, not about others.
18:26You have no interest in this either.
18:28Afaan was interested in someone else earlier,
18:30now he is interested in you.
18:32He will get fed up of you too.
18:34This is my fate.
18:36And since when did you start worrying about me?
18:38You won't listen to me.
18:40I will have to call mom and Sheryar here.
18:42What are you saying?
18:44What are you doing, Umar?
18:46Let Afaan come now.
18:48Then we will sit and talk to Fakhra.
18:51Mom, give me back my phone.
18:56You can sit here peacefully.
18:59I have kept your phone here.
19:01You will get your phone.
19:02But you will not talk to anyone.
19:05Until Afaan comes here,
19:07and we talk to him,
19:09you will not call anyone.
19:17Dear, Annie has agreed,
19:19but she has some conditions.
19:24Uncle, I accept all her conditions.
19:28The problem is,
19:29she did not even mention those conditions to us.
19:37She was saying that
19:39she wants to talk to you in private.
19:48Yes, okay.
19:50Tell me one thing,
19:52will your mom agree for this relationship?
19:57No, uncle.
19:59I know my mom.
20:01She will not agree.
20:06And Sheryar?
20:09As far as Sheryar is concerned,
20:11all of you should know that
20:13Sheryar listens to his mom.
20:17So dear, how do we proceed with the relationship
20:20when no one is ready?
20:23I think instead of getting into these matters,
20:26both of you should get me and Annie married.
20:30If both of you want.
20:35What do you mean, dear?
20:37You want both of you to get married
20:40without your family's consent?
20:44Uncle, there is no other solution.
20:47Because no one is ready for our marriage.
20:53Uncle, both of you are my elders.
20:57And you can decide for Annie's future.
21:02Marriage in this manner?
21:04You are right.
21:06I wish Sheryar and Emal
21:10would have supported us right now.
21:12Don't you know your mom's nature?
21:15But still you want to blame me and Sheryar.
21:19Because both of you
21:20are not ready.
21:22Instead of convincing them,
21:24you have teamed up with them.
21:27Firstly, this is a big problem.
21:29The people here think that I have teamed up with them.
21:32They think that I have teamed up with you.
21:34I don't know how to convince everyone.
21:37If you remember,
21:39for your marriage,
21:41Sheryar convinced mom.
21:43She wasn't ready before.
21:48I have decided, uncle.
21:53And no one can stop me now.
21:56Your decision will be taken by mom and Sheryar.
22:01Emal. Emal.
22:05So much enmity with your sister.
22:07I will get a headache thinking about it.
22:13Aunty, don't worry.
22:17We will have to decide today or tomorrow for Annie.
22:20So it is better
22:22that we don't waste too much time.
22:47Let's go.
23:04What is the problem, Durdana?
23:06Sister, I have very important work with you.
23:09Can you come home?
23:11As soon as I leave the house,
23:13you remember important work.
23:15Now tell me what work do I have?
23:17I am not an idiot.
23:19Sister, I had called people for Aima's proposal.
23:24I was thinking that if you were at home,
23:27it would have been great.
23:29What? What did you say?
23:31You are going to propose Aima in my absence?
23:34Are you out of your mind?
23:36What can I do, sister?
23:38I have talked to you many times about Aima.
23:41But you are not answering.
23:43And Afaan's intentions are in front of all of us.
23:45So I can't spend my entire life
23:48in the name of my daughter, sister.
23:51I will take care of Afaan.
23:53You just don't call anyone home.
23:56Did you hear me?
23:58Tell them not to come home.
24:00I will get Aima married myself.
24:02Forgive me, sister.
24:04The two daughters-in-law who have come to the house,
24:07it is very difficult to trust you
24:09after they have come.
24:11And anyway, they are on the way.
24:14They are going to come.
24:16I can't refuse them now.
24:21Are you refusing me?
24:23I will kill you.
24:25Just do what I am telling you.
24:28I will come home today
24:30and then I will decide
24:32whether to come or not.
24:38Come with me.
24:39You come with me.
24:50You have done a great job.
24:52The relatives are coming
24:54and aunt doesn't know about it.
24:56You are very nice.
24:58Wait and watch.
25:00They say that
25:02if the butter doesn't come out of the right finger,
25:05then you should turn it upside down.
25:09Whatever it is,
25:11I am happy.
25:14Everything will be fine.
25:16Don't worry.
25:19Let's go.
25:33Sister Fakhra, what happened?
25:34What happened?
25:36Sister Fakhra, let's go inside and talk to Itmanan.
25:39Your daughter has destroyed Itmanan.
25:42She has ruined the peace of the house.
25:47Our daughter has always shared happiness in your family.
25:51Are you rewarding her for this?
25:53She has taken such a big price for these happiness.
25:56Don't you see this?
25:58How can my son take any step against my will?
26:01Let me see.
26:07Yes, tell me.
26:08What are you doing here?
26:10I wanted to talk to Shafiq uncle.
26:14That you want to marry his daughter?
26:18What is wrong in that?
26:21When I have refused you,
26:23then why have you come here?
26:27I don't know why you are refusing,
26:30but believe me,
26:31Annie will prove to be a good daughter-in-law once again.
26:34For you.
26:35For this house.
26:38Don't punish her for being a widow.
26:41I know very well
26:42who you are talking to.
26:44When I have refused you,
26:47then why have you come here?
26:51you have to tell the reason in front of everyone.
26:56So please,
26:57come inside.
26:58Let's sit and talk.
27:02I didn't come here to sit.
27:03Then how will we talk, mom?
27:07This way, anger will not solve anything.
27:10It's enough now.
27:11Why are you forcing mom?
27:15I am not forcing mom,
27:17but a mother should understand her son's wish.
27:23The one whom you are calling a wish,
27:25do you know what relation you have with him?
27:27This girl has made you so shameless.
27:31your heart knows
27:33how much I respect relations.
27:37And everyone knows
27:39that I have respected Annie a lot.
27:44Whatever relation it was,
27:45I fulfilled it very well.
27:51Now she is Mehroz's widow
27:53and if I want to accept her with respect,
27:55then what is wrong in that?
28:01And when my religion,
28:04and everyone allows me to do this,
28:05then what is your problem?
28:07Annie's shepherd,
28:08you will go so far,
28:09I could have never imagined.
28:13And till yesterday,
28:14she was not ready for this relation.
28:15How did she agree today?
28:21This shows that
28:23she was pretending.
28:25Sister Fakhra,
28:26I will not hear a word against my daughter.
28:30It would be better if this matter
28:32is settled happily with Luby.
28:35Otherwise, if the kids take any step,
28:37then after that,
28:38you will keep crying.
28:42so you people are supporting Afaan.
28:45Afaan could never have made such a bad decision.
28:49No mom,
28:50it is not like that.
28:51Mom and dad's mind
28:52has also been spoiled by Annie.
28:54She is the root of all this.
29:00stop this nonsense.
29:03Emal is right aunty.
29:04Instead of making Annie understand,
29:05you are supporting her.
29:08When no one in our family
29:09is ready for this relation,
29:11then why are you people
29:12supporting her?
29:15Annie is our daughter,
29:17just like
29:19Emal is our daughter.
29:25And if we can get her married to you
29:27to fulfill our daughter's wish,
29:30then why can't we fulfill
29:32our second daughter's wish?
29:37She got married to Mehroz
29:38by deceit.
29:41And now,
29:42if she wants to marry Dil to Afaan,
29:45then we will not let
29:46any injustice be done to her.
29:49Where is Annie?
29:50She is inside.
29:51I want to talk to her.
29:57let's go.
30:18You have created
30:19such a big problem
30:20and you are sitting here peacefully?
30:22I thought you were very innocent,
30:24but you turned out to be very smart.
30:27You trapped my son in your trap.
30:30I wish,
30:31I wish I had not brought you home
30:32after Mehroz's death.
30:34If you want to ask anything,
30:36then go and ask your son.
30:40Whatever he is doing,
30:41he is doing it on his own will.
30:42I did not tell him anything.
30:45Your son himself
30:46wants to make this relation.
30:47I did not tell him anything.
30:49So, for no reason,
30:50he is standing in front of his mother
30:51and brother.
30:52He did all this for you.
30:55You trapped him
30:56in the trap of your beauty.
30:58Durdana was absolutely right.
31:01You will harm my family,
31:03but I did not understand.
31:06This is your biggest problem, mom.
31:09That you understand late.
31:13And me,
31:15I have understood now.
31:17But if you want to stop your son,
31:20then you can stop him.
31:22I swear to God,
31:23I did not force him.
31:27Creating this drama in front of someone else.
31:29I am explaining to you for the last time, Annie.
31:33You were living peacefully in my house.
31:36Why do you want to create problems for yourself?
31:42I do not want to talk to you
31:43about any topic.
31:46It would be better if you leave from here.
31:48Why will you talk?
31:49Afan is speaking,
31:50your tongue.
31:55you are continuously
31:56accusing my daughter.
31:58I cannot tolerate more than this.
32:00You go from here.
32:02You do not interfere between us.
32:04I am talking to my daughter-in-law.
32:08if you had considered her
32:09as a sign of your son,
32:11then you would not have
32:12troubled her so much.
32:16You would not have created obstacles
32:18between her happiness.
32:20What life did you trouble her with?
32:22She was living there
32:23with a lot of luxury and respect.
32:26She used to do whatever she wanted,
32:28as per her wish.
32:30She did not ask anything
32:31and did not say anything.
32:34My son stood in front of me
32:37and your daughter is not as innocent
32:39as you think she is.
32:41For God's sake, stop it.
32:44I am tired of listening to your accusations.
32:46If you want to talk,
32:47then go and talk to your son.
32:50How dare you
32:52talk to me in this tone?
32:56Mom, I never misbehaved with you.
32:59I never even spoke in a loud voice.
33:02But you and the rest of the family
33:04forced me so much
33:05that now I have to do this.
33:09And now I will say in front of everyone,
33:11in front of the world,
33:13that I will marry Afan.
33:20I will, I will, I will.
33:22And I will see who stops me.
33:24Get this out of your mind
33:26that you will marry Afan.
33:28Did you hear me?
33:51This girl has become extremely ill-mannered.
33:54She has misbehaved with me.
33:57She has asked me to leave the house.
34:01You want to make such a girl my daughter-in-law?
34:07she is already the daughter-in-law of that family.
34:11And the torment she is going through,
34:14she deserves to speak.
34:17if she doesn't speak now,
34:18when will she speak?
34:24stop this drama.
34:26Listen to what mom is saying
34:27and come home with us.
34:31I can't go with you.
34:33I have to talk to Annie.
34:35You can go.
34:36What do you want to talk to her about?
34:39Why are you two planning this?
34:41We are not planning anything.
34:43We just want to talk to Annie.
34:45We are not planning anything.
34:47We are just asking for our rights with love.
34:50And if you don't agree,
34:53then our decision will be decided by time.
35:01If you were in my house right now,
35:04then I would never have stopped you.
35:10explain to your in-laws
35:12to get Annie married to anyone.
35:15I will take care of my grandson myself.
35:20it won't be good for them
35:22and their daughter.
35:27Mom, wait.
35:31Did you hear that?
35:37you and uncle both listen to me.
35:39If this marriage happens,
35:42then you don't need to come back home.