[ENG] EP.13 Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture

  • 2 days ago
Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture EP 13 ENG SUB


00:23Loki transport vessel in sight prepare torpedoes
00:30There are 50 Loki approaching launch torpedoes launching torpedoes
00:44Detonation confirmed most of the Loki remain the hell are we supposed to destroy the transport vessel?
01:02Won't sit back and let you murder people
01:04The Loki invasion is spreading from coastal areas to inland regions worldwide. This is bad. Let's reevaluate our defensive lines
01:13How long can we hold out with the forces that we still have each region estimate is different
01:18But right now we're seeing that all our nightmare frames will be wiped out in three days
01:23So in other words, we don't stand a chance
01:26Unacceptable, I refuse to accept that a single man's schemes can destroy the entire world. Well on that you and I are in agreement
01:35But it's endless they keep coming one after another
01:38These damn Loki keep coming
01:41This doesn't look good. We need to defeat Norlin quickly so we can stop these things
01:46Humanity will be wiped off the face of the earth if we don't
01:51The earth is undergoing its purge
01:55How extraordinary I must savor this bliss if only for a moment
03:45All right, we'll start in 30 minutes
03:49Lady Kaguya if your statements ready, we'll deliver it in the conference room. Yes understood
04:20Happened again
04:22even now
04:24I'm still in the palm of his hands
04:36It's ash
04:45Are you okay ash ash, can you hear me?
05:06The guy is already cast the outcome can no longer be altered
05:21Are you okay?
05:23I'm all right
05:25I'm all right
05:27Is there something wrong with the Apollo if there is I can fight him in the art not a chance
05:31There's no way that I'll let you go alone because of some promise you made to my father
05:38You've done more than enough for me as my protector
05:41I want to protect you more than that. I want to protect everyone
05:47The reason I thought till now
05:50Was because I wanted to save Sakura. I
05:53Actually thought that I had the power and resolve to accomplish it
05:57However, I made mistakes with how I use this power
06:02Just having it made me conceded and it led to the loss of so many lives. I
06:09I didn't even realize that you were trying to protect me from the very beginning
06:15This time will be different I'll take full responsibility for this conflict that I started and I'll keep everyone safe
06:24Starting with you ash, let me be your protector this time
06:37See I've always
06:43I have a request. Could you place me under a kiosk again?
06:50What how could you Arnold removed the one that you originally had on me, but you can give me another one can't you
06:57Maybe I
07:00Suppose it might be possible
07:02But I honestly don't want to use my kiosk on you ever again
07:06Not if it means using it to manipulate you that's what we need right now
07:11It's Norland you can't beat him alone and me I couldn't do it on my own either
07:19And there's Nicole and Jugo, I wasn't able to protect either of them
07:29I'm like you
07:31What I want is to become someone who can protect others
07:36If I have to lose myself to do it, I have that resolve
07:41And you if you have the resolve to bring this battle to an end then shoulder that burden
07:47And so you want me to place another kiosk on you I
07:52It overrides everything your intentions what you believe my kiosk can even alter all your memories
07:59Are you real? I don't care
08:01If I go through with this you could be completely changed. You might never be the same ash Phoenix again
08:08That doesn't matter
08:12You'd carry the curse of my kiosk your whole life no
08:17It's not a curse
08:21This is a vow
08:24I'll bear your responsibilities too in return. I want you to shoulder the weight of my resolve
08:31Sakuya Sumeragi will you fight with me to the very end?
08:49Sakuya Sumeragi command you from this moment on act as my knight ash Phoenix
08:54You will fight at my side against Norland and you must prevail at any cost
08:59to protect the entire world
09:12I shall yes, your majesty
09:20Currently we are facing a threat unlike anything we have ever seen before
09:25So far thousands if not hundreds of thousands have already fallen victim
09:30Therefore the United Federation of Nations has an obligation to put a stop to this
09:36The weapons that are swarming across the world and attacking civilians are called Loki
09:41The mastermind behind their production and the sole individual control of them is Norland von Luneborg
09:48There is only one known way to end this
09:51We must destroy Norland's nightmare fray the foul battle as they are all connected and synchronized to it
09:58The plan to oppose Norland is presently underway. I
10:02Must ask that you all do your best to stay alive out there until we can see this battle finish
10:08Energy transfer from the Artemis complete understood rebooting now
10:21Reboot successful docking now understood engage
10:52Your presence here means you've learned nothing
11:05Ash switch comms to private mode understood
11:10Mode change complete the foul bout is equipped with the same system as the Satu pay barrier, right?
11:15It is and it has at least 10 firing ports
11:21We'll have to confirm how many it has first. There's a pattern to my movements that Norlin can predict
11:26All right, and I'll set a course just move along that path
11:33I'm granting you full control of the artigia
11:36I've got it until we get the data navigate as required Roger
11:49Next right
11:53Is there a different pilot in the cockpit
11:56No, I recognize the rhythm of ashes movements
12:00Perhaps he's being assisted by a navigator
12:05I've got the data you can fall back for now understood
12:09There are 14 firing ports in all it doesn't seem like there are any blind spots
12:14It looks like you can only fire in two directions at one time
12:17Then that means we should be able to dodge them no matter where we are
12:20The problem is that the weapons we have on hand can't deal any damage unless we get close
12:25This time should we test out how close we can get sounds good navigate Roger
12:44Are you all right? Sakuya Sakuya? Are you okay? Sakuya?
12:54I'm sorry. I blacked out
13:11He's terrifying
13:14I don't think we'll be able to do this. Don't say that we are not going to lose
13:21What did we just learn
13:23The foul belts response time to our movements is incredibly fast
13:26Either that machines performance is off the charts or he's somehow able to control the nightmare frames reaction
13:33Whichever it is. We'll just have to respond even faster hang on
13:38Maybe we can create an opening for an attack on our end if we suppress the flow of information into the foul about
13:44Possibly based on standard sakura diet calculations
13:47It shouldn't be able to keep shooting at us after 60 seconds of continuous fire, which means we can engage in close combat
13:55Switching the artesian to Magista C mode
14:05Looks like they're up to something
14:12Unnecessary understood
14:15Give me navigation and countdown in 10-second increments Roger that
14:19This is it
14:22Countdown in three seconds to one
15:32What's the train of fire
15:4150% good. We've got to be checking now
15:54The suicide attack how foolish
16:04Oh faint
16:55It's over did we do it did we really defeat Norland? Yeah
17:14If we keep sharing energy
17:16We won't be able to make it back to the surface and you still have so much to do
17:21But Norland had a big ego
17:23I'm sure he had things set up to erase any trace of failure
17:28If you ended up getting dragged into that I wouldn't be able to stand it that means it'll be fine
17:35This is for the best
17:43Right now I really understand how to go felt
17:49My death isn't something that scares me
17:53It's the thought that I'll never see you again that hurts it really
18:41Try not to wander off too far
18:45Excuse me, huh? If you guys wouldn't happen to have a job opening here, would you uh, why don't we discuss it?
18:53All right
19:00It's been several months now since the horrifying incident that devastated humanity
19:05After all the damage left by the Loki the world continues to recover
19:09We must not forget that it was a pair of mercenaries who preserved this tomorrow for us at the same time
19:16we must always be certain to cherish the peace and harmony that we now enjoy and
19:21Today as a symbol of that continued peace
19:24The Hokkaido block has a new status as a special autonomous region and it will be under the jurisdiction of the UFM
19:32Sakuya Sumuragi has been this signals the tentative end of the post-war settlement maybe from a political perspective
19:40And once again, we're stuck with the task of cleaning up the entire world
19:44We are the Black Knights that is unfortunately part of our role. It sure is
19:54Reporting as of today, I've been reassigned to my original unit
19:58Well done. Welcome back
20:01And who are you?
20:03Yuri, Sano, sir, formerly of the seven shining stars. I was in charge of maintenance and I hope to join the Black Knights
20:12You hear I'm glad Sano was able to transfer to the Black Knights
20:16Yeah, there's not much need for a resistance force from the world's at peace makes me wonder what the rest of us ought to
20:21Do now anything we want I guess you're right. Well, whatever we do today, we're gonna get wasted
20:28Don't expect me to be your babysitter. I'm underage. So I think I'll pass
20:35Shall we go? Yeah
20:39So, what did you end up saying to your mother
20:43I'm keeping that a secret for now
20:46But did you find yourself a fella seriously dad no one uses the word fella anymore, oh they don't
20:56Today the first empress of the new special autonomous region Sakuya
21:00Sumeragi according to the announcement Empress Sakuya Sumeragi May Britannia's address is scheduled for tonight at 7 p.m
21:17To seal away the power of the kiosk for the rest of your life. You will no longer be able to speak
21:30This is my result and for Sakuya time to go
22:02The strength of wisdom comes from you
22:46With your eyes, deep inside of me like a shining light
22:53明日に煌く歌を With everything I see
22:59Never ending melodies Inside this planet I can hear
23:10光に変わるの Hikari ni kawaru no
23:17君を瞬きで見てたのは Kimi wo mabataki de miteta no wa
23:20私が今も見つめる今日は Watashi ga ima mo mitsumeru kyou wa
23:23この胸焦がせかなりの正体は Kono mune kogase kanari no shoudai wa
23:26A love forever
23:33Can I top off your coffee?
23:36Oh, look at that! They're inseparable from you, aren't they?
23:41So cute! It's like you're all one big happy family
23:52An irreplaceable family that he left behind for me
23:57We're all doing well, Ash
