Has NASA has been faking going to outer space, well WATCH...

  • last week
BREVARD County Speaker Justin Harvey Puts NASA in the hot seat.
00:00Mr. Justin Harvey good afternoon commissioners you just state your name
00:21for me and your my name is Justin Harvey I live at 103 South Osceola Orlando 32801
00:26good afternoon commissioners today I'd like to bring to your attention a
00:30potential fraud on an enormous scale happening in your county there's now
00:33clear evidence of NASA using numerous methods to grossly mislead the public
00:37about astronauts being on the International Space Station during
00:41interior ISS scenes from NASA's own live feed the use of wires harnesses green
00:46screens and virtual reality have been detected to achieve the appearance of a
00:50weightless environment examples of this include astronauts fading in and out of
00:54the screen green screen glitches grabbing objects that aren't really
00:58there pulling on invisible wires getting tangled in their harnesses and even
01:03astronauts appearing out of thin air this begs the obvious question if
01:07they're really up there why are they using Hollywood techniques to fake the
01:10footage now unfortunately I can't show you these clips in here today but I will
01:14be sending them to you moving on during outside or outside the International
01:18Space Station during spacewalks air bubbles have been recorded on numerous
01:21occasions how is it possible for air bubbles to be present in the vacuum of
01:25space I once questioned astronaut Scott Kelly about this phenomenon his body
01:30language and answers only created more questions in 2013 astronaut Luca
01:34Parmitano nearly drowned during a spacewalk when his helmet filled with
01:38water this happened again just last year air bubbles helmets filling with water
01:44and drowning are they in space or are they underwater now what's really
01:48interesting is that they train for spacewalks in an underwater pool with a
01:51complete ISS replica now surely they aren't filming these spacewalks in an
01:56underwater pool and then editing them to appear if they're in space because that
02:00sure would be something wouldn't it I'm calling on the Brevard County
02:03Commissioners to open a full investigation into NASA's fraudulent
02:06practices and use of taxpayer dollars it cost NASA three billion dollars per year
02:11to operate the ISS and if they don't have a darn good explanation as to why
02:14they're faking these videos I and the public would like a darn good
02:17explanation as to where our tax money is going and if they are indeed faking
02:21the funk it is our duty to expose and eliminate this fraudulent and
02:25astronomically wasteful ISS program and look I know what you're all thinking
02:30the NASA is part of the federal government and you're just County
02:33Commissioners even if what I'm saying is true what can you do but let me remind
02:38you not only is this happening in your county as public officials you have the
02:42platform and the ability to make a statement or hold a press conference
02:46alerting the public state and federal authorities to investigate further you
02:51have the power to start the conversation video evidence of
02:54everything I described today will be emailed to you all and I truly hope we
02:57can get to the bottom of this I look forward to the day that three billion
03:00dollar annual budget is put towards our veterans our homeless maybe some of that
03:05mental health stuff the young lady just spoke about and the revitalization of
03:09Brevard County thank you for your time today and I'll be happy to answer any
03:12questions you may have thank you sir
