Hijo del Pantera, Star Black, Volcano vs Akuma, Felino Jr., Kráneo

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CMLL on TV Mexiquense: 2024-09-05
taped 2024-08-25 @ Arena México
2) Hijo del Pantera, Star Black, Volcano vs Akuma, Felino Jr., Kráneo
mID: 578247--


00:00Ladies and gentlemen, friends and fans, welcome to this stage, the monumental Arena México.
00:11We immediately have an Australian renewal with two falls of three and a time limit.
00:16In a corner of Irastiacasas, the injured junior, the powerful skull appears.
00:21And in this same rough corner, the presence of Akuma to face a fighter who is writing his own story.
00:30The son of the Panther, Volcano, with all his humanity.
00:35And the national champion in full weight, Star Black.
00:40An Australian renewal from Arena México.
00:43Ladies and gentlemen, ladies say with permission, fingers forward.
00:56Let's go to the important, this fight of Australians.
00:58Of many tons, of experience, of youth.
01:02And here we go.
01:04A hug for Gal Fraternal to all of Mexico, from coast to coast, from border to border.
01:08The people give him a shot, thank you very much.
01:11Through the World Wrestling Council, two felines appear.
01:15There it is.
01:16Both felines junior, facing the son of the Panther.
01:19He showed great qualities with his father here.
01:22He sat well in Arena México and here he is back.
01:25An element that has great aptitudes to be a great professional.
01:29If you don't see it, think about it.
01:31He grabs his waist.
01:33He grabs his wrist.
01:34What does he do?
01:35He grabs his wrist by the junior feline.
01:37Punishing him solidly.
01:38The rag and the cry of the hand of his opponent, the son of the Panther.
01:42Keys against keys.
01:43The referee appears.
01:44It's the Infante team.
01:45The action of the first fall.
01:47A very good entrance.
01:48A fairly familiar environment.
01:50And in a spectacular way.
01:52He does four in the arm that the junior feline does.
01:56He passes over the son of the Panther.
01:59Behind the canvas.
02:00As it has to be.
02:01Elements of keys against keys.
02:05Look at the lever that the junior feline is now exercising over the son of the Panther.
02:09His father.
02:10What a great arm.
02:11Also very well known.
02:12A master in all of Mexico.
02:14Look at him.
02:15There he is surfing.
02:16On the beaches of California.
02:18From Bish.
02:19There where he goes to sunbathe from time to time.
02:22Julio Cesar Rivera.
02:23A couple of presentations.
02:24Yes, Juan Carlos.
02:25With a couple of presentations.
02:26The son of the Panther in the World Wrestling Council.
02:28Well, it has fallen to the taste of the public.
02:31And to see this confrontation of the son of the Panther against the junior feline is to go back in time.
02:38Travel in time.
02:39Without a doubt for the feline.
02:41One of the most dangerous rivals.
02:43With whom he could never reach that confrontation of masks against masks.
02:48On the way he left the cyclone Ramirez.
02:50He left the justice.
02:51But never Miguel Inárez.
02:53We could see that confrontation of the Panther against the feline.
02:57The feline.
02:58It was a classic of the small weights.
03:58He prefers to stay at a distance.
04:00The injured junior.
04:02Well, to their respective corners.
04:05Let's see now.
04:06What comes in.
04:08The injured junior there receiving.
04:11Babucheos and also some applause.
04:13The public divided.
04:14It's Akuma.
04:15And Star Black appears.
04:18National weight champion.
04:20In front of another complete weight.
04:22How is Akuma.
04:23You see.
04:24He's shaking him, Julio.
04:26It's the agility of Star Black.
04:28Ladies and gentlemen.
04:29A complete weight in the whole extension of the word.
04:31But with an impressive spring.
04:34Facing Akuma.
04:36The man of the beast mode activated.
04:39Surrounding already with the great figures.
04:42A young man who started from below.
04:44Who had that great gallop to lose the mask in this same scenario.
04:47But now he walks that no one believes.
04:49Facing the complete national monarch.
04:52A title with all the history of the world.
04:54Juan Carlos Castellanos.
04:55The best big weights have had that belt.
04:58Yes sir.
04:59And what is current now is subdued.
05:01Star Black.
05:02In front of Akuma.
05:03What a rude.
05:05He maintains a formidable physique.
05:08It must be recognized.
05:09A great professional job of putting the irons.
05:12We see who takes the best part.
05:13A hunter.
05:14He puts his arm to hook.
05:15Star Black.
05:16The monarch of Mexico.
05:17Complete weight.
05:18He takes the ropes.
05:19Star Black.
05:20And despite the tonnage.
05:21He has that agility.
05:22Which is very important.
05:24He is not divorced.
05:25Agility with the tonnage.
05:26And to talk about this.
05:27More than who.
05:28Of course.
05:29The volcano that appears.
05:30Here is Volcano.
05:31To face his arch rival.
05:33All that is called skull.
05:36And of course.
05:37Come on.
05:38Before you go to school.
05:39Before you go to school.
05:40Come on.
05:41He has his little star in front.
05:42He passed excellently well.
05:43The material of plasticine.
05:44Two of sticks.
05:45And although he goes to the night.
05:46José Rivera.
05:47He always has ten.
05:49But it's good that the holidays are over.
05:50It gives me a lot of pleasure.
05:51To the fight.
05:52To the fight.
05:53Let's go to this punishment.
05:54What are you doing.
05:56Volcano humanity.
05:57140 kilograms.
05:58Against 142 and a half.
05:59That is loaded.
06:04Palms of the infant tiger.
06:05Not the third.
06:06We are in action.
06:07Of the first fall.
06:08Much enjoyed.
06:09To fight two out of three.
06:10And does not put time.
06:11Back touch.
06:12On skull.
06:13And he is going.
06:14He is going.
06:15He is going.
06:16He is going.
06:18He is going.
06:19He is going.
06:21Is in place.
06:23How many times
06:24how many times.
06:25I laugh at yours.
06:28No one's pain.
06:31Longer target.
06:37It's out, Volcano, Felino chasing Pantera, and Akuma, who's in charge of Star Black.
06:44Look at this, towards the metal barrier, there's Angelino Judo punishing the son of Pantera.
06:50Actions by Boquier, and now projecting him there, precisely from that barrier.
06:56Torment for the technicians, this confrontation, and this first fall,
07:01towards the corner, in a non-projected agonizing way.
07:05Star Black comes to Akuma, look at this, with the forearm punishing, and there's Angelino.
07:14Tied up, accurate, from Perkins now.
07:18And Cranio prepares, here he comes, with all his humanity, and when I say all, it's all.
07:26Absolutely all his humanity, the powerful Cranio.
07:30Funeral, dangerous, mysterious, they're bringing down the son of Pantera.
07:37We were saying, few participations in the World Wrestling Council,
07:41but he has shown the caste of his father.
07:44One of the best young fighters in the 90s, international,
07:51many trips to Japan by his father, a figure in the state of Mexico.
07:58Let's see if this young man can continue with this legend,
08:01as soon as they take him to the ropes.
08:03Three against one, there they have the Pantera's son,
08:06Cranio is looking at him, he receives him as if he collided with a wall,
08:09and that's how he crushes him, ladies and gentlemen.
08:12If you wanted a calcomania of the Pantera's son, there's Cranio courtesy,
08:16looking for the touch of his universal back, there's Felino Junior,
08:21and the Pantera's son is out of circulation, Juan Carlos.
08:25One out of the ring, catching Volcano.
08:27Giant Volcano, a hug to all the firefighters,
08:31and firefighters have to get him out of the world.
08:33What a job they do.
08:34Akuma doing his thing, look at that.
08:36Akuma deserves a chance at a championship,
08:38surely soon he will have it for the rest.
08:41You have to work your Volcano, to the lemon, see, with that blow.
08:46Come on, son.
08:47I already bought you your launcher, your compass.
08:50What shouldn't I do at school?
08:52No, no, no, let's go, there it is,
08:54the cherry on the cake, two, three blows.
08:57Volcano wins with them, the first fall ends, victory.
09:00For them, Los Rudos, Felino Junior, Cranio Akuma,
09:04the first one is from Los Rudos,
09:06he will come on the way to the second, and of course, with my son.
09:09Fans of the World Council, happy,
09:12although a little scientific, breastfeeding, as we see here.
09:15Let's go to the magic of repetition, ladies and gentlemen,
09:18colliding with a wall, there's the Pantera's son,
09:22he was crushed, literally,
09:24and if it hadn't been enough, he was still there.
09:29Felino Junior to take him to the back touch,
09:32ladies and gentlemen, in this way the story was written,
09:34and then two would come to lift Volcano,
09:38and Cranio would come there, with his add-on, Mige,
09:41who at this point should already be in class.
09:45And for a double match, in the morning and in the afternoon,
09:48I don't know what Mige is doing here.
09:58Well, friends, we are already in this second fall.
10:02Listen to the voice of the monster, my head is waking up,
10:06in this second fall, friends of the World Council.
10:08Let's see what happens, the first was for the third from Rudos,
10:11catching Volcano, well, he intervenes on Karama,
10:14and he has his head down, hitting Cranio on Volcano,
10:17three against one, look at that,
10:19What a kick from Volcano, an excellent fighter despite the weight.
10:23He spoiled many little boys and girls, fans of the World Wrestling Council.
10:27Diagonal transport to Volcano, here comes Felino Junior, and punishes, shoots, and connects with that rotating kick.
10:34Amodo asks for it, front kick from Mordevez, activated, what a curve, what a strength, lifting 140 kilograms.
10:42And this hook that makes you a little dizzy, here comes Claudio.
10:46What a punch from Miquel on Volcano.
11:17A slap there on Volcano, fans, on the ropes for Felino to come with that kick.
11:24There on Volcano's head, the rough guys are now the ones who command, and nothing else.
11:32Followed by that full domain, they will take Volcano to the corner diagonally so that Cuba comes.
11:39But just there, just in time, the kicks from Volcano, then with the forearm, he already took out Antonio and Felino, but Akuma appeared.
11:51And the speed has to come there, the spectacularity of El Hijo del Pantera, and he's going to throw himself on that back, turning forward.
12:01Out of the box actions, but also, and Akuma, and Star Black looking for the corner, top in reverse.
12:13A series of tops there to leave him with a clear back, but you, Akuma is the captain, here he is finishing the fall.
12:20Friends, fans, the battle is evened out.
12:25Retraction, here is Hijo del Pantera on top without touching the upper rope.
12:30He throws a backhand on Junior, we leave the captains face to face, front to front, how he climbs, how he climbs, and how he projects with that top in reverse, with his seal too.
12:39Star Black, and then there, the headbutts, I am the captain of the opposite corner, I have submitted, mobilized, three blows, scientific victory on the way, the last, the third fall.
12:52Here we are in this, which is the third fall, summit moment, definitive moment of this fight.
12:57For now, here is Akuma, facing Volcano.
13:00Back to the ropes, what a projection, crossing there, oriental movement, and then holding Volcano there, so that Janio comes, who prepares.
13:17Well, the impact was taken by his own partner, good of Mastodon, which is this, outwards to Clario, and the feline that comes from the back to hit Volcano, better not even put yourself, there is Volcano.
13:33Well, yes, like a cute kitten, and then, the elbow, dropping his vanity, a guillotine, and with that he has Juan Carlos, what else does he want?
13:48Let's see if it's true, no, no, yes, what else does the feline want, like a cute kitten, he comes out, look at what Volcano does, with meaning, many little ones and little ones of advice in the background.
14:00He walks very deep, very calm, there Carano takes his time, his breath to enter, let's see who he faces, he agrees with Akuma, he goes, I go, I go, I go.
14:10Finally, the feline that comes with Akuma, facing the son of International Pantera, the son of Pantera says, well, he's a little one, he's making fun of Julio, what is he doing now, Akuma?
14:21And so he responds with a Sarpaso, the Pantera, let's see what happens with Pantera, but yes, gentlemen, he puts agility to the purest style of his father, he inherited that speed and combined with the technique.
14:35This is how he presents himself in the World Council, Felino Junior appears, what can become Miguel Linares in a young classic, with this rivalry already reported in the late 80s, early 90s.
14:48Well, there we have them, front to front, the son of Pantera comes, he throws himself on that back to the front and now.
14:58The headbutt, the headbutt, and then the iron on the fly, a breaker for Felino Junior, who comes out of the corner, but he doesn't want to know anything about the son of Pantera.
15:11You will see him fly, and there he is, precisely, showing his claws, the son of Pantera, and now it's Star Black to face Akranio, there we have them, front to front, Junior.
15:24And front to front, the national heavyweight champion, Star Black on Akranio, let's see, here you also have to take into account the twisted long tail by Akranio.
15:34He wants to connect to the ropes, he takes Star Black, Star Black has tremendous agility, we have already seen it, he attacks from behind with these flying kicks on Akranio.
15:44Felino Junior appears, facing the monarch of all weights, let's see if Felino Junior comes out well balanced against a man who outweighs him in weight in height.
15:54Taking out Felino Junior, be careful Star Black, because you already have, like this, in front of you, neither more nor less than Akuma.
16:02The feints by Star Black, a screw on the beast mode man activated, let's see if it's enough.
16:09These men have already faced each other, even in the title duel in Peru 77 in Arena Coliseo.
16:14Top in reverse, Star Black threatens to fly, he takes impulse, Star Black, he's going to fly, he's going to fly, he's going to fly!
16:20With everything on Akuma, what a way to project himself, Juan Carlos Castellanos.
16:25Spectacular, ladies and gentlemen, the two mastodons, face to face, Akranio, Volcano, this is crazy.
16:32Look at the power, take the hook, he's covering him, he's charging one, only one palm, Felino Junior appears.
16:40And also the fantastic presence, son of Pantera, Volcano comes, it happens, look at this, take it, ironing, incredible.
16:483, 2, a slap, it ends in more than a return, what a confident victory of the son of Pantera, Volcano and Star Black.
16:57This story has already been written, ladies and gentlemen, and it was in favor of the technicians, but also the happiness that is lived.
17:05With the best wrestling in the world, of course, proudly Mexican and with the seal of the World Council.
17:13Family reunion in the Mexico Cathedral.
17:16Let's go to this, to the reconstruction of the facts, El Bortal to the front.
17:21The son of Pantera had shot, and what do they tell me, Star Black with this back on Akuma.
17:28And then the hook from Volcano on Akranio.
17:33Felino was wrong, there was Mercedes there, the son of Pantera who came with this iron,
17:38also supported by this iron of Volcano.
17:45The third blow arrived and with this the triumph of the technicians in the monumental Arena Mexico.
