Mechamato - Social Media Ninja | Season 1 | Episode 6 | Hindi

  • 2 days ago
Videos of people in embarrassing situations are appearing on social media, and Amato has to find out who is behind it. Amato finds out it is the work of Ninjamera, a stealthy bad robot who likes to record them during their most embarrassing moments.
00:00I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:07I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:09I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:11I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:13I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:15I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:17I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:19I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:21I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:23I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:26Whatever I think, I do,
00:29The world is mine, Mecha Macho!
00:32No matter what happens, we'll be together,
00:35No matter how difficult the situation is,
00:38Come on, let's go!
00:40I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:43I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:45I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:47I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:49I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:51I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
00:53I'm a hero, Mecha Macho!
01:17Now the road is clear.
01:30What's going on?
01:47Where's Mechabot?
01:49He was supposed to meet us here.
01:52There he is.
01:57What's he doing with them?
01:59We'll meet again, Mechabot.
02:01Thanks for the advice.
02:03Sorry, I got a little late.
02:05I got lost talking to my friends.
02:08You know who those guys are, right?
02:10Yeah, I know.
02:11They're Billa and Billy.
02:13School bullies, what else?
02:15If you know all that, why did you befriend them?
02:17But, what's the problem?
02:19They're not bullying me.
02:21So, I don't have to worry about them.
02:23So, what did you tell them?
02:25Hey, P.N.
02:26You don't have to tell everything.
02:28There's a secret.
02:30That's a secret, huh?
02:34I told them to tease P.N.
02:35He's Mala Mal.
02:36Your Mala Mal will be weak.
02:38You said that?
02:39I also told them to tease him
02:41when Amaru isn't around.
02:43Especially when I'm not around.
02:47So, you gave them this advice, huh?
02:52I don't know what I just said.
03:10Oh, no!
03:30You don't have to follow me.
03:32I'm going to Amato's house.
03:34I'll be back before evening.
03:40I didn't know you were coming to my house, P.N.
03:42My mom isn't at home today.
03:44And my dad is always busy with work.
03:48It's okay, P.N.
03:49You can come to my house whenever you want.
03:52Will you come with me to Mr. Gobi's shop?
03:54I have to buy some stuff.
03:57That's a good plan.
03:58Come, P.N.
04:16Mr. Gobi?
04:18He's usually here.
04:20But there's no one here.
04:23Did you hear that too?
04:31What's going on?
04:33When I was packing my stuff,
04:35my ladder broke.
04:37And I've been stuck here since then.
04:39Are you okay?
04:42My head hurts.
04:45You have a head injury.
04:46But how did you keep falling up and down?
04:49I don't know.
04:50I was just packing my stuff.
04:53My ladder broke.
04:55After that, I just kept falling down.
04:59This will hurt a little, Mr. Gobi.
05:03Thank you, P.N.
05:04You're welcome.
05:06Thank you, Mr. Gobi.
05:08Thank you, dear.
05:10This bandage costs $5.20.
05:15But we're helping you.
05:17Business is business, dear.
05:23I think I've seen this before.
05:26What is this?
05:27Tell me.
05:28I think this is a weapon.
05:30Ninja Mera.
05:31Ninja Mera?
05:34Do you have any information on Ninja Mera?
05:38Ninja Mera.
05:39A bad robot number 107.
05:41He's good at sneaking in,
05:44and trapping his prey in an infernet loop.
05:49Then this is Ninja Mera.
05:51Ninja Mera makes videos of his prey and uploads them.
05:54And he insults him.
05:56Uploads videos?
06:01Look, P.N.
06:02He has uploaded so many videos.
06:05That's Mrs. Biba.
06:07Look, she's outside.
06:11Mrs. Biba!
06:17Go help them.
06:19Upload the tracker data.
06:23Come out.
06:25How long will you hide?
06:27You're caught, Ninja Mera.
06:30Where are you running off to?
06:33Oh, yes!
06:52You can see me well.
06:54You can't escape from me.
07:02I surrender.
07:05Where did he go?
07:12You think you can hide from me?
07:15But I...
07:16Caught you again!
07:21Oh, no!
07:22He's not here.
07:41If you want to throw boxes,
07:43then use my abilities.
07:45Yes, of course.
07:46I forgot.
07:54What's this?
07:55What is this?
08:01Megabot, Mechanize!
08:21You are done for!
08:24What is this?
08:41When will this end?
08:44Amato, you are here?
08:46Help me!
08:48Amato, are you okay?
08:51We looked for you everywhere.
08:54I'm fine, but Ninja Mera ran away.
08:58Does anyone here care about me?
09:02Oh, so you're still on?
09:09He's not within radar range.
09:12To track Ninja Mera, you'll have to get close to where he is.
09:15We have to find Ninja Mera, or he'll get more victims.
09:20Oh no, he has uploaded more videos.
09:23And he's getting more likes.
09:26He'll become even more famous.
09:28We helped everyone we could.
09:31But as long as Ninja Mera is free, he'll make more victims.
09:35We have to find a way to catch him.
09:46If mom won't let me read comics at home, I'll read them outside.
09:51No problem.
09:57This comic is really good.
10:00Do you know what would be better than this?
10:03No, give it back.
10:05At least let me finish it.
10:07You shouldn't waste your time reading comics.
10:10Focus on your studies.
10:12Who told you that?
10:13Who told you that?
10:15Why wouldn't we know?
10:18We're Billa and Billy.
10:20And we know everything.
10:23Yes, that's true, Billa.
10:26My performance in the exam was really bad.
10:29It's good that you're thinking about your mistakes.
10:32You should think about your future.
10:51I'll give you the comic after three days.
10:54Note it down in my diary, Billy.
11:09What's this new problem?
11:28He was right.
11:30This comic is really good.
12:11According to the videos uploaded,
12:13Ninja Mera has hunted people here.
12:18A lamp?
12:24What a great video!
12:26What are you saying?
12:28I'm saying funny.
12:30Wait, this is our playground.
12:31This is our playground.
12:41Amato, tell me when the videos will be uploaded.
12:44Hurry up.
12:46At 7 a.m., a girl choked on a drink.
12:49At 1 a.m., a man fell to the ground.
12:52Look, did you understand?
12:57Yes, we understood.
12:59This is Batak's head.
13:01Batak's head?
13:03Are you out of your mind?
13:05Yes, he has a face from here to here.
13:08And this is his head.
13:12I don't think so.
13:15Please pay attention, friends.
13:17This is Ninja Mera's way.
13:19If we track his attacks,
13:21I think his next attack will be here.
13:24Don't say that you can't see.
13:27I can see.
13:29This is Batak's upside down head.
13:31Isn't it?
13:36Did you hear what I said?
13:39Yes, we heard.
13:41Ninja Mera's next attack will be here.
13:43We have to do something.
13:45Let's go, friends.
13:50I swear, brother.
13:52What a great video!
13:54I don't know how I became their friend.
14:14Piyan, do something.
14:16Do it, Piyan.
14:19Do it or I'll break it.
14:31Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.
14:34Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.
14:36Okay, I think this insult is enough.
14:38Now we just have to wait.
14:41Quack, quack, quack.
14:45Where is he?
14:47Quack, quack, quack.
14:51Hey, come in front of me.
14:56Hey, do one thing.
14:58Jump into it.
14:59Jump into the fountain?
15:01Are you out of your mind?
15:03Hey, you know he won't do that.
15:05He's a coward.
15:07Hey, I can't swim.
15:09Do you remember?
15:11His water is not even one feet deep.
15:13I'm not going to jump.
15:21What's this?
15:23Are you sleeping?
15:25Wake up, Mecha.
15:27MechaBot, Mechanize.
15:29Why is the tire in your hand?
15:31I don't feel good.
15:39Wow, this is fun.
15:42Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.
15:45You're having fun, right?
15:47Wait, I'll make you have more fun.
15:52Please walk slowly, MechaBot.
15:59How did you like it?
16:01He did the right thing.
16:03Amato, he's here.
16:25Won't you welcome us?
16:30Quack, quack, quack, quack.
16:36Oh no, I'm done for.
16:38MechaBot, come quickly.
16:45What's this?
16:47Why are you still mechanized with the tire?
16:49Because you didn't un-mechanize me.
16:51Get away from me.
16:53As you wish.
16:55This tire is stuck.
17:02There's no time left.
17:04MechaBot, Mechanize.
17:10Here comes MechaMato.
17:24Or should I say, MechaMoto.
17:35This is all your fault.
17:37You give the orders and it's my fault.
17:50This fat stomach isn't that bad.
17:52Come and fight him.
17:55Ha ha ha.
18:05Ha ha ha.
18:07Amato, you're awesome.
18:09Now try and hit me.
18:13Oh no, my stomach.
18:15You should have dodged that.
18:25Ha ha ha.
18:38Are you going to keep dodging or do something else?
18:41What else can I do?
18:43You told me to dodge.
18:48You hit me?
18:50Why did you do that?
18:52Because you're useless.
18:54Now you're useless.
19:00You're a fighter.
19:02You're useless.
19:04Take this.
19:09He's going to loop them.
19:13This is our chance.
19:15Catch him.
19:19MechaBot, Mechanize.
19:25Ha ha ha.
19:44Yeah, we did it.
19:49How did you get trapped in your own trap?
19:52Ha ha ha.
19:54I trapped him with the help of the mirror.
19:56Now what are you thinking?
19:58Go and catch him.
20:00The days of fooling people are over.
20:06Ninja Mera, now stay in jail.
20:09Another bad robot has been successfully caught.
20:17Oh man, what a bad day.
20:20My comic book.
20:22Wait a minute.
20:24What is she doing on the road?
20:32Billa, Billy.
20:37Help us, Deep.
20:39We're badly trapped.
20:43Ha ha ha.
20:45You helped me by returning the comic book.
20:48Thank you, my friend.
20:51Ha ha ha.
20:53Please don't do this, Deep.
20:55Deep, help us.
21:21Help us.
21:22Help us.
21:23Help us.
21:24Help us.
21:25Help us.
21:26Help us.
21:27Help us.
21:28Help us.
21:29Help us.
21:30Help us.
21:31Help us.
21:32Help us.
21:33Help us.
21:34Help us.
21:35Help us.
21:36Help us.
21:37Help us.
21:38Help us.
21:39Help us.
21:40Help us.
21:41Help us.
21:42Help us.
21:43Help us.
21:44Help us.
21:45Help us.
21:46Help us.
21:47Help us.
21:48Help us.
21:49Help us.
21:50Help us.
21:51Help us.
21:52Help us.
21:53Help us.
21:54Help us.
21:55Help us.
21:56Help us.
21:57Help us.
21:58Help us.
21:59Help us.
22:00Help us.
22:01Help us.
22:02Help us.
22:03Help us.
22:04Help us.
22:05Help us.
22:06Help us.
22:07Help us.
22:08Help us.
22:09Help us.
22:10Help us.
22:11Help us.
22:12Help us.
22:13Help us.
22:14Help us.
22:15Help us.
22:16Help us.
22:17Help us.
22:18Help us.
