
  • 2 days ago
Just for entertainment


00:00It's been so many years since we got married, I've never noticed the colour of my eyes or my hair.
00:22Who notices these things?
00:24Okay, I'm making breakfast. Don't take too long.
00:30Your anger will put a heavy burden on me. I won't be able to afford it.
00:36I won't cause you any financial loss.
00:42It can happen emotionally.
00:46Your lunch is due.
00:50I have some work.
00:53It can happen.
00:55I have to go to meet ma'am in the evening.
00:58You can do it tomorrow.
01:01Okay, sir.
01:02Come, I'll wait for you.
01:19I love you.
01:21I love you too.
01:23I love you too.
01:25I love you.
01:27I love you.
01:29I love you.
01:31I love you.
01:33I love you.
01:35I love you.
01:37I love you.
01:39I love you.
01:41I love you.
01:43I love you.
01:45I love you.
01:47I love you.
02:01Is this a love marriage or an arranged marriage?
02:04It's a love marriage.
02:07It was a filmy arrangement.
02:11We fought with the entire world and got married.
02:20What happened?
02:22I don't think so.
02:25Love makes a lot of noise.
02:28It's like a child.
02:30It's like a child.
02:35It's like a child.
02:40It doesn't seem like yours.
02:44Maybe your love is mute.
02:47Maybe it's deaf or blind.
02:49You can't see or hear.
03:05Yes, dear.
03:08Yes, I remember.
03:10I'll send it.
03:11Yes, I'll send it.
03:14Yes, I'll send it.
03:16I'll send it right now.
03:19I'll send it right now.
03:31You didn't tell me we're having lunch together.
03:38Yes, I don't know why I didn't tell you.
03:41Tell me.
03:43Are you scared?
03:50A decent man is scared of his wife.
03:57Have you ever been scolded?
04:09Look, Majumma.
04:12Even the best government officials get scolded by their wives.
04:16And if they say there's nothing like that,
04:19then they're lying.
04:22Trust me.
04:24Do you bear it?
04:30I have to bear it.
04:31I have to bear it.
04:37To make life happy,
04:40you have to bear a lot of things.
04:44You have to compromise with a lot of things.
04:48You have to give in.
04:51Do you have to bear it too?
04:56I don't have to bear any consequences.
05:01You do.
05:05You just can't see it.
05:16You're a great man.
05:20But a great man doesn't have the pride to talk to his wife
05:24about what he earns,
05:26what makes him proud,
05:28day and night.
05:30That's not fair.
05:32At all.
05:38I like a man who has pride.
05:41Who is two steps ahead of his wife.
05:44A man who feels safe when a woman walks behind him.
05:49A man who says,
05:51day is day, night is night,
05:53and his wife agrees without thinking twice.
05:58Don't ask any questions.
06:03Right, sir?
06:13This soup is so spicy.
06:21It is spicy.
06:26It's spicy.
06:56Hi, dad.
06:58Only four rounds?
07:02Look at your age,
07:04and look at my age.
07:08it's my fault.
07:11If I had kept doing it,
07:13my stamina would have built up.
07:17from today,
07:19I will also start dieting like your mother.
07:21It's so important.
07:24Why are you so quiet today?
07:30What are you thinking? Tell me.
07:34I was thinking,
07:36I should join my office,
07:38and start working.
07:44I want you to enjoy,
07:50Life is big.
07:52You don't have any pressure, right?
07:54So, it's fine.
07:56It's not like
07:58the business is running.
08:00Yes, chill.
08:02I appreciate that.
08:06dad, I think
08:09it's time to pay back.
08:12You know what I mean?
08:16Time to
08:19pay back.
08:22You have become sensible.
08:27Momal is going to America.
08:29She asked me to come with her.
08:31At first, I thought of going.
08:33But then I realized that
08:35whenever she will ask me,
08:37will I listen to her and go with her?
08:42I am not that free.
08:46Does she think you are free?
08:50Does she?
08:52No, dad.
08:54She doesn't think I am free.
08:56I feel that
08:58when a person works,
09:00he has a
09:04That's why I am thinking
09:05that I should work.
09:07It feels good when a man works.
09:09I agree.
09:11I agree, I agree, I agree.
09:19does she listen to you?
09:20Does she listen to everything you say?
09:23She listens to me and makes me do things.
09:27This is how it should be when you
09:29are in love with each other.
09:30This is how a relationship should be.
09:33I have a good relationship with Momal.
09:37It's a good thing.
09:38I have an understanding.
09:39What can be better than this?
09:41But, you know,
09:43I feel
09:45that a man should
09:47have a
09:52Hey, do this, do that.
09:54That bossy kind of attitude.
09:56You know…
09:58What happened?
09:59What are you talking about?
10:01Should I tell you the truth?
10:03You should try this at home.
10:06Trust me.
10:07Trust me.
10:08Who doesn't like
10:10a obedient wife?
10:12Try it.
10:13You will like it.
10:14Where did you get
10:15such an obedient wife?
10:17Tell me.
10:19I have a friend.
10:21He has shifted abroad.
10:23I see.
10:25He has a big family.
10:26Just like his boss.
10:28He used to follow his wife around.
10:30And, we used to tell him
10:32we used to tell him
10:33not to be so cruel.
10:36Do you know what his wife used to say?
10:38No, no.
10:39He is not cruel at all.
10:41I like it when
10:42he gives me an order
10:43and I follow it.
10:50In today's world,
10:51getting such an obedient wife
10:53is not less than a miracle, Dad.
10:57You know what I believe?
11:00I think
11:03husband and wife
11:05should have equal rights.
11:07I believe in equality.
11:09You believe in equality.
11:13It's not a bad idea.
11:16Let's go.
11:17I am also
11:19spoiling my game.
11:20You go and play.
11:21No, no.
11:22We were just chatting.
11:23Go. Go and play.
11:24Are you sure?
11:25Yes, yes. Go, go, go.
11:26Go, go, go.
11:27Let's build some stamina.
11:28Let's go, let's go.
11:47Ma'am, I am so sorry.
11:48If there was no meeting,
11:49I wouldn't have reached so late.
11:50I am really sorry.
11:52It's not about the meeting.
11:54Yesterday, I sent you
11:55three messages.
11:56There was no reply.
11:57After that,
11:58I sent you two voice notes today.
11:59That's when you responded.
12:03there was no call.
12:06Why would I call?
12:07I don't call my employees.
12:09It's the job of a lawyer.
12:10I don't call my employees.
12:12It's the job of a lawyer.
12:16Okay, ma'am.
12:17This won't happen again.
12:19It shouldn't happen.
12:20I don't like to repeat myself.
12:23Yes, ma'am.
12:24Okay, listen.
12:25There is a high tea party tomorrow.
12:26Go and ask the chef
12:27what he wants.
12:28What will be the menu?
12:29What will be the arrangements?
12:31What will be the theme?
12:32Sit with the caterers
12:33and decide.
12:34If you want to order something from outside,
12:35order it immediately.
12:36There shouldn't be anything missing.
12:37It has to be of the highest standard.
12:41Done, ma'am.
12:43Yes, ma'am.
13:11I love it, dad.
13:13I love it.
13:14Isn't it?
13:15It's a great machine.
13:17Thank you so much.
13:18It's the best gift ever.
13:23the pleasure you are advising me
13:24to do this
13:26is the greatest gift
13:27I have ever received.
13:29I am so happy.
13:30I am so happy.
13:31I am so happy.
13:32I am so happy.
13:33I am so happy.
13:34I am so happy.
13:35I am so happy.
13:36I am so happy.
13:37I am so happy.
13:38I am so happy.
13:40you were advising me about this pleasure.
13:42Enjoy it yourself.
13:44I wasn't advising you.
13:45I was just warning you.
13:47Do you understand?
13:49come here.
13:50Come here.
13:51I was just saying that
13:52if you get late,
13:54No, I won't.
13:55You also enjoy it.
13:56Work, work, work.
13:57Come on.
13:58Oh, man.
14:01I don't have the age to do this.
14:02Oh, God.
14:03For me,
14:04sitting in this
14:05and getting out of this
14:06becomes a torture.
14:07Come on.
14:24How do I look?
14:27Did you get your hair cut?
14:29I just changed my style.
14:30You look good.
14:31Not bad.
14:32Not bad.
14:33Leave it.
14:34I didn't even notice.
14:36I can see that.
14:39the house of catering people
14:40are not available on our dates.
14:42They're fully booked.
14:48what do you think
14:49you should do in this situation?
14:54If I have to tell you everything,
14:56then what's the point of keeping you?
14:58Oh, we will sort it out.
14:59Let it be, Tauqeer.
15:00All the problems are in your hands.
15:05You with me?
15:06House of catering
15:07is not the only vendor in this city.
15:09Go and find someone else.
15:11Don't waste time.
15:14Yes, ma'am.
15:21By the way,
15:22that was very rude of you.
15:24At least,
15:25talk to me
15:26in front of my employees.
15:29You were being very mean.
15:31Let it be.
15:32It's fine.
15:34It's not fine.
15:38This is the limit.
15:44Yes, yes.
15:48I'll let you know.
15:54God has taken your revenge, Masooma.
15:58You've been humiliated yourself.
16:01Everything happens slowly.
16:04You should just keep moving your hands and feet.
16:20How do I look?
16:23Did you get your hair cut?
16:25I just changed my style.
16:26You look good.
16:27Not bad.
16:28Not bad.
16:30Let it be.
16:31I didn't even notice.
16:32I just noticed.
16:35I wish I could tell you
16:37that you're not the same Reha I knew 25 years ago.
16:41The reflection of an old age is so strong
16:46that no power in the world
16:47will be able to stop it.
16:51A woman's beauty and youth
16:54fade away very quickly.
16:58Whereas a man
17:03is a man.
17:15I don't like a man
17:16who has a disease,
17:17who is depressed,
17:19who is two steps ahead of his wife,
17:22who makes a woman feel safe
17:23when she walks behind him.
17:26A man who has so much power
17:27that he says
17:28it's day,
17:29it's night,
17:30and his wife
17:31accepts it without thinking twice.
17:35She doesn't ask him any questions.
17:45He misbehaved in the beginning
17:48and now he thinks
17:49he'll smile,
17:50he'll pay attention
17:52and everything will be fine.
17:55No, Pakir.
17:57That won't happen.
18:01If you think
18:02you'll be refused
18:03and I'll agree,
18:05then you're wrong.
18:20Mr. Ashraf,
18:21why are you arguing with me?
18:23Tell me,
18:24how many days ago
18:25did the designer come to you?
18:26How many days?
18:27When did the designer send you?
18:31It's been 20 days.
18:33It's been 20 days.
18:36The work isn't over yet.
18:38You won't do anything
18:39on your own.
18:43I said I don't want it.
18:45You have three more days
18:46to finish this work.
18:49Three more days.
18:53When is Momal coming?
18:56Next week.
18:59Before she leaves,
19:00get her engaged.
19:07Dad, she's coming alone.
19:09She's not coming with her parents.
19:11How will we do this?
19:12No issue.
19:14We'll talk on the phone
19:15and fix everything
19:16and give the reception.
19:22what are you saying?
19:23You're being weird.
19:24It doesn't work like that.
19:25It's a girl's matter.
19:26Do you think
19:27they'll fix everything
19:28on the phone?
19:29They'll get engaged?
19:31You're being silly.
19:32It's better
19:33if we go to Chicago
19:34and meet them.
19:35We'll talk to them.
19:36We'll arrange it like that.
19:38It's important
19:39that you prove
19:40my every decision wrong.
19:43It's become a habit.
19:50I'm an adult in this house.
19:52I have the right to make decisions.
19:53When I say
19:54I'll call and fix everything,
19:56we'll give the reception
19:57and she'll go back to America.
19:59So what?
20:00What difference does it make?
20:02Use your brain, Tauqeer.
20:04How is it possible?
20:05It's not practical.
20:06It's not going to happen like this.
20:08I've taken the decision.
20:09Is it clear?
20:17That's it.
20:18I said what I said.
20:23What happened?
20:24What's wrong with your dad?
20:26I don't understand.
20:28He has a strange temperament.
20:32I think
20:33he has high blood pressure.
20:35He didn't study on time.
20:39I used to
20:40take the lead in things.
20:42I used to take charge.
20:43I used to like these things.
20:44I used to appreciate it.
20:45I don't know what happened now.
20:48You should relax.
20:49It's a matter of mood.
20:50You should take care of yourself.
20:53Because it's all my fault.
20:55Both of you just
20:56keep covering each other.
21:13When I was young,
21:15an uncle from our neighborhood
21:16used to come to our house.
21:21Good looking.
21:23Salt and pepper hair.
21:25And such a pleasant personality.
21:28He was the manager of a five star hotel.
21:31Not a big shot like you.
21:33I used to watch him
21:34without blinking an eye.
21:37I don't know why
21:39but from the beginning,
21:40I connect with mature people.
21:43Especially your age bracket.
22:00I don't understand
22:01why you don't let me dry clean.
22:03My clothes are all dirty.
22:06There is no difference
22:07between your mop and this.
22:08Are you out of your mind?
22:09This much money is needed
22:10for dry cleaning.
22:12And you wash these clothes
22:13at home.
22:15Let it be.
22:17Where are you?
22:18Is anyone at home?
22:22Sanobar has come.
22:24Go and see.
22:35Why are you standing outside?
22:36Come in.
22:37How are you, Masooma?
22:38Are you fine?
22:40Is mom at home?
22:42Of course.
22:43Come in.
22:47How are you?
22:48I am fine.
22:49How are you?
22:51What have you brought?
22:52This is a sweet box
22:54and this is Zohaib's wedding card.
22:58Have a seat.
22:59Have a seat.
23:01What should I tell you, Sobia?
23:02Ever since Zohaib got engaged,
23:05they were in a hurry to get married.
23:08Then I told Zohaib
23:09to get married today
23:11or after six months.
23:12What happened?
23:13After six months.
23:14What difference does it make?
23:15He agreed
23:16and they quickly
23:17fixed the wedding date.
23:20Zohaib agreed so soon?
23:23why would he object?
23:25By the grace of God,
23:26the girl is so educated,
23:27smart and beautiful.
23:30And her in-laws
23:32are such good people,
23:34such respectful people
23:36that I don't know what to say.
23:38They invite my son so much
23:40that my heart
23:41is filled with happiness.
23:44they have asked him
23:45to apply for a job
23:46in Dubai's company
23:47which is his friend's company.
23:51And he did it?
23:53He applied immediately.
23:57Isn't it good, aunt?
23:58Zohaib has always wanted
23:59to go to Dubai since childhood.
24:01Let's see how successful
24:02he becomes this time.
24:04why won't he succeed?
24:06If a person fails once,
24:08it doesn't mean
24:10that he will fail again and again.
24:12And his in-laws
24:13have complete faith in him.
24:15They have complete faith
24:16that my son will definitely
24:20Let's see
24:21how soon he succeeds.
24:28Aunt Safiya.
24:30Zohaib is at the door.
24:32Go and see.
24:33What happened, mom?
24:34He is our Zohaib.
24:35He will come inside.
24:38come, son.
24:39Greetings, aunt Safiya.
24:41Have a seat.
24:42What happened?
24:43Did the work get done?
24:46I got an email from the company.
24:49My job is confirmed.
24:51My salary is five lakh rupees
24:53in Pakistan.
24:59For food and accommodation.
25:02congratulations to you.
25:06May God bless you.
25:08Thank God.
25:09I used to say
25:10that you should get married.
25:13Your fate will change.
25:15Thank God.
25:17My daughter-in-law
25:18is so lucky.
25:20She is lucky
25:21and has good contacts.
25:32Okay, Safiya.
25:34We will leave now.
25:35Have tea and go.
25:37we have to give the cards
25:38at so many places.
25:39We will be late.
25:40Okay, Zohaib.
25:45do come to the wedding.
25:46Yes, why not?
25:48Okay, son.
26:06What was the need for you
26:09to say all this?
26:11What happened, mom?
26:12Nothing will happen.
26:13You got a good proposal from Hassan.
26:17Mom, this world
26:19is full of such people.
26:22Nothing will happen.
26:27I couldn't understand that girl.
26:36Thank God.
26:39Five lakh rupees.
26:42They give a charity of five million.
26:45Poor people
26:47are happy with five lakhs.
26:49What do they know
26:50about the high standards?
26:57I have ordered five lakhs make up today.
26:59Is there a problem?
27:02I know,
27:03I look very pretty without it.
27:08come here.
27:10Martha, give this seventy million
27:11to the charity.
27:13What do you mean what charity?
27:14Charity is charity.
27:15Give it to any charity.
27:19Poor people.
27:27Sir, did you call me?
27:30Yes, Ms. Martha
27:31didn't come to office today.
27:32She was not feeling well.
27:34So actually,
27:35I had to…
27:43What happened?
27:44Why are you laughing?
28:05I wanted to talk to you, sir.
28:09I don't know why,
28:11I feel that
28:12Ms. Martha
28:13doubts me a lot.
28:17it's nothing like that.
28:19She is old in this office.
28:22She doesn't trust me.
28:23She is old in this office.
28:26Her father used to work
28:27with my father.
28:29We grew up together.
28:31Her thinking is definitely
28:33but she is not like that.
28:35You are absolutely
28:40I dye my hair.
28:43And the age I look at it,
28:44it's not that age,
28:48What you see,
28:49what you hear,
28:50that's all.
28:51What's hidden inside,
28:52what difference does it make?
28:56Okay, tell me.
28:58What do you hear
29:01and see?
29:05When I was young,
29:07an uncle from our neighborhood
29:08used to come to our house.
29:13Good looking.
29:15Salt and pepper hair.
29:17And such a pleasant personality.
29:19He was the manager
29:20of a five-star hotel.
29:22Not a big shot like you.
29:24I used to look at him
29:25without blinking my eyes.
29:28I don't know why,
29:30but from the beginning,
29:31I connect with mature people.
29:34Especially your age bracket.
29:41Anything else, sir?
29:43No, nothing.
30:22In my heart,
30:25I see a storm of love.
30:44So tell me,
30:46what was it, Edwin,
30:48that you had to tell me immediately?
30:51I was missing you.
30:53I wanted to meet you.
30:56Yeah, sure.
31:03You know that
31:05we are each other's strength.
31:09Yeah, yeah.
31:10Don't butter me up.
31:12Tell me.
31:13What is it?
31:14You look a bit
31:16zoned out today.
31:17I am.
31:19You understand me so well.
31:21I am a bit confused.
31:24What's up?
31:27Dad actually
31:28asked me to do something.
31:31And now I don't know
31:32how to do it.
31:35He didn't ask you
31:36to replace me, did he?
31:40If he had asked me,
31:42would I have kept quiet?
31:43Would I have kept quiet?
31:48Dude, he
31:50wants you to talk to your dad.
31:53Convince him.
31:57What's the matter?
31:59He wants to ask for a proposal
32:02on a video call
32:03and approve it from your parents.
32:14Have you completely lost it?
32:17This is not possible at all.
32:21They are my parents.
32:23I am their only daughter.
32:25How is it possible
32:27that anyone can video call them
32:30and accept the proposal?
32:33He is no one.
32:35He is my dad.
32:36Just like that,
32:38he is my dad.
32:39That's why uncle wants
32:41him to go to America
32:42and ask for a proposal.
32:44Mom was saying the same thing.
32:47But he is adamant.
32:52Stubbornness is not a good thing
32:54in a relationship.
32:56This is the first time
32:57he has insisted.
32:58So I thought
32:59I can talk to you.
33:00You won't have any issue.
33:02You thought
33:03I won't have any issue?
33:05This is my parents.
33:07Do you not have any respect
33:08for my parents?
33:09What are you saying?
33:12How can you talk
33:13about respect and insult?
33:16This is about respect
33:17and insult.
33:19If you can be concerned
33:20about your parents,
33:21then why can't I be concerned
33:22about my parents?
33:25Relationships are not made
33:26the way uncle wants them to be.
33:28Calm down, Mom.
33:30You can talk about this
33:31in a different way.
33:34No need to be loud, Mom.
33:37You got me angry.
33:39Don't be childish.
33:54talk to uncle.
33:57Explain to him
33:59that he and aunt
34:00should go to America together
34:03and ask for a proposal
34:06with the protocol.
34:08Talk to him.
34:09If he refuses,
34:10then I'll talk to dad.
34:13I know my dad.
34:14I know his moods.
34:17He thinks
34:19a daughter should leave
34:20with her family
34:22and respect.
34:24Not like this.
34:26Where are you
34:27taking this from?
34:29What's the problem?
34:31Can't your dad afford
34:32to go to America
34:33and ask for a proposal?
34:35just tell him
34:36that he's busy
34:37with his meetings.
34:41Should I
34:42explain to my businessman dad
34:45that his only daughter
34:47and her future father-in-law
34:48are busy
34:50and that they should
34:51propose on a video call?
34:53Because they don't know
34:54that business is more important
34:56than family.
34:58Amal, you're creating
34:59a scene here.
35:01I'm talking to you
35:03to find a solution
35:04to this problem.
35:06Find a solution.
35:07There's no solution.
35:10This is not acceptable.
35:12Okay, then.
35:14Don't live
35:15in your ego.
35:16My ego?
35:17I'm the one who's wrong
35:18and the one who's angry.
35:20You never listen to me.
35:22You always get what you want.
35:24If you can't convince me
35:25about anything,
35:26what will you do?
36:12Akbar, what is this?
36:15I've told you so many times
36:16that when
36:18the amount of salt
36:20in the food
36:22is not right,
36:23the food tastes bad.
36:25Akbar, you go.
36:31It's the right taste.
36:34You were right.
36:35I won't eat this.
36:37Order something from outside.
36:39How long have you been
36:40ordering food from outside?
36:43Don't start investigating
36:47I've told you to order
36:48food from outside.
36:49Just order it.
36:50What's there to argue about?
36:53Didn't you go
36:54with your friends?
36:56I wasn't in the mood.
37:02Dad, what are you doing
37:03on the table?
37:04Who are you talking to?
37:06Your dad doesn't like the food
37:07and he's ordering it from outside.
37:09Oh, really?
37:11What are you eating?
37:13Pizza? Burger?
37:15Do it for me too.
37:17A person
37:18works hard for this risk.
37:21And what's the point
37:22if he doesn't get what he wants?
37:30What's up?
37:31Did you talk to Mumbat?
37:32Should I call his father?
37:34No, I don't need to.
37:36I did talk to him.
37:38He said his dad won't agree.
37:40Of course he won't agree.
37:41He shouldn't have.
37:42It was so sad.
37:44What do you mean
37:45he won't agree?
37:47Has he come down from the sky?
37:50Are we so low
37:51that we have to convince him?
37:53That's amazing.
37:54You didn't have
37:55so much ego before.
37:56What's happened to you now?
37:57Stop it, you guys.
37:59Don't start fighting again.
38:01I'm tense.
38:02I've fought with Mumbat.
38:04But leave it.
38:05I don't want to get engaged.
38:09I'm upset with you.
38:10You can't handle a girl.
38:13Exactly, I can't.
38:15What do you mean you can't?
38:17You're my son.
38:20How can you give up so easily?
38:22I just told you
38:23I can't handle a tense environment.
38:31Why are you so tense?
38:32Don't stress.
38:33I'll handle it.
38:34Moosa, listen.
39:03I'll handle it.
