Girls finds a jacket made of money

  • 2 days ago
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00:00These are all from our new collection.
00:18I love it so much! I'll take this one.
00:23It's too big for you. I'll find your size, ok?
00:43What have I done?
00:46Sorry, I'm so clumsy. I definitely have to buy it now.
00:51Don't worry, ma'am. All of our clothes are stain-proof. Just be more careful next time, ok?
00:57Yes, of course.
01:09Oh, what a day!
01:13I'm sorry, but you will definitely have to buy it now.
01:18Well, it is what it is.
01:21Welcome to our store. How can I assist you today?
01:23Oh, hello. I have nothing to wear, but if you could show me something really inexpensive.
01:31Yeah, ok. Follow me.
01:33Ben! Come here. I'm sorry.
01:39Don't waste your time on her. No buts. Help a customer who is actually gonna buy something. Wrap up her jacket now.
01:50I apologize. I can't go against my boss.
01:54That's ok. You know, there is no need to wrap it. I want to wear it now.
02:00There is a magnetic tag on it to prevent our clothes from being stolen. It must be removed.
02:11The device used for removing it is in the storage room, so can you please...
02:16So you need to take it off.
02:44Thank you. Thank you.
02:47In the meantime, you can pay for it. Follow me.
02:57Ok. This jacket is priced at fifteen hundred dollars.
03:01Fifteen hundred dollars?
03:07Yeah, sure. Just a moment, ok?
03:37What the hell?
03:59Here is money for the jacket.
04:02Ok. I will check.
04:07Yeah. It's all good. Thank you.
04:12Here is your jacket.
04:18I would like to buy this, please.
04:21Oh, I can wrap it up for you.
04:23No need. We don't pack cheap items. That will cost fifty bucks.
04:32Oh, my money is gone.
04:36Well, no money, no shopping.
04:39All of my money for my medicine was in this wallet. What am I supposed to do now?
04:46I'll pay for it.
04:48No, no, no. You don't have to.
04:50Ben, don't be silly.
04:52I insist.
05:01And I quit. We have very different values.
05:06Why is he ruining my jacket?
05:10He cut out the line where the money was.
05:12Sort it out yourselves. I don't work here anymore.
05:15Wait. What money?
05:18Wait. If it was in the jacket, it belongs to the store.
05:23I bought this jacket. So the money is mine.
05:26No. The money belongs to us.
05:28You robbed me.
05:30You robbed me.
05:32This is yours.
05:34You robbed me.
05:36What is this?
05:39And this is yours, too.
05:41This is my stuff.
05:45We better get out of here.
