Dali and the Cocky Prince S01 E02 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 days ago
Dali and the Cocky Prince S01 E02 Hindi Dubbed


00:00:00The Mini Prince and Just a Dolly
00:00:14He fell in love with her
00:00:19Oh, there she is!
00:00:21How lovely!
00:00:23The dolly fell in love with him
00:00:27The dolly fell in love with him
00:01:03He has a restaurant.
00:01:04It's called The Three Frogs of Sandro and Leonardo.
00:01:07Does he have a branch in Korea?
00:01:10I would have known if he had a branch in Korea.
00:01:12I don't look it but I'm a member of the Korea Restaurant Association.
00:01:21Mr. Junab is a funny man.
00:01:24How can you make such a joke with a serious face?
00:01:28But I didn't make any joke.
00:01:30I always talk about serious things.
00:01:33Not like this.
00:01:38What madness!
00:01:40I didn't even drink.
00:01:41Still I don't know why I am getting high.
00:01:43Sorry, what did you say?
00:01:46I mean, it's so strange.
00:01:48Till yesterday we were strangers.
00:01:50But today we had dinner together.
00:01:52We talked a lot.
00:01:55We are laughing.
00:01:57It's like a dream.
00:02:01Is there any jet lag?
00:02:03This is a special relationship.
00:02:05According to Brahma Nirth Sutra,
00:02:07we met after 3,000 jobs.
00:02:13In Buddhism,
00:02:14for people's relationships,
00:02:16time is called a single job.
00:02:18After every 100 years,
00:02:20a drop of water falls on a stone.
00:02:23A job is the time
00:02:24that takes a drop of water
00:02:25to finish that rock.
00:02:27And like this,
00:02:29to spend a night together,
00:02:31we needed 3,000 jobs at a time.
00:02:33This means this is a very special kind of connection.
00:02:36such connections are not made.
00:02:49Do you need any help?
00:02:52No, I can do it.
00:03:073,000 jobs at a time.
00:03:25Wow, it's so cold.
00:03:27I'm freezing.
00:03:43What happened?
00:03:57What happened?
00:03:59What's going on? Where are you?
00:04:06Dali, open the door.
00:04:10Dali, open the door.
00:04:56The power must have gone.
00:04:57It happens sometimes.
00:05:01Are you hurt?
00:05:03No, I'm fine.
00:05:04Are you fine?
00:05:06Yes, I'm fine too.
00:05:11You're very heavy.
00:05:17Wait a minute.
00:05:20Close your eyes, please.
00:05:22What? Close my eyes?
00:05:23Close your eyes, please.
00:05:27And don't open your eyes until I leave the room.
00:05:30Don't open your eyes.
00:05:32Don't cheat.
00:05:34I'm watching you.
00:05:36Don't open your eyes.
00:05:38Don't cheat. You'll sin.
00:06:05What happened?
00:06:07Nothing happened.
00:06:08Nothing happened?
00:06:09I was taking a bath.
00:06:10The power must have gone.
00:06:11I'm fine.
00:06:12I'm totally fine.
00:06:13What's the matter?
00:06:17It's cold.
00:06:31Yes, I can understand.
00:06:33I'll meet you in a while.
00:06:38What did she say?
00:06:46What happened?
00:06:47Is she going to file a case?
00:06:50Is she still adamant that her painting wasn't fake but real?
00:06:55Look, don't worry.
00:06:56I'll do whatever I have to do.
00:06:58But I won't let anything happen to you.
00:07:01I have very good lawyers.
00:07:02Do you know that?
00:07:03I give them so much money that you won't even believe it.
00:07:05Did Madam Bronkhaus tell you...
00:07:12...that she's grateful to you?
00:07:18She didn't give you all the money for the painting.
00:07:20And because of you, she found out that it was fake.
00:07:22I don't think she'll file a case against you.
00:07:25She thinks it won't help.
00:07:28And people might lose faith in her art.
00:07:32But the problem, Mr. Jinn...
00:07:34Why did you bring Mr. Jinn to Tonari?
00:07:36I've found out where he is.
00:07:38Actually, he joined my team at the Hog Farming Association party.
00:07:46Wow, that was fun!
00:07:48That was so much fun!
00:07:51He enjoyed the party with everyone...
00:07:53...and sang and danced all night.
00:07:55He didn't have any problems.
00:07:57And he's still sleeping in the pigs' den.
00:08:02I can't believe it.
00:08:04I'm glad it happened.
00:08:10...I have bad news.
00:08:14My business team is here.
00:08:17I have to leave now.
00:08:20Okay, fine.
00:08:35Don't take that.
00:08:36He says you will be better.
00:08:44You always have a lot of faith.
00:08:49Even if he's wrong.
00:08:54We'll get by.
00:08:56It doesn't last long.
00:09:00Don't take it so hard.
00:09:04Like a strawberry scent...
00:09:07...they go away.
00:09:10The weather is nice, right?
00:09:12To try to turn back...
00:09:14...your smile.
00:09:21I will be on your side.
00:09:25You'll be to come around yourself.
00:09:31One day it'll be.
00:09:37I'm glad it went as you planned.
00:09:41I told you...
00:09:43...everything will be fine.
00:09:46Where are your staff?
00:09:49They're already here.
00:09:53Okay, I'm leaving.
00:09:55Listen, darling.
00:09:58For tomorrow...
00:10:01...thank you so much.
00:10:04You too, thanks.
00:10:06It was nice being with you.
00:10:16I'm going to be a little busy tomorrow.
00:10:19I have a lot of work to do.
00:10:21I have to go see the pigs before that.
00:10:25I've already got my return ticket.
00:10:27I have no choice but to go back the day after tomorrow.
00:10:32I have a lot of meetings in Korea.
00:10:35I have to report on the contract too.
00:10:40The situation is...
00:10:45It's okay.
00:10:47If you had more time...
00:10:49...there are more beautiful places here.
00:10:51I'll take you there.
00:10:53I'll come to your gallery when I have time.
00:10:57I'll come to your gallery when I have time.
00:11:02I'll see the impressionist paintings...
00:11:04...that Koreans love.
00:11:07Then I'll go to the cafeteria...
00:11:09...where the food won't be as good as mine...
00:11:11...but still...
00:11:15I'll meet you there.
00:11:19Please do come.
00:11:23No matter what, I'll come.
00:11:27Wait for me.
00:11:30I'll go now.
00:11:32Wait a minute.
00:11:41Mr. Jin...
00:11:48This is a very special moment for me.
00:11:51Next time we meet, bring it with you.
00:11:54You won't be able to say no.
00:11:56Mr. Jin...
00:12:17Mr. Jin...
00:12:24I'm sorry.
00:12:36What was the name of that gallery?
00:12:38I don't even have the number.
00:12:40Wait a minute.
00:12:48I'm sorry.
00:12:50I'm sorry.
00:12:52I'm sorry.
00:12:54I'm sorry.
00:13:17I'm sorry.
00:13:48What are you doing?
00:13:51Dali, wait!
00:14:05Dali, wait!
00:14:17I am so sorry.
00:14:19I didn't mean to...
00:14:21I didn't mean to...
00:14:29Call the receptionist.
00:14:33Come on.
00:14:35Sign here.
00:14:42How can we find someone's address just by his name?
00:14:48You went to his house.
00:14:51Which place was it?
00:14:53How would I know which place it was?
00:14:55We reached there in the middle of the night.
00:14:57It's in Amsterdam, isn't it?
00:15:12You didn't have a dream, did you?
00:15:22No, I didn't.
00:15:24You know, I cooked for him.
00:15:28And we talked a lot.
00:15:30And I was also part of a party
00:15:32where I made a hole in a $160 million painting.
00:15:40I said $160 million.
00:15:42$1 million.
00:15:45You were dreaming.
00:15:48One minute.
00:15:50Sir, where's your watch?
00:15:54Your wrist watch.
00:15:56I told you it's too expensive.
00:15:58Don't take it.
00:15:59There was a crow's feather on his hat.
00:16:01No, I don't know.
00:16:02What are you doing?
00:16:03What did I do?
00:16:04Maybe he remembers.
00:16:05I don't know.
00:16:06Now, don't tell me he...
00:16:11There was a crow's feather on his hat.
00:16:13Did you see it?
00:16:14I don't know.
00:16:15What are you saying?
00:16:16Sorry, I didn't know.
00:16:17Come with me.
00:16:19And whenever you said something,
00:16:20she must have been laughing a lot.
00:16:22She must have looked stupid,
00:16:24but she must have been very smart.
00:16:26Yes, a lot.
00:16:27Such women are usually called thugs.
00:16:30She left from here.
00:16:31After that?
00:16:32I can only tell you this much.
00:16:34Okay, thank you.
00:16:35But I don't think
00:16:36she just left her job for a watch
00:16:38and disappeared.
00:16:39If that watch is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars,
00:16:42it's possible.
00:16:43But she was crying in front of the hotel.
00:16:46She must be acting.
00:16:49No, no.
00:16:50I don't think so.
00:16:52There must be some other reason.
00:16:56These thugs have their own reasons.
00:17:01Mr. Jinn, you are such a funny person.
00:17:12If someone wants to help you,
00:17:14a thank you is enough for that.
00:17:18This is a special relationship.
00:17:20According to the Brahma Nadasutra,
00:17:23we met after 3,000 jobs.
00:17:26This connection is very special.
00:17:30How dare you deceive me?
00:17:36If you come in front of me again,
00:17:38I will kill you.
00:17:40You will die.
00:17:51Hello, hello.
00:18:31We've lost a great man,
00:18:34aka my great-uncle.
00:18:39Excuse me, here.
00:18:47Please help me.
00:18:54I'm sorry
00:18:55I can't express the pain of losing such a great man in words.
00:19:01However, as the oldest member of the family and the representative of Cheongsong,
00:19:05I will respect his wishes and run this gallery as he has run it.
00:19:10And as far as cultural welfare business is concerned...
00:19:12Wait a minute. Is that the car of Jang Tae-shin?
00:19:14Jang Tae-shin from Seiki Group?
00:19:15What happened?
00:19:16Oh, yes, she's here. Let's go.
00:19:18Let's go.
00:19:19Wait a minute.
00:19:25Sir, sir, you are also a Mission Manager, right?
00:19:30Sir, sir, one question.
00:19:32One question.
00:19:33Sir, one question.
00:19:35Sir, one question.
00:19:37Sir, one question.
00:19:40Sir, one question.
00:19:46We have come here from the auction house.
00:19:51We have come here from the auction house.
00:19:54We have come here from the auction house.
00:19:58We have come here from the auction house.
00:20:03Ma'am, we will take care of your likes and dislikes.
00:20:05Listen to me.
00:20:06Wait a minute.
00:20:07What is this nonsense?
00:20:12We are with you in your suffering.
00:20:15If you are going to meet a family member who is in mourning...
00:20:17...then this is what you should tell them.
00:20:20If you don't know, learn from them.
00:20:26Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
00:20:28Sorry, sorry, ma'am.
00:20:45Sorry, ma'am.
00:21:06We are with you in your suffering.
00:21:11Thank you for coming here.
00:21:15Thank you for coming here.
00:21:24Where did she come from?
00:21:26She is the director of Segi Group, right?
00:21:28How did she dare to come here?
00:21:31Why? Did something happen between them?
00:21:33Don't you know?
00:21:34She was already married to Delhi, but...
00:21:38Shut up.
00:21:45Mr. Kim.
00:21:55Mr. Kim.
00:22:03You are a donkey.
00:22:11This is a lie, right?
00:22:12Please tell them that this is a lie.
00:22:16Tell them that this is a lie.
00:22:26Everything will be fine.
00:22:45Everything will be fine.
00:22:54More people will come to meet you.
00:22:55Take care of the family in mourning...
00:22:56...so that no one can trouble them.
00:23:00And I also want to know the financial situation of Chung Sung Gallery.
00:23:07Without anyone knowing.
00:23:16Without anyone knowing.
00:23:30Mr. Kim.
00:23:33Mr. Kim.
00:23:47What were you thinking that you were completely missing?
00:23:53A lot was going on in my mind.
00:23:56He hasn't come back to work yet.
00:24:00The weather must have got bad.
00:24:02He was working very hard for the deal in the Netherlands.
00:24:05He said he will come back tomorrow.
00:24:07Don't worry.
00:24:12What was the name of that gallery?
00:24:17What was the name of the gallery to which he gave the money?
00:24:21Why are you asking?
00:24:24It's a big gallery, isn't it?
00:24:27I'm sure he must have found out before giving the money.
00:24:30You know, he doesn't care about money.
00:24:34Yes, yes. Bye.
00:24:38Good day, Dad.
00:24:45Good day.
00:25:13Dean has our jobs.
00:25:16What nonsense was that?
00:25:18He made me a fool by talking about religion.
00:25:21As if he has done black magic.
00:25:23And my expensive watch too.
00:25:28His minute needle is so expensive that the whole house will go to him.
00:25:31He sold so many bowls of gum to buy it.
00:25:36Oh man.
00:25:42He put it in my mouth hot.
00:25:47No, no.
00:25:49No, no, no.
00:25:52I can't do this.
00:25:53I have to eat properly.
00:25:54Only then will I gain strength.
00:26:00Even if she is hiding on the North Pole,
00:26:02I will catch the penguins and ask them.
00:26:04And if she is hiding on the South Pole,
00:26:06I will catch the polar bears and find out where she is.
00:26:09But what will I look for?
00:26:11Polar bears are found in the North Pole.
00:26:13And penguins are found in the South Pole.
00:26:17Why did you scare me?
00:26:20First of all, I am sick.
00:26:21On top of that, you have come here to find out my mistakes.
00:26:24You looked very sick on the phone.
00:26:26I was worried that you might not have eaten anything.
00:26:28So I thought that...
00:26:34I am not dead yet.
00:26:35I can cook and eat.
00:26:39Why did I worry about you and your food?
00:26:42Why did I worry?
00:26:43It doesn't make any sense.
00:26:53It looks good.
00:26:54Tell me, how is everything going on in the Netherlands?
00:27:03I have given such good money to the private investigator.
00:27:05Then why is he having such a hard time finding that girl?
00:27:09It is the Netherlands for you.
00:27:10There, there is no culture of solving cases quickly, like we do here.
00:27:15Call that investigator again and tell him that...
00:27:17if he finds her soon, I will give him ten times the money.
00:27:20Okay. What?
00:27:22Ten times?
00:27:24Look, he is not here, so I am not putting pressure on him.
00:27:26I just want to tell him how much more money I can give him.
00:27:34Actually, I have a question for you.
00:27:36Go ahead.
00:27:40Are you looking for that watch or that girl?
00:27:44Obviously, that...
00:27:52My watch...
00:27:53Oh, you are looking for the watch.
00:27:56I thought you were looking for the girl.
00:28:23Did you talk about the extension of the bank loan's maturity date?
00:28:30everyone was busy, so...
00:28:33But I am going to the bank today.
00:28:35This is the list of those loans that they took.
00:28:39The gallery is much worse than I thought.
00:28:44I knew that running a private gallery is like filling water in a sieve.
00:28:48But I didn't think it would be so bad.
00:28:52They have donated all their property and money...
00:28:55and only kept the gallery with them...
00:28:57which is almost on the verge of Diwali.
00:29:00There is no helper to take care of such a big mansion.
00:29:06We have been friends for 40 years.
00:29:10I don't know if I should respect him...
00:29:12or call him a fool.
00:29:15But to be honest, he was a fool.
00:29:21I want to sell all my property to save the gallery.
00:29:25I also want to sell this house.
00:29:28If you help me find a buyer, then...
00:29:31There are development restrictions on the land, so it won't sell much.
00:29:35What's worse is that this house is mortgaged to the bank.
00:29:40You will soon have to pay the inheritance tax.
00:29:42Do you have a plan for that?
00:29:50you will have to leave this inheritance.
00:30:03Where are you going?
00:30:05I have some work at the hospital...
00:30:07and a lot of work at the bank.
00:30:09If you have work at the bank, you can ask me to do it.
00:30:12Why should I ask you to do it when it's my personal work?
00:30:19Why should I trust you?
00:30:35Actually, I'm in a hurry.
00:30:37The due date for the payment is coming up.
00:30:39But I can't find him anywhere.
00:30:41If you tell me where he is, I'll go and meet him myself.
00:30:45I'd appreciate it.
00:30:47He's not...
00:30:49He's not in Korea right now.
00:30:52He's gone to South Africa for the International Finance Symposium.
00:30:55He's not coming back for a few days.
00:30:57He's going straight to Stockholm from South Africa.
00:30:59To participate in the Global Economy Forum.
00:31:01And he said he's going to New York for his daughter's wedding.
00:31:05So, I can't say when he'll be back.
00:31:20Sir, you?
00:31:25When did you come back from Korea, sir?
00:31:32I've never filled my interest late.
00:31:35And neither is my credit bad.
00:31:38If you suddenly say you want to pay me all the money...
00:31:42I beg of you.
00:31:45I'll fix everything as soon as possible.
00:31:51Sir, you?
00:31:53I beg of you, darling.
00:31:56Please save my life.
00:31:59I'm going to die because of your father.
00:32:03It's not just about credit.
00:32:05Your father was a credit himself.
00:32:08But suddenly he died without telling me.
00:32:12I've heard rumors that the Chung Song Gallery is going to be lost.
00:32:17Let's deal with the bank situation first.
00:32:19We'll deal with the rest later.
00:32:23That's all we have to do.
00:32:28We're not strangers.
00:32:31I'm your father's friend.
00:32:35Darling, please.
00:32:38Please save my life.
00:32:56I'm sorry, sir.
00:32:59I'm sorry, sir.
00:33:01I'm sorry, sir.
00:33:05You wanted to update your bank passbook?
00:33:08I'm entering the PIN. Don't look this way.
00:33:11What is it that can't be done with a banking app these days?
00:33:15Where has the world gone?
00:33:17Who uses a passbook these days?
00:33:19What did you just say?
00:33:21The truth is, you can touch, see, and feel the real notes with your hands.
00:33:27My account has been hacked because of online.
00:33:29Are you going to take responsibility?
00:33:31I don't understand.
00:33:32How can a careful person lose his expensive watch because of a girl?
00:33:38I'm not after anyone.
00:33:39Do you understand?
00:33:47I understand.
00:34:14She didn't send the rent again.
00:34:17She was very beautiful.
00:34:21That girl.
00:34:23The one from the Netherlands.
00:34:25Why are you talking nonsense?
00:34:28Maybe she had a great figure.
00:34:31It's not like that.
00:34:33If it's not like that, did she give you any medicine?
00:34:36Like a sleeping pill?
00:34:37Isn't a job nice?
00:34:39Then what was it?
00:34:40Then what was it?
00:34:41What did she do to you that you didn't even realize that your watch was gone?
00:34:47Just like your personality, you wouldn't have put that watch on her wrist until you fell in love with her.
00:34:55I'll be back soon.
00:35:06Mr. Jinn, you...
00:35:08This watch is very special to me.
00:35:10So next time we meet, make sure you bring it with you.
00:35:13You won't be able to refuse now.
00:35:17Not at all.
00:35:20It's nothing like that, okay?
00:35:39What happened?
00:35:44I was just looking outside.
00:35:48Do you think she came to Korea?
00:35:51Not at all.
00:35:52The easiest way to escape is to go abroad.
00:35:55Yes, that's true.
00:36:00Sir, she drank a lot.
00:36:02And she hit me first.
00:36:03I know.
00:36:04But this is not your first time.
00:36:06Officer, please calm down.
00:36:07Officer, he's lying.
00:36:09He's lying.
00:36:11Please calm down.
00:36:13I'm telling you to calm down.
00:36:15I told you to calm down.
00:36:17Please calm down.
00:36:19Ma'am, please sit down.
00:36:21Please sit down.
00:36:23Please sit down.
00:36:25Please calm down.
00:36:28I'm Juwan Thakur here.
00:36:31Shut up, all of you!
00:36:34What did you say?
00:36:35I'm here to meet Juwan Thakur.
00:36:38He didn't come today.
00:36:39Didn't you call him before coming?
00:36:41I don't have his number.
00:36:43I just knew he works here.
00:36:45You can come tomorrow.
00:36:47Or you can give me your number.
00:36:51Here you go.
00:36:56Try this number.
00:36:58After the director passed away,
00:37:00he didn't eat or sleep well.
00:37:02This way, he'll die too.
00:37:06Thank you so much.
00:37:14I don't even know her.
00:37:15And you gave me her number?
00:37:23Look at her.
00:37:25She's beautiful.
00:37:26She's the same girl.
00:37:28Show me.
00:37:29She's the one.
00:37:33Sit down.
00:37:35Sit down.
00:38:04When you were
00:38:05in the hospital,
00:38:06I told you to take an IV.
00:38:07It's not too expensive.
00:38:09I didn't take it
00:38:10because I didn't need it.
00:38:12Do you think
00:38:13I didn't take it because of money?
00:38:14That's what you think.
00:38:18I think
00:38:19you want to save money
00:38:21as much as you can
00:38:22after losing your expensive watch.
00:38:24Why do you keep reminding me?
00:38:26I'll find it.
00:38:28Even if I have to go to hell,
00:38:29I'll find it.
00:38:31You don't know me.
00:38:32I'm a bad man.
00:38:33That's true.
00:38:36Leave me here
00:38:37and go home.
00:38:39Why? I'll drop you home.
00:38:42I want to stay at the pharmacy.
00:39:05How far do I have to go?
00:39:11How far do I have to go?
00:39:35How far do I have to go?
00:39:57You came again?
00:39:59You are still a student.
00:40:00Why do you always
00:40:01go to the police station
00:40:02instead of school?
00:40:03With the taxpayers' money, you get food and shelter in the children's home.
00:40:09You should live in peace.
00:40:11Because of kids like you, people want to stay away from orphans.
00:40:16People say you're like this because you didn't get good education.
00:40:19Look at yourself.
00:40:21An orphan's eyes are like poisonous snakes.
00:40:25Lower your eyes.
00:40:26Lower your eyes!
00:40:27Shut up!
00:40:28Who are you?
00:40:33You can't just hurt someone with a knife.
00:40:36When you hurt someone with words, it's impossible to get away with it.
00:40:42How did you hit him? What did Bontak do wrong?
00:40:45One, two, three, four, five.
00:40:47If five people fight with one person, it's obvious he's the victim.
00:40:50These five boys attacked him together.
00:40:53This is not just an assault, it's a special assault.
00:40:55You physically, mentally and verbally assaulted a victim of a special assault case.
00:41:00Look at the CCTV.
00:41:01Don't delete the camera footage.
00:41:03I've recorded everything on my phone.
00:41:06Who is this crazy girl?
00:41:08My daughter.
00:41:13Is he from the Chungkung family?
00:41:15Is he the Kimnagchong of the Chungkung family?
00:41:17Who is he?
00:41:18Is he telling the truth?
00:41:21And this boy is my son.
00:41:29I heard these boys were harassing a child.
00:41:36My son tried to stop them.
00:41:38Then they fought.
00:41:41Am I telling the truth?
00:41:48This is what I've taught him.
00:41:51I've taught him to use his strength to protect the weak.
00:41:58I'm sorry. I didn't know who he was.
00:42:01I apologize for my behavior.
00:42:04Let's go over there and have some tea.
00:42:07No, not at all.
00:42:09You'll have to apologize to my son.
00:42:12If you apologize from the bottom of your heart, I'm sure my son will forgive you.
00:42:27For whatever happened.
00:42:36Are you hungry? Here, eat this.
00:42:39Stop thinking about me.
00:42:41Why did you have to call the director?
00:42:46We're a family.
00:42:48How can I not think about you?
00:42:52If other kids come and beat me, will you run away?
00:42:57Yes, I'll run away.
00:43:02I'm not lying.
00:43:17This is so cool.
00:43:24What are you doing?
00:43:26Boys look so good in uniforms.
00:43:31I don't think so.
00:43:33You'll look better in this uniform.
00:43:37Don't you think so?
00:43:39Don't you think so?
00:44:00Who is it?
00:44:04Who is it?
00:44:15Did I wake you up?
00:44:17No, not at all.
00:44:18How did you know where I was?
00:44:20I found out from the police.
00:44:21You weren't answering your phone, so...
00:44:23Yes, yes.
00:44:25Can I come in?
00:44:26Yes, of course.
00:44:27Come in.
00:44:29No, you can't come in.
00:44:32Listen, just give me five minutes.
00:44:34No, give me ten minutes, okay?
00:44:35Just ten minutes.
00:44:36But don't come inside, okay?
00:44:49What's wrong with me?
00:45:40What's this?
00:45:41Was this at home?
00:45:44Wait a minute.
00:45:46That was a man, wasn't it?
00:45:47Was it a man or a woman?
00:46:00I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
00:46:02Come in.
00:46:20I have to throw all the garbage out.
00:46:26I found this at your door.
00:46:31Remember, your rent...
00:46:33Crazy man.
00:46:36No, nothing.
00:46:39There is a crazy...
00:46:40I mean, my landlord.
00:46:42He's a little crazy.
00:46:58I'm glad you're on leave today.
00:47:01Did you hear that?
00:47:03For you.
00:47:08What's this?
00:47:10Swiss roll.
00:47:11You like it, don't you?
00:47:16And what's this?
00:47:19My dad always used to tell me not to take such help.
00:47:23In his last rites...
00:47:25In my sorrow...
00:47:26To be with me.
00:47:27Thank you so much.
00:47:29His memories are enough for me.
00:47:31Mr. Kim...
00:47:34He was like a father to me.
00:47:37He wasn't just my sponsor at the orphanage.
00:47:43I was like a son to him.
00:47:52If my dad was alive, he'd be so happy to hear this.
00:47:56You know...
00:47:58He also considered you his son from the bottom of his heart.
00:48:08That's why it's even harder for me.
00:48:13I always knew that I loved him and respected him.
00:48:18But not once did I tell him.
00:48:23I should've hugged him.
00:48:26I should've held his hand.
00:48:31Before he died, he asked me to meet him.
00:48:38But I couldn't.
00:48:41I'm not worthy of being called human.
00:48:47We don't share our feelings with each other.
00:48:52But I'm sure he'll understand us.
00:49:02I'm sure he understood you too.
00:49:05He must know about your feelings.
00:49:07And he was always proud of you.
00:49:17What are you doing?
00:49:20I should tell you this.
00:49:30Open the door.
00:49:32It's me, your landlord.
00:49:33I need to talk to you.
00:49:35You're home, right?
00:49:36Won't you open the door?
00:49:37Open the door.
00:49:39You're home, right?
00:49:40You're home, right?
00:49:42You're home, right?
00:49:46I'm busy right now.
00:49:47Please come back later.
00:49:49Wait a minute.
00:49:50I'm busy right now.
00:49:51Please come back later.
00:49:52I've had enough of your drama.
00:49:54I won't leave you.
00:49:55When will you pay the rent?
00:49:57You'll leave me?
00:49:59What will you do?
00:50:00Don't change the subject.
00:50:01When will you pay the rent?
00:50:07Why are you yelling?
00:50:09No need to yell.
00:50:10I'm not deaf.
00:50:11I'll pay the rent tomorrow.
00:50:13How can I believe you'll pay it tomorrow?
00:50:14You've said that many times before.
00:50:16I have an account in Dehan Bank.
00:50:17If you don't get the money by 10 a.m. tomorrow,
00:50:19come to the Violent Crimes Unit of Songdong Police Station.
00:50:24Why the Violent Crimes Unit?
00:50:25I have the rent.
00:50:27Reach there.
00:50:36I thought you live here alone.
00:50:37Am I living alone or with someone?
00:50:39What do you mean by that?
00:50:40What do you mean?
00:50:41I mean it.
00:50:43This will double your electricity bill.
00:50:45You know that, right?
00:50:46Stop it.
00:50:48Why are you peeping inside?
00:50:49What are you looking at?
00:50:53I knew something was wrong.
00:50:55The washing machine keeps running all night.
00:50:56And this time the water bill is more than $10.
00:50:58Do you know that?
00:51:00You're misunderstanding.
00:51:01I live here alone.
00:51:05What happened?
00:51:06Is there a problem?
00:51:11Who is it?
00:51:19Was it the landlord?
00:51:20You must be hungry.
00:51:21I'll cook something for you.
00:51:23What would you like to eat?
00:51:47Oh, man.
00:51:56Why did you come here today?
00:51:58Come on, sit.
00:51:59I'll drop you.
00:52:00No problem.
00:52:02You're busy, right?
00:52:03I'll go.
00:52:05I can drop you.
00:52:08Actually, I have to go meet someone.
00:52:11So late at night?
00:53:10I'm sorry I'm late.
00:53:20What do you mean?
00:53:21The gallery director is dead?
00:53:25Is it true?
00:53:26Is he really dead?
00:53:29Then why am I finding out about this now?
00:53:32It took me a long time to come from the Netherlands.
00:53:34I'm so sorry.
00:53:40Go inside.
00:53:45You sit.
00:53:48Have you started earning so much money these days?
00:53:50That you don't care about $2 million?
00:53:54You're such an idiot.
00:53:55You don't even know if the person you owe money to is alive or dead.
00:53:59The bank already knew everything, you idiot.
00:54:02How dare you start your own business?
00:54:06One who has no value for money can never be successful.
00:54:11What will you do?
00:54:12How will you get that money back?
00:54:16Okay, I admit he's dead.
00:54:17But he must have left something behind, right?
00:54:20Chong Som is not an ordinary family.
00:54:21It's a very elite family.
00:54:22I'm sure they didn't run out of money.
00:54:26Do you know how expensive their paintings are?
00:54:28Everyone knows they're bankrupt.
00:54:30They're not an elite family anymore.
00:54:31They've become beggars.
00:54:33I don't know how many people they've borrowed money from.
00:54:35Those paintings are also going to be auctioned off.
00:54:37Do you know that?
00:54:39You said it was trustworthy.
00:54:42You said we'd make $20 million from this deal.
00:54:48Okay, I'm taking responsibility for it.
00:54:51You're still going to argue?
00:54:52Dad, why are you getting so angry over such a small thing?
00:54:55I'm not a small thing, Dad.
00:54:56I'm your son.
00:54:57Jin Mohawk!
00:54:58You know that no one has ever cheated me.
00:55:01No matter what, I never play a losing game.
00:55:03I'll get all the money back with interest.
00:55:06So don't worry, okay?
00:55:07And don't mess with my head.
00:55:08Stay calm.
00:55:12Tell me.
00:55:13What's your plan for him?
00:55:15Dad, you don't know him?
00:55:19I'm sure he has a backup plan.
00:55:22Right, Mohawk?
00:55:30And yes, Dad.
00:55:31You shouldn't be so scared of spending money.
00:55:34Otherwise, you'll never become rich.
00:55:36You know that, right?
00:55:37You have $2 million.
00:55:40I don't understand why you're still so scared.
00:55:42It's not even that much.
00:55:46What do I tell this idiot?
00:55:58Are you okay?
00:56:03I'll be fine.
00:56:08Did you see what happened all of a sudden?
00:56:11Even the bank doesn't know what to do.
00:56:16I'm sorry.
00:56:17I'm sorry.
00:56:18I'm sorry.
00:56:19I'm sorry.
00:56:20I'm sorry.
00:56:21I'm sorry.
00:56:25I hope she has family?
00:56:27His wife passed away several years ago.
00:56:29He has a daughter.
00:56:31And she looks like an outstanding type.
00:56:35I knew it.
00:56:38Tell me.
00:56:39Why does he look outstanding?
00:56:41After graduating from Seow National University,
00:56:43he got a Master's and Doctorate from Tokyo University.
00:56:46First Korean to go to European Gallery,
00:56:48and she's working as a Chief Researcher there.
00:56:51So what?
00:56:53Maybe you don't have any knowledge in this field, but these are some amazing achievements.
00:56:59If I compare it to pork, then this is the most special...
00:57:04...Iberian pig's mass.
00:57:07What nonsense are you talking?
00:57:09In simple words, she's a spoiled girl whose parents can't even arrange her tuition fees.
00:57:13Her parents pay for her.
00:57:16Is she like that?
00:57:18This won't do.
00:57:20The waiting list is too long.
00:57:23If I don't do something soon, I'll lose all the money I don't want.
00:57:27What are you going to do?
00:57:30Wait a minute.
00:57:32Maybe this will work.
00:57:34Because she's an educated girl, so we can pay her for her studies.
00:57:41So do you have a better idea?
00:57:44No, sir.
00:57:45No, sir?
00:58:15Please come, just say darling
00:58:18He fell in love with her
00:58:23Please come, just say darling
00:58:27Whenever she got in trouble
00:58:46Let's go, let's go, let's go
00:59:08I've got the car ready and everything is on standby as you said.
00:59:11Timing is everything. We should get to work soon.
00:59:15I've seen it from different angles and scheduled the operation at 10 am.
00:59:19I've seen it from different angles and scheduled the operation at 10 am.
00:59:41I don't know what will happen to our gallery now.
00:59:44We don't have money and no one is ready to buy it.
00:59:49Will it shut down?
00:59:51We have the right person for it.
00:59:54He had a great career, I don't think he will run this gallery.
00:59:58It would be better if he sells it and lives a peaceful life.
01:00:03So should we start looking for a new job now?
01:00:11Maybe Mr. Kim knows something that we don't know.
01:00:15After all, he is the director's nephew.
01:00:16I don't think so.
01:00:19I got a job offer from Doha's gallery.
01:00:22I should have gone.
01:00:24But I trusted the director and got stuck here.
01:00:27You guys are very strange.
01:00:29The director was very nice to us.
01:00:32If you had a heart, you wouldn't have said such things.
01:00:46I'm sorry I couldn't meet you earlier.
01:00:49Despite everything that happened,
01:00:52you guys did your duty.
01:00:55Thank you so much for that.
01:00:59From today onwards, I will be a member of the gallery
01:01:03and will walk on my dad's path.
01:01:05And I need your help.
01:01:07So, thank you in advance.
01:01:09So, this means that this gallery is open to the public.
01:01:14So, this means that this gallery is open to the public.
01:01:34You guys don't have to worry about the gallery.
01:01:37I'm already talking to the bank.
01:01:39And things are working out easily.
01:01:41There's a problem.
01:01:43Let's go quickly.
01:01:45What's the matter?
01:01:47Let's go and see.
01:01:49Where is the owner of this place?
01:01:52Come on, get out.
01:01:54Get out. Didn't you hear me?
01:01:56He borrowed money from me.
01:01:58And now it's time to pay him back.
01:02:00Do you think my money grows on trees?
01:02:03Where is your owner?
01:02:07But I know Kung Fu, Karate, everything.
01:02:11Until I get my money back,
01:02:13I won't take a step back from here.
01:02:15And yes, I don't care if I'm in the gallery or not.
01:02:18Before I spill the blood here,
01:02:20give me my money back.
01:02:22My two million dollars.
01:02:24We won't leave you.
01:02:26Give it back.
01:02:28Give it back.
01:02:30Give it back.
01:02:32Give it back.
01:02:34If you force me,
01:02:36I'll burn all the paintings here.
01:02:38Give me my money back.
01:02:40Give him his money back.
01:02:42Give him his money back.
01:02:44Give him his money back.
01:02:46Give him his money back.
01:02:48Give him his money back.
01:02:50Give him his money back.
01:02:52Give him his money back.
01:02:54Give him his money back.
01:02:56Give him his money back.
01:02:58Give him his money back.
01:03:00Give him his money back.
01:03:02Give him his money back.
01:03:07Give him his money back.
01:03:13Mr. Jin, you?
01:03:25No, no, I was just...
01:03:37I'm sorry.
01:03:39Two steps closer
01:03:41Will you hug me as I approach?
01:03:44This ordinary love
01:03:56The sun is holding you
01:04:00The night is there
01:04:03When I open the window, I see you
01:04:06You and me
01:04:08I'm your creditor and you're my debtor
01:04:11You're following me?
01:04:13Mr. Jin?
01:04:15You know the Segi Group, right?
01:04:17What are you doing?
01:04:19I spoke to them about their engagement
01:04:21He wants to get it for money
01:04:23What a scoundrel
01:04:25I'll always be grateful to you, Mr. Jin
01:04:27He's your debtor
01:04:29And you owe him
01:04:31Do you think I can save the gallery?
01:04:33Not at all
01:04:35At least not without my help