• last year
CONMEBOL Argentina vs Chile 3 x 0 All Goals Highlights 2024
00:30We are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world
01:00We are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of
01:30the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
01:40of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
01:50of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
02:10of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
02:32of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
03:00of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
03:28of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
03:56of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the
04:24champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world,
04:52we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
05:20of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
05:48of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
06:16of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the
06:44champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world,
07:12we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
07:40of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are
08:08the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world,
08:38we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
09:06of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are
09:34the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world,
10:04we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
10:32of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are
10:58the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world,
11:05we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
11:06of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the
11:07champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world,
11:08we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the
11:09world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
11:10of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
11:11of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
11:12of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions of the world, we are the champions
