Sonic Omens Pt.4-Escaping The Gnarl

  • 2 days ago
Big worm. Also checkout and and and and
00:00This is actually stupidly hard.
00:30So bullshit.
00:45Wait, who the fuck shot me?
00:49That guy.
00:55I like that he can shoot through this.
01:01I must repair.
01:12Of course that would miss.
01:31Oh my god.
01:52Now what?
01:56Oh, what is this?
02:06I don't think I need to break that. Oh.
02:22Guess that's how.
02:26Try it now.
02:42I went this way once and I didn't see anything.
02:46Nope, nope, nope.
03:05Guess that there's nothing over there.
03:09Watch, I'll literally go in here and there'll be nothing.
03:13I'll go around and around and there's nothing.
03:17Unless it's against the wall.
03:30I'm so confused.
03:36Now I can't go over.
03:44I don't understand. Where's the button?
03:50Where's this?
04:13I don't understand.
04:23Like, why have this whole area over here if there's nothing?
04:36That took out a lot of health.
04:44Let me ride it at the bottom. Oh, you son of a bitch. No.
04:55Oh, that's a different way. Fuck you guys.
05:20No, that took out so much health, I just ruined my frames.
05:29Ah ha ha, you see that?
05:34This game.
05:41Okay, and what's the point of this?
05:50Is this the way to go?
06:09Please don't make me redo everything!
06:19Is this the way I already was once?
06:23Did you just laugh at me?
06:27You see my health?
07:03Please give me a checkpoint.
07:10Um, what the hell does that mean, it's too windy?
07:19I'm on jet.
07:22Wait, that was a coin.
07:25No, no, no.
07:28What are those creatures on the drawings?
07:35Where am I going?
07:46You stupid pilot.
07:51I don't know what I'm doing.
08:06I don't know what I'm doing.
08:20At least it respawns me here, I don't have to redo all that.
08:23Yeah, and you got health back.
08:25Yeah, but this game is actually quite challenging.
08:28It looks like it.
08:30I did not expect this from a Sanic game.
09:00Oh, no.
09:31Oh, you son of an ass.
09:48Just get the ring.
09:53Screw it.
09:56Please checkpoint me or something.
10:26Oh my Jesus, it's so freaking windy in here.
10:49Thank the Lord.
10:55Screw you guys.
11:28Why is that one point smaller than the other one?
11:32Oh, no, it just looked like it.
11:44Wait, is this a boss?
11:46Please no.
12:08Oh, man.
12:12This seems like it's going to suck.
12:24Do you want any of these?
12:26That's fine.
12:28I'll take half one here and there.
12:36Give me a minute, you want me to choke?
12:47I mean, I gotta escape if it's already in front of me, right?
13:01Oh, no.
13:03Oh, no.
13:05Oh, no.
13:07Oh, no.
13:09Oh, no.
13:11Oh, no.
13:13Oh, no.
13:15Oh, no.
13:17Oh, no.
13:19Did you see that dodge?
13:26There wasn't a dodge there.
13:31Please don't hurt me.
13:40Shut up.
13:42This game.
13:57What am I doing?
14:01Where do I go now?
14:05Up and where?
14:12Wow, that was a shitty thing.
14:15And then back down.
14:18Where do I go?
14:34Oh, I just go straight up?
14:36There's no way.
14:42Where do I go, guys?
14:49Oh, my God.
14:51And I go back down.
14:55Start the battle all over again.
15:03I don't want to find out.
15:07I can't see anything through the sandstorm.
15:27That was close.
15:45I will whoop your ass if you try to fight her.
15:54The wind.
15:58Fucking fly.
16:04Yes, I'll go off.
16:10I'm trying to see the arrows.
16:12Yeah, but they don't tell me to go back this way.
16:38Are you mad?
16:48Wow, fuck you guys.
16:50I don't even know where I'm going.
16:52Is that the?
16:55It can't possibly.
16:56But it.
17:01Oh, my God.
17:11I saw it.
17:12Oh, you stupid worm.
17:26I got to shoot it.
17:30Oh, yeah.
17:33This is going to be a pain in the ass.
17:42I'm going to lose this time.
17:44And then I'm going to have to try again.
17:47Which, thankfully, should have checked.
17:54Yeah, it did.
17:56Super difficult.
18:07I heard it.
18:13Nothing goes good with Todd like lasers.
18:31This is such a BS boss because I can never tell where it's going to be and it just hits me in the back.
18:39How long it takes to recharge my rocket.
18:57The demon hit it.
19:06The missiles suck.
19:17They really suck.
19:28Oh, he's going to pop out right there.
19:31No, he doesn't.
19:32Oh, he does.
19:33That didn't hit him.
19:39They don't lock on the way they should.
19:46It is.
19:48This is a very bad boss.
20:01No, they don't.
20:02You did that on purpose, right?
20:03Yeah, I did.