Full video: LGBTQ: Why does the society despise them? || Acharya Prashant, at AIIMS Nagpur (2022)
00:00Why is there such a huge reluctance to accept the LGBTQ community?
00:06You do not want to accept anybody who's not like you, full stop.
00:09It's not just about the LGBTQ community.
00:13Anybody doing anything that's a little out of the way,
00:17you don't want to accept it or endorse it.
00:20It's a threat to your own way of living.
00:23And you know that your way of living has not much substance in it.
00:28So anything that comes as a deviation becomes an object of suspicion.
00:34You're talking of the LGBTQ community.
00:36Would you be tolerant towards someone who refuses to be educated?
00:40Education is a part of your script, right?
00:43Somebody says, I don't want to be educated.
00:45How tolerant would you be?
00:46In fact, you would be more tolerant towards a lesbian or a gay
00:51than you would be towards a person who refuses the ordinary kind of education.