TNA IMPACT Wrestling 9/5/24 – SEPTEMBER 5 , 2024 Part 1

  • 2 days ago
TNA IMPACT Wrestling 9/5/24 – SEPTEMBER 5
TNA IMPACT Wrestling 9/5/24 – SEPTEMBER 5
TNA IMPACT Wrestling 9/5/24 – SEPTEMBER 5
TNA Wrestling 9/5/24 – SEPTEMBER 5
IMPACT Wrestling 9/5/24 – SEPTEMBER 5
Wrestling 9/5/24 – SEPTEMBER 5

#TNA IMPACT Wrestling
#TNA Wrestling


00:00We are sold out in Louisville, Kentucky at All-Forcers Paris Town Hall.
00:07We will begin with Ultimate X, the signature matchup of TNA Wrestling.
00:14To begin, TNA Emergence.
00:21Wentz, run on, run on to the title! Run on on the title!
00:25Got it!
00:26Zachary Wentz is X-Division Champion!
00:30This is redemption.
00:32This goes to show to anybody if you are a good human being,
00:36and you fight hard enough, you will be back.
00:39Here's all this. It's done.
00:42Anybody who wants it, step up and grab it.
00:45This is the face of the X-Division.
00:47I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
00:50Smoke them if you got them.
00:52And I got all of them.
00:56Matt and Jeff Hardy want impact.
00:58They took out Moose and JDC.
01:00Joe Henry had to deal with Brian Myers.
01:03Santana went one-on-one with Eddie Edwards.
01:06This team is a lot of momentum rolling into Emergence.
01:12Oh, and a shot by Edwards!
01:15Boss and me party!
01:17The system wins!
01:20I'm putting on paper my rematch clothes.
01:25Soon, you're looking at the full-time TNA world champ.
01:34Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our main event here at Emergence.
01:39A one-hour Ironman match for the TNA world title.
01:44Who is the face of this company?
01:46Who is the standard of TNA?
01:48Who is the Ironman?
01:51Nemeth has scored a pinfall!
01:53Nick Nemeth has taken the lead!
01:56He's caught the danger zone!
01:59It's 2-0, Nemeth!
02:01Alexander has pulled something out of his knee brace!
02:05C4 spike!
02:07Alexander scores a fall!
02:09Another C4 spike!
02:12Alexander has tied it!
02:14Danger zone!
02:17Nemeth with the C4 spike!
02:21Nemeth takes the lead!
02:23Seconds remaining!
02:26Nick Nemeth is champion!
02:28Nick Nemeth is the Ironman!
02:31Bruce, you run your mouth online when you're protected by your group!
02:36Victory Road, I got you in my sights!
02:40World title match has proved to the whole damn world
02:43not only am I the best,
02:45but I am your undisputed TNA champion!
02:59In the wake of emergence right here in Louisville, Kentucky,
03:02this past weekend, we now look forward to Victory Road,
03:06one week away from tomorrow in San Antonio.
03:10Welcome to TNA Impact!
03:16Let's go!
03:22Trust the system.
03:36Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the Impact Zone,
03:39Masha Slamovich, JDC, and The System!
03:44This past weekend at Emergence,
03:46which you can watch back on demand anytime on TNA+,
03:50Moose, JDC, Eddie Edwards, and Ryan Myers
03:54were victorious in an eight-man tag team matchup
03:56against the Hardys, Mike Santana, and Joe Hendry.
04:01However, you can see Alicia Edwards and Masha Slamovich,
04:05they are the Knockouts World Tag Team Champions,
04:07competed in a six-knockout tag team matchup this past weekend,
04:11but Alicia Edwards, who sustained an injury in the process,
04:15has been in concussion protocol since Emergence.
04:18A valiant warrior is Alicia Edwards.
04:21And I love Tom, every chance you get,
04:24slime-aversary included, you always love to throw,
04:26like, oh, look, The System's right there!
04:28The System's falling apart!
04:30But every time, they come back stronger and better than ever.
04:34And one of the biggest headlines coming out of Emergence
04:38is that one week from tomorrow,
04:40Friday, September 13th, in San Antonio, Texas,
04:43live on TNA+,
04:45Moose will get his contractual rematch
04:47for the TNA World Championship from Slime-Aversary
04:51against Nick Nemeth at Victory Road.
04:59Do you wanna know something?
05:02Do you wanna know something?
05:10Do you wanna know something?
05:16The System was dominant at Emergence,
05:19and we have something to say.
05:32You ain't gonna ruin our night.
05:35That's not gonna happen.
05:37Everybody out there has been wishing and hoping and praying
05:42for a System failure.
05:45You idiots in the crowd have been chanting,
05:48System failure!
05:51But the System's not done.
05:54The System's not done.
05:57The System's not done.
06:01But the fact is,
06:03the System does not fail.
06:08All the System needed was a nice little reboot.
06:14And now that that's been accomplished,
06:16now that that's been done,
06:18it is time for the System to get back our championship gold.
06:31Oh, and guess what?
06:35As your former tag team champions,
06:40Eddie and I are contractually obligated for a rematch.
06:50So you know what?
06:52We're gonna use that clause
06:55at Victory Road
06:57and challenge ABC
07:00for our tag team championship.
07:26Shut up, town.
07:41Yeah, I need everybody to shut the hell up,
07:48because the face of the franchise
07:51the face of the franchise
07:53has something very important to say.
08:07Nick Nimmit,
08:11in two weeks,
08:14you get to face the guy
08:17that you've never beaten
08:20and beat you for that title
08:22you have around your waist.
08:26And like a British lad once said,
08:31at Victory Road,
08:33I got bad news for you,
08:36because you're looking at the four-time
08:41CNA World Champion.
08:46But before we get to Victory Road,
08:50I have something more important to talk about.
08:57And that's you, JDC.
09:04And everybody wants to know
09:07what is your relationship with the System.
09:13Well, tonight,
09:16we have a big night.
09:18You have a big night.
09:22Because if we win that tag team matchup
09:26against stupid Joe Henry
09:32and that old yeller Mike Santana,
09:37you officially become a member of the System.
09:51if we lose tonight,
09:57you're out.
10:00And everybody in this building
10:03knows what the System does to outsiders.
10:15Everybody is asking for their rematches.
10:27And I'm wicked smart, so what I did,
10:32listen, I know my rights as a champion
10:35and I do not need to defend my title
10:38more than once in 30 days.
10:41And I am also under the concussion protocol.
10:49So therefore, I can find a suitable replacement
10:53if my neurologist does not clear me
10:56to compete to wrestle.
11:01I wrestle!
11:03I wrestle!
11:05I wrestle!
11:07Oh, and now, here comes the fire.
11:10Danny Luna and Jody Breath.
11:13Breath Luna, along with the knockout world champion,
11:16Jordan Grace, defeated the team of Aspire
11:20against Masha Slamovich and Alicia Edwards at Emergence.
11:23Hey, hey, hey, hey!
11:25Look, Alicia, it was unfortunate
11:28what happened to you at Emergence.
11:30I understand.
11:31But the reality of the situation is
11:34your team lost.
11:36Actually, the reality is we already beat you twice.
11:40So you can take your little two stupid faces out of here
11:44and go back to the dive bar you crawled out of.
11:54Look, every time we have wrestled,
11:57you have cheated to win,
11:59whether it be the referee,
12:01but let's get to the point.
12:03We talked to Santino,
12:05and we got another shot at victory road.
12:09But this time,
12:11it's do or die.
12:14So if you beat us,
12:19we break up as a team.
12:32You guys are actually going to do me a favor
12:34because I'm never going to see your stupid faces again.
12:37So guess what?
12:38You're on.
12:39Victory Road, Spitfire versus Alicia.
12:46Some huge matches have been made in South
12:50for Victory Road one week from tomorrow
12:53in San Antonio, Texas.
12:54And don't forget still to come tonight in our main event,
12:57Moose and J.D. City
12:59against Mike Santino and Joey Mandrin.
13:03Still to come.
13:06Ladies and gentlemen,
13:07please welcome my guest at this time, Eric Young.
13:12EY, Emergence was a big night.
13:14Unfortunately, a tough loss for you against Steve Macklin.
13:17But how are you feeling after that battle?
13:20Yeah, pretty beat up.
13:21Macklin's a guy that I've known for a long time,
13:23and we've never touched until Emergence.
13:25He got one over on me,
13:26but this is what I know.
13:27We came to the line.
13:28We showed up like men.
13:30We threw down,
13:31and he got one over on me.
13:32But it's a guy I respect.
13:34He's always done things his way.
13:35I've always done things my way.
13:37And I've got his back no matter what happens going forward.
13:40Well, we know that there's no rest for the wicked.
13:42You've got another challenge ahead of you tonight
13:45against Jake something.
13:46Yeah, Jake, look, no secret.
13:48Big dude.
13:49Bad dude.
13:50We've had history.
13:52I know what he's all about.
13:53He knows what I'm all about.
13:55I'm going to do what I've always done.
13:56I'm going to represent myself.
13:57I'm going to represent this company,
13:59and I'm going to be me.
14:03Certainly history dating back to the days of violent by design,
14:06but tonight it's Eric Young versus Jake something.
14:09Plus, in our main event,
14:10Moose and JDC of the System
14:12team up against Joe Hendry and Mike Santana.
14:15But coming up next,
14:16Kushida and Laredo Kid,
14:18an X-Division showcase next.
14:25What in the hell?
14:27What the hell is going on?
14:29John Layfield is in TNA.
14:33First a moment in Mexico between these two.
14:37Some words were spoken tonight that only Nick Namath
14:40and John Layfield will truly understand.
14:43What is unraveling in front of our eyes?
14:49You know, Tom, I said it.
14:52You know, Tom, I said it at Emergence.
14:55What timeline are we in?
14:57You never know who's going to show up where,
15:00John Layfield in the impact zone,
15:01something I thought I would never say.
15:03I've known John Layfield for over a decade.
15:06John does what he wants.
15:08I can tell you that immediately after Emergence,
15:10I went backstage.
15:11I tried to find John Layfield.
15:12I was told by security he immediately left the premises,
15:15and thus far the TNA world champion Nick Namath
15:18has yet to share what was spoken between him and John Layfield
15:21at Emergence.
15:31The following contest is set for football.
15:34Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan,
15:36town splitter Kushida.
15:40As we get set for our first action tonight here,
15:42Kushida has the opportunity to rebound
15:45after the countdown to Emergence.
15:47He went one-on-one with Frankie Kazarian,
15:49the self-proclaimed king of TNA,
15:52as he consistently has done,
15:54found a way to cut corners, bend the rules,
15:56and get the win.
15:58All I heard was Frankie Kazarian found a way to get the win,
16:01and you couldn't be more right, Tom,
16:03because that's what Frankie Kazarian does.
16:05That's what all that experience does for you.
16:09That's what makes him the king.
16:11That's what makes him a winner.
16:13This is a critical time here.
16:14Victory Row just one week away from tomorrow
16:16in less than two months now,
16:18until Battle for Glory,
16:20our biggest event of the year.
16:25His opponent, from Nuevo Dorado, Mexico,
16:28Laredo Kid.
16:31And a reminder that every episode of TNA Impact,
16:34plus all of our live pay-per-views
16:36and monthly TNA Plus Live specials
16:38are available in Spanish on TNA Plus Now.
16:41So go to right now
16:44to subscribe and sign up.
16:46You haven't seen anything until you've seen everything.
16:49It felt like we saw everything
16:51when Laredo Kid and company competed
16:53in Ultimate X.
16:55Zachary Wentz is your new X-Division champion.
16:58We're going to hear from Wentz later on tonight.
17:01Absolute changing of the guard.
17:03The boys from the treehouse
17:05have championship gold once again.
17:08But this is the division that defines TNA Wrestling
17:11to its core.
17:13Ultimate X did not let us down in that fashion at all.
17:16Great example of the X-Division right here.
17:19Two men who have circled around the X-Division championship
17:22quite a bit in their careers here in TNA.
17:25Laredo Kid trying to make it difficult on Kushida
17:28here in the early going.
17:30Went for a cover. Kushida following suit.
17:32You know this opening is going to be pretty fast-paced
17:35given the styles of both of these wrestlers here.
17:39Make sure you keep your eyes open.
17:42A little bit of a feeling out process early on.
17:45You know Kushida is looking for that hoverboard lock
17:48trying to soften up the arm of Laredo Kid here.
17:51It's the beauty of watching two brilliant athletes
17:54go to work and especially Kushida.
17:56Just such a diverse skill set.
17:58There is no facet of pro wrestling
18:00you can put in front of him and surprise him.
18:02Now that's that style.
18:04That education deep in the Japan dojo system
18:08coming up in this business all over the world.
18:11Kushida has learned to adapt to pretty much any style.
18:14Don't forget still to come tonight
18:16Eric Young goes one-on-one with Jake Something.
18:19The Knockouts World Champion Jordan Grace
18:22will hold yet another open challenge
18:24for her Knockouts World Championship.
18:26In our main event it's Joe Hendry and Mike Santana
18:30against Moose of the System and JDC.
18:33Remember what Moose said earlier on?
18:35If JDC helps guide them to a victory
18:38JDC is officially a part of the system
18:41and if he doesn't well it could be a bad night for JDC.
18:44Alright let's not even talk about that possibility.
18:47In my heart emotionally he's already a part of the system
18:50in my heart and the heart of many around the world
18:52but I'd love to see it made official.
18:54Oh one for the sunset flip there.
18:56Drop kick right to the face by Kushida.
18:58And the action in this one I mean
19:01as I said before really has not stopped
19:03has not slowed down.
19:05It doesn't look like it will here either.
19:07Oh Kushida thought he had an opening there
19:09with Laredo Kidd on the outside
19:11but for the former TNA Digital Media Champion
19:14Laredo Kidd cover the crowd quickly
19:16and look at the back of your screen
19:18there's Josh Alexander
19:21attacking Laredo Kidd and blowing up this match.
19:26Alexander looking out, look out!
19:28Oh no, no, no, no.
19:30C4 spike by the walking weapon.
19:34Extra bit of gusto on that one.
19:36Oh now Kushida going after Alexander
19:39and Alexander attacking Kushida.
19:43Alexander incensed, clearly ticked off
19:46after coming up short in the world title Ironman match
19:49at Emergence.
19:51Fell short to Nick Nemeth
19:53and now an ankle lock applied here on Kushida.
19:57Security and referees heading towards the ring.
20:00Looks like everybody in TNA
20:03going to feel the wrath of the walking weapon.
20:10Security and our referee Daniel Spencer
20:12trying to control the situation.
20:18Our official able to get Josh Alexander
20:20to exit the ring.
20:22What condition is Kushida in
20:24after this attack by Alexander?
20:28There he is.
20:30This is my house.
20:32I can do what I want.
20:34I'm my time.
20:35Nick Nemeth, Nick Nemeth.
20:37Me and Josh.
20:39One on one, right now!
20:41Go, go, go, go!
20:46Let's go!
20:49Kushida wants a fight with Josh Alexander
20:52and Kushida is charging after the walking weapon
20:57leaving the impact zone.
21:01I'm now trying to drag Alexander back towards the ring
21:04and I'm being told that Santina Morella
21:07has made this match official.
21:09Our referee Daniel Spencer is in the ring.
21:11There's the bell.
21:12Kushida versus Josh Alexander
21:15is officially underway.
21:18Well, good on our director of authority
21:20for getting us here and keeping his finger on the button.
21:24A bitter Josh Alexander
21:26now has to deal with the time splitter Kushida.
21:29This match continues here on TNA Impact.
21:36We are back here on TNA Impact
21:38an impromptu matchup of Josh Alexander and Kushida.
21:42Kushida trying to control the leg of Josh Alexander.
21:46It was Kushida versus Laredo.
21:48Came before the break
21:49and then Alexander blew the whole thing up.
21:52Kushida now with an ankle lock
21:54on Alexander and a German suplex.
21:57Trying to add a little insult to injury here
21:59taking some moves out of the Josh Alexander playbook.
22:03Oh, big kick by Kushida.
22:05There's the cover.
22:06Pressing the shoulders down and a kick out.
22:09Josh Alexander has got to be extremely bitter and angry
22:12after what happened at Emergence this past weekend
22:15live on TNA+.
22:16Nick Nemeth withstood Josh Alexander
22:19in a one-hour Ironman match
22:22for the TNA World Championship.
22:24That match, Alexander believed, was his match to win.
22:29And for much of that matchup
22:30it looked like it was going to happen that way.
22:33Alexander, especially late in the game
22:35coming from a deficit, came
22:37and absolutely brutalized the TNA World Champion
22:40but ultimately the Wanted Man comes out victorious.
22:43Kushida trying to get the hoverboard lock on the outside here.
22:47Oh, and Alexander drives some spine first into the apron.
22:52And as you mentioned, Tom
22:54clearly the walking weapon here is none too pleased.
22:58The anger boiling over here on TNA Impact.
23:05Not ready to just leave everything left alone
23:07destroying that matchup
23:09and now trying to destroy Kushida outright.
23:12Oh, and now Alexander using his entrance shirt
23:16to try and attack Kushida.
23:17Our referee, Daniel Spencer, getting rid of the shirt.
23:21The referee was sent down here.
23:23Versantino Morella making a match official
23:26between Alexander and Kushida
23:28after the walking weapon destroyed the previous match.
23:33Kushida, despite being attacked like that
23:36was more than ready to answer that challenge.
23:39Look at this, a defiant Kushida.
23:42Think about the irony.
23:43It was last year that Kushida was chasing Josh Alexander
23:48and his then TNA World Championship
23:51prior to a torn left tricep suffered by Josh Alexander.
23:55Many have speculated was because of the hoverboard lock of Kushida.
24:04A backbreaker.
24:05Here's the cover.
24:06Shoulders down and a kick out.
24:08There were many who thought Kushida could have been next in line
24:12for the TNA World Championship.
24:14These two have never gone one-on-one before.
24:16So imagine how kicked off Kushida must be.
24:19This is a man that he's wanted to face in the past.
24:21And then Alexander, who's completely different side of him,
24:25bursts onto the scene and blows up this match.
24:28Yeah, I'm sure this is not the one-on-one match
24:30that Kushida was hoping to have one day with the walking weapon.
24:34Nevertheless, here we are.
24:37He writes in the midsection,
24:38If you're Josh Alexander,
24:39I don't agree with this being the way to move forward after emergence.
24:43Oh, but how does he get back into the TNA World title picture?
24:46By brutalizing everybody in his pathway back to the top.
24:51Oh, back to the parry leg kick, but caught by Alexander.
24:54Incredible counter by Josh Alexander.
24:57It's that kind of tenacity, that kind of in-ring acumen
25:01that keeps him at the top of his game.
25:03Face first into the middle turnbuckle.
25:05Here's the cover.
25:06And Kushida only had two.
25:08And now leaps for the hoverboard lock.
25:12That dangerous hoverboard lock.
25:14Bad place to be for Josh Alexander.
25:18Kushida got it locked in here.
25:22Remember the torn left triceps last year for Josh Alexander.
25:26Oh, and a brain buster by the walking weapon.
25:30Nasty by Alexander there.
25:33Still feeling the effects of the hoverboard lock
25:35but ready to put this one away.
25:38That torn triceps cost Josh Alexander the TNA World Championship.
25:43The longest TNA World title reign in history.
25:46To this day, it haunts him that he was never beaten
25:50for that TNA World Championship.
25:59And now going to send a clear and concise message.
26:03Going for the C4 spike there.
26:05And now Kushida, Kushida trying to get the win here
26:08and a kick out by Alexander.
26:10A little encounter but Alexander back in the driver's seat.
26:14Kushida loaded up for the Tanaka punch
26:17and Alexander hits the German suplex.
26:24And again, going for the ankle here.
26:27Alexander smashing the ankle of Kushida.
26:31Absolutely obliterating the leg, the knee, the ankle.
26:35Kushida's in a bad way.
26:38Is Kushida going to tap to the ankle lock center of the ring?
26:42Looking close.
26:43Kushida's got to be careful.
26:45And now Alexander thinking about a new plan of attack.
26:54Alexander with a C4 spike.
26:58And that's got to be it.
27:01A statement by the locking weapon.
27:06Here is your winner, Josh Alexander.
27:09It has got to be eating Josh Alexander alive
27:12that he could not capture the TNA World title
27:15at Emergence and so quickly.
27:17We have a TNA World title match set up for Victory Road.
27:21Boots gets a contractual rematch for the championship
27:24against Nick Nemec one week from tomorrow
27:27live on TNA Plus in San Antonio, Texas
27:30at Victory Road.
27:33The locking weapon here tonight proving
27:36he will not go quietly into that good night.
27:55Are you OK?
28:03We need a medic here.
28:05We need a medic.
28:08Do you know where you're at?
28:14Is this what we're doing now?
28:16Locking weapon, does that mean hurting people?
28:18You're feeling brave today.
28:20You're feeling brave right now, right?
28:21A little bit of curse, that's nice.
28:22Well, guess what?
28:23Remember this.
28:24I will never forget what you did to me at Slammiversary either.
28:29I'm bleeding.
28:31We need medical.
28:32Medical, please.
28:42Joe Henry is clearly not forgotten.
28:45Josh Alexander costing him a shot
28:47at the TNA World title.
28:49It's an anniversary.
28:52The following content is not for one fault
28:55and it is for the TNA Knockouts World Championship.
28:59Introducing first from Austin, Texas,
29:02she is the reigning and defending
29:04TNA Knockouts World Champion,
29:06the sugar dot,
29:08Jordan Gray!
29:12And speaking of world titles,
29:14it was this past weekend at Emergence
29:16that Jordan Gray from Spitfire picked up the win
29:18in a six knockouts tag team matchup
29:20live on TNA+.
29:22And it was announced earlier this week
29:24that this coming Tuesday night,
29:26for the first time ever,
29:27the TNA Knockouts World Championship
29:30will be defended on NXT by Jordan Gray
29:33in an open challenge.
29:34That is if she is successful tonight.
29:37Once again, Jordan Gray is set to hold
29:40an open challenge for her championship.
29:43Can she secure her 15th successful defense
29:47of the championship?
29:48Who's going to step up to the juggernaut tonight?
29:55Ladies and gentlemen,
29:56answering her open challenge.
30:04Oh my.
30:10We have a guest.
30:14Good evening, everyone.
30:17It is I, Miss NXT, Ariana Grace.
30:23Thank you, thank you.
30:26I know you all wanted to be me
30:30answering this open challenge.
30:33But I am here because I have some exciting news.
30:41You are looking at the new liaison
30:45between NXT and TNA.
30:52It is my duty to make sure everything runs smoothly
30:57during this beautiful collab.
31:01And so, as liaison,
31:04I will now introduce the challenger.
31:07She is gold-blooded.
31:10She is a karate queen.
31:13And honestly, she is one of my best friends.
31:18Introducing Carmen Petrovic.
31:27What a double dose of surprise here in the Impact Zone.
31:37Carmen Petrovic joins the likes of Tatum Hensley
31:41and Izzy Dame as NXT stars
31:44who have crossed the line here in the TNA
31:47to challenge Jordan Grace
31:49for the Knockouts World Championship.
31:54Carmen Petrovic has been a rising star in TNA.
31:58And man, what a way to really set things up.
32:02You can bring the TNA Knockouts World title back to NXT with you,
32:07but the juggernaut is going to be one hell of a contest.
32:11We have a new liaison between NXT and TNA.
32:15How lucky are we?
32:16Let's see how Santino Morello thinks about Ariana Grace's presence.
32:20But right now, the presence is all about
32:23the Knockouts World Championship.
32:25Carmen Petrovic about to challenge Jordan Grace.
32:32This will be a very interesting mixing of styles here.
32:36Again, we know the speed, the ferocity of the juggernaut.
32:39But if you paid attention to NXT and a little bit here,
32:42and look at this.
32:43A sign of respect from the champ herself.
32:47Meanwhile, Carmen Petrovic, a martial artist at heart,
32:51competed actually with a Canadian national team in martial arts.
32:56Going for a sleeper here early on.
32:58A series of exploratory strikes there, it seems.
33:01Diverse MMA background for Petrovic.
33:06Kick right to the face of Jordan Grace.
33:08And looking on, there's Rosemary,
33:11who appeared on NXT this past Tuesday night,
33:14furthering her bond with Wendy Chu, it appears.
33:17Rosemary recently challenged Jordan Grace
33:20for the Knockouts World Title in an open challenge.
33:22That back elbow and this spine buster now!
33:25Stunning Petrovic!
33:27There's the cover!
33:28Hook to the leg and a kick out at two!
33:31This Knockouts World Championship match,
33:34this open challenge is just getting started.
33:37Jordan Grace defending against NXT's Carmen Petrovic.
33:41It continues picture in picture.
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34:28To get that interception in the National Championship,
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36:44What an effort tonight for the Knockout World Championship.
36:48Jordan Gray is putting out yet another open challenge
36:51in defense of her title.
36:52It's been answered by NXT's Carmen Petrovic.
36:56And now the juggernaut getting back up to her feet.
37:01Oh, and once again, looking on from high above here,
37:05inside Old Forces Paris Town Hall in Louisville,
37:07there is Rosemary Watson.
37:10I shudder every time we see Rosemary just lurking
37:14from the rafters there.
37:16Powerbomb by Grace with authority.
37:19Nearly drove Petrovic through the damn ring.
37:25The late, great Sid Vicious would be proud of that powerbomb.
37:28Oh, my God.
37:31At it, Grace.
37:33In her wheelhouse.
37:35At it, Grace.
37:37In her wheelhouse.
37:39Now able to take control of this matchup once again.
37:43Hit hard, hit fast.
37:52236 days for Jordan Grace in this,
37:56her third Knockouts World title reign.
37:59Second only to the TNA Hall of Famer,
38:03Gail Kim in total days as a Knockouts World champion
38:07in this company.
38:09Now Petrovic with these educated feet going to work now.
38:14There's the cover kick out by Grace.
38:17The way she just manipulated Jordan Grace
38:19out of the corner with just her legs.
38:23That's the kind of discipline that not every wrestler has.
38:27We've talked about it for a while,
38:29the pace that the juggernaut has been attempting
38:31to maintain with these open challenges.
38:33When is it going to catch up to her?
38:35I was just about to ask that question out loud myself.
38:38I will never question, to her face,
38:41the work ethic, the intensity of Jordan Grace,
38:44but at the end of the day, she's still flesh and blood.
38:47She's only human.
38:48Something at some point will have to give,
38:51but I don't see it yet.
38:52Hold on, Petrovic missed with the kick
38:55and now going for the juggernaut driver,
38:57middle of the ring,
38:58but Petrovic tucked her leg behind Grace's
39:01and blocked it.
39:02Nice counter.
39:03Petrovic obviously did her homework,
39:05something Jordan Grace not quite able to do,
39:07given it was an open challenge.
39:09Other series of strikes by Petrovic.
39:11Now charges and cleans in a spinning back fist.
39:18And that rocked Carmen Petrovic.
39:22Up onto the shoulders there for just a minute.
39:24Ooh, and this one was blocked by Grace
39:27with a hammer fist.
39:29That sent Petrovic all the way to the mat,
39:31and now,
39:35Grace putting her challenge, ooh,
39:39up into the high rent district here.
39:42Jordan Grace going to the second rope here
39:45in Louisville, Kentucky, inside the impact zone
39:48in defense of her Knockouts World Championship.
39:55Now Petrovic has a little bit of space here
39:57against the champion.
39:58Cross body, down goes the champ.
40:02Yeah, looking to, ooh,
40:03looking to line up Jordan Grace,
40:05but no!
40:06Oh, caught with a juggernaut driver.
40:10Another one falls to the juggernaut.
40:13Here's your winner, and still
40:15TNA Knockouts World Champion,
40:17Jordan Grace!
40:20The streak continues.
40:23The pace does not relent for the juggernaut.
40:29Jordan Grace,
40:32another successful defense here,
40:34and an open challenge.
40:37The Knockouts World Champion
40:39has proved to be unstoppable.
40:43Time and time again, Carmen,
40:46what the hell?
40:53What the hell?
40:56What the hell?
40:59What the hell?
41:02What the hell?
41:05What the hell?
41:08What the hell?
41:11What the hell?
41:14What the hell?
41:17What the hell?
41:23Hello, world.
41:24Let's reminisce a little bit, shall we?
41:26Slammiversary was a beautiful night
41:28in this company's history.
41:30Why was that?
41:31Oh, because Slammiversary was the night
41:33that the system failed.
41:34The system lost all the championships,
41:37most importantly,
41:38the World Tag Team Championships
41:41that came home where they belong,
41:43with ABC.
41:44And it seems like Victory Row,
41:46you all are looking to recapture
41:49the glory that you...
41:51Hold up.
41:52Hold up.
41:53Wait a minute.
41:54See, y'all just like
41:56these corrupt TNA officials.
41:58See, y'all focused on the wrong thing.
42:00You think it's one way,
42:01but it's the other.
42:03Y'all worried about the system
42:05at Victory Row,
42:06when first and foremost,
42:07you need to be focused on
42:09first class.
42:11I mean, we're pretty focused
42:13on first class.
42:14If we hadn't have beaten you already.
42:16A week ago.
42:17That was last week's news.
42:19See, it's funny y'all talking about
42:21what happened a week ago,
42:22but you seem to have forgotten.
42:23I put you in the sky,
42:24then drove you through the earth,
42:26and I beat ABC easy as
42:281, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
42:32That might be the case
42:33if you were the legal man.
42:35And if you would have beaten us,
42:36like you say you claim you did,
42:38you would have these.
42:39But you don't,
42:40because you don't know the rules
42:42of tag team organization.
42:43Apparently you don't know the rules.
42:44You know nothing about it.
42:45I mean, he tagged you,
42:46and you were oblivious to it.
42:48And then what happened right after that?
42:49You came in and I pinned you.
42:501, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
42:53All the time.
42:54And the bell actually rang.
42:55And we're still tag team champions.
42:57But if you're confused about it,
42:58if you want to run it back,
43:00you doing something next week?
43:01No, I'm not busy.
43:02I ain't doing nothing next week.
43:03AT&T Impact without the world
43:05tag team champions.
43:06So how about we just run it back?
43:07We could do it again.
43:08Part of me?
43:09Next week.
43:10Part of me?
43:11Next week?
43:12Say that one more time.
43:15Is this really?
43:16Yeah, look.
43:17Look, you gotta earn title shots around here,
43:19but we could beat you next week,
43:20no problem.
43:21No problem.
43:22No problem.
43:23No problemo.
43:24If you had one brain between the two of you,
43:26it wouldn't be this simple.
43:27Let's go talk to Santino.
43:29We're gonna go talk to Santino.
43:30Hey, Santino!
43:32Let's talk to Santino.
43:33And refresh the rules of tag team wrestling.
43:35Me personally?
43:36Please do.
43:37We can't let that slide.
43:38No, I mean, we're not gonna let it slide.
43:39Those guys are crazy, bro.
43:40We just beat them.
43:41What did they do?
43:44Well, speaking of tag team matches,
43:46everything's on the line for JDC
43:48as he and Moose team up against Joe Hendry and Mike Santana.
43:51Still to come, Eric Young looks to rebound
43:53from emergence against Jake Something.
43:55But coming up next,
43:56we'll hear from the brand new X-Division champion,
43:59Zachary West, on Impact.
44:14The flame of strength is burning in my chest.
44:17He is my ultimate dream,
44:19my eternal hope.
44:31Now we are back here on TNA Impact.
44:34What a week it has been for Zachary West.
44:44Please welcome the new TNA X-Division champion,
44:50Zachary West.
44:56At emergence,
44:57West captured the X-Division title in Ultimate X.
45:00On Sunday at NXT No Mercy,
45:03he defeated his former best friend, Wes Lee.
45:06This past Tuesday night,
45:08Dre Miguel and Zachary West won an NXT tag team title.
45:12Which they'll get this coming Tuesday night on NXT
45:16against Axiom and Mason Fraser.
45:19Zachary West has claimed his redemption.
45:23Oh, man.
45:25You guys do not know how much this means to me.
45:31You deserve it!
45:33You deserve it!
45:36You deserve it!
45:38Thank you. Thank you.
45:40Thank you. Thank you.
45:42You know, two years ago,
45:45I was at one of the lowest points of my life.
45:49I had self-doubts that I'd ever come back to professional wrestling.
45:53But because of the fans,
45:55because of the love and the support that you showed me,
45:58I was able to pick myself up,
46:00I worked my ass off,
46:02I came back to TNA,
46:04and now I am at the highest of the highs
46:07because I am your new X-Division champion!
46:20Oh, that right there is the former X-Division champion,
46:25Speedball Mike Bailey.
46:29Speedball Mike Bailey,
46:31who played it fast and loose with the X-Division championship,
46:34and I think there'll be an understatement,
46:36ever since he captured it at Slammiversary in Montreal back in July,
46:40he put it all on the line in Ultimate X.
46:49I just wanted to say congratulations.
46:57This championship meant that I was the best of the best,
47:03and now that's you.
47:06And you're going to have to continue to prove that,
47:09because I'm enacting my rematch clause,
47:13and I will see you at Victory Row!
47:22Oh, wow, wow, wow.
47:26The only thing that makes us more sick than this love fest going on in the ring
47:32is being here in the state of Kentucky.
47:41And all of you Louisville losers know that the real star of Ultimate X was Jason Hotch.
47:53In fact, I think you all know that we were robbed of our X-Division championship.
48:01But this is the good part, and you're going to want to pay attention, both of you.
48:04Look at me when I'm talking to you.
48:06Trust me, you're going to want to hear this.
48:09Oh, and Jason Hotch attacking Bailey and Wentz from behind,
48:13the distraction by Skyler.
48:16I love it when a plan comes together.
48:19Look at this, our referee Paige Principale is running down to the ring.
48:24Ladies and gentlemen, per Santino Morella,
48:28Zachary Wentz and Mike Bailey versus the Good Hands has been made official.
48:34I got to give it to Santino, he's on the button tonight.
48:37He's on a roll, another at clock two.
48:39Matt's attentions are running high following emergencies past weekend right here in Louisville.
48:45Look at this, future competitors teaming tonight, taking out the Good Hands.
48:54Bailey and Wentz, plenty of respect for each other as competitors,
48:59going to have to put that aside here in this tag team matchup.
49:02Bailey has enacted his rematch clause for Victory Row one week away from tomorrow,
49:08live on TNA Plus in San Antonio, Texas.
49:15Right now, getting a little bit of teamwork to try to make the dream work ahead of that X-Division title match.
49:23Jason Hodge impressed a lot of people in Ultimate X too.
49:26He certainly did.
49:27It's going to be a standout in the X-Division.
49:29There's Jon Schuyler who took part in the Ultimate X qualifying matchups that we saw in the lead up to emergencies.
49:35As well as the training of Jason Hodge for Ultimate X.
49:39Hashtag Grip Strength.
49:41How about Jon Schuyler saying our X-Division championship?
49:45They're a team, he feels like he's part of the family.
49:48Schuyler, Hodge, I feel like they would like Kentucky a lot more.
49:52I'll take him down to Pursuit Spirits and introduce him to Kenny and Ryan.
49:55We'll be all good and they'll get a much better idea.
49:58In comes Jason Hodge, who won TNA Cut Shack back in 2022.
50:04Pressing the shoulders down and a kick out.
50:07Talked to many of TNA officials, he has certainly put in his dues.
50:10Has all the potential in the world to be a standout in the X-Division.
50:13He's just got a rotten attitude, unfortunately.
50:17This guy shows up, shows out every time he's in the ring.
50:21I don't know what's rotten about that.
50:26Now Bailey focusing on Hodge.
50:29Missile dropkick right to the chest of Hodge.
50:32And that's a huge opening for the former X-Division champion
50:36as he looks to get a tag to the new X-Division champion.
50:41And the tag man is John Schuyler who's legal and takes a shot at Wentz
50:46and puts himself in between Bailey and his corner.
50:49Mike Bailey was one good hand away from tagging Zach Wentz there
50:54but it was another good hand who shut it all down.
50:58Oh, throat first into the middle rope.
51:01Oh, and a shot there by Hodge on the outside as Schuyler
51:04attempted to draw the attention of the official.
51:07Hodge went for the roll up neckbreaker.
51:10Wait a minute now, Schuyler and Hodge in trouble.
51:14Uh-oh, look out!
51:15Double maze to the good hands.
51:20They tried to pull one over on Bailey.
51:23Bailey had it scouted.
51:30And the tag man in comes Wentz.
51:33And Wentz, a house of fire lighting this match up.
51:37The new X-Division champion.
51:41Kick right to the side of the head.
51:48Oh, knee right to the chin.
51:51Wentz is rolling.
51:53All the confidence in the world following this past weekend.
51:56Oh, both here in TNA and in NXT.
51:59Oh, and it's broken up by Hodge.
52:04Good hands, I think,
52:06underappreciated in the tag team ranks.
52:09They're showing you why.
52:10They're hanging with two of the best individuals in TNA.
52:13Oh, pump kick to the face of Hodge.
52:19Look out.
52:20Oh, now Bailey wipes out Hodge.
52:23Oh, now Bailey wipes out Hodge.
52:31Bailey trying to call out Schuyler here.
52:35Oh, now Wentz.
52:37Shoulders down and a kick out by Schuyler.
52:39Oh, Schuyler trying to hold on to the rope.
52:41Bailey broke it up.
52:42Wentz able to escape.
52:44The match continues.
52:46He kicked him right in his good hands, Tom.
52:49Oh, look out.
52:51UFO cutter.
52:56Bailey and Wentz win.
53:00Here are your winners,
53:02Mike Bailey and the TNA X Division champion,
53:05Zachary Wentz.
53:07Teammates tonight, but one week away from tomorrow,
53:10in San Antonio, Texas, live on TNA+.
53:14They will be opponents for the X Division championship
53:18at Mystery Road.
53:21And there you see Bailey
53:23grabbing that championship belt.
53:26He hands it to Wentz tonight
53:28for what will go down at Victory Road
53:31one-on-one for that title.
53:33For over 20 years, we've said it's not about weight limits.
53:36It's about no limits.
53:38Bailey and Wentz for the X Division championship
53:42should be limitless at Victory Road.
53:47No, no, no. You stay here.
53:50Calm down.
53:52No! Why?
53:54I'm going to do this. You stay here.
53:56I'll be right back.
54:00Some trouble in paradise?
54:02I've been told Step to Lander
54:04has requested time in the impact zone.
