• 2 months ago


00:00Fisk University is a liberal arts jewel and a number of our students are first generation
00:20students and they haven't been away from home and it's important that the transition be
00:26as smooth as possible.
00:28And often times when freshmen come in they get homesick and want to go home like every
00:33weekend or every other weekend and it's not cost effective.
00:36And so we want to provide an environment that is inviting and warm and welcoming.
00:42I get a strong sense of home when I'm here at Fisk University because the community that
00:48I've built, we're really a Fisk family.
00:51Once I got here I really fell in love with the culture of the school.
00:54And being the top ten HBCU and known for music because of the Fisk Jubilee Singers.
01:03The Home Depot Retool Your School program has really helped to create a safe space for
01:10Many theaters on campus use Retool Your School.
01:13After it was vandalized recently, Home Depot aided in cleanup and restoration of the building.
01:23The partnership is a lot for my campus because we're able to fund different programs like
01:28the Little Theater and where they produce all of our plays.
01:31Having the resources where the campus is getting updated and upgraded and also it's helping
01:36improve our dorms so that we are able to take in more freshmen and increase the count of
01:40students but also be able to expand the campus so it's not so little.
01:46I actually live here in the dorms, here in the pods.
01:50Refrigerators and microwaves that were purchased for our new micro apartment style living were
01:55purchased through the Retool Your School grant.
01:58We have some furniture that we purchased with Home Depot for our counseling center.
02:04The partnership means stability to our campus.
02:08Means for my campus keeping it beautiful.
02:10Fisk University is a very historic campus.
02:13And the reason that I'm sitting right here in the Little Theater is because of our partnership
02:17with the Home Depot Retool Your School Program.