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00:00Fighters, to the center of the ring.
00:06Ruslan had his last fight in March of this year.
00:10He won by TKO by Alexander Zubkov in the second round.
00:16The first round.
00:17As it will be today.
00:30A good series from Ruslan.
00:41So, he tries to get into a clinch.
00:52Good on the body.
00:53No, sometimes he just lost his balance.
00:58Coming out from close range.
01:01Boxer from Iran.
01:04But Ruslan started the fight very actively.
01:07Iranian boxer is very active.
01:24Boxer can take advantage of it and punish him.
01:58Trying to use the ring area.
02:01Iranian boxer is still fresh.
02:10But Ruslan is not going far.
02:15He is somewhere close.
02:18He puts pressure all the time.
02:20Another clinch.
02:21Iranian boxer grabs Fajr's hands.
02:32You can see it again.
02:35He can't see Kurniavka from the other side.
02:48He threw himself.
02:51Not fully prepared.
02:56Chalibandi on Ruslan.
03:15And again.
03:18Not fully prepared.
03:21Heavyweight attacks from Iran.
03:31Ruslan is working bravely.
03:33But it can go sideways.
04:04Viktor Petrochenko in the corner of Ruslan.
04:07Our great coach.
04:12He used to train in St. Petersburg.
04:45Fajr works in combination.
04:49Different angles.
04:55Iranian boxer turns around.
05:09Listen carefully.
05:10Ruslan throws himself forward.
05:13And again he is trapped.
05:15His opponent grabs his hand.
05:26One hook.
05:29Ruslan missed.
05:30Very unpleasant.
05:45The body is not bad.
05:49Chalibandi punched.
05:51And an attempt to punch the uppercut.
05:54It was a good one.
05:55But it didn't reach the target.
06:06Ruslan also throws himself forward.
06:10He opens his head.
06:22And again a clinch.
06:31An attempt to punch the uppercut.
06:33It didn't reach the target.
06:35And Ruslan missed a hook.
06:38He returned it.
06:4740 seconds to the gong.
06:53The pace and density are high.
06:59But he is ready.
07:02There is a round after all.
07:06And there are a lot of clinches.
07:09It takes a lot of strength.
07:20The last seconds of the round.
07:25And again a clinch.
07:29A hook.
07:55The editor tells me that there are 8 rounds in this fight.
08:09The fight continues.
08:34The third round.
08:35Let's watch.
08:54Zoya throws a pfeiffer.
09:03That was a good series.
09:05He should have stopped.
09:07But he made a small pause.
09:10And the opponent took advantage of it and clinched.
09:24A good hook.
09:25A hook.
09:45An Iranian boxer threw a hook on a jump.
09:51The glove got stuck in the defense.
10:04He misses.
10:06He misses.
10:48A clinch initiator.
10:52An Iranian boxer.
10:53Who gets tired of this more?
11:02Oh, good.
11:04He punched the right hook.
11:07Now to the body.
11:28The round is over.
11:56I don't hit much.
12:03I hit his leg a little.
12:05I don't hit much.
12:07I don't hit much.
12:18I hit his leg a little.
12:20I don't hit much.
12:21You can see very well how Chalabandi is falling for his punch on these motors.
12:33And at the same time, he falls consciously, so that later he can lean on his opponent.
12:47Not bad.
12:52Of course, when Chalabandi is moving forward, you need to meet him with a clear blow from below.
13:07That's how Ruslan did it now. Everything was right.
13:34Don't push. Another remark from Chalabandi from the referee.
13:46Again, these wide hooks.
13:51We can see his execution.
14:00They don't bring him success. First of all, he just hits the area.
14:04He doesn't aim exactly somewhere.
14:06Second of all, he is always on the run. He ran, jumped, hit the target.
14:20He is a clumsy boxer, but they are often uncomfortable.
14:31It's difficult to take him from any side.
14:38It's clear that Ruslan wins round after round.
14:42But somehow everything is very viscous.
14:45Everything is tense here.
14:5730 seconds to the gong.
15:16The ball is being taken off.
15:19Oh, no. The tape is unwound again.
15:27But it looks like Chalabandi is already somewhere on the edge.
15:33I mean functionally.
15:46Don't push.
15:52He turned around well.
15:54Ruslan almost hit the gong at the same time.
16:16He is a clumsy boxer.
16:29He can't even hit the target.
16:31We'll see.
16:33I think he has hit four targets.
16:37It's time. It's time to continue the fight.
16:40They are catching up with the boxers.
16:43Andrey Kurniavka.
16:45Let's see.
17:06It's the fifth round, friends.
17:48An attempt to fall over.
18:02With his head.
18:05He pushes with his gloves.
18:15Ruslan hit the gong well.
18:43Ruslan's right hook didn't work.
18:47His head was open.
18:51But the blow was smeared.
18:54Ruslan throws a double jab.
18:56What's next?
18:57And then his opponent clinches him again.
19:06He turned around with a blow.
19:2130 seconds before the gong.
19:25Not bad. Look.
19:31He took advantage of the moment.
19:33A small pause.
19:36Chalibandi hit the body.
19:38But his blows are not so sharp.
19:44And there are no explosions in these blows.
20:02This round is over.
20:17Now Pfeiffer shows us carefully.
20:20I look at the opposite corner.
20:23It seemed to me before that the functional ends.
20:28I look at the Ukrainian boxer.
20:30He is not here now.
20:32He breathed more or less evenly.
20:36Communicates with the opponent.
20:40He will lose.
20:44But there are fewer rounds left.
21:03Very long.
21:07He needs to correct the wrap of the glove.
21:356 seconds.
22:02Side blows.
22:10We said he was tired.
22:13Maybe this is the last flash.
22:32He hit the head.
22:38The last warning from Andrey Kurniavkin.
22:42He is a strict referee.
22:46He does not like to joke.
22:53Ruslan, perhaps, has already worn out.
22:59With grips and clinches.
23:09Bad combination.
23:11But these blows do not pass clearly.
23:24This blow is stuck in the gloves of the Ukrainian boxer.
23:31And he is trying to counterattack.
23:35Do not push.
23:36Another remark.
23:37Good left hook.
23:39Here are the gloves.
23:40Well, well, well.
23:55He ran.
24:01It's not easy to shake off all this mascara.
24:04He pushed him.
24:07You don't have to do it so frankly.
24:17Sovetsyna, perhaps, continues to hold on autopilot.
24:23But this guy has character.
24:25You can't say anything.
24:30The fight is over.
24:33The fight is over.
25:01What are you doing?
25:19We can see the attempts of the Iranian boxer to come up with something in attack.
25:27But he had a couple of good moments.
25:32Seventh round.
25:37We are watching the seventh round.
25:48He went straight ahead.
25:51The Iranian boxer received a short blow to the jaw.
26:31He does not give up.
26:32Well done.
26:41As she can, but she is looking for her moments.
27:08Good right hook.
27:13Left hand.
27:15He passed between the gloves.
27:32A little more than a minute until the end of the seventh round.
27:41The Iranian has lost balance now.
27:54Sometimes it seems that he is doomed to Ruslan.
28:04But Ruslan is also not fresh.
28:20Good right hook.
28:22But Ruslan could not perform it clearly.
28:35He felt that one blow did not reach the target.
28:38And look how the boxer is starting to get more active.
28:45The Iranian boxer is getting more active.
29:14The last round.
29:21The referee warns the boxer that the final round is coming.
29:44The eighth and final round.
29:51Let's watch the final round.
30:06Not bad.
30:09Our guest is making the debut of this round.
30:23He lowered his head.
30:25And again with his amplitude.
30:32Ruslan met him well.
31:06Do you hear how loud the boxers are leading from the blue corner?
31:23Ruslan did not have to do this.
31:27But he is also tired of these clinches.
31:49Ruslan made a right hook.
31:51Ruslan hit the opponent.
31:54Keep going.
31:55You have strength.
31:56You have to give everything.
31:59This is the end of the round.
32:12As they say, Zabadal.
32:33The last seconds.
32:36Ruslan is trying to escape in a clinch again.
32:41Ruslan's opponent.
32:43And the fight is over.
32:49It was a tough and difficult fight for Ruslan.
32:53But he won.
32:54Round after round.
32:56We almost went to him.
33:01Therefore, I think there is no intrigue.
33:12The verdict will be unambiguous.
33:15But the fight was hard.
33:17Continuous hits, pushes, clinches.
33:47So, our ring announcer with his verdict.
33:57Not with his, but with the judge's verdict.
34:01At his workplace.
34:09We are waiting for the announcement of the result, friends.
34:13The winner is our Iranian guest.
34:19We must praise him for this.
34:22He showed his character.
34:42Let's applaud them.
34:44The guys deserve it.
34:47There was not enough space in the ring.
34:56The winner is our Iranian guest.
34:59He showed his character.
35:02He showed his character.
35:05We must applaud him for this.
35:08He showed his character.
35:10We must applaud him for this.
35:14The fight took place at full distance.
35:17The judge's unanimous decision.
35:20The winner is
35:23Ruslan Faifer!
35:27Ruslan Faifer wins the next victory.
35:34We congratulate him.
35:36Will there be an interview?
