Dorothy The Dinosaur Fly Through The Sky 2011 DVD Version...mp4

  • last week


00:00Fly through the sky, through the sky, through the sky.
00:06Fly through the sky!
00:08Fly through the sky, through the sky, through the sky.
00:13Fly through the sky!
00:16Controls of the big aeroplane, little windows on each side.
00:23Zooming over here, zooming over there,
00:26a wave as we go by.
00:32Fly through the sky, through the sky, through the sky.
00:38Fly through the sky!
00:40Fly through the sky, through the sky, through the sky.
00:46Fly through the sky!
00:47Aeroplane runs on fuel, the ties take air.
00:51The wings are made of aluminium.
00:55Stow your bags, take a seat, and put your seatbelt on.
01:02Seatbelt on, here we go!
01:05Fly through the sky, through the sky, through the sky.
01:10Fly through the sky!
01:12Fly through the sky, through the sky, through the sky.
01:18Fly through the sky!
01:20This is Dorothy, pilot of Dino Airlines to Control Tower.
01:25We have completed our checks.
01:27I've got my seatbelt on.
01:29I request permission to take off.
01:32Here we go!
01:35Fly through the sky, through the sky, through the sky.
01:40Fly through the sky!
01:42Fly through the sky, through the sky, through the sky.
01:48Fly through the sky!
01:50Fly through the sky!
01:54Fly through the sky!
