Will y Harper (2024)
00:00Hola, soy Will Ferrell, uno de los mejores actores del mundo.
00:05Hace mucho tiempo, cuando estaba en Saturday Night Live,
00:08conocí a un tipo que fue contratado como escritor la misma semana que yo.
00:12Escribió un montón de dibujos para mí y finalmente se convirtió en el escritor principal de SNL.
00:17Y a lo largo de los años, se convirtió en uno de mis amigos más cercanos.
00:21Y luego, un día, recibí este e-mail.
00:24Hey Will, I need you to know. I'll be transitioning to live as a woman.
00:33I don't doubt that Will is my friend, but I'm not Andrew Steele anymore.
00:38It was just, wow.
00:42I love this country so much, I just don't know if it loves me back right now.
00:46Harper, would you want to do a road trip as this new version of yourself
00:51and at the same time, figure out what this all means to us?
00:57Do you recognize this guy? This is the Hollywood movie star.
01:02You don't recognize him?
01:03That's okay, roll up the window.
01:07Were you a little worried about how to talk to me when I came out to you?
01:11Yeah, probably a little nervous.
01:13There are no ground rules with friends, I'm telling you.
01:15I invite any friend of mine, ask me these questions, I am not afraid to talk about them.
01:19There's a question.
01:20Do you think you're a worse driver as a female driver?
01:26That's the dumbest.
01:27That's so, no, no.
01:29Oh, fuck you.
01:31But I am.
01:36Oh yeah, this is my friend Harper.
01:38How are you doing?
01:39Nice to meet you, bro.
01:40Hey, not a bro though.
01:42But that's okay.
01:45This is probably around the age where I started to feel just kind of weird.
01:52I used to come out to these kind of places before, and then I transitioned and I got a little afraid.
01:57You know what I'm saying?
02:02I'm not really afraid of these people.
02:08I'm afraid of hating myself.
02:15All I want to do is live.
02:24Oh, oh, oh, oh, Dunkin' Donuts.
02:27We've not done one fun thing.
02:29Name one fun thing we've done.