Predators Attack - हिन्दी डॉक्यूमेंट्री - Wildlife documentary in Hindi

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00:00We are going to show you how to hunt a lion.
00:05Animals do not plan to hunt.
00:09However, we have the opposite objective.
00:12They do not think about the future.
00:15They live only in the present.
00:18That is why they cannot search for food until they find a prey.
00:23They may be resting.
00:26But a pack of lions is ready to attack when a prey comes in front of them.
00:36But it is also true that there is no point in running after every prey.
00:44A female guinea pig is just a small piece of meat.
00:48And it has nothing but feathers.
00:50It has nothing but feathers.
00:59But the female guinea pig has given the lions a chance to satisfy their hunger.
01:10Zebras are on the right track.
01:13And they have not seen the danger around them yet.
01:18The lionesses are hungry.
01:21And the wind is also on their side.
01:24That is why the prey will not even smell them before the right time comes.
01:29The situation is absolutely fine.
01:31They start the first test.
01:33By choosing the right prey.
01:36They are looking for the weakest animal.
01:40Or a wounded animal.
01:42The lionesses do not make any noise to signal to each other to take their place.
01:48They move forward on their own, depending on their experience.
01:52At every opportunity, this pack is at the right or wrong place.
01:57This time, they were resting in the open area.
02:02And because of the distance between them, the zebras could not know that they were moving towards the lionesses.
02:09The prey is now completely surrounded.
02:13But they do not know whether it was their luck or the fact that the prey always rests like this.
02:20And if it is so, then they have started to consider it a success.
02:24But they had not made any plan for it.
02:27Often, the most experienced lionesses choose the prey.
02:31The rest of the lionesses help them.
02:33But sometimes, the best prey is attacked by the lionesses.
02:47The hunters often have to change their tactics.
02:51It is possible that they may not be able to choose even one prey.
02:55Because the zebra's nets put them in a dilemma.
02:59Maybe they will attack the whole pack.
03:00And the lionesses will decide what will happen in that chaos.
03:10This is the lioness who will start the attack.
03:14Now, she has to wait for the right moment.
03:19When her prey is looking in the other direction, or she is distracted by eating or playing,
03:26which will distract her from the hunter.
03:30Just a few more seconds.
03:46When she feels that she can succeed, she attacks the prey, taking the risk.
04:01This time, the zebras could not run in the wrong direction.
04:06They save their lives from the attacker.
04:09But the rest of the lionesses are in the middle of their escape route.
04:14The zebras stop on the way.
04:17And so do their hunters.
04:19Neither the hunter nor the hunter is able to see the prey.
04:23The zebras have to wait for the right moment.
04:26And so do the hunters.
04:28Neither the hunter nor the hunter knows what to do.
04:32They wait for each other's response to make a decision.
04:37They are all nervous.
04:39But apart from being alert, they can't do anything else.
04:46Even fate plays a big role in surviving.
04:57The youngest lioness is not able to stop her desire to attack.
05:03But due to lack of experience, she may have to lose her prey.
05:27The success rate of the lions is only 20% when they hunt during the day.
05:33Because in such conditions, a lot of things can happen that the prey escapes from their hands.
05:45But if the prey turns back in this chaos and instead of running away from the hunter,
05:50If the prey turns back in this chaos and instead of running away from the hunter,
05:56If the prey turns back in this chaos and instead of running away from the hunter,
05:59then it is obvious that the hunter would have stopped on his own.
06:03And the prey would have escaped from his hands.
06:08Lions are small hunters.
06:11And apart from strange behavior, they are not afraid of anything.
06:17And if the prey doesn't run away from them, then it is strange.
06:25All animals are afraid of some strange thing or behavior.
06:32That's why people say that don't run away when a lion, a lioness or a wolf attacks you.
06:39Neither run away from there nor show your back to the hunter.
06:43When you see something running away, you get very excited and it becomes difficult to stop yourself.
06:59When a hungry hunter sees something edible, he tries to catch it.
07:06But he never uses the same senses to find out his prey.
07:12A lot depends on the natural environment there.
07:17It is not easy to see very far in the snowy north.
07:24Almost everything here is white.
07:29Or it is hidden under the snow.
07:34The ability to smell is the least here.
07:38And the polar bears moving in the north use it.
07:44Maybe it remembers a seal in its mind.
07:49It can't think in words.
07:52But its mind can remember different sounds, smells and shapes.
07:59With its ability to smell, it has found out that there are lemmings nearby.
08:05It can hear them digging.
08:09But it can't see them at all.
08:16By attacking the ground, it forces them to run away.
08:22And with its ability to smell, it can find its place.
08:36The lemmings also use the abilities of the polar bears, but better than them.
08:51It can't catch a seal.
08:54But its ability is to hunt very small animals.
08:58We know that mammals have a little memory.
09:01Because of this, they are able to remember some special shapes.
09:06And come back to their places where fate had given them support.
09:32This animal still hunts when it is not hungry.
09:37It has learned to do something that only more advanced animals can do.
09:48It has learned to store food.
09:52When it is not hungry, the polar bears hide their hunted lemmings.
09:58So that they can take them out when needed.
10:03This is a sign of wisdom.
10:06Because of this, we can understand the way of thinking of the most advanced animals.
10:16The fox can hunt for many months.
10:20And because of its hard work, it can survive for many months.
10:25Bears are not less intelligent than foxes.
10:29They just don't have the same needs.
10:32They can survive without hunting for many months.
10:37On the other hand, the northern goshawk has to hunt every day.
10:41These species always nest in green trees.
10:45But they like to hunt in the jungles of the trees with roots.
10:50Because they are able to see far.
10:53And also, during the breeding season, they are able to hunt in one day.
11:00This is a sign of wisdom.
11:03This is a sign of wisdom.
11:06This is a sign of wisdom.
11:08In the breeding season, they have to hunt many times in one day.
11:24The irritability of the children compels their parents to continuously look for food.
11:30This is not a sense of responsibility that compels them.
11:34Rather, it is their nature.
11:35To be honest, the change that comes from being a parent is the feeling of being a parent.
11:41But it is just a nature.
11:43Over time, the northern goshawks become experts in this.
11:47And every time the eggs hatch, they become better parents.
11:52This is the male of this pair.
11:55And these feelings have had a very deep impact on him.
11:58He is nervous because his children trouble him.
12:03But because of this, he has become an expert in detecting any kind of danger or prey.
12:12During the breeding season, he looks at everything around him.
12:19This super goshawk has become due to the change in hormones.
12:33No other hunting bird in the jungle can fly like this.
12:38It flies through the branches without hurting its wings.
12:43Because it is well aware of the chaff of this thick wood.
12:48Where it is hunting.
12:50It has a three-dimensional map in its mind.
12:53Which tells it where the short way is, where to turn, when to speed up and when to stop.
13:01With the help of its brain, it calculates the distance between itself and the place where it will hunt.
13:18Goshawks always hunt fast.
13:21And their biggest ability is to attack and increase their speed at the right time.
13:31Since the time it has started living with its companion, it has become used to sharing its prey.
13:40The more food it gives it, the more the mother lets it meet.
13:46Since then it has started to pluck the wings of the prey.
13:50So that the mother does not have to do all this.
13:52Because it already had a big responsibility to bake eggs.
13:55Now it does this for its children.
13:59Because it can't do all this by itself.
14:01Maybe it even eats a little.
14:04Small bites.
14:06Which will give it the strength to keep hunting.
14:08But its inner feeling is taking this prey to its nest.
14:13Sharing it with everyone or forcing it to give it completely.
14:18Maybe during this time, something happens in its body that makes it less hungry.
14:23Or its hunger is quenched by eating less.
14:27In the breeding season, males eat only to stay alive.
14:31Actually, during this time, the weight of the male decreases a lot.
14:35But its next generation gets a good chance to move forward.
14:39Spiders also produce hormones in their blood, which kills their hunger.
14:46Because if they don't stop feeling hungry because of those hormones,
14:52they will eat their own children.
14:55If we don't stop eating those things,
14:59they will eat their own children.
15:02If we don't stop feeling hungry because of those hormones,
15:05they will eat their own children.
15:08If we can study those things,
15:11maybe we can reduce the obesity in humans.
15:15Although it would be better to exercise.
15:21Surprisingly, spiders don't move.
15:25Not at all.
15:27Almost never in its entire life.
15:29Except for those 2-3 hours that it takes to weave its web.
15:42Despite mating, they move very little.
15:46Although this happens only once a year.
15:49But yes, while hunting, they can move at lightning speed.
15:54Or you can say, in a matter of milliseconds.
15:57These web-weaving experts are always on alert.
16:03Which means, they don't move for days or weeks.
16:08In the same position.
16:10Even that, without moving a muscle.
16:13But still, they can attack in a millisecond without moving.
16:21They can do this because
16:24in the world of animals, their muscles are made in a very unique way.
16:31Their very thin legs have only one muscle.
16:36And that is their tail.
16:39Their very thin legs have only enough space
16:44for flexor muscles, which twist their joints.
16:48Spiders fill them with blood and lengthen them.
16:52Like a hydraulic system.
16:55Because of this hydraulic system of the muscles,
16:59they can attack very quickly.
17:28The spider felt a powerful shock on its web.
17:33Its amazing reflexes stopped the attack in time.
17:36It had to estimate the situation.
17:41The spider realized that the prey trapped in its web is very heavy.
17:49Which means, it is also powerful.
17:52Before taking any step, the spider had to make sure
17:55that the prey trapped in the web becomes helpless.
17:59The prey is also trying to understand what has happened.
18:03It does not know what has happened to it.
18:06But it has seen something that has frozen it out of fear.
18:13After about a minute, it tries to escape very carefully.
18:23The spider finds out that it is trying to escape.
18:27And it attacks.
18:41These types of spiders attack in three stages.
18:45First of all, they make sure that they will not get entangled with a more powerful prey than themselves.
18:52And after finding out, they start wrapping the prey.
18:57But they always keep a safe distance, so that there is no accident.
19:03They make a very large amount of silk, which hardens as soon as it comes in contact with the air.
19:10It has to make sure that its prey does not become free.
19:15And most importantly, it should not be able to save itself after being helpless.
19:29The legs of the spider are very powerful.
19:33And one strong kick can break the spider's leg.
19:37Or it can even bite its shell.
19:53After wrapping its prey, the spider starts its third stage.
19:57It attacks.
20:02It cuts its prey with its cheliceride.
20:06And releases poison in it.
20:09If such a large prey dies soon, it will be good for the spider.
20:14Not because it does not want to hurt its prey.
20:17But it is beneficial for the spider to avoid any danger.
20:21And also so that its food is ready to digest quickly.
20:27Spiders release poison in their prey's body.
20:31It melts their body from the inside.
20:34Now it's just a matter of time.
20:47Spiders have enough time to digest their food.
20:52Spiders do not have teeth to chew food.
20:56That's why they drink their prey.
21:01Those spiders that weave nets.
21:04They hunt with such precision.
21:07That their success rate is almost 100%.
21:14Any creature that collides with a spider's net.
21:17Whether it is an insect or another spider.
21:21Or a small frog.
21:23Or a hummingbird.
21:25If they cannot free themselves from the grip of the sticky silk.
21:29Then they are strangled.
21:32The good thing is that the ability of the spiders is limited to their small nets.
21:42It is very difficult to find out.
21:44It is very difficult to find out how the senses work inside the animals.
21:50Imagining those visions.
21:53Which the insects see with their tiny eyes.
21:56Or to find out what they hear.
21:59What they smell.
22:01Or what they find out from those organs.
22:04Which no other backbone creature has.
22:07It will blow anyone's mind.
22:10It is impossible to find out.
22:12That those creatures whose minds are so different from ours.
22:16How do they use the information they get?
22:20We can understand a few things from their behavior.
22:24But still it can be quite interesting to see them up close.
22:28For example.
22:30To find out if a mantis will attack another mantis.
22:35If it understands that its prey belongs to its own species.
22:42If it understands that its prey belongs to its own species.
22:46If it understands that its prey belongs to its own species.
22:50If it understands that its prey belongs to its own species.
22:54Does this huge African stick mantis know that it is eating a tiny boxer mantis?
23:13Competitive lions kill each other.
23:17But they do not eat their enemies.
23:20When a mantis faces another mantis of the same size.
23:24In such a situation, the outcome of the fight can be the same.
23:34One of them will eat the other.
23:37It is not strange for a mantis to eat its own species.
23:42Nor is it strange for lions.
23:45But in the mind of a lion, he wants to eat the same thing he has previously hunted.
23:50Not the one he has killed to take over the area.
24:02On the other hand, mantis eat other mantis.
24:07Even if it is eating a grasshopper or some other insect.
24:11And until the breeding season, they eat everything possible.
24:15After that, the hormones produced for mating.
24:18Kill this nature between the male and the female.
24:22That too, almost every time.
24:32One thing that affects the lives of these creatures.
24:35That is the ability to hide.
24:42They live without being seen.
24:49That is why the mind of the imitating mantis.
24:53Like the orchid mantis.
24:55Inspires to imitate the plant as much as possible.
24:58The mind of the imitating mantis.
25:04By forgetting the passing time.
25:07By tolerating hunger.
25:09You have to avoid doing any such act.
25:12By which its prey or its hunter.
25:15Find out its presence.
25:18To target your prey.
25:20You have to look at it with one eye.
25:29And it catches it in the middle of the air.
25:37We can understand.
25:39That mantis can differentiate between its prey and other creatures.
25:43And can find out.
25:45Which creature is dangerous and which is not.
25:48They can also differentiate between male and female.
25:54But if a fly comes too close.
25:56Can this be a trap?
26:00Any unknown thing is always scary.
26:04But this flower mantis is not afraid.
26:07But it is not used to sitting on its prey.
26:20The ability of flies to see.
26:23To a large extent is like a mantis.
26:26But this fly came on this flower after its prey.
26:32For the fly.
26:34All this was a flower.
26:36But if the mantis had tried to go near the fly.
26:40Then the result would have been completely different.
26:49Animals can survive due to fear compared to anything.
26:54Which is the main way to save them.
26:57But still.
26:59They are not afraid of those hunters.
27:01Whom they cannot see.
27:03They are not afraid of the fact.
27:05That something can hunt them in the future.
27:08Animals are only afraid of sounds.
27:13And the surrounding shadows.
27:17Whichever animal in nature is not alert at all times.
27:20Its end is very soon.
27:26Attacking a scorpion can be fatal.
27:30So it is important that any animal.
27:33Which wants to hunt this unresponsive but strong-armed arthropod.
27:38It should have a little fear in its mind.
27:50The scorpion.
28:07Scorpions have a tail like a knife.
28:10Which can attack very quickly.
28:13And this reptile can identify those weak parts.
28:17Where it has to cut the scorpion's weapons to fail.
28:26This scorpion can kill a big monkey.
28:30So for this little iguana.
28:32It is more difficult and dangerous to kill it.
28:35But still.
28:37The situation is under the control of this little hunter.
28:40Its intelligence and agility.
28:43To escape the poisonous tail of the scorpion.
28:44They work with full coordination.
28:51Perhaps this scorpion.
28:53It is necessary to poke between the scales of the iguana.
28:56So that its poison can show effect.
28:59And most of the attacks of the scorpion.
29:02Can't distinguish the scales of the iguana.
29:10Whatever it is.
29:11It is obvious that the hunter has to be very careful.
29:15So that it doesn't get stung.
29:24The strangest thing is.
29:26The hunter's behavior contrary to the hunter's expectations.
29:30Which is.
29:32To move towards his attacker to scare him.
29:35This destroys the hunter's intelligence.
29:38And he stops intending to kill the prey.
29:42Perhaps to save his own life.
29:56But the iguana continued to attack the scorpion.
30:00When it was the most dangerous.
30:03And as soon as the prey turns its back towards it.
30:06The iguana tries again.
30:08This time.
30:10The iguana has injured the scorpion badly.
30:13And has seriously damaged its ability.
30:16To coordinate between its activities.
30:19The prey is badly injured.
30:22And is about to die.
30:24Now the iguana's nature tells it.
30:27That it should wait.
30:29Until the scorpion stops moving completely.
30:33Its brain tells it.
30:36When to attack.
30:38And when to move back.
30:40Or when to wait without fear.
30:43And when to move forward to eat its prey.
30:53The reptile's brain also finds out.
30:56When it is not in danger of its prey.
30:59And it can do the next thing.
31:03Eat it.
31:08If the scorpion could still save itself from its bite.
31:12Then in this condition.
31:14It had a good chance to bite the iguana's eye or its mouth.
31:21But this is not something.
31:24Which the iguana has understood.
31:26But this is its nature.
31:28Which after the death of many iguanas.
31:30Has received the peace of nature.
31:50The best attack is the attack from a distance.
31:55An attack from such a distance.
31:57Which may fail all possible ways to save the prey.
32:04And to ensure your safety.
32:07Catching your prey without any danger.
32:10The color and shape of your prey.
32:13Should be well understood in the hunt.
32:16So that it can be saved from dangerous animals.
32:19Whether it is the animal that stings.
32:22Or those animals.
32:24Which can prove poisonous for those who eat them.
32:28Girids also move forward very slowly like the orchid mantis.
32:37Insects are not afraid of its movement.
32:41If it stays away.
32:46The prey does not feel any danger from such a big predator.
32:50Which is quite far away.
32:51The mind of an insect.
32:53Can react to something coming towards it.
32:57To escape from it.
32:59But the girid does not go to the safe area of its prey.
33:03And hunts it.
33:06Such a big creature.
33:08Which moves so slowly.
33:10Is not very scary.
33:21Girid's sighting.
33:23Which it does by aiming its tongue at the exact spot.
33:28Where its eyes are fixed.
33:30And this attack is so accurate.
33:32That it can catch even small insects.
33:35Which are the most active insects.
33:40When it chases its prey.
33:43Then some such hormones affect the reptile.
33:46Which tell it that the more it is lazy.
33:48The more successful its hunt will be.
33:53Its green color.
33:55Helps it to blend in with the surrounding environment.
33:58And helps it not to be seen as a danger.
34:02But the effect of its attacks.
34:04Is more than any other weapon that attacks from far away.
34:09Because of which it does not have to go to the prey.
34:18All animals have their own safe area.
34:22Which depends on which prey is moving towards them.
34:26And the prey of this girid's size does not look very dangerous.
34:30Flies can make a wrong guess.
34:36When they prepare themselves for the attack of a prey.
34:42Then they make a mistake.
34:49A girid's brain.
34:52Can work like two different brains.
34:55Which can choose or deny that thing.
34:58Which its eyes have seen at the same time on the right and left.
35:09But when they have to make a decision.
35:12Then they have to focus both their eyes at the same time and place.
35:18So that they can make the right guess of the distance.
35:21And can attack with their sharp tongue.
35:35There is only one problem with this system.
35:38That it has to hunt a lot of prey daily.
35:49It can't run.
35:52But its agility and strength gives it the ability to move ahead with intelligence.
36:07Snakes can also attack suddenly.
36:10It has to be very patient till then.
36:15It has to be very patient till the prey comes very close.
36:25Snakes can live without eating for many days, months or a year.
36:33Without getting bored.
36:35They don't think about anything.
36:38So they don't have any trouble waiting.
36:40They don't have any trouble waiting.
36:42They don't have any pain in their memory.
36:45They forget it with the passage of time.
36:52Living without moving is their best option.
36:56A snake can't chase any prey.
36:59Because it can't walk very fast.
37:02And even if it tries to move towards its prey without moving.
37:10Then it can make a mistake.
37:13It starts looking at the move with failure.
37:17And the snake learns to be patient like this.
37:26Snakes can only move fast once.
37:31It turns its neck in the shape of an S.
37:34And attacks when a creature passes a few centimeters away from it.
37:41If the prey is too far away.
37:44The snake has to wait.
37:48Because there is no shade or hiding place in the desert.
37:53The sun becomes a bigger enemy than its time.
38:00In Sahara, a snake has to face a lot of difficulties to escape the heat.
38:05The best option is to go somewhere else.
38:09And there is no doubt that many of its relatives...
38:13...went to more humid and cold areas millions of years ago.
38:20But the horned viper stayed here.
38:24And it has found a way to escape the heat.
38:28So that it doesn't get burnt in such hot sand.
38:31On which eggs can be cooked.
38:33To control its temperature.
38:36Because it can't open its mouth.
38:39Because it is afraid of the heat.
38:42And it has to be careful.
38:45It has to be careful.
38:48And it has to be careful.
38:51And it has to be careful.
38:54And it has to be careful.
38:57And it has to be careful.
38:59It can't open its mouth to control the heat.
39:03Because its saliva will dry up.
39:06And there is no water here.
39:08It doesn't sweat because it doesn't have pores in its skin.
39:14And there is no shade here.
39:17So the only way it has is to cover itself in sand.
39:21And the thing that started to escape the heat in its natural environment...
39:27...became an unthinkable strategy.
39:32Because of this, it was not only able to escape the scorching heat...
39:37...but it also hid itself from the eyes of those creatures...
39:41...who can attack it.
39:44And more importantly, now this prey from small rats to geckos...
39:47...can be hunted much more easily than before.
40:08It hides in the sand to keep itself cool.
40:12But this is also the best technique of hunting.
40:18The rest of the work is done by its venom.
40:22It will find its prey later.
40:25After its death.
40:32If you look at it, the most complicated attack is that... which many hunters are involved...
40:39...who have to work together to catch only one prey.
40:43In the world of animals, the group that hunts African wild dogs... the largest.
40:51The whole group is involved in the attack.
40:55But to succeed in its goal... becomes necessary that every member of the hunting group...
41:02...performs its work without making any changes in the already decided things.
41:08There is no room for error in this game.
41:11There is no room for error in this game.
41:27But it is also true that when many members...
41:31...try to do the same thing...
41:34...then the chance of making a mistake also increases manifold.
41:38The most common mistake is...
41:41...when a possible prey sees a member of the hunting group... the right time to save itself.
41:49Like the youngest member of the group...
41:52...or the most stupid or the most hungry member.
41:55Only one of them has to make the mistake of seeing or making a sound.
42:01And the group of 19 members will fail.
42:04And this time, only this many dogs came for the hunt.
42:10Often, dogs are considered to be more intelligent than cats or most birds.
42:16Almost as intelligent as monkeys.
42:19But to some extent, we are also not beyond discrimination.
42:24We love dogs, who are our oldest and most loyal friends.
42:28But the fact is that intelligence should not be measured in any measure.
42:32We should not talk about being excellent, but we should talk about ability.
42:40To survive, every species needs the ability to understand the environment around it.
42:47Like a little memory or a special kind of mental structure.
42:52In the case of African wild dogs, hyenas or wolves...
42:57...we need to find out about that intelligence.
43:00We can find out about that intelligence, which we can recognize.
43:05The development of the ability of the animals in the society to hear and understand... due to their play, their positions and their emotional relationships.
43:17But even dogs do not have the ability to plan before the prey is seen.
43:24African wild dogs always go from one place to another.
43:29And they are always alert to catch a prey...
43:34...that is ready to eat or to get rid of the intruders in their area.
43:39They guard a large area of about 200 square kilometers.
43:43And the way they hunt is similar to the way they live.
43:48They always look around.
43:50They always look around.
43:53Their color helps them not to be seen while hunting.
43:58Their way is very straightforward.
44:01If you put it into practice, it becomes such a way of hunting that it is difficult to escape.
44:08Their way of walking changes.
44:11And instead of walking in one line, they spread out.
44:14They do this so that they walk behind the leader and stay together.
44:21The qualities of the area, the reaction of the prey and their experience do the rest of the work.
44:28If the leader African wild dog does not run away when he sees them...
44:35...soon the wind dogs will surround him from the right and left.
44:39And the prey will have no chance to escape.
44:44This is a mix of sudden and military attacks.
45:14This is a mix of sudden and military attacks.
45:19This is a mix of sudden and military attacks.
45:41The success rate of well-organized African wild dog packs is always between 75-90%.
45:49They are ferocious hunters who find their prey and start eating it before it is killed by a member.
45:58They are called wild dogs for this behavior.
46:03They look more cruel than other hunters, but in reality they are not.
46:11They are not more cruel or merciful than any other animal.
46:16There is no place for mercy in nature.
46:20This is just a human view of natural and wild behavior.
46:25Whatever it is, the way wild dogs eat their prey...
46:30...many people survive because of it.
46:34And they are hunted in a planned manner.
46:37And in many places they have been completely killed.
46:41In fact, they have disappeared from most of the African areas.
46:47They have disappeared from most of the African areas.
47:00To see animals as if they were humans...
47:04...tries to separate us from the reality of wildlife and puts us in a dilemma.
47:08Some people think that they can make friends with a wild boar or an elephant.
47:15There are also people who keep a lion as a pet.
47:21This is a dangerous game that shows the naivety of the players.
47:27A hunter is always a hunter.
47:32Even dogs are not afraid of wild animals.
47:36Even dogs keep their old nature inside.
47:43But carnivores are not worse than their prey.
47:47Nor are they better than them.
47:50Meat-eating animals are neither bad nor good.
47:56Every animal is very important for its natural environment.
48:00The process of development keeps on working.
48:04Because of this, there is a constant war...
48:08...that is fought between different species every day.
48:12Those who hunt make their hunting techniques better.
48:16While those who have to defend themselves...
48:19...make it more difficult to catch themselves.
48:23And as long as this competition continues between the members of each species...
48:27...everything will keep on working in a natural and wild way.
