• letztes Jahr
Grey’s Anatomy ist eine US-amerikanische Arzt-Serie: Im Mittelpunkt stehen fünf junge Assistenzärzte rund um die Hauptfigur Meredith Grey und ihre Mentoren, die im fiktiven Grace Hospital in Seattle, Washington, arbeiten, streiten und lieben. Bestimmend für Grey’s Anatomy ist die ausgewogene Mischung aus Drama und Komik.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/greys-anatomy


00:00Welcome back.
00:01♪ You ain't never seen nothing like this before. ♪
00:05Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?
00:08There's something that I should talk to you about.
00:11You think you're God's gift to this hospital?
00:13You're just another doctor.
00:17What the hell happened?
00:18Bungee jumper from the bridge. His cord snapped.
00:21From the Fox Foundation.
00:22If you don't respond, you could be held in contempt of the court.
00:24What are we gonna do?
00:26♪ You ain't never seen nothing like this before. ♪
00:29Are you ready?
