• evvelsi gün


00:00:00Boss, the meeting for acquiring this hotel is scheduled, and the penthouse suite is ready
00:00:12for you.
00:00:13And your nephew has reserved the lounge for his birthday.
00:00:17You are late!
00:00:18I'm so sorry, I was stuck at work.
00:00:19You are a terrible girlfriend.
00:00:20Don't bother coming.
00:00:21Sir, are you okay?
00:00:39He's having an allergic reaction, he needs to lie down.
00:00:41Do you even know what you're doing?
00:00:42Get him some water!
00:00:43Okay, this is Ben and Julie, please help you.
00:01:07Are you okay?
00:01:10No, it's windy.
00:01:14Thank you.
00:01:23Sir, your dress got dirty, should I prepare something for her?
00:01:43Yeah go help her.
00:01:46You agree to let me go?
00:01:56You don't think the Wilson Group can run without you?
00:02:00Of course not.
00:02:03I'm just a little secretary.
00:02:04I'll get prepared now.
00:02:05Hey, Miss Miller, you look so beautiful today.
00:02:22Thank you.
00:02:23These are my homemade cookies with your favorite flavor, chocolate.
00:02:31What do you want?
00:02:32Just say it.
00:02:33Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new chief secretary.
00:02:37Oh, really?
00:02:38How much perfume is she wearing?
00:02:41Um, yes, HR should have informed you guys, right?
00:02:45Why are you leaving?
00:02:46Did the CEO's fiance say anything?
00:02:50Whatever the reason is, it's nothing to do with you, so just mind your own business.
00:02:54I know that the chief officer can be recommended by the previous one.
00:02:59What do you think of me?
00:03:00Please, give me a bit of space.
00:03:07What do you mean?
00:03:08Are you insulting me?
00:03:09No, no, don't get me wrong.
00:03:11I just...
00:03:13Are you pregnant?
00:03:16That's why you're leaving.
00:03:18Stop talking nonsense.
00:03:20I just have a stomach bug.
00:03:30Is she okay?
00:03:34What's happening?
00:03:35Please tell me.
00:03:36Her surgery can't wait any longer.
00:03:39Is she okay?
00:03:43What's happening?
00:03:44Please tell me.
00:03:45Her surgery can't wait any longer.
00:04:04Well, I think you have made the right choice.
00:04:11I'll need a million dollars.
00:04:14A million dollars?
00:04:16That's a lot of money.
00:04:20But, you know, I do have a very generous client coming tonight.
00:04:27If you catch his eye, you might be able to make that kind of money.
00:04:31I don't know.
00:04:34He has a very particular taste, you know?
00:04:38He, uh...
00:04:40He likes his women...
00:04:47Maybe you go on his little cruise ship, whatever, and then, uh...
00:04:52And then you service all of his friends.
00:04:54If it's your only chance.
00:04:59Wendy, we need to talk.
00:05:01I am working.
00:05:03I don't have time for you.
00:05:05No problem.
00:05:06Whitney will take care of it.
00:05:08Seems like everything is settled, huh?
00:05:10You're hurting me!
00:05:15Bob, what do you want?
00:05:19Come home with me this weekend.
00:05:21I want you to meet my family.
00:05:24You have got to be kidding me.
00:05:28Bob, we are not together anymore.
00:05:33I never said we're splitting up.
00:05:35Yesterday was just, you know, my birthday.
00:05:38I just had some fun.
00:05:39So what?
00:05:40You don't think that's betrayal?
00:05:43You can take her to your family dinner, whatever.
00:05:48My uncle doesn't like this kind of women.
00:05:51What does your uncle have to do with it?
00:05:54You know, my uncle...
00:05:56He doesn't like me dating gold diggers.
00:05:58He likes innocent, honest girls.
00:06:01Like you.
00:06:03So you're coming to attend his birthday.
00:06:05My promotion depends on him.
00:06:06Are you ordering me around after sleeping with another woman?
00:06:11You are unbelievable.
00:06:16I'll pay you.
00:06:19I'll buy one night to play my girlfriend.
00:06:22How about that?
00:06:27Who are you?
00:06:30You saved me last night.
00:06:32Don't you remember?
00:06:33Don't you remember?
00:07:03You got really drunk last night.
00:07:06You came on so strong, I was helpless.
00:07:08What can I do?
00:07:12We don't even know each other.
00:07:14Did Bob know the woman he was kissing?
00:07:18I told you about that.
00:07:23You talked a lot.
00:07:26Need any help?
00:07:33I'm sorry.
00:07:36I'm sorry.
00:07:38I'm sorry.
00:07:40I'm sorry.
00:07:42I'm sorry.
00:07:44I'm sorry.
00:07:46I'm sorry.
00:07:48I'm sorry.
00:07:50I'm sorry.
00:07:52I'm sorry.
00:07:54I'm sorry.
00:07:56I'm sorry.
00:07:58I'm sorry.
00:08:00I'm sorry.
00:08:02Another touch, maybe we'll be alright.
00:08:08I should not have drank that much last night.
00:08:13Well, I cheated on you.
00:08:15And then you slept with the deber's of my handsome guy to get even.
00:08:19Sounds fair to me.
00:08:29Last night wasn't enough for you.
00:08:31I'm not that kind of girl.
00:08:38After I leave this room, we don't know each other, okay?
00:08:42What if I want to know you?
00:08:45Listen, if Bob knows about this, he might want to get back at you.
00:08:51He has a very powerful uncle.
00:08:54You know his uncle?
00:08:56Well, no, but I've heard he's very influential.
00:08:59He sounds terrifying.
00:09:03Are you concerned for me?
00:09:08Maybe you should give me your number.
00:09:12In case he comes after me, you could vouch for me.
00:09:17Okay, that's true.
00:09:28And here's my number.
00:09:30Call me.
00:09:32If you need anything.
00:09:34Well, let's hope I won't have to.
00:09:42Silly girl.
00:09:43How'd you think you ended up in the penthouse suite?
00:09:54Get Bob up here for me.
00:10:24So, according to store rules, flowers used for dip wrapping are free.
00:10:28I actually made these using leftover petals.
00:10:30Here, give this to your little brother.
00:10:32I'm sure he'll love it.
00:10:35Thank you.
00:10:37I'll take that flower.
00:10:39I'm sorry, sir, but this flower belongs to the little girl.
00:10:42But I want it.
00:10:44Give it to me.
00:10:45She came here first.
00:10:46I'm sorry, sir.
00:10:47Here you go, sir.
00:10:49Excuse me, sir.
00:10:50You have to pay for that.
00:10:51Um, excuse me, sir.
00:10:52You have to pay for that.
00:10:57I'm sorry, sir.
00:10:58The flowers are free, but everything else in the store you have to pay for.
00:11:01This applies to every customer, regardless of who you are.
00:11:08Pick it up.
00:11:09Buy her something nice.
00:11:16Tell the manager to give that girl a raise.
00:11:18Yes, Mr. Vincent.
00:11:21Mr. Vincent is mad.
00:11:22Fire this girl, Aria, right now.
00:11:37Uh, we have a reservation.
00:11:40Executive Lounge has a dress code.
00:11:42Well, my boyfriend's waiting for me.
00:11:44Can you just let me in like this?
00:11:45There's nothing I can do.
00:11:48How dare you talk to her in such a way?
00:11:51This lady is a guest in our penthouse suite.
00:11:54Penthouse suite?
00:11:57I'm terribly sorry.
00:11:58Please forgive me.
00:11:59Miss, we prepared for you some fitting dresses.
00:12:02The manager will lead you to the suite.
00:12:05Of course.
00:12:06This must be Bo's arrangement.
00:12:08He's so thoughtful.
00:12:11Please, follow me.
00:12:12This way.
00:12:17Bob prepared all these for our date?
00:12:19I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.
00:12:41Hey, babe.
00:12:42I got you a birthday gift.
00:12:46What are you doing here?
00:12:48Didn't I tell you not to come?
00:12:50What's happening?
00:12:52Do you even know how embarrassing you look right now?
00:12:56If you'd just listened to me, you wouldn't be in this mess.
00:13:02I'm sorry.
00:13:33Something I'm late for.
00:13:55Wendy, do you know how late you are?
00:13:57Do you know how much time you've wasted?
00:13:59I'm sorry.
00:14:00I was busy last night.
00:14:02Busy with what?
00:14:03Bob's birthday?
00:14:04I saw he posted on Instagram with a girl much prettier than you.
00:14:09Oh, Wendy.
00:14:10You've been dumped by that rich guy?
00:14:12He must be very upset.
00:14:14No wonder how you made such a huge mistake on financial report.
00:14:18What are you talking about?
00:14:26I don't recognize these papers.
00:14:30But I could tell the data is terribly wrong.
00:14:34Whitney, wasn't it your job to do this?
00:14:38Are you going to say it was me?
00:14:40Don't blame others.
00:14:41You have to do it by tonight or you'll be fired.
00:14:52Hey, Bob.
00:14:54You're here early.
00:14:55You had fun last night?
00:14:56Yeah, I did.
00:14:57Wendy, we need to talk.
00:15:19What a jerk.
00:15:21He's a jerk.
00:15:26I don't need him.
00:15:31She's our penthouse suite guest.
00:15:33Make sure she gets back safely.
00:15:35Yes, manager.
00:16:23You're so adorable.
00:16:26I thought you said you were crocking out.
00:16:30Did you tell your father about us?
00:16:33My father?
00:16:36I received a message from his secretary.
00:16:39He wants to invite me to his house for dinner.
00:16:42Oh, really?
00:16:44That's great.
00:16:47I've been wanting to introduce you for a long time.
00:17:01Oh, crap. I've got to pick that Wendy up.
00:17:08What are you doing here?
00:17:10You don't seem very happy.
00:17:12Am I disturbing our busy president?
00:17:14No, of course not.
00:17:16It's great to see you.
00:17:17You look beautiful.
00:17:19Stop it.
00:17:20Managing your overseas business has given me wrinkles.
00:17:23You owe me big time.
00:17:25I'll have Mark get you anything you need.
00:17:27But I'm running late. I have to go.
00:17:30What can be more important than a company and me?
00:17:33It seems like I picked the wrong time, huh?
00:17:35Don't be like that.
00:17:37I want to introduce you to someone.
00:17:39Oh, really?
00:17:47Where is Ryan?
00:17:48He said he'd pick me up, but I don't see him.
00:17:50I wonder if I look presentable.
00:17:53You look great.
00:17:54But I don't see him.
00:17:55I wonder if I look presentable.
00:17:58Wendy, you look so beautiful today.
00:18:02Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.
00:18:05Oh, dear grandfather.
00:18:06This is Wendy, the loveliest lady in the house.
00:18:10The one I want to introduce to you.
00:18:12Nice to meet you, Wendy.
00:18:14You and Bob really look like the perfect match.
00:18:19Me and Bob?
00:18:25Why do you look like you want to bite Bob's head off?
00:18:29Did he and his little girlfriend offend you?
00:18:32She's my girlfriend.
00:18:34I need to tell father.
00:18:37Are you telling me you're fighting over a woman with your nephew?
00:18:42Ryan, when did you become so childish?
00:18:45I'm not.
00:18:47Since when do you care so much about it?
00:18:50Come on.
00:18:51Come on.
00:18:52You don't want your father to see his son and grandson fighting over a woman.
00:18:57He's just gotten back from a nursing home.
00:18:59His temper isn't great.
00:19:01Don't stress him, okay?
00:19:03And it's for your girlfriend's good.
00:19:11Don't be a fool, love.
00:19:13The calm, collected Ryan Clark is the one I know.
00:19:21Who is she? Is this part of the plan?
00:19:24Uncle Jack.
00:19:27So good to see you.
00:19:36Linda has been managing your overseas business all these years.
00:19:40Now she's finally back.
00:19:42So you better take good care of her.
00:19:46Of course, father.
00:19:48Bob, Ryan, please come with me to the study.
00:19:53So tell me about Paris shopping.
00:19:57So, you must be the lucky girl who got Bob head over heels.
00:20:02I'm Linda.
00:20:04May I say your dress is beautiful.
00:20:07What's your name?
00:20:09You can call me Wendy.
00:20:13Who is she? Why was she with Ryan?
00:20:15And why are they so close?
00:20:18You seem a bit nervous.
00:20:20Don't worry. The Clarks family is great.
00:20:23Try one of these cakes. It's my favorite.
00:20:26I can't believe Uncle Jack still remembers.
00:20:29What's your favorite?
00:20:31I'll ask Kitchen and they'll make it for you.
00:20:35That's okay.
00:20:37Thank you.
00:20:39Speaking of that, Linda.
00:20:42Why did you come back?
00:20:44Why did you come back?
00:20:46Didn't Ryan give you all the overseas business?
00:20:49Was it too much for you?
00:20:51How could it be?
00:20:53You know, Ryan and I grew up together.
00:20:56He knows my abilities.
00:20:58I heard some gossips and decided to check it out.
00:21:03I couldn't believe the most wanted bachelor in finance has fallen in love.
00:21:08Oh, Linda, you must be joking.
00:21:11Haven't you and Ryan been together for so long?
00:21:15I'm just sitting here waiting for my wedding invitation.
00:21:19Oh my God.
00:21:23Well, I did say if we're both single and old, we'd just get married.
00:21:37What are you doing in here?
00:21:41I thought you left with that flashy woman, you jerk.
00:21:46You're drunk.
00:21:49Look at me.
00:21:51I don't want to look at you.
00:21:54You kissed that woman and then you left with her.
00:21:59We're over.
00:22:02And give me my lighter back. It's expensive.
00:22:04I cheated on you and all you want is a lighter?
00:22:09It's a DuPont lighter.
00:22:13Why would you give me something so special if I didn't deserve it?
00:22:19Because I loved you.
00:22:34I love you.
00:23:05Where am I?
00:23:10Who are you?
00:23:26Boss, the meeting for acquiring this hotel is scheduled.
00:23:30And the penthouse suite is ready for you.
00:23:32And your nephew has reserved the lounge for his birthday.
00:23:38You are late.
00:23:40I'm so sorry. I was stuck at work.
00:23:43You are a terrible girlfriend. Don't bother coming.
00:23:48Sir, are you okay?
00:23:58He's having an allergic reaction to alcohol.
00:24:00He's having an allergic reaction. He needs to lay down.
00:24:03Do you even know what you're doing?
00:24:04Get him some water!
00:24:14This is Ben and Julie. It will help you.
00:24:28Are you okay?
00:24:35No, it's Wendy.
00:24:48Thank you.
00:24:59Sir, your dress got dirty. Should I prepare something for her?
00:25:05Yeah, go help her.
00:25:14You agree to let me go?
00:25:16Why? You don't think the Wilson Group can run without you?
00:25:22Of course not.
00:25:24I'm just a little secretary.
00:25:26I'll get prepared. Now.
00:25:39Hey, Miss Miller. You look so beautiful today.
00:25:43Thank you.
00:25:45These are my homemade cookies with your favorite flavor, chocolate.
00:25:52What do you want? Just say it.
00:25:55Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new chief secretary.
00:26:00How much perfume is she wearing?
00:26:03Um, yes. HR should have informed you guys, right?
00:26:07Why are you leaving? Did the CEO's fiancé say anything?
00:26:11Whatever the reason is, it's nothing to do with you, so just mind your own business.
00:26:16I know that the chief officer can be recommended by the previous one.
00:26:21What do you think of me?
00:26:23Just please, give me a bit of space.
00:26:29What do you mean? Are you insulting me?
00:26:32No, don't get me wrong. I just...
00:26:35Wait. Are you pregnant?
00:26:38That's why you're leaving.
00:26:40Stop talking nonsense. I just have a stomach bug.
00:27:00Is she okay?
00:27:03What's happening? Please tell me.
00:27:06Her surgery can't wait any longer.
00:27:14I'm sorry.
00:27:26Well, I think you have made the right choice.
00:27:33I'll need a million dollars.
00:27:36A million dollars? That's a lot of money.
00:27:40But, you know...
00:27:42I do have a very generous client coming tonight.
00:27:47If you catch his eye, you might be able to make that kind of money. I don't know.
00:27:54He has a very particular taste, you know?
00:28:01He likes his women...
00:28:09Maybe you go on his little cruise ship, whatever.
00:28:13And then...
00:28:15And then you serve as all of his friends.
00:28:17If it's your only chance.
00:28:21Wendy, we need to talk.
00:28:24I'm working. I don't have time for you.
00:28:27No problem. Whitney will take care of it.
00:28:30Seems like everything is settled, huh?
00:28:33You're hurting me.
00:28:37Bob, what do you want?
00:28:41Come home with me this weekend. I want you to meet my family.
00:28:46You have got to be kidding me.
00:28:50Bob, we are not together anymore.
00:28:54Why? I never said we're splitting up.
00:28:57Yesterday was just, you know, my birthday. I just had some fun. So what?
00:29:02You don't think that's betrayal?
00:29:04You can take her to your family dinner, whatever.
00:29:08No. My uncle doesn't like this kind of women.
00:29:12What does your uncle have to do with it?
00:29:15You know, my uncle...
00:29:17He doesn't like me dating gold diggers.
00:29:19He likes innocent, honest girls.
00:29:22Like you.
00:29:24So you're coming to attend his birthday.
00:29:27My promotion depends on him.
00:29:29Are you ordering me around after sleeping with another woman?
00:29:33You are unbelievable.
00:29:36Fine. I'll pay you.
00:29:41I'll buy one night to play my girlfriend. How about that?
00:29:49Who are you?
00:29:52You saved me last night. Don't you remember?
00:30:02Did you?
00:30:27You got really drunk last night.
00:30:29You came on so strong. I was helpless. What can I do?
00:30:33But we don't even know each other.
00:30:37Did Bob know the woman he was kissing?
00:30:41I told you about that.
00:30:47You talked a lot.
00:30:49Need any help?
00:30:59Come straight home to me.
00:31:29I should not have drank that much last night.
00:31:33Well, I cheated on you.
00:31:36And then you slept with a devilishly handsome guy to get even.
00:31:40Sounds fair to me.
00:31:50Last night wasn't enough for you.
00:31:53I'm not that kind of girl.
00:32:00After I leave this room, we don't know each other, okay?
00:32:04What if I want to know you?
00:32:07Listen, if Bob knows about this, he might want to get back at you.
00:32:14He has a very powerful uncle.
00:32:16You know his uncle?
00:32:18Well, no, but I've heard he's very influential.
00:32:22He sounds terrifying.
00:32:25Are you concerned for me?
00:32:30Maybe you should give me your number.
00:32:35In case he comes after me, you could vouch for me.
00:32:39Okay, that's true.
00:32:50And here's my number.
00:32:52Call me.
00:32:54If you need anything.
00:32:55Well, let's hope I won't have to.
00:33:02Silly girl.
00:33:04How'd you think you ended up in the penthouse suite?
00:33:14Get Bob up here for me.
00:33:50So according to store rules, flowers used for gift wrapping are free.
00:33:53I actually made these using leftover petals.
00:33:56Here, give this to your little brother.
00:33:58I'm sure he'll love it.
00:34:00Thank you.
00:34:02I'll take that flower.
00:34:04I'm sorry, sir, but this flower belongs to a little girl.
00:34:07But I want it.
00:34:09Give it to me.
00:34:11She came here first. I'm sorry, sir.
00:34:13Here you go, sir.
00:34:15Excuse me, sir. You have to pay for that.
00:34:17Pay? Me?
00:34:20I'm sorry, sir.
00:34:21Flowers are free, but everything else in the store you have to pay for.
00:34:24This applies to every customer, regardless of who you are.
00:34:30Pick it up.
00:34:32Buy her something nice.
00:34:39Tell the manager to give that girl a raise.
00:34:41Yes, Mr. Vincent.
00:34:43Mr. Vincent is mad.
00:34:45Throw him out of this girl area right now.
00:34:54We have a reservation.
00:34:56Sorry. Executive Lounge has a dress code.
00:34:59Well, my boyfriend's waiting for me. Can you just let me in like this?
00:35:03There's nothing I can do. Security?
00:35:05How dare you talk to her in such a way?
00:35:08This lady is a guest in our penthouse suite.
00:35:11Penthouse suite?
00:35:13I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me.
00:35:16I'm sorry.
00:35:18I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me.
00:35:21Miss, we prepared for you some fitting dresses.
00:35:24The manager will lead you to the suite.
00:35:26Of course.
00:35:28This must be Bob's arrangement.
00:35:30He's so thoughtful.
00:35:32Please, follow me. This way.
00:35:38Bob prepared all these for our date?
00:35:41I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.
00:36:04Hey, babe.
00:36:06I got you a perfect gift.
00:36:09What are you doing here?
00:36:11Didn't I tell you not to come?
00:36:13What's happening?
00:36:15Do you even know how embarrassing you look right now?
00:36:19If you'd just listened to me, you wouldn't be in this mess.
00:36:44I know I'm not
00:36:46But something I can be
00:36:49Something I wait for
00:36:55Something I'm made for
00:37:15Wendy, do you know how late you are?
00:37:18Do you know how much time you've wasted?
00:37:20I'm sorry. I was busy last night.
00:37:23Busy with what? Bob's birthday?
00:37:25I saw he posted on Instagram with a girl much prettier than you.
00:37:29Oh, Wendy. You've been dumped by that rich guy?
00:37:33You must be very upset.
00:37:35No wonder how you made such a huge mistake on financial report.
00:37:39What are you talking about?
00:37:40What are you talking about?
00:37:48I don't recognize these papers.
00:37:52But I could tell the data is terribly wrong.
00:37:56Whitney, wasn't it your job to do this?
00:37:59Seriously? Are you going to say it was me?
00:38:02Don't blame others. You have to do it by tonight or you'll be fired.
00:38:11Hey, Bob. You're here early. You had fun last night?
00:38:16Yeah, I did. Wendy, we need to talk.
00:38:19What a jerk!
00:38:21He's a jerk!
00:38:45Yes. I don't need him.
00:38:53She's our penthouse suite guest. Make sure she gets back safely.
00:38:57Yes, manager.
00:39:15Thank you.
00:39:45We're still apart.
00:39:47I thought you said you were clocking out.
00:39:52Did you tell your father about us?
00:39:55My father?
00:39:57Yeah. I received a message from his secretary.
00:40:01He wants to invite me to his house for dinner.
00:40:04Oh, really?
00:40:07That's great.
00:40:09I've been wanting to introduce you for a long time.
00:40:16Thank you.
00:40:27Oh, crap. I've got to pick Wendy up.
00:40:34What are you doing here?
00:40:36You don't seem very happy. Am I disturbing our busy president?
00:40:40No, of course not. It's great to see you. You look beautiful.
00:40:44Stop it. Managing your overseas business has given me wrinkles.
00:40:48You owe me big time.
00:40:50I'll have Mark get you anything you need.
00:40:53But I'm running late. I have to go.
00:40:56What can be more important than a company and me?
00:40:59Seems like I picked the wrong time, huh?
00:41:02Don't be like that.
00:41:04I want to introduce you to someone.
00:41:06Oh, really?
00:41:14Where is Ryan? He said he'd pick me up, but I don't see him.
00:41:17I wonder if I look presentable.
00:41:20Wendy, you look so beautiful today.
00:41:24Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.
00:41:27Oh, dear grandfather, this is Wendy, the loveliest lady in the house.
00:41:32The one I want to introduce to you.
00:41:34Nice to meet you, Wendy.
00:41:36You and Bob really look like the perfect match.
00:41:41Me and Bob?
00:41:49Why do you look like you want to bite Bob's head off?
00:41:52Did he and his little girlfriend offend you?
00:41:55She's my girlfriend.
00:41:57I need to tell father.
00:41:59Wait, are you telling me you're fighting over a woman with your nephew?
00:42:05Ryan, when did you become so childish?
00:42:08I'm not.
00:42:11Since when do you care so much about it?
00:42:13Come on, you don't want your father to see his son and grandson fighting over a woman.
00:42:19He's just gotten back from a nursing home.
00:42:21His temper isn't great.
00:42:23Don't stress him, okay?
00:42:25And it's for your girlfriend's good.
00:42:33Don't be a fool in love.
00:42:35The calm, collected Ryan Clark is the one I know.
00:42:43Who is she? Is this part of the plan?
00:42:46Uncle Jack.
00:42:49So good to see you.
00:42:56Ryan, Linda has been managing your overseas business all these years.
00:43:02Now she's finally back, so you better take good care of her.
00:43:08Of course, father.
00:43:10Bob, Ryan, please come with me to the study room.
00:43:15So tell me about Paris shopping.
00:43:19So, you must be the lucky girl who got Bob head over heels.
00:43:24I'm Linda.
00:43:26May I say your dress is beautiful.
00:43:29What's your name?
00:43:31You can call me Wendy.
00:43:35Who is she? Why was she with Ryan?
00:43:37And why are they so close?
00:43:41You seem a bit nervous.
00:43:43Don't worry. The Clarks family is great.
00:43:46Try one of these cakes. It's my favorite.
00:43:49I can't believe Uncle Jack still remembers.
00:43:52What's your favorite?
00:43:54I'll ask Kitchen and they'll make it for you.
00:43:58That's okay. Thank you.
00:44:02Speaking of that, Linda, why did you come back?
00:44:08Didn't Ryan give you all the overseas business?
00:44:11Was it too much for you?
00:44:13How could it be?
00:44:15You know, Ryan and I grew up together.
00:44:18He knows my abilities.
00:44:20I heard some gossips and decided to check it out.
00:44:25I couldn't believe the most wanted bachelor in finance has fallen in love.
00:44:30Oh, Linda, you must be joking.
00:44:34Haven't you and Ryan been together for so long?
00:44:38I'm just sitting here waiting for my wedding invitation.
00:44:41Oh, my God.
00:44:45Well, I did say if we're both single and old, we'd just get married.
00:44:52Download the app to watch.
00:44:54What happens next?
00:45:00What are you doing in here?
00:45:05I thought you left with that flashy woman, you jerk.
00:45:10You're drunk.
00:45:13Look at me.
00:45:14I won't look at you.
00:45:18You kissed that woman and then you left with her.
00:45:23We're over.
00:45:26And give me my lighter back. It's expensive.
00:45:30I cheated on you and all you want is a lighter?
00:45:35It's a DuPont lighter.
00:45:39Why would you give me something so special if I didn't deserve it?
00:45:45Because I loved you.
00:45:59I love you.
00:46:30Where am I?
00:46:35Who are you?
00:46:48Boss, the meeting for acquiring this hotel is scheduled.
00:46:51And the penthouse suite is ready for you.
00:46:54And the penthouse suite is ready for you.
00:46:57And your nephew has reserved the lounge for his birthday.
00:47:04You are late.
00:47:05I'm so sorry. I was stuck at work.
00:47:08You are a terrible girlfriend. Don't bother coming.
00:47:13Sir, are you okay?
00:47:15He's having an allergic reaction. He needs to lay down.
00:47:18Do you even know what you're doing?
00:47:19We're getting some water.
00:47:23Okay, there you go.
00:47:28This is Ben and Julie. They'll help you.
00:47:31Okay, there you go.
00:47:36This is Ben and Julie. They'll help you.
00:47:51Are you okay?
00:47:58No, it's windy.
00:48:10Thank you.
00:48:21Sir, your dress got dirty.
00:48:23Should I prepare something for her?
00:48:26Yeah, go over.
00:48:36You agree to let me go?
00:48:39You don't think the Wilson Group can run without you?
00:48:44Of course not.
00:48:46I'm just a little secretary.
00:48:48I'll get prepared, now.
00:48:56Hey, Miss Miller. You look so beautiful today.
00:49:00Thank you.
00:49:02These are my homemade cookies with your favorite flavor, chocolate.
00:49:09What do you want? Just say it.
00:49:11Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new chief secretary.
00:49:16Oh, really?
00:49:17How much perfume is she wearing?
00:49:20I don't know.
00:49:22Oh, really?
00:49:23How much perfume is she wearing?
00:49:26Yes, HR should have informed you guys, right?
00:49:29Why are you leaving? Did the CEO's fiance say anything?
00:49:33Whatever the reason is, it's nothing to do with you, so just mind your own business.
00:49:38I know that the chief officer can be recommended by the previous one.
00:49:43What do you think of me?
00:49:44Just please, give me a bit of space.
00:49:51What do you mean? Are you insulting me?
00:49:54No, don't get me wrong, I just...
00:49:58Are you pregnant?
00:50:00That's why you're leaving.
00:50:02Stop talking nonsense.
00:50:04I just have a stomach bug.
00:50:22Is she okay?
00:50:26What's happening? Please tell me.
00:50:28Her surgery can't wait any longer.
00:50:32Well, I think you have made the right choice.
00:50:38But, I'll need a million dollars.
00:50:43A million dollars, that's a lot of money.
00:50:49I don't know how you're going to pay me back, you can't afford my surgery.
00:50:54I'm sorry.
00:50:56I don't know how you're going to pay me back, you can't afford my surgery.
00:51:01money. But you know, I do have a very generous client coming tonight. If you catch his eye,
00:51:13you might be able to make that kind of money, I don't know. He has a very particular taste,
00:51:22he likes his women inexperienced. Maybe you go on his little cruise ship, whatever, and
00:51:36then you serve us all of his friends. If this is your only chance. Wendy, we need to talk.
00:51:46I'm working. I don't have time for you. No problem. Whitney will take care of it. Seems like
00:51:53everything is settled. You're hurting me. Hey! Bob, what do you want? Come home with me this
00:52:05weekend. I want you to meet my family. You have got to be kidding me. Bob, we are not together
00:52:15anymore. Why? I never said we're splitting up. Yesterday was just, you know, my birthday. I just
00:52:22had some fun, so what? You don't think that's betrayal? You can take her to your family dinner,
00:52:30whatever. No, my uncle doesn't like this kind of women. What does your uncle have to do with it?
00:52:37You know, my uncle, he doesn't like me dating gold diggers. He likes innocent, honest girls,
00:52:44like you. So you're coming to attend his birthday. My promotion depends on him. Are you ordering me
00:52:52around after sleeping with another woman? You are unbelievable. Fine, I'll pay you. I'll buy
00:53:05one night to play my girlfriend. How about that? Who are you? You saved me last night. Don't you
00:53:48You got really drunk last night. You came on so strong, I was helpless. What can I do? But we
00:53:57don't even know each other. Did Bob know the woman he was kissing? I told you about that.
00:54:05You talked a lot. Need any help?
00:54:35It's okay to cry for a little while. We'll just keep trying and find our way out. In another life, another time, maybe we'll be alright.
00:54:51I should not have drank that much last night. Well, I cheated on you. And then you slept with a
00:55:00purposely handsome guy to get even. Sounds fair to me. Last night wasn't enough for you. I'm not that kind of girl.
00:55:18After I leave this room, we don't know each other, okay? What if I want to know you? Listen, if Bob knows about this, he might want
00:55:35to get back at you. He has a very powerful uncle. You know his uncle? No, but I've heard he's very influential.
00:55:44He sounds terrifying. Are you concerned for me? Yes. Maybe you should give me your number. Why? In case he comes after me, you could
00:55:59vouch for me. Okay, that's true. Here. And here's my number. Call me if you need anything. Well, let's hope I won't have to.
00:56:27Silly girl. How'd you think you ended up in the penthouse suite? Get Bob up here for me. Now.
00:56:57So according to store rules, flowers used for gift wrapping are free. I actually made these using leftover petals. Here, give this to your little brother. I'm sure he'll love it.
00:57:22Thank you. I'll take that flower. I'm sorry, sir, but this flower belongs to the little girl. But I want it. Give it to me. She came here first. I'm sorry, sir. Here you go, sir.
00:57:36Excuse me, sir. You have to pay for that. Pay? Me? I'm sorry, sir. The flowers are free, but everything else in the store you have to pay for. This applies to every customer, regardless of who you are.
00:57:49Pick it up. Buy yourself something nice. Tell the manager to give that girl a raise. Yes, Mr. Vincent. Mr. Vincent is mad. Fire this girl, Aria, right now.
00:58:20Miss? We have a reservation. Sorry, Executive Lounge has a dress code. Well, my boyfriend's waiting for me. Can you just let me in like this? There's nothing I can do. Security? How dare you talk to her in such a way? This lady is a guest in our penthouse suite. Penthouse suite?
00:58:41I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me. Miss, we prepared for you some fitting dresses. The manager will lead you to the suite. Of course. This must be Bob's arrangement. He's so thoughtful. Please, follow me. This way.
00:58:57Wow. Bob prepared all these for our date? I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.
00:59:05Bob? Hey, babe. I got you a birthday gift. What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you not to come?
00:59:35What's happening? Do you even know how embarrassing you look right now? If you'd just listened to me, you wouldn't be in this mess.
01:00:05Something I'm not, but something I can be. Something I wait for. Something I'm made for.
01:00:35Wendy, do you know how late you are? Do you know how much time you've wasted? I'm sorry. I was busy last night. Busy with what? Bob's birthday? I saw he posted on Instagram with a girl much prettier than you.
01:00:54Oh, Wendy. You've been dumped by that rich guy? He must be very upset. No wonder how you made such a huge mistake on financial report.
01:01:03What are you talking about?
01:01:11I don't recognize these papers. But I could tell the data is terribly wrong. Whitney, wasn't it your job to do this?
01:01:20Seriously? Are you going to say it was me? Don't blame others. You have to do it by tonight or you'll be fired. Fine.
01:01:36Hey, Bob. You're here early. You had fun last night? Yeah, I did. Wendy, give me TikTok.
01:01:51What a jerk. He's a jerk. Yes, I don't need him.
01:02:12She's our penthouse suite guest. Make sure she gets back safely. Yes, manager.
01:02:42You're still up late.
01:03:10I thought you said you were clocking out.
01:03:15Did you tell your father about us? My father? Yeah, I received a message from his secretary. He wants to invite me to his house for dinner.
01:03:27Really? That's great. I've been wanting to introduce you for a long time.
01:03:40Oh, crap. I've got to pick Wendy up. Linda, what are you doing here?
01:03:59You don't seem very happy. Am I disturbing our busy president?
01:04:03No, of course not. It's great to see you. You look beautiful.
01:04:06Stop it. Managing your overseas business has given me wrinkles. You owe me big time.
01:04:13I'll have Mark get you anything you need. But I'm running late. I have to go.
01:04:19What can be more important than a company and me? Seems like I picked the wrong time, huh?
01:04:25Don't be like that. I want to introduce you to someone.
01:04:29Oh, really? Yes.
01:04:36Where's Ryan? He said he'd pick me up, but I don't see him. I wonder if I look presentable.
01:04:43Wendy, you look so beautiful today.
01:04:47Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.
01:04:50Oh, dear grandfather, this is Wendy, the loveliest lady in the house. The one I want to introduce to you.
01:04:57Nice to meet you, Wendy. You and Bob really look like the perfect match.
01:05:03Me and Bob?
01:05:11Why do you look like you want to bite Bob's head off? Did he and his little girlfriend offend you?
01:05:17She's my girlfriend. I need to tell father.
01:05:21Wait, are you telling me you're fighting over a woman with your nephew?
01:05:28Ryan, when did you become so childish?
01:05:30I'm not. Since when do you care so much about it?
01:05:36Come on, you don't want your father to see his son and grandson fighting over a woman.
01:05:42He's just gotten back from a nursing home. His temper isn't great.
01:05:46Don't stress him, okay? And it's for your girlfriend's good.
01:05:53Don't be a fool, love. The calm, collected Ryan Clark is the one I want.
01:06:03Who is she? Is this part of the plan?
01:06:06Uncle Jack.
01:06:10So good to see you.
01:06:13Ryan, Linda has been managing your overseas business all these years.
01:06:19Now she's finally back, so you better take good care of her.
01:06:24Of course, father.
01:06:26Bob, Ryan, please come with me to the study room.
01:06:31So, tell me about Paris shopping.
01:06:36So, what are you doing here?
01:06:38So, tell me about Paris shopping.
01:06:42So, you must be the lucky girl who got Bob head over heels.
01:06:47I'm Linda.
01:06:49May I say your dress is beautiful.
01:06:52What's your name?
01:06:54You can call me Wendy.
01:06:57Who is she? Why was she with Ryan? And why are they so close?
01:07:05You seem a bit nervous.
01:07:06Don't worry. The Clarks family is great.
01:07:10Try one of these cakes. It's my favorite.
01:07:13I can't believe Uncle Jack still remembers.
01:07:16What's your favorite?
01:07:18I'll ask Kitchen and they'll make it for you.
01:07:21That's okay. Thank you.
01:07:25Speaking of that, Linda, why did you come back?
01:07:31Didn't Ryan give you all the overseas business?
01:07:34Was it too much for you?
01:07:36How could it be?
01:07:39You know, Ryan and I grew up together. He knows my abilities.
01:07:43I heard some gossips and decided to check it out.
01:07:48I couldn't believe the most wanted bachelor in finance has fallen in love.
01:07:53Oh, Linda, you must be joking.
01:07:57Haven't you and Ryan been together for so long?
01:08:01I'm just sitting here waiting for my wedding invitation.
01:08:03Oh my God. Stop.
01:08:07Well, I did say if we're both single and old, we'd just get married.
01:08:22What are you doing in here?
01:08:27I thought you left with that flashy woman, you jerk.
01:08:30You're drunk.
01:08:33Look at me.
01:08:35I won't look at you.
01:08:38You kissed that woman and then you left with her.
01:08:44We're over.
01:08:46And give me my lighter back. It's expensive.
01:08:50I cheated on you and all you want is a lighter?
01:08:56It's a DuPont lighter.
01:08:58Why would you give me something so special if I didn't deserve it?
01:09:04Because I loved you.
01:09:28I love you.
01:09:30I love you.
01:09:56All right, I'm leaving.
01:10:00Who are you?
01:10:13Boss, the meeting for acquiring this hotel is scheduled.
01:10:17And the penthouse suite is ready for you.
01:10:20And your nephew has reserved the lounge for his birthday.
01:10:26You are late.
01:10:27I'm so sorry. I was stuck at work.
01:10:30You are a terrible girlfriend. Don't bother coming.
01:10:35Sir, are you okay?
01:10:45He's having an allergic reaction. He needs to lie down.
01:10:48Do you even know what you're doing?
01:10:49Get him some water!
01:10:53Hang in there.
01:10:58This is Ben and Julie. It will help you.
01:11:13Are you okay?
01:11:20No, it's Wendy.
01:11:28Here you go.
01:11:33Thank you.
01:11:44Sir, your dress got dirty. Should I prepare something for her?
01:11:50Yeah, go help her.
01:11:58You agree to let me go?
01:12:03You don't think the Wilson Group can run without you?
01:12:07Of course not.
01:12:09I'm just a little secretary.
01:12:11I'll get prepared now.
01:12:12Hey, Ms. Miller. You look so beautiful today.
01:12:16Thank you.
01:12:18These are my homemade cookies with your favorite flavor, chocolate.
01:12:25What do you want? Just say it.
01:12:28Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new director.
01:12:32So, I thought I'd give you a call.
01:12:35I'm sorry.
01:12:37It's okay.
01:12:38What do you want? Just say it.
01:12:40Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new chief secretary.
01:12:45How much perfume is she wearing?
01:12:49Yes, HR should have informed you guys, right?
01:12:52Why are you leaving? Did the CEO's fiance say anything?
01:12:56Whatever the reason is, it's nothing to do with you.
01:12:59So, just mind your own business.
01:13:02I know that the chief officer can be recommended by the previous one.
01:13:06What do you think of me?
01:13:07Please, give me a bit of space.
01:13:14What do you mean? Are you insulting me?
01:13:17No, don't get me wrong. I just...
01:13:21Are you pregnant?
01:13:23That's why you're leaving.
01:13:25Stop talking nonsense.
01:13:27I just have a stomach bug.
01:13:38Is she okay?
01:13:42What's happening? Please tell me.
01:13:44Her surgery can't wait any longer.
01:14:08Well, I think you have made the right choice.
01:14:17I'll need a million dollars.
01:14:19A million dollars? That's a lot of money.
01:14:25But, you know,
01:14:27I do have a very generous client coming tonight.
01:14:32If you catch his eye,
01:14:33you might be able to make that kind of money, I don't know.
01:14:38He has a very particular taste, you know.
01:14:45He likes his women...
01:14:52Maybe you go on his little cruise ship, whatever,
01:14:56and then...
01:14:58and then you serve as all of his friends.
01:15:00If this is your only chance.
01:15:02Wendy, we need to talk.
01:15:05I'm working. I don't have time for you.
01:15:08No problem. Whitney will take care of it.
01:15:11Seems like everything is settled, huh?
01:15:14You're hurting me.
01:15:19Bob, what do you want?
01:15:23Come home with me this weekend.
01:15:25I want you to meet my family.
01:15:26You have got to be kidding me!
01:15:31We are not together anymore.
01:15:33Why? I never said we're splitting up.
01:15:36Yesterday was just, you know, my birthday.
01:15:39I just had some fun, so what?
01:15:41You don't think that's betrayal?
01:15:44You can take her to your family dinner, whatever.
01:15:48No, my uncle doesn't like this kind of thing.
01:15:51I don't like it.
01:15:52You can take her to your family dinner, whatever.
01:15:54No, my uncle doesn't like this kind of woman.
01:15:57What does your uncle have to do with it?
01:16:00You know, my uncle, he doesn't like me dating gold diggers.
01:16:05He likes innocent, honest girls.
01:16:08Like you.
01:16:10So you're coming to attend his birthday.
01:16:12My promotion depends on him.
01:16:14Are you ordering me around after sleeping with another woman?
01:16:19You are unbelievable!
01:16:24I'll pay you.
01:16:27I'll buy one night to play my girlfriend.
01:16:30How about that?
01:16:35Who are you?
01:16:38You saved me last night.
01:16:40Don't you remember?
01:16:52I remember.
01:17:12You got really drunk last night.
01:17:15You came on so strong, I was helpless.
01:17:17What can I do?
01:17:19But we don't even know each other.
01:17:22Did Bob know the woman he was kissing?
01:17:26I told you about that.
01:17:32You talked a lot.
01:17:34Need any help?
01:17:52I'm sorry.
01:18:15I should not have drank that much last night.
01:18:19Well, I cheated on you.
01:18:21And then you slept with a devilishly handsome guy to get even.
01:18:25Sounds fair to me.
01:18:35Last night wasn't enough for you.
01:18:38I'm not that kind of girl.
01:18:45After I leave this room, we don't know each other, okay?
01:18:47What if I want to know you?
01:18:52If Bob knows about this,
01:18:54he might want to get back at you.
01:18:57He has a very powerful uncle.
01:19:00You know his uncle?
01:19:02Well, no, but I've heard he's very influential.
01:19:05He sounds terrifying.
01:19:09Are you concerned for me?
01:19:14Maybe you should give me your number.
01:19:17In case he comes after me.
01:19:19You could vouch for me.
01:19:22Okay, that's true.
01:19:33And here's my number.
01:19:35Call me.
01:19:37If you need anything.
01:19:39Well, let's hope I won't have to.
01:19:42Silly girl.
01:19:44How'd you think you ended up in the penthouse suite?
01:19:56Get Bob up here for me.
01:20:35So according to store rules,
01:20:37flowers used for dead wrapping are free.
01:20:39I actually make these using leftover petals.
01:20:41Give this to your little brother.
01:20:43I'm sure he'll love it.
01:20:45Thank you.
01:20:47I'll take that flower.
01:20:49I'm sorry, sir, but this flower belongs to a little girl.
01:20:52But I want it.
01:20:54Give it to me.
01:20:55She came here first.
01:20:56I'm sorry, sir.
01:20:57Here you go, sir.
01:20:59Excuse me, sir.
01:21:00You have to pay for that.
01:21:05I'm sorry, sir.
01:21:06The flowers are free, but
01:21:07everything else in the store you have to pay for.
01:21:08This applies to every customer,
01:21:09regardless of who you are.
01:21:15Pick it up.
01:21:16Buy her something nice.
01:21:23Tell the manager to give that girl a raise.
01:21:25Yes, Mr. Vincent.
01:21:28Mr. Vincent is mad.
01:21:29Throw him in the school area right now.
01:21:41We have a reservation.
01:21:44Executive Lounge has a dress code.
01:21:47Well, my boyfriend's waiting for me.
01:21:48Can you just let me in like this?
01:21:49There's nothing I can do.
01:21:52How dare you talk to her in such a way?
01:21:55This lady is a guest in our penthouse suite.
01:21:58Penthouse suite?
01:22:00I'm terribly sorry.
01:22:01Please forgive me.
01:22:02Miss, we prepared for you something special.
01:22:05Please forgive me.
01:22:06Miss, we prepared for you some fitting dresses.
01:22:09The manager will lead you to the suite.
01:22:12Of course.
01:22:13This must be Bob's arrangement.
01:22:15He's so thoughtful.
01:22:18Please, follow me.
01:22:19This way.
01:22:24Bob prepared all these for our date?
01:22:26I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.
01:22:49Hey, babe.
01:22:50I got you a perfect gift.
01:22:54What are you doing here?
01:22:56Didn't I tell you not to come?
01:22:58What's happening?
01:23:00Do you even know how embarrassing you look right now?
01:23:04If you'd just listened to me, you wouldn't be in this mess.
01:23:34Something I wait for.
01:23:40Something I'm made for.
01:24:02Wendy, do you know how late you are?
01:24:04Do you know how much time you've wasted?
01:24:06I'm sorry.
01:24:07I was busy last night.
01:24:09Busy with what?
01:24:10Bob's birthday?
01:24:12I saw he posted on Instagram with a girl much prettier than you.
01:24:16Oh, Wendy.
01:24:17You've been dumped by that rich guy?
01:24:19He must be very upset.
01:24:21No wonder how you made such a huge mistake on financial report.
01:24:25What are you talking about?
01:24:33I don't recognize these papers.
01:24:37But I could tell the data is terribly wrong.
01:24:41Whitney, wasn't it your job to do this?
01:24:45Are you going to say it was me?
01:24:47Don't blame others.
01:24:48You have to do it by tonight or you'll be fired.
01:25:00Hey, Bob.
01:25:01You're here early.
01:25:02You had fun last night?
01:25:03Yeah, I did.
01:25:04Wendy, we need to talk.
01:25:27What a jerk.
01:25:29He's a jerk.
01:25:34I don't need him.
01:25:39She's our penthouse suite guest.
01:25:40Make sure she gets back safely.
01:25:42Yes, manager.
01:26:30We're still apart.
01:26:32I thought you said you were crocking out.
01:26:37Did you tell your father about us?
01:26:40My father?
01:26:43I received a message from his secretary.
01:26:46He wants to invite me to his house for dinner.
01:26:49Oh, really?
01:26:52That's great.
01:26:54I've been wanting to introduce you for a long time.
01:27:11Oh, crap.
01:27:12I've got to pick that Wendy up.
01:27:19What are you doing here?
01:27:20You don't seem very happy.
01:27:22Am I disturbing our busy president?
01:27:24No, of course not.
01:27:26It's great to see you.
01:27:27You look beautiful.
01:27:29Stop it.
01:27:30Managing your recent business has given me wrinkles.
01:27:33You owe me big time.
01:27:35I'll have Mark get you anything you need.
01:27:38But I'm running late.
01:27:40I have to go.
01:27:42What can be more important than a company and me?
01:27:45Seems like I picked the wrong time, huh?
01:27:47Don't be like that.
01:27:49I want to introduce you to someone.
01:27:51Oh, really?
01:27:59Where's Ryan?
01:28:00He said he'd pick me up, but I don't see him.
01:28:02I wonder if I look presentable.
01:28:05Wendy, you look so beautiful today.
01:28:09Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.
01:28:11Oh, dear grandfather.
01:28:13This is Wendy, the loveliest lady in the house.
01:28:16The one I want to introduce to you.
01:28:18Nice to meet you, Wendy.
01:28:21You and Bob really look like the perfect match.
01:28:25Me and Bob?
01:28:34Why do you look like you want to bite Bob's head off?
01:28:37Did he and his little girlfriend offend you?
01:28:40She's my girlfriend.
01:28:42I need to tell father.
01:28:45Are you telling me you're fighting over a woman with your nephew?
01:28:51Ryan, when did you become so childish?
01:28:53I'm not.
01:28:56Since when do you care so much about it?
01:28:59Come on.
01:29:00You don't want your father to see his son and grandson fighting over a woman.
01:29:04He's just gotten back from a nursing home.
01:29:06His temper isn't great.
01:29:08Don't stress him, okay?
01:29:10And it's for your girlfriend's good.
01:29:18Don't be a fool in love.
01:29:20The calm, collected Ryan Clark is the one I know.
01:29:25Who is she? Is this part of the plan?
01:29:28Uncle Jack.
01:29:31So good to see you.
01:29:40Linda has been managing your overseas business all these years.
01:29:45Now she's finally back.
01:29:47So you better take good care of her.
01:29:50Of course, father.
01:29:53Please come with me to the study room.
01:29:56So tell me about Paris shopping.
01:30:00So, you must be the lucky girl who got Bob head over heels.
01:30:05I'm Linda.
01:30:07May I say your dress is beautiful.
01:30:10What's your name?
01:30:12You can call me Wendy.
01:30:16Who is she?
01:30:20Who is she?
01:30:21Why was she with Ryan?
01:30:22And why are they so close?
01:30:27You seem a bit nervous.
01:30:29Don't worry.
01:30:30The Clarks family is great.
01:30:32Try one of these cakes.
01:30:34It's my favorite.
01:30:35I can't believe Uncle Jack still remembers.
01:30:38What's your favorite?
01:30:40I'll ask Kitchen and they'll make it for you.
01:30:44That's okay.
01:30:45Thank you.
01:30:48Speaking of that, Linda.
01:30:51Why did you come back?
01:30:53Didn't Ryan give you all the overseas business?
01:30:56Was it too much for you?
01:30:59How could it be?
01:31:01You know, Ryan and I grew up together.
01:31:03He knows my abilities.
01:31:06I heard some gossips and decided to check it out.
01:31:11I couldn't believe the most wanted bachelor in finance has fallen in love.
01:31:16Linda, you must be joking.
01:31:19Haven't you and Ryan been together for so long?
01:31:23I'm just sitting here waiting for my wedding invitation.
01:31:26Oh my God.
01:31:30Well, I did say if we're both single and old, we'd just get married.
01:31:37Download the app to watch.
01:31:39What happens next?
01:31:45What are you doing in here?
01:31:50I thought you left with that flashy woman, you jerk.
01:31:55You're drunk.
01:31:58Look at me.
01:31:59I won't look at you.
01:32:03You kissed that woman and then you left with her.
01:32:08We're over.
01:32:11And give me my lighter back. It's expensive.
01:32:15I cheated on you and all you want is a lighter?
01:32:20It's a DuPont lighter.
01:32:24Why would you give me something so special if I didn't deserve it?
01:32:30Because I loved you.
01:32:45I love you.
01:33:16Where am I?
01:33:21Who are you?
