• letztes Jahr
Hard Truths, der neue Film des britischen Meisterregisseurs Mike Leigh (Mr. Turner - Meister des Lichts) dreht sich um Pansy (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), die hypersensibel ist und deren Zustand für ihre Mitmenschen immer schlimmer wird. Sie über harsche Kritik an ihrem Ehemann und ihrem Sohn. Sie streitet sich mit Fremden auf der Straße und Verkäufern in Geschäften. Sie macht andere Menschen für die Fehler der Welt verantwortlich. Einzig ihre Schwester Chantal hat noch eine wirkliche Verbindung zu ihr.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/untitled-mike-leigh-project


00:00Look at you! Fix your face! You're dealing with the public, handling people's food.
00:10Stop! Please. And you can pipe down and all stand in there
00:14like an ostrich. People. Can't stand them. Cheerful, grinning people.
00:23I won't see you in a bit. Where do you think you're going?
00:29For a walk. People are going to accuse you of loitering
00:32with intent. Your sister call me.
00:37Who? Chantelle.
00:38I know who my sister is, thank you very much. When are you going to settle down?
00:42Why, you have somebody for me? Yes, Jesus! At least he was a single man.
00:48Do you want to come to the flat on Sunday? The girls would like to see you.
00:58You know I've got healthy shoes. I might spend the day lying in bed.
01:04She makes everything about her. She's rude, man.
01:08I've been harassed by people all day. I'm sick to death of it.
01:15I just want it to all stop. Why are you so angry?
01:23Why can't you enjoy life? I don't know.
01:29You worry me, you know. Pansy, what's going on?
01:36I'm so lonely. What are we going to do about it?
01:48I don't understand you. But I love you.
01:57And her over there with that fat baby. Parading it around in the little outfit.
02:02Not dressed for the weather, nah, with pockets. What's a baby got pockets for?
02:07What's it going to keep in its pocket?