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          คลิปจาก TikTok @penraiclub ของหมอโอม มีการเล่าถึงที่มาที่ไปของเรื่องดังกล่าว และผลกระทบที่คาดว่าน่าจะเกิดขึ้นหลังจากนี้เกี่ยวกับการรักษาที่ส่งผลต่อคนไข้โดยตรง          หมอโอมเล่าว่า จุดเริ่มต้นเรื่องนี้มาจาก สปสช. ลดเงินดูแลคนไข้ที่นอนโรงพยาบาล จากเดิมหน่วยละ 7,000 เหลือ 5,000 บาท และที่ผ่านมาโรงพยาบาลรัฐก็ประสบภาวะขาดทุนมาตลอด ต้องรับเงินบริจาคช่วยเหลือจากหน่วยงานข้างเคียง ฉะนั้นการลดเงินตรงส่วนนี้จะทำให้หมอทำงานลำบากกว่าเดิม                    หลังจากนี้ สิ่งที่คาดว่าน่าจะเกิดขึ้นคือ ต้องลดค่าใช้จ่ายในการรักษาให้ได้ ซึ่งเกี่ยวโยงถึงคุณภาพในการรักษา เช่น ซื้อยาฆ่าเชื้อตัวแรงตัวอื่นที่มีราคาถูกลง ลดปริมาณการนอนโรงพยาบาลของคนไข้ แล้วพอเราเป็นหมอหน้างาน เราต้องรักษาตามนโยบายของผู้ใหญ่ แม้ว่าตำราการรักษาจะเขียนไว้แบบหนึ่ง รักษาจริงตามข้อจำกัดต้องรักษาอีกแบบ ทำให้หมอรู้สึกลำบากใจมาก หมอทั่วประเทศหมดหวังแล้ว          ส่วนการที่โรงพยาบาลรัฐจะเจ๊ง ยืนยันว่า โรงพยาบาลรัฐไม่มีวันเจ๊งแน่นอน เพราะเขาทำเพื่อดูแลประชาชน


00:00Now, Ratchaburi Hospital is starting to collapse.
00:02Ratchaburi Hospital has lost 28 million baht for a month of treatment.
00:06In fact, the story before this, in case anyone doesn't know yet,
00:09the Ministry of Health and Welfare has reduced the money to take care of patients who come to stay in the hospital.
00:13From the same amount of 7,000 baht per unit, only 5,000 baht left.
00:15Actually, it used to be 8,500 baht, but now it has been reduced a lot.
00:17I have to say that before this, Ratchaburi Hospital did not make a profit in treating patients.
00:21Many hospitals today still have to live on donations from neighboring or surrounding agencies.
00:26Now, from 7,000 baht to 5,000 baht, it is heavier than before, right?
00:29Now, many hospitals are starting to complain that they are short of money.
00:33The more they treat patients, the more they are short of money.
00:35Now, let's think about what will happen next.
00:38Many people may think that Ratchaburi Hospital is going to collapse.
00:41But I can tell you that it's too easy.
00:44Ratchaburi Hospital is not going to collapse.
00:45But what they need to do is to reduce the cost of treatment.
00:49What will follow is whether it is the quality of treatment that is reduced.
00:53Suppose that the drug that is necessary for this disease
00:55may need to use a less expensive drug to reduce the cost of treatment.
00:59Or they have to reduce the number of hospital beds
01:01because the more patients sleep in the hospital, the more they are short of money.
01:04If the symptoms are not serious, we may have to sleep in the emergency room.
01:07At present, they are trying to promote that 30 baht can be treated anywhere.
01:11The better the service, the higher the cost of treatment, right?
01:14That is to say that what needs to be reduced may be the quality of treatment.
01:18The problem here is that when you are a doctor,
01:20you have to treat according to what the administrator has reported.
01:23The text may be written like this.
01:24But according to the restrictions, they will tell you in another way.
01:26For example, the doctor in front of work is very stressful
01:28when he has to take care of patients due to some restrictions.
01:32We have to see what will happen next.
01:34Who thinks this should be fixed?
01:36Please give me some suggestions.
01:37Doctors all over the country are very desperate right now.
01:40I want the treatment of patients to be the best.
01:43Ah, this is true. The doctor does not argue.
01:44All doctors want to treat patients as well as possible.
01:46I don't want you to think about the cost of treatment.
01:48Ah, this is not possible.
01:49Ratchaburi Hospital is short of money.
01:51What country are you in?
01:52Ah, Thailand.
01:53Short of money?
01:54Does this unit have to make a profit?
01:56Isn't it the unit that does not contribute to making a profit?
01:58From the previous clip that said that Ratchaburi Hospital is short of money.
02:00Everyone has a lot of opinions.
02:02I have to tell you directly that everyone may misunderstand
02:04that Ratchaburi Hospital is trying to make a profit.
02:06What is short of money?
02:06It is short of money from the real treatment money
02:09and the money borrowed from the government.
02:12In fact, Ratchaburi Hospital has never made a profit.
02:14But I have to say that in many hospitals,
02:16the development is quite slow.
02:19The number of patients is increasing.
02:20But the operating room is the same.
02:22The examination unit is the same.
02:23The number of doctors has not increased.
02:25So what?
02:27If the hospital is short of money,
02:29where will they get the money to buy medicine to take care of you?
02:31Ratchaburi Hospital does not make a profit.
02:33They do it to take care of the people, as everyone says.
02:36It's true, I'm not arguing.
02:37But not having money in the system
02:39or not having money in the hospital
02:41makes the operation
02:42and taking care of patients in various places worse.
02:46I have to say that the unit that is short of money,
02:47if they want to develop or create something new
02:50to take care of the people,
02:51they don't have the money to spend.
02:53In many hospitals, they only stay in one place.
02:56For many years,
02:57everyone has seen it.
02:59Personally, I agree with the first person
03:01who wants the best treatment for patients.
03:04All doctors think like this.
03:06But when there is no money to support,
03:07where will we get the medicine from?
03:09We have to produce it ourselves.
03:10We don't have to buy it from a medicine company.
03:11We have to build more pharmacies.
03:12In the end, we have to spend money anyway.
03:14I myself really like the pregnancy certificate.
03:16Because it helps people access health care
03:18without having to spend money.
03:20But I have to say that a good system
03:21really has a cost.
03:23And now there is a good policy announcement,
03:26but there is no money to support.
03:27So the hospital has to complain like this.
03:29If you see where you should get the money from,
03:31please leave a comment.
03:32I also want to know
03:33how we can solve this problem.
