• last month
00:00:00I can't trust Alexander no more games what has the red moon pack ever done to
00:00:27spare me the sob story about your pack of junk your daughter it's hers
00:00:34just listen for once
00:00:58Aaron why aren't you down at the
00:01:03the day before our wedding get dressed everyone's waiting for us at the rehearsal dinner
00:01:09Fiona can't you see I'm just a little bit busy over here
00:01:13you realize our packs need us to get married maybe you're a pat
00:01:20what don't you get I love Lily she's going to be my wife don't be an idiot
00:01:27she's no mega your pack will never allow it
00:01:32now put your pants on you really think I care what our families have arranged the wedding's off
00:01:41unlike you I still believe in love I'm coming back later and you better be ready
00:01:57you didn't deserve a beta anyway sucks you wasted all that time saving yourself for your wedding
00:02:05night and you got nothing out of the deal yeah probably would have been the same even if I had
00:02:10gotten married oh will you chill on the bubbles you're gonna treat yourself tonight that's what
00:02:19I'm trying to do I put something even tastier than champagne in room 705
00:02:28a nice hunky call boy consider it my wedding present room 705
00:02:49ah hey there handsome
00:03:03hey there handsome oh I believe you had the wrong goodness so tired of getting there look
00:03:09I didn't mean to tell you all the crap I've been through tonight what are you talking about
00:03:14I don't know who that is no more games
00:04:15Susan must you do that so loudly you must have had yourself an evening the big mess
00:04:22sleeping in late seems like someone had a guest over last night no I didn't know you were so hard
00:04:30up you could at least look for part-time work before selling your wit is as welcome as ever
00:04:41thank you for a magical evening who's the lucky lady the signature says Fiona
00:04:50not to alarm you but the only Fiona I know is the luna of the red moon pack she's the one who's
00:04:56back she's the one who's marrying your no it could be a coincidence it must be
00:05:12hello I'm looking for a Fiona I don't know the last name
00:05:18and you're positive that's the only one
00:05:26I will make sure that the red moon pack is utterly wiped from this kingdom
00:05:39so where have you been all night Baron told me this morning that the wedding is off
00:05:46he's in love with someone else he just wanted someone with a pulse and since when does love
00:05:51factor into my months of planning negotiating ass-kissing working tirelessly to get you
00:05:57married to a noble pack he refuses to marry me and frankly I don't want him either well
00:06:04it's a good thing that is not up to the two of you Baron are you really gonna let them saddle
00:06:09you with this frigid bitch shut up you stupid girl I'm not surprised some filthy omega can't
00:06:15comprehend legal politics and do you understand that our pack needs this marriage to survive
00:06:22isn't there another way where I don't have to marry well the king and I have already
00:06:27rescheduled the wedding for a month from now don't screw it up this time
00:06:39Baron you can't do this he will
00:06:42as will I for the good of our pack
00:07:03Nina I already took three tests at home I don't think it's a false positive
00:07:07it's a false positive thanks for the call boy by the way did I tell your drunk ass to skip on
00:07:13protection what am I going to do I'm just a sire a future heir for the royal line listen
00:07:21you're marrying Baron today time he's close enough to pass it off as his
00:07:27just get the ceremony over with and make sure he puts out tonight
00:07:32yeah all right let's go
00:08:07what an honor it is for our two families to be tied together and may I say excuse me father
00:08:13I'm ready to make this wonderful man my husband let go of me you brute your manly grip hurts my
00:08:20arm come along hubby what's your rush daughter this is a celebration we're just waiting for
00:08:26the next person to Baron I won't let you marry this lying bitch it's hers I heard her in the
00:08:34bathroom what Baron you know you're supposed to wait till after then you chose to forgive me father
00:08:44but this is a mistake I have not made it her I would never bring such a disrespect to our family
00:08:51but you shack up with an omega Fiona tell me you're not pregnant
00:08:59father I I apologize I didn't you disgust me how can you risk our family's future like this
00:09:06you are no daughter of mine let her go the child she is carrying is mine
00:09:14did you know the prince is back from the war front I heard he killed 50 vampires
00:09:22and look not a scratch on him lucky girl Alexander
00:09:32what are you saying this woman and I slept together
00:09:38the timing matches up it has to be mine and as an audible alpha I will marry her
00:09:44raise my child but you're the call boy from the hotel why were you invited to a royal wedding
00:09:51I'm here for my brother's wedding brother no I paid you stop embarrassing us this is prince
00:09:59Alexander first born and heir to the throne if you're gonna be his next queen our pack will
00:10:07become even more prosperous the red moon packers savages will always remain so my proposal extends
00:10:14solely to Fiona and there's no deal she's my daughter and I refuse well if this is how you
00:10:24treat your daughter and she must view me as quite the blessing Fiona
00:10:57just so you know I'm not some call boy sorry I'm so drunk that night I must have mixed the
00:11:03room numbers up I came to attend my brother's wedding instead learned that I'm going to be a
00:11:07father sorry won't solve anything I didn't hear any complaints from you that night I didn't hear
00:11:13swoop in I was fully prepared to raise the child as parents no a child should be raised by its true
00:11:19father my brother was right you are a cold and calculating one I told you I didn't know who you
00:11:27were I wasn't trying to trap you no you're just trying to trap my brother we track each other
00:11:33I was merely doing my duty as Luna I guess now I'll do my duty as your wife
00:11:39and this one's mother no this arrangement is only to keep our child from being a bastard
00:11:45in nine months you'll go back to your deplorable pack broke and divorced what is your problem
00:11:52what has the red moon pack ever done to you except have my father kiss up to your family
00:11:57let's go inside
00:12:45hands to yourself miss this is a beautiful home I do not have time to give you the tour
00:12:51Susan will show you around Susan this is Fiona my fiance from the red moon pack you're usually
00:13:00not one for pranks Alexander I'm impressed I would never joke about such matters of course your highness
00:13:06forgive me show her around she'll be staying here for now find her somewhere appropriate to sleep
00:13:14so not with you then
00:13:17move so you're supposed to be the Luna to the great Alexander there's a lot of pressure that
00:13:23comes with such an honor you'll now be representing King Reginald and Queen Scarlet
00:13:28so you must behave in a way that is worthy of that station
00:13:40this room should fit you perfectly sweet dreams princess
00:14:16how did you sleep princess make yourself presentable
00:14:21I have the considerable task of making you acceptable for his highness
00:14:26don't touch me I'll do whatever's necessary
00:14:29okay oh a kick you silly girl don't overexert yourself that is the future heir to the throne
00:15:15apologies your highness I only took my eyes off her for a second I had no idea she'd be stupid
00:15:20enough to jump into a skirmish relax Susan we were only training your training already revealed his
00:15:26mistakes why continue your one-sided duel when you should be training him out of his bad habits
00:15:32your stance is weak it's causing your center of gravity too high and that's how he's able to
00:15:37destabilize you so quick that's enough do you think vampires so kind and patient in their teachings
00:15:43I need my men tough so that could survive I'm sure your intentions are noble but my intentions
00:15:49first you interrupt my training then you condescend me I am alpha remember
00:15:58what you think you can do better I'm accepting your challenge
00:16:34it's the baby I think I just need to lie down
00:16:48don't worry the baby's fine thank the full moon you just overexerted yourself maybe in your
00:16:59condition you shouldn't be so eager to accept the duel perhaps I wanted to impress you perhaps you
00:17:05did you'll be staying here with me for now I noticed Susan didn't provide you with appropriate
00:17:12accommodations you have a strong muscle I'll have to get used to I don't it's overpowering
00:17:19really what is it is that any way to speak to your queen I came by to check on my future
00:17:34daughter-in-law how are you my dear I'm a little light-headed but otherwise fine
00:17:42thank you your highness please you can call me scarlet Alexander do you mind
00:17:50a little privacy so I can speak to Fiona woman to woman
00:17:55call me if you need anything Fiona I'll be right outside
00:18:03for your own safety I'm compelled to warn you you cannot trust Alexander
00:18:15I had every reason to suspect that he is secretly working with the vampires
00:18:24that that can't be true I couldn't believe it either but he is not what he thinks
00:18:30I sense that Alexander is growing to trust you you think so I'm asking that you keep an eye out
00:18:39for any suspicious behavior and if you happen to be alone with any documents or correspondence then
00:18:45perhaps you could you're asking me to spy on my husband he is not your husband yet
00:18:51and yet I can protect you from being implicated with him but only if you help me keep an eye on
00:19:00all of his activities unseemly or otherwise I've seen the way he works with his men
00:19:07I just can't believe you've betrayed them like that
00:19:11I hope you're right dear for the sake of the entire kingdom
00:19:16I will leave you to rest
00:19:23oh how rude I almost forgot I'm hosting a little tea salon later this afternoon
00:19:30you should come by if you're feeling better
00:19:32you should come by if you're feeling better
00:19:44your majesty just who I was seeking leave me you dirty mutt I'm a nobleman with responsibilities
00:19:52that require your attention debt you mean regardless your parents and I had a deal
00:19:59the money that I owe the royal treasury will be forgiven provided I find a suitable wife for Baron
00:20:05and you must admit that you ruined all that it's only fair that you should help me
00:20:10fair is it fair how you treat your daughter these debts would crush Fiona's
00:20:15pack spare me the sob story about your pack of junkyard dorks
00:20:33I see you have snuck your way into his bed again
00:20:37the queen has graciously invited you to tea it would be insulting on you not to go
00:20:49what is this it's the fashion all the ladies at court are wearing you want to fit in don't you
00:20:54um they're all wearing this the party is in the west wing and mind your posture
00:21:08oh this can't be right
00:21:13stop let go
00:21:19father let go let go of him
00:21:24what are you doing
00:21:30your fiancee has a violent temper what are you doing here
00:21:40we're in financial troubles and alexander refuses to lift a finger to help his fiancee's pack
00:21:46he despises the red moon pack do you have any idea why he's an angry and irrational man
00:21:55i'm gonna try to find baron he's much more reasonable he won't be able to do anything
00:22:00for us from what i've last heard baron is still insisting on marrying lily the king
00:22:05is threatening to strip his title well that's it i'll go to the king himself and plead my case
00:22:25oh fiona so glad you could make it what a unique gown thank you for the invitation your majesty
00:22:36actually i must run out for a minute apologies look here take my seat
00:22:48it'll be good practice for holding court when you're queen
00:23:00fiona is it how are you adjusting to life here adjustment is a good word for it
00:23:08i must have misheard i thought someone mentioned you're from the red moon pack
00:23:14what why is that funny you're a dress is that a common style for the red moon pack
00:23:22a little bit i had more important things to do than worry about fashion my grandfather
00:23:28built up my pack and when he passed i stepped up to help my father
00:23:34that father doesn't sound like much of an alpha ask me
00:24:03i love you little puppet i need you to stop making me sick
00:24:07we can't show weakness around these people
00:24:09these people
00:24:21you're gonna be a stubborn one aren't you
00:24:53what are you doing i'm just getting the room ready for his majesty
00:24:56then what's this behind your back
00:25:05look you've done it now you've broken one of the crown jewels
00:25:21fiona how dare you interrupt us please excuse me father your majesty's i've made a grave mistake
00:25:29this was a necklace it was an accident i caught susan in alexander's room trying to hide these
00:25:36i was only completing my meekly duties and i saw fiona here tried to hide this stolen
00:25:41necklace within her garments i tried to stop her but she became aggressive
00:25:46and then it broke in the process that is not true i'm so sorry your majesty's you may have come to
00:25:53plead your case lionel but it appears your daughter's taken matters into her own thieving
00:25:58hands perhaps you can be proud of her and pious loyalty that she's shown today what is all this
00:26:04shouting your fiancee's attempting to steal from us in order to pay her useless father's debts
00:26:10alexander that is not true susan is framing me i would never do anything to hurt his highness
00:26:16no not hurt you'd only pester and stalk and leer at me father please this is motivated by
00:26:24jealousy susan is in love with me
00:26:31what it's ridiculous of course i would never dream of a of a relationship with your highness
00:26:39enough the necklace is still broken i'll have to punish you there's susan you will be fired
00:26:46god fiona you'll receive 10 lashes give me the whip scarlet father please
00:26:54she's pregnant have some compassion the whip scarlet
00:26:59let go you're hurting me how dare you lay your hands on my queen no one is exempt from my judgment
00:27:05boy prepare for punishment
00:27:36oh good you're awake don't strain yourself
00:27:43how are you feeling sore your father didn't take it easy on you thank you for sticking up for me
00:27:52i'm still able to get those pearls perhaps they can be repaired scarlet had them collected for
00:27:57herself she must be so heartbroken though it was a beautiful piece i don't see any reason
00:28:05why she would be it wasn't hers it was my mother's i don't understand scarlet is my stepmother
00:28:18when i was young my birth mother queen esmeralda she was poisoned by the vampires
00:28:26with a toxin only they can produce she died an agonizing death alexander i'm so sorry
00:28:36and it was rumored that the red moon pack
00:28:41helped the vampires infiltrate our home and at that same time my precious ruby brooch went missing
00:28:49and soon after your pack came into an inexplicable amount of wealth i think
00:28:55that the vampires stole it as payment for the red moon's aid
00:29:01i had no idea scarlet was just a consort of the king and as soon as my mother passed
00:29:08she positioned herself as the new queen which saved baron from being labeled a bastard
00:29:16i am truly sorry for the loss of your mother i get now what you feel the way you do about my pack
00:29:25and yet there is one member of the pack that i cannot hate
00:29:47wait you're hurt we have to be careful
00:30:04scarlet you're not holding up your end of the bargain you know your son delayed the
00:30:09wedding in the first place now i'm left with all these deaths do you think i could pay such a large
00:30:16amount without attracting unwanted attention you neglected your responsibility as an alpha
00:30:21when your daughter abandoned her duty to have a flank
00:30:25i can't control her anymore she's an adult i need more vampire toxin
00:30:35i can make the arrangement but i can't risk making the exchange myself this time
00:30:40alexander still suspects me after all these years and now with the the scene at the palace
00:30:45there's too much scrutiny on me set up the meeting i'll handle it myself anyway
00:30:51it doesn't seem wise to trust you with something so delicate anymore as you command your majesty
00:31:00keep your meddlesome daughter out of my way or you'll both suffer
00:31:12all those rumors about you being savage and cruel they just don't understand you
00:31:18you you're spirited you're sleep protective you care so much about the people you love
00:31:27i'm so glad those rumors aren't true and secretly i really don't mind your mask
00:31:35i'm glad i exceeded expectations that was cruel i couldn't help it you were seeing such nice things
00:31:44don't stop on my account or if you prefer you could give me a little breakfast are you still
00:31:52not feeling well all right your back looks almost healed not well enough maybe we should
00:32:00stay in bed together today do you mind scrounging up some food for us since you did get my maid
00:32:06fired and all
00:32:26so what we're just going to leave give in to your brother and the ice witch
00:32:31lily i love you but you're only an omega i have to give up my title if we're to be wed
00:32:38it's not fair but i would gladly give up my right to the throne
00:32:44this all means nothing without you then we won't have anything
00:32:48i don't want to go back to the streets baron we can figure this out together
00:32:53but this is all ridiculous your mother is the queen why can't she hello my dear son
00:33:03i'm sorry it's come to this i admit the traditions of the court are quite outdated
00:33:10it's unfortunate that only the firstborn gets his pick of wife
00:33:15i respect your choice to value love over status i see i was wrong about your coupling
00:33:22such privilege the firstborn has being able to marry a ruined woman of a lesser class
00:33:28though i suppose if there were only a single heir they would have the same privilege too
00:33:36sorry to prattle on like that i imagine you two want to have some alone time
00:33:42best of luck thank you mother
00:33:53i would much have preferred you as a daughter-in-law
00:33:57unless something tragic happens alexander would be the crown prince
00:34:23with all that nourishment i imagine you must be feeling better if only i still feel so weak
00:34:31hey hey come over here if you need the food so badly i can't see the marks on your back anymore
00:34:38i could think of something i need even more
00:35:26my father's handwriting why would he be here so late
00:36:18my love when i came in they were about to i think you were the intended target
00:36:28oh my god
00:36:38oh how could this have happened there was no other way she was trying to kill alexander
00:36:48i stopped her just in time all the same we simply cannot have another scandal
00:36:54especially one that makes it seem as if there is a fracture in the royal family i don't know how we
00:36:59can hide this everyone knows her and she's the reason for the prince's abdication not hide no
00:37:05lily would be laid to rest but we must provide a distraction alexander you must leave at once for
00:37:12the war front to avoid suspicion we'll say that he left early this morning you still go alexander
00:37:18quiet child alexander the queen is right you shall go to the front line yes father as always
00:37:26i will do what i can for the king back i will return soon i promise
00:37:38a risky promise to make but don't worry yourself dear you'll be well taken care of and
00:37:46if something were to happen to alexander there still remains one prince who is now without a bride
00:38:13dearest daughter it brings me great shame to reveal a sordid truth to you now
00:38:18the red moon pack is indebted to queen scarlet and she holds complete power over us
00:38:25be careful around her
00:38:31did scarlet put you up to this no no no no
00:38:43oh lily my love my life this must be a nightmare
00:38:54baron there's some sort of conspiracy i believe your mother is involved
00:38:59i think she is the reason that lily is dead you are the reason lily is dead alexander may
00:39:06have struck the final blow but you have always stood in the way of my happiness
00:39:10would you please just listen for once why would i listen to the words of a murderer
00:39:16don't worry i won't hurt you or your pup
00:39:23it's funny you never showed me this much passion when we were together you were always so cold
00:39:34i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry
00:39:38i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry
00:39:47lily she was passionate
00:39:55i'm so sorry for your loss baron i can see how much you love her
00:40:00and yet you stand before me accusing my mother the only other person who has ever loved me
00:40:10me alexander and reginald treat me like some beta baron she sent alexander to the battlefield
00:40:18good it's what that brute deserves it was self-defense i swear she was in a disguise i
00:40:26didn't know where will your mother be please i just need to talk to her i need to keep alexander
00:40:34safe look at the baby at this time of night she's probably in her chambers
00:40:42good luck trying to change her mind
00:40:46alexander is doomed
00:40:56what are you up to
00:41:08fiora i just want
00:41:24i'm leaving for the front lines father
00:41:34i'm sorry it has to be this way are you
00:41:38scarlet and you were quick to send me back to the war front
00:41:40what's your turn your stepmother wants what's best for the family
00:41:46despite what you may think i don't enjoy it when my sons are in danger
00:41:53i will persevere but please make sure fiona stays safe
00:42:06you really have come to care for her haven't you
00:42:10i won't let anything happen to the mother of my grandson
00:42:21and for you use this as an opportunity to kill as many vampires as you can
00:42:28continue avenging your mother's death i will do my duties as i always have
00:42:56when you get there and he's distracted you'll kill alexander
00:43:18i've arranged for your travel how kind of you i know you never saw me as your mother but
00:43:25i am the queen and you'll have to respect my decisions i'm at your command i'm going
00:43:32without resistance now you do me a favor and you leave fiona alone i will return
00:43:53no don't go such a shame you'll never get to meet your child
00:44:32meddlesome bitch you'll pay
00:44:50all you had to do was keep your daughter reined in
00:44:56i guess it's time to call in your debt please you know i can't right now yes i do now
00:45:21damn it how am i supposed to find them in all this darkness i let them get too far ahead
00:45:31i already miss you your strength your eyes even your musk
00:45:42his musk
00:45:46i think i already picked up a trail i warned him how strong it was
00:45:56wait are you sure we're going the right way
00:46:00yeah we'll have to park up ahead and we'll walk the rest of the way
00:46:12where exactly are we supposed to be going
00:46:20you better start talking i'm sorry i didn't want to the queen she
00:46:24threatened my family if i didn't i swear to you scarlet asked you to kill me why don't you see
00:46:29with you gone baron is next in line scarlet must have convinced lily to attack you baron
00:46:34has no interest in the throne but he'd do whatever his mother asked of him he'd be her puppet he
00:46:39didn't say why but she wants me back as soon as possible to take her on an appointment
00:46:43an appointment at this time she needs to leave as soon as i return
00:46:50i think i have a plan are you willing to make it up to alexander yes
00:47:30did you run into any issues this girl followed us but it was too late
00:47:36while she cried over him i took care of her too your family will be very grateful
00:47:56what could they be doing out here we're in the middle of nowhere
00:48:01come on we gotta get closer to see what she's up to
00:48:09no sudden movements
00:48:18you seen this last time
00:48:41there's a scent i was told it would be undetectable
00:48:46high concentration produces the small single drop will be lethal too small amount to be noticed
00:48:53i always did appreciate the efficiency of your toxin
00:49:01she must be involved with your mother's death too she's been plotting this takeover for a long time
00:49:06she set my mother up with the vampires i will take out scarlet and her famed person
00:49:12she thinks we're dead it's best for us to follow the vampire
00:49:47where did you get the toxin how do you know queen scarlet alexander what are you doing
00:49:52i don't know anything i just steal the stuff will it take us to someone who does
00:49:56yes of course whatever you want this way
00:50:06let me ask you once again you killed the prince and his wife yes of course i work only to obey
00:50:14your every desire that's good because you remember what i promised if you didn't
00:50:52mother what happened who did this to you i saw fiona sneaking around while i was getting ready
00:50:59for bed then when the driver returned i i had him admit that he took alexander to a meeting with a
00:51:07vampire cabal fiona must have followed he's a spy did lily find out is that why he killed her
00:51:16i had the driver take me to meet with alexander to try to reason but he attacked me it was all
00:51:25i could do to get out of there and our driver he was not so lucky how long has he been in
00:51:34league with those filthy bloodsuckers do you think he was involved in his mother's death too
00:51:40i do not want to speculate but still
00:51:45do not worry mother i will ensure that that murderous traitor pays for his crimes
00:51:53you've been through so much tonight get some sleep
00:51:59oh what a kind boy you are
00:52:05you will make your mother proud what a great king you will be
00:52:23where is everyone what is this a setup
00:52:33so you're the one in charge here
00:52:37i'm talking to you
00:52:42do you have any idea who i am
00:52:48good evening bridge charming i believe you're looking for me remember this is werewolf territory
00:52:56if i wanted to i could alert my soldiers and they wouldn't despair a single one of you
00:53:00oh you could if you live long enough to tell them
00:53:21so are you ready to talk
00:53:26so tell me to what do i owe your delightful and unannounced arrival we caught him selling
00:53:38something to the queen scarlet what was it oh why don't you ask mommy yourself enough games
00:53:46i thought we were going to talk oh calm down cubby why do you think the queen is dealing with
00:53:51us lowlife vampires the royal family's been trying to destroy us for over a decade
00:53:58tell them the man who contacted us wasn't there tonight it was a woman
00:54:06and what did you sell her
00:54:11you seem clever enough what's the one thing a werewolf can only get from a vampire
00:54:19a vampire toxin
00:54:32how can you protect them they killed my mother and they'll kill again this is not the right
00:54:36way to negotiate calm down how are we supposed to negotiate with these down boy vampires are
00:54:43known for their good memory i can safely say that we've never killed anyone in your palace
00:54:50we wouldn't be able to even get past the tight security they're also known for their deceit
00:54:56and their treachery like she said your negotiating skills have a lot to be desired young pub
00:55:05if you've never been to my home then how did you manage to steal my mother's ruby brooch
00:55:09ruby brooch
00:55:12ruby brooch no i can't seem to remember sorry so much for that famous vampire memory
00:55:23i do remember a mangy wolf
00:55:26from the red moon panic maybe father how could you he paid with some form of a ruby
00:55:39if i remember correctly if it was lionel then scarlet had to be involved there's no way he
00:55:46could have got his hands on the brooch do you know what she plans to do with the toxin it's
00:55:51our policy not to ask why it scares the customers off if scarlet already wanted you gone to make
00:55:58bear and the crown prince and there's only one person stopping him from becoming king
00:56:04they're going to kill father
00:56:09you filthy nightwalker you think this is funny you need to think big picture why should i care
00:56:15if the royal family wants to tear itself apart good riddance to that warmongering
00:56:22tyrant he only started this war because he thinks that you killed his first wife
00:56:27if you help us stop scarlet then we can prove the vampires are innocent
00:56:31and the king will end the war you and your kind won't have to hide in fear of persecution anymore
00:56:37the werewolves never show us mercy maybe it's better to just take you both as hostages
00:56:50hey all we need is the brooch scarlet is using the formal queen's death to hunt you all down
00:56:57and eliminate any ties to dealing with you you have to trust us like i can trust some spoiled
00:57:03nut we can use the brooch to prove that scarlet is the real murderer
00:57:08and i will be able to convince my father to offer protection for all vampires in the king's realm
00:57:14and i have your word that my people will be safe of course i want the same for my men
00:57:25spare me
00:57:41and get out of my sight before i change my mind
00:57:53you were amazing i couldn't have done it without you
00:57:56we're not out of the woods yet but we do make a pretty good team let's go
00:58:16i'm not seeing you on the first floor
00:58:20hey stay i can do this alone if anything happened to baby or do you
00:58:25if anything happened to you you think i wouldn't feel the same
00:58:32all right let's go
00:58:46you dare show your face here brother baron i don't know what i don't want your excuses
00:59:01i don't know what scarlet has been telling you but look
00:59:12yes then it is true
00:59:17you are in league with them
00:59:24you gotta go i'm fine
00:59:35father what are you doing
00:59:47to think my own daughter picking vampires over her own pack you got caught helping alexander
00:59:55and the vampires so that she devil scarlet called in our debt that we can't pay just like i warned
01:00:03you we're all now bound in servitude here did you help scarlet kill the queen didn't you hear
01:00:10what i just said don't you see what you've done to your own pack these debts were your own fault
01:00:17grandfather built up the red moon pack he made us strong you crippled us with your
01:00:21splurging and exorbitant lifestyle did you put the pack first then
01:00:26you can fix this father please tell the king the truth about scarlet
01:00:40i'm sorry i don't think i can
01:00:48if you ever truly loved me i know you'll do what's right
01:01:18i want you to know that lily tried to kill me
01:01:22and it was in self-defense but i am sorry because i know that she was in love with your life
01:01:34but i hope you understand when you wake up brother
01:01:40that i have to go save the love of my life
01:02:02allow me please don't bother yourself with me your highness i'll be all right
01:02:09a glass of wine is all i need
01:02:16i can't believe my son would do such a bad thing to you to king pack
01:02:26i wish i didn't have to break your heart with such news
01:02:29we can discuss how to handle this dreadful situation later
01:02:33but for now let's toast to my safe return
01:02:52cheers don't let her do what she says your majesty what's the meaning of this she's the
01:02:59traitor your majesty and she's the one who killed your wife she's my wife now how dare you accuse
01:03:05her of such horrid crimes she was there too darling hiding manipulating alexander behind
01:03:14the scenes to attack me scarlet's the manipulative one those bruises i think you've caused enough
01:03:19grief in this family you give me no option i sentence you to execution your majesty
01:03:25your highness my daughter's telling the truth i know this because i was the one who helped scarlet
01:03:44your majesty not long before your wife's death scarlet approached me to contact the vampires
01:03:51to acquire their toxin in return she promised to arrange the marriage between baron and my
01:03:57daughter and to void all debts for the red moon pack she then used this toxin to kill queen esmeralda
01:04:05is any of this true oh please you're gonna take his word over mine and made you deader
01:04:13not anymore
01:04:19i'm fulfilling all of the queen's obligations to the red moon pack
01:04:23and forgiving all of their debts after all we are a family
01:04:31the vampires return this to me they'll verify all my stories
01:04:35am i a spirit darling let's all calm down we can discuss this over drinks
01:04:52your majesty wait if scarlet is telling the truth
01:04:55there's an easy way to prove it let her drink your glass of wine
01:04:59darling this is ridiculous you can't be taking any of this seriously scarlet wants baron as her
01:05:10puppet king that's why she sent me back to the battlefield and that's why she put vampire toxin
01:05:14in that glass of wine darling i would never do such a thing it's easy to prove your innocence
01:05:19in all this just drink his wine and prove that alexander and i are the real traitors
01:05:24what happened to your first wife is a tragedy but you want to lose another to such treachery
01:05:31you know what to do
01:05:49i think you should drink the wine darling i love you drink it this instant
01:06:00it's all your fault
01:06:05it's all your fault
01:06:19is this true baron my sweet boy do you see what these traitors are trying to do to your poor mother
01:06:29did you try and kill father everything i've done for you son because i love you
01:06:43you glorified omega let me go reginald make him unhand me baron
01:06:54drink up your highness
01:07:14father are you all right i should have you executed but considering what happened
01:07:21i only sentenced you to life imprisonment but your majesty he's being more than fair
01:07:28do what i couldn't do be like your grandfather take care of the pack baron
01:07:35escort mr brunel out of here
01:07:49i am sorry
01:07:57forgive me for not believing can you handle the negotiations with the vampires
01:08:03yes of course father good and fiona thank you for everything
01:08:28good to see you father welcome here i take it everything's going well with the peace talks
01:08:38nearly finished that's why i decided to come home early baron's staying there to finish the
01:08:42remaining details i foresee our kingdom being in good hands with you as king i appreciate that
01:08:48sentiment father but to be honest my mind has been preoccupied on other matters not surprised
01:08:56i see there's a young lady who's very eager to see you
01:09:00what's this i'm hearing about an eager young lady i believe he said very eager
01:09:06you two go youth doesn't last forever unless they've turned you into a vampire when you're
01:09:12awake i see your letters hit how much you've been missing me everything except that musk of yours
01:09:26you're pulling too hard oh alpha's got a sore arm
01:09:32so this is your father's right you know she is very eager to meet you
01:09:37you alexander here is little esmeralda she's so beautiful like you
01:09:51oh no she's sleeping i promise it's a rarity so let's enjoy it
01:10:00i know the peace talks have been taking forever and i'm sorry i wasn't here for the birth
01:10:06but i do want you to know that i am committed to you and it's okay i'm already so grateful for
01:10:11what you've done for me and my pack i never would have thought a drunken night with some random
01:10:17cowboy would be the best decision of my life
01:10:38okay but seriously she's a little terror when she wakes up like a certain someone