4th September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago


00:30Oh, no. No.
00:34Please, can you make it stop? That is...
00:36Oh, seriously.
00:38Come on, birthday boy, give us a smile.
00:40Yeah, crack your face.
00:41We thought you would be excited. It's your big day.
00:4418, now you're proper old.
00:46Right, can you take that away, please?
00:48That is the stuff of nightmares.
00:50Oh, what a grump. I hope you cheer up by this afternoon.
00:53Why? What's this afternoon?
00:54Big party. Bistro. Booze up.
00:57Everybody's gonna be there. All family.
00:59But I'm supposed to be seeing my mates.
01:01Oh, never mind about them. You can see them any time.
01:03Yeah, but it's my birthday, Gail.
01:05Family day. Yay.
01:07Right, shut it, you. You go to school.
01:09I've got an inset day.
01:10Right, well, I better get to work,
01:12cos I'm supposed to start in three minutes.
01:14Have you got any plans for this morning, Max?
01:16Oh, well...
01:17Oh, whatever it is, you can forget it.
01:19Maria's just text. She's calling in sick.
01:22Love you, Mummy.
01:25I miss your face so much.
01:28I love you lots. I've gotta go.
01:31Don't say a word. I don't want to hear it.
01:34I find it comforting seeing Oliver,
01:36and I'm grateful for the Institute for making that possible.
01:38It's the greatest gift anyone's ever given me, actually.
01:40Shame the Institute couldn't be so giving to Amy.
01:43Not this again. Look, I've tried to make amends.
01:45I gave her her job back.
01:46Like she said, she needs the money.
01:48Well, she's resilient. I'll give her that.
01:50I'm not sure I'd want to work with someone
01:51who put the frighteners on me.
01:52Oh, grow up, Taya.
01:53You're making out like I'm some sort of gangster.
01:55Well, you had a word with her. Told her to back off.
01:58Er, I did no such thing. I gave her some sound advice.
02:01There's no point taking on the Institute.
02:03They're powerful. They've got resources.
02:05So she should just roll over, then?
02:07Just grow up, Taya. She can fight her own battles.
02:11You have to work. I'll walk with you.
02:13No, I've got to do something first.
02:21I can't bear this.
02:23So I said to David, I said,
02:24you can go and collect Max's cake, cos I'm a right clumsy mare.
02:26I'll only go and drop in it.
02:27Oh, my mum did that when I were five.
02:29No. Yeah, she was teaching round the kitchen.
02:31Too many cinzanos and her high-heeled mules.
02:34Very bad combination.
02:36Always was with her.
02:37She kettled it, and my bagpuss cake went splat on the floor
02:40and never got over it.
02:41Oh, I'm not surprised.
02:42Oh, Jack's 14 tomorrow,
02:44and the best present he could get is a lecture
02:46and a slap on the wrist.
02:48A cake present?
02:49Am I missing something?
02:50It's up in court today.
02:51Oh, right.
02:52Oh, well, I hope it goes all right.
02:53Yeah, wish him luck from me, won't you?
02:55Will do. Thank you.
02:56Thank you. See you later.
02:57See you later.
02:58Right, you, erm, bacon bar and wurrit?
02:59Oh, yeah, don't be mean with the ketchup.
03:02You're quiet.
03:04Barely had a pea party all morning.
03:07What's up?
03:11Well, erm...
03:12Oh, hang on. Just a sec.
03:14I've got to get this.
03:16Hi, how's it going?
03:21Yeah, I know it'll take a while.
03:22You lot in IT forensics are all ragged.
03:27That's great. Thanks for letting me know.
03:30I owe you one.
03:31OK, bye.
03:34Sorry about that.
03:37You're always sorry, but nothing ever changes.
03:41Oh, look, I'll tell you what, I'll put it on silent.
03:46There, go on.
03:47What were you going to say?
03:49Doesn't matter.
03:51I'll bet. Come on, I'm listening.
03:54I'm on four.
04:02If I'm a paw stuck inside all the time,
04:04I miss the sound of the birds.
04:06So I've been practising bird calls.
04:08There's this bird from abroad, sounds like a machine gun.
04:13I know, it's great.
04:14But not very relaxing.
04:16And the kookaburra laughs his head off, which is also great.
04:19But if I do the kookaburra,
04:21it'd just be me sitting there laughing.
04:24Well, perhaps leave it for now.
04:27You know, Paul, he's quite tired.
04:31It can't be easy for you, all this.
04:33How are you coping?
04:36It's not as bleak as you'd imagine.
04:39You're able to adapt to whatever's chucked at you.
04:44Hiya. You OK?
04:45Can't complain.
04:46If the bird songs are a bit much,
04:48I could sing to him in my normal voice.
04:50People say I sound like a young Tom Jones.
04:52Just pop me a text.
04:53I will do.
04:54See you.
04:59Sing to him?
05:01If anything's going to make Paul lose the will to live, it's that.
05:05Well, singing apart,
05:07I think we should grab all the help we can get.
05:10We're doing fine.
05:12I've been speaking to Bernie and Gemma,
05:14and we reckon you could use a break.
05:17Is Paul in the bedroom?
05:19He's composing something on his synth.
05:22A manifesto.
05:25Everything he wants me to do after he's gone.
05:33You should see the state of their gutters.
05:35Since when did you care about guttering?
05:38Not exactly Mr DIY, are you?
05:40I'm working my way through this list that Ken's given me.
05:43Item number three, clean all the moss off the tiles, stroke gutters.
05:47I've tried washing it off with a sponge,
05:49chiselling it off with a spanner.
05:51May as well set fire to the flipping thing.
05:53Don't torch the house, Gran. It'll go mad.
05:55Oh, don't tell me you're going to work for that scumbag Battersby.
05:59No, I'm working in the forest, actually,
06:01and I'm getting a hair trimmed at lunchtime, so it's all go.
06:03Oh, she's just like me, you know.
06:05Won't tolerate a split end.
06:06Hey, why don't you take the afternoon off,
06:08and we can get our nails done at my hotel?
06:10I can't. Them bouquets won't make themselves.
06:13Oh, put a rocket up Mary's backside.
06:15She's working really hard, actually, unlike some.
06:18Hey, I'm on my holidays.
06:20Life's one big holiday to you nowadays.
06:22I'll cut her channel in blanche.
06:24I'm off to work, and you're off to hell in a handcart.
06:29And what about you?
06:31Don't look at me, I've got a down pack to attend to.
06:34Right, well, that's not my problem any more, Steve.
06:38Treat you to brunch?
06:40Why, you feeling all washed up, weren't we?
06:42No, I'm feeling hungry.
06:44And if I know you, you feel exactly the same.
06:54Have you got a minute?
06:56Yeah, sure.
06:57You know when you arrested Nathan Curtis?
06:59We've been through all this.
07:01Do you recall seeing anyone else at the scene, apart from Sarah?
07:04Well, if I had, don't you think I might have mentioned it at the time?
07:07Well, it occurred to me that it could have been Joel
07:09who planted the evidence on Nathan.
07:11Have you seen the amount of jobs we've got through this week?
07:14We're drowning in it.
07:15And you're still wasting time on something that's done and dusted.
07:18It isn't, though, is it?
07:21You know, I honestly believe we haven't got to the bottom of this yet.
07:26Seriously, if the DI finds out you're still pursuing this...
07:30It's a quite busy area around there, isn't it?
07:32I'm going to see if anyone's got any CCTV footage.
07:36Maybe that'll shed some light.
07:43Here he is, the handsome devil.
07:45For a minute there, I thought George Clooney'd put Ralph recover.
07:48No, he's over the road doing an oil change.
07:50Right, well, he'd better do a decent job or he'll have meat ones at home.
07:55Ah, you've not eaten a thing.
07:57Come on, you've got to try.
07:59If you're not going to have that chocolate eclair, I'm going to have it.
08:02Come on, Jack, we don't want you keeling over in court.
08:05My stomach's off.
08:08I feel sick.
08:10Everything's happening too fast.
08:12Look, you'll be fine. The judge will know you're not a bad lad.
08:16Why don't you go up, rub a damp funnel over your face
08:19and stick some gel in your hair. Go on.
08:24Shouldn't you be getting ready too?
08:26Oh, don't worry, you know me.
08:28I can go from grease monkey to passably nice lady in ten minutes.
08:32Are you all right?
08:34Yeah, it's down to the pound, like you said.
08:37The judge will see he's a decent lad from a good home.
08:51I've got a friend to pick us up and take us to the middle of nowhere.
08:54By this time, the guy was totally out of it.
08:56So my plan was to tape over his mouth,
08:59take his phone and just leave him there.
09:02See how he liked feeling helpless.
09:06Have you found what we are looking for?
09:09I'm... I'm not sure.
09:14Amy is going to cause a lot of trouble.
09:17And we're not the only ones she'll be hurting.
09:19In a way, by being tough on her, we're protecting her from herself.
09:24I might have found something from her upload session last week.
09:28Brilliant. Yeah?
09:30Yeah, I mean, she pretty much confessed to kidnapping that guy.
09:34She did?
09:37If I remember rightly, she went into quite a bit of detail.
09:40Yeah, it was quite explicit.
09:42And I definitely remember that she phoned the police
09:45so that they could get a hold of her.
09:47I definitely remember that she phoned the police
09:49so there will be a record of it.
09:52This is dynamite.
09:54Well done.
09:56I'll take it from here.
10:00Right, er, just the trim you booked in for, isn't it? Yeah.
10:03Are you sure you don't want me to go full-on creative ham?
10:06No. I like to play it safe, hair-wise.
10:08Oh, yeah, and don't forget you need to hurry up
10:10because we've got to go and pick up Max's C-A-K-E.
10:13Yeah, Sonny, you know I am not two and can spell cake.
10:17Er, if you're in a rush, I can come back another day.
10:20No, no, no, Speedy Gonzales, me.
10:22Right, just a trim.
10:24It's a shame you're not carrying on the old Barlow tradition.
10:29The jazzy perm, come on.
10:30Nana Deirdre, she used to wear them all the time, didn't she?
10:33She did, yeah. I've sent Gail's pictures of her.
10:37Er, sorry, I just need to take this.
10:39Oh, yeah, sure.
10:49I got a friend to pick us up and take us to the middle of nowhere.
10:53By this time, the guy was totally out of it.
10:55So my plan was to tape over his mouth,
10:58take his phone and just leave him there.
11:01See how he liked feeling helpless.
11:03You wear onesies for bed?
11:05Yes, very good. Come on.
11:24Oh, you look nice.
11:26Give me a laddo a shout, get this show on the road.
11:29I'm anxious as well, you know.
11:31You don't have to act all brave for me.
11:33We usually talk about everything, me and you.
11:35You don't have to carry all this by yourself.
11:37Look, you were so positive yesterday.
11:39Everything's sorted in your head, I just...
11:41I didn't want to bring you down.
11:43Speaking to Coral, she says she's put everything in perspective
11:46and reminded me what we have, but...
11:49I'm still worried about Jack.
11:52Yeah, I just need to get a grip.
11:54Hey, you are a lovely dad, Kev.
11:57That's one of the things I love most about you.
11:59Stop it. You'll have me filling up.
12:06Should I go out and come back in again?
12:09Er, there's no need for that, sonny boy.
12:12Somewhere we've got to be.
12:14Go, Team Webster.
12:16We can do this. Bring it in.
12:24I'm thinking I might leave Weatherfield.
12:26You know, a fresh new start.
12:29Why would you do that?
12:32Because I just... I keep wanting to kiss you and...
12:35I can't stop thinking about you.
12:38I feel exactly the same.
12:47What's going on here?
12:49Oh, nothing.
12:50Are we early?
12:52Listen, I best get going cos I've got to run some errands at the precinct.
12:55Oh, are you OK? It's just you look a bit flustered.
12:58Yeah, no, honestly, I'm fine. I'll see you later.
13:01We just came from the drop-off of Maxi's Earth to Cake, that's all.
13:04Can I leave it here? Yeah, yeah, sure, just...
13:07Big day for Maxi, isn't it, turning 18?
13:10Yeah, er, don't go eating the icing, I'll know it's you.
13:15Oh, my God, they were totally at it!
13:17They were daft. Look, I know what I saw, David.
13:19It's all in your head. They were all over each other!
13:21You've been watching too many rom-coms.
13:23No, I have not been watching too many.
13:26I feel like we should do a drum roll or something.
13:29Oh, let's just crack on, shall we?
13:32This speech could go on for hours.
13:36I've run out of power.
13:39What, did you forget to recharge it?
13:41I couldn't find the charger.
13:43I hope you remember to save everything,
13:45cos that'll delete everything you've written.
13:48All that effort.
13:50All that effort.
13:54Right, I can see that you need a rest.
13:57No, no, don't worry, I'll get him settled.
13:59Why don't you go out for a wonder while he's sleeping?
14:02No, I don't think so.
14:04Do you want a change of scenery, a breath of fresh air?
14:07I'm fine here.
14:08Interact with some other humans.
14:10You'll come back all refreshed.
14:14All right. Fine.
14:17If we need you, I'll just call you.
14:31What can I do for you?
14:35All right.
14:37No, I know I'm not on the case anymore,
14:39but I found a new line of inquiry and I...
14:41Yeah, I know, but I'm pretty sure that Joel Dearing's up to his neck in it and I...
14:48Yes, sir. Sorry.
14:52I'll be there as soon as I can.
14:56Leanne! Leanne!
14:58I've been looking everywhere for you.
15:00Why? Has something happened?
15:01Rowan recorded my upload.
15:03Did you know he was going to do that?
15:05I wouldn't have said a word if I'd known.
15:07Look, Amy, I'm really sorry. I really can't.
15:09Look, Amy, I'm really sorry. I really can't talk to you about this.
15:12I trusted you.
15:14I confess things I've never told anyone. I opened my heart.
15:18After I was raped, my life was in ruins.
15:21Somehow I got through it, and now you're trying to wreck everything all over again.
15:26I wasn't in my right mind when I went after that guy.
15:30This is so unfair. I could end up in prison.
15:34I'm sorry.
15:35This isn't you.
15:37Are you siding with Rowan because he's got something on you?
15:39No. Don't be ridiculous.
15:41How many secrets have you spilled?
15:43How many shameful things have you confided?
15:45What's he got on you?
15:48You've lived a completely blame-free life, Leanne.
15:51Nothing to tell.
15:53Oh, no, that's not true.
15:55One day, he's going to come gunning for you.
15:59He'll stab you in the back, just like he's stabbing me.
16:08Izzie said you wanted to see these.
16:10They're, um, from the Rabbitson order.
16:17What do you think of these?
16:19Well, they're grand monikers. What else can I say?
16:23Decent quality.
16:24Oh, the colours are rank.
16:25If I was an old lady, I would rather go commando than wear those.
16:28Thank you for that.
16:30Your opinion's noted.
16:34Well, you've had a right face on you all day.
16:37I saw you and your mum talking words earlier.
16:41Listen, I know you think I'd probably poke my nose in, but, er...
16:47..it must be tougher.
16:49You know, busy, demanding job and, you know, back up at home.
16:55Yeah, erm...
16:58..my other mum, she used to do all the touchy-feely stuff.
17:01She, um, always put me first.
17:04With DS Wayne, the job comes first.
17:06Cat's second, me third, if I'm lucky.
17:10Responsibility for her, though.
17:12I mean, you know, the stakes are so high in that job, aren't they?
17:16And us, we can balls up.
17:18It's fine.
17:20Oh, yeah, I know she's doing a public service,
17:22catching the bad guys, blah, blah, whatever.
17:27She thinks the world of you.
17:29Surprised she thought of me at all.
17:31To her, I'm just a pain in the backside.
17:33Oh, yeah.
17:35She confided in me the other day.
17:37You know what she said?
17:39She said she wished the two of you were closer.
17:45I don't know, maybe...
17:47Couldn't you just, er...
17:49..make a tiny bit of effort, maybe?
17:51Just meet you halfway, say?
17:56Anyway, it's none of my business. Thanks for this.
18:00I can't believe you had spinach for your brunch.
18:03I thought you'd rather die than eat a vegetable.
18:06Well, a lot's changed since you punted off with your fancy van.
18:09I'm a modern man now.
18:11In fact, when I was speed-dating,
18:14I, er, did something totally radical.
18:17Yeah, right.
18:19I had my, er...
18:21I had my downstairs revamped.
18:23What are you on about?
18:25I got it all waxed off, didn't I?
18:27You know, no stones unturned.
18:29You never did. I did, yeah.
18:31Like a badly plucked chicken.
18:33Well, let's have a look.
18:35It's, er, next time I date, though,
18:38you know, I'm just going to stay on at Charelle.
18:42So, is it totally over with that Demi?
18:45Well, you know, she was very nice.
18:48And very good-looking, you know, don't get me wrong.
18:50But between me and you, I've got my eye on someone else.
18:54Really? Who is it?
18:56Well, I'll tell him.
18:59Baby, are you OK?
19:01I'm being blackmailed.
19:03What? It's the Institute.
19:05They're trying to make me drop out of legal action.
19:07They're coming for me.
19:13We might have a problem.
19:15Amy's refusing to take things seriously.
19:19What do you suggest?
19:21Well, I think we should go through her files again.
19:23Send her another message.
19:28You never cease to amaze me.
19:30Your loyalty, your strength.
19:33I knew you'd be an amazing asset to the Institute.
19:37There you go.
19:39See what you can find.
19:41Hello. Sorry to interrupt.
19:43There's an issue with your room.
19:45Can you come to the desk, please?
19:47You go. I'll sort this out.
19:56So, what's going on?
20:19Sorry, I've not managed to find your charger.
20:22Honestly, it's not like we live in a mansion.
20:25Anyway, I think we can work around it.
20:29I'll use the letterboard and transcribe what you want to say to Billy.
20:33It'll take a while, but that's OK.
20:36I can put my patient head on.
20:42Look, you could do this with Billy yourself,
20:45but you know how he is.
20:47He'll be butting in all the time
20:49and when it comes to the difficult stuff, he'll be like,
20:52no need to worry about that now.
20:56I know Billy's better at understanding you than I am.
21:00Just like his superpower.
21:03But we can muddle through, eh?
21:08Hi, it's Toya. Please leave a message
21:10and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
21:12Thanks. Bye.
21:14Toya, it's me.
21:16I am so sorry.
21:18You were right all along.
21:20The Institute have got folders on all of us.
21:23Everything we said, everything I confided in,
21:26all those heartbreaking confessions.
21:28Why didn't I see it? Why didn't I listen to you?
21:32There's a folder here and it says Nick and Toya,
21:36so I'm going to delete it. I'm going to delete everything.
22:17Toya, it's me.
22:19I am so sorry.
22:21You were right all along.
22:23The Institute have got folders on all of us.
22:25Everything we said, everything I confided in,
22:28all those heartbreaking confessions.
22:31Why didn't I see it? Why didn't I listen to you?
22:35There's a folder here and it says Nick and Toya,
22:38so I'm going to delete it. I'm going to delete everything.
22:45Thirsty, mate? Yeah.
22:47Are you going to sulk all day? Erm, maybe.
22:50I'm nearly a teen now. Sulking's my job.
22:52Just get over yourself.
22:55You slimeball. Hello to you too.
22:59You told Costello I was still investigating Joel Dearing.
23:02Well, I wasn't going to.
23:04Why? Because you were disobeying orders.
23:08Don't tell me you've never done that, for a case you really care about.
23:11No, actually. In this case,
23:13it's high profile involving the solicitor.
23:16If he gets wind of this, he knows how to make a fuss,
23:19and you might find yourself suspended.
23:22Oh, I'm so pleased you're so concerned about my career all of a sudden.
23:25Yours and mine. Mud doesn't only stick, it spreads.
23:34He was spiking a woman's drink, and then he tried to spike mine,
23:38so I gave him a taste of his own medicine.
23:41What do you mean? I swapped the drinks.
23:44Pretended that I was into him, that I was getting wasted.
23:48And then I watched as he got wasted instead.
23:51Till he couldn't stand up.
23:54And then I called Addy and got him to pick us both up.
23:56Addy was involved in this? Addy didn't know what I'd done.
23:59And I practically forced him into helping me.
24:03I tied Dan up, wanted to leave him by the side of the road,
24:06but Addy persuaded me not to.
24:08So we took him to A&E,
24:11we took him to A&E, he said that he'd taken some bad pills.
24:15But the police didn't believe us.
24:18Dan woke up and told them everything.
24:20The police were involved?
24:21Do you remember ages ago when I said that me and Addy got pulled in
24:24for some witness statements about a guy in a club?
24:28We were actually hauled in for questioning.
24:32Well, I can't believe I'm hearing this.
24:34I confessed, but DS Wayne let me off.
24:37I think she felt sorry for me.
24:39Well, I never thought I'd say this,
24:41but thank goodness for DS Wayne.
24:44I hated what I'd done.
24:47I hated that what Aaron did turned me into this vindictive person, so...
24:52So when the Institute asked me to upload all my darkest secrets,
24:57to face them and move on,
25:01I told them.
25:02Why me?
25:04I thought that it would help.
25:06They just brought it all back up.
25:09Now they've got it recorded.
25:11So if they go to the police, I'll be re-arrested and charged.
25:20Your first legal drink.
25:24Can I not at least have a beer?
25:26Can I have his Prosecco?
25:29With a try.
25:30Go on, open it.
25:32Oh, yeah.
25:34It is...
25:37Yeah, I absolutely love it.
25:39Well, it is a bit rock and roll, isn't it?
25:42It'll look great on your bed.
25:43It'll look better on mine.
25:44You're welcome to it.
25:46Right, here you go.
25:47Open ours.
25:51All right, so what's this?
25:53Digital camera or...?
25:55It's an instant one.
25:56Yeah, sort of retro.
25:58It's like photos you can actually hold.
26:01As opposed to the good ones that you can take with your phone and edit.
26:06Oh, thank you, David and Shona.
26:09How generous.
26:10Yeah, thank you, David and Shona.
26:13Right, Nick, why don't you go and get the cake?
26:15Hmm, sure.
26:17I'll give you a hand.
26:23Why are you playing now?
26:25What do you mean?
26:26You told me it was over.
26:28Well, it was, but...
26:29Yeah, but I just had to cover for you again,
26:31and you know how suspicious Shona already is?
26:33Are you two nearly ready?
26:35I've just got a feeling it's gonna blow up in your face
26:37and I don't want it to blow up in mine.
26:38Ooh, you know what?
26:40I'm gonna take a photo.
26:41Can I do it?
26:43Happy birthday to you.
26:46Happy birthday to you.
26:50Happy birthday, dear Matt.
26:54I know.
26:55What's that, love?
26:56I know about you and Tya.
26:58Told you.
27:00Right, OK.
27:01I think I've got all that down.
27:05Thank you for trusting me with this.
27:07I feel honoured.
27:12How was your walk?
27:14Yeah, yeah, not bad.
27:16Went up to North Cross Park.
27:19The light is getting that autumnal tinge.
27:23I do love it, but it does mean that summer's over.
27:27How are you feeling?
27:29Do you want to have a nap?
27:33No, we've been going through the list that got wiped.
27:35I've been transcribing it for him.
27:38Yeah, it's taken us ages, but we've finished.
27:48All right, I will.
27:50I'll just make a brew first, yeah?
27:5816 months rehabilitation order.
28:01Could have been a lot worse if they'd not reduced the charge.
28:04How are you feeling?
28:06All right.
28:08Well, it's a pretty good outcome, considering.
28:10Yeah, we've still got to find free ground for the fire damage.
28:13I know.
28:15I can't believe I'm saying this, but Coral's money...
28:20No, you're right.
28:21I just don't know how we're going to manage.
28:29My taxi to college is here.
28:31Cool, I'm ready.
28:33Oh, um, I nabbed you a custard slice on my tea break.
28:38I know you like them.
28:41That is not what I was expecting.
28:44I'm sorry about this morning.
28:46I shouldn't have kicked off.
28:48No, no, it's... it's OK.
28:50You know, I know what I'm like when I've got to go.
28:53No, no, it's... it's OK.
28:55You know, I know what I'm like when I've got a big case on,
28:58and I'm sorry you feel let down.
29:00You might not believe this,
29:02but you are the most important person in my life.
29:05I just...
29:07I'm not that great at showing it.
29:09I do believe you, but you're not great at showing it.
29:13But I know you care.
29:15I more than care, young lady. I love the bones of you.
29:18All right, don't go too far. I don't want you getting all drippy.
29:25All right, so what's got you in such a forgiving mood, then?
29:32reframed things a bit.
29:34Bet seller. I'll meet you in the car.
29:37Just give us a sec. Yeah.
29:44You pair looked nice and cosy.
29:47I suspect I've got you to thank for that.
29:49I just reminded her that she's very lucky to have you.
29:52You know, she knows it, really.
29:54She's a good kid.
29:56Yeah, she puts up with a lot, though.
29:58Well, so do you.
30:00Cut yourself short, you've got a mammoth job and a tricky teenager.
30:03I couldn't do both.
30:05Kind of glad I chose the job, really.
30:09My job's possibly on the line.
30:11How do you mean?
30:13I've been warned off investigating Joel.
30:15You know, threatened with suspension.
30:17Are you kidding me?
30:19Not that that's gonna stop me.
30:21Just need to be a bit more careful.
30:23Well, is that wise?
30:25Oh, I'm gonna nail Joel.
30:27For all those women he's abused.
30:30What was I supposed to do?
30:32Knock cover for them. Did you?
30:34Naughty, naughty. Please tell me this isn't true.
30:36What isn't true?
30:38Yeah, it is true, Gail. I've got the proof.
30:40I still don't understand what's happening here.
30:42Nick's been sleeping with my sister, Audrey.
30:44So when did it start? When?
30:46No, let's not do this here.
30:48Oh, no, let's. Let's do it in front of your whole family.
30:50Every sordid detail. When?
30:52Yeah, go on, Uncle Nick. Tell us when.
30:54Shut it. Answer me.
30:56OK, er...
30:58It started after Rose's funeral.
31:01Oh, nice.
31:03We'd been grown close for a while.
31:05Oh, well, that's all right, then, is it?
31:07Yeah, because you and I were so far apart.
31:09Oh, so it's all my fault, is it? No, I never said that.
31:11Oh, you're making it sound like it is.
31:13I was losing the woman I love.
31:15It's unbelievable.
31:17Look, we fought it. We really... We really did.
31:21Are you in love with her?
31:25Are you?
31:46I'm sorry you had to hear that.
31:48Yes, so am I, actually.
31:50Oh, I'm not. It was well-entertaining.
31:54What have I done to deserve such immoral children?
31:56I know.
31:58Nick can overwork.
32:00Shame on you. Indeed.
32:02This is horrible. Well, it's pretty hilarious.
32:04Leanne's been. Yeah, two rights she has.
32:06How could you? Your own sister.
32:08OK, come on. Come on. Everyone out now.
32:10Come on. Let's move. Come on.
32:12Let's give them some space.
32:14For what? So they can have a bit of knocking?
32:16You two make me sick.
32:18Right, well, cheers for a great party. I'm off out.
32:20Gail, come on.
32:22I have never been more ashamed of you.
32:24And that's saying something.
32:33She left me a message.
32:35She must have seen the photo on Rowan's laptop.
32:37Mm, yeah.
32:40Yeah, I knew he must have shown her.
32:43Well, nothing really matters now, does it?
32:46Of course it matters.
32:48OK, well, you know, I wouldn't want it to come out like this,
32:51but maybe it's for the best. What did you tell her?
32:53I told her the truth.
32:55What do you mean?
32:57That we love each other.
32:59You did what?
33:01Well, that we fought it.
33:03You just made the blow 100 times worse.
33:06Well, I wasn't going to lie to her, was I?
33:08I'm sorry it came out like this,
33:10but maybe...
33:12Oh, do you know, right now, all I can think about is my sister, OK?
33:14I need to find her.
33:52Liane. I am not interested in anything you've got to say.
33:55As soon as I got back, I realised you'd seen the photo.
33:58I am sorry you found out like this, but now you know what they're like.
34:01Why did you draw the picture in the first place?
34:03We had a private investigator follow to it after the court case.
34:06It wasn't my idea, but... Why didn't you tell me then?
34:08Or were you blackmailing them? No.
34:10Then why? I didn't know how to.
34:12I knew how much it would hurt you.
34:14Honestly, I've had sleepless nights thinking about it.
34:16And you kept my upload sessions,
34:18despite saying to me that you weren't recording them.
34:20I'm sorry about that. It was just insurance.
34:22Insurance for what? In case I... What?
34:24I criticised the Institute?
34:26Or wanted my money back, like Amy?
34:28I would never use those against you, Liane. I care about you.
34:30How can you say that?
34:32You have destroyed my relationship with my partner,
34:34with my sister, and for what?
34:36A bunch of lies. They're the ones who've been lying.
34:38I've never told you a lie, Liane.
34:40You've been manipulating me since the start.
34:42Whatever Toya and Nick have done,
34:44it's nothing compared to you.
34:46I can't believe I've been so stupid.
34:48You're upset, you're angry, it's understandable.
34:50There is nothing I can do to get back what you've taken from me,
34:52but I am going to do my damnedest
34:54to get back what you've taken from Amy.
34:56I really don't think you should do anything hasty.
34:59I'm not scared of you, Rowan.
35:01So do your worst.
35:04I've already lost everything I could possibly lose.
35:07Now get out.
35:18Don't try to do everything for everybody.
35:21Say no sometimes. You're not Superman.
35:25Get regular massages.
35:27You deserve them, and they really help your back.
35:29They are not a wasted expense.
35:31He's right about that, too.
35:33Right. Point taken.
35:40Throw out that blue thong. It's not sexy.
35:46But you said you...
35:48Yeah, never mind.
35:50I really didn't want to say that one, but hey-ho.
35:53Don't judge Summer's boyfriends like I did.
35:57Even if you don't like them, give them a chance.
36:00But if it goes wrong, always be there with a hug.
36:07Eat more fibre. I don't need to explain why.
36:10You don't.
36:12Take more holidays and work less.
36:15One of my biggest regrets is not travelling more.
36:18Now it's too late.
36:22All right, we'll go somewhere together.
36:26Stay close to Gemma and the quads.
36:28They will need their Uncle Billy.
36:31I promise.
36:33Play nice with my mum.
36:35I know it can be hard, but she's a good person.
36:40If Summer has children...
36:47If Summer has children...
36:50..don't let her call them stupid names.
36:53If it's a boy, Paul, and if it's a girl, Paula.
36:57No arguments.
36:59I second that.
37:03When you think of me, don't remember me like this.
37:08Remember me as I was.
37:10The total hunk.
37:12You still are.
37:15Celebrate me.
37:17Don't wallow in grief.
37:19Don't wallow in grief.
37:24And finally...
37:26..I want you to fall in love again.
37:31I can see you shaking your head. I mean it.
37:34I don't want you to be alone.
37:37You are a wonderful man with so much love to give.
37:41You deserve someone to grow old with.
37:45Oh, sorry, I just...
37:47I need a moment.
37:54You are not going anywhere near her, please.
37:57Amy? Amy, you were right about Rowan.
38:00Er, too little, too flipping late.
38:02Please, just hear me out.
38:04Just give us a minute.
38:12Rowan's got files on everyone, including me.
38:15I've deleted some, which were yours, but there's more.
38:18Well, I'm not surprised.
38:20Amy, he's ruined my life more than I could ever have imagined.
38:23He used me to get to you.
38:25I should have realised sooner. I'm so sorry.
38:27So what happens now?
38:29Can I get my money back?
38:31Er, I don't know.
38:33With all the evidence he's got, it's a risk.
38:35So nothing's changed?
38:37Well, maybe I could speak to Adam.
38:40I could do a witness statement.
38:42About how the Institute are criminals,
38:44conning people out of thousands?
38:46No, it's Rowan. The Institute itself isn't corrupt.
38:49They've really helped me.
38:51You still believe that?
38:54I don't know. I mean, maybe it is just Rowan.
38:57Everything Rowan does is to benefit them.
39:00Stop being so blind.
39:03Amy, I'm going to do anything I can to help.
39:05Except get me my money back.
39:08I get it, Leanne. You're a victim as well.
39:11I trusted you.
39:13And not only have I lost all of my inheritance,
39:16I've now got the threat of prison hanging over me.
39:18Amy, I'm really sorry. Just get out.
39:26What do you want to do for your birthday tomorrow?
39:28Nothing. I don't want to cause any more fuss.
39:31Oh, don't be daft.
39:33I'm going to go kick a ball about.
39:35Claim the ad.
39:42Coral's here.
39:45I know you won't take my money,
39:47but I don't want you paying any damages.
39:50Please, let me do this one thing to help.
39:52We've discussed it and the answer's no.
39:54But if I took care of this, you could all move on.
39:57Think of it as a gift to your son, if not yourselves.
40:03And I suppose Jack shouldn't go without,
40:05which he would be if we were scrimping and saving.
40:10OK, then.
40:15Email me the details.
40:18I'll see meself out.
40:20Try and start that uneventful life.
40:22Good luck.
40:31Let's give Jack the best birthday ever.
40:33No expense spared.
40:40It was hard to hear...
40:43your list.
40:47But I did hear it.
40:50And I promise...
40:52I will do everything you say, except...
40:58You know the exception.
41:04You are the love of my life, Paul.
41:08And there will never be another.
41:14I can feel your body tensing.
41:18I can hear the arguments that you're having in your head.
41:24But I can't promise you that now.
41:28Cos I'd be lying.
41:32How can I promise you something that I can't even envisage?
41:52All right, if it makes you happy,
41:54I'll make you a deal.
41:59I will not close meself off to somebody in the future if...
42:07you accept that they will never even hold a candle to you.
42:15I can promise you that now.
42:19Do you hear me?
42:29And there is something else that I want to say.
42:32Not yet.
42:36You're not going anywhere yet.
42:42There is still so much living to do.
42:50I'm back.
43:07Yeah, I suppose it is a bit of a mess.
43:11All right.
43:13I'm sure that's something we can arrange.
43:21Lee, please, please pick up.
43:23Just tell me where you are.
43:27Lee, I am so sorry.
43:32I deserve that.
43:34Listen, you have to understand...
43:36I don't want to hear it. Just go.
43:38I love you so much.
43:40I said just go!
43:50Oh, hey.
44:01I love you.